NASA ARSET-AQ Satellite Imagery Quick Guide Updated Summer 2012

Quick Guide to Satellite Imagery Site Type of Images Coverage / Image Formats Available Image Sizes Available MODIS Rapid True and False Color Granule Images JPEG Response Images (not 2002 - present reprojected)* global coverage 250 M – 4 Km MODIS - True Color Granule Images JPG Atmos Images (geographic 2000 - present reprojection)* global coverage MODIS Today True and False Continental U.S. KML (continent Color Images U.S. Composite only) 2007 - Present U.S. Region GIS, JPG Composites 250 M – 2 KM NASA Earth True and False Global Images KML, GeoTiff, Observations Color Images PNG, Many satellite JPEG product images 2000 - present NASA True color images Global Images – Save image Worldview and overlays of interactive tool from screen or many products with zoom generate KML options see guide for instructions LADSWEB True color images Global Save jpg image Global Images of many composites (level from screen Browse products 3 products) LADSWEB True color images Granule Images – Save jpg image Granule Images of many global composites from screen Browse products