Project Initiation Document s2
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Programme Personalisation nam e
Release Version 1 Date: 7th September 2009
Author: Bernie Horne
Owner: Steve Tingle
Client: Blackburn with Darwen Adult Social Services
Document Number: Pers-PID001
Document This document is only valid on the day it was printed. Loc The source of the document will be found in the Control section of the atio Programme File. n
Revision Hist ory Revision Previous Summary of Changes Changes date revision marked date 17th Sept 7th Sept
T Approvals This document requires the following approvals. Signed approval forms are filed in the programme files.
Name Signature Title Date of Version Issue Steve Tingle Assistant Director/Director Transformation & Partnerships Rosemary Head of Service - Change Molyneux Management and Market Intelligence Janet Thomas Peter Dillon Head of Service, Strategic Commissioning Personalisation Project Initiation Document
Helen Head of Service - Community Sargeant Commissioning
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Purpose For the purpose of this document Personalisation will be referred to as the Programme.
The purpose of this document is to provide a simple framework to support the development of Personalisation Programme using Prince 2
The Project Initiation Document (PID) pulls together the what, why, who, where and how of a programme into a single document for agreement by the stakeholders and will then act as a useful guide and communication tool for all who want to know about the programme, throughout the programme implementation stages.
Contents This publication contains the following topics:
Topic See Page Background 2 Programme Objectives 3 Defined Method of Approach 4 Programme Scope 5 Programme Deliverables 5 Constraints 5 Interfaces 6 Assumptions 6 Programme Organisation 7 Communication Plan 8 Project Quality Plan 8 Programme Tolerances 8 Programme Controls 8 List of Attachments 8
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In December 2007 “Putting People First” set out a shared vision and commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care. The vision for the future (further emphasised in the Local Authority Circular of January 2008) aims to ensure that “over time, people who use social care services and their families will increasingly shape and commission their own services. Personal Budgets will ensure people receiving public funding use available resources to choose their own support services. The state and statutory agencies will have a different, not lesser role – more active and enabling and less controlling.” Reference: LAC (DH) 2008 (1)
There has been further recent clarification around local authority targets for self directed support which states:
“It is our view that an Authority delivering transformation of social care will have a minimum of 30% of service users and family carers who are receiving a community-based package of care will be doing so within the self-directed support process by March 31st 2011….. We believe that a proper demonstration of transformation as outlined in our Circular will equate to a 30% figure in 2011 but it will rise significantly, as the processes are embedded in the way in which local authorities conduct their business and all authorities will be performing at above 60% within 5 years.” Department of Health guidance on targets for NI 130 - SELF-DIRECTED SUPPORT (October 2008)
Personalisation is defined as:
“The overall vision .... that the state should empower citizens to shape their own lives and the services they receive”. LAC (DH) 2008 (1) “The way in which services are tailored to the needs and preferences of citizens”. LAC (DH) 2008 (1) The Department of Health diagram below provides a clear explanation of Personalisation and its component parts.
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Programme Potential outcomes of Personalisation will be that: obje ctive Individuals are supported to have control over the way their s needs are met. Individuals take more responsibility for meeting their own needs where possible. Individuals will access a wider range of “universal” services and support to meet their needs. Responsive communities will support and value the inclusion of vulnerable citizens. There will be access to a wide range of quality assured, affordable services to meet specialist and universal needs
Personal or Individual Budgets, as a way of resourcing social care, had previously been referenced in 4 major government documents:
Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People (Strategy Unit, January 2005) Opportunity Age (Department for Work and Pensions, March 2005) Independence, Well Being and Choice (Green Paper, Department of Health, March 2005) Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (White Paper, Department of Health, January 2006)
This Plan seeks to begin to translate the “Putting People First” vision with effect from March 2009, into operational activity across all Adult Social Care streams, contributing to the achievement of the wider national Personalisation agenda.
The approach that Blackburn with Darwen will pursue in order to achieve the objectives of the Programme will be through the adoption of the principles of Self Directed Support. Fundamental to this will be the provision of Personal or Individual Budgets for our customers, which will enable them to choose and direct their own support services, taking as much control over the process as they wish. There is a growing expectation from people with disabilities and older people that the services they access will be of high quality and more responsive to their individual support needs.
The Personalisation Programme Plan will respond and contribute to targets highlighted in the Blackburn with Darwen Local Area Agreement and the work of the Local Strategic Partnership, for example:
. Preserve longer, healthier lifestyles, preserve dignity and independence.
Specific National Indicator targets (N130) will also be addressed through the Personalisation Programme.
The aim of this document is to obtain agreement for progressing the Programme. The Programme will coordinate and manage the progress of the interdependent Programme work-streams which will be established to embed the principles of Self Directed Support in Blackburn with Darwen, by achieving the following objectives with effect from March 2009.
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“Sign up” to the vision for Self Directed Support in Blackburn with Darwen To develop and establish a clear pathway that will enable citizens to feel supported throughout the Self Directed Support processes from referral to review (including with assessment and support planning) The development of a transparent affordable funding allocations processes for customers eligible for financial support under F.A.C.S. criteria To provide assessment, information guidance and advice to all citizens irrespective of F.A.C.S. criteria and financial entitlement The development of a clear Communication Strategy to ensure all key stakeholders, including those people who use or require services and their families, are kept informed and engaged throughout the transformation process To fully engage with customers so that feedback loops are in place to inform future strategy and developments The creation and development of a workforce both in-house and external that will be capable of supporting individuals throughout the self directed support process - including with Assessment, Support Planning, Support Brokerage and Review All relevant policies and procedures to be reviewed and revised so that they reflect the principles of self directed support. That business continuity is assured whilst support systems and mechanisms are developed to contribute to the requirements of the Programme. The stimulation and development of a responsive, varied and quality assured market supply that can meet the needs of individuals. Develop a data base of quality assured services and providers which will be available to customers through various channels and information formats Establish a close working relationship with neighbourhood and community forums to ensure communities are enabled to respond to the personalisation agenda Through a pilot of Self Directed Support, identify evidence to inform the development of the programme. To ensure that quality support and guidance is available for all to access universal and specialist services and support (irrespective of F.A.C.S.)
Defined The development of personalisation goes beyond traditional ‘care needs’ met support for people eligible for traditional social care support under Fair hod Access to Care Services (FACS) criteria. The personalisation programme will of develop close links with the emerging neighbourhood agenda, and the appr promotion and support for personalised support via non-care social oac alternatives such as Care Network (the development of which is the subject h of a non-designated LAA target); and links to NI17 – “Environment for a thriving third sector”
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Programme The Personalisation Programme is the overarching strategy that will drive the sco wider “Getting Fit for the Future: The Transformation of Social Care and pe Support Services” Programme and will involve all departments within the council. It will also link closely with the departments Integrated Care Partnership and Care Trust Plus Project. Blackburn with Darwen has indicated by signing up to the National Indicator N130 that they wish to be in a position to offer Personal or Individual Budgets to over 1000 customers by the end March 2011.
In order to achieve these objectives there will need to be management support for the Programme and the interrelated work of the Programme work-streams.
The work-streams will be focusing on the following areas a) Strategic Commissioning and Market Intelligence b) Assessment and Prevention c) Communication and Involvement d) Workforce and Market Development e) Finance, Support Systems and Governance
Programme Though it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the Programme will end deliv because of the on-going development of the programme, certain benchmarks erab / milestones have been set: les All customers will know what their Personal Budget amounts to. (2010) Self Directed Support has become main-stream. (2011) Person Centred Support Planning is main-steam (2011) Support Brokerage is widely available. (2010) Commissioning is based on increasing knowledge of customer needs and wishes (2010 – Phase One, 2011 – Phase Two) Outcome Focussed Reviews are main-stream (2011) Policies and Procedures are informed by and respond to the principles of Self Directed Support. (2010) Support Systems compliment the Self Directed Support approach. (2010)
Constraints The success of Personalisation will be dependent on the flow of intelligence between the Programme (and its supporting work-streams) and Commissioning. Putting People First describes the need for an approach to commissioning that incentives and stimulates quality provision, supports innovation in the private and third sector and where appropriate is undertaken jointly with the NHS.
The following constraints have been identified within the programme:
The availability of funding (including through the Social Care Reform Grant) to resource essential posts and the necessary workforce development costs. The identification and availability of key staff with both the capacity and capability to manage and progress the work. Having in place a robust Programme Management process to progress and monitor activities within each of the identified work-
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streams. The support and assistance of all departments who will be required to engage with the Programme throughout its course, for example, Finance, Informatics, HR, Legal, Neighbourhoods etc. Support and engagement from Partners and Stakeholders.
Interfaces Care Trust Plus, ICP, Neighbourhood Agenda, Health and Well-Being Agenda, Personal Health Budgets Pilot, Day Care Review
Assumptions Continued Political sign up to Personalisation Local Political Support Funding for necessary Programme Support Ongoing support from national agencies – In Control, CQC Engagement and support from key council depts. Customers will embrace the principles of Personalisation
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Programme organisation structure
Personalisation Programme Board
The Personalisation Programme Board will meet at stage boundaries (beginning and end) and a t times when “exception reports” have been generated. The responsibility of the Programme Bo ard is to approve the completion of each stage and progression to the next stage. Other key res ponsibilities are overall direction, decision making and resource commitment Personalisation Project Manager
The Project Manager will manage the Programme on a day-to-day basis. They will be responsible for helping plan monitor and support the work of each of the Work-streams. They will advise each work-stream lead on how to tackle any day to day problems encountered by them. They will ensure reporting procedures are being followed according to Prince 2 requirements and report to the Programme Board using Prince 2 Highlight Reports as necessary.
Personalisation Programme Work-streams
Each Programme Work-stream will be responsible for initiating, implementing and completing various designated pieces of work to meet their allocated objectives. This will require the completion of a Work-stream Plan which will need to prioritise each piece of work. They will be responsible for keeping to timescales set out in the Plan.
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Each Work-stream will carry out the work and meet on a regular basis to review progress against the agreed Work-plan. The Work-stream Lead will complete a “checkpoint report” after each meeting and forward to the Programme Manager.
Communication Plan
The Communication Plan (see appendix number ?) will ensure all key stakeholders are kept informed and where necessary involved in the development of the programme
We will ensure that all employees, service users, carers and family members involved in the relevant service areas are kept fully informed of developments throughout the programme. We need to ensure that all current providers, in the related areas of service, are made aware of the programme and its potential implications at the appropriate times throughout its course. We need to work alongside our partners and key stakeholders to reach agreement how our respective communication strategies can compliment each other and be of mutual benefit.
Project Quality Plan The programme Quality Plan will define the key quality criteria, quality control and audit processes to be applied to the programme. This document is attached to the Programme Initiation Document as appendix X.
Programme tolerances Programme tolerances are difficult to define due to changing targets and expectations being set by central government. The current targets for the end of March 2010 is 11% of people who use services to be in control of their support with the option for having a Personal Budget. The target for 2011 is 30%. If for any reason we do not achieve the targets or exceed them, the programme will continue to support increasing numbers of people to be in a position to direct their support.
Programme controls
Document Produced by Monitored by Authorised by Business Case Project Manager Project Manager Project Board Programme Initiation Project Manager Project Manager Project Board Document Highlight Reports Project Manager Project Manager Project Board Checkpoint Reports Workstream Lead Project Manager Project Board Quality Plan Project Manager Project Manager Project Board Communication Strategy Project Manager Project Manager Project Board Communication Plan Project Manager Project Manager Project Board
Business Case Project Quality Plan Risk Log Issue Log
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