Strong Tower Orphanage Name:

Staff Selection Date:

Doctrinal Questionnaire

Answer the questions with a brief sentence or two.

1. How long have you known Christ personally?

2. What do you believe about the Trinity?

3. Did Christ have a human father? Yes No Explain.

4. Was Christ sinless? Yes No

5. Did He actually rise bodily from the grave? Yes No Explain.

6. Do you believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth? Yes No Explain.

7. What should a Christian’s attitude be toward Christ’s return?

8. Do you believe He will return in bodily form? Yes No Explain.

9. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in a person obtaining salvation? 10. Jesus said to preach the Gospel to the whole world. What is the Gospel and what does it mean to you to preach it to the world? In what ways are you doing that now?

11. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the daily life of a Christian?

12. Every believer has at least one spiritual gift. What do you consider your gift(s) to be?

13. Please express your views on the following:

A. The origin of man

B. The origin of man’s sin

14. Apart from receiving Christ, can a nonbeliever do anything to make himself acceptable to God? Yes No Explain.

15. Scripturally what does the phrase “believe in Christ” mean?

16. Are there any mediators between God the Father and man other than the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes No Explain. 17. Where are nonbelievers who have died?

18. Can a nonbeliever be saved after death? Yes No Explain.

19. What is your concept of :

A. Heaven

B. Hell

20.According to your understanding, who is Satan/the devil?

21. Is the entire Bible inspired and free from human error in the original writing? Yes No Explain.

22.Are there traditions/writings not in the Bible that a Christian has to obey?

23.Strong Tower is dedicated to sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ with orphan and vulnerable children in Haiti. Our mission is to honor God and bring glory to Jesus’ Name through proclaiming the Gospel, responding to God’s mandate to care for the orphan, partnering with the Body of Christ, and equipping the Body of Christ, both churches and individuals, to minister to orphans through prayer, giving, volunteering, and mission opportunities. We believe spiritual renewal is the key to change in society rather than the social and political realm. Staff members have their own political persuasions but these should be a part of their personal life and not a part of their ministry. A staff member’s personal views should not be presented in a way that may lead others to believe it is the position of Strong Tower Orphanage, Inc.

Do you understand this and agree with this? Yes No If no, please Explain.