Enfield Board of Education
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A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at John F. Kennedy Middle School, 155 Raffia Road, Enfield, CT on October 9, 2007. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Racine at 7:30 PM.
MEMBERS PRESENT Judy Apruzzese-Desroches, Andre Greco, Joyce Hall, Albert Harrison, Charles Johnson, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Chairman Sharon Racine, Donna Corbin Sobinski
MEMBERS ABSENT Sam McGill, EHS Student Representative Arianne Dilzer
ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher, Superintendent of Schools; Tony Torre, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, FHS Student Representative Brittany Dyer; Donna Gittleman, Pupil Service Director; Paul Newton, FHS Principal; Tom Duffy, EHS Principal; Steve Sargarski, EHS Vice Principal; Dave Emery, EHS SPED Department Chair; Tim Neville, JFK Principal; Sarah Collins, JFK Housemaster; Altressa Cox-Blackwell, Hazardville Memorial Principal and Maureen Sampl, Edgar H. Parkman Principal
1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Racine.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Judy Apruzzese-Desroches
Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the regular meeting minutes of September 25, 2007 be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. Vote by a show of hands 8-0-0, motion passes.
a. Memo from the Parent Leadership Association re: Proposed Board of Education Policy #1411.1 (Police Screenings/Searches of School Property Including the Use of Canine (K9) Teams.
Chairman Racine stated that the audience participation portion of the Board meeting is a place where audience members can address the Board regarding Board issues. This time is not for candidates running for office to use as a political forum.
Phyllis Wyszynski, Brainard Road – Ms. Wyszynski is requesting that Bus #6 that stops at Brainard Road and the corner of Catherine be changed for JFK and Fermi students. Ms. Wyszynski’s son was one of the students hit by a car waiting for the JFK bus last year. Ms. Wyszynski stated that since 2000 this site has had 19 accidents. Ms. Wyszynski would like to see the stop moved to a cross walk further down the street or have the bus stop on Catherine. Ms. Wyszynski’s daughter attends MLC and she made a similar request and they now stop on Catherine. Ms. Wyszynski respectfully requests that a change be made.
Shannon Roberto, Yale Drive – Ms. Roberto is a member of the Parent Leadership Association (PLA) and stated she is here tonight to address the memo sent to Board members regarding Policy #1411.1 Police Screenings/Searches of School Property Including the Use of Canine (K9) Teams. The mission of the PLA is to bring forth positive change to education, advocacy and the promotion of social and emotional issues pertaining to the children in our
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 1 community. The PLA has issued a joint position statement concerning Policy #1411.1. Ms. Roberto stated that the PLA does not feel that the proposed policy as written meets the objectives of their position statement. The PLA request that the policy be sent back to the policy committee to properly define the limits of power, describe the scope of searches and expand the power of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the superintendent and the police department. The PLA would like to offer a liaison to work with the policy committee to see that their concerns are addressed. Ms. Roberto thanked the Board for hearing the concerns of the PLA.
Vincent Grady, Guild Street – Mr. Grady stated he is here to thank the members of the Board for hiring an additional special education teacher and aides. Mr. Grady teaches Grade 3 fire prevention and the teachers in Enfield are doing a great job and any additional help the Board can give them is greatly appreciated.
Amalita Grimes, Till Street – Ms. Grimes stated she is here tonight regarding Policy #1411.1. Ms. Grimes feels that the proposed policy is problematic. Most of the policy outlines the authority that the Enfield Public Schools already has regarding searches. Ms. Grimes would like to see the policy use the word illegal activities instead of illicit activities. Ms. Grimes also has concerns with the words school property, personal items and visitors. Ms. Grimes feels that the area that is deemed school property and any personal property is subject to what Ms. Grimes feels is unlawful search and seizure and constitutional rights are being violated. Ms. Grimes feels that this policy goes beyond the State of New Jersey vs. T.L.O. which suspends some fourth amendment rights of students. This policy needs to be reviewed for constitutional rights and commonality. Ms. Grimes would like to see the word random searches of lockers and cars changed. Ms. Grimes is also concerned with the MOU with the police department. As a member of the PLA, Ms. Grimes requests that this policy be sent back to the committee for effectiveness, constitutional clarification and clearness.
Shannon Roberto, Yale Drive – Ms. Roberto addressed the Board as a parent and as a member of the PLA. Ms. Roberto supports the joint statement. Ms. Roberto is concerned for her children’s safety and well being. Ms. Roberto commends the Board for taking a stand regarding the safety of our children and drugs in our schools. Ms. Roberto has concerns with the policy language illicit and random screenings/searches. Students that are subjected to random searches may cause undo stress to them. Ms. Roberto requests that searches be removed from paragraph two and define the school administrator’s responsibilities in the policy regarding communications with parents regarding searches, and change the word illicit to illegal. Ms. Roberto stated that the policy should adequately reflect the standards set forth by New Jersey vs. TLO. Ms. Roberto asked that the Board send the policy back to committee for refinement.
Chairman Racine addressed audience member concern regarding changing a bus route. Chairman Racine stated that this will be discussed with the transportation department and the bus company. This is not something that the Board can decide upon now.
Chairman Racine addressed audience members concerns with proposed new Policy #1411.1. Chairman Racine stated the policy will be discussed later on the agenda. Chairman Racine stated the purpose of the policy is to deter drug use in the middle and high schools. Chairman Racine further stated that she has attended many expulsion hearings and we do have drugs in our schools. The reason for bring the K9 units into the schools is to see the reaction of the dogs when they are walking through the halls. Chairman Racine stated unfortunately this is something that is needed.
EHS Student Representative Arianne Dilzer stated that she agrees with audience members concerns regarding the language in the new proposed policy regarding random and illicit being a bit tricky. Ms. Dilzer stated she personally will feel better knowing that searches are being conducted. If a student has something illegal in their locker, they will be embarrassed. The majority of students will feel safer. Regarding the random searches, if this can be done without breaking the fourth amendment right, Ms. Dilzer supports this.
Mr. Johnson thanked everyone who spoke tonight regarding proposed policy #1411.1. Mr. Johnson stated that he can see where the confusion may be and feels the policy can be cleaned up a bit. Board members have heard your concerns and appreciate your comments. Mr. Johnson stated he feels that it would be worthwhile to have a member from the PLA attend the next policy meeting.
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 2 Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa congratulated Cookie Bromage for her accomplishments as a coach in Enfield. This is truly an amazing accomplishment. Cookie has been coaching for 40 years. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa thanked audience members for coming to tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa loves to see people fighting for their beliefs and liberties. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated while policies are needed, we also need to protect ourselves from an overpowering government. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated that she also believes the language needs to be redefined.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches thanked audience members for their comments and hopes that community members will look at all of the BOE policies. Board members are surprised at how little policies are commented on. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches attended the CT Spain 5 Partnership potluck supper. Students from Spain come and stay with host families for three weeks and then some of our students go there. Some of the students stay with the same families here and then in Spain. Kudos to everyone involved. This is a great job of ambassadorship.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski stated that she, along with some Board members and several administrators, had the distinct pleasure of attending the Connecticut Distinguished Administrator Awards and watched Principal Newton receive the 2007 CT Principal of the Year award. It was a great honor to see Mr. Newton receive this prestigious award.
Mr. Harrison also congratulated Cookie Bromage for her many accomplishments as a coach. Cookie Bromage was not only a coach but a great teacher who taught her students many valuable lessons that they carry with them for ever. Mr. Harrison stated he will save his comments regarding Policy #1411.1 for later in the agenda. Mr. Harrison stated that Fermi will hold their homecoming this weekend. Part of the homecoming community events, Fermi Fest will be held this Friday. This is a nice community event and Mr. Harrison hopes to see everyone there. Mr. Harrison thanked audience members for coming to tonight’s Board meeting. Mr. Harrison stated that he learned something tonight and we as Board members learned something about the PLA. Mr. Harrison was pleased to learn that the members of the PLA are graduates from our parent leadership academy.
Mr. Greco thanked the speakers who came to tonight’s meeting. Mr. Greco stated that he can not agree with everything that was said tonight regarding proposed Policy #1411.1. Fundamentally this is a good policy, and it will do good things. The policy can be tweaked to alleviate some of the confusion. Mr. Greco stated that both he and Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches had the opportunity to attend period one and two Civics classes at Fermi. Kudos goes out to the students and Mr. Newton. The students conducted a very well thought out presentation. A lot of work went into this and Mr. Greco was very impressed. Mr. Greco stated that he has attended several EHS football games and would like to recognize 360 Federal Credit Union. They sponsored the booster club additional cooking supplies so they can cook hamburgers and french fries, and provided them with a new canopy. 360 Federal Credit Union formerly known as Hamilton Sundstrand Federal Credit Union is wonderful organization.
Mr. Greco asked to address Dr. Gallacher via the chair. Mr. Greco asked for clarification about new legislation that went into effect October 1st regarding changes to the procedures for “out-of-school suspensions” that will now be handled as “in-school suspensions”. Does this take place this year or next year? Dr. Gallacher stated that this will take place next school year starting on October 1, 2008.
Ms. Hall also appreciates all of the comments tonight. Ms. Hall also attended the CT Association of Schools presentation awards ceremony for the Principal of the Year, Mr. Newton and the others that received awards. Ms. Hall stated that we learned many inspirational things from them and about them. It was a very interesting evening.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that she read something in the paper regarding the food shelf. They are in desperate need of food and are asking for anyone attending any of the homecoming events to bring donations. There is a serous need in Enfield.
Chairman Racine would also like to congratulate Mr. Newton for being named the CT High School Principal of the Year and wished him good luck in the national event for principal of the year. Chairman Racine would like to thank Mrs. Bromage for her 40 years as a coach in Enfield. Chairman Racine stated that we need to start thinking about the EHS graduation. The fields will not be available this year. Chairman Racine stated that this might be an opportunity to appoint a Graduation Advisory Committee since Mr. Duffy is here. Chairman Racine stated that she still has people commenting on how nice the Fermi graduation was at First Cathedral. Chairman Racine stated that Mr. Newton should also start to think about graduations and review what his options are as well.
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 3 9. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – as presented
Mr. Greco stated that even though the Security Committee has not met, many things have occurred. Mr. Greco stated that we have submitted our letter of intent to apply for a grant. The Security Committee will meet on October 15th and will review the grant application for applying for a grant to secure funds for purchasing security equipment for the secondary schools. The grant application is due by November 15th.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that the BOE Budget Review Committee has been meeting and will finalize a report for the Board in the next week or two. This way Board members can review the report prior to the committee presenting its findings to the Board.
a. Proposed New Policy #1411.1 Police Screenings/Searches of School Property Including the Use of Canine (K9) Teams – Final Reading
Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski that the Enfield Board of Education approves as a final reading Policy #1411.1 Police Screenings/Searches of School Property Including the Use of Canine (K9) Teams as proposed.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa would like to send the policy back to the committee to review the word illicit and possibly change it to illegal and have a time frame put into the policy as when parents will be notified.
Mr. Johnson would like the committee to check the employment contracts to see if we are contractually allowed to conduct staff searches and if we are allowed to conduct student searches.
Chairman Racine would like to change the word illicit to illegal and eliminate the word random. Chairman Racine stated the point is to warn the students that searches will be conducted, not to tell them tomorrow is the day.
Ms. Hall stated that Board members are under the impression that screenings would be done by dogs and that if something was found of inappropriate nature then a search would be performed by the police. Chairman Racine stated that is correct.
Mr. Greco stated we should send the policy back to the Policy Committee and have them review it again. The policy meetings are open to the public and if any members from the PLA would like to attend they can do so.
Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches asked if we could have a representative from the police department attend a policy meeting and hear the issues in question. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches asked if the Board attorney has reviewed the policy. Dr. Gallacher stated our attorney reviewed the MOU.
Ms. Hall moved seconded by Mr. Johnson, to table this item until the policy committee has had the time to review the policy.
A vote by roll call to table the motion, 3-5-0 with Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches, Mr. Greco, Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Corbin Sobinski and Chairman Racine in dissent, motion to table fails.
Mr. Harrison stated that if the police department has a probable cause, they can conduct a search. A policy is needed for random screenings and that the Board supports screenings as a positive move, not as a deterrent. Mr. Harrison stated every high school in the country is dealing with the issue of drugs.
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 4 Mr. Harrison responded to a question regarding the fourth amendment right, we do not have the right to suspend any of our constitutional rights. Our fourth amendment rights are in place. Mr. Harrison feels that this policy meets the standards set forth by New Jersey vs. T.L.O. These kinds of searches are being conducted successfully in many other towns. The BOE approved the MOU five months ago, it is unfortunate the Board didn’t have this discussion sooner but there is some merit into separating the words screenings and searches. The screenings are conducted by the K9 team and that would give the police the reasonable suspicion standard that the T.L.O. discusses. This would authorize the search to happen.
Mr. Harrison stated that notifying parents are good points and this would commonly be discussed as part of the administrative regulation. The administrative regulation can specifically spell things out.
Regarding the employee contracts, Mr. Harrison does not believe that screenings for illegal activities is something that the labor board has determined as a mandatory bargaining topic. Mr. Harrison agrees with Mr. Greco, the policy is a good proactive policy, and the committee will review the policy to address the concerns raised tonight.
Mr. Johnson would like the policy to include screenings at the elementary schools.
Mr. Harrison and Mrs. Corbin Sobinski withdrew the motion.
a. NCLB 2007 AYP Presentations
Dr. Gallacher reviewed the format the schools would be presenting to Board members. Dr. Gallacher discussed the (AYP) Adequate Yearly Progress provision of the No Child Left Behind act. Dr. Gallacher stated that everything is based on numbers and percentages for measuring a school and a district’s progress. The Enfield district has been identified as in need of improvement - Year 3. All of the information can be found on the State website. Dr. Gallacher stated that more and more schools are being placed in the need of improvement category. This year approximately 177 schools were placed in this category mainly due to subgroup scores. One school came off of the list due to increased participation. Dr. Gallacher reviewed the Information and Guidance sheet provided by the State and some of the corrective measures when a district has been identified as In Need of Improvement. Dr. Gallacher reviewed testing and subgroups.
Ms. Hall questioned the Information and Guidance relative to Title I funds. In Enfield we receive funds for Title I schools. Is that correct that we will need to use 10% of the Title I funds for high quality professional development. Dr. Gallacher stated that is correct, we utilize it for professional development. Dr. Gallacher stated the funds for professional development do not go towards only a Title I school, it would be used for the whole district.
Mrs. Gittleman, Pupil Services Director reviewed the NCLB Special Education subgroup Students with Disabilities being identified not meeting AYP status. All students are assessed by the same standards even though this is not a proper measuring standard. Mrs. Gittleman reviewed the CMT Skills Checklist, CMT Performance of SPED subgroup at JFK with and without Outplacements, CMT Reading/Math by Level, Cohort Comparison and 2007 CMT/CAPT scores.
Dr. Gallacher stated that 99.3 % of high school students made the proficiency goal. The requirement was 72%, the Special Education subgroup was 60%, that was the “no” that put us on the list. The larger the district, the greater chance of having subgroups.
Mr. Newton, Enrico Fermi High School Principal reviewed AYP targets met by FHS students in math and reading. Principal Newton stated that FHS’s overall participation rates were one of the highest in the state. Principal Newton reviewed FHS Strategies for Improvement and Most Challenging Strands. Principal Newton is extremely proud of the improvements Fermi has made, but cautioned the comparison of cohorts.
Mr. Duffy, Enfield High School Principal and Mr. Sargalski, Assistant Principal reviewed AYP targets met by EHS students in math and reading. Principal Duffy stated that our participation rates are high. The economically
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 5 disadvantaged rate at EHS is high. EHS has a more transient population that can be challenging task getting all the students tested. Mr. Sargalski reviewed EHS Strategies for Improvement and Most Challenging Strands. Mr. Sargalski stated that all target areas were met, but there are areas we are weak in and we have established improvement plans to reach students that are in need. Mrs. Corbin Sobinski asked if there was a particular target area that students were struggling with. Mr. Sargalski said that our most difficult area is with math and the challenging strands. Mr. David Emery, EHS Special Education Department Chair reviewed the areas regular and special education students need improvement in and the progress made by the students.
Mr. Neville, John F. Kennedy Middle School Principal and Mrs. Sarah Collin, JFK Housemaster reviewed AYP targets met by JFK students in math and reading and the areas in need of improvement. JFK’s participation rate is very good. JFK has been identified as a school In Need of Improvement – Year 2. JFK did not meet target goals in the Students with Disabilities subgroup. Principal Neville reviewed JFK Strategies for Improvement and Most Challenging Strands. Principal Neville discussed JFK’s plan and areas for improvement for the Students with Disabilities subgroup.
Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa questioned the Confidence Interval percentages at JFK; they are lower than the other schools. Principal Neville stated we test more students. The more students you test, the lower the confidence level.
Mrs. Altressa Cox-Blackwell, Hazardville Memorial Elementary School Principal reviewed the AYP targets met by regular and special education students taking CMT’s in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. Principal Cox-Blackwell addressed student’s Most Challenging Strands, Strategies for Improvement and Opportunities for Improvement for regular and special education students at Hazardville Memorial. Principal Cox-Blackwell reviewed weekly “power hours”. Principal Cox-Blackwell is extremely proud of the teachers and students at Memorial for all of their hard work.
Ms. Hall questioned if the CMT power hours for math and reading are separate hours? Principal Cox-Blackwell stated yes, we have a math session and a reading session weekly. Dr. Gallacher asked if subs are needed for the power hours. Principal Cox-Blackwell stated yes.
Mrs. Maureen Sampl, Edgar H. Parkman Elementary School Principal reviewed the AYP targets met by students taking CMT’s in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. Principal Sampl stated she is extremely proud of her staff and the progress the Parkman students have made. Principal Sampl reviewed AYP targets met by special education students in reading and math. Principal Sampl addressed student’s Most Challenging Strands, Strategies for Improvement and Opportunities for Improvement for regular and special education students at Parkman. Principal Sampl reviewed “literacy and numeracy blocks” and early intervention strategies.
Ms. Hall asked if the testing has impacted positively or negatively in the school day or impacted teaching? Mrs. Sampl stated that testing at Parkman has been positive. We are doing a lot of collaborative work. The students are developing skills that they can take with them and use throughout life.
Mr. Neville stated the testing has been both positive and negative. Mr. Neville agreed with Mrs. Sampl but added that the negative input is that we have cut down the time in other areas. Teachers feel their teaching time has been cut down.
Dr. Gallacher stated it is extremely stressful for staff. Some districts have more resources and have hired additional staff for raising AYP scores. Some districts offer free summer school and tutoring services.
Mrs. Gittleman stated the Special Education teachers take this personal; they are doing everything they can to reach the students.
Ms. Hall stated that we should send our taped Board meetings to congress to the person that is evaluating NCLB so they can hear and see what is going on in our district. Ms. Hall is concerned that the vocabulary is above the child’s testing level. Whether a student is regular education or special education this should be conveyed to congress. In Connecticut we have extremely high testing standards.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski stated we have a lot more data available to us and this should help.
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 6 Mrs. Corbin Sobinski asked if the Budget Review committee will be able to present their findings at the next meeting. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that the committee is a bit behind schedule, but we should be able present something. Ms. Hall stated the reason for the delay is because Mr. Drezek is required to spend hours and hours compiling reports for the State.
Chairman Racine thanked the principal’s for their presentations tonight.
Mrs. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches to adjourn the Regular Meeting of October 9, 2007. All ayes, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting stood adjourned at 10:55 PM.
Donna Corbin Sobinski Respectfully Submitted, Secretary Enfield Board of Education
Kathy Zalucki, Recording Secretary
Regular Board of Education Meeting October 9, 2007 Page 7