Speaker Frances Rifkin Introduced by Dee
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Meeting commenced 11:05 Speaker Frances Rifkin introduced by Dee.
Fran explained that she works across many areas still and remains a socialist. Successfully campaigned for funding for small-scale theatre.
Three documents important at the moment: My Theatre Matters BBC Cuts Low Pay No Pay (and we now have an organiser which is a real advance)
She spoke about the Manifesto For Theatre. Also Plan Your Campaign.
Problems in the past when Equity had a right-wing leadership and we got thrown out of the TUC! No democracy, nor branches at that time. Thatcherism etc....closed shop banned etc. Equity became less of a political campaigning union.
Focus now is once again on campaigning, rather than offering services. Encouraging students to attend meetings. My Theatre Matters is worth looking at on the internet.
Demonstrating in disguise avoids the fear aspect of demonstrating – and can be fun. Future is crucial, looking at next 20 years. We need to start arguing for a funding structure for the whole of the country's theatre.
MARTYN WILLIAMS Publicity and Marketing Officer of Thurrock Arts Council 2nd speaker – re threatened closure of Thameside Theatre, Grays, which has amateur and professional following. Our speaker has been involved since 1972.
Passionate about maintaining good entertainment location in borough. Promises to re-open places in the future can fail if there's a change of political leadership and buildings can decay. This is issue for community rather than party political. Working party being formed. Wants to raise the spec of Thameside - rather than saying it's not up so spec and closing it down. Unless money provided FIRST for new complex. Survey – more than 50% respondents wanted to either keep (29%) or replace it with new complex.
Martin voiced gratified by Equity support. Prepared to enlist support of MU too. Existing Thameside Theatre has many glowing endorsements – Martyn sees no point knocking it down. Lovely performance space of pros. arch and circular thrust stage. But no fly tower as originally designed as a lecture theatre. Problem is the “dead hand” of council officers who are removed from the situation and simply pronounce decisions on funding etc.
Chris Gasper suggested linking local theatres so they can be run by one administration, as the Cliffs/Palace Theatre do. Martyn H volunteered to be liaison between Essex Branch and Martyn W.
Frances added we can balance local and national issues and think in an overall national way. MEETING PROPER
Apols: Faith Hines Charlie Wilson Mike Ostler Olga Ruocco Peter Optical Elisabeth Miller.
Those present: Dee Mardi, Martyn Harrison, Stan Harding, Chris Gasper, Roly Cook, John Marchant, Stephen Moriarty, Liz Mullen, Brian Eastty, John Alexander, new face Glenn Maloney.
Chair said: Poor turnout of S'end members considering 27% of our branch members live here.
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MTG – Proposed by SH seconded by BE
Matters arising: Chair Dee asked for any other campaign issues. LM mentioned casting Equity members FIRST as extras. Roly raised issue of red tape on SOS presentation!
Thanks to those involved in the Thurrock ROH branch meeting. Insightful visit. Two new members Elisabeth & Didi joined. Dee thanked LM for organising Frinton Theatre outing. General Discussion
John Ainslie – Survey Monkey being trialled.
Council elections results are online. Thanks to Martin Branwell for his help – MB / HB not elected.
Chelmsford's TUC has written to Dee promoting its quiz evening on Sept 20 and a march on Oct 18. Contact MH re quiz team.
TREASURER'S REPORT Has info of online bank for unions. BE said maybe switch over in future if we're changing signatories.
Our branch allocation this year is £70.25
Total £1,404.94
AOB Possibility for motion for 2015 ARC (maybe LM's suggestion.... or streamlining Health & Safety – latter probably not feasible) Chair asked for formal request in newsletter for branch members to consider motions. By November 30.
MH summarised thoughts he'd received. Actors & memory..... Equity – TUC March. Britain Needs A Payrise...... ARC timetable (March 9 is closing date for motions to Council for ARC) Live Entertainment Works....new campaign launching...pubs with licence can now hold entertainment providing there's less than 200 in audience. Take posters and cards to pub. Inc guide for venues... My Theatre Matters – Cards available - get permission of theatre before you hand them out.
BE voiced disappointment that Cliffs totally uninformed re Equity, when approached to hire this room. Next meeting Nov 1 at Headgate. Liz happy to lead tour of this small venue too (Roly requested tours of venues) Meeting closed with applause for Frances Rifkin, at 12.55pm.
Liz Mullen – Minutes Secretary