IMCC Year 8 Dance
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Year 8 Dance
IMCC Year 8 Dance Program 2017
Year 8 Dance program brief: During Year 8 Dance, students study both Hip Hop Technique and Cultural Dance, both styles will be assessed. Students also learn two dances in the above genres, both of which will be performed at Dance Night during Term 3. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of choreography and improvisation workshops throughout the year to improve their choreographic abilities. During Term 1, students will form groups and create their own dances using a ‘stimulus’ to inspire their movement choices. There will be a large focus on motif and choreographic devices and elements. As Dance is a Performing Arts subject, students will be required to perform at Choreography night, Dance Night and possibly Year 8 Dance assemblies. Students will also study Indigenous dance and its place within its traditional culture, as well as current, contemporary society.
Weeks Teaching Focus Content Addressed Resources Assessment
Week 1 Lesson 1, Week 1: Introduction to course. Content: Resources: Expectations Scheme of 1. Scheme of Hand out Year 8 dance policy/agreement. Discuss expectations and explain to assessment assessment students, conditions outlined on the letter. Course outline 2. Course Explain Scheme of Assessment. Outline Talk through plan for this term. 3. Term planner Dance Night expectations. Outcomes: 4. Reflection Discuss extracurricular opportunities. Dance handout Responses: Students are to write in their planners what they need for next lesson and when this 5. Functions Evaluation of terms assessments are due. handout Year 7 Dance: Importance of hydration during class – water bottles. 6. Dance Dance Skills meanings 1 Year 8 Dance Handout: Safe Dance handout Using handouts x 2. Evaluate Year 7 dance. practices/ Explain that people engage in dance for a range of purposes: Brainstorm with the warm up. class what these purposes may be (fitness, creative expression, relaxation, career, Dance Ideas cultural expression, social dance, gain confidence, get attention, to confirm values Choreographic or promote social change). terms. Then make it ‘Australia specific’: (e.g. artistic theatre performances, social dance Dance in classes, cultural group gatherings). society Functions of Explain that over time, the beliefs and values of other times and places have affected the way in which dance works have been created e.g. the change in dance in partner holds over time as social values change – the formal hold of the waltz Australian society. through to the more relaxed hold of the jive)
Dance meanings worksheet
Lesson 2, Week 1: Choreography Workshop Tutting Genre: Resources Hip Hop/Tutting. 1. Tutting Choreography. Students are presented with 2-3 short videos demonstrating different Tutting styles. handout Students also receive an information sheet that includes a brief Tutting history. Outcomes: Students are taught a short and simple Tutting phrase choreographed by the Dance teacher. Focus is on linear movement especially angles. Responses: Evaluation. Students practise the phrase in pairs or small groups- teacher to walk around and give support/help where needed. Dance in Society: Students need to be taught HOW to practice: - Tutting history. - Run through the entire phrase at least 3 times. Dance Skills - Ask another group/pair to help if you are struggling. Learnt - Ask the teacher if your peers cannot help you. choreography. Dance Ideas - Watch each other one at a time to check that everyone has the phrase. Choreography. - Practise doing the phrase slow at first then get faster after you have done it a few times. 2 Year 8 Dance As a class students demonstrate tutting phrase to music.
Create In 2 or 3’s students create their own tutting phrase Come up with some rules for the phrase as a class: - Linear/angled movement. - How many “moves?” (Suggestion 8 as a minimum) - Each move must be different (e.g. can’t just repeat the same move 8 times). - Can only use the hands and arms. - Time frame? (Suggestion: 10 minutes)
Perform Students perform their phrase for the class. Discuss audience etiquette (reminder from Year 7) - Clapping after performance. - No talking while peers are performing. Feedback: Before everyone performs choose 3 or 4 students who will tell the class something they liked/found interesting during the performance, once all students have performed. (e.g. “I thought it was interesting when Sam and Ben did X because it was something I didn’t think of and was creative) - Encourage reasoning behind comments.
Week 2 Lesson 1 and 2, Week 2: Choreography workshops Outcomes: Resources: Warm up (recapping information from first lesson) Dance Skills 2. BEST BEST introduced (Body, Energy, Space, Time) Tell students what it stands for. It Dance Ideas worksheets can be used to create movement or manipulate movement to make it more BEST interesting. Give examples where possible. Body: shapes/ Discuss “unison”. balances/ locomotor and Body non-locomotor/ Students spread out in the space with a partner. transference Students will be asked to make a certain type of shape individually or with their Energy: partner. Students have 20 seconds to come up with their shape before they show manipulations 3 Year 8 Dance the teacher. Teacher will give feedback if incorrect and will point out correct shapes Space: and creative shapes. Shapes students are asked to make: levels/direction - Closed and open shapes /patterns - Symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes. Time: - Counter balance. Speed/cannon/ - Partner balance accumulation/ accents Students should choose their favourite 4 shapes and show them to another partner/group and explain which type of shape each is. The teacher will show students a phrase with 4 moves. In pairs, students need to demonstrate these moves using another body part. Repeat a second time using another body part. Ask students to show another group/partnership the phrase created. You could also do the same task but instead of teaching 4 initial movements, ask students to create initial phrase by using a body part to write their names in the air/on the ground.
Energy Movements can reflect energies and emotions. - Energies: Freeze, shake, vibrating, attack, heavy, light, smooth, bouncy, sudden, flowing, tight, swinging, collapse, fall, rebound and resistance. Students group together to make groups of 4 (1 partnership comes together with another). Each group is given 4 ‘energies’ which they must use to manipulate one of their phrases that was just created (using ‘body) elements. Students need to highlight which ones they are given in their Year 8 Dance booklet. Students are encouraged to be as creative and non literal/abstract as possible. Speak about “abstraction”. There are no other requirements other than to have 8 moves and 4 energies. Give students 10-15 minutes depending on ability of group. Procedure if students get stuck/have difficulty: - Ask another group for help - Improvise - Ask teacher for help. Teacher will walk around and support/give assistance. Teacher will view all finished phrases to make sure they are done correctly. When all phrases are finished get each group to show another group and then video record their phrase. 4 Year 8 Dance Teacher chooses 2 groups (that did the task well/correctly) to show the class and talk through what energies were used.
Time Introduce Time as: Speeds (slow/fast), Cannon, accumulation and working with accents of the music/beat. Teach students a short 16 count dance phrase that includes both slow AND fast movement. Split the class in half One half put the movements into cannon whilst the other uses accumulation. Each half of the class demonstrated the movement so their peers can see a demonstration of each device. Split students up into 4 groups depending on ability.
Space can be used to create and manipulate movement: - Levels, direction, spacing of people. All groups must think about how they want to space their dance. (what pattern do they want to stand in?) Using the phrase students used when manipulating ‘time,’ each group has to manipulate the movement given to them in a different way: - Group 1: Manipulate 3 of the steps to be done on the floor (this should go to the group with the most capable/experienced dancers) - Group 2: Change the direction of 3 of the dance moves. - Group 3: Each person in the group has to complete the phrase facing different directions - Group 4: Change the direction of 1 of the dance moves and add in a jump.
Performance and reflection.
Week 3 Lesson 1, Week 3: Choreography workshop Dance Skills Dance Ideas Recap the energy lesson from last week. Speak about different energies used and BEST their effectiveness. - Motif 5 Year 8 Dance Students are then to choreographed a phrase based on an imaginary alphabet - Gesture bubble surrounding them. They choose two people’s first name’s from the group - Choreographic and have to hit each letter of their name with a different body part to encourage structure creativity and originality. - Binary As an extension task for those finished quickly, the teacher can then, from the list of structure energies in the student’s booklet, students choose 2 of them to apply to their - Contrast phrase. The teacher should consistently check in with each group as this is a challenging task and may need quite a bit of teacher direction and support. Students should record their phrase on a device as they will extend on this phrase next lesson.
Lesson 2, Week 3: Choreography workshop (Motif development/Body) After a warm up activity, students split into their groups from last lesson and using the video footage captured, remind themselves of the dance phrase they created last lesson. Today they will be extending on, and manipulating this phrase using the choreographic element of ‘Body’ where they transfer movement into another body part, or only use a small part of their body when demonstrating a dance move, as opposed to their whole body. Once the groups have rehearsed their original phrase, they need to manipulate the phrase, transferring movements into alternative body parts. Once this is done, they should put the original phrase together with the new, manipulated phrase to make one long phrase. Students should record this movement.
Class debrief
Week 4 Lesson 1, Week 4: Choreography workshop: Gestures Outcomes Introduce ‘gestures’ as a way of creating movement. Dance Skills Think pair share: Brainstorm ‘gestures’ on the board. Dance Ideas Wave BEST Salute - Motif Stretch - Gesture Scratch - Choreographic 6 Year 8 Dance Rub face/eyes. structure Everyday activities. - Binary structure Nursery rhyme movement (incy wincy) - Contrast Peace Hot potato Jazz hands.
We will then brainstorm gestures again using a theme for inspiration. (‘Student in a classroom) Head on hands Falling asleep Asking question (hand up excitedly or lethargically) Tapping foot Typing Writing Turning a page Tapping a friend on the shoulder Checking the time Whispering to a friend Tapping/clicking pen Crossing arms
Create Students move into same groups as last lesson. Students must make a phrase using approximately 10-15 gestures that shows the theme chosen as a class. They should choose one of the gestures to be repeated throughout their phrase a few times. This gesture will be their motif for their Binary dance. If students finish the task, they can incorporate other choreographic devices learnt previously such as cannon/levels etc.
Record Students record their movement phrases for their next lesson.
Closing: 7 Year 8 Dance Bring students into marked space. Ask a few students what they found difficult about the class and what they enjoyed. Outcomes Students are to be encouraged to provide students with one positive and one constructive Dance Skills criticism from the class. - Musicality Dance Ideas Lesson 2, Week 3: Choreography workshop (Motif development/Space + Time) BEST After a warm up activity, students split into their groups from last lesson and using - Motif the video footage captured, remind themselves of the dance phrases (2) that they - Gesture created during weeks 2 and 3. - Choreographic structure Over this lesson and the next, students are to put the two phrases together into a - Binary Binary form. With A: Gestural phrase and B: Alphabet movement. structure As an audience we need to see a clear transition between each phrase (brainstorm - Contrast on the board ideas for this). They could use a ‘freeze’ or a change of position or an - Transitions extremely clear change in quality of movement for example. Once the two phrases have been put together students should work to use what they have learnt in class to manipulate part B to contrast part A. For example, Part A may be about being in a rigid classroom under pressure at school, and part B might be when students leave school for the day, happy and carefree. Students will be given a song (Break the rules by Charlie XCX) to apply to their mini-dance.
Week 5 Lesson 1, Week 5: Outcomes Firstly, recap the term ‘binary,’ how to name sections and what each section’s Dance Skills theme or stimulus should be. Recap the term ‘motif’ and definition. Students Dance Ideas continue to work on their task from last lesson. Also determine a definition for BEST ‘gesture.’ (Movements that stay on the spot and usually only use one body part at a time). - Motif - Gesture Students should perform their completed Binary structure to music today and - Choreographic receive peer feedback. structure Students are encouraged to give clear and supported feedback to their peers. The - Binary teacher can ask specific, analytical questions to prompt student feedback. structure - Contrast
8 Year 8 Dance
Lesson 2, Week 5: Choreography Task Introduced Outcomes: Resources: Task 4 Students are to create a dance in groups of 4-5 that uses a stimulus to give inspiration to a Dance Ideas: 1. Task 4 Assessment theme for the dance. Students are given 4 stimuli to choose from. Creating Booklet Due Week 9 Length: 1 – 2 minutes. themed dance. 2. Video of Music: Students can choose their own music however it must be appropriate to their Choreographic 2016 age, their chosen theme and the culture of the school. structure/ example. Choreographic structure: You must choose a structure: narrative or binary. elements. Time frame: Students will have approximately 9 lessons to complete this task. The Dance in completed dance will be performed and assessed during Choreography Night in Society Week 10. Function of What must be included: Students’ routine must include a motif and they should also dance choose 3 of the following to include in their dance. Dance - Levels (Low Medium High) Responses - Repetition (Repeat a step or phrase [which means more than one Task 4 Outline movement] more than once). - 3 different spacial patterns. - Unison - A cannon - A ‘freeze’ or still moment. - A gesture phrase Students will will be marked on: - Your ability to work with others and in a group. - Your commitment and focus to the task. - Your creativity to include the above criteria - Your performance.
Students must also complete a Choreography reflection each week which they must complete. Each week students will be given questions via CONNEQT which they must answer in their journal. This is also due in Week 10. Students must complete a small part each and every lesson. This will be directed by the teacher. Students are required to record their choreography on a group members’ device EVERY LESSON.
During this lesson, students should create their groups and as a class we will go through the task. 9 Year 8 Dance Read the task outline with the students allowing time for questions. Explain and give practical examples for each choreographic device that has to be included. Remind them of lessons where we have covered this content. Define motif: Definitions: - A dominant theme, idea, or pattern in a work of art. Motifs are often repeated. - A designed unit of pattern that is repeated often enough in the total composition to make it a significant or dominant feature. Motif is similar to theme or melody in a musical composition. - A dominant, usually recurring idea or element in a dance or sequence. Motif development as a choreographic device involves using a single movement or short movement phrase that is manipulated (e.g., by varying the elements of movement, by repetition, by fragmentation, using different body parts) to develop movement sequences for a dance. Students must choose a stimulus out of the 4 provided. Students then explore this theme further and come up with other words or ideas that associate with the theme. Students will choose the choreographic structure used in their dance and begin to and plan their dance using allocated time slots. HOMEWORK: Students are to come back to the following lesson with 3 song ideas to share with their group.
At the end of the lesson allow time for questions in regards to the task.
Week 6 Lesson 1, Week 6: Choreography task Outcomes: Recap ALL of the task expectations. Dance Ideas: Students should continue to work on the choreographic structure of the dance if not Creating completed yet. themed dance. Students should decide on their music today and describe why they have made the Choreographic decision they have in their choreographic booklets. structure/ If students have completed pages 1-7 they may begin to choreograph their dance – elements. they should start by deciding what their motif will be. Dance in Society Function of dance Dance Responses 10 Year 8 Dance Journal
Lesson 2, Week 6: Choreography task Outcomes: Students should follow the following procedure during Choreographic lessons: Dance Ideas: 1. Read over choreographic structure page. Creating Make a plan for the lesson. 2. themed dance. 3. Practise all the choreography created so far. Choreographic 4. Continue to choreograph. structure/ 5. Record any new movement on a group members’ device. elements. 6. Answer reflection questions in Choreography Booklet. Dance in Society Function of At the beginning of each choreography lesson, encourage students to read over dance their choreographic structure and make a plan for the lesson. Dance Students should all begin choreographing today, absolutely no more time will be Responses given in class for music choice. Journal Near the end of the class students should complete their Choreographic Booklet for this lesson and record any choreography that has been created this lesson (this must be done every lesson).
Week 7 Lesson 1 and 2, Week 7: Choreography task Outcomes: Encourage students to read over their choreographic structure and make a plan for Dance Ideas: the lesson. Creating Students should then recap all choreography created thus far and continue to themed dance. choreograph their dance. Choreographic Near the end of the class students should complete their Choreographic Booklet for structure/ this lesson and record any choreography that has been created this lesson (this elements. must be done every lesson). Dance in Society Function of dance Dance Responses 11 Year 8 Dance Journal
Week 8 Lesson 1 and 2, Week 8: Choreography task Outcomes: Encourage students to read over their choreographic structure and make a plan for Dance Ideas: the lesson. Creating Students should then recap all choreography created thus far and continue to themed dance. choreograph their dance. Choreographic Near the end of the class students should complete their Choreographic Booklet for structure/ this lesson and record any choreography that has been created this lesson (this elements. must be done every lesson). Dance in Society Function of dance Dance Responses Journal
Week 9 Lesson 1 and 2, Week 9: Choreography task Outcomes: Encourage students to read over their choreographic structure and plan for the Dance Ideas: lesson. Creating Students should then recap all choreography created thus far and continue to themed dance. choreograph their dance. Choreographic Near the end of the class students should complete their Choreographic Booklet for this structure/ lesson and record any choreography that has been created this lesson (this must be done elements. every lesson). Dance in Society Function of dance Dance Responses Journal
12 Year 8 Dance
Week 10 CHOREOGRAPHY NIGHT ASSESSMENT Outcomes: Task 4 Students will be assessed on the following criteria today: Dance Ideas: Assessment Your ability to work with others and in a group. Creating Choreography themed dance. Your commitment and focus to the task. Choreographic Your creativity to include the choreographic devices required. structure/ Your performance. elements. Dance in Students will also be asked to reflect on how they felt, and what they thought during their Society performance in their journal. Students will be asked to comment on specific, effective parts Function of of their peers' choreography in regards to how it conveyed their intention. dance Dance Students should demonstrate correct audience etiquette whilst watching their peers dance. Responses Task 4 Booklet Dance Skills Performance Task 4 Chory Reflections Choreography Journal ASSESSMENT: DUE Thursday Week 10 DUE
13 Year 8 Dance
Week 1 Cultural Dance Introduced (Task 1) Genre: Resources: Task 1 Begin by reading through Task 1 outline and marking key. Cultural Dance Task 1 Outline Assessment Students will be learning a style of cultural dance throughout Term 2. Week 7 Outcomes Term 2 During these lessons there will be a focus on: - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations specific to genre, Dance Skills coordination skills, and major muscle group stretches). Warm up Progressions - Progression skills (correct body position for style of dance whilst moving or on Extended the spot, weight transference, musicality, ability to travel through space and dance ability to apply corrections). sequence - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps in a way that is Performance correct to the style of cultural dance chosen, ways to remember movement, muscle memory, importance of practice/rehearsal and performance qualities) Students will also be exposed to the history and function of this cultural dance, as well as appropriate music and costuming depending on the culture chosen. Each week these skills will be recapped and extended on taking into account differing student ability. Some students may be given solo’s or put into groups with students of similar ability- and taught harder or easier sequenced movement which can be performed at different times throughout the dance). Students will be assessed on their skills during Week 7 of Term 2. Students will perform their cultural dance at the 2017 Dance Night.
Weeks 2-6 Cultural Dance (Task 1) Genre: Students will continue to learn a style of cultural dance during term 2. Cultural Dance During these lessons there will be a focus on: - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations specific to genre, Outcomes coordination skills, and major muscle group stretches). Dance Skills - Progression skills (correct body position for style of dance whilst moving or on Warm up the spot, weight transference,) Progressions - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps in a way that is Extended correct to the style of cultural dance, ways to remember movement, muscle dance memory, importance of practice/rehearsal and performance qualities) sequence Performance Students will also be exposed to the history and function of this cultural dance, as well as appropriate music and costuming depending on the culture chosen. Each week these skills will be recapped and extended on taking into account 14 Year 8 Dance differing student ability. Students will be assessed on their skills during Week 7 of Term 2. Students will perform their cultural dance at the 2017 Dance Night.
Week 7 Cultural Dance ASSESSMENT Genre: Task 1 Students will be assessed on their skills in regards to: Cultural Dance Assessment - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations specific to genre, Week 7 coordination skills, and major muscle group stretches). Outcomes Term 3 - Progression skills (correct body position for style of dance whilst moving or on Dance Skills Cultural Dance the spot, weight transference,) Warm up - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps in a way that is Progressions correct to the style of cultural dance, ways to remember movement, muscle Extended memory, importance of practice/rehearsal and performance qualities) dance sequence Performance
Weeks 8 + 9 Cultural Dance: Genre: During Weeks 8 and 9 of this term, students will complete their cultural dance which will be Cultural Dance performed at Dance Night in Term 3. Outcomes Dance Skills Warm up Progressions Extended dance sequence Performance
Week 10 Introduction of Hip Hop (Task 2) Genre: Resources: Task 2 Hip Hop Task 2 Outline Assessment Begin by reading through the Task 2-unit outline and marking key. Provide each student with Week 7 a copy. Outcomes Term 3 Explain the way classes will run and expectations of the class. Dance Skills 15 Year 8 Dance Students will take part in Hip Hop Technique lessons which will include a focus on: Warm up - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations, coordination Progressions skills, core strength development and major muscle group stretches). Extended - Travelling skills (correct body position for dance whilst moving, weight dance transference, musicality, ability to travel through space and ability to apply sequence corrections). Performance - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps that are sequenced that is correct to the style of dance, ways to remember movement, muscle memory, importance of practice/rehearsal, adding in personal style and performance qualities, musicality skills/accents, how to follow choreographer’s instructions,)
Weeks Hip Hop (Task 2) 1-7 Genre: Students will take part in Hip Hop Technique lessons which will include a focus on: Hip Hop - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations, coordination skills, core strength development and major muscle group stretches). Outcomes - Travelling skills (correct body position for dance whilst moving, weight Dance Skills transference, musicality, ability to travel through space and ability to apply Warm up corrections). Progressions - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps that are sequenced Extended that is correct to the style of dance, ways to remember movement, muscle dance memory, importance of practice/rehearsal, adding in personal style and sequence performance qualities, musicality skills/accents, how to follow choreographer’s Performance instructions.)
Week 7 Task 2 Hip Hop Dance ASSESSMENT Assessment Week 7 Students will be assessed on their skills in regards to: Term 3
16 Year 8 Dance - Warm up (including general whole body warm up, isolations specific to genre, coordination skills, and major muscle group stretches). - Progression skills (correct body position for style of dance whilst moving or on the spot, weight transference,) - Dance choreography (completing skills and dance steps in a way that is correct to the style of cultural dance, ways to remember movement, muscle memory, importance of practice/rehearsal and performance qualities)
Outcomes Weeks Performance Dance Skills Task 3 8 - 10 The lessons during this week will focus on completing the two routines in preparation for Warm up Assessment Dance Night. Students will also be reminded of performance qualities during this time as Genre specific Week 10 well as correct ways to stand and finish dances, enter and exit the stage, backstage technique Dance Night behaviour and stage makeup/costuming requirements. Performance Students will be practicing muscle memory as well as learning about musicality and skills accented dance. Performance etiquette Students will perform at the 2017 Dance Night and be assessed on their technique and Dance performance abilities. Students will be given a marking key and as a class, we will go responses through each criteria so students understand fully, what they are aiming for. Students will Reflection on practise using performance qualities in class as a rehearsal for Dance Night. This will dance include a dress rehearsal at the venue before the show. processes Reflection Students will complete a reflection about their performance during Dance Night as well as their experiences in dance during 2017. This is due during Week 2 of Term 4.
17 Year 8 Dance
Weeks Aboriginal Dance WEEK 3 1-3 Task 7 Over the first three weeks of this term, students will study Aboriginal and Torres Strait Indigenous Islander dance. Dance Test Aboriginal Dance Students will learn about both traditional AND contemporary aboriginal styles (e.g. ceremonial dance by local communities or a full length contemporary program by Bangarra Dance Theatre).
Students will learn what place Aboriginal dance has, in the traditional Indigenous culture including the functions of the dance and the main characteristics.
Students will also learn about how artistic Indigenous dance fits into today’s contemporary society and how it has adapted to do so. Students will watch a dance work performed by Bangarra Dance Theatre and respond to the performance by answering a structured worksheet that discusses what cultural elements Artistic Director, Stephen Page, includes in his choreography, as well as the chosen design elements which feature within his contemporary dance creations. The students will also be able to identify the theme of the chosen work.
Torres Strait Islander Dance Students will learn what place Indigenous Torres Strait Islander dance has, in the traditional Torres Strait culture, including the functions of the dance and the main characteristics. Students will view videos of this traditional dance style.
Students will complete an in class short answer test that will assess their knowledge of Indigenous dance, traditional to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
18 Year 8 Dance Weeks 4-7 Weeks 4 – 7: Contemporary Dance During Term 4, students will partake in 6 classes focusing on Contemporary Dance technique, this is in preparation for Year 9 dance.
Students will learn: Floor work including backward rolls, leg swings and commando rolls. Torso movements including drop swings and c curves Leg coordination: tendu’s kicks and extension exercises. Jumps: technique into and out of the floor, extended legs and toes, travelling sequences, stationary sequences.
Each lesson will recap and build on skills from the previous lessons.
Students will also experiment with creating movement that relates to a theme or source of inspiration such as a picture, poem or song lyrics. Students will learn choreographic devices that will assist them with this and it should be choreographed in the contemporary style.
Year 8 Study skills for success The following five strategies can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your study skills, and how you can get the most out of you study time. 1. Get Started 19 Year 8 Dance Ask yourself: Am I the type who dives right in, or is getting started the most difficult part of any task? An effective way of beginning an assignment is to break it into smaller parts. For example, if you have four chapters to read, start with only one or two chapters in the first session. Once you've broken the assignment down this way, your first task is more manageable and you'll find it easier to begin. After that, schedule as many sessions as necessary to complete the entire assignment. Knowing that part of the assignment is already completed will make it easier for you overall. 2. Time Management Do you use your time well? The key to time management is planning. Map out study sessions in writing, so that you can see how much needs to be accomplished in an allotted study time. To manage your time successfully, you need to see the study plan – much like a builder needs to see the blueprints for a building. Using a calendar or a day planner can be helpful for this purpose. In addition, schedule study sessions in time slots that fit your study habits; for example, every day after school, or every evening after dinner. 3. Organize Assignments Are you the organized type? If not, you could try using a color-coded folder for each area to be studied (e.g., a red folder for English, a green folder for social studies, etc.). All loose notes and materials related to that subject area should be placed in the folder regularly, so that when it's time to study, you'll be prepared. 4. Take Notes Do you have trouble taking notes? Trying to write down a teacher's speech word-for-word is nearly impossible and infinitely frustrating. Instead, pick out key words and phrases; this will help you learn to summarize your thoughts. Think of each note-taking session as if you are creating the skeleton or the frame of the area covered. The skeleton still needs to be "fleshed out", however, in order to provide a full picture. You can do this by going back and adding more details to your notesafter each session. 5. Review material Do you avoid reviewing material until right before the test? This is a bad idea. No other study skillis more important than reviewing, which you should do at least three times before a test. First, review as soon as possible after your first contact with the subject matter – immediately after class or after school, for example. This session will reinforce the material that is still fresh in your mind. At regular intervals afterward – weekly, monthly, or whenever your schedule permits – review the material again. Then, immediately before a test, review the material once more. Repeated contact with the material will help you know it inside and out.
20 Year 8 Dance
6. Use Dropbox as a tool for practical rehearsal
7. Use planner to record homework each week and to plan your time wisely. 8. Use a specific ‘dance folder’ to organise hand outs and assessment. 9. Ask for feedback from your teacher and peers