Combe Martin Parish Council
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To: All members of the Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council to be held in the Community Centre on Monday 13 March, 2017, at 7pm.
Michelle Beaumont Parish Clerk
The meeting will be opened with prayers. AGENDA
NB All items on the agenda below are for debate and passing of resolutions, WITH THE EXCEPTION OFTHOSE ITEMS LISTED AS BEING TO NOTE ONLY.
1 Apologies for absence.
2 Moving the South West Coast Path 2.1 Presentation by Dan Barnett, Exmoor National Park Authority on the SWCP's proposals to move the path from Lester Point behind the houses to the edge of Cobblers Park and request to re-consider the status of Cobblers Park.
3 To receive, and reply to, matters raised by parishioners.
4 Co-option to fill Parish Council vacancies 4.1 Applicants are as follows: (Emails of application following separately). Mr Douglas Seymour 4.2 New members to sign their Acceptance of Office.
5 Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies: Community Car Service Exmoor Association of Parish Councils and Exmoor Parish and Consultation Forum Housing Ambassador - Community Council of Devon
6 Declarations of Interest. Please complete any declarations of interest forms and give to the Clerk before the start of the meeting.
7 To consider any requests for dispensations. 8 County and District Councillors' reports 8.1 To note the County and District Councillors’ reports.
9 To note the vandalism and Police Reports.
10 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 February, 2017 and the Interim meeting on 27 February 2017 (attached).
Any planning applications received after preparation of the agenda.
11.2 Planning Decisions, if any
11.3 Planning Correspondence, if any
12 To consider matters arising from the Minutes 12.1 Min 278/16b - Eberleigh House - to note that Loan Sanction has been applied for. 12.2 Min 278/16c - Parade Wall - update to note the quotation for railings 12.3 Min 278/16e - Footbridge - to note the work has been completed 12.4 Min 278/16g - New building at Hollands Park - update and to note that the pre- application enquiry has been submitted. 12.5 Min 278/16h - Coastal Communities Team - update 12.6 Min 284/16d - Replacement of pickup 12.7 Min 296/16a - Hangman Path outside School - to note that a letter of support had been sent to NDC for the School's application for a grant for a MUGA, which may have an impact on traffic movements.
13 Matters arising from the Stragegy meeting - Combe Martin Bowling Club (please see paperwork sent separately).
14 Parks and Open Spaces 14.1 Update on Willow Planting project 14.2 Donations of new roses at the War Memorial
15 To note the reports by Representatives to Outside Bodies, if any.
16 Committee Reports Audit Committee, 1 March, 2017
17 Correspondence: 17.1 Christians Together - Request to hold a Songs of Praise on Combe Martin Beach on Easter Sunday 17.2 Jeremy Batch - fencing at Adams Hay (emailed) 17.3 Colin Savage – Community Led housing Fund (emailed) 17.4 Devon Air Ambulance Trust - request for site for night landing and need for fundraising for lighting. Any correspondence received after preparation of the agenda. 18 Dates of meetings Interim meeting
19 Finance: a To note the reports on the monthly balances (to follow).
b Invoices for payment Proposal by Cllr Wendy Druce that the attached list of accounts be approved, seconded by the Chairman, plus any invoices received after preparation of the agenda.
c Workmen's phones The workmen's phone contract needs to be changed. To consider switching to a 2 year contract with Tesco Mobile for a Motorola Moto E3 at £7.50 per month with no upfront charge for the phones.
20 Sale of Skirhead Toilets Consideration of any tenders received for Skirhead Toilets.
21 Resolution to exclude the Press and the Public, in view of the confidential nature of the item to be discussed.
22 Matters arising Min 308/16 - Coach Park Tank at head of Combe Martin Beach
23.1 Dog Control Orders 23.2 Report by the Clerk