The Fifth-Year Interim Report
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Dr. Thomas B. Baynum, President Voice: (361) 354-2200 Fax: (361) 354-2333 [email protected]
The Fifth-Year Interim Report
Part II
Institutional Summary Form
Prepared for Commission Reviews
Accreditation Liaison Dr. Rito Silva Coastal Bend College 704 Coyote Trail Alice, Texas 78332
Telephone: 361.664-2981 Ext. 3030 Fax: 361.668.9277 Email: [email protected] Table of Contents
2 Part II: The Abbreviated
“Institutional Summary Form Prepared for Commission Reviews”
Provide a brief history of the institution, a description of its current mission, an indication of its geographic service area, and a description of the composition of the student population. Include a description of any unusual or distinctive features of the institution and a description of the admissions policies (open, selective, etc.).
Coastal Bend College (CBC) opened in September, 1967, as a comprehensive community college.
The institution is governed by an elected seven-member Board of Trustees. In addition to its
main campus in Beeville, Texas, the institution offers college transfer and technical-vocational
degrees and certificate programs at its Alice site, Kingsville site, Pleasanton site, and in three
prisons sites located in the area.
Institutional Mission
Coastal Bend College is a comprehensive, public community college serving a diverse South
Texas area. It is a student-centered institution committed to the highest integrity and to the
development of an educational culture that supports creativity, encourages professional
development, and promotes excellence in all areas. (CBC Catalog, Page 14)
Institutional Vision
Coastal Bend College is a leader in providing quality education for life-long learning by
dedicating its resources to promoting a learning-centered environment that empowers its
students to reach their highest potential and become responsible members of the global
community (CBC Catalog, Page 14).
3 Geographic Area Served
The Coastal Bend College name reflects its geographical service area. The college serves nine highly diverse rural counties in the heart of the Texas Gulf Coast. The district has a total population of approximately 200,000 in 9,483 square miles in the southern part of Texas, approximately 220 miles long and 100 miles wide, starting 20 miles south of San Antonio and stretching to within 50 miles of the Rio Grande River. The number of people per square mile varies widely: McMullen County has .8 persons per square mile of their 1,113 square mile area; whereas, Jim Wells County has 45.5 persons per square mile in an area of 865 square miles. The average household size in the Coastal Bend College service area is 2.7 persons. The per capita income ranges from $10,234 in Brooks County to $22,258 in McMullen County. The median household income for the nine county service area ranges from $18,622 in Brooks County in the south to $33,081 in Atascosa County in the northern end of the district. The service area poverty level is 24.61% as compared to 15.4% for the state. The average per capita income in the service area is $13,778 as compared to $19,617 for the state. The institution’s programming must take these diverse conditions into account if we are to be successful. The Coastal Bend
College service area is influenced by the San Antonio and Corpus Christi Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (MSAs). The economic development of the MSAs impacts the rural counties of the Coastal
Bend and is important to the vitality of the region.
The various CBC locations allow greater access to higher education opportunity for more area residents. The CBC-Beeville campus is 80 miles from the CBC-Kingsville site, 75 miles from the CBC-Pleasanton site, and 60 miles from the CBC-Alice site. A graphic representation of the service area is provided in the CBC 2009-2010 Catalog, Page 5.
4 Description of Student Population
Coastal Bend College is an Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) as per the U.S. Department of
Education designation. The ethnic breakdown is 66.02% Hispanic, 27.07% White, non-Hispanic,
3.74% Black, non-Hispanic and 3.17% other ethnicity. Full-time students account for 39.75% of the Fall 2009 enrollment of 4,196, and 60.25% attend on a part-time basis for a Full Time
Equivalency (FTE) of 2,831. Female students make up 60.82% of the enrollment and males
39.18%. Of the Fall enrollment, 28.4% are economically disadvantaged and 62.8% are academically disadvantaged. Ten percent of the students self reported as being single parents.
Institution Distinctive Features
Coastal Bend College is a public community college supported by the State of Texas and the taxpayers of Bee County. The institution offers affordable access to higher education while providing opportunities for pursuing academic work toward a bachelor’s degree, specialization through workforce education programs, and opportunities for immediate leadership development. Other distinctive features include:
1. A demonstrated commitment to expanding access to higher education via increased
online offerings, the “Every Other Weekend College” initiative, and the Title V “Cougar
Connections” initiative.
2. Ongoing faculty and staff training via the Title V Distance Learning Academy and
Academy for Professional Learning.
3. On the Community College Survey of Student Engagement, the college scored at or
above the mean on all five benchmark measures: (a) Active and Collaborative Learning,
(b) Student Effort, (c) Academic Challenge, (d) Student-Faculty Interaction, and (e)
5 Support for Learners. Specifically, survey results pointed to an above average use of
computers in academic work, relationships with other students, instructors, and
administration; frequency of use of career counseling, tutoring, skill labs, financial aid
advising, and computer labs; and student expectations of transferring to a 4-year college
or university.
Description of Admissions Policies
Admissions procedures and policies are published in the CBC Catalog, page 16 and online.
CBC is an open admission community college. Students enrolling in college for the first time
may qualify for admission by any one of the following:
1. Graduation from an accredited high school;
2. Possession of a Certificate of High School Equivalency based on the General
Educational Development (GED) examination;
3. Individual approval for those who cannot meet the requirements in (1) or (2), and
who exhibit the aptitude, interest and motivation to profit from the course of study
they propose to enter. Aptitude is demonstrated by passing an Ability to Benefit
4. Transfer Credit for students who have previously attended other colleges or
vocational schools may qualify for admission by submitting official transcripts of
earned grades and credits, showing proof of good standing at the most recent
school attended.
5. Transient Summer Students who expect to return to that school may register for
CBC summer classes when CBC receives a transcript which includes Texas Higher
Education Assessment (THEA) scores, developmental status, and a statement of
good standings.
6 6. Former CBC students, who have not enrolled in another institution, may enroll if in
good standing.
7. Home School Students may concurrently enroll if they have completed the
equivalent of the junior year of high school (16 units), provide a record of subjects
completed consistent with Texas Education Agency (TEA) minimum requirements
and comply with college testing requirements.
8. High School Students may concurrently enroll in CBC with written permission from a
parent or guardian and their high school principal and/or counselor. Students may
enroll in one of three ways:
1. Concurrent Courses – High school students who have completed the 10th
grade, passed the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) section
of the subject needed for enrollment and have taken the THEA or
alternative test or have met an exception to the Texas Success Initiative
(TSI) requirements, may concurrently enroll at CBC.
2. Dual Credit Students – High School juniors and seniors who meet the
admission standards above, may earn high school credits by enrolling in
college courses. Students wanting dual credit must be tested, meet course
prerequisites and complete a Student Permission Form. The decision to
grant or not grant high school credit for college courses rests solely with
each individual high school.
3. Tech Prep – Tech Prep Students entering CBC from high schools that have
tech-prep agreements with the college may receive credit for tech-prep
courses in high school. To receive credit, students must present a copy of
7 their high school transcript and fill out a tech prep articulation appeal to the
Tech Prep Coordinator.
9. International Students must comply with the following:
1. A completed application for admission form must be submitted at least 90
days prior to the beginning date of registration;
2. A valid “Certificate of Immunization,” signed by a physician or public health
official, must be submitted. It must give evidence of immunization against
tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, measles, and rubella;
3. An official original transcript of grades and credits for the final four years of
secondary school and a certified English translation must be submitted;
4. Evidence of proficiency in the English language must be submitted and a
minimum score of 500 on the paper-based Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) and a score range of 173-187 on the computer-based
5. Applicants who have attended schools, colleges, or universities since
secondary school graduation must also submit official original transcripts,
translated into English, of grades and credits at colleges attended, showing
good standing at the school most recently attended;
6. Proof must be submitted showing that the applicant has sufficient financial
resources for support during the entire period of study in the United States.
Such proof may be in the form of a letter of credit from a bank; a notarized
statement from the person providing financial support; a certificate from a
bank showing sufficient funds on deposit, or similar documentation.
8 Although CBC is committed to the concept of open door admissions, this does not imply that immediately upon admission a student is eligible to enroll in any course offered.
In cases where academic deficiencies are identified, it is necessary that these be overcome before taking university-transfer courses. Students entering CBC with academic deficiencies or low scores on Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) or the ACCUPLACER exam may be required to enroll in developmental courses. Placement scores are available online, linked to the Testing Center Homepage.
Furthermore, four programs have a competitive admission process. These programs are: Radiological Technology, Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN), Registered Nursing (RN) and Dental Hygiene.
The Radiology Program uses a point scoring system using Grade Point Average,
previous course work, grade scores, completed medical certifications and
completed degrees. Students with the top scores are admitted to the Radiology
Students in both the LVN and RN programs must meet a satisfactory score on the
Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) and have a negative criminal background
check and a negative drug screen test from an approved facility to receive an
application. Students will then be selected on a point system based on course
completion, test scores, employment and references. Students with top scores are
admitted. Students in the RN program must show progress toward completion and
present a plan for completion at the time for admission for Anatomy and Physiology
I and II, Microbiology, Composition and Grammar, Biological Chemistry, General
Psychology, Human Growth and Development, Ethics and College Algebra.
9 Dental Hygiene program applicants must complete the program application, submit
appropriate high school and/or college transcripts, submit placement scores and
provide a letter with proof of dental office experience and length of employment.
The Admissions Committee selects the strongest candidates based on college course
work, applicable high school biology performance, college placement test scores,
previous college degrees and dental chair-side experience.
List all degrees currently offered (A. S., B.A., B.S., M.A., Ph.D., for examples) and the majors or concentrations within those degrees, as well as all certificates and diplomas.
Coastal Bend College offers the Associate of Arts (AA) degree; the Associate of Arts in
Teaching (AAT) degree, the Associate of Science (AS) degree; the Associate of Applied Science
Degree, and Certificates of Achievement in specialized workforce education fields. The
Associate of Arts Degree is designed for students planning to transfer to senior colleges, or for
those seeking general education offered by the first two years of college. The curriculum
provides the foundation of a liberal arts education drawn from the humanities, fine arts and
sciences. The Associate of Science Degree is also designed for transfer students, but the
curriculum permits more specialization than that of the Associate of Arts Degree.
Students enrolled in Workforce Education Programs must have declared program
majors toward Associate of Applied Science Degrees or Certificates of Achievement. The
Associate of Applied Science Degree is awarded for successful completion of a two-year
prescribed workforce education curriculum. The Certificate of Achievement is awarded for
successful completion of a specialized curriculum in any of a number of workforce education
fields. It is possible to earn both an Associate of Applied Science Degree and a Certificate of
Achievement. Requirements for graduation from CBC must be met by all students without
regard to degree or certificate to be granted.
Students seeking Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees must complete 60
semester hours of college level work, including 45 semester hours in the core curriculum. The 15
semester hours taken in addition to the core courses should be in the student’s major or minor.
Generally speaking, universities will accept in transfer up to 66 semester hours taken at the
freshman and sophomore level.
11 Students in specialized majors should complete the transfer curricula specified for their majors. As a general rule, students in specialized majors may complete more than 15 semester hours in their major and fewer hours in the core curriculum before transferring to a university.
If a student successfully completes this 45 semester credit hour core, that block of courses may be transferred to any other public institution of higher education in Texas and the
CBC core must be substituted for the receiving institution’s core curriculum. The student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution unless the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board (THECB) has approved a larger core for that institution. Table 1 identifies the academic transfer areas of specialization.
Table 1- University-Transfer Programs SUGGESTED COURSES OF STUDY Associate in Arts Degree or Associate of Science Degree Anthropology Physics Art Pre-Chiropractic Art (Commercial, Studio) Pre-Dental Biology Pre-Law Business Administration Pre-Medicine Chemistry Pre-Optometry Computer Information Systems Pre-Pharmacy Computer Science Pre-Physical Therapy Criminal Justice Pre-Registered Nursing Education Pre-Speech Pathology/ Audiology Engineering Pre-Veterinary Medicine Geology Psychology General Studies Science Government Secondary Education (by major) History Sociology Interdisciplinary Studies Social Work Kinesiology Spanish Mathematics Speech Communication Music Teaching Nursing Drama Source: CBC 2009-2010 Catalog, page 56
12 The AAS degree is granted to students who successfully complete designed two-year programs. Certificates are awarded for satisfactory completion of programs of two years or less.
Table 2 lists the AAS degrees and certificates offered at the college.
Table 2- CBC Degrees and Certificates
PROGRAMS OFFERING A.A.S. DEGREE ONLY Dental Hygiene Radiologic Technology PROGRAMS OFFERING A.A.S. DEGREE AND CERTIFICATE Accounting Airframe and Power Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Drafting and Design Technology Early Development and Education Law Enforcement Machinist Medical Records Coding Specialist Nursing Oil and Gas Technology Professional Business Technology Welding PROGRAMS OFFERING CERTIFICATES ONLY Automotive Technology Source: CBC 2009-2010 Catalog, page 57
1. List all new off-campus sites established since your previous reaffirmation where a student can be awarded a degree, certificate, or diploma at the site or where a student can obtain 50 percent or more of credits toward the educational program.
New Off-Campus Sites
Table 3 lists service area high schools at which Workforce Certificates are offered as part of an
expanded dual credit program. A modified prospectus was submitted for each of these programs
and they were approved via notification to the institution from Dr. Wheelan dated August 17, 2009.
Table 3- Workforce Certificate Programs Offered At Service Area High Schools
Type School Name Location Program Length Automotive Pleasanton High 831 Stadium Drive 16 Hrs School Pleasanton, Texas Drafting Goliad High 749 N. Church Street 15 Hrs School Goliad, Texas Welding A.C. Jones High 1902 N. Adams 16 Hrs School Beeville, Texas Pleasanton High 831 Stadium Drive School Pleasanton, Texas Falfurrias High 600 S. Center Street School Falfurrias, Texas Orange Grove 701 S. Reynolds High School Orange Grove, Texas Skidmore-Tynan 224 W. Main High School Skidmore, Texas
2. List all locations (country, state, and city) where coursework toward a degree, diploma, or certificate can be obtained primarily through traditional classroom instruction. For each site, indicate the partial or complete degree offered and, for each degree, certificate, or diploma, whether a student can obtain 50 percent of credits toward any of the educational programs.
In addition to its main campus in Beeville, Texas, the institution offers college transfer and
technical-vocational degrees and certificate programs at its Alice Center, Kingsville Center,
14 Pleasanton Center, and in two prisons located in the area. Table 4 identifies all locations of all
CBC Instructional Locations
Table 4- CBC Instructional Locations
School Name Location Degrees/ Certificates Coastal Bend College 3800 Charco Road AA (Complete) Bee County Campus Beeville, Texas AS (Complete) AAS (Complete) Level I & Level II Certificates (Complete) Coastal Bend College 704 Coyote Trail AA (Complete) Alice Site Alice, Texas AS (Complete) AAS (Complete) Level I & Level II Certificates (Complete) Coastal Bend College 1814 S. Brahma Blvd AA (Complete) Kingsville Site Kingsville, Texas AS (Complete) AAS (Complete) Level I & Level II Certificates (Complete) Coastal Bend College 1411 Bensdale AA (Complete) Pleasanton Site Pleasanton, Texas AS (Complete) AAS (Complete) Level I & Level II Certificates (Complete) Coastal Bend College 3001 S. Emily Drive AA (Complete) McConnell State Beeville, Texas AS (Complete) Prison Site Level I Certificates (Complete) General Automotive Technology, Carpentry, and Data Processing Coastal Bend College 1525 FM 766 AA (Complete) Stevenson State Cuero, Texas AS (Complete) Prison Site Level I Certificates (Complete) General Automotive Technology, Carpentry Data Processing Coastal Bend College Highway 72 CE Level 1 Certificates Three Rivers Federal Three Rivers, Texas (Complete) Prison Site Air Conditioning/ Heating, Building Services, Professional Construction and Maintenance, Computer
15 Applications, Wastewater Treatment
3. Provide a brief description of distance education credit offerings that can be obtained primarily through electronic means and indicate where the students are located. Indicate any degree or certificate programs that can be completed primarily through electronic means. Please limit this brief description to one-half page.
Description of course offerings
Coastal Bend College is currently offering a range of credit courses via distance education means
(online, hybrid, or video-conference). The courses include core curriculum subject areas in
English, Speech, Mathematics, Social, Behavioral and General Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts
and are introduced at various levels within each degree plan. Online and hybrid courses are
delivered primarily using the Web Course Tools (Web CT) Campus Edition 6.0 Course
Management System. In addition, faculty can elect to supplement their online instruction with
publisher-provided electronic packages or publisher-driven content websites such as
MyPsychLab, MyPoliSciLab, Hawkes Learning System, ThinkWell, Connect for Education, etc.
Although online courses are available to extend services beyond our primary service area, a
majority of the online population continue to reside in our immediate service area. For example
80.6% (1111 of 1378) of students enrolled in Internet courses in 2008-2009 were from the
immediate service area.
Certificate or degree programs
A variety of Workforce programs depend heavily on videoconferencing as a means to complete
degree plan requirements including Accounting, Medical Coding Specialist, Law Enforcement,
etc. Videoconference is the instructional delivery method of choice for most upper-level
16 courses in these disciplines. CBC also offers hybrid programs that use a combination of traditional and online courses to complete degree requirements. The Nursing, Dental Hygiene and Every Other Weekend College programs are all examples of such instances. CBC recently submitted a prospectus to begin offering a generic online AA degree and an AS degree and is awaiting further instruction to initiate this program.