Lee Williams High School

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Lee Williams High School

Drama 1a LEE WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Lashbrook [email protected] 928.718.6000 ext. 5139 Choir room A 139

Welcome to the wonderful world of theatre! In this course we will be covering the Arizona State standards for High School theatre students. Class materials will range from theatre history, to improvisation and pantomime, to technical theatre, to performance, and a broad scope of theatre literature. It is not expected that all students agree with the ideas of the playwrights we explore, however, each student is expected to complete the assignments bringing to light their own examination of each piece. Likewise, class performances are required of all students to exercise a variety of theatre knowledge and crafts. However, when producing class plays students may choose to work on a back stage element of the production rather than as an actor.

Because theatre is such an active study, participation is a key part of your grade making attendance a vital part of your success in this class. Assessment will take place through individual and group work, through performances, projects, short papers, and exams. You will be given advanced notice of all assessments, and given clear guidelines on how to succeed. The nature of theatre is subjective, and this cannot be avoided in grading, however, effort is the key to success in subjective assignments. Completion of required tasks combined with a willingness to try will ultimately shape each students grade. You will be made aware of these requirements through rubrics.

Discipline will be handled in accordance with the student handbooks from our school district. The equipment we use in theatre varies from power tools to our own imaginations. Each of these must be treated with respect, and if mishandled can be harmful to others. Each of you will be given clear instructions on how to handle equipment with respect, and treat each other with respect; infractions of these procedures will not be tolerated as they can place people in danger. After a verbal reminder is given the failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the class to ensure the safety of all.

Class Materials  1 inch three-ring binder  3 dividers for the binder to separate hand-outs, notes and bell work  Lined notebook paper  Pencils  POSITIVE ATTITUDE 

RULES AND EXPECTATIONS 1. Respect Theatre is the most collaborative of all art forms. Respect and be sensitive to the ideas, opinions, and property of others. Think before you act and treat others with kindness and consideration.  Use appropriate language: absolutely NO swearing, name calling, or physical abuse is allowed.  No food or drink (water is okay).Remove hats and hoods.  Do not write on or deface desks and other property and report all acts of vandalism.  Our class is a community that is dependent on the respect, participation and enthusiasm of each member for the success of the whole. 2. Responsibility  Take responsibility for your work and your actions.  Report to class with all required materials and wait to be dismissed before leaving.  Be in your seat when the bell rings and get started on your bell work. Drama 1a LEE WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL 3. Effort You must work inside and outside of class in order to be completely successful in this course.  Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated.  Any form of plagiarism or cheating on any assignment, quiz, test or project will result in an immediate "F," a parent conference, referral to the dean, and possible dismissal from class.

Grading Grades will be comprised of quizzes, exams, performances and performance preparation, and course assignments. Projects will include rubrics to aid student success and clarify expectations.  Participation: 40% Participate in daily activities! Bell work Completing in-class assignments  Projects/Quizzes/Tests: 40%  Performances: 20%

Late Work Policy  Students are expected to complete assignments on time.  Work completed in class will NOT be accepted late (unless the student has an excused absence)  Class presentations, projects, performances and papers will NOT be accepted late.  Any other assignments turned in late must be clearly labeled at the top of the document, “LATE” and will be accepted for partial credit.

Attendance Attendance is critical especially in an active art form like drama. It is your duty to discover what course work was missed from absences, and your responsibility to complete this work in a timely fashion. Per school policy you will have 1 day for each day of absence to make up work. All makeup work should be clearly labeled, “ABSENT” with the date of your absence. It will be your responsibility of inform me of any planned absences ( as soon as possible) at which point the teacher will details how and when the work should be completed. Projects, class presentations, papers, performances and other major assignments should be submitted PRIOR to the planned absence and will NOT be accepted after the class due date.

*It should be noted that participation is a vital element to this class, and absence will prevent students from completing some work.

If you have any questions about the syllabus or what we will cover this year, please do not hesitate to contact me my email or set up a conference time. I am looking forward to an exciting and productive year!


Please return to Ms. Lashbrook by August 17, 2012

Student Printed Name: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian As the parent/guardian I will continually encourage and support my student to follow all the class expectations, rules, and procedures

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Contact Email: ______Phone: ______

Permission Slip For some class activities we will want to visit the local environment around the school such as Metcalf Park. Rather than send permission slips home on a regular basis, please sign the permission slip below to allow the student to leave school grounds as required. You will be given notification of dates and times of these adventures!

Permission to leave school grounds ______Yes _____No

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

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