Habitat Conservation Technical Committee

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Habitat Conservation Technical Committee

HABITAT CONSERVATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE for the Washington County Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)

A regular meeting of the Habitat Conservation Technical Committee (TC) was held in the conference room of the Washington County Administration Building on June 1, 2017.

Members present were: John Kellam, Chairman Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Ann McLuckie Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) Mike Schijf HCP Biologist

Members present via conference line:

Hilary Whitcomb, Vice Chair U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Also present were: Sarah Thomas Washington County HCP Recorder Cameron Rognan Washington County HCP Administrator

Absent and Excused:

Kristen Comella Snow Canyon State Park (SCSP) Marshall Topham Local Biologist


John Kellam noted a quorum existed and called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.


a. May 4, 2017

Page 2, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1:

Changed From: “Hilary updated the committee that John Kellam contacted the private property owner, but hasn’t heard back from him yet.”

Changed to: “Hilary updated the committee that John Kellam contacted Over the Edge Sports. DJ Morissette reported that she contacted the private property owner, but hasn’t heard back from him yet.”

Page 3, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1:

Changed From: “Next, Cameron reported that HCP staff and others are moving forward with the Green Valley/SITLA surveys.”

Approved Technical Committee Meeting Minutes— June 1, 2017 Changed to: “Next, Cameron reported that HCP staff and others are moving forward with the SITLA-BLM surveys.”

Page 3, Paragraph 4, Sentence 1:

Changed from: “Cameron asked for Linda’s opinion on whether data collected on the private properties in the past would provide a fair comparison against data being collected now on the SITLA property.”

Changed to: “Cameron asked for Linda’s opinion on whether data collected on the private properties in the past would provide a fair comparison against data being collected now on the SITLA-BLM property.”

Page 4, Paragraph 7, Sentence 2:

Changed from: “She recommended using the same method used for the SITLA and BLM surveys, and the same surveyors, too.”

Changed to: “She recommended using the same method used for the SITLA-BLM surveys, and the same surveyors, too.”

Page 4, Paragraph 7, Sentence 5:

Changed from: “They could use both methods in the private property: the established 8 transects in addition to the more intensive survey method being used by Mike and Cameron on the SITLA property.”

Changed to: “They could use both methods in the private property: the established 8 transects in addition to the more intensive survey method being used by Mike and Cameron on the SITLA-BLM property.”


a. Continue discussion on Quail Creek Reservoir trail

John told the committee that the proponents of the trail haven’t contacted him since their last conversation. The matter is at a standstill until they get information from the private land owner.

Approved Technical Committee Meeting Minutes— June 1, 2017 b. Continuation of TC Assignment #3-b-1, May 4, 2017 - Evaluation of tortoise monitoring program

Hilary told the committee that there are no updates to report at this time. She and Ann plan on presenting an update during the August meeting. In conclusion, the committee agreed to table discussion of TC Assignment #3-b-1 until after the completion of the summer field season.

c. HCP Administrator Updates 1. Update on surveys / clearances this spring

Cameron updated the committee that the SITLA-BLM surveys were recently completed. They found around 70 tortoises in the area. Data has not yet been entered, but he plans to have a report ready by September.

With the help of UDWR (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources), surveys were recently completed on private in-holdings inside the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. Surveyors found a fair number of tortoises, about the number they expected to find.

2. HCP renewal

Cameron updated the committee that little progress has been made on HCP renewal since his last update. They’re slowing down to take the long-track to renewal in order to solve major issues regarding private in-holdings and proposed transportation routes through the Reserve.

Next, Cameron shared news of an unresolved boundary dispute at the Palisades. A private property owner who recently purchased a lot bordering the Reserve has threatened to sue the County if it does not reimburse them for their land in the Reserve or allow them to move the fence. Washington County intends to fight the lawsuit if necessary.


a. Mike Schijf reported on the raven monitoring work he’s been doing with intern Nate Kelly. They found one shell remain in the Paradise Canyon area this year. A cumulative total of 7 tortoise remains have been found in the Paradise Canyon area in the past three years. Mike and Nate continue to check for raven nests; search for perch sites, white wash, and butcher blocks; and walk power lines searching for tortoise sign and raven activity.

b. John Kellam provided an update on recent habitat restoration efforts. The BLM entered into an inter-agency agreement with the NPS at Lake Mead. They have a 5 year contract with the Song Dog Nursery to grow plants from native seeds that will be out-planted in the Beaver Dam and Red

Approved Technical Committee Meeting Minutes— June 1, 2017 Cliffs National Conservation Areas.


a. July 6, 2017

The committee discussed the possibility of moving the next meeting date to July 13th or July 20th. A “Doodle-poll” will be sent out to see which date works best.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Minutes prepared by Sarah Thomas.

Approved Technical Committee Meeting Minutes— June 1, 2017

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