Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Held

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Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Held


The Chairman opened the meeting at 6.30pm. Four members of the public were in attendance. Also in attendance at the meeting were: District Cllrs M Ward and J Carrington, PCSO Dave Harris. District Cllr A Garbutt previously sent his apologies

The Chairman asked if any member of the public wished to speak. Mr Miles and Mr Jackson said they wished to speak.

Issues raised by Mr Miles  Requested that Cllrs speak up as he had difficulty with hearing.  Asked that if there was no Police representative available if they could send a report instead.  Asked the Clerk about a letter sent to the Directors of UNEF on the 12th December 2016 from the Clerk.

Issues raised by Mr Jackson  Potholes on, Clayton Avenue, Main Street, Malton Road, West Avenue.  The state of the car park near Upton Junior School.  The lack of school places due to extra houses being built in Upton and North Elmsall

The Chairman closed the public session and opened the Parish Council meeting at 6.41pm.

Cllrs attending B Mears - Chairman P Kitching – Vice-chairman A Davies B Tallon C Hobson L Pallett L Pickin N Goodall P Costello P Mears R Johnson S Pallett

UPC 222 To approve apologies for absence Resolved: E Clamp - other commitments

UPC 223 Declarations of Interest on items on the agenda Resolved: Cllr L Pickin requesting it noting of his dispensation and declared interests in items 10 and 18 on the agenda. Cllr S S Pallett gave a verbal declaration of interest on item10 on the agenda

1 UPC 224 To approve Applications for Dispensations - The Chairman read out the following information: To approve Applications for Dispensations - Members are referred to, and shall observe, the provisions of Upton and North Elmsall’s Council’s Code of Conduct. If a Councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest he/she must, unless a dispensation has been granted, withdraw from the meeting room and take no part in the discussion or vote. If any interest (Pecuniary or Non Pecuniary) has not been entered in the Towns Council’s register then you must disclose it at the meeting and inform the Monitoring Officer within 28 days of the date of initial disclosure. Failure to abide by the provisions of the Code in regard to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests now amounts to a criminal offence. Resolved: No new applications for dispensations were received. Cllr L Pickin requested it noting of his dispensations regarding items 10 and 18 on the agenda

UPC 225 To approve minutes from the Parish Council meeting October 17th 2016 – see attached Cllr P Costello mentioned two spelling mistakes and the time of the end of the meeting should be 8.50pm Resolved: The minutes from the Parish Council meeting 17th October 2016 with the approved change of time were agreed as a true recorded and the Chairman proceeded to sign the minutes

UPC 226 To approve minutes from the Parish Council meeting 19th December 2016 – see attached Cllr B Tallon asked that in minute UPC 190 it be changed from B Mears. Cllr P Costello said it should be minuted what Cllr R Johnson stated about the Parish Council looking at how it could help with removal of large items to the side of the road so WMDC can pick these up. Cllr P Costello also said she mentioned contacting Gleesons regarding funding for community events. To strike out minute UPC 197 as this was on the agenda twice Resolved: The minutes from the Parish Council meeting 19th December 2016 with the approved amendments after being circulated were agreed as a true record.

UPC 227 To receive verbal reports from Wakefield District Councillors Cllr J Carrington gave the following report Money has been secured for the public toilet on Ackworth playing field Funding for extra lights in Badsworth has been agreed Still sorting out the funding for the car park on Upton Country Park near the school Ackworth play area is now completed and is open for use A Number of drains have been unblocked within Ward 1 Work will commence on Minsthorpe swimming baths on the 8th February. Cllr L Pickin asked for further information regarding the swimming baths and the adjacent car park use. He also asked raised concerns about the cost estimated by WMDC to completely repair the car park area near Upton Junior School

UPC 228 To receive verbal reports from Parish Councillors - to report only -for information only and not to approve costs/actions Cllr S Pallett reported that the defibrillator boxes at the Upton Arms, Minsthorpe Community College and the Brookside garage were not working. Cllr L Pickin and Cllr P

2 Costello inspected the boxes. It was asked as to why the boxes were not numbered nor had the postcodes on them. The Clerk informed them that all information was registered with the Ambulance Service, addresses, postcodes etc, but these could be placed on the boxes. Clerk said she would contact the electricians who had fitted the boxes and ask them to check on the boxes Cllr S Pallett also informed the Parish Council of the removal of the number 30 bus service. Clerk said she would contact Metro Cllr L Pickin requested it minuting he had raised issues regarding the difficulties of the tender document for the Pavilion being uploaded on to the website Contract Finder

UPC 229 To receive report from the Police Representative PCSO Dave Harris reported the following: House robbery on Waggon Lane where jewellery was taken 6 calls for Anti-social behaviour 3 calls for nuisance motor vehicles There has been illegal entry into the now empty Beacon House Cllr L Pallett asked if there was anything to report on the incident which had recently happened at the Co-op store. The PCSO said he wasn’t on duty at the time of the incident and it is Traffic Police who will be dealing with this incident. Cllr L Pickin asked the PCSO if he only reported on neighbourhood policing team issues as he has been privy to a report from Cllr P Costello printed off from the local West Yorkshire Police showing at least 50 incidents for Upton. Cllr P Costello went on to say that there had been 49 incidents where the Police have been involved, Cllr Pickin said these were from an official Police website and not gossip. District Cllr M Ward said they had a meeting that week with Police Officers and would raise this issue.

UPC 230 To allow Mr Chris Pilkington from YLCA to provide training to the Parish Council regarding dispensations – Cllr P Kitching – to approve any actions/costs/resolutions thereafter Resolved: Cost of approximately £25.00 per head was approved. Clerk to contact Chris Pilkington to arrange the training.

UPC 231 Response received from the Company UNEF re email sent by the Clerk asking for clarification on its accounts following the Parish Council meeting held 21st December 2016 – to discuss and approve any actions/resolutions/costs thereafter – email has been circulated 22nd December 2016 Cllr S Pallett requested for future reference could the Company UNEF be referred to as a non for profit Company in any correspondence. Resolved: Agreed for the Clerk to contact the Directors of the non for profit Company, UNEF, to arrange a date and time to carry on with negotiations regarding funding the library service for its parishioners

UPC 232 To discuss/approve the Parish Councils horticultural maintenance requirements and to approve the draft tender document for the forth coming year(s). The Parish Council to consider if sites can be tendered for separately and for how long

3 to run the contract for example 1,2,3,4,5 years. To also look as how many cuts you require for the old recreation site – see attached for approval. Resolved: Agreed to allow tendering either for individual areas and/or for all areas en-bloc. To keep to the same amount of cuts for the recreation ground. To have a 3 year lease agreement with a break clause in year one and year two.

UPC 233 To approve cost for purchasing JCLI LMWC 2012 Landscape Works Contract approximately £30.00 Resolved: Approved to purchase

UPC 234 Further quotes received regarding fencing around School Street - to approve any actions/costs/resolutions thereafter Four quotes have been received Resolved: Clerk to contact I H Equipment, and to request they start as soon as possible.

UPC 235 Report from land transfer meeting held Monday 16th January 2017 - to approve and actions/costs/resolutions thereafter The Chairman gave a report on the meeting held at Wakefield with WMDC Officers, Ward One District Cllrs and a number of Parish Cllrs. WMDC Officers will carry out title checks on the land requested for transfer by the Parish Council. It was noted that freehold transfer may have cost implications but leasehold could be a less expensive option.

UPC 236 Quote received for fencing to Rose Estate Playing field - to approve any actions/costs/resolutions thereafter Only one quote received Resolved: To contact WDH to start the work.

UPC 237 To receive quote(s) for fencing at School Street allotments – to approve any actions/costs/resolution thereafter Withdrawn item due to being on the agenda twice.

UPC 238 Approve cost of hanging baskets for the ensuing year/report from meeting with Cllr R Johnson, Cllr S Pallett and First Impressions – cost previously sent out Resolved: Costs approved

UPC 239 To receive any updates/information regarding the proposed pavilion on Upton Country Park - To discuss/approve any actions/resolution/costs thereafter Resolved: No new information has been received.

UPC 240 To receive any updates/information regarding Bell Street Allotments - To discuss/approve any actions/resolution/costs thereafter Resolved: No new information has been received.

4 UPC 241 To discuss if the Parish Council requires polling cards for the two by-election dated 16th February 2017 – to approve any actions/costs/resolutions thereafter Resolved: Costs approved.

UPC 242 To approve list of payments for January 2017 and to approve monthly financial report for the 1st December 2016 to 31st December 2016 Clerk apologised for the lateness of the accounts but explained this had been due her to extra workload. Resolved: No issues were raised

UPC 243 Planning Matters - see attached: Cllr P Kitching left the room while planning issues were being discussed due to her position as a District Cllr for Hemsworth and re-entered once the discussions were over APPLICATIONS RECEIVED 16/03008/FUL Application Type: Full Application. Address: 1 Rose Close Upton Pontefract WF9 1DW. Proposed single storey extension to side to form granny annex to existing dwelling. 16/03078/FUL 22 Cross Street Upton Pontefract WF9 1EJ. Proposal: Part two storey, part single storey extension to rear.

APPLICATION REFUSED 16/02127/FUL Application Type: Full Application. Address: David Austin House Waggon Lane Upton Pontefract WF9 1JS, Proposal: Partial use of warehouse building for retail and offices to be used ancillary to the existing warehouse and associated external alterations and works which include reopening of infilled openings; infilling of existing openings; creation of new access; creation of compound; siting of portable building; new boundary treatments; creation of bin store and associated works

UPC 244 Correspondence Annual Report from the Food Bank as South Elmsall - noted Letter from SESKU Festival Committee – re storing of equipment – Clerk to contact SESKU Festival Committee to see what equipment they have and if we can accommodate them.

UPC 245 Polite request to all Parish Councillors from the Clerk - to request all Parish Council contact the Clerk prior to visiting the Parish Councils office Resolved: Approved

UPC 246 To resolve that in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and by reason of the confidential nature of the remainder of the business, the Public and Press to be excluded further from the Meeting As there was no private business and no requests received to place any items on the agenda in private business.

5 As there was no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.25pm and thanked everyone for their attendance.

Signed Chairman______

Date ______


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