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All local place-names are in , unless otherwise indicated.

Abney, 67 ideal role of, 167, 174, 206 Africa, 72 jurisdiction, 139±43, 205±6, 245 agriculture, 93±5, 97 leads miners' resistance, 219, 234, 242±3, communal systems of, 68±9, 177±8 262, 278±9 sheep farming, 53, 67±8, 108±9, 135, 245 lease of of®ce, 46, 58, 100, 186, 203, 206, Aldwark Grange, 207, 247 207, 214±16, 219, 241 Alsop, 207 see also barmote courts; miners, claim right Amsterdam, 72 to elect barmaster anthropology, 13, 15 barmote courts Arkwright, Richard, 112, 114, 316±17 changing use of written evidence, 153, Armyn, Sir William, 20, 259±60 155 Ashbourne, 33, 68, 110, 302 focus of miners' political organization, Ashford, 30, 66, 68, 69±71, 81, 90, 120, 165, 169, 233, 241, 246, 263, 275, 278, 136, 153, 177, 189, 190, 195, 204, 209, 287 210±12, 214±15, 232±4, 236, 240, growing complexity, 140, 142±3 241, 242±5, 246, 258, 263, 275, 278, juries, 51, 103, 122, 142±3, 160, 165, 280, 291, 296, 297 224, 229, 297 Ashover, 114, 122, 185, 192, 195, 276, 304, jurisdiction, 3, 103, 139±43, 164, 205±6 306, 321 king's dish, 139±40, 170 Assizes, 147, 280, 308 origins, 137±8 attorneys, 67±8, 161±2, 232, 233, 235, 242, similarities to Mendip and Forest of Dean 244, 257±8 miners' courts, 144 Aubrey, John, 7 see also custom; free mining; miners; Ayrshire, 124 Wirksworth, Great Barmote of; Wirksworth, moothall of Bagshawe, Thomas, 136, 235, 242 Baslow, 236 Bagshawe, William, 234, 272, 299 Bawtry (Yorks.), 45, 72, 102 Bagshawe, William, Apostle of the Peak, Beauchief, 57 191, 272, 299 Belvoir Castle (Leics.), 5 Bakewell, 30, 55, 56, 63, 70, 81, 84, 90, 110, Berg, Maxine, 124 133, 147, 166, 224, 225, 231±7, 245±6, Bess of Hardwick, see Talbot, Elizabeth, 261, 262, 271, 274, 275, 297, 301, dowager Countess of Shrewsbury 303±4, 305, 306, 320 Birchover, 305, 318 Ball Eye mine, 76, 77, 199 boles, see lead industry, smelting Ballidon, 207 Bonsall, 46, 50, 66, 77, 183, 191, 207, 212, Bamford, William, 197 263, 304 Baptists, 193 Bourne, Immanuel, 192, 276 barmaster Bower, Thomas, 319, 321 de®nition of, 44, 142±3 Bowes, Lady Isabel, 24, 242


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Bradborne, 207 production, 46, 52, 87±8 Bradwell, 67, 81, 92, 108, 110, 321 see also custom, and male identities; Brailsford, H.N., 16 custom, and women; miners, attitude to Brassington, 6±7, 33, 55, 77, 87±8, 135, cavers; mining workforce, 136, 212, 302 differentiation; women, work Braydon Forest (Wilts.), 262 census, of 1563, 53±6, 62±6 Brenner, Robert, 118±19 Chancery, Court of, 131, 148, 149, 160, 210, Bristol, 72 211, 223, 224, 232, 242±4 Bunyan, John, 185 Chartism, 249, 322±3 Burt, Roger, 117±18 Charles I, King of England, 226, 230, 236±7, Bushell, Thomas, 292 257, 268, 270, 271, 288, 303 , 1, 55, 320 Charles II, King of England, 291, 303 Byng, John, ®fth Viscount Torrington,316±17 , 1, 5, 210, 239, 245, 274, 315 California, 124 Chelmorton, 108, 134±5, 255 Calver, 177±8, 242, 306 Cheshire, 36, 55, 114, 320 Cambridgeshire, 136 Chester®eld, 55, 236, 258, 271 Camden, William, 41 Collinson, Patrick, 252 capitalism, 44, 103, 116±20 Consistory Court of Coventry and Lich®eld, organic development of, 123±4 131±2, 187, 223 and social con¯ict, 120±3, 124 Crich, 187 Carrier, Jennet, 24, 186±7, 219±20, 223±6, Clare, John, 316 253 Clark, J.C.D., 16 Carrier, Richard, 166, 184, 186, 194, Clark, Peter, 111 219±26, 231, 241, 253, 274 class Carsington, 55, 63, 77, 87±8, 223±4, 304 and economics, 17±19 Castleton, 30, 55, 66, 81, 92, 108±9, 193±4, de®nitions of, 10±26, 316±18, 322±3 195±6, 199, 237, 238±40, 320, 321 and gender, 24±5 Catholicism, 192, 193, 272±3 languages of, 9, 15, 22±4, 206, 221±2, Cavendish, Sir Charles, 244 277, 320±1 Cavendish, Christiana, dowager Countess of and localism, 17, 28, 320±5 Devonshire, 24, 236±7, 292 and power, 19±21 Cavendish, Sir William, Lord Cavendish, ®rst see also social con¯ict, as class con¯ict Earl of Devonshire, 239, 243, 258 coal mining, 93, 112, 116, 173, 181 Cavendish, William, third Earl of Cobbett, William, 316 Devonshire, 21, 99, 297 Coke, Sir John, 236±7 Cavendish, William, fourth Earl and ®rst Cole Eaton, 247 Duke of Devonshire, 312 Colorado, 124 Cavendish, William, third Duke of common law, 136, 146, 164, 227, 229, 278 Devonshire, 149, 305, 310 Common Pleas, Court of, 242, 285, 308 Cavendish, William, fourth Duke of common rights, 20, 53, 67±9, 81, 107±9, Devonshire, 312 114, 134, 177±8, 251, 259±60 Cavendish, William, ®fth Duke of inter-communal con¯icts over, 66, 204, Devonshire, 310±11 212±13, 254 Cavendish, William, ®rst Earl and ®rst Duke Commons, House of, 75±6, 147, 175, 235, of Newcastle, 236, 274 269, 275, 280, 284, 304 Cavendishes, Earls and Dukes of Devonshire, community 1, 5, 211, 239±40, 241, 247, 255 attitudes to outsiders, 110±1, 169±70 estates, 69, 239, 242, 297 festivities, 27, 94, 189±90 cavers historiography, 188 attitude of law courts to, 149±50, 215, and magical beliefs, 195±200 310±11, 319 meanings of, 108, 172±3, 177±8, 188±91, de®nition, 24, 43, 76, 141, 176±8, 185 213 nature of work, 58±9, 82 and religion, 193±4 number, 77, 79, 81 social place, changing concepts of, 61±2, poverty, 92 177±8

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community (cont.) Darley, 63, 102, 237, 297, 304 see also agriculture, communal systems of; Dean, Forest of (Glos.), 144, 169, 324 custom; miners; popular cultures; Free Miners of, 169, 182, 227, 254, 260 women, common interest; women, public Debankes, William, 159, 278±9, 288 roles Decazeville, 124 Cornwall, 268, 290, 291, 314, 324 deference, 16, 20±2, 257, 258, 268, 272, Cotton, Charles, 2, 5, 7, 107 297±8 Council of State, 278, 284, 285±6 see also miners, deference. Cowley, 207 Defoe, Daniel, 1±7, 105±7 Crich, 110, 320 depositions, 33, 58±9, 70, 102, 111, 130, Cromford, 20, 46, 76, 77, 86±8, 98, 114, 161±2, 166, 171±4, 175, 183, 184, 159, 203, 206, 225, 259±60, 262, 263, 186±7, 209, 215, 221±2, 234, 240, 243, 278, 316±17 260 cross-dressing, 193±4 Derby, 33, 94, 102, 237, 271, 283 Cullen, Lord, 308±10 Derbyshire, ecological divisions of, 41 custom Derbyshire Miners' Association, 325 ambiguities, 121 Derwent, 53, 55, 56, 62, 63, 66, 90 and authority of age, 134±5 Devil, 196 and capitalism, 117±20, 306 Devil's Arse, 1, 195±6 con¯ictual nature of, 127±8, 243±4, Devonshire, Earls and Dukes of, see 323±5 Cavendishes de®nes compromise, 21, 243±5, 258, 279 Disraeli, Benjamin, 316 dynamism of, 128±9, 135, 138±9, 140±3, Dorset, 273 151, 243, 266, 306, 324 Dovegang mine, 76, 77, 86±8, 122, 147, legal meaning, 129, 135, 145, 147±9, 240 219, 224, 225±31, 255, 261, 262, 263, and local culture, 128, 133±6, 160, 189, 272, 284, 293 320±5 Duchy of Lancaster, local nature of, 128±9, 145±6 court of, 46, 70, 85, 111, 130±2, 140, and male identities, 24, 127, 132±5, 143, 141, 146, 147±8, 158, 183, 184, 185, 144, 169±74, 186, 249±50, 256, 261, 203, 205±6, 207, 209, 210, 211, 323 215±16, 220±3, 227±31, 238±48, 278, and memory, 127, 131±2, 140, 157, 294, 295, 301±2, 303 165±8, 170, 171±2, 214, 301, 307 estates, 30, 43±4, 120, 131, 238±40 and of®ce, 129, 177 leases, 109, 227±8, 239, 241, 297, 307, and oral culture, 130, 150±1, 157±60 310 origins of, 127, 129, 137±8, 151, 205 policies, 66±7, 82±3, 102, 103, 108±9, and political discourses, 136, 163, 252, 120±3, 138±9, 147±8, 205, 214, 289±91, 310±11 227±31, 238, 272, 300 and print, 159±60 Duchy of Cornwall, 230 and property rights, 122, 124, 129, Duf®eld, 181, 262, 275, 284 143±50, 163±4, 173 Durham, Co., 72, 114 and senses of the past, 128, 139, 161±2, 163±9, 206, 325 early modernity, 13±17, 321 source of independence, 52, 71, 143, East Anglia, 2, 218, 232 180±2, 254±5, 300±1, 314, 319, 323±5 Edward VI, King of England, 166 standardization of, 128, 159±60 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 211 and women, 127, 132±3, 171±4, 185, Elton, 59, 122, 135, 207, 212, 220, 222±3, 186±7, 255 301 and work, 128 economic history, 119 and writing, 128, 130, 135±6, 151±2, economics, 17, 18 156±62, 288, 307 enclosures, 33, 66±9, 102±3, 107±9, see also agriculture, communal systems of; 113±14, 133, 136, 204, 210±14, 234, barmote courts; free mining; miners; 242, 245, 247, 254±6, 299, 300, 306, popular politics; social con¯ict 318±19 English Revolution, 73, 147±8 Dale mine, 140 civil war in Peak Country, 274±8

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historiography, 13, 267±9, 289 in United States, 124, 324 Leveller movement, 144, 252, 280±4, see also barmaster; barmote courts; 288±91, 321 custom; gentry and nobility, hostility to popular allegiances, 241, 267±9, 271±4, free mining; lead industry, manorial 281±4, 291±3 control of; miners; popular politics; radicalism, 252, 275±7 social con¯ict social con¯ict during, 144±5, 248, 274±5, 277±94, 297 Gell, Col. Sir John (I), 23, 147, 232±7, 269, Everitt, Alan, 252 271±2, 275±6, 281, 293, 302 Eyam, 59±62, 66, 81, 92, 94±7, 98±9, 101, Gell, Sir John (II), 303 107, 122, 156, 237, 304, 306, 307, 308, Gell, Sir Philip, 304, 305 310, 312, 318 Gells of Hopton, 58, 231 Eyre, Adam, 215±6 gender, see cavers, de®nition; class, and Eyre, Rowland (I), 136, 189, 214±16, gender; community; custom, and male 241±2, 244 identities; custom, and women; miners, Eyre, Col. Rowland (II), 241±2, 271±2, 278, de®nitions of skill; miners, political 293 project; women Eyre, Thomas, 215±16, 241±5 Gentlewoman's Grove, 173, 183 Eyres of Hassop, 192, 241, 274 gentry and nobility Exchequer, Court of, 70, 82, 102, 130±2, civil war divisions, 272 146, 147, 148, 207, 209, 216, 223, 227, class identity of, 26 232, 234, 235±6, 259, 285, 303, 307 and county community, 263, 269±70 as enclosers, 67 Fakenham (Norfolk), 250 hostility to free mining, 143±50, 203, fenlands, 70, 135±6, 218, 226±7, 232, 252, 206±12, 247, 278, 293±4, 301±3 265, 289, 291 internal divisions, 241±2, 254 Ferne, John, 161±2, 173, 221, 225, 226, and lead industry, 43, 58, 99±100, 120±3, 230, 259 174±5, 203±4 Fiennes, Celia, 105±7 popular perceptions concerning, 23 Fitzherbert, Sir John, 220, 276 perceptions of landscape and social order, Fletcher, Anthony, 16 144 Foljamb, Sir Francis, 122, 220, 222±3 perceptions of miners, 1±8, 197, 232, Foljamb, Sir Godfrey, 46, 206 259±60, 312 Foljamb, Henry, 203 post-Restoration unity, 296±7, 300 Foljamb, Sir William, 242 small numbers in Peak Country, 3, 48, 62 Foljambs of Walton, 135, 239 values of, 22 Foolow, 114, 307 Gillingham Forest (Dorset), 262 Fulwood, Christopher, 237, 258 Glossop, 210±12 free mining Gloucestershire, 314 clari®cation of claim to, 142, 158, 161±2, Godberhere, Thomas, 224±5, 260, 262 180, 207, 216, 222±3, 238, 240, 244, Great Hucklow, 81, 92, 234, 242, 299 262 Great Longstone, 68, 244, 306 confusion concerning, 4 Griffe Grange, 207, 302 con¯ict over, 5, 21, 117±18, 120±4, Grindlow, 307, 308±10, 311, 314, 321 203±31, 238±48, 254±5, 259±66, 275, 277± 94, 300±3, 305±12, 318±19, Hacker, Col. Thomas, 296 324±5 , 239, 245, 277, 280 economic signi®cance, 43, 46, 77±8, 81, Haddon lordship, 30, 144, 239, 245±8, 251, 102±3 263, 277±86 egalitarianism of, 143 Haddon®elds, 101, 279±81, 285±6, 293±4, implications of enclosure for, 306±7 295, 297, 300, 301, 310, 321 nature of, 2, 4, 30±3, 118, 138 Hardie, James Keir, 316 origins, 2, 137±8 Hardwick, Lord, 148 persistence, 105, 112, 114, 123, 181±2, Harthill, 121, 122, 169, 275, 277±9, 284, 306, 324±5 286, 292, 306 seasonality, 45 Hartingdon, 30, 55, 66, 81, 102, 317

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Hassop, 136, 242, 244, 306 Kett, Robert, 314 Hassop Hall, 274 Kett's revolt of 1549, 250 Hathersage, 192, 273 King's Bench, Court of, 146, 147, 242, 280, Hazelbadge, 121, 199, 247, 256, 261, 294 281, 284, 285, 294, 308, 319 Heath, Sir Robert, 219, 225±31, 236, 255, King's (or Queen's) Field, see Duchy of 261, 263±4, 274, 275, 290, 293 Lancaster, estates Hearth Tax, 63±6, 89±93 Kingswood (Glos.), 314 Heaward, William, 280±2, 292 Henrietta Maria, queen consort to Charles I, Lachmann, R., 118±19 257 Lanarkshire, 324 Hill, Christopher, 13, 252 Lancashire, 36, 72, 114, 268 Hillcar sough, 318 landholding, 50±1, 67±71, 92, 108 High Peak see also miners, landholding Hundred of, 24, 30, 58, 59, 63, 66, 77, law 103, 110, 120, 131, 141, 144, 173±4, contested nature of, 164 207, 209±17, 231±48, 262, 272, 274, and origins of capitalism, 118±9 318 popular knowledge of, 135±6 lordship of, 30, 102, 103, 108, 209, radical ideas concerning, 151, 289±90 238±9, 255 and state formation, 141, 150, 164 manor of, 30, 66, 108, 138, 238, 275 see also custom; free mining; miners, High Stoole rake, 287 legalism; popular politics, litigation Highlow, 187 Lay Subsidies, 46±51 Hobbes, Thomas, 2, 7 lead industry Holmes, Clive, 252 capital investment in, 49, 84±8, 99±102, Holmes®eld, 76 228 Home Of®ce, 320 capitalism, 89 Hooson, William, 8, 105±7, 137, 164, 167, crown's duties upon, 75±6, 262, 270 168±9, 176, 198, 305, 306, 314, 325 growth/decline, 42, 57±9, 114, 115 Hood, Robin, 144 historiography, 117±18 Hope, 56, 59±62, 67, 70, 92, 94±7, 98±9, manorial control of, 120±3, 166, 207, 110, 147, 156, 166, 224, 225, 231±7, 209±10, 230, 240±1, 242±4, 245±7, 261, 262, 271, 274, 275, 297, 303±4, 251, 290, 299, 301 305 manorial duties upon, 44, 58, 100, 120±2, Hopkinson, George, 137±8, 151, 167, 171, 138±43, 149, 166, 203±4, 206, 207, 276, 293, 302 214±16, 219±23, 242±4, 271 Hopkinson, William, 293 mining technology, 74, 82±6, 99, 100±2, Hopton, 303 104, 105±6, 114, 228 households production, 43, 44, 52, 56, 73, 85±8, composition, 76, 179±80 99±102, 114 role in mining, 82, 105, 179±80 signi®cance, 2, 72±3, 250±1 Hudson, Pat, 119 smelting, 43, 45, 57±8, 101, 310 Hull (Yorks.), 45, 72, 99, 102, 271, 274 wage labour in, 52, 76±7, 79, 81, 87±8, Humphrey, William, 57±60, 72, 74, 98, 113, 117 209±10 lead markets, 45, 72±3, 102, 107 lead prices, 73±5, 81±2, 98, 102, 109, 241, Ible, 302 243±4, 270, 295, 298 Industrial Revolution, 9, 11, 98, 115±16, relation to population, 98 124, 257, 316±17, 321±3 relation to social con¯ict, 250±1 industrialization and early modern economy, Leake, Sir Francis, ®rst Baron Deincourt, 93±4, 97±8, 116 232±6 `Indies', 72 Leake, George, 203 Leakes of Sutton, 203, 232 Jacobitism, 315 Leftwich, Adrian, 253 Leicestershire, 246, 284 Kent, 291 Leland, John, 41 Kenyon, Roger, 82±3, 104, 175, 182 Lenton, Priory of, 231

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lesser gentry Midland Rising of 1607, 232, 246, 265, 314 as enclosers, 68, 108 militia roll of 1638, 63±4, 71, 76, 78 involvement in lead industry, 68, 84±8, Millclose mine, 114 100±2, 108, 298±300 miners wealth of, 48, 90 acceptance into ranks of, 134, 169±70, see also miners, relations with lesser gentry 171±2, 183 Lilburne, John, 289 alleged communism of, 144±5, 163, 277, Lindley, Keith, 252, 258 280 literacy, 152±62, 166±7 appearance, 7, 105, 106 Little Hucklow, 67, 81, 92, 216, 234, 242 attitude to cavers, 43, 103, 174, 176±8 Little Longstone, 306 attitude to poor, 110±11, 174, 176 Litton, 22, 81, 136, 159, 168, 183, 234±5, attitude to wage labour, 103±4, 121, 163, 242, 247, 260, 261, 262, 263, 299 180±1, 182, 311 Lords, House of, 149, 247, 279±80 by-employments, 183 London, 72, 146, 275, 288, 289, 312 claim right to elect barmaster, 139±41, lordship, de®nition of, 30 143, 166, 167, 206, 224, 278±9, 290±1, lot and cope, see lead industry, manorial 293 duties upon collectors of documents, 161±2, 167, 259, Luddism, 249, 320, 321 301, 307 coping system, 85±6, 104±5, 123, 180±1, Manchester (Lancs.), 112, 320±1 308, 314±15 Mandale rake, 84, 138 defence of barmote jurisdiction, 137, 140, Manlove, Edward, 157, 176 163±5, 290, 301, 305 Manners, Sir George, 247 deference, 20±1, 203±4, 205±6, 243 Manners, Lady Grace, 24, 220, 247 de®nitions of skill, 83, 105, 175±6, 180±1 Manners, Sir John, 166, 239, 245±7 demand household franchise, 291 Manners, John, eighth Earl of Rutland, 19, diet, 95 21, 22, 23, 77, 99, 121, 144, 147, 160, earnings, 19, 58±9 166, 237, 247±8, 256, 275, 277±86, economic position, 81±2, 84±8 296, 301 employment of wage labour, 84, 181, 182 Manners, John, Lord Roos, ninth Earl and endogamy, 134 ®rst Duke of Rutland, 101, 285, 297 geological ideas, 154, 197±8 Manners of Haddon, Earls and Dukes of hostility to tithes, 84, 159±60, 167±8, Rutland, 5, 121, 222, 239, 241±2, 245 223±6, 231±7, 271, 290, 303±5 Manning, Roger, 251±2 integration, 45, 47, 52, 70±1, 212, 254 manors, distribution, 30, 35, 218±19, 223, landholding, 50, 70±1, 74 238±40 legalism, 23, 136, 146±7, 150±62, see also lead industry, manorial control of; 163±69, 256, 307 lead industry, manorial duties upon and Leveller movement, 281±4, 288±91 Mans®eld (Notts.), 94 life-cycle, 182±3 Marple Bridge (Ches.), 320 literacy, 153±6 marriage, seasonality of, 94±5 magical beliefs, 197±200 Martin, J.E., 118 nature of work, 44±5, 58±9, 82±5, Marxism, 10±15, 17, 118±9, 258 105±7, 179±84 Mary I, Queen of England, 165 networks, 159±60, 184, 219, 224±5, Mary, Queen of Scotland, 211 233±5, 259±61, 262±3, 287, 298 Matlock, 49, 50, 55, 62, 63, 66, 77, 90, 130, of®ce-holding, 50±1, 142±3, 225, 234, 168, 182, 206, 263, 304 260, 262 Medowplecke Grange, 21, 262 oral culture, 7, 153±5, 157±9, 160, Mendips (Som.), 57, 59, 72, 144, 254, 262 166±9 mercantilism, 109±10 petitions, 75±81, 175, 178, 235, 236±7, methodism, 191, 193, 318, 319±21 262±4, 269±73, 280±2, 287, 290, 304, Middleton-by-Wirksworth, 46, 77, 87±8, 305 207, 263 political project, 204, 216, 219, 240, 246, Middleton-by-Youlgreave, 237 262, 266, 288, 290±1 middling sort, 19, 72, 107, 257±9, 298±9 poverty amongst, 92, 102±3, 107±8

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miners (cont.) Oxford, 284 relations with lesser gentry, 85±6, 104, 108, 158, 161±2, 205±6, 225, 228, Paddock Torr mine, 85 257±9, 270, 278, 295, 298±300, Paine, Thomas, 319 304±5 parish registers, 59±62 self-perception, 8, 24, 105, 158, 164, Parker, Robert, 219±20 168±71, 173±4, 175±8, 249±50, Parker, Thomas, 219±20 260±2, 325 parliament, 263±4, 269, 278, 288 sense of community, 33, 51, 143, 150, see also Commons, House of; Lords, 183±5, 190, 194, 270, 300±1 House of strikes of, 181, 318, 325 past, popular senses of, 26, 198±200, 323±4 wealth, 47, 49 see also custom see also, barmote courts; cavers; custom; paternalism, 21, 244, 297 free mining; gentry and nobility, Peak Country perceptions of miners; lead industry; administrative divisions within, 28±33 mining workforce; popular politics; climate, 36 social con¯ict de®nitions of, 27, 33, 36, 55, 97±8, 253, Miners' Friendly Society, 318 263, 321±2 Mines Royal, 284±6 elite perceptions of, 1±4, 7±8, 41, 316±17 mining workforce geography, 1, 28, 53, 55, 92±3 differentiation, 43, 45, 74±6, 174±5, 229 as an industrial region, 74, 89±98, 100, nature and organization of work, 44, 115±16 82±4, 88, 99, 105±7, 179±87 landscape, 5, 97, 108, 195 size and distribution of, 44, 59, 74±81, 97 material culture of, 36 see also miners; cavers; households, role in relations with agrarian regions, 93±4 mining; lead industry; women, work roads, 55 Mitchell, John, 235, 236±7, 247, 259, 261, see also lead industry 272 Peak Forest, 210±12, 238, 306 monastic granges, 53, 58, 67±8, 213, 220, Peakrills, 1, 3, 5, 7, 36, 190, 317 239, 245 Pentrich, 320 Monsalldale, 317 petitions, 22, 153±4 Monyash, 108, 258 see also miners, petitions Morrill, John, 16 plebeian, meaning of, 11, 27, 313±14 Mousnier, Roland, 257±8 poor relief, 102±3, 109±11, 114 Muggletonians, 193 popular cultures dynamic relationship with elite cultures, Nesthouse mine, 180 161±2, 259 Netherhaddon, 56, 77, 99, 121, 122, 123, and local cultures, 26±37, 188, 323±5 237, 245, 248, 275, 277±86, 300, 306 `reform' of, 196±7 , 320 see also community; custom; miners; Newton Grange, 121, 219, 284, 293, 302 popular politics Nidderdale (Yorks.), 256, 265 popular politics Nigeria, 124 and central state, 263±4, 269±71, 280±6, Norfolk, 268 288, 290 North, D.C., 118±19 common purses, 209, 224, 232±6, 251±2, Northamptonshire, 246, 284 255 Nottingham (Notts.), 94, 237, 271 de®nition, 4, 19, 252±4, 294 numeracy, 190 depoliticization, 295, 300, 302, 313 and early working-class radicalism, occupations, 61, 95±7, 175 319±22, 323 Odin mine, 99, 108, 195 exploitation of gentry divisions, 207, 209, Old®eld, Raphe, 159, 234±7, 242, 259, 260, 215±17, 220, 222, 226, 241±2, 243±5, 262, 299 254, 258, 274, 297 orebuyers, 120±1, 235, 270, 301 historiography, 249±54, 264±5, 267±9 Overhaddon, 81, 108, 263 leadership, 210±11, 232, 233±5, 257±61 Overton, Richard, 289 and literacy, 237, 289

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litigation, 210±12, 215±16, 220±3, Robinson, Capt. Thomas, 280±2, 292±3 231±7, 241±8, 251, 264±5, 278±9, Roos, Lord, see Manners, John, Lord Roos, 285, 307±8 ninth Earl of Rutland localism, 159, 243, 249±50, 253±4, Rowland, 242, 306 262±3, 287, 318, 320±3 Rowsley, 247 organization of, 23, 165, 221, 231, 238, 304, 310±11, 314±15 Sanders, Col. Thomas, 271, 275±6, 283±4 and print, 144±5, 271, 278±9, 280±4, Savile, Sir George, ®rst Marquis of Halifax, 288±9, 310, 319 307 and riot, 133, 190, 204, 207, 209, Scarsdale, Hundred of, 36, 304 213±14, 219±20, 222, 229, 233±4, Scho®eld, R.S., 94 236±7, 241± 4, 246±7, 255±9, 261, schools, 155, 157 262, 264±5, 274±5, 277±80, 285±7, Settlement Act, 111 293±4, 295, 301±2, 307±15, 319±21 Sharp, Buchanan, 258 ritual, 265, 312 Shef®eld (Yorks.), 55, 319, 320±1 social basis of, 255, 257±61, 280±1, Sheldon, 66, 68, 70, 81, 92, 172±3, 244, 278 286±7 Shottle, 94 tithe strikes, 231±7, 265 Shrewsbury, Earls of, see Talbots and violence, 264±5, 279±80, 285±6, Smerrill Grange, 220, 222 308±9, 319 Snitterton, 46, 63, 207 see also custom; free mining; miners; social social con¯ict con¯ict; women, political roles absence, 53, 204±5 popular religion, 167±8, 184, 191±4, as class con¯ict, 277±8, 287±8, 292±4 272±3, 296, 318 and custom, 119±24, 127±8, 159, 161±2, population 204, 210, 221, 246, 313±14 distribution, 48, 53±66 de®nes local identities, 134, 249±50, increase/decrease, 57±66, 98±9, 109 260±1, 313±14 migration, 33, 51±2, 110±11, 134, 188 growth, 214 Porschnev, Boris, 257±8 historiography, 216±17, 225, 258, 260, Postern, 94 313±14 postmodernism, 10±11, 17±18 intensity in Peak Country, 218, 221, 252, poverty, 89 277 attitudes to, 109±10 localism, 15, 118, 123±4 distribution, 90±3 in pastoral-industrial areas, 218, 251±2, see also miners, poverty amongst 268, 314 pre-emption of ore sales, see lead industry, and social history, 14±15, 17 manorial control of see also class; custom; enclosures; free Presbyterianism, 191, 193, 270, 272±3, 296, mining; gentry and nobility; miners; 299 popular politics Privy Council, 73, 211, 224, 227, 231, 235, social history, 10±18, 119 262, 269, 272, 288 socialism, 10, 25, 249, 323 protestation oath, 153, 269 sociology, 15 proto-industrialization, 123 Somerset, 264 purcassers, see cavers space, senses of, 33, 66, 134±6, 172, 177, puritanism, 192, 268, 271, 273, 276 212±13, 240±1, 253 Putney debates, 144, 288 Staffordshire, 36, 55, 72, 114, 190, 284, 286, 292 Quakerism, 192±3, 296 Stanton, 68, 219, 246, 247, 306, 319 Quarter Sessions, 102, 111, 147, 175, 246, Star Chamber, Court of, 46, 131, 146, 186, 280, 285, 287 190, 222, 226, 227, 234, 235, 242, 243±4, 246, 251, 260 Randall, Adrian, 124 Stathom, Sir John, 150±1, 152 Real del Monte, 124 Steeple Grange, 121, 207, 219, 221 rents, 109, 227±8, 245, 255 Stevenson, John, 16 Ridge Hall, 136 Stoney Middleton, 66, 69, 92, 237, 255, riot, see popular politics, and riot 304±5, 306, 307, 319

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354 Index

Stoyle, Mark, 273 and writing, 67±8, 152, 222 Stuarts, Restoration of, 37, 72, 89, 98, 99, Whetstone, Charles, 188±9, 191, 193, 102, 108, 110, 111, 155, 182, 223, 237, 318±19 296, 301 Whissonsett (Norfolk), 250 Suffolk, 268 Wigwell Grange, 134, 150, 219 Willersley Grange, 207 Taddington, 108, 172±3, 234, 255 Wing®eld Hall, 276 Talbot, Elizabeth, dowager Countess of Winster, 68, 101, 104, 110, 149, 212, 242, Shrewsbury, 24, 210, 214, 239 263, 319, 321, 324, 325 Talbot, George, sixth Earl of Shrewsbury, 3, Wirksworth 58, 67, 120, 207, 209±12, 214, 216±17, Great Barmote, 103, 140±3, 159, 170±1, 219, 231, 239, 240, 243, 274 207, 222, 238, 263 Talbot, Gilbert, seventh Earl of Shrewsbury, manor, 4, 21, 30, 50, 132, 134, 139±43, 207, 209, 214, 239 148, 166, 226±31, 255 Talbots, Earls of Shrewsbury, 231, 297 moothall, 4, 49, 170±1 Tawney, R.H., 119 parish, 30, 56, 59±62, 63, 66, 98±9, 156, Tearsall rake, 85, 104 160, 166, 184, 186, 194, 223±6 Terling (Essex), 299 township, 33, 43, 46, 49, 53, 77, 87±8, textile industries, 56, 112, 114, 116, 132 89±90, 92±8, 102, 170±1, 173, 181, Thieveley (Lancs.), 82±3 186± 7, 191, 192, 207, 225, 263, 271, Thirsk, Joan, 70 274 Thompson, E. P., 11±12, 16, 17, 107, 127, Wapentake, 30, 33, 43, 46, 47, 56, 71, 264, 300±1, 322±3 110, 114, 120, 122, 131, 142, 148, 166, Tideswell, 59, 67, 70, 81, 110, 113, 147, 170±1, 180, 203±4, 205±9, 219±23, 166, 216, 224, 225, 231±7, 238, 242, 225, 226, 233, 238, 247, 262, 263, 271, 256, 261, 262, 263, 271, 274, 275, 294, 272, 275, 291, 293, 301, 319 297, 299, 302, 303±4, 305, 312 work, see cavers, nature of work; custom, Tissington, 110, 219, 220, 222±3 and work; free mining; lead industry; tithe disputes, 84, 131, 168±9, 186, 219±20, miners; mining workforce; women, 223±6, 231±7, 257±9, 260±1, 262, work 271±2, 274, 284, 303±5 working class, and gender, 25 Tynley, Lionel, 76, 270 women common interest, 187, 256 Underdown, David, 16, 267±9, 273 literacy, 152, 154, 156 political roles, 6, 19, 25, 255±7, 309, 311 Vermuyden, Sir Cornelius, 86, 101, 227±31, property rights, 173, 186, 270 264, 275 public roles, 171±3, 185±7, 256±7 Vernon, Sir George, 239, 245 work, 6±7, 46, 83, 105, 133, 172, 174, Vernon, Richard, 245 179±80, 184±6, 255 Vernon, Roger, 203 see also custom, and women Vernons of Haddon, 56, 245 Wright, William, 237, 292 Wrightson, Keith, 16±17, 253±4 Wales, 72, 102, 268 Wrigley, E.A., 94 Walton, 122 Wye, 81 Walwyn, William, 289 Wardlow, 67, 70, 81, 92, 232 Yatestoop mine, 101, 105, 110, 149 Warwickshire, 246 yeomanry, 48, 90 Weber, Max, 13, 17 and lead industry, 43, 76 Wensley, 46, 63, 77, 85, 104, 183, 207, 302, as enclosers, 68 319, 321 Yorkshire, 72, 93, 112, 116, 268 West Country, 2, 226±7, 258, 260, 265, Youlgreave, 21, 36, 59±62, 66, 81, 90, 94±5, 267±8 98±9, 110, 138, 169, 183, 237, 238, Western Rising of 1628±31, 250, 258 242, 246, 263, 271, 275, 284, 286, 287, Westminster, central courts, 128, 130±3, 292, 293, 294, 297, 305, 317 135, 136, 152, 162, 164, 172, 225, 256, 278, 288, 305 Zagorin, Perez, 16

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