Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03772-3 - The Politics of Social Conflict: The Peak Country, 1520-1770 Andy Wood Index More information INDEX All local place-names are in Derbyshire, unless otherwise indicated. Abney, 67 ideal role of, 167, 174, 206 Africa, 72 jurisdiction, 139±43, 205±6, 245 agriculture, 93±5, 97 leads miners' resistance, 219, 234, 242±3, communal systems of, 68±9, 177±8 262, 278±9 sheep farming, 53, 67±8, 108±9, 135, 245 lease of of®ce, 46, 58, 100, 186, 203, 206, Aldwark Grange, 207, 247 207, 214±16, 219, 241 Alsop, 207 see also barmote courts; miners, claim right Amsterdam, 72 to elect barmaster anthropology, 13, 15 barmote courts Arkwright, Richard, 112, 114, 316±17 changing use of written evidence, 153, Armyn, Sir William, 20, 259±60 155 Ashbourne, 33, 68, 110, 302 focus of miners' political organization, Ashford, 30, 66, 68, 69±71, 81, 90, 120, 165, 169, 233, 241, 246, 263, 275, 278, 136, 153, 177, 189, 190, 195, 204, 209, 287 210±12, 214±15, 232±4, 236, 240, growing complexity, 140, 142±3 241, 242±5, 246, 258, 263, 275, 278, juries, 51, 103, 122, 142±3, 160, 165, 280, 291, 296, 297 224, 229, 297 Ashover, 114, 122, 185, 192, 195, 276, 304, jurisdiction, 3, 103, 139±43, 164, 205±6 306, 321 king's dish, 139±40, 170 Assizes, 147, 280, 308 origins, 137±8 attorneys, 67±8, 161±2, 232, 233, 235, 242, similarities to Mendip and Forest of Dean 244, 257±8 miners' courts, 144 Aubrey, John, 7 see also custom; free mining; miners; Ayrshire, 124 Wirksworth, Great Barmote of; Wirksworth, moothall of Bagshawe, Thomas, 136, 235, 242 Baslow, 236 Bagshawe, William, 234, 272, 299 Bawtry (Yorks.), 45, 72, 102 Bagshawe, William, Apostle of the Peak, Beauchief, 57 191, 272, 299 Belvoir Castle (Leics.), 5 Bakewell, 30, 55, 56, 63, 70, 81, 84, 90, 110, Berg, Maxine, 124 133, 147, 166, 224, 225, 231±7, 245±6, Bess of Hardwick, see Talbot, Elizabeth, 261, 262, 271, 274, 275, 297, 301, dowager Countess of Shrewsbury 303±4, 305, 306, 320 Birchover, 305, 318 Ball Eye mine, 76, 77, 199 boles, see lead industry, smelting Ballidon, 207 Bonsall, 46, 50, 66, 77, 183, 191, 207, 212, Bamford, William, 197 263, 304 Baptists, 193 Bourne, Immanuel, 192, 276 barmaster Bower, Thomas, 319, 321 de®nition of, 44, 142±3 Bowes, Lady Isabel, 24, 242 346 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03772-3 - The Politics of Social Conflict: The Peak Country, 1520-1770 Andy Wood Index More information Index 347 Bradborne, 207 production, 46, 52, 87±8 Bradwell, 67, 81, 92, 108, 110, 321 see also custom, and male identities; Brailsford, H.N., 16 custom, and women; miners, attitude to Brassington, 6±7, 33, 55, 77, 87±8, 135, cavers; mining workforce, 136, 212, 302 differentiation; women, work Braydon Forest (Wilts.), 262 census, of 1563, 53±6, 62±6 Brenner, Robert, 118±19 Chancery, Court of, 131, 148, 149, 160, 210, Bristol, 72 211, 223, 224, 232, 242±4 Bunyan, John, 185 Chartism, 249, 322±3 Burt, Roger, 117±18 Charles I, King of England, 226, 230, 236±7, Bushell, Thomas, 292 257, 268, 270, 271, 288, 303 Buxton, 1, 55, 320 Charles II, King of England, 291, 303 Byng, John, ®fth Viscount Torrington,316±17 Chatsworth House, 1, 5, 210, 239, 245, 274, 315 California, 124 Chelmorton, 108, 134±5, 255 Calver, 177±8, 242, 306 Cheshire, 36, 55, 114, 320 Cambridgeshire, 136 Chester®eld, 55, 236, 258, 271 Camden, William, 41 Collinson, Patrick, 252 capitalism, 44, 103, 116±20 Consistory Court of Coventry and Lich®eld, organic development of, 123±4 131±2, 187, 223 and social con¯ict, 120±3, 124 Crich, 187 Carrier, Jennet, 24, 186±7, 219±20, 223±6, Clare, John, 316 253 Clark, J.C.D., 16 Carrier, Richard, 166, 184, 186, 194, Clark, Peter, 111 219±26, 231, 241, 253, 274 class Carsington, 55, 63, 77, 87±8, 223±4, 304 and economics, 17±19 Castleton, 30, 55, 66, 81, 92, 108±9, 193±4, de®nitions of, 10±26, 316±18, 322±3 195±6, 199, 237, 238±40, 320, 321 and gender, 24±5 Catholicism, 192, 193, 272±3 languages of, 9, 15, 22±4, 206, 221±2, Cavendish, Sir Charles, 244 277, 320±1 Cavendish, Christiana, dowager Countess of and localism, 17, 28, 320±5 Devonshire, 24, 236±7, 292 and power, 19±21 Cavendish, Sir William, Lord Cavendish, ®rst see also social con¯ict, as class con¯ict Earl of Devonshire, 239, 243, 258 coal mining, 93, 112, 116, 173, 181 Cavendish, William, third Earl of Cobbett, William, 316 Devonshire, 21, 99, 297 Coke, Sir John, 236±7 Cavendish, William, fourth Earl and ®rst Cole Eaton, 247 Duke of Devonshire, 312 Colorado, 124 Cavendish, William, third Duke of common law, 136, 146, 164, 227, 229, 278 Devonshire, 149, 305, 310 Common Pleas, Court of, 242, 285, 308 Cavendish, William, fourth Duke of common rights, 20, 53, 67±9, 81, 107±9, Devonshire, 312 114, 134, 177±8, 251, 259±60 Cavendish, William, ®fth Duke of inter-communal con¯icts over, 66, 204, Devonshire, 310±11 212±13, 254 Cavendish, William, ®rst Earl and ®rst Duke Commons, House of, 75±6, 147, 175, 235, of Newcastle, 236, 274 269, 275, 280, 284, 304 Cavendishes, Earls and Dukes of Devonshire, community 1, 5, 211, 239±40, 241, 247, 255 attitudes to outsiders, 110±1, 169±70 estates, 69, 239, 242, 297 festivities, 27, 94, 189±90 cavers historiography, 188 attitude of law courts to, 149±50, 215, and magical beliefs, 195±200 310±11, 319 meanings of, 108, 172±3, 177±8, 188±91, de®nition, 24, 43, 76, 141, 176±8, 185 213 nature of work, 58±9, 82 and religion, 193±4 number, 77, 79, 81 social place, changing concepts of, 61±2, poverty, 92 177±8 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03772-3 - The Politics of Social Conflict: The Peak Country, 1520-1770 Andy Wood Index More information 348 Index community (cont.) Darley, 63, 102, 237, 297, 304 see also agriculture, communal systems of; Dean, Forest of (Glos.), 144, 169, 324 custom; miners; popular cultures; Free Miners of, 169, 182, 227, 254, 260 women, common interest; women, public Debankes, William, 159, 278±9, 288 roles Decazeville, 124 Cornwall, 268, 290, 291, 314, 324 deference, 16, 20±2, 257, 258, 268, 272, Cotton, Charles, 2, 5, 7, 107 297±8 Council of State, 278, 284, 285±6 see also miners, deference. Cowley, 207 Defoe, Daniel, 1±7, 105±7 Crich, 110, 320 depositions, 33, 58±9, 70, 102, 111, 130, Cromford, 20, 46, 76, 77, 86±8, 98, 114, 161±2, 166, 171±4, 175, 183, 184, 159, 203, 206, 225, 259±60, 262, 263, 186±7, 209, 215, 221±2, 234, 240, 243, 278, 316±17 260 cross-dressing, 193±4 Derby, 33, 94, 102, 237, 271, 283 Cullen, Lord, 308±10 Derbyshire, ecological divisions of, 41 custom Derbyshire Miners' Association, 325 ambiguities, 121 Derwent, 53, 55, 56, 62, 63, 66, 90 and authority of age, 134±5 Devil, 196 and capitalism, 117±20, 306 Devil's Arse, 1, 195±6 con¯ictual nature of, 127±8, 243±4, Devonshire, Earls and Dukes of, see 323±5 Cavendishes de®nes compromise, 21, 243±5, 258, 279 Disraeli, Benjamin, 316 dynamism of, 128±9, 135, 138±9, 140±3, Dorset, 273 151, 243, 266, 306, 324 Dovegang mine, 76, 77, 86±8, 122, 147, legal meaning, 129, 135, 145, 147±9, 240 219, 224, 225±31, 255, 261, 262, 263, and local culture, 128, 133±6, 160, 189, 272, 284, 293 320±5 Duchy of Lancaster, local nature of, 128±9, 145±6 court of, 46, 70, 85, 111, 130±2, 140, and male identities, 24, 127, 132±5, 143, 141, 146, 147±8, 158, 183, 184, 185, 144, 169±74, 186, 249±50, 256, 261, 203, 205±6, 207, 209, 210, 211, 323 215±16, 220±3, 227±31, 238±48, 278, and memory, 127, 131±2, 140, 157, 294, 295, 301±2, 303 165±8, 170, 171±2, 214, 301, 307 estates, 30, 43±4, 120, 131, 238±40 and of®ce, 129, 177 leases, 109, 227±8, 239, 241, 297, 307, and oral culture, 130, 150±1, 157±60 310 origins of, 127, 129, 137±8, 151, 205 policies, 66±7, 82±3, 102, 103, 108±9, and political discourses, 136, 163, 252, 120±3, 138±9, 147±8, 205, 214, 289±91, 310±11 227±31, 238, 272, 300 and print, 159±60 Duchy of Cornwall, 230 and property rights, 122, 124, 129, Duf®eld, 181, 262, 275, 284 143±50, 163±4, 173 Durham, Co., 72, 114 and senses of the past, 128, 139, 161±2, 163±9, 206, 325 early modernity, 13±17, 321 source of independence, 52, 71, 143, East Anglia, 2, 218, 232 180±2, 254±5, 300±1, 314, 319, 323±5 Edward VI, King of England, 166 standardization of, 128, 159±60 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 211 and women, 127, 132±3, 171±4, 185, Elton, 59, 122, 135, 207, 212, 220, 222±3, 186±7, 255 301 and work, 128 economic history, 119 and writing, 128, 130, 135±6, 151±2, economics, 17, 18 156±62, 288, 307 enclosures, 33, 66±9, 102±3, 107±9, see also agriculture, communal systems of; 113±14, 133, 136, 204, 210±14, 234, barmote courts; free mining; miners; 242, 245, 247, 254±6, 299, 300, 306, popular politics; social con¯ict 318±19 English Revolution, 73, 147±8 Dale mine, 140 civil war in Peak Country, 274±8 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03772-3 - The Politics of Social Conflict: The Peak Country, 1520-1770 Andy Wood Index More information Index 349 historiography, 13, 267±9, 289 in United States, 124, 324 Leveller movement, 144, 252, 280±4, see also barmaster; barmote courts; 288±91, 321 custom; gentry and nobility, hostility to popular allegiances, 241, 267±9, 271±4, free mining; lead industry, manorial 281±4, 291±3 control of; miners; popular politics; radicalism, 252, 275±7 social con¯ict social con¯ict during, 144±5, 248, 274±5, 277±94, 297 Gell, Col.
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