• Working in Partnership for the Future of our Cave s• Some organisations working with cavers The Cave Conservation Monitoring Scheme Natural …supports the scientific exploration of caves It is the statutory duty of Natural England to ensure cave SSSIs and work to discover new caves. Without this work we would remain in good condition. The SSSI Cave have no information on the extent of caves nor understand as Monitoring Project was set up by Natural England to achieve much as we do about how cave systems have developed. this through regular monitoring of caves. This work is done Knowledge from cavers undertaking trips down known cave with the valuable assistance of DCA and local cavers. systems is also invaluable in keeping us informed of the It is due to their commitment and hard work that the scheme condition of cave systems and alerting us to problems. (See has been successfully running in Derbyshire for nearly seven useful contacts and links) years and in recognition of this the DCA has been awarded Cave Digging on SSSIs ? two special conservation prizes. It has also been used as an example of best practice for other caving regions such as Before you start…. Yorkshire (CNCC), out of which has grown the Northern Caves Project. A Guide to Good Practice Monitoring forms have been devised for each cave system and cavers are asked to complete these on return to the surface to provide information on the condition of the cave and the specified features in it. Natural England stress that monitoring can only take place if it forms part of a normal caving trip. On completion the form is sent via DCA’s Conservation Officer to Natural England who are then able to make an overall assessment of the condition of the cave system. The scheme is ongoing and it is hoped to have a steady flow of forms Speleothems: Dreamtime roof decoration. Photo Ralph Johnson. throughout the year so the status of our caves can be assessed continuously. It also provides an opportunity for cavers to Useful contacts and links feedback any issues that Natural England should be aware of. Natural England Lead Mining If you would like further information on the project or would and Derbyshire Team Peak District National Park Authority Sediment sequence: Masson Cavern. Photo David Webb . like to get involved please visit our website and download a East Midlands Region, ‘Endcliffe’, Cultural Heritage Team, form http://www.peakcavemonitoring.org.uk Deepdale Business Park Aldern House, Baslow Rd, Ashford Road, Bakewell, Bakewell, DE 45 1 AE The Derbyshire Caving Association (DCA) …represents local Derbyshire, DE 45 1GT t: 01629 816200 caving organisations and individual members and strives to Mineralisation: selenite crystals. Photo David Webb. t: 0300 060 2228 www .peakdistrict.gov.uk promote good relations between cavers, landowners, farmers e: [email protected] Bats and the general public. It also represents cavers' interests by www .naturalengland.org.uk Derbyshire Bat Group liaising with government bodies such as Natural England. The e: [email protected] DCA through its Conservation Team is dedicated to the Derbyshire Caving Association www .derbyshirebats.org.uk conservation of caves and mines, (it will for example obtain Conservation Team supplies of suitable conservation materials), and works e: [email protected] Pollution occurrences closely with other conservation interests in the region. The www .thedca.org.uk The Environment Agency Association negotiates access agreements to caves and mines Archaeology Incident Hotline: and helps protect the interests of farmers on whose land the Derbyshire County Council t: 0800 807060 Freephone 24/7 caves and mines are situated. (See useful contacts and links) County Hall, Matlock, DE 4 3 AG www .environmentagency.gov.uk/ contactus The Environment Agency (EA) ….is committed to working with t: 01629 539774 cavers and with their help several sources of pollution have www .derbyshire.gov.uk been successfully eliminated resulting in a cleaner This leaflet was produced jointly by the Derbyshire Caving Association and underground environment. Please remember to inform them Natural England for all those with an interest in conserving our caves for if you wish to undertake any dye tracing work or if you future generations. Cover photos: discover any other possible source of pollution. (See useful Main image: Dave “Moose” Nixon in Western Extension dig -Titan, David Webb. contacts and links). Small images: Left: Titan dig compound – Hurdlow, Peter Neville. Right: Mineralisation: Rutland Cavern, David Webb. CAVES …form a unique and BATS … Digging for new cave can be viewed in a positive light as it List Of Caves Being Monitored Location of SSSIs with Cave / Mine Interest vulnerable part of our creates new opportunities for bats. Please note that this is not a definitive list of caves within SSSIs. The – Derbyshire and North Staffordshire Visit www.peakcavemonitoring.org.uk for boundary maps. natural and archaeological However, if you suspect that bats have used your dig in the past, (see table for specific names of caves and mines) heritage as well as being a please ensure that their access is not blocked and that they are not Bradwell Dale and Bagshawe Stoney Middleton SSSI Cavern SSSI valuable scientific and Bossen Hole unnecessarily disturbed by digging activities, particularly those that Bagshawe Cavern Cucklet Church recreational resource. There generate fumes. Members of the local bat group can help if you see Bradwell Parish Caves Carlswark Cavern are, therefore, many reasons or suspect that bats may be present in your dig. (See useful contacts Dowse Hole Delph Hole Chapel-en-le-Frith Castleton why they are protected and and links). Durham Edge Swallet Eyam Dale Hse. Cave it is important that they are Hazelbadge Cave Hole In The Wall Castleton Titan dig: Dave “Moose” Nixon in scaffolded conserved for the benefit of CHECK OUT THE MAP ...This leaflet shows all the Sites of Special Outlands Head Hungerhill Swallet Bradwell Walker’s Grotto boulder choke. Photo David Webb. future generations. Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in the White Peak Natural Area (including Ivy Green & Keyhole Caves Portway Mine Bradwell Dale & Derbyshire & North Staffs.). Hamps & Manifold Valleys SSSI Lay-by Pot Peak Forest Bagshaw Cavern Nickergrove Mine Darfar Pot SITES OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC Waterfall Swallet Stoney Middleton Dale Darfar Ridge Cave INTEREST ... (known as SSSIs) Streaks Pot SOME GUIDELINES FOR DIGGERS Elderbush Cave Poole’s Cavern & are important for their Sometimes cave digging can inadvertently damage other features of Yoga Cave Ladyside Pot Grin Low Wood Eyam wildlife value or their special interest. For example the act of digging may remove valuable Redhurst Swallet Castleton SSSI geological interest, or in cave sediment sequences and the dumping of waste material may cover Waterways Swallet Sidetrack Cave Stoney Middleton many cases both. Natural up cave formations, archaeology or sediment sequences. Please take Masson Hill SSSI Cavern Harpur Hill Christmas Swallet England is the Government’s great care when digging caves and follow the guidance provided in Brightgate Cave Dr Jackson’s & Perryfoot Caves (P 1) adviser on the natural this leaflet. Cumberland & Wapping Complex Eldon Hole environment providing Masson Cavern Cave Passage Morphology: Water Icicle Close BEFORE YOU START Eldon Quarry Caves Oxclose Mine Cavern. Photo Simon Brooks. practical advice, based on Is the site in an SSSI? If it is the landowner will need consent from Gautries Hole & Car Pot (P 3) Upper Lathkill Tear Breeches-Royal Mine scientific understanding, on Natural England in order to give you permission to dig within a cave SSSI Giants Hole / Oxlow Caves and Devonshire Cavern BAKEWELL how best to safeguard on their land. This process is not complicated but should you need help Maskhill Mine Jugholes Over Haddon Long Cliff Mine England’s natural wealth for or assistance please contact either the DCA Conservation Officer or a Youd’s Level & Old Jant Mine the benefit of everyone. Its Natural England adviser. Once Natural England is satisfied that there Nettle Pot Fox Hole Cave Rowsley SSSI work includes notification will be no damage to the scientific interest written consent can be Odin Cave issued to the landowner and you can then go ahead. Crichlow Cave Odin Mine Lathkill Dale and protection of SSSIs, Lathkill Head Cave Two Dales Natural England and the landowners have a statutory duty to protect Old Tor Mine providing advice and Lwr. Cales Dale Cave P5 Swallet the site and the important scientific features within it. The procedures Masson Hill disseminating knowledge Mandale Mine P7 Swallet described above are not onerous so with your help the current good Water Icicle Close Cavern P8 (Jackpot) on nature conservation, relations between all parties can be maintained. MATLOCK landscape and related Poole’s Cavern & Grin Low Peak & Speedwell Caverns Taped pathway in Dreamtime. Rowter Hole Photo Alan Keen. access issues. NEW PASSAGE Wood SSSI Poole’s Cavern & Grinlow Wood Russet Well ˾ If you are lucky enough to discover new passage within an SSSI Sheepwash Swallet Hamps & Wetton ARCHAEOLOGY … Cave entrances sometimes provided shelter for please inform Natural England so that they can record any Upper Lathkill Dale SSSI Suicide Cave Manfold Valleys man and animals from earliest times through to the medieval scientifically important features. DCA will assist in arranging for a Knotlow Cavern & Hillocks Mine Treak Cliffe Cavern Dove Valley & supply of conservation materials such as tape and pegs that can help period, while prehistoric people sometimes made burials deep Bage Mine SSSI Windy Knoll Cave Biggin Dale to protect delicate formations and sediments by creating pathways Ilam Via Gellia Bage Mine inside. Sediments with artefacts, bones and environmental material Bage Mine Winnats Head Cave Woodlands are a valuable resource for archaeological study. Care needs to be through vulnerable areas. ˾ Many new finds have been permanently damaged by later visitors Titan dig: spoil on the way to the surface . Photo Robbie Shone. WIRKSWORTH taken as these are very vulnerable to damage. Landowners may Hamps & advise you of the presence of such sites on their land, (e.g. the who may not have the same respect for your hard-won discovery as Manfold Valleys Manifold Valley), but further checks should be made by contacting you. Managing access initially may be necessary until appropriate Key conservation measures are in place. the County Council Archaeological staff or the DCA Conservation Sties of Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) – Biological &/or Geological Team. If the dig is likely to disturb mining remains please contact ˾ Mud and pristine calcite do not go together. Polythene sheeting, N Sites of Scientific Interest (SSSI’s) the Cultural Heritage Team at the Peak District National Park strong plastic overshoes, and clean lightweight coveralls can help ASHBOURNE keep the two separate. – with known Cave / Mine Interests Authority who will advise on any essential precautions that will White Peak Natural Area need taking. ˾ Sediment (formerly known as mud!) can be a valuable scientific resource that can demonstrate past climates and the nature of the Dawn by: Robin Bagnall Date: April 2010 Archaeologists, in common with other disciplines with an interest in land mass surrounding the cave millions of years ago. Ref: sk17156436 © Natural England 2009 caves and mines, wish to work in an atmosphere of mutual co- ˾ Record and photograph your dig as you go and let Natural England Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO Natural England, East Midlands, © Crown copyright and database right 2009. Endcliffe, Deepdale Bussiness Park, operation. (See useful contacts and links). have a copy of your findings for their records. All rights reserved. Orndnance Survey Licence number 100022021 Asford Road, Bakewell, DE45 1GT