6Th Grade Language Arts s1

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6Th Grade Language Arts s1

6th Grade Language Arts Northwest Middle School Fall 2017

Teacher: Elisha Noe [email protected] Room #102 Team: 6D

Course Description: Grades 6-8: This grade band builds on previously learned skills in all language arts areas. By the end of this band, students should be equipped with a solid range of skills in reading, writing, reasoning, and communicating necessary to manage successfully the rigors of English language arts at the secondary level.

ELA and Reading Grade 6Honors SDE Course Code: 00601 KCS Course Code: 0601 In grade six, students will read a range of challenging books, articles, and texts, and will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the material by answering questions and contributing to class discussions. In writing, students will continue to work on their use of language, sentence structure, and organization of ideas. They will also be expected to integrate information from different sources and respond to challenging content through written interpretation and analysis. In addition this course will prepare students for the Tennessee Ready Assessments. In developing the local curriculum, KCS teachers followed the Tennessee Ready Assessments and the TDOE Curriculum Standards. At the honors level, students may experience texts with a higher level of complexity than the grade level classes. Curriculum modules should reflect the TDOE Honors Framework for extension.

ELA and Reading Grade 6 Regular SDE Course Code: 00601 KCS Course Code: 0601040 In grade six, students will read a range of challenging books, articles, and texts, and will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the material by answering questions and contributing to class discussions. In writing, students will continue to work on their use of language, sentence structure, and organization of ideas. They will also be expected to integrate information from different sources and respond to challenging content through written interpretation and analysis. In addition this course will prepare students for the Tennessee Ready Assessments In developing the local curriculum, KCS teachers followed the Tennessee Ready Assessments and the TDOE Curriculum Standards.

TNReady State Standards: http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/education/attachments/std_eng_gr_6.pdf


Topics covered: The content of this course is aligned to meet TNReady in Language Arts and consists of tasks in five strands which include literature, informational text, writing, speaking and listening, and language. General Pacing: TNReady Standards will be paced out by nine weeks, in order to ensure that all standards are covered during the course of the school year.

Materials Needed: Students will need a spiral notebook, erasers, pencils, several glue sticks, and highlighters. Optional: Head Phones or Ear buds (No Beats or noise cancelling headphones) Resources: Texts, Websites, Videos: *Literature Common Core (Prentice Hall) *Reality Central (Prentice Hall) * Elements of Literature (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) * Writer’s Choice: Grammar and Composition (Glencoe) * Interactive Text *Scholastic Scope Magazines * www.brainpop.com, www.teachertube.com, www.discoveryeducation.com, www.wonderopolis.com, www.flocabulary.com, www.readworks.org, www.engageny.com,www.socrative.com, www.nearpod.com, www.quizizz.com, www.newsela.com,www.classcraft.com,www.kahoot.it, www.pbs.org, andwww.youtube.com(videos with an educational purpose only) *TNCore Reading/Writing Prompts * Novels include, but may not be limited to: Percy Jackson and the LightningThief, Love that Dog, War Horse, and Bud, Not Buddy Honors students will read: The Graveyard Book  Any novels on the Knox Co sixth grade reading list may be substituted if we do not have titles available. Information will be sent home prior to beginning a novel unit. *Movies include Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif Assessment: Students will be given common assessments throughout the year to measure performance and achievement.

Grading Policy: Student achievement will be assessed according to the following: First semester Summative (tests, projects, performances, products) 60% Formative (journal, daily work, quizzes, homework) 40%

Second semester Summative (tests, projects, performances, products) 50% Formative (journal, daily work, quizzes, homework) 35% TCAP (Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program) 15%

Honors Student Grading Policy: First semester Summative (tests, projects, performances, products) 50% Formative (journal, daily work, quizzes, homework) 40% Midterm 10% Second semester Summative (tests, projects, performances, products) 50% Formative (journal, daily work, quizzes, homework) 35% TCAP (Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program) 15%

Grades should be updated weekly. Parents are welcome to contact me via email or call me at school during planning from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM

Assignments and Projects: Students will be assigned assessments and projects throughout the year, including but not limited to essays, speeches, and research projects. Students will be given timelines for due dates for projects and rubrics.

Make-up Work Policy/Late Work Policy: Make-Up Work Policy for Absent Students Knox County Board of Education Policy states and Northwest Middle School will follow:

“If a student must be absent from school for any reason, excused or unexcused, up to ten (10) days upon returning to school, he/she shall be given the opportunity to make up any and all assignments that were missed during the student’s absence. The student must request make-up assignments within three (3) days after returning from the absence. Failure of a student to initiate a request for make-up work within three (3) days will result in lost opportunity for credit for that assignment.”

Late Work Policy Individual teachers, teams and other school officials at Northwest Middle School have the authority and responsibility to impose deadlines for the submission of work. One of our goals as a school is to prepare students for the future by teaching students responsibility, and suffering the natural consequences of failure to meet reasonable deadlines is the primary manner in which we learn this skill. Please do not expect school administration or teachers to extend or ignore a deadline. For students that choose not complete their assignments on time, the following Late Work Penalties will be assessed:

Days Late Percent of Grade Lost by Student 1 day 5% 2 days 10% 3 days 15% 4 days 20% 5 days 25% 6 or more days late 100%

**End of the Semester Exception** All students, absent or not, will be given ten (10) days to complete a missing assignment unless the missing assignments are near the end of the semester. At that point, all assignments not completed by the end of the semester grading cut-off date will be recorded as zeros.

General Expectations: Students: Attendance Policy: Students are expected to be at school unless they are sick or have an emergency. Being at school is vital for successful learning. Classroom Policy/Procedures: Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, school property, and teacher.

Teacher: If there are questions or concerns, feel free to contact me through email at [email protected] or through the school number (865) 594-1345. Plagiarism: According to Harbrace Handbook, 15th edition: “Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s ideas, research, or opinion as your own without proper documentation, even if it has been rephrased. It includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Copying verbatim all or part of another’s written work; 2. Using phrases, figures, or illustrations without citing the source; 3. Paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source; 4. Using all or part of a literary plot, poem, or film without attributing the work to its creator.” Consequences of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a form of stealing and academic fraud. Students who are found guilty of plagiarism will have the option of either redoing the assignment within a specified time period and accepting a grade letter drop or taking a zero on the assignment. Parents should be involved in making the decision.

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