Equality Analysis Summary

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Equality Analysis Summary

Equality analysis summary

1. Name of policy or Operational Policy for Medical Device Engineering and Library decision? 2. New or revised? Revised

3. Completed by? Jacqui Reaveley

4. Which population This policy applies to all staff employed within the Trust’s Medical Devices Engineering groups is the policy Department and Medical Devices Library; it provides reference to any employee working within intended to benefit Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust seeking information in relation to in-house equipment and how? maintenance or generic equipment loans from the Medical Devices Library.

The policy relates to monitoring and therapeutic devices used across the organisation (including a range of pathology and post-mortem equipment) used either directly or indirectly for diagnosis or treatment of patient’s illnesses, injuries, or disease.

The recommendations made in the policy are approved by the Chief Executive, however responsibility for ensuring requirements are embedded is designated to the Head of medical devices who has responsibility for the management of the department; technical staff, will support this role to ensure appropriate action is taken in response to the recommendations.

The principle being to ensure practice within the Trust is such, to effectively minimise identified risks and promptly mitigate adverse consequences associated with maintenance of medical devices. 5. Describe the The overall aim of the policy is to ensure:- aim(s) and . The service provision effectively minimises equipment down time objectives? . Technical staff fully understand, that appropriate training will increase their confidence and How it will be efficiency; therefore reducing the risks associated with delays in equipment turnaround implemented, and times or occurrence of untoward adverse incidents related to equipment maintenance who it will affect? . Any in-house maintenance is carried out in a safe and reliable manner by suitably trained staff. . Safeguards are in place, which are monitored to protect patients and users from, possible adverse incidents. . Equipment standardisation is considered to reduce the risk of technicians and users working with unfamiliar equipment. . Equipment is suitably stored, decontaminated and loaned from the medical devices library

Assessing whether the policy, service or strategy has any relevance to the public sector equality duty: Will the policy or Age Disability Gender Marriage and Pregnancy and Race Religion Sex Sex decision… reassign Civil maternity or belief ual ment Partnership orie ntati on 6 eliminate unlawful X X (see X X X X X X X discrimination, below) harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act 7 advance equality of X X X X X X X X opportunity between n/a people who share a protected characteristic, and those who do not 8 foster good relations X X X X X X X X between people who n/a share a protected characteristic, and those who do not Assessing whether there are any human rights issues: 9 Describe whether this is likely to This is indirect, in that it aims to effectively minimise identified risks, and promptly promote or protect human mitigate adverse consequences associated with maintenance of medical devices. rights? FREDA – fairness, respect, equality, dignity or autonomy Further comments/information including reasons and information you used to make the decision, if an Equality Analysis is not required.

The Head of Medical Devices is responsible for interpretation of user requirements; detailed specification preparation, pre and post tender negotiations with procurement. Also advise users as to the most appropriate and technically suitable equipment.

For example, some users or carers with particular disabilities or medical conditions may need additional instructions or training. For example, people who are visually impaired may not be able to easily read some forms of written information. The department will work with specialist nurses and manufacturers to source data as required. However the additional instructions or training will be carried out in the operational area or wards, and does not form part of this policy.

Translating instructions into other formats or languages would be covered by OP32 Interpreting Policy.

A full Equality Analysis must be undertaken if you have identified that the policy, service or function is relevant to any of the three aims of the public sector equality duty described in questions 6, 7, or 8. If there is no relevance, then no further action is required. Is an Equality Analysis required? Yes □ No  Please return a copy of this form to the Equality & Diversity Co-ordinator, Hancock Building, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

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