Corinthian Letters Class Notes

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Corinthian Letters Class Notes

Corinthian Letters Class Notes Corinthian Letters

Bro. Gary Spaeth

A. Introduction  Author – Apostle Paul  Date of writing – A.D. 56 or 57  Paul founded the church on his third missionary journey. (Acts 18)  He stayed in Corinth 1 and six months.  Wrote 1 Corinthians from Ephesus (1 Cor. 16:8) during his 3 year stay.

B. The City of Corinth  A Roman colony and the capital of the province of Achaia.  One of the chief commercial cities of the Roman Empire.  Corinth had a mixed ethnic population of Roman freedmen, indigenous Greeks, and immigrants from far and wide.  Its location was situated southwest of the Isthmus of Corinth, the land bridge that connected Northern Greece and Southern Greece, the Peloponnesus.  Corinth’s strategic location brought commerce as a natural crossroad for sea and land travel  Socially Corinth had extremely wealthy individuals who profited by trade and very poor individuals who had been afflicted by poverty.  βῆμα bḗma (Judgment seat)  The place where judges tried important cases including Paul’s (Acts 18:12)  Acts 18:12 And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat,  Known for its wickedness  Aristophanes (ca. 450-385 B.C.) coined the verb korinthiazo (to act like a Corinthian, to commit fornication)  Temple of Aphrodite stood on the Acrocorinthus where female slaves served men who worshipped.  Cenchrea, just south of Corinth, hosted the Isthmian Games. (1 Cor. 9:24-27, Romans 16:1)  Geographically in Greece but culturally in Rome. C. The Church at Corinth  The church divided into “haves” and “have-nots” (1 Cor. 11:22)  The problem was not that the church was in Corinth but that too much of Corinth was in the church

D. Problems in the Church  A leadership problem producing divisions in the church (1:10–17)  Immoral practices were not being dealt with (5:1–6:20)  An enthusiastic group in the church flaunted their spiritual gifts (12:1–14:40)  A legalistic group was concerned about dietary laws (8:1–10:32)  Some were abusing the Lord’s Supper (11:17–34)  False teachings regarding the resurrection were hear in the Church (15:1–58)

E. Purpose for writing  While at Ephesus, Paul hears news concerning divisions in the Church. (1:11)  Paul responds to questions sent to him by the Corinthian Church. (7:1)  Paul wanted the Chrinthian belivers to help with the collection for the saints in Jerusalem.  Stephanus, Fortunatus, and Achaicus came to Paul in Ephesus to bring a contribution to his ministry (16:17-18).

F. Theme – Christian Conduct Focus not on doctrine but practical Christian living.

G. Part One: Divisions in the Church (1:1–4:21)

A. Introduction 1:1–9

Greetings of Grace 1:1–3 • v. 1 Sosthenes – Ruler of the Synagogue? (Acts 18:17) • v. 2 “called to be saints” – Paul was writing to believers • v. 2“with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord” – Letter not just written to the Corinthian Church but to all Christians. (see 1 Thess. 5:27; Col. 4:16). The Church at Corinth was not the only church, others also existed. • v. 2 “the Lord Jesus Christ” - mentioned six times in the first ten verses of the epistle. The church needed to be reminded of this fact. Calling on His name means to confess faith in Him. (Rom. 10:13-14) Prayer of Thanksgiving 1:4–9 • v. 4 “I thank my God always on your behalf” – Even though Paul was disappointed with the church, he still found reason to thank God for them, even for the spiritual gifts they had been abusing. • v. 5 “every thing ye are enriched by him” – - πλουτίζω ploutízō enrich, bestow richly, ubundantly supplied. • v. 5 “all utterance, and in all knowledge” - knowledge and eloquence were two things the Corinthians valued very highly. (1 Cor. 12:8) • Verse 8 is one of the greatest "security of the believer" statements in the entire Bible. – “Confirm”- establish, make absolutely secure. (Romans 15:8) – God confirmed in Christ the promises made in the Old Testament. – “Blameless” A legal term meaning "not called into court, uncharged, unaccused." It does not mean sinless, but chargeless. (Col. 1:22; 1 Tim. 3:10.) – “To the end” - A reference to the rapture. • Paul makes many references to the end times in 1 Corinthians. (2:9, 6:2-3) – v. 7 Imminence of Christ’s return • V. 9 “God is faithful” – He is faithful in defending his people. (Ps. 89:20, 22, 24) – He is faithful in times of temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13) – He is faithful in keeping the Christian saved. (2 Thess. 3:3; 1 Thess. 5:23, 24) – He is faithful in chastening his children. (Ps. 119:75; Heb. 12:6) – He is faithful in forgiving confessed sin. (1 Jn. 1:9) – He is faithful in hearing our prayers. (Ps. 143:1)

II. Report of Divisions 1:10–17

A. Proper Christian Unity 1:10 – “ye be perfectly joined together” – Κατηρτισμένοι – katartizo • Heb. 11:3- “Framed” • Heb. 10:5 – “Prepared” • Matt. 4:21 – “Mending” – God is desirous that believers be joined together: • As perfectly as the sun, moon, and stars fit together (Heb. 11:3). • As perfectly as God formed the body for Jesus to use (Heb. 10:5). • As perfectly as a mended net is. • Souls are not saved in a church plagued with problems simply because the net is broken and they get away. – Salvation in Christ must manifests itself in the behavior of the one who is genuinely saved. (James 2:17) – v. 10 “Now I beseech you” - παρακαλέω parakaléō Same word used to designate the Holy Spirit. – v. 10 “speak the same thing” • Phil. 2:2 – v. 10 “no divisions” σχίσματα Schisma

H. Four distinct steps from harmony to a tragic disunity. (W. E. Vine) • στάσις Stasis—a strong disagreement, a dissension (Acts 15:2; 23:7, 10). • διχοστασία Dichostasia—a standing apart (Gal. 5:20; Rom. 16:17). • σχίσμα Schisma—a severe rent, a tear (1 Cor. 11:18; Jn. 7:43; 9:16; 10:19). • αἵρεσις Hairesis—a mature and established separation ( Acts 5:17; 24:5, 14; 26:5; 2 Pet. 2:1; Titus 3:10).

I. Source of Report 1:11 – “the house of Chloe” – Contentions - ἔρις éris; strife, contention, wrangling (Rom. 13:13, 1 Tim. 6:4)

J. Details of the Report 1:12 – People were following Human Leaders • Paul, Apollos, Peter, Christ

K. Paul’s Response to the Report 1:13-17 – Paul addresses his own supporters • Is Christ Divided? - division in the body of believers divides up Christ. • Is Paul the source of your salvation? • Is Paul the means of your baptism? – Paul States his commission • Christ sent me to preach the gospel – 1 Cor. 2:1-5 – Faith in the power of God – 1 Cor. 6:6 – “God caused the increase” – Refuting the doctrine of baptismal regeneration • V. 17 “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel:” – Water baptism is not a part of the gospel – 1 Cor. 15:1-9 – The Gospel: • Christ died for our sins • he was buried • he rose again the third day • he was seen of Cephas, the twelve, and over five hundred brethren at one time • V. 14 – Crispus was the ruler of the synagogue in which Paul preached when he first came to Corinth (Acts 18:8). – Gaius may be the same person as Titius Justus. • A Gentile convert • Lived next door to the synagogue • Opened his home to the church (Acts 18:7; Rom. 16:23). • Hosted Paul during his stay in Corinth (Rom. 16:23).

L. III.Reasons for Divisions 1:18–4:21

A. The Gospel Message is a contradiction to human wisdom 1:18–2:5

1. Human wisdom contrasted with God’s wisdom 1:18-25 (a misunderstanding of the message) • Jew - required signs, cross was a stumbling block – (Mt. 12:38; 16:1; Lk. 2:34). • Greek - required wisdom, cross was foolishness – (Isa. 55:8-9, Acts 17:21, 32). • Believers – receive the truth, cross is salvation

2. The Folly of the Corinthian Believers. 1:26-31 • The foolish things of this world. – a bleeding lamb in Exodus 12 – a smitten rock in Exodus 17 – a brass snake in Numbers 21 • The weak things of this world. – a rod to defeat the Egyptians in Exodus 4 – a sling to defeat a mighty giant in 1 Samuel 17 – a bone to defeat the Philistines in Judges 15 • The base and despised things of this world. – a heathen girl who became David’s great-grandmother in Ruth 4 – An adulteress who became Solomon’s mother 1 Samuel 11 – an immoral woman who became a great soul-winner in John 4

• V. 29 – no flesh should glory in his presence • V. 30 - God is the source of salvation for every believer. – Righteousness focuses on our right standing in the sight of God – sanctification on His making us more holy – redemption on our liberation from sin • V. 31 – He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord – Jeremiah 9:24 • The real folly was in giving glory to the messenger. • Isaiah 42:8 (KJV) I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

3. The Folly of Paul’s preaching. 2:1-5 • Paul was not a poor speaker – Acts 17:16-34 • Paul was not lacking ability – Philippians 3:4-6 – Faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. – Proclaiming the truth of God should be done with God’s power not to demonstrate man’s ability

M. The Spirit’s ministry of revealing God’s wisdom 2:6–16 • V. 10 God’s “wisdom” is only revealed by God’s Spirit. – John 16:13 “he will guide you into all truth” – John 14:26 – “teach you all things” – v. 13 “which the Holy Ghost teacheth” • All Believers are indwelt (baptized) by the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. – V.12 “We” is emphatic in the Greek text. All believers have received the Holy Spirit (12:13, 3:16; Rom. 8:9).

N. The Spiritual yet carnal condition 3:1-4 • Three Types of People: – Natural Man (ψυχικός - psuchikós) 2:14 • Unsaved • Cannot understand the things of God – (Foolish) • Does not have the Spirit of God • Rejects and does not accept all that God wants him or her to have – Spiritual Man (πνευματικός- pneumatikós) 2:15 • Saved and Spirit filled • Knows the things of God by the Spirit of God– (Wisdom) • To be spiritual is to be in harmony with God • A spiritual man is simply one controlled and motivated by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 15:42-47; Gal. 5:16, 25; Eph. 5:18) • Can make spiritual judgments of all things (Spiritual Perception) (4:3-4) • Has “the mind of Christ” - we view life to some extent as Jesus did because we understand things from God’s perspective. (Phil. 2:5) – Carnal Man – (σάρκινος sárkinos) 3:1 • Saved and indwelt with Spirit but not filled • Understands only the simple things of God – (immature) • Not viewing things from a spiritual point of view. • This was the type of person in the Corinthian Church. They were not growing in their spiritual walk with the Lord. (1 Peter 2:2, Heb. 5:11-14) • Evidenced by envy, strife, and divisions in the church (Gal. 5:20)

O. The Role of God’s Servants 3:5–17

Agricultural Illustration • V. 5 – Paul, Apollos, and, Cephas were servants of Christ each serving under the Master’s direction. • V. 6 – God deserves the credit for the growth. • V. 8 Eschatological Reward for workers – Each one will be rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ. – Our labor is the basis of our reward, not the fruit of our labor. (Rom. 14:10-12, 1 Cor. 3:12-15, 2 Cor. 5:10)

Construction Illustration • V. 9 - We are all laborers together • Paul laid the foundation of Jesus Christ – (Matt. 16:18; [Isa. 28:16; Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:6]; Eph. 2:20) – No other foundation can be laid – All must be careful how they build upon the foundation • Enduring Material – Gold, Silver, Precious Stones • Combustible Material – Wood, hay, Stubble • V. 13 Revealed by fire – Fire is a symbol of judgment (Not Salvation But Works) 2 Cor. 5:10, 2 Thes. 1:7; Rev. 18:8 • V. 14 Rewards – Rewards symbolically identified as crowns • (9:25; Phil. 4:1; 1 Thess. 2:19; 2 Tim. 4:8; James 1:12; 1 Pet. 5:4; Rev. 2:10; 3:11) • V. 16 Temple of God – Local church at Corinth – Not our bodies – 1 Cor 6:9 – “Ye” – Plural, “Temple” – Singular – Strong warning against defiling • Verse 16-17 is perhaps the strongest warning in the New Testament against taking the church lightly and destroying it with the world’s wisdom and division. • The words “Know ye not” (1 Cor. 3:16) are the first of 10 occurrences of the clause in this letter (cf. 5:6; 6:2–3, 9, 15–16, 19; 9:13, 24; each time it introduces an indisputable statement).

P. Human wisdom and limited blessing 3:18–23 • Paul now draws a preliminary conclusion to his argument began in 1:18. • V. 18 – Let no man deceive himself – The wisdom of the world foolish (1:18 Preaching of Cross foolish) • V. 21 – Let no man Glory in men. – All boasting should be about God (1:31) – All things have been given by God as blessings for those who belong to Christ. They are servants of God’s for the Churches good.

Q. The Corinthians’ relationship with Paul 4:1–21

1. The role of Church Leaders – Humility • V. 1 Ministers – (ὑπηρέτης hupērétēs – Under rower) A subordinate, servant • V. 1 Stewards – (οἰκονόμος oikonómos) An administrator, a person who manages the domestic affairs of a family, business • V. 5 – Judge – (κρίνω krínō) - To judge in one’s own mind as to what is right, proper, expedient – God’s judgment is the only true judgment of ones actions and attitudes.

2. The Example of Church leaders • Apostles were a humiliated group – Lacked proper nourishment – Lacked proper clothing – Lacked proper housing • Apostles practiced Godly Wisdom (Luke 6:28) – being reviled (criticism), we bless; – being persecuted, we suffer it: – being defamed (Hurt ones reputation), we intreat (comfort, exhort): • Filth (περικάθαρμα perikátharma) - the refuse or outcasts of the world • Offscouring (περίψημα perípsēma) - the scum of all things R. Part Two: Disorder In The Church (5:1–6:20)

S. I. Incest in the Church 5:1–13

A. Discipline the Fornicator 5:1–8 The Improper response of Church to sin A believer in the church was having an incestuous relationship with a step mother.

Fornication (πορνεία porneía) – Sexual Sin 1 Cor. 6:13, 1 Cor. 6:18, Gal 5:19, Eph. 5:3, Col. 3:5, 1 Thess. 4:3

Prohibited in the Old Testament (Lev. 18:8; Deut. 22:22)

Prohibited in Roman law (Cicero Cluentes 6. 15 and Gaius Institutis 1. 63). V. 2 Pride (acceptance of sin)

Pride is the opposite of love because it produces self-concern, while love responds to the needs of others. V. 6 Glorying/ Boasting ( As depraved as Greek culture was, even the pagans looked down on incest.

T. Discipline the Fornicator 5:1–8 * The Proper response of the church to sin (3-5) * Grief - for this brother (12:26; Gal. 6:1–2) * Discipline - removal from the congregation until he would repent (Matt. 18:15–17). * As an Apostle Paul passed judgment (In the Name of the Lord) * Deliver to Satan for destruction of the flesh (ὄλεθρος ólethros) (1 Thess. 5:3; 2 Thess. 1:9; 1 Tim. 6:9) * The man’s fleshly appetites were to be annulled * Removed from the Church into Satan’s domain * Premature Death (Acts 5:1-11, 1 Cor. 10:10, 11:30) * Spirit Saved – (so no worse sin could be committed) * The importance of Discipline 5:6–8 * A little leaven leavens a whole lump v. 6 * Leaven symbolizes sin. * A Jewish family would throw away all the leaven (yeast) in the house when the family prepared for the Passover celebration (Exod. 12:15; 13:6–7) * The Church needs to be kept pure of sin! * Directions on Discipline 5:9–13 * Be in the world but not of the world 5:9-10 * V. 9, 11 “Keep Company” (συναναμίγνυμι sunanamígnumi) to mingle together, have fellowship * V. 10 “World” (κόσμος kósmos) – Those outside the Church * God has called us to be salt and light in the world (Matt. 5:13–16; 28:19–20) Jesus ate with sinners (Luke 15:2) * Separate from immoral Believers * V. 11 “No not eat” (συνεσθίω sunesthíō) - To eat with someone, have communion with, dine with - “Don’t share a meal with” * Acts 2:46–47 “did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart” * 2 Thessalonians 3:14

The reasons for discipline. * To bring a person to repentance * 2 Cor. 2:6-8 * To keep the church pure * Mt. 16:6; Gal. 5:9 * To maintain the standards of Christ to a watching world. * Acts 5:1-13 (Ananias, with Sapphira ) * One reason why the church has so little influence in the world today is because the world has so much influence in the church.

U. II. Litigation Between Believers 6:1–11 * The Churches Shame (1-6) * V. 1 “Matter” (πρᾶγμα prágma) – Lawsuit with another * When people had disputes with each other in Corinth and wanted official arbitration, they went to the bema (judgment seat) in the center of town. * The wealthy were able to take unfair advantage of this judicial system by exercising their prestige and influence. * Ubelievers should not decide matters between believers * V. 2 Saints will judge the world - (Dan. 7:22; Matt. 19:28; Luke 22:30 Rev. 2:26-27) * V. 3 We shall judge angels? –(Isa. 24:21–23; Matt. 25:41; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6) * Paul’s Judgment (7-8) * By their greed, the wealthy dishonored God taking the poor to court. * Paul instructed them that they had already lost before the judge gave his verdict. * Christians should be willing to give in to one another rather than trying to get from one another. * Philippians 2:3

V. III. Warning Against Immorality 6:9–20 * Our Bodies have been made Holy (9-10) Positional Sanctification - Justification * We were formally unrighteous * (Gal. 5:21; Eph. 5:5; 1 Cor. 5:10–11) * Paul was contrasting what the Corinthians did before their conversion with their conduct after conversion * We are declared righteous by God (11) * Washed by the Spirit (Titus 3:5) * Sanctified in the Son (1 Cor. 1:2) * Justified before God (Rom. 8:33)

* Our Bodies must be kept Holy (12-20) Practical Sanctification * All things are lawful unto me (Corinthian Slogan ) * Freedom in Christ does not give us a license to sin. (1 Cor. 8-10; Rom. 6:1-2) – Dead to sin * All things are not Beneficial (Love Limits Liberty) * Now that we have been cleansed from sin, we need to live Holy. * We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and have been bought with a price – We must Glorify God! – (1 Cor. 10:31) * Limits to Christian’s Liberty – Chapters 8-10 * A Christians relationship to food – Chapter 8 * Resurrection of Christ – Chapter 15 * Church as Body of Christ – Chapter 12 * The Sanctity of sex – (Gen. 2:24) – Chapter 7

W.Part Three: Difficulties In The Church (7:1-16:24)

X. I. Paul’s Teaching on Marriage

A. The married or formerly married 7:1–16 * Importance of sexual relations in marriage 7:1–6 * Corinthian Slogan “It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” (Sexual Intercourse) * Marriage is God’s plan. (Gen. 2:24-25) * Sexual desires are to be satisfied through the marriage relationship. (Gen 2:18) * Each marriage partner has equal responsibility toward each other. Except: * Mutual consent * Agreement * Devotion to prayer * The legitimate option of singleness 7:7–9 * “Unmarried” - ἄγαμος ágamos - (8, 11, 32, 34) * Has been married before (Divorced? / Widowed?) * “Virgin” - παρθένος parthénos – (25, 28, 34, 36, 37) * Never been married. * It is proper if a person is unmarried to remain in this state, unless they cannot “Contain” – (Be content or self controlled)

* No divorce for Christians 7:10–16 * A Christian whose mate is a believer 7:10-11 * No divorce and remarriage – (Deut. 24:1-4; Mal. 2:16; Matt. 5:31–32; 19:3–12; Mark 10:1–12) * Temporary separation is permitted * A Christian whose mate is an unbelievers 7:12-16 * Marriage is permitted to continue * Sanctified - to be set apart for a special purpose. * Temporary separation is permitted * χωρίζω chorízō – (depart) to put apart, separate, sever. * δουλόω doulóō – (bondage) a slave or servant, to subject * δέω déō – (bound) to bind together (Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:39) * καταργέω katargéō – (loosed) to render inactive, idle, useless, ineffective Y. The basic principle (Contentment) 7:17–24 Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. V. 20, 24 Circumcision – Keep Commandments Servants – We are all servants of Christ

Z. Teaching concerning female virgins 7:25–40 * Identity of the Virgins (v. 25, 28, 36) * Virgin daughters of men in the Corinthian church and that these fathers had questions about giving their daughters in marriage. * The virgins were both men and women who were living together in a “spiritual marriage” (i.e., without sexual relations). * The virgins were females who were engaged, or thinking of becoming engaged, but were experiencing pressure from the “spiritual” in the church to forgo marriage. * The advantage of the single state 7:25–28 * Present Distress * A Problem in Corinth * Last Days (29-30; 1 Timothy 4:2, 2 Timothy 3) * Be content in your current state * Not a sin to marry or stay single * Reasons for remaining single 7:29–35 * Focus on service to Christ and the eternal v. 35 * Matt. 6:25–34; Phil. 4:11; 1 Pet. 5:7 * An unmarried man can give more concentrated attention to the things of the Lord * A married man also needs to think about his family responsibilities * The legitimacy of marriage 7:36–38 * Pass the flower of her age – (ὑπέρακμος hupérakmos) - past the usual age for marriage * The Conclusion 7:39-10 * The Marriage relationship is in effect until the death of the spouse, then they are free to remarry.

AA. II. Paul’s teaching Concerning Things Offered to Idols8:1– 11:1

A. Principles of Liberty and the Weaker Brother8:1–13 * The Corinthian Christians valued knowledge too highly. (1:5, 8:1, 8:10, 8:11, 13:2, 13:8) * Paul wrote that the real aim of the faith should not be knowledge but love. (8:1 – Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifyeth; 13:1-8) * Illustration of eating food offer to an idol * An Idol is nothing - v. 4, Ps. 115:4-8 * Almighty God is the only God – Deut. 6:4, 10:17 * Some do not have this same knowledge v. 7 * The decision to eat meat offered to idols is amoral v. 8 * Believers must not be a stumbling block to those who are weak v. 9 * Love limits liberty! AB. Illustration of Paul and His Liberty 9:1–27 * Paul holds the office of an Apostle (1-2) * Seen the risen Lord (Acts 1:21-22, 9:1-16) * Founded Church in Corinth (Rom. 15:15-21) * Being an Apostle carried certain rights (3-14) * The Corinthians were challenging these rights. Vs. 3-6 * They thought Paul had worked with his hands because he lacked apostolic rights. * Paul Defends his rights as an Apostle to receive support vs. 7-14 * The soldier, farmer, and shepherd are all supported by their work. V. 7 * The Old Testament Law stated proper care to Animals vs. 8-10 * Those who work should expect something in return. Vs. 11-14

* Paul refused support for the sake of the gospel. (12-18) * Paul did not want to hinder the gospel v. 12 * Paul did not persuade churches to support his ministry v. 15 * Paul was given the ministry of preaching the Gospel by God v. 16 * Paul limited his liberty in order to take the Gospel to more people. V17-19

* Paul surrendered his freedoms to reach as many people as possible. (19-23) * Jew, under the Law * Gentile, Not under the Law – Under the Law of Christ * Weak – unbelievers * All things to all men * The work of the gospel was the great axis around which everything in Paul’s life revolved. * Illustration from Isthmian Games (24-27) * The Isthmian Games took place in a nearby town every two or three years. They were second only to the Olympic Games in importance in Greece. * Race - στάδιον stádion - the race run on the track * Olympic course was a stadium in length. (184 Meters) * Run, that ye may obtain reward (Matt. 6:19–21; 2 Tim. 2:5) * Striveth - ἀγωνίζομαι agōnízomai from which we get the English word “agonizes.” To receive the prize of our Lord’s “well done” we need to give all our effort. * Temperate in all things - ἐγκρατεύομαι egkrateúomai We also need to exercise self-control. * Competitors in the Isthmian Games had to train for 10 months. An athlete in training denies himself or herself many lawful pleasures to gain an extra edge of superiority. * We may need to limit our liberty for a higher goal as spiritual athletes. * Crown - στέφανος stéphanos – * Winners in Isthmian games received a wreath of parsley, wild celery, or pine * Winners in the Christian’s race receive heavenly crowns

AC. Believer’s Crowns * The Imperishable Crown – (1 Corinthians 9:24-25) * Faithful endurance wins a heavenly reward. * The Crown of Rejoicing – (1 Thessalonians 2:19) * The crown of rejoicing will be our reward where “God will wipe away every tear * The Crown of Righteousness – (2 Timothy 4:8) * We inherit this crown through the righteousness of Christ which is what gives us a right to it * The Crown of Glory – (1 Peter 5:4) * This is the pastor’s crown and will be given to the ministers who faithfully feed the flock of God. * The Crown of Life – (Revelation 2:10) * This crown is for all believers, but is especially dear to those who endure sufferings, who bravely confront persecution for Jesus, even to the point of death.

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