Gilmanton Board of Selectmen Page 5 February 24, 2014

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Gilmanton Board of Selectmen Page 5 February 24, 2014

1 1 DRAFT 2 3 Board of Selectmen 4 Town of Gilmanton, New Hampshire 5 6 7 8Meeting 9February 24, 2015 106:00 pm. – Old Town Hall 11 12 13Present: Chairman Brett Currier, Selectmen Donald Guarino and Stephen McCormack, Town 14Administrator Arthur Capello, Administrative Assistant Stephanie Fogg. 15 16Academy Building Update – Arthur Capello gave an update to the Selectmen regarding the 17progress with the Academy Building. Sheetrock, painting, carpet should all be completed by 18next Friday. Debra Cornett decided to keep her office the original colors and leave the “wheat” 19color on the trim. Selectman McCormack said the painting looks great! 20 21Arthur and the Selectmen discussed moving back into the Academy Building from the Modular. 22March 23, 24 and 25 the offices will be closed to the Public for the move. Arthur will post the 23closing of the office for those three days. The insurance will cover the move. The cubicles will 24be installed March 11, 2015. A final clean will happen on March 20, 2015 and March 21, 2015. 25The elevator will be repaired and final approval will come from the insurance company. 26 27Change Orders or Additions to Work on Building - 28$1,696 Paint Change Order, which includes all but two windows on the main floor. 29 30$7,900 Insulation of the Ceiling/Floor. Chairman Currier and Selectman Guarino said you cannot 31easily insulate the floor of the auditorium later. It was agreed by consensus of all three 32Selectmen to insulate the Ceiling /Floor, with the contractor who is currently insulating/replacing 33insulation from the water damage. They agreed that the biggest “payback” would be to insulate 34the windows and exterior walls, but that would be between $10,000 and $25,000 to do that. The 35Selectmen decided that could be done at a later date. 36 37The tile and sheetrock have been put on hold in the basement until the drainage issue has been 38corrected. 39 40Arthur Capello said that CCI is doing well on allowances. The Flooring in the auditorium will 41be changed from Birch to Oak. Steve Bedard (Historic Liason), looked at reconstruction, oak 42would be a better wearing floor. Selectman Guarino said that the oak will need to be acclimated 43before it is installed. Arthur will check with Ron who is the supervisor on the job. The finish for 44the flooring will be oil based, satin sheen. 45

2 3503 Province Road, PO Box 550, Gilmanton, NH 03237 [email protected] (603)267-6700 (603)267-6701-Fax 4 1Gilmanton Board of Selectmen P a g e | 2 February 24, 2014 2 1Arthur will start coordinating with Fairpoint, Metrocast and CCS (Certified Computer Services) 2for preparation and dates for moving back into the building. 3Arthur will have CCI work up a price to repair the back porch. Selectman McCormack asked if 4the water pump was fixed. Arthur said yes it had been fixed. Chairman Currier asked about the 5Women’s Bathroom. Arthur said that has been corrected as well. 6 7Oil Prices – Locked in for Oil for next season November 15, 2015 - April 16, 2016. 8$2.34/gallon Dead River Company. Arthur said we are currently going through a lot of oil with 9the renovations, doors open, windows open for ventilation while painting etc. The oil and 10electric bills will be averaged and the overage will be paid by the insurance company for the 11renovation. (Utility Payment). 12 13There was a $600 cleaning on service for the oil furnace, that will also come out of the insurance 14money. 15 16Finance Position - The Selectmen asked where the Finance Position has been advertised. 17Arthur Capello answered NHMA and the Laconia Daily Sun. Selectman McCormack said he 18would like the position advertised in the Concord Monitor for one weekend, to reach a wider 19range of applicants. 20 21Furnace Cleaning – The Selectmen asked Arthur Capello about the cost of the furnance 22cleaning and who was hired. Arthur said it was less expensive to use the company that has been 23cleaning the furnace. Chairman Currier asked if Dead River, the company that supplies our fuel 24has been asked to give a price for cleaning, maintenance of our furnace? Chairman Currier said 25if the furnace goes down it would be Dead River’s responsibility, keeping fuel supply and 26furnace maintenance all with one company seems to make sense. 27 28Drug Testing - Arthur Capello asked the municipal attorney about random drug testing. All of 29our drivers have CDL’s. Fire Department drivers are exempt, unless there is an accident with a 30fire truck. Arthur will continue looking into the drug testing for all drivers of Town equipment. 31 32NH Coop Pole License Annual Contract - Arthur said it was recommended by Town Council 33to sign the contract. The Selectmen asked Arthur how the Court Case with NH Coop was going. 34Arthur said it went well, still waiting on a final decision. 35 36Assessing – The Selectmen received a letter from DRA reviewing the Town’s Assessment, 37review of George Hildum’s work. The evaluation came back as 100.3% Evaluation, a job well 38done. 39 40Conflict of Interest Policy - Chairman Currier said if a Selectman has a conflict of interest on a 41subject, the other Selectmen should ask that Selectman to recuse themselves from the vote or 42discussion. Selectmen Guarino and McCormack agreed. 43 447:00 pm Chairman Currier Opened Public Input 45 46Computer Policy – Arthur to ask CCS how often the computer information is backed up, 47immediately or nightly? 48

3 4503 Province Road, PO Box 550, Gilmanton, NH 03237 [email protected] (603)267-6700 (603)267-6701-Fax 5 1Gilmanton Board of Selectmen P a g e | 3 February 24, 2014 2 1Regarding Selectmen’s e-mails, each Selectman should have a .gov e-mail. Each e-mail costs 2$3.00/month. It would keep all correspondence for the Town away from personal information on 3your home computers. 4 52015 Town Report - Arthur Capello said he would like to publicly recognize Terri Jansky and 6Stephanie Fogg for their effort and hard work on the 2015 Town Report. 7 8Budget Committee – Selectman Guarino brought up the Budget Committee’s change in 9recommendation for the final Operating Budget after the Deliberative Session. The Budget 10Committee and the Selectmen have until the Ballot is printed to change their recommendation. 11There should have been conversation between the Selectmen and the Budget Committee if a 12recommendation were to be changed. It leaves the voters wondering why the Budget would not 13be recommended by either the Budget Committee or the Selectmen. It was said that it looked 14like the Budget Committee seemed like they “played” favorites with who they wanted to support. 15 16Selectman Guarino said that he was surprised that the Budget Committee did not recommend the 17dollar amount that the body had supported. Selectman Currier said it is not right. Selectman 18Guarino said there should be a letter sent to the Budget Committee recommending discussion 19between the Selectmen and the Budget Committee in the future regarding recommendations on 20the Warrant Articles. 21 22March 3rd, 2015 is the next Board of Selectmen’s Meeting. 23 24Approval of Minutes: 25 26MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 27voted unanimously to approve Minutes of February 5, 2015 as amended at 7:15 pm. (3-0). 28 29MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 30voted unanimously to approve the Non-Public Session (A), Minutes of February 5, 2015 at 7:18 31pm. (3-0). 32 33MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 34voted unanimously to approve the Non-Public Session (B), Minutes of February 5, 2015 as 35amended at 7:18 pm. (3-0). 36 37MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 38voted unanimously to approve the Non-Public Session (C), Minutes of February 5, 2015 at 7:20 39pm. (3-0). 40 41MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 42voted unanimously to approve the Non-Public Session (D), Minutes of February 5, 2015 at 7:22 43pm. (3-0). 44 45Transfer Station - Chairman Currier recommends that all metals be shipped from the Transfer 46Station now. The metals need to be shipped by the end of each year. NRRA may set the amount 47for pick up, but still needs to be shipped by end of year. The Selectmen agreed that the metals 48were to be shipped through NRRA.

3 4503 Province Road, PO Box 550, Gilmanton, NH 03237 [email protected] (603)267-6700 (603)267-6701-Fax 5 1Gilmanton Board of Selectmen P a g e | 4 February 24, 2014 2 1Town Owned Properties – Chairman Currier said that the Town owned properties should be 2auctioned in the Summer, mid-August. Chairman Currier said that you should look at all of the 3properties with the Conservation Commission, and the Zoning and Planning Boards. The 4Selectmen should take advice from those Boards and/or have an Advisory Committee set up. 5We have Zoning Regulations for a reason, but Selectmen have the ultimate say on the parcels. 6Two Public Hearings have to be held on all parcels, at the same time. 7 8Calendar of events for this would be first meeting in April, don’t linger with the properties. A 9standard time line for review and selling the properties should happen each year. 10 11(A)Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3,II (c) 12MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Guarino, and seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 13voted unanimously to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3, II (c) at 7:25 pm. (3-0 Voice 14Vote – Chairman Currier-yes, Selectman Guarino– yes, Selectman McCormack– yes). 15 16The meeting room was closed to the public. Present during the Non-Public Session were 17Chairman Currier, Selectmen Guarino and McCormack. Town Administrator Arthur Capello, 18Administrative Assistant Stephanie Fogg. 19 20Selectmen discussed following policy for the Highway Department. 21 22MOTION: On a Motion by Selectman Currier and seconded by Selectman Guarino it was voted 23unanimously to come out of Non-Public Session at 7:34 pm. (3-0 Voice Vote – Chairman Currier 24-yes, Selectman Guarino – yes, Selectman McCormack – yes). 25 26The meeting room was opened to the public. The Board noted the Non-Public Session minutes 27were not sealed. 28 29 30Adjournment: On a motion by Selectmen Guarino, seconded by Selectman McCormack it was 31voted unanimously to adjourn at 7:35 pm. (3-0) 32 33Respectfully Submitted, 34 35 36______37Stephanie S. Fogg 38Administrative Assistant 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

3 4503 Province Road, PO Box 550, Gilmanton, NH 03237 [email protected] (603)267-6700 (603)267-6701-Fax 5 1Gilmanton Board of Selectmen P a g e | 5 February 24, 2014 2 1Approved by the Board of Selectmen 2 3______4Chairman Brett A. Currier 5 6______7Selectman Donald J. Guarino 8 9______10Selectman Stephen J. McCormack

3 4503 Province Road, PO Box 550, Gilmanton, NH 03237 [email protected] (603)267-6700 (603)267-6701-Fax 5

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