Select Board Meeting Minutes s1

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Select Board Meeting Minutes s1

Page 1 Town of Plymouth Minutes from the July 10, 2017 Select Board Meeting

Town of Plymouth Select Board Meeting Minutes Plymouth Town Hall Plymouth, NH 03264

July 10, 2017

Members Present: Mr. John Randlett, Chair, Mr. Neil McIver, Mr. Bill Bolton, Mr. Mike Ahern, Mr. Bryan Dutille

Members Absent:

Others Present: Mr. Paul Freitas

6:00 pm. Mr. John Randlett called the meeting to order and Mr. Neil McIver led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approve Minutes:  Select Board Work Session June 26, 2017: Mr. McIver made a motion; seconded by Mr. Ahern to approve these minutes. All in favor.  Select Board Non-public Work Session June 26, 2017: Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to approve these minutes. All in favor.  BOS meeting June 26, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to approve these minutes. All in favor.

Announcements:  The Select Board will meet on the following dates: Regular meetings – 6:00PM: Monday, July 24th, & August 14th, 2017.  Work review sessions prior to the regular meeting will start at 5:00PM. Tentative work session if needed – 5:00PM: Monday, July 31, 2017.

All of the above meetings will be held in the Town Hall, unless otherwise posted  Citizens wishing to be listed on the Select Board’s Agenda should notify the Town Hall before 12:00 PM the Friday before the scheduled meeting.  New members are needed for Planning Board and Zoning Board positions. If interested, please submit a letter of intent to the Plymouth Select Board’s Office, 6 Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH 03264.

Chairman’s Comments:


Visitors: Page 2 Town of Plymouth Minutes from the July 10, 2017 Select Board Meeting

New Purchase Orders:  Steve Lefebvre – Zuercher’s IMC Solution: IMC Software Support maintenance; $13,258.75. Mr. Freitas spoke in regard to this purchase order. Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille, to approve this purchase order. All in favor.

New/Other Business:  Juliet Harvey-Bolia – Update to PBTV Policy Book. This consists of technical updates, verbiage, rephrasing, and adjusting priorities of the station, to what serves the community the best. Changes will be made and distributed to the Selectmen, so they can discuss and vote to approve the updates at the next meeting.

Unfinished Business:  The Energy Commission continued discussion for approval of a solar array project at the Recycling Center. Grace Garvey spoke and asked if the BOS would approve this project. It was unclear to the commission as to what might be missing, that the Board wouldn’t want to proceed.  In a letter, the Town’s attorney weighed in on this project and noted several issues that need to be examined.  Mr. McIver made a motion to conduct a 2nd public hearing, afterwards the Board would take a vote to proceed with this project or not. This was seconded by Mr. Bolton. Mr. Ahern was opposed. Majority vote; 4 yes, 1 no  Maggie Mumford wondered if the attorney was addressing the process or had concerns about the PPA.  Mr. Randlett read the letter from the attorney. The letter stated that more specific information was needed, and that a Town meeting should be conducted, with approval from residents before a project like this is undertaken.  Mr. Ahern made a motion, seconded by Mr. McIver, to withdraw the previous vote due to misunderstanding. All in favor.  An application contingent on a vote at Town meeting will be on the agenda for the next BOS meeting. The contract can be signed by the Board, or the Board can vote to make Mr. Freitas signatory, conditional that it is approved at March meeting.

Public Comments:  Terri Carter and Jennifer Moulton both live on Hidden Brook Drive, and read letters that they had written, to the Board. Both families fear for their safety and feel their rights are being violated in the neighborhood, due to disagreements and strange occurrences with another individual down the street. (Letters attached)  Mr. Randlett suggested this be addressed in non-public session. A meeting with the Police and Fire chiefs will be arranged to see what can be done.

Committee Reports:  Mr. McIver met with a number of faculty members from the Business and Economic School, and the Environmental School of the University, and Frank Cocchiarella from the Central NH Chamber of Commerce. Developing interdepartmental collaborative cluster projects was the focus of the meeting. They want to develop plans and structure for environmental studies and eco-tourism in Plymouth. Page 3 Town of Plymouth Minutes from the July 10, 2017 Select Board Meeting

Adjourn: 6:52 PM

Mr. Randlett asked for a motion to go into non-public. Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver to go into Non-public in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a thru i). All in favor.

Respectfully submitted, Dawn Roach

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