Unit I: America As a World Power Name: ______
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Unit I: America as a World Power Name: ______
Chapters 10 & 11 (Alive! Ch. 19-21; 22-25) District Exam or Unit Test date: America Claims an Empire Study items related to Ch. 10, plus HA 19-21
Anti-Imperialists causes of Spanish-American War (1898) causes/motivations of U.S. imperialism
Cuba, the Philippines, & Puerto Rico foreign policy (idealism & realism) imperialism
Jose’ Marti & Emiliano Aguinaldo
Lodge, Schurz, Strong, & Mahan
(viewpoints & cartoons)
Open Door Policy
Panama Canal
Pulitzer & Hearst
Remember the Maine
Roosevelt “corollary”
Rough Riders
“splendid little war”
Theodore Roosevelt & the
assertion of American power
William McKinley
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson yellow journalism
Yellow Kid The First World War Study items related to Ch. 11, HA 22- 25)
“Big Four” “Black Hand Society” “Great War” (names & dates) “peace without victory” “powder keg of Europe” “war guilt” clause abdicate Allies American Expeditionary Force armistice blockade carte blanche casualties causes of WW I: M. A. I. N.? Central Powers Committee on Public Information European imperialist nations foreign entanglements Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip Kaiser Wilhelm II League of Nations Lusitania Meuse-Argonne Offensive new & deadly technologies pacifists & “conscientious objectors” propaganda: objectives/goals via tools/techniques reparations Selective Service Act Senate opposition to Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Versailles Triple Alliance Triple Entente U.S. entry into WW I u-boats Von Schlieffen Plan Woodrow Wilson (policies & peace negotiator; League of Nations, part of his “14 Points”) Zimmerman Telegram
Unit I: America as a World Power Chapters 10 & 11 (Alive! Ch. 19-21; 22-25)
List & explain 4 reasons for imperialism (M2C2). Provide an example showing justification for overseas expansion. Reason for Imperialism Explanation of Imperialistic Reason Historical example & justification for (WHY expand?) (WHAT exactly did expansion do for the WHY the U.S. expanded (list places & powerful? To the people being ruled? HOW the U.S. benefitted)
List and explain three main causes of the Spanish American War. 1.
3. Explain the reasoning behind each of the following foreign policies: Big Stick Policy: Open Door Policy:
List and explain four events/reasons the led to the United States joining the fight into WW I. Historical Event Explanation of Event Why did this lead U.S.A into war?
Briefly explain following forms of warfare used in WWI. Artillery Gas Machine Guns
Airplanes Tanks Submarines
Battleships Flame Thrower Trenches
How was WW I different than previous wars? Explain how & why fighting strategies had changed during this time.
Define propaganda:
List and explain the five objectives (GOALS) of propaganda List & explain (at least 5) different tools (TECHNIQUES) that propaganda utilized to gain support for the war.
What were the main points of the Treaty of Versailles? Of all the points, The League of Nations became the most controversial part of the Treaty. Explain the purpose of the League of Nations and why Americans debated the ratification of the treaty as a result.
Purpose of League of Nations:
Why did Americans struggle with the idea of the League?
What should I remember from Unit I? Additional Enduring Understandings 1. When the country faces a major threat, people’s rights become limited. 2. Any nation must prepare its economy and its military to fight a war (including the use of propaganda). 3. Wars can change the balance of power in the world and offer opportunities for emerging nations. 4. New war technologies are always developing, and new tactics are sometimes slow to adapt. 5. Isolationism vs. Interventionism will always be divisive issues in America. Arguments for these two sides are multifaceted, including economics, human rights, imperialism, and spreading democracy.
The one thing that will always stick out in my mind from this unit is: ______
The one question that I still have is: