Members Present – Councilmember Bryan Standifer, Councilmember Bobby Jacobs, and Councilmember Alexander were present.

Staff Present – Bob Schwartz, City Manager, and Peggy Billerman, City Clerk

Media Present – None

Citizens Present – David Wease.

Call to Order – Councilmember Standifer called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Mayor Newsome arrived at 7:12 pm.

Millage Rate – FY 2012 millage to be set at 6.91 mills, which is no increase over the FY2011 millage rate. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander to adopt 6.91 mills and to submit paperwork to the Jasper County Tax Commissioner. All in favor.

Get Ahead House – Draft of agreement between the City of Monticello and the board of the Get Ahead House. Councilmember Jacobs recommends removal of any reference to the $8,000 reserve budgeted for the Get Ahead House in FY2012, as it is in the budget, but not part of the agreement. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander. All in favor. Bob Schwartz will request a response from the board of the Get Ahead House to the draft agreement for consideration at the July 12th Council meeting.

Motion by Councilmember Jacobs to add agenda item ‘Westview Park’, seconded by Councilmember Alexander. All in favor.

Westview Park – Councilmember Alexander would like jB+a, inc. to provide a progress report at the July 12th meeting. Mr. Schwartz states that Westview Park pavilion estimates are close to $15,000. Councilmember Alexander would like a quote for trash cans that coordinate with the playground equipment to be placed near the playground to cut down on littering. She also stated that Funderburg Park needs new soccer nets and the goals repaired. Basketball goals also need repair. Councilmember Alexander also requested signs for each park stating “This is your Park. Take care of it.” Mayor Newsome commented on wrought iron posts threaded with chain that had functioned as a fence at another park area. Council asked for quotes on that type fencing and a split rail fencing to prevent vehicle entry onto Westview Park.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

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