CITY OF LINDEN Minutes for City Council Regular Meeting Held at 7pm on Monday, January 23, 2017

CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Mayor Danielle Cusson. The meeting was held in the Council Chambers on the lower level of the Mill Building at 201 N. Main Street, Linden, Michigan.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag was recited by all present. A moment of silence in memory of those who have served on behalf of the United States was observed by all.

ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Danielle Cusson, Heather MacDermaid, Ray Culbert, Brad Dick, Brenda Simons, Charlie Ross

Absent: Dave Franz

Others Present: Paul Zelenak, City Manager, Chuck McKone, Attorney

MINUTES Motion by Culbert, second by Ross, to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2016 regular City Council Meeting. Motion carried.






NEW BUSINESS (A) CAS 01-17 Appoint 2 Councilors to the Liquor License Committee

Motion by Culbert, second by MacDermaid, to appoint Charlie Ross to the Liquor License Committee along with Mayor Danielle Cusson. Motion carried.

(B) CAS 02-17 Resolution No. 01-17 CDBG Signature Card

Motion by MacDermaid, second by Dick, to authorize the City Manager, City Clerk, and City Treasurer as signers for the Genesee County CDBG Program and Adopt Resolution No. 01-17. Motion carried.

(C) CAS 03-17 Resolution No. 02-17 Meeting Schedule Change for the DDA

City of Linden Minutes for January 23, 2017Page 1 Motion by Cusson, second by Dick, to change the meeting time of the DDA Board meetings to 8:30am the fourth Thursday of the month. Also, approve Resolution No. 02-17 Updated Meeting Schedule for the year. Motion carried. (D) CAS 04-17 Budget Discussion

The budget schedule was given to the City Councilors.

CITY MANAGER’S REPORT City Manager, Paul Zelenak reported on:

Budget: We have begun the budget process for the upcoming year. I have already asked staff to start to work on their budgets. I am asking each of you to provide me with some of your goals for the upcoming year that you would like to see accomplished. Please email me your responses, and I will discuss them with you individually as to how they relate with other plans and projects for the City of Linden.

Taco Bell: Taco Bell submitted plans to build at the corner of Hyatt and West Broad Street. They appeared before Planning Commission last month, and got preliminary approval. They will most likely be going before Planning Commission next month for their second review.

Dr. Wax Property: They also submitted plans last month. There are several items that need to be addressed with their plans. We expect to see them coming back before the Planning Commission again within the next few months.

Boone Property: We have closed on the Boone property on N Bridge Street. It is now owned by the City / DDA. We can start to discuss plans for this property at our meeting. Including temporary and future uses.

Parks and Recreations Plan: I have included a copy of the draft 5-year parks plan. We have scheduled a public hearing to be held on February 16th at 6pm in the Council Chambers. A copy of the draft plan is available on the City's website as well.

CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT We came up for a solution for Spring Meadows. Also, a memo to you with the DEQ information, so you know what is going on. The owners received a letter that they are not in compliance and will be sited by the DEQ.


COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS Dick – Small Cities had a meeting in Montrose at the telephone museum. It was neat. Culbert – A meeting with the engineers is scheduled for the LAFF Pathway to extend to Triangular Park. Cusson – I attended the Fenton Regional Chamber Breakfast. I was listening to what Fenton has going on, a totally different budget. Park & Rec meeting discussed having Earth Day on April 22nd for a community clean- up. I will be talking to Grow Linden and DDA to get everyone involved. A student is going to video the Museum on a Monday before City Council Meeting and take a tour as well. Also, going to “have a meeting with the Mayor”, talking to our businesses once a month.

FINANCIAL REPORTS Motion by Ross, second by Dick, to approve accounts payable in the amount of $470,069.43. Motion carried.

YEAS: Dick, MacDermaid, Simons, Culbert, Cusson, Ross

City of Linden Minutes for January 23, 2017Page 2 NAYS: None ABSENT: Franz


ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

______Approved: ______Lynn M. Henry, City Clerk

City of Linden Minutes for January 23, 2017Page 3