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Sacramento City College Classified Senate Meeting October 13, 2016 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258
2015-2016 Classified Senate Officers Attendance: Yolanda Ramirez President: Robert Kelly Robert Kelly Craig Hart Vice-President: Shawn Ledet Shawn Ledet Pamela Morrison Treasurer: Rachel Larsen Rachel Larsen Secretary: Tyler Wyckoff Tyler Wyckoff Past President: Sandra Belmares Sandra Belmares 4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles
I. Call to Order 12:02pm II. Changes to Agenda a. Sustainability Planning Committee Update – Move to top of agenda b. Student Equity Planning Update – Move to top of agenda III. Approval of the Minutes a. Motion by Shawn Ledet b. Seconded by Rachel Larsen c. Passed IV. Officer Reports a. President – Robert Kelly a.i. College President interviews next Thursday and Friday, October 20 and 21. a.i.1. Impressions on 10/28 a.i.2. Classified Officers need to submit questions a.ii. Executive Council a.ii.1. Need to celebrate our people – “Panther Profile” every month to celebrate an employee of each constituency. Patty Blomberg will receive the first honor. a.ii.2. a.iii. b. Vice President – Shawn Ledet b.i. Academic Senate b.i.1. Faculty Hiring Justification meetings to review rankings b.i.2. Accreditation – seeking clarification as to what course SLOs mean b.i.3. Exploring the use of ESL as a prerequisite for certain courses that involve reading and writing c. Treasurer – Rachel Larsen c.i. Budget balance $5,558.31 c.ii. Retreat Planning Committee c.ii.1. First meeting yesterday c.ii.2. Wednesday, April 12, 2017 – tentative date c.ii.3. Location, theme, ice-breaker, and workshops are in process. d. Secretary – Tyler Wyckoff d.i. Student Senate d.i.1. Sac City Talks d.i.2. Game Truck / Game Club d.i.3. Model UN e. Past President – Sandra Belmares e.i. Second 100 Year Transition Team Meeting today at 2pm. Report out next month. e.ii. Classified Staff 100 Year Celebration Idea e.ii.1. Piece of artwork that classified staff collaborate on f. 4CS Representative – Deborah Knowles f.i. No report V. Old Business a. Classified Senate Area Reps for 2016-2017 a.i. No reports b. Classified Senate Sub-committees b.i. Fund Raising – if we are able to sell refreshments, etc. at Memorial Auditorium we will have a lot of competition c. SCC Standing Committee Appointments c.i. Blue Book Task Force c.i.1. Document revised and sent to Executive Council review. VI. New Business a. Sustainability Planning Committee a.i. Seeking Classified Staff Members. Please contact Alex. a.ii. Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1pm. Location TBD. a.iii. Broad focus—Ecological, social, and economic sustainability. b. Student Equity Planning Update – Riad Bahhur and Jerri Scott b.i. 3 year plan – 2017-2018 year will be the beginning of next 3 year plan b.ii. The goal is to increase success of disproportionately impacted groups. b.iii. Los Rios is working to integrate all Student Equity Plans, SSP Plans, and BSI Plans on each campus. b.iii.1. T4E – Yearlong engagement with faculty to generate new practices to improve student equity. b.iii.2. Other groups are needed – C4E, M4E, and S4E. b.iii.3. Classified Senate officers and/or representatives invited to T4E Workgroup and Student Equity Committee meetings. b.iii.4. Student Equity Plan can impact workload of Classified Staff. Classified Staff need to participate in planning to manage that impact. c. Upcoming Strategic Planning Events – Robert Kelly c.i. Last week was the first meeting, facilitated in IBA format. c.ii. Classified staff input is needed and encouraged. d. Renewal of Classified Senate Scholarship – Rachel Larsen d.i. $500 scholarship d.ii. Last year we awarded to 3.0, financial need, and involved on campus. d.iii. Shawn d.iv. Sandra d.v. Passed Subcommittee will meet to review criteria e. Upcoming PRT Meeting – Interim President Michael Poindexter e.i. October 26, 2016 e.ii. Reps from around state to learn how to being having conversations on enrollment, scheduling, guided pathways. e.ii.1. Three visits e.iii. We have had charettes in the past, but we need to pick that work back up and implement to make changes e.iv. $2000k to make changes e.v. IEPI Leadership Grant – Interim President Michael Poindexter e.v.1. Team created with 30+ employees from all constituencies – Second 100 Year Transition Team e.v.2. First meeting today at 2pm e.v.3. $50k for leadership training, to be used to implement Event to bring each constituency group to network e.vii. Employees can submit to be involved in PRT Teams to visit other colleges – Contact Pamela Morrison for more information VII. Good of the Order a. Upcoming Events a.i. Program Plans are due November 28, 2016 – Pamela Morrison a.i.1. Executive Council members will be invited to Program Plan reviews. a.ii. Student Service Coordinators and Supervisors Institute – Sandra Belmares a.ii.1. November, 2 from 2pm-4pm. VIII. Adjournment 1:06