Venue: Peter Mann House, Green Island

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Venue: Peter Mann House, Green Island

Diocesan Council Minutes

Tuesday 27 January 2015 at 10 am

Venue: Peter Mann House, Green Island Present: The Right Rev’d Dr Kelvin Wright (Chair), Venerable Stu Crosson, Rev’d Joanna Fielding, Rev’d Chris Tweddell (by video conference), Rev’d Alec Clark, Mrs Margaret McLanachan, Mr Chris Morris, Mrs Jennifer King. In Attendance: Mr Graeme Sykes (Manager), Mrs Nicola Wong (Secretary); Mr Keith Gover

1. Karakia: The Bishop opened the meeting with Prayer.

2. Apologies: Rev’d Judy Johnston, Rev’d Michael Wallace, Mrs Anne Gover, Mrs Eva Hammond

3. Previous Minutes: Moved from the Chair that the previous minutes of the 25 November 2014 meeting, having been circulated, be confirmed. Carried.

4. Matters arising from the Minutes: a Ongoing – GSSC seat held by Neill Ballantyne

5. Correspondence: Nil

6. Environmental scan: a Bishop’s report, appointments and membership of Committees i The membership of the four new Committees is ongoing, but at present there are three or four people on each Committee, with it envisaged that five people will be the membership limit. ii The Discipleship Committee will meet soon. One of the issues to be addressed by this Committee is the review of the use of funding received from St John’s Theological College. iii The Mission Committee will have a different meeting format to a formal Committee. The focus for this group is discernment of

1 the mission the Diocese is being called to and gatherings will be held to continue this process. iv Deconsecration of Churches: Holy Trinity Lawrence 11 January 2015. This Church has three items of Diocesan/National significance which need to be cared for and found new homes: The Pipe Organ; Altar Cross (given by Bishop Richards as a memorial to his two sons who were killed in WW1); The font which is 1000 years old, of Norman heritage, made of French stone and was brought to New Zealand by Bishop Nevill. St Stephens Hampden was deconsecrated on 24 January 2015. A Property Commissioners report is being undertaken.

2 7. Strategic and policy Issues: a Stewardship Committee i The minutes of a meeting of the Stewardship Committee on 20 January 2015 and accompanying Report were tabled and received. MOVED Mr Chris Morris Carried ii There was discussion on the matter of Diocesan income and Fair share and it was AGREED that the Stewardship Committee will do further work regarding these details and report back to the next Diocesan Council meeting. iii Communications Strategy – Mr Graeme Sykes spoke to this and advised that Ms Emma Neas has been appointed to the Diocesan Communications Role of 20 hours per week. A review of the ‘Good News’ campaign will be undertaken.

8. Strategic Issues for this meeting: a Council Work Plan and meeting timetable for 2015. i It was noted that the St John’s Funding application was due in April (see number 6 (a) (ii) above). The Ministry Conference is to be held in May. ii A Property Review, detailing the information collected from the extensive Diocesan Property Survey undertaken last year, is expected in February 2015. Noted.

9. Reports: i Trust Board Minutes Noted.

10. General Business i Rev’d Stu Crosson advised that Phil Trotter is speaking to St Matthews in April regarding discipleship and mentoring and there may be time available for a wider Diocesan meeting also. He will also be in Southland 14/15 March 2015. ii Mr Keith Gover reported that there is a group meeting to begin the process of rewriting Statute 3 in order that a draft Bill can be presented to Synod in September. Feedback was given by Council members as to methods to ensure Diocesan wide input into this process. It was felt that a presentation by the group to various meetings, (including by video link) across the Diocese, prior to a draft Bill being prepared, would facilitate good feedback.

3 iii Deputy Vicar General Rev’d Hugh Bowron has been appointed to this position. iv A Review of the Cathedral by Peter Beck is underway.

11. The meeting closed at 11.35am and the Trusts Board was convened.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 2015 at 10 am for 10.10 start.

Minutes confirmed ...... Chairperson…………………………………..Date


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