Senior Design I Proposal Requirements

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Senior Design I Proposal Requirements

Cosentino Senior Design I Proposal Requirements 2018 年 4 月 4 日 Information from Project Supplier


Traffic 1) Develop a traffic investigation plan that will produce the traffic data and pavement materials needed for the proposed site. 2) Determine Existing Traffic Counts – Check county/city engineering departments Palm Bay 321-952-3400- Rachael Gerena Alumni Melbourne 321-608-7306- Keith Cunningham, P.E. Brevard County 321- 633-2077 Gil Ramirez, P.E. Alumni There are counts on-line for each county. Include a site visit to verify your numbers 3) Determine available Pavement Materials and their costs including: Hot Mix use Superpave on High Volume Roads or Marshall criteria on other roads PCC give the required compressive and flexural strengths Base Course – specify available materials based on FDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Subbase Course – specify available materials based on FDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Recompacted Subgrade Tack and Prime Coats 4) If a soils report is available sketch a soil profile of the top 10 feet which includes soil description, standard penetration blow counts, any soil testing data from lab tests, water table depth, possible depth to bedrock, any sinkhole activity (known as Karst topography), any poor soil (i.e. muck, peat) may have to be removed and replaced with approved fill. 5) Describe how you will estimate New Traffic Volumes Use the FDOT Trip Calculation Software which is located in my public folder 6) Describe how you will develop a Pavement Design Low Volume Road Designs are needed for residential the procedure is provided in my public folder High Volume Road Designs for over 10,000 VPD as covered in Transportation Engineering 7) Describe how you will develop the outline for the final report Discuss Location and existing traffic data Discuss new or additional traffic data and how it was obtained Detail any roadway geometric changes or traffic lighting changes determined from the data Cosentino Senior Design I Proposal Requirements 2018 年 4 月 4 日 Be sure to discuss your section outline with the faculty member teaching Senior Design 8) Describe how you will produce the final report which will include typical cross sections in AutoCAD, the engineering findings such that the order you present the text makes sense and that the Tables and Figures stand alone and are discussed in the text. No abbreviations are allowed, use third person passive tense (i.e., no I we, they, etc), all acronyms (which are abbreviations but allowed) are proper nouns therefore do not put the in front of them (i.e., not correct the FDOT, correct FDOT). Properly reference your work, author year within the text and with a complete reference section in the report. 9) Develop your own schedule for completing these tasks during the proposal. Geotechnical


1) Develop a subsurface investigation for the proposed site. First; outline what you believe would be critical information needed for this investigation; then determine the number, location, depth and type of field boring or sounding needed to supply the information. Specify the depth or location of the disturbed or undisturbed samples required and any specialty tests or samples needed. 2) Describe how you will determine Structural Loads -- make sure you know if you need to apply a Safety Factor to them. Find a reference that will allow you to estimate them for the particular structure being proposed. If other group members determined loads, please check their calculations BEFORE you start using this information. 3) Once your subsurface investigation has been specified, obtain the proper test borings and develop soil profiles across the site-- Make cross sections that include, layer boundaries, visual soil descriptions, standard penetration blow counts, any soil testing data from lab tests (i.e., shear strength, density, USCS classification etc.), water table depth, depth to bedrock if applicable, any sinkhole activity (known as Karst topography), possible muck zones. 4) From the profiles determine the following. Please include references from textbooks, with page and or fig/table numbers. Layers for a more generalized profile which you are to draw Estimated Density (pcf), friction and cohesion (psf) for each layer A complete effective stress profile throughout the boring For any clay layers estimate the void ratio 5) Describe how you will develop a Design Cosentino Senior Design I Proposal Requirements 2018 年 4 月 4 日 Clearly explain your choice of footing type, shallow or deep, make sure you discuss settlement (total and differential) and bearing capacity for shallow footings Shallow footings must include steel requirements and the appropriate connections to columns or shear walls 6) A winning proposal should include the following: The estimated footing dimensions, depth and connections to columns and shear walls A typical cross section in AutoCAD Professionally written engineering findings. Note that the order you present the text should be logical and the Tables and Figures MUST stand alone and are discussed in the text. No abbreviations are allowed, use third person passive tense (i.e., no I, we, they, etc), all acronyms (which are abbreviations but allowed) are proper nouns (like your name) therefore do not put the in front of them (i.e., not correct the FDOT, correct FDOT). Properly reference your work, author year within the text and with a complete reference section in the report.

7) Develop estimated costs and schedule for completing these tasks during the proposal.

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