Greece Portion of the Review Guide

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Greece Portion of the Review Guide

Greece Portion of the Review Guide

Early Greece

1. Who were the Minoans?


2. Who were the Mycenaeans?


3. Describe why the DARK AGES occurred after the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization.


Social Life in Greece

4. Describe an acropolis.


5. Describe a polis, or a city-state.



6. Describe the architecture of Greek temples (3 columns). Then, explain the purpose of the temple in Greek life.



7. Describe Greece’s geographical features and how it affected the development of city-states/trade.


8. What was the effect of Greek colonization in the Mediterranean?

______9. Know the location of the following cities on a map: Athens, Aegean Sea, and Sparta.


10. Describe the following forms of government found within the Greek city-states: Oligarchy, Monarchy, Democracy


11. How did Athens expand democracy in its city-state? (Use the following people: Draco, Solon, Peisistratrus, Cleisthenes, and Pericles)



12. Describe key people, battles, and outcomes of the Trojan War. ______

13. Describe key people, battles and outcomes of the Persian War.

______14. Describe key people, battles, and outcomes of the Peloponnesian War.



15. How did Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle differ in their beliefs?


Alexander the Great

16. Who was Alexander the Great?


17. Describe how Alexander affected the Greek/Asian worlds.


18. Describe the Hellenistic culture that developed because of Alexander.


Early Rome.

19. Describe the three groups that settled in the Italian Peninsula around 800 B.C. (Estruscans, Latins, and Greeks).


Early Roman Government.

20. Describe the government of the Etruscans.


21. What form of government did the Latins develop after the fall of the Etruscan king?

______22. What is a Republic?


23. What were the Twelve Tables (later evolved into the Law of Nations)? Who was affected by these laws? ______

24. Describe the Roman Republic using the following terms: (consuls, praetors, dictator, Senate, Assembly)


25. Who were patricians and plebeians?


26. Describe key battles, people, and outcomes of the Punic Wars (3)?


Republic to Empire

27. Who were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, and what did they try to remedy?


28. Who was Julius Caesar, and how did he change the Republic?


29. Who was involved in the First Triumvirate?


Roman Emperors

30. What was the Pax Romana? When did it occur?


31. Describe the following emperors and the effects they had on the Roman Empire. Nero:______




Theodosius the Great:______

Roman Religion

32. Who were Romans supposed to worship like a god/goddess?


33. Describe at least two important gods/goddesses to the Romans.


34. Who was Jesus, and how did he affect the lives of people within Judea and Galilee?


35. How did the Edict of Milan affect Christians within the Roman Empire?


Social Life in Rome

36. What were the gladiatorial games, and who fought in them?


37. What was the Colosseum used for?


38. Were Romans distracted by the entertainment from more serious problems within Rome? Describe why or why not. ______

Downfall of the Republic

39. Who were the first invaders to sack Rome?


Middle Ages Portion of the Review Guide

The Church in the Middle Ages

40. Who were bishops and what was the hierarchy of the church? (Monks, Bishops, Abbots, Parishes, Pope, etc.)


41. What specific tasks were the monks in the monasteries carrying out? (IE Translation)


42. Describe the learning that is going on inside the monasteries during the Middle Ages.


43. What role did the Concordat of Worms play in history?


44. Describe what the Inquisition was. What justification did Christians use for carrying out its activites?


45. What role did Ferdinand and Isabella play in the expelling of Jews and Muslims from Spain? ______

46. What were the typical vows that were taken by monks during the Middle Ages?


47. Describe the influence that Saint Benedict had on religion during the Middle Ages? What is monasticism? ______

48. Which group asked for help to prevent the Muslims from controlling Jerusalem, prior to the start of the Crusades? Why would the Rome help? ______

49. What types of opportunities did crusaders, knights and merchants have in participating in the Crusades? (IE Adventure, Goods)


50. How did the practice of Lay Investiture work in the church and monarchies in Medieval Europe? ______

51. Who was Pope Innocent III and how did he use the practice of interdicts? ______


52. What is feudalism? What type of contract did lords and vassals have?


53. What is a fief? Why was this important to the political system of feudalism?


54. Describe how a feudal contract worked between a lord and his vassal? Was this actually written?


Manoral System

55. What role did serfs play on individual Manors? What were they allowed and not allowed to do?


56. How did Serfs and Peasants differ?


57. List and describe several inventions that helped improve farming during the Middle Ages? (IE horse collar and horse shoe)

58. How did the Flying Buttress change architecture in the late Middle Ages? What other inventions brought about Gothic architecture?


Life in the Middle Ages

59. Describe what role Chivalry played on everyday life? How did knights uphold this honor?


60. Who was Saladin and what impact would he have on the Muslim forces in Jerusalem?


61. Describe the reason the 100 Years War came about? How did Joan of Arc play a part? ______


62 How did the war for control of Italy between France and Spain end?


63. Why was Leonardo Da Vinci embody Italian Social ideals?


64. Whose Frescos are considered the early renaissance Masterpieces?


65. What did Christian Humanists believe?

______66. What is Baldassare Castiglione‘s, The Book of the Courtier, about?


67. Why did parents in the Renaissance arrange marriages?


68. Why was Chaucer’s, The Canterbury Tales, important? ______

69. What did the Humanist movement have a significant impact on? ______

70. Which artists are considered part of the High Renaissance? ______

71. Who exemplifies a Christian Humanist? ______

72. According Machivelli’s, The Prince, what should a prince be? ______

73. When was Savonarola sentenced to death for heresy? ______

74. What types of people had trading centers in eastern ports? ______

75. What Middle Eastern goods were in high demand in Europe? ______

76. Which Italian city-state created an efficient tax system to generate revenue for the government? ______

77. What happened to church doctrines as Italian states became wealthier? ______

78. Who is Albrecht Dürer? ______

79. Which Northern Renaissance artist, imitated nature, not by using perspective, like the Italians, but by observing and portraying details the best he could in his paintings? The Reformation 80. What importance and development did the printing press lead to in Europe? ______

81. What were the main criticisms that Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church? ______

82. What did Luther believe could only believe could be achieved though faith alone? ______

83. Describe the role indulgences played in the Catholic Reformation? ______

84. Describe the concept of Predestination ______

85. Who was John Calvin and what role did he play in the Protestant Reformation? ______

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