Woodley Cluster Meeting

Thursday 26th June 2014

St Dominics 9.30 – 11:30


Action 1 Minutes of Last meeting agreed

2 Matters Arising from previous minutes :

Payroll FTP : RV felt it will improve security CT will look into and feedback

SFVS - DA informed that D Munday will feedback only if WBC has any concerns. Also DA if the school gets audited SFVS is looked into.

NB suggested that schools could buddy up to check each other’s processes NB

3 Life Cloud :

Most Schools using it are not happy. Three options given to school by D Congdon: 1) use only between 9:00 – 10:00 am RV 2) Opt Out 3) Pay invoice only in September when new version is introduced

Some school are using E School and some Office 360.

4 Sports Grant :

Will continue to be paid to schools for 03 years. £8000.00 plus an extra £5.00 / per pupil. All students who were 5 years old during the DA January Census qualify. Sports Grant can be used to pay UPS teachers

5 Online Parent Booking for school appointments :

St Dominics not going for it at the moment JS NB is getting a free trial and will give name of company NB 0703

The following updates were given by DA of WBC : 6 Bursar Conference - WBC has received mixed feedback about conference

Pupil Premium – Many schools not sure how to maintain records. Bursars not responsible for maintaining records or increasing level of attainment.

Free School Meals applications: RV stated that many get rejected regularly. DA will send information about when we will receive new leaflets regarding Pupil Premium. DA

DA will contact schools individually if any queries arise about budgets. All traded services and other journals all charged in June wise submitted July 2014. Aggresso - to go live in September. August wise reports that will be sent out in September will be on old format.

Timetable to change codes still to be decided. DA

DA will send sample of new format.

Benchmarking – Staffing costs were discussed. Recommended to use school block DA as a basis for calculating percentage.

DA will reconfirm if after school club income to be used in the above.

Water Bills – large variation between all schools. All agreed to use control methods on ALL amount of flushing in urinals.

SEN Top Up – DA attended conference on Fair Funding and recommended if an DA individual case needs a top up to approach SEN Cluster forum.

Cluster Procurement – question put forward by CT. All agreed that a lot of work will CT be involved in moving away from WBC. Time constraints a big stumbling block. JS advised we should start using cluster for procuring grants CT attended a bid writing course and fed back that community involvement has to be a very large part of any grant.

7 Date of next meeting - Tuesday 08th October 2014

Venue – Rivermead

Chair – Nolene

Minutes - Cindy

Date of next meeting: Venue: Chair: Minutes: