Tender No. 2. RTI/MUM
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Tender No. 2. RTI/MUM/ Dated 18.11.2013
The Principal Director, Regional Training Institute, Mumbai, C-2, GN Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Near Asian Heart Institute, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 invites sealed tenders in two bid system for housekeeping services for a period of ONE year from 01.01.2014 from reputed firms/ agencies having good track record, manpower capacity and relevant experience in housekeeping for providing housekeeping services for Regional Training Institute, Mumbai Office and Hostel Block. Tender forms can be obtained from Sr Audit Officer (Administration), Regional Training Institute. Tender document can also be downloaded from the website www.rtimumbai.cag.gov.in. Last date for submission of tender form : 10.12.2013 (1500 hrs). Pre-Bid meeting at RTI, Mumbai : 29.11.2013 (1130 hrs). Date of opening of tender (technical bid) : 10.12.2013 (1530 hrs). (Authority: Pr. Director’s orders dated 14.11.2013)
Sd/- Sr Audit Officer/Admn Regional Training Institute, Mumbai Indian Audit & Accounts Department. Contact : 26521902, 26523251.
1. The tenderers shall be required to submit tender in two separate sealed envelopes, each containing as under: i) First envelope – Technical Bid alongwith Earnest Money Deposit in prescribed manner. ii) Second envelope – Price Bid.
The above two sealed envelopes, marked “Technical Bid Only" and “Price Bid Only” respectively, shall then be placed in another sealed envelope and submitted to the office undersigned up to 1500 hrs, on or before the last date of receipt of tender i.e. 10.12.2013. The name of work, the name and mailing address of Tenderer and the contents of the envelope shall be clearly mentioned on the sealed outer envelope.
2. Regional Training Institute (RTI) discourages stipulation of any conditions by the tenderers. In case the tenderer wishes for any clarification on any issue he may do so during the pre-bid meeting scheduled on 29.11.2013 (1130 hrs) with all the tenderers before submission of the tender. The tenderer shall sign and stamp each page of the tender document as a token of having read and understood the terms and conditions contained therein and submit the same alongwith the Technical Bid.
3. Technical bids will be opened on 10.12.2013 at 1530 hrs.
4. The scrutiny and evaluation of technical bids shall be done by RTI and necessary clarification/ additional information, if any, as required and sought by RTI, from the tenderers shall be furnished by the tenderers within the stipulated time as communicated to them. Non-response by the tenderer within the stipulated period shall render their tender liable for rejection.
5. RTI is not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any additional condition included by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected.
6. The tender for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of thirty days from the date of opening of tenders (price bid). If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the same period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to RTI, shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said EMD.
7. All taxes including services tax etc. prevailing at the time of submission of tender (price bid) in respect of this contract shall be included by the contractor in his quoted rate/s and RTI will not be liable for any additional claim whatsoever in this respect during the period of contract.
Housekeeping Supervisor : 2 Nos.
Duty time/Shifts
7.30 hours to 15.30 hours – 1 No. 11.30 hours to 19.30 hours – 1 No. Age : 25-30 years Qualification Minimum 10th pass Experience : 2-3 years in cleaning services in hostel/ hotel or office environment. Supervises : All cleaning & housekeeping staff Duties: (i)Organizes and directs housekeeping staff. (ii) instructs staff about the proper use and care of equipment and safety precautions. Ensures possible man power on hand to deal with the task. (iii) inspects all areas to determine whether cleanliness standards are being maintained. (iv) keeps track of all inventories, supplies and equipment. (v) inspection of the hostel rooms before check in and after check out of the guest. (vi) organizing collection and delivery of laundry of the guests in the hostel rooms. (vii) prompt reports of defects / breakages / leakages etc to the owner. (viii) maintains records and files.
Housekeeping boys including chambermaid – 14+ 2 = 16 nos.
Age – 18 yrs and above. Duty time : Shift one : 7.30 hours to 15.30 hours Shift two : 11.30 hrs to 19.30 hrs
Plumber : 1 no.
Age & Qualification : 20 -35 years having basic plumbing skills. Duty time : 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs
1. Tenders will be opened in the presence of any intending contractor who may be present at the time of scheduled date & time of opening of tenders 2. Rates quoted by the contractor in figure and words shall be accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy on the rates written in figures and words. 3. All rate/s shall be quoted in proper form of price Bid 4. It is obligatory on the part of the tenderer to sign the tender documents and that, after the work is awarded, he will have to enter into an agreement with RTI 5. On accepting the tender, the party shall be informed in writing regarding the same and whereupon, they should accept the same and enter into an agreement and in the prescribed format in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 200/-. Failure to accept the offer will lead to forfeiture of EMD. 6. While executing the agreement, the contractor has to furnish Security Deposit equivalent to one month’s contract amount in the form of Demand Draft. The EMD can be adjusted against the Security amount, if so desired. No interest will accrue on the Security Deposit so furnished. The Security Deposit shall be refunded after 60 days of termination of the contract after adjusting dues, if any to this office. Failure to execute the work as per our directions will lead to forfeiture of the Security Deposit. 7. The contractor shall bound to follow all the labour legislations of Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition Act) 1970, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Employees Provident Fund Act 1952, Security Tax Act etc amended from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and Employer may in his discretion without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provision of the said Act.
8. Monthly payment will be done by account payee cheque, after completion of the service, against valid invoice support by the documentary evidence in proof of the compliance under the Labour law regulations. Tax shall be deducted at source as per prevailing Income Tax act on a monthly basis. 9. The contractor shall engage experienced, hard working, trustworthy persons, with good health for housekeeping services at RTI. Wherever applicable the persons shall possess necessary licence / certificate for skilled work. 10. The contractor should agree that the personnel so deployed on a contrat basis and for all practical purposes are employees of the contractor and they will not be entitled for any of the privileges enjoyed by the staff of RTI Mumbai. The
4 work force so deployed will have no claim, directly or indirectly for regular employment or service or any other benefits. 11. The contractor shall not assign, sub contract or subject the whole or any part of the works covered by the contract or any benefit thereof. 12. RTI shall have the powers to issue necessary instructions covering discipline, decorum, work performance/safety, etc. to the persons engaged through the Contractor and the person engaged shall ensure compliance with all such instructions strictly. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to provide personal supervision and direction to his employee/workmen for the performance of work undertaken under the contract and to ensure compliance of all instructions given by the Principal Director /RTI. 13. The Contractor shall ensure that the personnel employed by him are the persons of high integrity. In case of any doubt about the integrity, behaviour or discipline of the personnel of the Contractor employed for the purpose of rendering this contract, the organization shall have absolute right to direct the contractor to remove such person/persons from attending work at the premises of the organization and the contractor shall abide by such instructions immediately and in any case not later than 24 hours. 14. The contractor shall provide proper uniform, shoes & other safety equipments at his cost to all workmen deployed by him for housekeeping work. 15. The Contractor shall issue Identity Card to each personnel engaged for rendering the services under this contract and also furnish the details of personnel like name, permanent residential address, age, signature, qualification, etc. along with an attested photograph to the organization. 16. In case any workmen is found absent / short, recovery shall be made @ Rs. 450 per day per housekeeping boy and @ Rs. 600/- per day per person in case of supervisor/ plumber. 17. The Contractor’ employees should make their own arrangements for food and snacks while at work at their own cost and RTI will not entertain any financial expenditure or provide any canteen facility. 18. The contractor shall pay wages/salary as per statutory requirements to the workforce engaged by him. The contractor shall maintain a register of wages and wage slips for every month is to be issued. He shall obtain the signature, or the thumb impression of the worker concerned against the entries relating to him on the register of wages and the entries shall be authenticated by the initial of the contractor or by authorized representative. 19. Agency shall maintain separate challans for the payment of EPF & ESIC and shall submit a copy to RTI alongwith the invoice for following month’s payment. 20. The Contractor shall directly and exclusively be responsible for any liability arising due to any difference or dispute between him and his personnel engaged. The Contractor shall be responsible for settlement of any claim/dues in case of any of the contractor’s employees sustaining injury within the premises of RTI. The contractor shall have to take necessary insurance cover for all his employees in this regard. The contractor shall maintain First Aid
5 Facilities for his employees. The Contractor shall keep RTI indemnified at all times against all claims that may arise under this contract. 21. The contractor shall ensure full attendance of the staff and avoid frequent replacements. The supervisors once appointed should continue for the whole period of contract unless specified by the office for replacement due to their inefficiency. 22. If any loss or theft takes place from the stock entrusted to them during the period of Contract, the Contractor shall be liable to compensate such losses on account of loss and theft, etc. The decision of Principal Director/RTI shall be final and binding on the Contractor in this regard. 23. The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper behaviour of the persons employed by him and exercise control over them. He shall also be bound to prohibit and prevent his employees for taking any direct or indirect interest and/or support, assist, maintain or help any person or persons engaged in any anti-social activities, demonstrations, riots or agitations which may, in any way, be detrimental or prejudicial to the interest of the organization. 24. The contractor shall ensure adequate safe conditions and ensure safety precautions at RTI as required under the laws and shall be solely and entirely responsible for the complete safety of its employees as well as other persons at RTI 25. RTI, Mumbai may at any time, cancel and terminate the contract by written notice to the contractor (one month notice) in which event, the contractor shall be entitled to payment for the work done up to the time of such cancellation. In the event of termination of the contract, the contractor shall forthwith clear the site of all his personnel, materials, equipments etc. 26. Client Obligations: The water and electricity required for the purpose of cleaning and for operation and maintenance of the equipments shall be provided by Regional Training Institute, Mumbai free of cost. Also the lift in the building will be allowed to be used by the Contractor for carrying his persons as well as for the goods. A lockable storage place in the building / basement shall be provided to the Contractor for storing the material and equipment for housekeeping. The watch and ward / safe custody of his materials shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
6 The following are the jobs in brief to be undertaken:
1. The housekeeping services are to include all the services related to cleaning of all common areas, staircase, basement, reception, general compound area, gymnasium, the interior areas of RTI office and RTI hostel. The housekeeping services shall also include deep cleaning of all building features and internal walls including glass surfaces, toilets including wash areas, floors , ceiling, walls, cubical partitions, tables, chairs, mirrors , light fittings, TVs, sanitary wares, washbasins, sanitary bins, pantry facility and all other fittings and furnishings. During inclement weather, the frequency may be higher than once a day. Emptying of waste baskets, replacing dust bin bags and collection of waste for disposal are to be carried out. The services are to include cleaning of all the classrooms, conference rooms, seminar halls and auditorium. All washrooms dustbins are to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. All telephone instruments are to be sanitized using disinfectants. Dusting and wiping of all furniture, scrubbing of floor areas with scrubbing machines and vacuum cleaning of sofas carpets etc are to be undertaken. The services shall include cleaning of open terraces of Tower I & II, machine rooms, server rooms, AHU rooms, all service shafts, lifts, auditorium also. The services shall not include façade cleaning.
2. Housekeeping services for the Hostel Block Other than regular cleaning of the hostel rooms and the common areas and staircase in Tower II, the services to be provided in the hostel rooms are as follows: a) Preparing room ready for occupancy well in advance which will include changing of bed linen (which has to be changed twice a week during occupancy). A file to be maintained for preserving the room reservation slips. b) Making of beds daily in the occupied rooms. c) Maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene in all the rooms. d) Cleaning and sanitizing of the bathrooms, wash basins and shower cubicles using suitable non – abrasive cleaners and disinfectants. e) Rooms to be regularly checked for bed linen, towel, drinking water, functioning of TV, clocks, refrigerators, ACs, geysers and bathroom fittings, bulbs etc and maintain regular reports and bring the defects to the notice of RTI administration. f) Replenishment of coffee / tea/ sugar/ milk powder sachets in the occupied rooms. g) Refill of soap, shampoo, hand wash and toilet roll etc in the guest rooms. h) Trash removal and sanitizing of the bins and telephone instruments. i) Collection of laundry from the rooms and coordinating with the launderer for washing and delivery of laundry.
3 . The contractor shall ensure deployment of the following machinery / equipment for Housekeeping. Nothing extra shall be paid for this. a) Wet / dry vacuum cleaner b) Telescopic Rod (extendable type) c) Multipurpose housekeeping trolley. d) Ladder ( for cleaning the areas having high ceilings like the atrium area, auditorium etc) d) Mechanised floor sweeper for basements and external area e) Floor scrubber
7 f) Wringer trolley g) Extension boards
4. The contractor shall ensure supply of the following consumables for Housekeeping . Nothing extra shall be paid for this. a) Soft & Hard Brooms b) Cob-Web Dusters c) Floor & Glass Dusters d) Table & Computer Dusters e) Odonil cakes for the toilets /hostel washrooms f) WC Brush g) Deodorized – detergent for mopping, multi purpose liquid cleaner of reputed quality. h) R-1 to R-7 (Hindustan Lever Brand or equivalent) i) Spray Bottles, Buckets , Garbage Bags, Mugs, Dust Collectors, Odopic / Vim Powder, Mops, j) Glass cleaning kit, Hand Brush, Oversized Sweeping Brush for external areas, Scrubbing Pads. All consumables shall be of reputed quality and approved by the Owner. The list of all cleaning material coming in each month should be reported to the owner.
5. For details of areas for Office Building, Hostel Block, please refer the statement of the areas given in the Annexure – I.
From, M/s ………………….. ………………………. Sir, Sub : Tender for Housekeeping Services for RTI Office and Hostel Block.
I, …………………..of M/s ………………………………having registered office at …………………………………..hereby agree on the acceptance on this tender by you, to supply to Regional Training Institute, Mumbai, in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the tender form, housekeeping services at the rate specified in the price bid. I enclose Demand Draft No. ……………….of Rs. 60,000/- towards earnest money deposit remitted to your credit in the name as specified and to be returned to me by you if this tender is not accepted. Details of pre-qualifications documents attached ( duly signed and sealed). Description of Document Page No. 1. Certificates /documents in proof of Registration viz., EPF, ESI, Service Tax, VAT, PAN, Prof Tax. 2. Certificates / documents in proof of experience in housekeeping in the past three years 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13. Note :- Minimum of 100 personnel in the pay roll per month will only be considered for evaluation. 3. Proof for financial capability Note :- Bank solvency certificate for minimum of Five lakh rupees only will be considered for evaluation. 4. Client’s list with documentary evidence and audited turnover per year for 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. Note : True copies of work orders issued and balance sheet certified by Chartered Accountants with clear values for salary payment, statutory deductions etc., strictly for the above period only will be considered for evaluation. The tenderer should not have incurred loss in any two years during the past three years 5. Details of Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) for housekeeping services We also confirm that we will abide by all the terms and conditions and we do not have any counter conditions. Yours faithfully, Place : Date : Signature of Tenderer (Seal of the Company/Firm)
9 (Following Declaration need to be signed and submitted alongwith the Technical Bid )
I,…………………………..Son/Daughter Wife of Shri……………………………Proprietor /Director / Partner of M/s. ……………………………………………….. do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1) that I am the sole Proprietor / Partner / Director of M/s………………………… ………… ……… ……… …… ………… ……… ……… …… …… …………….
2) that I state and declare that the above Firm / Company M/s………………………… ………… ……… ……… …… ………… ……… ……… …… ………….. has never been debarred and / or blacklisted any of State Government / Public Sector Unit / Public Bodies / Municipalities / any Enforcement Authority.
In case, the above declaration is found to be incorrect or wrong, the contract if awarded to the firm shall be liable to blacklisted / debarred for future works / contract with Regional Training Institute, Mumbai. Any such action shall however be without prejudice to Regional Training Institute’s rights under the law.
Signature of the Proprietor / Partner / Director
Note: The Signatory shall not effect any variation in the text of declaration. Declaration in any other form will not be accepted.
The Principal Director, RTI, Mumbai
Madam,: I / We wish to submit our Tender for providing Housekeeping Services for Regional Training Institute, Office and Hostel block at C-2, GN Block, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Near Asian Heart Institute, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 at the following rates:-
Monthly rate offered for providing housekeeping services at RTI, Mumbai in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the Tender as per all Acts, Rules & Taxes etc. as applicable from time to time.
Sr No. Particulars Nos Wages/person/month Total 1. Housekeeping 2 Supervisor 2. Plumber 1 3. Housekeeping staff 16 including chambermaids 4 Admin cost / ------management fee etc TOTAL Service tax GRAND TOTAL We confirm that the quoted rates are inclusive of all statutory liabilities. I / We agree to forfeit the earnest money if / we fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions in whole as laid down in the Tender Form. I / we have carefully read the terms and conditions of the Tender and am / are agreeing to abide by these in letter and spirit. signature______Name & address of the firm______Telephone No.______Mobile No.______Note: Minimum wages as per Government of Maharashtra are to be adhered. The monthly rate quoted will be fixed for the period of the contract.
ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made this ……… …. Day of ………….2014 between Regional Training Institute, Mumbai, having its Office at C-2, GN Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Near Asian Heart Institute, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 (Hereinafter called “the Owner”) of the one part and ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………..of the other part whose registered office is situated at……………………………………….(Hereinafter called “ The Contractor”).
WHEREAS the owner is desirous of awarding the job of providing housekeeping services to RTI , Mumbai on the plot of land bearing to the Contractor AND WHEREAS the Contractor has deposited Earnest Money and Security Deposit as per the contract conditions, in token of performance of this contract and is willing to provide housekeeping services as per the condition of tender / contract document duly filled in and submitted by the Contractor and accepted by the Owner.
NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by both the parties as follows:
1. The Contractor, as mutually agreed, shall carry out and render the housekeeping services as mentioned /shown upon the contract documents and as per the terms & conditions mentioned therein for a period of ONE year w.e.f…01.01.2014 at a total amount of Rs………….(Rupees…………………………). Thereafter it may be renewed for the subsequent year at the discretion of the Owner on such terms & conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor.
2. The Contractor has been shown the areas of work and the work to be carried out as specified in ‘Scope of work’ of this tender. 3. Be it clearly understood and agreed that by this Deed no relationship of employer and employee is created between the Owner and the employees engaged by the Contractor. 4. The Contractor shall provide the housekeeping services in the areas and manner as discussed. The Contractor shall undertake and assure the Owner that he will provide proper and efficient services in the predetermined schedule of time. Besides, services will also be rendered by the Contractor as and when desired by the Owner even though it may not be as per schedule on charges as may be agreed to separately.
5. The Contractor shall decide the modus operandi as to engage men / machinery by him rendering proper and efficient services.
6. The Contractor, being the employer in relation to persons engaged / deployed by him for providing the services under this agreement, shall alone be responsible and liable to pay wages / salaries to such persons which in any case will not be less than in accordance with the minimum wage as fixed or prescribed for the category of workers employed by him from time to time or by the State Government and /or any authority constituted by or under any law.
7. The Contractor shall adhere to and comply with the laws that may be applicable to him will extend all the benefits / privileges as applicable to persons engaged / employed by him including that of Provident Fund, ESI, Bonus, Gratuity, Minimum Wages Act and leave etc. In case of any breach of any law, rules, notifications applicable to the employees of the Contractor engaged, the Contractor alone shall be responsible and liable for any act(s) of omission and / or commission committed by any employee, agent,
12 representative, attorney, person(s) engaged /employed by him for discharging the obligations under this Agreement.
8. The Contractor shall provide uniforms to his employees the pattern of which will be different than that of employees of the owner and they shall wear them at all times while at work and maintain such uniforms. The Contractor shall also provide necessary safety items such as gloves, masks, shoes etc .
9. All employees of the Contractor shall be issued with identity cards bearing their photographs. Cost of identity cards & photographs for identity cards shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall have the identity card format approved from the company.
10. The Contractor alone shall have the right to take disciplinary action against any person(s) engaged /employed by him; while no right whatsoever shall vest in any such person(s) to raise any dispute and / or claim whatsoever against the Owner. The Owner shall, under no circumstances be deemed or treated as the employer in respect of any person(s) engaged /employed by the Contractor for any purpose whatsoever nor would the Owner be liable for any claim(s) whatsoever of any person(s) of the Contractor.
11. The Contractor shall obtain appropriate license under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Rules as amended up to date and shall comply with all terms & conditions thereof strictly, and shall keep such license duly validated and / or renewed from time to time throughout the period of this Agreement.
14. The Contractor shall be responsible for resettlement of any claim/dues in case of any of the contractor’s employees sustaining injury within the premises of RTI. The contractor shall have to take necessary insurance cover for all his employees in this regard. The contractor shall maintain First Aid Facilities for his employees.
15. The Contractor shall be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of his employees. If any employee of the Contractor found misbehaving with the Owner’s staff the Contractor shall take necessary and appropriate action.
16. In the event of any loss / damage being occasioned to the Owner on account of the negligence of the Contractor’s employees, the Contractor shall make good the loss sustained by the Owner either by replacement of the material / equipment or payment of compensation.
17. The Contractor shall not appoint any sub-contractor to carry out any obligations under the contract.
18. The Contractor shall take proper instructions from the Owner for the execution of the contract at different places and will faithfully comply with the same.
19. The Contractor shall provide sufficient quantity of material / equipments for executing the work..
20. The Contractor shall attend to complaints relating to Housekeeping received from the employees of the Owner and shall devise a system whereby such complaints when brought to the notice of the Contractor will be attended promptly by him or his employees concerned.
21. All members of staff employed by the Contractor will be subjected to security check by the Owner’s Security Staff while entering & leaving the premises. 22. The Contractor shall be required to provide supervisory staff to check the execution of the job on a fortnightly basis.
13 23. The Contractor shall submit his bill in respect of services rendered by -5 th day of the month immediately following the month to which such services relate. The payment of the bill shall be made to the Contractor within a fortnight only if the services provided are found satisfactory. 24. The Contractor will have to produce the Register of Wages or the Register of Wages-cum- Muster Roll of the preceding month to be submitted by the -10th day of every calendar month for verification by the Sr Audit officer (Admn), RTI, Mumbai. 25. The Contractor shall have to provide details of recoveries made towards each of the labour engaged in respect of EPF, ESI, PT etc for the previous month along with the paid up receipt of concerned organization to RTI, Mumbai. 27. The Contractor’s employees will make their own arrangements for food and snacks while at work at their own cost and the Owner will not entertain any financial expenditure or provide any canteen facility. 28. If the Contractor commit any breach of any of the terms and conditions hereof and / or fails / neglect to carry out any instructions issued to him by the Owner from time to time, it shall be open and lawful for the Owner to terminate this agreement forthwith without assigning any reason. 29. In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of operation of this agreement, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration and the sole arbitrator will be Pr. Director RTI, Mumbai or any other officer appointed by her whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. 30. The statutory increase in the wages of labour in accordance with the minimum wages notification issued by the appropriate authority under the minimum wage Act from time to time may be considered and accordingly worked out. 31. All the above services and any other work of similar nature, which will be entrusted to the Contractor from time to time by the Owner, are to be rendered without causing any hindrance or disturbance to any staff member of the Owner, working during the normal hours. The work shall be carried out efficiently, in accordance and in conformity with the standard of a neatly and hygienically maintained premises. 32. Service tax in the bill to be mentioned separately. 33. Deduction for absenteeism would be made.
Party of the first part
Party of the Second part
Area details : Plot area 2500 sq m. The building consists of two towers Tower I and Tower II out of which Tower I is an academic block/ office block having facilities like auditorium, waiting lounge & registration at ground, conference hall at first; mini conference hall, reading room cum library at second; classrooms, EDP labs, seminar halls on 3rd and 4th floors. The 4th floor of Tower I has a dining area with a separate wash area. Entire 5th floor and part of 6th floor are earmarked for Head of office, staff and faculty rooms. Tower II is a hostel block having 28 double bedded guest rooms, two VIP and two VVIP rooms. 9th floor houses residence for Principal Director/RTI. Lift machine rooms, water tanks, electrical panel room, AC chillers, solar water heating panels etc have been provided at the terrace. Carpet area of Tower I – 3100 sq m(appx) including all terrace area. Carpet area of Tower II – 1750 sq m (appx) including terrace area. Two basements having a total built up area of 2464 sq m.
Plot area 2500 sq m (apprx)
Two basements area 2464 sq m(apprx)
Auditorium seating capacity 150 Flooring Flooring consists of vitrified ceramic tiles, Italian marble, granite, engineered / laminated wood, synthetic carpet & PVC finishes in Tower I & II. Cement concrete flooring has been provided in the basements. Precast paving blocks & flame finish granite has been provided in open areas at ground floor. Wall Finish Wall finish consists of wooden paneling, wall papers, fabric paneling, ceramic tiles, Italian marble, glass & paint finish. False ceiling Except basement all area is provided with false ceiling using combination of wood, mineral fibre tiles & gypsum board Lifts 2 nos – 16 passenger in tower –I and 2 nos – 10 passengers in tower II TOILETS: (in Tower I)
Sr No Description number Total 1 Gr Floor Tower I 1 L + 1 G+1 H 3 2 1st floor 1 L + 1 G 2 3 2nd floor 1 L + 1 G 2 4 3rd floor 1 L + 1 G 2 5 4th floor 1 L + 1 G 2 6 5th floor 1 L + 1 G+ 1(PD) 3 TOTAL 14
15 16