Sutton Courtenay Parish Council s4
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To: All Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, on Tuesday 6th October, 2009 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business stated below.
Mrs. L.A. Martin Orchard House, Clerk of the Council 90 Howard Cornish Road, Marcham, Abingdon, Tel: (01865) 391833 Oxon. OX13 6PU P ------
P A G E N D A 1. Apologies for Absence
2. Casual Vacancy To co-opt a new member to fill the casual vacancy which has occurred.
3. Declaration of Acceptance The making of and signing of the declaration of acceptance by the new member.
4. Declarations of Interest To receive any declaration of Personal or Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on the Agenda for this meeting. (Please refer to the notes at the end of agenda). Members are reminded that should they have a personal interest in an item they must disclose the existence and nature of that interest to the meeting prior to the matter being debated. Where that personal interest is also a prejudicial interest then the Member must withdraw from the room in which the meeting is being held and not seek improperly to influence any decision about the matter. Council has adopted clause 12(2) of the Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councils 2007 and anyone with a prejudicial interest will be permitted to address Council during the section set aside for public participation.
5. Minutes of the meeting held on 1 st September, 2009 To approve the minutes as a correct record of the proceedings.
6. Matters arising from the Minutes
7. County Councillor’s Report To receive a report on County Council matters from Cllr. S. Lilly
8. District Councillor’s Report To receive a report on District Council matters from Cllr. G. Duffield
9. Matters raised by Councillors for information
10. Police Matters
11. Public Participation
12 Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
SUT/19864/2 Alterations to existing loft conversion and new dormer windows at front and rear 32 Appleford Road For: Mr. Nigel Parkinson Comments: Council has no objections
SUT/195191 Proposed ground and first floor extension 38 Barretts Way For: Mr. and Mrs. P. Davidson Comments: Council had no objections
SUT/18239/3 Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two 4 bed houses and garages 14 Harwell Road For: Mr. and Mrs. B. Johnson Comments: Council objected on grounds of overdevelopment of the plot, the cramped mass and design causing harm to the appearance of the area and added problems to the sewerage system.
SUT/20973 Alterations and extension works 85 Drayton Road For: Mr and Mrs. C. Woodward Comments: Council had no objections
Cllr. M. Jenkins, although a member of the planning working group, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item and took no part in commenting on the application.
Work to trees – Fell silver birch and remove limbs on sycamore 2 The Green For: Sutton Services Ltd Comments: the location of trees could not be identified from the plan and on the basis of the information provided the Parish Council objected.
c) Applications for consideration at the meeting
SUT/4547/2 Erection of single storey conservatory Southbourne, High Street For: Mr. F. Cubbage
SUT/13221/6 Conversion of existing butcher shop and extensions to form 2 x 2 bed flats and 2 x 1 bed flats 4 Bradstocks Way For: Mr. P. Madge
SUT/12063/28 Variation of condition 45 of SUT/12063 to allow any great crested newt found in a location which could lead to harm on the operating site shall be physically relocated by a competent person to a safer local habitat Didcot ADC Sutton Courtenay Lane For: RWEnPower
Energy from Waste incinerator infrastructure plus that for combined heat and power, incinerator bottom ash processing plant facilities, visitor and office accommodation and landscaping. Sutton Courtenay landfill site For: Waste Recycling Group Ltd
a) To receive a report from the Incinerator working party b) To delegate to the Clerk in consultation with the working party, the Council’s response to the latest application. c) To consider sending a representative to attend the meeting of the planning and regulation committee when the application is discussed.
13. WRG Liaison Committee – Report To receive a report from Cllr. Atkinson on the Liaison Committee meeting held on 2nd September, 2009.
14. Recreation Ground a) To receive the report on the condition of the play equipment/recreation ground – weekly inspection by Council. b) To appoint the play equipment inspection/litter bin emptying person for the next month. c) To receive an update report on the arrangements for the pavilion/field management.
15. Vale of White Horse District Council – Gambling Act 2005 Consultation on the Statement of Licensing Policy To consider any Parish Council comments on the policy
16. Oxfordshire County Council – National Highways and Transport Network questionnaire The County Council is taking part in the National highway and Transport Survey. Comparing the results of Oxfordshire with other counties helps identify best practice and ideas for improvement. The Council has been asked to find time at its meeting to produce a collective response to the questionnaire. 17. Cemetery a) To consider a request to plant an acer tree in the cemetery in memory of a resident. b) To note that following a meeting of the Home Office Pandemic Influenza Management of Death Steering Group on 31st July, an action plan was proposed to provide Local Resilience Forum Managers with a single point of contact in each region to give planning advice to parish, town and community council clerks who operate cemeteries.
18. Correspondence
a) Civil Aviation Authority – Air Crash June 2009 To note that the airspace above Sutton Courtenay is classified as uncontrolled. Aircraft operate without talking to air traffic control and without clearance from them. Pilots are not required to file a flight plan and determine their routes. Uncontrolled air space is available to all civic users, light aircraft, helicopters, hot air balloons as well as military aircraft. The accident over Sutton Courtenay is being investigated by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch and its report will in due course be available on its website
b) Environment Agency – Sutton Courtenay Flood Map The Environment Agency has been working with Vale of White Horse District Council and South Oxfordshire District Council on its combined Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. The flood map for Sutton Courtenay has been amended. 7 properties have been reassessed to be at a higher flood risk, 1 property reassessed to be at a lower risk, and 7 properties removed from the map as they are considered to be at a very low risk. Members can view the map at floods/31656.aspx
c) RWEnPower – Boiler Safety Valve testing at the end of September d) Oxfordshire Rural Community Council – AGM 6.30 p.m. Kennington Village Hall Wednesday 7th October. e) Oxfordshire Playing Fields Association – AGM 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 21st October 2009 at Islip Village Hall f) OALC - Update g) ORCC – Bulletin h) Thames Water Utilities Ltd – draft water resources management plan revised plan is available at
19. Accounts a) To approve accounts for payment as per list circulated to members. b) To receive quarterly report on accounts c) To receive report from external auditor BDO Stoy Hayward for 2008/09 accounts.
20. Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 3rd November, er, 2009. Notes on Declaration of Interest (i) any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare personal interests as necessary as soon as practicable after his/her arrival even if the item in question has been considered.
(ii) it is not practical to offer detailed advice during the meeting on whether or not a personal interest should be declared, or whether a personal interest should also be regarded as prejudicial.
Other Literature
1. Local Council Review magazine