Scba Compressor Lpd-4
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Updated: 4 OCTOBER 2010
REF: (a) TECH MANUAL NAVSEA S9551-BP-MMC-010 (b) PMS 5519/016 SCBA (c) PMS 5519/025 LPD-4 CLASS (d) PMS 5000/014 A-1 Flex Hose Inspection (e) PP-ISEA 06-02; NSWC Panama City Message 091156Z May 06 (f) MIL-STD 1622B (g) EOSS (h) EMAIL BETWEEN CNSF DCO AND HPBAS ISEA DATED 30MAR2010 (i) DCRA 2009-4 BREATHING AIR QUALITY TESTING WATER VAPOR/DRAEGER (j) NSAM 33540 General Instructions for Selection and Application of Safety-wire
IAW SAT/ UNSAT SAT/ UNSAT SERIAL NUMBER: A. BREATHING AIR COMPRESSOR (HOWDEN) AND CHARGING STATION: 1. Is the compressor air intake element free of tears and clogging? Ref. (c) Q-2R 2. Are all nuts, screws, and fasteners tight on both units? 3. Is the oil level in the oil sight glass between the minimum and maximum scribe lines? Ref. (a) Ref. (c) M-1 4. Is the condensate level in the condensate reservoir below the ¾ maximum mark? Ref. (a) 5. Is Maintenance indicator button “not visible” on in-line filter? Ref. (c) W-1R 6. Is the compressor free of fluid leaks? Ref. (c) M-1 7. Does the drive v-belt show signs of cracks, fraying or unusual wear? Ref. (c) A-1 8. Are fourth stage and charging panel gages calibrated with calibration sticker installed on each Ref. (c) 36M-3 gage? (Every 36 Months.) (Note: Gages require special handling and cannot be calibrated by the Ref (e) ships FCA or AIMD) a. If calibrated after 09 May 2006 are the gages stenciled or engraved “SCBA”? Ref. (e) 9. Are the 4th stage, control panel, and flask relief valves tested, tagged, safety wired and within Ref. (c) 36M-1 Ref, (e) periodicity? (Every 36 Months) Ref (f) th 4 stage= 5250psi +/- 250psig, Control Panel 4950 +/- 50 PSIG, Flask 5500 PSI +/- 100 PSIG. (Note: Valves require special handling Ref (h) and cannot be tested by S/F or AIMD. The original relief valves installed by the OEM are not required to be tagged and safety wired. Ref (j) Compressor relief valves that have been retested, or they are older than 3 years from the date of manufacture, shall have safety wires and tags installed) -.032 inch minimum diameter for general purpose safety wiring - Reflief vavle shall be safety wired in such a manner that an attempt to increase the set pressure will result in the tightening of the safety wire - Wire installed with 5-8 twists per inch - The termination of safety wire bent under and inward toward the relief valve Metal tag attached to relief valve should indicate: - Lift Pressure - Test Date - Testing Activity
a. If tested after 09 May 2006 are the relief valves stenciled or engraved “SCBA”? Ref (e) 10. Are all hoses free from damage and tagged with hose assembly identification tags? Ref (c) A-1 Ref (d) Ensure that charging hose shutoff valve and bleed valves handles are not missing or damaged? Ref (a) a. Are all dust caps present and properly installed? Ref (a) 11. Is the SCBA charging panel pressure reducing regulator set at 4500 PSI +/- 50 PSIG? Ref (a) 12. Is the SCBA charging panel pressure back pressure regulator set at 4750 PSI +/- 50 PSIG? Ref (a) Table 1-1 (Note: Is crack pressure recorded IAW PMS?) Ref (c) 18M-1 13. Do all condensate manual drain valves cycle? Ref. (a) 14. Is the SCBA cylinder charging rack on station and in good working order? 15. Is the charging system air quality test being conducted (quarterly)? Are test results recorded on a Ref. (c) Q-1R log sheet IAW PMS and filed in a designated binder? a. Are Air Quality Reports maintained for 3 years? Ref. (c) Q-1R 16. Are operating procedures posted? 17. Are proper warning signs posted? (Hearing and eye) OPNAV 5100.19 18. Are operating logs being maintained and hours of operation being tracked? Ref (a) Fig 2-6 B. OPERATE THE COMPRESSOR: 1. Are all readings within parameters? Ref: (a) Fig. 2-6 Ref. (c) M-1 Ref (g) 2. Is the compressor and all piping free from air and oil leaks? Ref: (a) Ref (c) M-1 3. Does the compressor automatically secure and start as specified by the compressor tech manual? Ref: (a) Table 2-1 (Compressor stops at approximately 5000 PSI and restarts at approximately 4500 PSI) Ref (g) 4. Is the drive belt tension adjusted correctly? Ref (a) Ref: (c) A-2R C. CHARGE A 45 MINUTE CYLINDER: 1. Charge a 45 minute cylinder. Enter cylinder serial number in the block. S/N:______S/N:______2. Does the SCBA cylinder being filled pass visual inspection standards? Ref: (b) R-2 3. Are there any leaks in the charging station and charging hoses? Ref (a) Ref (c) M-1 4. Does the SCBA cylinder fill to 4500 PSI? Ref. (a) (Note: Bottle may be filled from the flasks without the compressor automatically starting.) Ref (c) Q-1R D. CONDUCT AN AIR QUALITY TEST: 1. Complete an air quality check on each compressor. Ref (c) Q-1R a. Verify correct Draeger tubes are available and within expiration date. Ref (c) Q-1R [Draeger tubes in the Gas Free Engineer Kit are not the same and cannot be substituted. See Table 1 below for correct part numbers. ] b. Does each compressor pass the air quality check? Ref (c) Q-1R - (_____) - (_____) - O2 (>19.5 – <23.5pct) Ref (i) - (_____) - (_____) - CO2 (1000 ppm max) - (_____) - (_____) - CO (10 ppm max) - (_____) - (_____) - Oil (< 5 mg/m3) - (_____) - (_____) - Water Vapor (20 mg/m3 max, if measurement range is from 20-200 mg/m3 max) - Water Vapor (25 mg/m3 max, if measurement range is from 25-250 mg/m3 max)
Note: For air produced under ANSI standard CGA G-7.1, water vapor must be less than -65 deg F
Constituent Draeger Part Number Water Vapor H2O 12/a-p 8103061 Oil P/N 8103111 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5/a-p 6728511 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 100/a-p 6728521 Whole Kit: Draeger Breathing Air Test Kit, Aerotest 6525960 Simultan HP-USN (Contains all four above tubes)
Assessor(s):______Date: ______