Ray Ashley Disability Sport
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Date: 30 September 2015 Venue: Matlock Town Football Club, Matlock In the chair: Cllr Julie Hill Minute Recorder Margaret Blount
In Attendance:
Ray Ashley – Disability Sport John Barker – School Sports Partnership Bob Boyd – Community Sports Network Keely Brown – Sports Organisations Cllr Julie Hill – Chair - Derbyshire County Council Matt Jefferson – Sports Organisations David Lowe – Derbyshire County Council Kirk Monk – Local Authorities - DLOG Ollie Shearer – FE/HE Representative Cllr Peter Smith – Vice Chair – South Derbyshire District Council
Sarah Rowell – Wharton Consulting Russell Turner – Sport England
Margaret Blount – Derbyshire Sport Ilana Freestone – Derbyshire Sport Craig Homer – Derbyshire Sport Hayley Lever – Derbyshire Sport
Description Action
1. Welcome and Introductions
The Chair, Cllr Julie Hill (JH) welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies
Jenny Carter – Local Authorities – Sport Development Ryan Duckett – Private Sector Peter Sharkey – Community Sport Network
3. Minutes of the last meeting held on 25 June 2015
The minutes of the last meeting held on 25 June 2015 were approved as a true record.
4. Matters Arising
Hayley Lever (HL) reported that a meeting with senior leads within Derbyshire Public Health will take place on 12 October. Dr William Bird will make a presentation on health benefits of physical activity.
5. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest. Annual declaration of interest forms have been received to date from KB, PSh, PSm, BB, DL, MJ. 6. Presentation on Children and Young People work
Craig Homer (CH) and John Barker (JB) presented on current and future work for children and young people.
Key points raised: Government currently out to consultation on new strategy for sport. Key areas in this strategy are the participation of young people in sport and physical activity in and out of school. Current funding picture in county is National funding and DCC funding via Public Health Resource Fund for SSP structure agreed until August 2016. School Games funding committed until March 2016 Sportivate funding committed until March 2017 Satellite clubs committed until March 2017 Primary Premium in principle commitment up to 2020. The county structure for school sport is more accountable than previously as now every SSP has a management group and the county Active Young People Strategy group has been set up. Engaging Communities were commissioned spring/summer 2015 to review impact of the Derbyshire PE and School Sport Plan. Final report and recommendations now available. 230 schools completed the survey. Key findings include: % young people achieving 2 hours PE per week slowing a slight decline but still well above national average. Primary Premium funding is being spent well. It is having a positive impact on developing skills of teachers. County CPD group has been set up and this work has been recognised by DfE. In terms of the different action plans in the PE and school sport plan the development of school competitions has been the most successful work area. Numbers of pupils taking part in intra (79%) and inter (40%) school competitions have increased over the past 10 years. Number of pupils, of all ages, involved in leadership and volunteering programmes has increased over the past 10 years (33%). Work on developing clubs and community links has been less successful and is declining due to loss of School Sport Coordinators. However in a recent survey 53% pupils say they are involved in a sports club. This is primarily through family influence rather than school. Talent identification and development is seen by schools as least important area of the plan however 7 SSPs have talent development programmes and 55% of schools have a talent register. 90% of staff view physical activity as most important area of the plan. 67% of pupils recorded that schools helped them lead a healthy lifestyle and 52% claim to achieve the CMO recommendation of 60 minutes activity per day. Six recommendations were proposed which will be considered by the Active Young People Strategy Group. Contact [email protected] for a copy of the full report. New ‘Active Young People’ plan will be drafted in 2016 with a target launch date of September 2016. Key priorities for this plan will be to: maintain a consistent approach across Derbyshire, ensure funding is in place to deliver, focus on actions which will help young people achieve the CM0 physical activity guidelines including participation in and out of school. Points raised in the subsequent discussion included: Primary Premium funding is just for primary schools. No additional funding for PE for secondary schools. Unclear yet what the impact of more schools becoming academies and or joining together in a federation may have on the membership fees they currently pay to be part of their area SSP. Could be complicated if a federation crosses district boundaries. In addition to the cuts to SSP’s, resulting in the removal of SSCo posts, a factor in the decline in club links could be the current focus on competition. Involvement in a school/club based competition is not necessarily the best experience/introduction of a young person to that club. In addition, clubs have limited resources/volunteers to invest in developing these relationships with schools. Improving the quality of the PE experience of the disabled young person needs to be included in the new strategic plan. What is the offer? Do targeted groups need a specific offer? The county approach to Projectability is a good model that needs developing and sharing. The new plan needs to build on the influence the family has on young people’s activity levels.
JH thanked CH and JB for their presentation.
7. Presentation on Derbyshire Sport governance review
Sarah Rowell (SR) presented an introduction to Wharton Consulting and their approach to the governance review work. There are 2 work streams: Review and provide recommendations on the current governance structure Review and provide recommendations of the current hosting arrangements They will produce a revised constitution, service level agreement, terms of reference and implementation action plan. The proposed timetable is: Oct/Nov 15 – interviews with stakeholders 09/12/15 – initial recommendations to be presented to the Executive group 27/01/16 – new governance arrangements to be presented and approved by the Partnership Group.
JH thanked SR for her presentation.
8. Presentation on priorities for the new strategic plan for sport for Derbyshire
Scott Hartley (SH) presented the outcome of a prioritisation exercise based on his desk based research and the feedback from partners received from various face to face meetings and the consultation meeting prior to the AGM in July. Based on this, it is proposed that the following three groups should be the focus of the new strategic plan: Females Adults in NSEC groups 5-8 Young people
Ilana Freestone (IF) outlined the proposed vision – ‘More people in Derbyshire taking part in physical activity and sport’ and the emerging strategic priorities: Target the population groups listed above Within these groups, target the inactive people who are ready to change. Keep the currently active people active so that they meeting the Chief Medical Officer’s recommendations of 150 minutes per week. Address inequalities. Integrate the core team’s values of making a difference, innovation, teamwork, fairness, excellence, leadership. Consider implications on workforce, facilities, sport system etc.
Work to develop talent and performance sport will be led by NGBs and Derbyshire Institute of Sport with support from Derbyshire Sport. It may not be a third strategic ambition as currently.
Throughout the drafting process and after the launch, partners will be encouraged to sign up/endorse the plan and make their contribution to its delivery. The purpose, name and branding of Derbyshire Sport will be reviewed and changes made if required.
New plan will be launched following the publication of the national sports strategy which is due spring 2016.
IF proposed agreement with the vision and strategic priorities. The group agreed.
JH thanked SH and IF for their presentations.
9. Director’s report
HL provided an update on some of the items in the paper: The Village (J28, M1) is no longer vacant so no longer an option. A decision on the move will be made once an indication of future funding has been received from Sport England. This is expected in the new year following the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review in November. The Derbyshire Cycling Plan will be launched on 19/01/16 at a late afternoon/early evening event at Derby Arena. The external review to identify options to ensure that Derbyshire Institute of Sport is sustainable after March 2017 is on-going. Oaks Consultancy is reviewing finances and governance models for DIS and will present its final report at the DIS Management Group meeting on 10/11/15. The results of this will be reported back to this IF group at the meeting on the 09/12/15. The revised balance scorecard was noted. Clarification of the Klout score was requested. MB
Recommendations The Executive Group noted the report. Approved the transfer of ownership of JOG Derbyshire to the Community Sports Trust. 10. Finance Report for 15/16
MB presented the management accounts to date for 2015/16. The projected year end unrestricted surplus is currently £139,798.
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Projected core -£642,367 -£614,880 -£554,880 -£554,880 -£554,880 income Projected core £679,163 £665,700 £685,700 £691,900 £697,600 expenditure Projected -£139,798 -£68,978 £76,842 £228,862 £386,582 unrestricted funds carry fwd
Derbyshire Sport has met the 2014/15 administration and diversification targets agreed with Sport England and has submitted financial benchmarking data for 2014/15 to CSPN.
Recommendations The Executive Group noted the report.
11. Quest Improvement Plan
MB tabled the Quest Improvement Plan for 2015/16 which has been produced following the internal and external Quest assessments. The plan included a summary of progress to date against each action.
Recommendations The Executive Group approved the Quest Improvement Plan 2015/16.
12. Derbyshire Sport Safeguarding Policy
MB presented a revised Safeguarding Policy for approval. Revision of the policy was one of the actions listed in the 2015/16 implementation plan. A decision has been made to produce a policy for working with vulnerable adults as a separate policy.
Recommendations The Executive Group approved the Derbyshire Sport Safeguarding Policy.
13. AOB
There was no AOB.
14. Dates of future meetings
Executive Group Confirmed 09/12/15 16:00 – 18:00, Matlock Football Club
Provisional 16/03/15 10:00 – 12:00 22/03/15 10:00 – 12:00
Partnership Group Confirmed 26/01/16 15:00 – 17:00, Coney Green Business Centre, Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S45 9JW
Provisional 20/07/16 AGM 14:00 – 16:00