Attendance: Dick Rogers Gerhard Postpischil (Bradford)
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SELECTBOARD MEETING February 6, 2007 – 6:00 p.m. Treas/AA Office
Attendance: Dick Rogers Gerhard Postpischil (Bradford) Carol Olsen Dave Evans (Williamstown) Andy Pomerantz Gerry D’Amico (Roxbury) Jane Cushman Lee Cattaneo (Orange) Rick Ackerman Liz Helrich (CVSWMD) Josh Bell Lydia Menendez (CVSWMD) Joe Spinella Judy Szeg
1. Minutes – Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to accept the minutes to the January 16, 2007 and February 3, 2007 meetings as written. So moved.
2. Adjustments to the Agenda a. Caleb Rick – Water/sewer b. Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. annual contract – New Business c. Liquor Licenses – New Business d. Town Garage – Roads e. Vehicle parked on town property – Roads f. Ford F550 - Roads
3. Public Comments – None
4. Water/Sewer a. Bench Sheets – the monthly bench sheets were reviewed and signed. b. Caleb Rick was going to attend the meeting to review a meeting he has had with UVM re:water issues. He was unable to attend but has informed the board that UVM students will be meeting on 2/12/07 at the “Sanborn” house at 3:00 p.m. to view the sites in question. Carol & Dick plan to attend. Further discussion will be tabled until the Feb. 27 meeting.
5. Roads a. Burbank Crossroad – Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to place “Not a Thru Road” signs at both ends of Burbank Crossroad to try to limit traffic turning around at the Flints. So moved. b. Personnel Evaluation – Dick moved to enter executive session at 7:00 p.m. for a personnel evaluation. Seconded by Carol. Exited at 7:10 p.m. Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to offer Josh Bell $12.50 per hour and recommend that he sign up for health insurance. So moved. c. Garage Site – Andy is going to suggest that Beth Ann Finlay touch base with a landowner re: possible site for new town garage d. Rick inquired about the Board’s thoughts re: trading the 1-ton. In an effort to keep equipment replacement rotated, they suggested that Rick check into estimates to replace the F550. e. Vehicle parked on town property – Rick is going to talk to the owner of a vehicle that has been parked on town property and ask him to move it before the town has to have it towed. f. Certificate of Highway Mileage – The certificate was reviewed and signed. Starting with the 2007 certificate, Chelsea’s 6.65 miles of trails have to be added to the certificate.
6. Old Business a. CVSWMD – Members of the Program Oversight Committee (POC) and CVSWMD attended the meeting to start a dialog between CVSWMD and the Town of Chelsea. There has been discussion about cutting subsidies to Chelsea to help with the financial problems CVSWMD is having. Before doing that, the district would like to work with Chelsea to discuss ways to keep working with the town and at the same time satisfy the district’s need to balance their budget. Dick will arrange with the POC to visit our transfer station. The POC will attend the April 3rd meeting to continue this discussion. b. Chelsea Flea Market Update – Judy & Joe attended the meeting to update the Selectboard on the Chelsea Flea Market Association’s work in preparation for the 2007 Flea Market. The Board agreed to let them put posters at the “Welcome to Chelsea” signs 1 week before the Flea Market so long as they removed them immediately after the Flea Market. The Board advised Judy & Joe that the Town of Chelsea does not have a blanket insurance policy for the event as had been assumed in the past. c. 2006 Dog Catcher Bill – Gordon Hayward presented an itemized bill of work done in 2006 as dog catcher along with a request for the balance of his bill. Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to pay Gordon the $800 from unbudgeted expense. So moved. d. WEC – The Board discussed emailing each WEC board of director a letter expressing their unhappiness with the WEC lawsuit as once again, the cooperative has lost it’s connection to its membership. All 3 board members agree to this action. Andy will work on the letter for the next meeting. e. Website – Costs to set up a new website were reviewed. Although the initial cost will be greater that what we’ve had, it will be more user friendly and save in the long run. Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to have Jim Veneziano work on setting up the new site. So moved.
7. New Business a. Line of Credit – Carol moved and Dick seconded the motion to adopt Chittenden Bank’s resolution for current expense borrowing for up to $120,000 at the interest rate of 3.99% per annum payable on December 28, 2007. So moved. b. Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. – Carol moved and Dick seconded the motion to sign OCSD’s annual contract for 2007, not to exceed $8,000 if so voted at Town Meeting. They will be paid $25 per hour and $.50 per mile because of increased gasoline prices. So moved. OCSD will be invited to the March 20, 2007 meeting to discuss the contract. c. Liquor Licenses – Dick moved and Carol seconded the motion to sign Will’s Store license. So moved. The application for Flander’s was incomplete so was not signed.
8. Correspondence a. Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission – Info for Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program – Jane will check to see if this could be used to fix drainage problem from VT 113 and VT 110 onto Gratz property. b. Two Rivers – Ottauquechee Regional Commission – New Brownfield’s handbook c. VLCT – Request to fill vacancies on board d. Senate Committee on Finance – Invitation to come before Committee with issues relating to taxes, education finance or other matters within the Committee’s purview on Feb. 14 e. White River Partnership – E. Coli report for White River and tributaries
9. Adjournment a. Next meeting will be held on February 27, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the Treas/AA office instead of February 20, 2007. b. Carol moved and Dick seconded the motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. So moved.
Action Items Carol & Dick will meet with the UVM students re: water issues on 2/12/07 Andy will ask Beth Ann Finlay to touch base with landowner re:garage site Dick will meet with CVSWMD & POC to visit transfer station Andy will work on letter to WEC Jane will invite OCSD to 3/20/07 meeting Jane will check with Chuck Wise about the TCSP Program Rick will order “Not a Thru Road” signs Rick will get estimates for 1-ton Rick will ask landowner to move vehicle