School Based Management (Sbm) By-Laws
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SCHOOL BASED MANAGEMENT (SBM) BY-LAWS Revised: 2015-16 Foshay Learning Center LAUSD/Local District: Central
ARTICLE ONE The name of the organization shall be the Foshay Learning Center School Based Management Council (SBM).
ARTICLE TWO Composition: The council shall be composed of: 5 Parents/Community Members 1 Classified Staff Member 1 Student Representative 1 Principal 1 UTLA Chapter Chair 7 Teachers
In addition there shall be alternates per each category.
ARTICLE THREE Teacher members and alternates shall be elected yearly during the months of April or May. Elections will be coordinated by the facilitator and designees. The elected SBM council members will choose a facilitator through consensus.
Attendance is expected at all meetings from both council members and alternates. If a member must be absent, he or she must notify the facilitator in advance.
Council membership shall be terminated for any member with excessive absences. An excessive absence shall be defined as missing three cumulative meetings during the school year. Meetings begin at 3:30.
Any elected member may terminate his or her membership by submitting a written letter of resignation to the council facilitator.
ARTICLE FOUR Term of office for all elected council members and the facilitator shall be two school years.
ARTICLE FIVE At the first regularly scheduled meeting of the council for the new school year, the council shall decide and publish the meeting dates/times/location for all regular meetings during the school year. This will be posted on the Foshay Learning Center website and in the Parent Center. The regular meetings shall be chaired by the facilitator.
All meetings of the council shall be open to stakeholders. Stakeholders shall be allowed to speak on items on the agenda. Stakeholder speakers shall be limited to a period of three minutes. Non-agenda items will be addressed by stakeholders during public comment at the end of each meeting. During New Business members may address items not on the agenda.
When setting the agenda for each meeting, the facilitator and the UTLA Chair shall set time limits per agenda item. These time limits may be extended by the will of the council. Revisions to the agenda should be made available to council members by the start of each meeting. The next meeting’s agenda will be planned at the previous meeting during New Business. The items Public Comment and New Business are to be placed on each agenda.
At the time discussion is initiated on an item, the facilitator must set a time limit for discussion. These time limits may be extended by consensus of the council.
ARTICLE SIX All members including alternates shall be notified 72 hours prior to a meeting. An agenda plus the minutes of the previous meetings shall be posted to the school website in English and Spanish. The Spanish translation shall be the responsibility of the principal.
ARTICLE SEVEN The meetings will be conducted following Robert’s Rules of Order. Members will make motions on issues which must be seconded and discussed. To be open for discussion a motion must be seconded. There may not be more than one motion on the floor at any time. Members’ discussion on motions is limited to ten minutes per person. To amend a motion on the floor, a member must move to amend and the move must be seconded. The amendment is then open for discussion. Members may withdraw or amend their original motions. A member may move to Call the Question or Vote on a motion. If this is seconded the discussion on the motion is ended and a vote is taken immediately. Motions and Amended motions must be seconded and discussed. Calling the Question or a Call to Vote does not require discussion or debate. Voting on motions will be based on majority votes.
The facilitator will vote to break the tie.
No voting can be taken unless a quorum is present. Nine (9) regular members or their alternates shall be a quorum.
Meaningful decisions can be reached only if each speaker is allowed to speak uninterrupted and with the full attention of the council. If common courtesy does not allow this, it will be the duty of the facilitator to enforce speaking rules in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE EIGHT Committees shall be established by the council as is appropriate to carry out School Based Management (SBM) related to business. Council elects shall be delegated to oversee and/or chair a committee.
ARTICLE NINE The council shall amend these By-laws as deemed necessary through consensus. Amended By-laws shall be made public to all stakeholders.
ARTICLE TEN These By-laws are in effect when then are approved by the consensus of the council.
Revised: November 19, 2015