Pax Christi Begins Its Second Year
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1995 Pope John Paul II visits the United States… Nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway kills eight…. Oklahoma City federal building bombed by Timothy McVeigh.…The Million Man March happens in Washington D.C... World’s first cloned sheep (Megan and Morag) are created…. Gary Larson publishes his last “Far Side” cartoon…. Forrest Gump wins Best Picture Oscar.... San Francisco wins the Super Bowl…the Atlanta Braves wins World Series…
AND… Pax Christi begins its Second Year….
July •We begin our second year with “257 family units or 480 baptized, confirmed adults who are called to Christ’s Ministry and Peace.” •Kroger and Winn Dixie Certificates have generated, to date, $6,242.10 for the parish. •The bulletin takes on a new format. The Clays Mill Shoppe and Judy’s Permanent & Temporary Personnel are the first advertisers to support us with an ad on the back of the bulletin.
August •257 families or 480 baptized, confirmed adults… •Six people have inquired into our first R.C.I.A. program. •August 26 & 27 is our first “Sign Up Sunday,” specifically for the liturgical ministries, but included other ministries as well.
September •266 families or 498 baptized, confirmed adults… •The Religious Education program and the R.C.I.A. begin on September 10. •Pot Luck Picnic on Sept. 16 to celebrate our 1st Anniversary. To be held at the site of our new church building (“Farm A”) with a 5pm mass and potluck afterwards. Planting of a Peace Pole is planned for after the potluck. •Potluck Picnic is moved into the small Pax Christi Center due to a deluge of rain. Peace Pole Planting is postponed. •Social Action collections begin calling for items for Birthright, St. Vincent DePaul Society, the Hope Center, God’s Pantry, and the Community Action Council. We bring donation for a different charity each Sunday. •The Book Club begin reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. •Baptisms: Zachary Michael Fitch and Nicholas Andrew Dillender.
October •266 families or 509 baptized, confirmed adults… •We begin the month with a Town Hall Meeting and discuss a photo directory; the Fayette County (Catholic) School Committee; Holding Hands at the Our Father and the Peace Pole. •This decision is made about holding hands at the Our Father: “If you wish to do so, just raise your hands during the prayer. This will be a sign to the person(s) next to you that you are ready and willing. If you do not wish to hold hands, just keep your hands at your side. •The Peace Pole was planted at the very corner of our “Farm A” property on October 22 at 10 a.m., between the two Sunday masses. A photo from the event graces the cover of the bulletin several months later. •We begin participation in a ministry to visit the UK Medical Center Intensive Care waiting room to bring healthy snacks and company to people with loved ones in the ICU. •The Book Club begins reading Pope John Paul II’s “new book”, Crossing the Threshold of Hope.
November •273 families and 519 baptized and confirmed adults… •We have another Kapp Embroidery/Pax Christi shirt sale. •We have “No Music Masses” on the weekend of November 11 and 12 to encourage people to volunteer for singing or cantoring during the masses. • “We’re Back!” The Youth Group, under new leadership, gears up again with new activities. •The Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service is held at Providence Christian Church with the participation of Pax Christi, Providence Christian, The Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, and Gethsemane Lutheran Church.
December •273 families or 519 baptized, confirmed adults… •Baptism: Julia JoAnn Mikulec, Rachel Marie Durbin, and Megan Marie Marra •Photos are taken for our first Photo Directory. •Fr. Hehman holds a retirement workshop for the parish on Tuesday mornings in place of the Book Club. •We receive a letter from God’s Pantry thanking us for donations made at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service: They received $311.50 in cash, a $20 Kroger Gift Certificate, and 142 lbs of food. •In the bulletin there is a call to organize a bereavement committee at Pax Christi – it’s the forerunner of the funeral meals committee. •December 17 is Father Larry’s Annual Christmas Party at “Farm B” on Viley Road. •Bishop Williams asks Pax Christi and St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton to deliberate and make a recommendation on the issue of where to build a new elementary school. 1996
January •274 families or 521 baptized, confirmed adults… •Book Club reads The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans and A Short History of the Catholic Church. •Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: guest speakers at all masses. 5pm – Rev. Gerald Johns from Providence Christian Church; 11:00 a.m. - Rev. Dr. William McAtee, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Transylvania. •Congregation Exchange on January 22 – members of Bethsaida Baptist Church joins us at the 11:00 a.m. mass while some of our members attend Gethsemane Lutheran. •Town Hall Meeting: Approximately 60 parishioners attended. Topics included plans for a Parish Council; a feasibility study regarding fundraising; the “CCD” program; moving to another, larger, space in the shopping center.
February •276 families or 526 baptized, confirmed adults… •Father Hehman put a questionnaire in the bulletin to get opinions regarding the issue of the new Catholic school. •The Funeral Meals Committee is established. •Our first group of Catechumens and Candidates go to the Cathedral for the Rite of Election. •First Confession is made by Katie Schnelle, Trey Lindle, Allie Peot and Jason Wolfe.
March •284 families or 539 baptized, confirmed adults… •The election for our first Parish Council is announced with a call for nominations. •2nd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Party to benefit the building fund is held at the Equestrian Woods Country Club on March 17. “Celebrity Maitre D’: Fr. Larry Hehman.” •The Seder Meal is held again on Holy Thursday, after mass. A holy hour followed from 10 to midnight. •Masses begin on Palm Sunday at our new location “down the sidewalk from the Bingo Center” – a space otherwise and hereafter known as “the hardware store.” (It was the former location of the Higgins KRI hardware store). •At Easter Vigil we welcome 10 new Roman Catholics: Scott Sheets, Heather Holland, Sandy Holland, Brian Roution, Kim McCarty, Larry Burke, Rich Peot, J. Alan Johnson, Lisa Zoll, and John Wallace.
April •286 families or 543 baptized, confirmed adults… •Results of a survey about music in the liturgy is published in the bulletin. •Call to start a parish lending library is made. •The Parish Council Nominees are announced: Karen Barras, Marilyn Buechel, Kelly Burke, Jann Burkes, Meggan Conway, Heather Holland, Melissa Holland, Marilyn Kissel, Joan Tenfelde, Tom Mairose, Bernie McCarty, George Moser, Bert Newton, Dennis O’Reilly, John Wagner. The names in italics were elected on April 27/28.
May •286 families or 549 baptized, confirmed adults… •“Help! Help!” There is a call for piano and guitar accompaniment at all the masses. •Ministry of making sandwiches for the Hope Center is begun
June •278 families or 504 baptized, confirmed adults… •Baptisms: Eric Marshall White, Emily Renee Roution, Shannon Elizabeth Eckman, Sarah Frances Gorham and Joseph Alexander Smallwood. •We begin this month with a Town Hall Meeting. 55 people attended. •The new Parish Council is introduced at the Town Hall. John Wagner is named Parish Council Chair. •We contract with Kirby-Smith to handle our Capital Campaign. A call for volunteers to help with the campaign
is made. •Christ the King parish sends a letter to Father Hehman. Through his “hard work, leadership and dedication as rector of Christ the King”, the Oktoberfest has become a great success. They thank him by donating 8% of the net proceeds from Oktoberfest 1996 to Pax Christi. •A Bible Study is established on Thursday nights using Dr. Margaret Ralph’s Book Discovering the Gospels. It begins with a study of the Gospel of Mark.
July •We end our 2nd Year with 280 families or 505 baptized, confirmed adult ministers. •We end our 2nd year with the baptism of Daniel Tanner Johnson on July 7th.
Pax Christi Catholic Church Peace of Christ