East Butler Bulletin
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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2011 3:30 P.M. – Play Practice
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2011 8:00-10:00 A.M. – Teacher Inservice 10:00 A.M. – SCHOOL STARTS DUE TO TEACHER INSERVICE
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2011 3:30 P.M. – Play Practice
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2011 1:00 P.M. – ECNC Sr. High Vocal Music at Conestoga – Concert at 7:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. – Play Practice
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2011 3:30 P.M. – Play Practice 4:00 P.M. – Jr. Hi. Wrestling at Friend ______THANK YOU! A special thank you to the following students for donating their time during Elementary Literacy Night: Cassie Aerts, Angelique Anderson, Donelle Karpisek, Kaytlin Johnson, Andrew Pierce, Kaitlyn Stara, and Colby Kubik. We would also like to thank Dale's Food Pride, Pac N'Save, and East Butler Booster Club for their generous donations. We also appreciate members of the Concordia University Football Team spending their time with us during "Line-up for Reading: Literacy Night". ______SPECIAL THANKS TO THE BRAINARD, DWIGHT AND PRAGUE FIRE DEPARTMENTS FOR THEIR FIRE SAFETY PRESENTATIONS AND MATERIAL – WE APPRECIATE YOUR TIME! ~ East Butler Elementary Students and Teachers ______CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME WINNERS SPONSORED BY THE NHS AND STUDENT COUNCIL: Amber Cooper, Donnita Helman, and Dylan TePoel ______EAST BUTLER ELEMENTARY PARENT ORGANIZATION – There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 17 in the Multi-Purpose Room in Brainard. It will take place at 7:00 P.M. The goals of the meeting will include discussion of purpose and ideas for activities. ______VETERANS DAY PROGRAM WILL BE ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 AT 1:30 P.M. ______WRESTLING FANS: MR. GLASSHOFF WILL BE ORDERING STATE WRESTLING TICKETS AS A GROUP. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets, please contact Mr. Glasshoff. **PLEASE STOP IN THE OFFICE TO PICK UP AN ORDER FORM - ALL ORDERS WITH PAYMENT ATTACHED MUST BE TURNED IN TO MR. GLASSHOFF OR THE SCHOOL OFFICE BY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 ND. Reserved seating for Friday and Saturday is $9.00 (students and adults) for each night. Class D is scheduled for the afternoon sessions on Thursday and Friday. In addition, there is reserved seating $7.00 (sectional seating to sit together as a group) for Thursday and Friday. He will be ordering only reserved tickets and only those for which he has received payment. He will need to know how many tickets and for what night(s). PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Doug Glasshoff. For more info on the State Tournament, please check the NSAA website: www.nsaahome.org ______9-12 STUDENTS WHO PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN WRESTLING OR BASKETBALL AND DID NOT PARTICIPATE IN A FALL SPORT MUST HAVE A PHYSICAL ON FILE BEFORE PRACTICING. ______ACCIDENT INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR STUDENTS IN SPORTS IS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED. Contact the school for more information. ______TOPP NOTE: When parents talk to teens about the dangers of illegal underage drinking, it makes a difference. Visit MADD’s resource, www.thepowerofparents.org, for tips on how to handle hard questions. ______SCHEDULE CHANGES: *Added: December 6 – 9th Boys’ Basketball – Clarkson – Here – 6:00 P.M. *Change of Time: Conference Wrestling at Louisville will start at 2:00 P.M. ______COUNSELOR’S NOTES: *COLLEGE REPS TO VISIT EAST BUTLER: November 10 – Wayne St. at 1:30 P.M.; Nov. 11 – Concordia 1-1:30pm. ______THE EAST BUTLER MUSIC BOOSTERS ARE ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS RAFFLE. The raffle will be held on December 19 at the Jr./Sr. High Christmas Concert. You may bring your raffle item to any school before December 16th. Thank you! ______EAST BUTLER ATHLETIC COMMITTEE FUN NIGHT WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 TH. Tickets are $15.00 per person. Coaches, high school athletes, student managers and cheerleaders can purchase tickets for $5.00. Tickets are available in the school office or from any Athletic Committee Member through Monday November 14th. The evening will consist of a Prime Rib Meal, Talent Show, Silent Auction and Karaoke. Athletic Committee Raffle Tickets are available from any high school athlete. Chances are $5.00 a piece, with first prize being $250.00. The drawing will be held at 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 19th. Please plan to attend and help us raise funds for the elementary, junior high and high school athletic programs.
THE ATHLETIC COMMITTEE IS LOOKING FOR GROUPS OR INDIVIDUALS TO PERFORM ON FUN NIGHT, SINGING, DANCING, SKITS, LIP SNYC OR YOUR CREATIVE MASTERPIECES. Prizes for best performance and most original performance will be awarded. If you would like to register please contact any Athletic Committee Member. ______THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 DUE TO A TEACHER INSERVICE. There will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday November 24 and Friday, November 25 due to Thanksgiving Vacation. ______CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS: Tuesday, December 6 – Prague Elementary – 7:00 P.M. – Prague Gym Thursday, December 8 - Brainard Elementary - 7:00 P.M. – Brainard Gym Thursday, December 15 - Dwight Elementary - 7:00 P.M.- Dwight Assumption Parish Hall Monday, December 19 - Jr.-Sr. High - 6:30 P.M. - Brainard Gym ______IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure your child’s safety and send a note! If your child is not riding the bus as they usually do, a note from a parent has been requested for the drivers or call your child’s bus driver (Al & Ellen Bongers – 402-545-3311; Lyle Divis – 402-545-2161; Ernie Kabourek – 402-545-3801; MaryAnn Kudlacek – 402-545-3371; Gary Polacek 402-543-2469; Kim TePoel 402- 663-4439; and Taylor Pollock 402-663-4358). If a note or phone call from the parent is not supplied, the student will be taken to their regular destination. Students should not write their own notes or give just a verbal notice of the change in plans. This should eliminate any question of the parent’s intentions for the student. It would also be very helpful for all students to know their after school plan before they get to school in the morning. Please try to limit calls to the office making last minute changes. This creates confusion for everyone. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Thank you. ______
EAST BUTLER BOOSTER CLUB CLOTHING ORDER FORM: All Christmas orders must be received by November 15. We have 4 new items: A black beanie embroidered with EB Tigers-$10, a long sleeve grey t-shirt-$15, a maroon and gold 11x15 stadium cushion-$15, and an embroidered maroon cap-$18.
Satu rda y N ov em ber 19th D w ight L egion H a ll Socia l H ou r 5:30, M ea l 6:30, Ta len t Show 7:30 K a ra oke to follow R aisin g fu n ds for Elem en tary , Ju n ior H igh an d H igh School A thletic P rogram s
Tickets $15.00 per person Serving: Prime Rib Twice Baked Potatoes Vegetable, Salad Bar and Dessert
Tickets available at the school office through November 14th Raffle Ti ckets $ 5.00 per chance 1st prize $250.00 2nd priz e $150.00 3r d & 4th pr iz e $ 50.00 5th & 6th pr iz e $ 25.00
Tickets available fr om any East Butler High School Athlete or Committee Member