Part 3 Here Is the Link to Read the Classic Interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj and Sam Biser
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HERE IS THE LINK TO READ THE CLASSIC INTERVIEW WITH DR. BATMANGHELIDJ AND SAM BISER. Hold down your Ctrl. Key while clicking the link below! Sam Biser interview with F. Batmanghelidj M.D. reveals the common sense of the free water cure.
Quick Links... WEBSITES : Dear Readers of the Watercure News Letter: PRODUCTS: For information on obtaing Sixteen years ago in July of 1994, I any oF Dr. Batmanghelidj's books or tapes, go to received a solicitation from Sam Biser to or contact Global Health subscribe to a news letter from the Solutions at 1-800-759-3999 University of Natural Healing. He said that if I did so, he'd send me an Featured Article interview he did with the man who made the greatest health discovery in history. "Yeah, right, I said to myself, but it sounded so intriguing I sent for it.
You can use this sidebar to Little did I know that not only was Sam's communicate something other than the details of your description a great understatement, but event to your contacts. It may be news in your I would get so caught up in it when I industry, organization changes or the results of your learned just how true it was, I would most recent website poll. Inserting a link in your article spend well over $600,000 promoting the lets you track which topics attract the most interest. discovery of F. Batmanghelidj M.D., the water cure and much of my life.
It was the best bargain I ever got in my life. The first thing I did when I read his interview was to sent it to a friend of mine, an M.D. who was the head of a major hospital here in NE Pa. for his opinion. Four days later he called me and said this is nothing but common sense and will put a lot of doctors out of work. But don't expect me to get on a pedestal and tell it to the world because I'll lose my job and my license. I can't believe that, I said to him. He replied, who do you know who endorses anything that will put themselves out of business? Auto parts people? (I am in the auto parts business, but I realized that there are few people who will do anything that will eliminate the source of their income. I said, you are right.
I will be grateful to Sam for the rest of my life for I have seen people get rid of almost every imaginable kind of disease at no cost. There is no greater thrill than to help someone get well after there was no hope. Sam has seen the same thing also.
I honestly believe that if everyone could see and feel what my wife Connie & I have seen and felt all these years, everyone would want to do the same thing.
Thanks to Sam, the interview he did with Dr. B., changed our lives and the lives of countless people around the world.
The water cure has proved to me that anything is possible when people are valued more than money.
So please read Sam's letter below and check out his web site
Thank You Bob & Connie Butts and the Watercure Crew Hello Everyone;
I am Sam Biser and I want to give you a Holiday gift today -- one that has helped save the lives of so many of my readers and loved ones.
Here's where I'm coming from -- and I'm going to tell you a couple of things from my life I've never wanted to mention before.
My wife Sandra once went to a gifted natural practitioner and got one of the shocks of her adult life. She just went for the heck of it, not because of a problem, and she told him nothing -- and let him run his tests. Well, the room went silent when he looked at the results, turned to her and said, "You have a brain tumor forming at the base of your brain."
Oh my God, that was where Sandra's Dad got his tumor -- and it killed him at the age of fifty-three. And Sandra's Mom Gladys, when Sandra told her about the tests, said, "Well, to tell you the truth, I always felt you would go like Daddy did."
As for me, my mother took the deadly drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) in large quantities when she was carrying me -- to prevent miscarriage.
That's a drug later found to cause genital cancer in the boys and girls whose Mom's took it -- and in THEIR children as well. And sure enough, off and on during my life, I've sometimes felt a sharp pain down there -- and I say to myself, I hope that DES doesn't end up killing me one day."
So that's why -- when I met medical herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze, who specialized in curing the worst cases of the worst types of cancers, it wasn't just another ordinary interview for me. It was PERSONAL!
I knew in my heart that there was a Mt. Everest of cancer-curing details buried deep in that man's head -- that were going to be lost forever -- if they weren't immediately written down and documented. I knew his strengths -- and mine.
He was a gifted healer -- no doubt about it, but I was a ferocious journalist with a different set of skills -- to ask a thousand questions or more -- over the next six years -- and to record on paper what I feared would get lost. These were critical questions that had never been asked (or ever answered elsewhere) -- right to this very day.
It was a miracle, because I had almost unlimited access to him JUST AFTER he closed his clinic. It was the best time in healing history to capture things that get forgotten by the passage of time. For example..
One morning, I was at breakfast with Dr. Schulze in Malibu, and after an hour of pleasant conversation and probing, he said, "You know, I remember something important I forgot to tell you, and it's how I removed scar tissue from the ovaries or from any organ NOT responding to all natural healing treatments." Then he revealed something MAJOR he'd never mentioned in the prior four years of interviewing him. This kind of thing happened all the time.
I'm so happy for readers I captured these make-or-break healing details, because that's what's missing out there. And what IS out there? ...oversimplified stuff. You know, today, it seems like everybody and his brother in natural healing circles thinks they can easily and quickly cure cancer with minimal effort. Take this oil -- or this anti- cancer tea or use this visualization tip they learned at a seminar, etc -- and you know what? They're nuts.
Yea sure, a few natural-minded folks win the cancer lottery and get cured. But the others -- people like famous actress Farrah Fawcett - who went all over the sun for natural cures -- even to a German clinic,and Tammy Fae Baker, the ex- minister's wife who used all kinds of natural products in addition to her medical program -- both sadly went down in flames. And I'm sure they both believed they used the BEST of natural healing. No -- no they didn't.
For example, if you or a loved one has a brain tumor, do you know the two types of alternating compresses to use on the skull -- to stop that cancer -- and stop the seizures even before the tumor size can be reduced? Not one person in 150,000 in natural healing knows the answer -- if that. Or, if a woman has uterine or ovarian cancer, do you know the ancient East Indian method used 7,000 years ago -- and then modernized in the 1980-1990's -- that attacks the tumor faster and stronger than anything else? No-one does -- or uses it. They're too busy reading blogs and pseudo-articles from people who never cured anybody.
Or, if a man has advanced prostate cancer, do you know what early American herbalists at the turn of the century used as a blood purifier to make it go away (ignored by today's healers) -- and how to combine that with a method recently shown to destroy therapy- resistant prostate cancer cells? No-one does.
Do you know the antiseptic easy-to-get tree bark that should be used in a vaporizer (or as a tea) by anyone who wants to stop a lung cancer -- a cancer that kills more men and women than breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic cancer COMBINED, say top scientists. Do you? Well -- a new reader of mine named Cristina now does -- and as she emailed me yesterday evening,
"Hello Sam, I have lung cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes. Since I started the programs you teach, I am feeling great, I feel that I am living, when before I thought I was dying."
I'm so thankful that Cristina has this information, and is getting well -- and that Sandra and I have it too. Because a great diet is not necessarily enough to protect your body from genes or toxins you can't avoid.
So at this Holiday season, I want to bless my readers with this priceless knowledge too.
All these not-known details I've just mentioned, and a gazillion other things no-one on earth knows, are all inside my 2010 Updated Edition Save Your Life Course -- and that's what my Holiday gift is all about.
My Holiday Gift to You
To protect you with the same updated information that's now saving Cristina and others, I am going to give you a $25 discount -- off my unprecedented current low price of $149. This brings it down to only $124 -- for a few weeks only. (This is a PRIVATE offer for the readers of Bob Butts only. It does NOT appear on my website.)
So that's just $124 till Dec 30th, for the 2010 Updated Save Your Life Course. Any ONE of the 22 totally-rewritten Lessons in that Course can save your hide -- when no-one knows how. Yes...
I'm giving you $25 off till midnight, December 30, but my real gift to you and your family is something called PEACE OF MIND, that you are totally protected -- by information no-one else has.
To take advantage of this, here's what you need to do...
Call us right now at 1-540-943-3849 (day or night) and you must give the operator the following promo code: "BOB". She will ask you for it, so please have it handy. To get your $25 gift discount -- have that promo code "BOB" available for the operator.
Or, if you want to mail-in your order, you can download the mail-in order form at - - and you must write the promo code "BOB" on the order form to get the discount (and include your check or money order for $124 plus $15 postage and handling, total of $139). And it must be postmarked by Thursday, Dec 30th.
This Holiday gift of a $25 discount on the Save Your Life Course will do more for your family than anything from the mall.
You'll have this new unknown information to keep all of you alive -- no matter what comes along. You'll all be together, loving life, enjoying each other -- and THAT's the real meaning of the holidays. It's about LIFE, not about Stuff.
Call us now at 1-540-943-3849.
My blessings to you,
Sam Biser
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Healing HUGS Bob & Connie Butts
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Watercure | 4949 Birney Ave. | Cee Kay Auto Building | Moosic | PA | 18507