A Quorum Was Established and the Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:30 PM by President, Kay Hayes

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A Quorum Was Established and the Meeting Was Called to Order at 7:30 PM by President, Kay Hayes

(Approved Page 1 of 4) Bellevue Landowners Council Prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann Board of Directors Board Approved 3/14/2007 February 3, 2007

A quorum was established and the meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM by President, Kay Hayes.

Board Members/Officers Present: Council Members Present:

X Kay Hayes, President Jenny Schefer X Dan Weber, Vice President Jim Sutherland Alex Mabin Marci Wunderlich X Bruce Kelleher Keith Byergo X Bill Steele Mary Byergo X Kay Hales, Treasurer David Hamilton X Kathie Schmidtmann, Secretary Charles Joseph Nancy Wickersham Committee Chairs Present: Carolyn Westburg-Croessman Janice Rudy X Diane Zegel, Trails Co-chair Harriett Weber Josie Thomas, Trails, Co-chair Hugh Kasley X Frank Wickersham, Barn Joe Davis X Anna Touhey, Social Steve Sutton X Sophie Wright, Newsletter George Robinson X Daphne vom Baur, Site Frank Wickersham X Phillip Croessmann, Site Tom Rudy X Alan Suhonen, Site Bob Touhey Rec Center/Pool

Announcements: No general announcements were made.

Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Kay Hales. For the year 2006, the BLOC account was $5000 in the black. Sixteen residents are still outstanding on their dues. Liens have been placed on three properties that owe outstanding monies. Legal fees for this process are recoverable. Alex Mabin was unable to attend, however, copies of the budget were distributed and are available for review. Bruce Kelleher moved to accept the budget. Bill Steele seconded. Those in favor voted yes - unanimously.

Secretary’s Report:

 Approval requested approval on December 6, 2006 minutes prepared by then secretary, Chris Kelleher. One change accepted – to remove Jenny Shefer from attendance list. Bruce Kelleher moved to accept minutes. Bill Steele approved. Those in favor voted yes - unanimously.

6/6/2018 5:25 下午 (Approved Page 2 of 4) Bellevue Landowners Council Prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann Board of Directors Board Approved 3/14/2007 February 3, 2007

 Approval requested on January 3, 2007 minutes prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann. Bill Steele moved to accept the minutes as written.. Bruce Kelleher seconded. Those in favor voted yes - unanimously.  Approval requested on January 17, 2007 Special Meeting minutes prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann. Bruce Kelleher moved to accept the minutes as written. Kay Hayes seconded. Those in favor voted yes - unanimously.  Kate Marterella has requested copies of any and all documents that pertain to her or her property (including previous owners of her property).. Kathie has responded to Kate and has asked for her to establish what specific documents she needs and will follow procedure to provide such information.

Committee Reports:

Barn/Equestrian Center- Frank Wickersham: Written documentation was presented to the Board. Kay Hayes motioned to go into executive session with Board Members. Board Members returned to the meeting room (8:13 PM). Further discussions with involved parties would be necessary. Bob and Anna Touhey presented the Board with further documentation. A two week time frame has been given to accomplish the necessary meetings and for the Board to further review. Deadline of February 21st was agreed upon. Kay Hayes moved for the Board to take this plan of action. Bill Steele Seconded. Those in favor voted yes - unanimously

Finance—Alex Mabin(absent): It was noted that some items on the report may need to be amended but will be discussed when Alex is present. Some such items are whether there is enough set aside for future capital expenses and for additional barn expenditures. At this time, all repairs have been made to the barn as recommended by the insurance agent.

Newsletter—Sophie Wright: The last newsletter was accepted via email by many residents. Sophie thanked all of those who participated in this way. There were still 56 copies that had to be printed and mailed. Offering to accept this newsletter through email would be greatly appreciated and would help keep BLOC costs down. Sophie requested that more residents add their name to the email list.

Ponds----Alex Mabin (not present to report): Some members present, expressed a concern over the increasing number of geese on our ponds. This information will be passed along to Alex upon his return.

Pool/Rec Center—Interim Chairman, Book Sengstack: It was reported that all was well. The acceptance of Monica Robinson to take over this chair was not finalized. She was not present so Kay Hayes will call her to verify her interest.

6/6/2018 5:25 下午 (Approved Page 3 of 4) Bellevue Landowners Council Prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann Board of Directors Board Approved 3/14/2007 February 3, 2007

Roads----Interim Chairman, Bruce Kelleher:  Bruce reported that no monies were spent this past month on the roads. Snow removal did not have to take place. It was noted that some residents assisted this by removing snow on their own. Although greatly appreciated, it was noted that some spots had the gravel removed as well.  At this time all road repair has been completed (tar and chip). A future study may need to be done to establish future target areas of concern.  A concern was raised that Bruce needs to be relieved of this chair since he is serving on the Board as well This committee needs to find a new chairman.  A request involving the replacement of street signs was made. Kay had done some research with the county government and was informed that they no longer provide the service of preparing “Private Road” signs. Some council members are going to further explore what the county will do, via the county website and report back.

Site—Daphne vom Baur, Philip Croessman, Alan Suhonen: The site committee is planning a meeting amongst themselves to discuss a new request just received and to follow up on two previous issues involving fencing violations . They will report back on their action taken.

Social—Anna Touhey discussed an opportunity for a “Meet and Greet” gathering. March 17th was selected as the date by the majority. Further details to follow.

Trails---Diane Zegel reported that no funds were used this month and that previous fencing violations were still an issue as noted in Site Committee report.

Old Business:

Gore Dog Kennels—Kay Hayes reported that while following up the progress of a pending building permit to relocate kennels, there is no such request on file with the county. Past President Bob Hunsaker sent a letter addressing the complaint in October 2006, months have passed with no resolution progress being made. Further action will be taken by the board in the form of a letter to the Gore’s stating the BLOC Board position on this matter. The following will be included in said letter;  Site Committee needs to meet with the Gore’s for a detailed plan of their intentions to remedy the situation of the building of a structure.  The Board needs to follow up with the Gore’s intentions to remedy the noise nuisance.  Any future approval requests of the Site Committee will be withheld until this matter is resolved.  Recreational privileges’ will be suspended for a 30 day period. The Board will have the letter approved through legal channels and a copy will be sent to the county permit department. Bill Steele moved to have a letter drafted 6/6/2018 5:25 下午 (Approved Page 4 of 4) Bellevue Landowners Council Prepared by Kathie Schmidtmann Board of Directors Board Approved 3/14/2007 February 3, 2007 and sent to the Gore’s. Seconded by Kay Hayes. Those in favor voted yes - Unanimously approved.

Marterella Vinery/ABC License Appeal date still set for February 13th to take place in Richmond, VA.

New Business:

BLOG link from the BLOC Website: Site is mediated by Jim Sutherland who was not present at the meeting. It was established that the initial intent of creating the website was to post newsletter, meeting minutes and other general information to the Bellevue Community. Concern was raised over the purpose of the BLOG and recommendations to disconnect it from the website were made. Kay will speak with Jim over this matter and report back to the Board. Kay will also check with Bob Hunsaker, who previously volunteered to find another website for BLOC.

At 9:35 PM, Bruce Kelleher moved for the meeting to adjourn. Seconded by Bill Steele. All in favor voted yes – unanimously.

6/6/2018 5:25 下午

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