Evolution and Classification Test Review

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Evolution and Classification Test Review

Evolution and Classification Test Review

1.During the voyage of the Beagle, many of Darwin's observations were made where? Galapagos Islands 2. The wings of experimental fruit flies were clipped short each generation for fifty generations. However, fruit- flies kept being born with normal-length wings because ______Only heritable traits can be passed on

2.When a dairy farmer breeds only his or her cows that produce the most milk, the process involved is Artificial Selection

4. What 3 things must occur in order for Darwin's theory of natural selection to happen in a population.

Overpopulations – Genetic variation – Only genes that increase fitness get passed on to the next generation 5. When lions prey on a herd of antelope, some antelope are eliminated. Which part of Darwin's theory of evolution may be used to describe this situation? Survival of the fittest

6. Individuals within a population that survive to reproductive age is consistent with Darwin's theory of natural selection because they have adapted to their __Environment___

7. Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment Fitness

Figure 15-2

8. The pelvis and femur (leg bone) of the whale shown in Figure 15-2 is an example of what type of structure? Vestigial Structure 9. Starfish larvae resemble some primitive vertebrate larvae. This similarity may be used to suggest that primitive vertebrates and starfish share a common __ancestor___ 11. What is the definition a population. A group of organisms that are the same species in the same area

12. The combined genetic information of all members of a population is the population's Gene Pool

13. A change in a sequence of DNA is a Mutation

14. In a population of finches in which one group of birds has a short beak and a second group has a long, narrow beak, what process has probably occurred? Disruptive Selection

15. The situation in which allele frequencies remain constant is called Genetic Equilibrium

16. Populations are separated by barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water in _geographic__ isolation

17. A new species cannot form without __reproductive__ isolation

18. The American toad breeds earlier in the spring than the Fowler's toad does. Therefore, they do not interbreed, even though they often live in the same habitat. What can be inferred from this information? The toads do not mate with each other creating a reproductive isolation

Figure 16-1

19. Which of the graphs in figure 16-1 represent disruptive selection? C

20. Which of the graphs in figure 16-1 represent directional selection? A

21. Which of the graphs in figure 16-1 represent stabilizing selection? B

22. Examples of fossils include what? Any trace of an organism 23. Most fossils form in Sedimentary Rock

24. The length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay is its ½ Life

25. A single species that has evolved into several different forms that live in different ways has undergone Adaptive radiation / divergent evolution 26. A genus is composed of a number of related species

27. Several different classes compose a phylum

28. The most general and largest category in Linnaeus's system is Kingdom

29. Some similarities between distantly related organisms have been produced by Convergent Evolution

30. What biochemicals do all living things have in common? ATP, DNA, RNA

31. The kingdoms Protista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia have what in common? They are eukaryotic

NOTE - A Giant Panda IS NOT a bear Figure 18-2

32. True or False - All organisms shown in Figure 18-2 that belong to the order Carnivora also belong to the phylum Chordata?

33. What is the smallest taxonomic category shown in Figure 18-2 in which all members are not bears? Ursidae

34. True or False - All organisms shown in Figure 18-2 that belong to the class Mammalia also belong to the genus Ursus

37. Gametes are produced by the process of Meiosis

38. What types of cells contain a nucleus? Eukaryotic

35. Which of the following statements about evolution is true? Living things change for no reason Individuals can change their genes over time All living things on Earth have always been here Populations evolve not individuals 36. Situations in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene are called incomplete dominance

39. You probably won't find a cell wall in which kinds of organisms? Animal cells

40. Which organelle converts sugar and oxygen into energy that the cell uses for growth, development, and movement? Mitochondria Classification of Living Things Fill in the empty boxes a. b. KINGDOM Eubacteria Archeabacteria Plantae Fungi Protista Animalia

c. CELL TYPE Prokaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Prokaryote

Most d. Most Unicellular, multicellular, NUMBER OF CELLS Unicellular Unicellular Multicellular some Multicellular some multicellular unicellular e. MODE OF Autotroph or Autotroph or Autotroph or Autotroph Heterotroph NUTRITION Heterotroph Heterotroph Heterotroph Heterotroph

41. A scientist is looking at a sample of pond water and finds an organism in it. She is not sure if it is a bacteria or a protist. How would she be able to tell what kingdom it belongs in? If there is a nucleus it is a protest, if there is not a nucleus, it is a bacteria

42. What are the six pieces of evidence that support the theory of evolution? Darwin’s Observations, Embryology, Bacterial Resistance, Similar Biochemistry, Fossil Record, Similar Anatomy

43. Explain how new species are created. 1.A Population is separated and geographic isolation occurs 2.Changes happen to one gene pool that doesn't occur in the other 3.Reproductive isolation happens when one population no longer can reproduce with the other population

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