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See Instructor Information Under Faculty Information in the Table of Contents

NURS 7012 Translational Research Project Development


See instructor information under “Faculty Information” in the table of contents.

Emails will be answered within 48 hours unless notification via Blackboard announcements has been posted. The instructor will be available for immediate feedback during posted office hours unless notification via Blackboard has been posted with alternate date/time.

Catalog Course Description

Students must have identified and gained approval of community mentor for scholarly project with all contracts and site requirements completed prior to starting the Translational Research Project Development course. The student will select a practice setting based on their individual interest and expertise and conduct an assessment to identify opportunities for improvement. Building upon formative coursework, students are expected to synthesize theoretical, empirical and clinical knowledge to analyze critical issues in current practice and identify a phenomenon of interest within their area of expertise. The student will analyze data, develop a theory-based project proposal and define a research question(s) for a translational research project addressing a clinically relevant problem within a specific population. An IRB proposal will be submitted for approval of clinical project implementation. This course will include the systematic collection and evaluation of research evidence through a comprehensive literature review and initial project proposal. The student will develop their project under the guidance of a faculty member and in conjunction with a community preceptor. Upon successful completion of the course the student will be awarded 180 clinical experiential learning hours.

Course Resources

Title: Proposal Writing for Nursing Capstones and Clinical Projects

Authors: Bonnel, W. & Smith, K. V Pub. Date: 2014 ISBN: 978-0-8261-2288-9

Title: The Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project – a framework for success

Authors: Moran, K.J., Burson, R., & Conrad, D. NURS 7012 Page 1 of 18 Pub. Date: 2013 ISBN: 978-1-4496-9419-7 Title: Writing for Publication in Nursing 2nd. Edition

Authors: Oermann, M. & Hays, J. Pub. Date: 2011 ISBN: 978-082611802-8

Title: Clinical Research for the Doctor of Nursing Practice 2nd. Edition Authors: Terry, A. Pub. Date: 2014 ISBN 978-1284045932

Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition – 2nd printing

Authors: American Psychological Association Pub. Date: 2009 ISBN: 978-1433805615

NURS 7012 Page 2 of 18 W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide available at Click on the “W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide” and download the free resource

Selected journal articles and previous texts

Additional Resources:

1) Computer with basic audio/video output equipment 2) Internet access (broadband recommended) 3) *Microsoft Word (for required course documents) 4) *Microsoft PowerPoint (for required course documents) 5) Adobe Acrobat Reader (latest version) 6) Quicktime 6 or higher (available at 7) Software from to allow for Zoom web-based meetings, free download available

Program Outcomes

Number Program Outcomes A Translate research findings to improve healthcare outcomes B Lead inter-professional teams to change health care delivery to meet current and future health care needs C Influence systems and communities through Christian principles, service, scholarship and population-based care

Course Outcomes

Number Course Outcomes Upon Completion of this course learners should be able to: 1 Function in a specialized advanced practice nursing role by performing a comprehensive population assessment to identify population-based risks to health. 2 Use information technology to collect data and analyze complex practice issues. 3 Employ ethical and culturally specific project planning to design an evidence-based practice project built on a theoretical foundation. 4 Critically analyze and synthesize existing literature. 5 Develop a comprehensive literature review. 6 Develop translational project scope and goals. 7 Develop a project plan and timeline. 8 Develop translational project proposal. 9 Demonstrate knowledge of IRB protocols and policies.

NURS 7012 Page 3 of 18 10 Identify journal guidelines for manuscript submission.

DNP Standards

All nursing courses are designed to meet the standards as outlined in the “The E ssentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice” (AACN, 2006); “ANA Scope and Standards of Practice” (ANA, 2010).


Netiquette, or network etiquette, refers to the guidelines for online communication. Students who continue inappropriate behavior will be handled through the existing processes used to address student conduct.

Student guidelines for online participation: • Use appropriate language. • Use correct spelling and grammar. • Be willing to express your opinion and respect the opinion of others. • Respond to others in a courteous, professional manner. • Reread and think before you push the submit button. • Do not hesitate to ask for feedback and always ask for clarification when needed.

Be aware of the University’s Academic Dishonesty Policy. To review some detailed guidelines on King’s Classroom Civility Policy, see pages 6 and 7 at:

Module Start and End

Each module begins on Monday and ends on Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern time. All assignments are due by the end day of each module.

Course Topic Outline – Course Schedule

Est. Week 1 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chaps 1 & 2 Development of a Proposal Wednesday Read 2.5 Review Moran Chap and Writing Plan 11:59 pm 11, 14

NURS 7012 Page 4 of 18 Self-reflection of progress of Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #1 Translational Research 2.5 (open week 1) 11:59 pm Project (TRP) Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Translational Develop Writing plan and Sunday Prepare Research Project begin project timeline for 3.0 11:59 pm Proposal Translational Research Project (TRP) Proposal

Est. Week 2 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chap 3 Project Assessment, Terry Chap 13 Management and Wednesday Read 2.0 Refinement of Project 11:59 pm Oermann & Hays Framework pages 103-105

Online readings Project framework, organizational/community Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #2 assessment, development 2.0 (open weeks 2-3) 11:59 pm of clinical practice problem

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Translational Complete Sunday Prepare Research Project theoretical/conceptual 5.0 11:59 pm Proposal framework

Est. Week 3 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours

NURS 7012 Page 5 of 18 Bonnell & Smith Chap 8 Clinical Research Problem Terry Chap 2 Placing the Problem in Wednesday Read 3.0 Context within Relevant 11:59 pm Review Moran Clinical Frameworks Chaps 5, 6

Online readings Project framework, organizational/community Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #2 assessment, development 2.0 (open weeks 2-3) 11:59 pm of clinical practice problem

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Problem/purpose, Translational significance & research Sunday Prepare Research Project questions; send completed 5.0 11:59 pm Proposal sections to Faculty Advisor for review

Est. Week 4 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chaps 13 Ethical Considerations in Read Terry Chap 4 Clinical Research 1.5 IRB Proposals Online readings

KU IRB documents, clinical agency requirements. Discussion Board Wednesday Discuss Ethical consideration for 3.0 #3 11:59 pm (open week 4) participants. Debriefing. Ethical misconduct.

Clinical Reflective synopsis of 1.0 Sunday Journal scholarly activities 11:59 pm completed as clinical experiential hours

NURS 7012 Page 6 of 18 correlated to the DNP Essentials

Project Timeline Translational Ethical considerations: Sunday Prepare Research Project informed consent, 5.0 11:59 pm Proposal confidentiality, privacy, data protection, IRB documents etc.

IRB Submission Translational IRB Submission Decision Decision Complete Research Project 0.5 Tool Tool DUE Proposal Sunday 11:59 pm

Est. Week 5 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chap 4

Terry Chap 3, Appendix 15A Compiling the Best Wednesday Read 2.5 Evidence 11:59 pm Oermann & Hays Chap 4

Online readings Literature Review: Narrowing the Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #4 2.0 (open weeks 5-6) phenomenon, finding the 11:59 pm gap Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Translational Literature Review: Analysis Sunday Prepare Research Project 5.0 of Evidence Table 11:59 pm Proposal

NURS 7012 Page 7 of 18 Est. Week 6 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chap 5 Wednesday Read Synthesizing the Evidence 1.0 11:59 pm Online readings Literature Review: Narrowing the Discussion Board Wednesday Discuss phenomenon, finding the 2.0 #4 11:59 pm (open weeks 5-6) gap

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Literature Review Translational Synthesis; send completed Sunday Prepare Research Project 5.0 sections to Faculty Advisor 11:59 pm Proposal for review Initial Project Translational Initial project timeline Timeline Complete Research Project 3.0 DUE Timeline Sunday 11:59

Est. Week 7 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chaps 9, 10

Terry Chap 8, 9, 12 Project methods: sample, Wednesday Read setting, data collection, 4.0 11:59 pm Oermann & Hays project planning Appendix 1 Review Moran Chap 14 Sampling designs, data collection methods, tools & Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #5 2.5 (open weeks 7-8) project procedures 11:59 pm

NURS 7012 Page 8 of 18 Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Sample/setting and detailed Translational procedure for data Sunday Prepare Research Project 5.0 collection 11:59 pm Proposal

Est. Week 8 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chaps 11, 12 Data Analysis & Data Wednesday Read Terry Chap 11 Measurement Tools 2.0 11:59 pm Online readings Sampling designs, data collection methods, tools & Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #5 2.0 (open weeks 7-8) project procedures 11:59 pm

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Data collection, data Translational security, measurement tools Sunday Prepare Research Project 6.0 (including reliability and 11:59 pm Proposal validity)

Est. Week 9 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Review Moran Budgeting and Cost Chap 12 Wednesday Read Analysis Plans for Clinical 1.0 11:59 pm Projects Online readings Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

NURS 7012 Page 9 of 18 Cost analysis, budget, Translational project feasibility; send Sunday Prepare Research Project 4.0 completed sections to 11:59 pm Proposal Faculty Advisor for review

Est. Week 10 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Chaps 14 Wednesday Read Oermann & Hays Finalizing the Proposal 1.0 11:59 pm pages 244-251 & Appendix 2 Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Translational Finalizing & editing Sunday Prepare Research Project proposal; send revised 6.0 11:59 pm Proposal sections to Faculty Advisor for review

Est. Week 11 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours

Preparing for defense of Wednesday Read Online readings 2.0 Project Proposal 11:59 pm

Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #6 Defense of Project Proposal 2.0 (open weeks 11-12) 11:59 pm Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Preparing for Proposal Sunday Prepare Proposal Defense 3.0 Defense 11:59 pm

NURS 7012 Page 10 of 18 Faculty Finalizing Project Proposal Approved Translational Project Complete Research Project (The final proposal must be pre- 3.0 Proposal Proposal approved by the Faculty Advisor) DUE Sunday 11:59 pm

Est. Week 12 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith: Review questions on pages 30, 52, 68, 87, Wednesday Read Proposal Defense 2.0 122, 123, 143 for 11:59 pm additional preparation for your Project defense Discussion Board Defense of Project Wednesday Discuss 2.0 #6 Proposal 11:59 pm (open weeks 11-12) Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities DUE Clinical completed as clinical 1.0 Sunday Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Defense of Project Prepare for Defense of Prepare 6.0 Proposal Project Proposal

Present TRP Proposal Defense of Project to full Complete Project Proposal Defense 1.0 Proposal committee (date TBD by student and Faculty Advisor)

Est. Week 13 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Read Terry Chap 12 Dissemination of Project 3.0 Wednesday Oermann & Hays 11:59 pm Chaps 2, 3, 10 Review Moran Chap 15

NURS 7012 Page 11 of 18 Online readings Selection of journal for publication. Impact analysis Wednesday Discuss Discussion Board #7 3.0 (open week 13) scoring. Author guidelines. 11:59 pm

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities Clinical completed as clinical Sunday 1.0 Journal experiential hours 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials Review chosen journal author and submission Sunday Prepare Project Manuscript 4.0 guidelines and share with 11:59 pm Faculty Advisor

Est. Week 14 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Project Designs and Terry Chap 5,6,7 Wednesday Read Limitations 2.0 11:59 pm

Project limitations, control Discussion Board #8 of extraneous variables, Wednesday Discuss (open weeks 14-15) 2.0 project implementation 11:59 pm

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities completed as clinical Clinical Sunday experiential hours 1.0 Journal 11:59 pm correlated to the DNP Essentials

Final Project Sunday Prepare Revise Project Timeline 1.0 Timeline 11:59 pm

Submission IRB Documents for KU of Faculty IRB Requests for and clinical organization Approved Complete Approval of Project 4.0 IRB Implementation (All IRB documents must be pre- Documents approved by your Faculty Advisor) Sunday 11:59 pm

NURS 7012 Page 12 of 18 Colloquium II: August 17 & 18, 2015 9 am-4 pm Hardin Valley Campus Formal Presentation of Final Approved Project Proposal

Est. Week 15 Assignments Topics Covered Due Date Hours Bonnell & Smith Preparing for Project Chap 15 Implementation: Keeping Wednesday Read 2.0 Review Moran the Project Going 11:59 pm Chap 13 Project limitations, control Discussion Board #8 of extraneous variables, Wednesday Discuss (open weeks 14-15) 2.0 project implementation 11:59 pm

Reflective synopsis of scholarly activities completed as clinical experiential hours correlated to the DNP Clinical Essentials Sunday 2.0 Journal AND 11:59 pm Overall reflective summary (self- assessment) of project development.

Signed Required clinical Clinical Verification of experiential learning Hour Logs Submit Clinical Experiential hours, have documents 1.0 DUE Learning Hours signed by preceptor(s) Sunday and Faculty Advisor 11:59 pm Final project timeline Final Translational revisions with description Project Complete Research Project or rationale of why the 1.0 Timeline Timeline changes occurred DUE Sunday 11:59

Evaluation Methods

Below is a listing of assignments that comprise the 100% possible for this course.

NURS 7012 Page 13 of 18 Assignments Grade Clinical Journal of Project Activities and associated DNP Essential(s) 10% Translational Research Project Proposal* 50% Translational Research Project Timeline (initial and final) 10% Discussion Boards (8) 20% IRB submission(s)* 10% Clinical Hour Log P/F *TRP Proposal and IRB submissions must be pre-approved by Faculty Advisor

Course Policies

Instructor Grading Though it cannot be guaranteed due to the possibility of unforeseen circumstances, student assignments will typically be graded by the week following submission. Students will be notified if there will be a delay in grading. Students may contact the instructor regarding any questions with grading.


In an accelerated learning model, interaction is foundational to synergy. Therefore, for the model of experiential learning to work, attendance must be mandatory. Substantive participation requires weekly submission of assignments by their respective due dates. We recognize there is always the unexpected in the midst of adult life. Absences must be cleared in advance with your professor, who may set up a special meeting time, apart from class time, to cover learning objectives for that class. More than one absence per course or excessive absences in the program may be grounds for course failure and/or administrative withdrawal from the program. Attendance records are essential to comply with regulations established by the Veterans’ Administration or recipients of VA benefits or federally insured student loans. If long term medical, family, or employment concerns develop, the student needs to contact their Student Support Specialist and Professor immediately. The Student Support Specialist will assist the student in addressing non-academic matters related to their program. The Professor will assist the student in addressing academic matters related to their program. (*Non- participation in a course for one week is considered equivalent to an absence.)


Participation in an online course is derived from the learner completing course assignments not limited to weekly discussions, weekly assignments, tests, individual and/or group projects, etc. (Non-participation in this course can and will affect the learner's final grade.)

Zoom Web-Based Meetings

NURS 7012 Page 14 of 18 Students will have the option to participate in web-based synchronous class meetings with classmates and instructor. This time will be used to answer questions, review material and give additional guidance for the assignments and the Translational Research Project Proposal. Links to the meetings will be posted after the start of the course.

Discussion Boards

Students are expected to actively participate in each discussion board during this course. Students are required to post an initial 250-word minimum response (excluding references and citations) to the discussion board prompt(s) no later than Wednesday at 11:59pm of the week's discussion board. Then each student should ready all the discussions and must respond to the initial postings of at least two classmates, with a 150-word minimum response (excluding references and citations), asking reflective questions and critically commenting on their ideas to extend and advance the conversation.

During discussions, you must demonstrate not only that you understand the subject matter but that you can apply what you have learned, analyze, and evaluate critically. Thus your postings must be appropriate, timely, and add value. Discussion boards provide a forum to seek clarification and answer important questions about course material, proposal and project development and difficulties. Each student should post within the first 2 days of a DB that is over one week and within the first 4 days of a DB that is over two weeks and postings should be on a minimum of three different days. See Discussion Board Guidelines and Grading Rubric for specific details.

Clinical Journals All DNP students are required to complete clinical experiential learning hours in order to meet the requirements for the DNP degree. Activities for practice hours are subject to faculty approval and should be discussed, in advance, with the student’s Faculty Advisor. Example activities are located in the DNP Student Handbook. The Clinical Journal is a weekly reflective synopsis of scholarly activities completed as clinical experiential learning hours. The activities completed during the week, listed in the journal entry, will be correlated to the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice which will serve as verification of the DNP competency areas fulfilled. Each journal entry will include the number of hours completed for the week, a cumulative number of hours completed and the number of hours needed for completion of the 1000 post-baccalaureate clinical practicum hours. See Clinical Journal Guidelines, Grading Rubric and example format for specific details.

Clinical Hour Log Clinical Experiential Learning Hours are indirectly supervised by Faculty Advisors and directly supervised by either a faculty member or a community-based preceptor. Students are responsible for completing clinical hour logs for each day of clinical experiential learning. Each activity will list the time on task, associated Essential for Doctoral Education and Program Level Assessment Measure. The student, direct supervisory preceptor and the Faculty Advisor must sign the log validating completion of

NURS 7012 Page 15 of 18 the activities and hours listed. Final, signed copies of the Journal of Clinical Experiential Learning Hours document(s) must be submitted by the date listed on the topical outline.

Translational Research Project Timeline A project timeline will be developed to guide the student through project proposal development and implementation. The project timeline will consists of a detailed plan for all procedures, resources and any additional personnel needed. Project methods and procedures will vary depending on the type of project you will be implementing but a solid plan, including time for setbacks, is essential. Remember to include time for evaluation of the project, manuscript development (all revisions) and dissemination. See Translational Research Project Timeline Guidelines and Grading Rubric for specific details.

IRB Submission Each Translational Research Project must undergo IRB approval. Depending on your clinical site, you may need to complete IRB approval at both your clinical site and at King University. You will work closely with your Faculty Advisor to complete the required IRB documents and obtain the appropriate approval(s) for your project. You will submit all completed and Faculty Advisor approved IRB applications based on your specific project. See IRB Submission Guidelines and Grading Rubric for specific details.

Translational Research Project Proposal The project proposal is necessary to show logical progression of thought from the prospectus (preliminary proposal completed during EBP and Translational Research) though the project evaluation and dissemination. The Project Proposal will follow the formal outline listed in the DNP Handbook. Students will work closely with their Faculty Advisors and Clinical Preceptors to develop the proposal. The student will defend their proposal to their chosen DNP Translational Project Committee for further review and critique. After any suggested revisions, the final TRP Proposal will be submitted. An approved research proposal is a requirement for successful completion of this course. See Translational Research Project Proposal Guidelines and Grading Rubric for specific details.

King University Email Policy

King University Faculty and Students are required to use their King University email for all King University business correspondence. This requirement includes electronic correspondence with King University personnel and students in the course room. The use of personal or work email accounts for University related business is not permitted. Students should check their King University email daily for updates and/or announcements and respond to all emails within 48 hours.

Grading Scale The school of nursing calculates grades as A, A-, B+, B, B-. C+, C, C-, D, or F. Doctoral nursing majors must earn a “B” or higher in all NURS courses to maintain an overall GPA of 3.0/4.0 scale. In the DNP program a grade of “B-“or below is failing.

NURS 7012 Page 16 of 18 The numerical values for the school of nursing grade scale are:

Total Score Course Grade Value 95-100 points A 4.0 90-94.99 points A- 3.7 88-89.99 points B+ 3.3 85-87.99 points B 3.0 80-84.99 points B- 2.7 78-79.99 points C+ 2.3 75-77.99 points C 2.0 70-74.99 points C- 1.7 65-69.99 points D 1.3 Below 65 points F 0.0

Consistent with the King University SON policy, individual assignment grade calculations are carried out to the .00 place. Final course grade calculations are NOT rounded up.

Refer to the DNP Student Handbook for additional program-specific policies

Final Comprehensive Competency Assessment

All students seeking a degree from King University are required to demonstrate competency in their major field. DNP students will demonstrate satisfactory completion of the competencies outlined in the AANC DNP Essentials in addition to the DNP student outcomes. These competencies will be demonstrated by successful completion of the translational research project. The project will be evaluated against a rubric and will be pass/fail. Students with more than one major must demonstrate competency in each of their major fields. Major Field GPS students will complete the assessment in the semester that they graduate. All students will have to pass according to the minimum requirement of their department. Any student who does not meet the required (Pass) of their comprehensive assessment of their major field will not graduate until the requirement has been met.

Late Assignments

All assignments are to be completed by the due date. Assignments submitted after the due date will be graded as stated in the specific grading rubric and/or grading guidelines for the assignment. Assignments submitted late and not rubric-guided may receive a minimum 10% reduction in the earned grade per day. Students are responsible to communicate with the instructor prior to any unavoidable and legitimate absence and discuss options for make-up work. Making up a missed assignment is at the discretion of the instructor and may be in an alternate format and at a time and date of the instructor’s designation.

NURS 7012 Page 17 of 18 Students are responsible for submitting papers, projects, assignments, and reports by specified dates. Faculty is not obligated to extend deadlines or accept late papers or assignments. If there is a delay in completion of any assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor prior to the due date posted on the outline. Due to the nature of this course, there may be delays therefore early communication is of the utmost importance.

King University Honor Code

On my honor, I pledge to abide by the King University policies described in the Student Handbook. I understand that students of King University are to be honest in words and actions, in particular, not to lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal. I pledge to conduct myself in a manner based on Christian values and to require the same of fellow students. I understand that a violation of this Honor Code may result in my appearance before the Honor Council.

Violation of any part of the King University Honor Code can result in disciplinary action and include, but are not limited to, a formal warning, resubmission of the assignment, failure of the individual assignment, course grade reduction or failure of the course. The instructor will contact the Dean of Students with any violation and a disciplinary action plan will be determined.

*Academic Dishonesty and Academic Sanctions are addressed in detail in the King University Student Handbook. These sections are applicable to all King University courses and students.

Accommodation of Special Needs

Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations or other disability- related support services must file a request two weeks prior to the need. For more information, please contact the Director of Learning and Disability Services by emailing [email protected] or calling (423) 652-4303.


The instructor will notify students, in writing, in a timely manner of any changes to this syllabus.

Students should check their King University email and course Blackboard site DAILY for updates and/or announcements. Students will be responsible for all announcements posted on the course site.

NURS 7012 Page 18 of 18

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