First Church of Christ, Scientist

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First Church of Christ, Scientist

Bylaws of First Church of Christ, Scientist Chevy Chase, Maryland

Bylaws of First Church of Christ, Scientist Chevy Chase, Maryland

Adopted May 22, 1979 Amended July 21, 1980 Amended July 20, 1981 Amended April 8, 1986 Amended January 17, 1989 Amended January 31, 1994 Amended April 12, 1994 Amended October 17, 1994 Amended April 8, 1997 Amended July 15, 1997 Amended January 24, 2000 Amended July 20, 2004 Amended July 27, 2004 Amended July 19, 2005 Amended January 16, 2007 Amended July 15, 2008 Amended January 22, 2009 Amended July 20, 2010 Amended April 12, 2012 Amended October 22, 2013 Amended October 28, 2014 Table of Contents

PREAMBLE...... 1

ARTICLE I Name...... 2 II Church Manual and Tenets...... 2 III Pastor…...... 2 IV Services...... 2 V Membership...... 2 VI Duties of Members ...... 4 VII Discipline...... 5 VIII Officers ...... 6 IX Readers ...... 7 X Trustees ...... 8 XI President ...... 9 XII Clerk ...... 9 XIII Treasurer ...... 9 XIV Vacancies and Absences ...... 10 XV Sunday School ...... 10 XVI Reading Room ...... 11 XVII Lectures ...... 11 XVIII Finances ...... 11 XIX Dissolution or the Sale and Purchase of Real Property...... 14 XX Business Meetings ...... 14 XXI Amendments ...... 15 XXII Rules of Order ...... 16 STANDING RULES — Business Meetings...... 17 PREAMBLE

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chevy Chase, Maryland, was organized as a Society recognized by The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 23, 1941. It was organized as a Church on July 7, 1942, recognized as a branch church of The Mother Church on July 23, 1942, and was duly incorporated as a Church upon the acceptance of its Articles of Incorporation by the State of Maryland on August 31, 1942.

The underlying spirit of these Church Bylaws is stated in the following extract found on page 254 of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science:

The Magna Charta of Christian Science means much, multum in parvo, — all-in-one and one-in-all. It stands for the inalienable, universal rights of men. Essentially democratic, its government is administered by the common consent of the governed, wherein and whereby man governed by his creator is self-governed. The church is the mouthpiece of Christian Science, — its law and gospel are according to Christ Jesus; its rules are health, holiness, and immortality, — equal rights and privileges, equality of the sexes, rotation in office.” ARTICLE I — NAME

The name of this organization shall be First Church of Christ, Scientist, Chevy Chase, Maryland.


Section 1. As a branch of The Mother Church, this Church shall be governed by the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy insofar as it applies to branch churches.

Section 2. This Church shall adhere to the Tenets contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and a copy of these Tenets shall be recorded in the Register of this Church.


The King James Version of the Bible and the 1934 copyrighted edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, together shall comprise the Pastor of this Church. The Golden Text and the Responsive Reading shall be used in Sunday Services as published in the Christian Science Quarterly.


Section 1. This Church shall hold Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings throughout the year in accordance with the provisions of the Manual of The Mother Church.

Section 2. This Church shall hold other services authorized by the Manual and may hold services or meetings authorize by policies established by The Christian Science Board of Directors.


Section 1. The membership of this Church shall consist of earnest students of Christian Science who adhere to the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, including abstention from the use of alcohol, tobacco, medicine, and drugs; who have severed former religious affiliations, if any; and who have presented

with their application a letter of severance from another branch Church of Christ, Scientist, if a former member of same. 1 Section 2. The following shall be the procedure for the admission of new members: (a) Any person desiring admission shall make written application to the Board of Trustees.

(b) The Board shall examine and make due inquiry as to the fitness of the applicant.

(c) If the Board deems the applicant eligible, his name shall be mailed to the members as soon after examination as practicable. If no member objects within two weeks of the mailing, the applicant shall be deemed elected to membership.

(d) Any Church member objecting to the admission of an applicant must file with the Clerk his written and signed objection within two weeks of the mailing. The Board shall then inform the applicant of the objection and afford him an opportunity to be heard. If the objection is resolved in favor of the applicant by a vote of at least four members of the Board, the applicant shall be deemed elected to membership.

(e) The members shall be notified by mail and by announcement at the next business meeting of the names of applicants elected to membership.

(f) Those applicants elected shall be invited to sign the Church Register on a Sunday designated by the Board. The Board shall notify the members of this date. Membership shall be effective on the date the Church Register is signed.

(g) The President shall announce at the next regular business meeting the names of those who have signed the Church Register since the previous business meeting.

Section 3. Any member in good standing desiring to withdraw from this Church shall receive a letter indicating severance of membership upon written application therefor to the Board of Trustees.


Section 1. It shall be the duty of the members of this Church to give active and unselfish service to this Church and to the Cause of Christian Science, to attend services and business meetings, and to support this Church metaphysically and financially. It shall also be the duty of the members to study and be familiar with the Manual of The Mother Church, to study and obey the Bylaws of this Church, and to keep the membership list and the business of this Church confidential.

Section 2.

(a) If a member has not attended at least one regular business meeting of this Church over a period of three years and also has failed to communicate with the Clerk or the Treasurer during that time, the Board of Trustees shall make every reasonable effort to investigate the causes with love and a desire to heal the situation.

(b) If this effort does not result in the resumption of active membership and there are no known extenuating circumstances making active membership impossible, the Board of Trustees shall direct the Clerk to write to the member, inquiring whether continuance of membership is desired.

(c) If a written request to retain membership is not received within sixty days, or if the Clerk's letter is returned unclaimed, then the name of such member shall be reported to the members at the quarterly business meeting in October to be voted upon at the following quarterly business meeting in January.

(d) A two-thirds vote of the members present and voting shall be necessary to terminate membership.

(e) A membership so terminated can be reinstated only by following the procedure outlined in Article V, Section 2.


Section 1. Any member who is practicing or teaching contrary to the doctrines of Christian Science or who is not living in accord with the teachings of Christian Science or who has violated any of the Church Bylaws is subject to discipline.

Section 2. Any disciplinary charges made by one member against another shall be based on Christian motives. Such charges shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Trustees, which has the authority to discipline the member. No disciplinary action shall be initiated until the requirements of Matthew 18:15-17 have been met.

Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall investigate such charges, giving the member an opportunity for a fair and impartial hearing. It is the Board's first responsibility to help bring healing to the situation. A vote of at least four members of the Board shall be necessary to discipline the member through a letter of admonition, placement on probation, or dismissal from membership. In each case the member shall be given in writing the specific reasons for the disciplinary action and, in the case of a letter of admonition or probation, the terms and conditions required for the removal of the discipline.

Section 4. Any member who has received a letter of discipline shall have the right to appeal to the members by submitting a request in writing to the President within thirty days of the receipt of the letter conveying the decision of the Board of Trustees. Written notice to the members shall be given two weeks prior to the business meeting at which the case is to be reviewed by the members. A two-thirds vote of the members present and voting shall be required to sustain the decision of the Board.

Section 5. A member under a letter of admonition shall not serve as an officer of the Church, as the Chairman of a Committee of the Church, or in the Sunday School or Reading Room. A member on probation from this Church shall not serve as an officer, attend business meetings, or work on committees. These provisions shall not take effect until a member who has received a letter of discipline either elects not to appeal or has the discipline sustained by the membership. A letter of dismissal from membership shall not take effect until such member either elects not to appeal or has the discipline sustained by the membership.

4 Section 6. A member under a letter of admonition or on probation from this Church may apply to the Board of Trustees for removal of the discipline after the terms and conditions stated in the disciplinary action have been met for a reasonable period of time. If the Board of Trustees concludes that the member has sincerely reformed and that the situation is healed, it may by a vote of at least three of its members terminate the discipline. Should the application be refused, the Board shall specifically state in writing what conditions must be met before the member may apply again.

If the case was reviewed by the members under Section 4 of this Article, the members shall be informed in writing when the discipline is terminated.

Section 7. A person who has been dismissed from membership for disciplinary reasons may apply for reinstatement after expiration of one year from the date of such action. Such application shall follow the procedure outlined in Article V, Section 2, except that a vote of at least four members of the Board shall be required under Section 2(c) for reinstatement.

Section 8. In addition to the disciplinary actions provided for above, (a) any officer elected by the members may be removed from office, for failure to perform his duties, by a two- thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose; and (b) any officer appointed by the Board may be removed by the Board.


Section 1.

(a) The officers of this Church shall consist of a First Reader, a Second Reader, a Board of five Trustees, a President, a Clerk and a Treasurer. All officers shall be members above the age of eighteen in good standing of this Church and of The Mother Church.

(b) The Readers, the Trustees and the President shall be elected by the members; the Clerk and the Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees.

5 Section 2. No member shall hold more than one office at the same time, except as in a temporary capacity as a substitute Reader.

Section 3. The terms of service of officers shall be as follows:

(a) The First and Second Readers for a term of two years beginning on the first Sunday in June following election.

(b) The Trustees for a term of two years beginning with the adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected and ending with the adjournment of the meeting at which their successors are elected.

(c) The President for a term of two years beginning the first of June following the election.

(d) The Clerk for a term of one year beginning the first of January following appointment, subject to re-appointment for subsequent terms.

(e) The Treasurer for a term of one year beginning the first of April following appointment, subject to re-appointment for subsequent terms.


Section 1. The Readers shall possess the qualifications and perform the duties prescribed for them in the Manual of The Mother Church, Article III.

Section 2. The Readers of this Church shall be elected for terms of two years. If both Readers are willing to serve for a third year, they may do so without election by notifying the Board in writing by the January business meeting prior to the third year of service. Should either Reader decide not to continue for the third year, the third-year option shall not be exercised and two new Readers shall be elected for a two-year term. Readers shall be elected at a special meeting to be held on the third Tuesday in March, as necessary. At this meeting no other business shall be transacted. This Bylaw shall apply to the Readers serving at the time of its adoption.

Section 3. Any member who has served in the office of Reader in any Church of Christ, Scientist, in excess of eighteen months shall not be eligible for election. However, the current Second Reader would be eligible for election to complete the term of First Reader, should that vacancy occur. The office of Second Reader shall then be filled for the balance

6 of the unexpired term in accordance with Article XIV, Section 1 (a) of these Bylaws.

Section 4. First and Second Readers shall be elected separately by ballot in the order named. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect.


Section 1. The Board of Trustees shall act on behalf of the members to promote the spiritual interests and progress of the Church; to supervise its religious services and other activities; to transact its business; to establish policies and ensure their implementation; to hold in trust and manage all assets and property for the use and benefit of the Church; to make recommendations to the members; and to perform such other duties as specified in these Bylaws.

Section 2. The Board of Trustees shall establish standing committees with the prior approval of the members or ad hoc committees at its discretion, and it shall make appointments to such committees.

Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall act in accordance with the direction of the members, and its actions shall be subject to review by the members. Section 4. (a) Trustees shall be elected by ballot of members above the age of eighteen at the annual business meeting. The votes of a majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary to elect. If the ballot includes votes for more than one Trustee, and if more candidates than there are vacancies receive a majority, those candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected to the vacancies.

(b) No Trustee who has served one year or more shall be eligible for re-election until two years have elapsed.

(c) In the odd-numbered years three Trustees shall be elected, and in the even-numbered years two Trustees shall be elected.

Section 5. The Board of Trustees shall meet as soon as practicable following the annual meeting for the election from its membership of a Chairman and a Vice- Chairman and for the transaction of any other business. The Clerk shall call the meeting and preside until a Chairman is elected.

Section 6.The Board of Trustees shall meet regularly at least once a month. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman at any time or by the Clerk at the request of three members 7 of the Board. Three Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 1. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the Church.

Section 2. The President shall be elected by ballot of members above the age of eighteen at the annual business meeting in the even-numbered years. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary for election. Any member who has served as President for one or more years shall not be eligible for re-election until at least two years have elapsed.


The Clerk shall be responsible for the guardianship of Church records; for preparing and maintaining, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, the record of minutes of all regular and special business meetings of the Church and meetings of the Board; for maintaining a book of policies and procedures; and for performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


Section 1. The Treasurer shall receive all monies contributed or paid to the Church; make disbursements in accordance with authorizations by the Board of Trustees and the members; prepare and file all required federal, state and local payroll tax returns; and render to the Board a monthly itemized statement of receipts, disbursements and fund balances.

Section 2. The Treasurer and any Assistant Treasurers shall be covered by appropriate fidelity insurance furnished by the Church.


Section 1. Vacancies.

(a) Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Trustees or in the office of Reader shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the election by ballot of the members at a special business meeting within thirty days called for the purpose. Should the office of President become vacant, such vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by the election by ballot of the members at the next business meeting. 8 (b)Pending the election of a Reader, the Board shall appoint as a substitute Reader a member who has served for more than eighteen months in the office of Reader in any Church of Christ, Scientist, to serve until the elected Reader takes office. Pending the election of the President, the Board shall appoint an Acting President from among the members.

(c) The Board shall fill a vacancy in the office of Clerk or Treasurer as soon as practicable after it occurs.

Section 2. Absences.

(a) In the absence of a Reader, the Board shall appoint as a substitute a member who is not currently President and who has served for more than eighteen months, either as a First or Second Reader, in any church of Christ, Scientist. However, the Board may designate the incumbent Second Reader to serve as a substitute for the First Reader and appoint a substitute Second Reader.

(b)In the absence of the President, the Board shall appoint from among the members an Acting President who is not presently an officer.


Section 1. The Sunday School shall be conducted in accordance with Article XX of the Manual of The Mother Church.

Section 2. The Superintendent of the Sunday School and such Assistant Superintendents as required shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees to administer the activities of the Sunday School and implement policies prescribed by the Board.

Section 3. All officers and teachers of the Sunday School shall be members in good standing of this Church and of The Mother Church.


Section 1. The Church shall maintain a Reading Room in accordance with the requirements of the Manual of The Mother Church, Article XXI, Sections 1 and 3.

9 Section 2. The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Librarian of the Reading Room and such Assistant Librarians as required, all of whom shall be experienced Christian Scientists and members in good standing of this Church and of The Mother Church.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to see that the provisions of the Manual, Article XXV, Section 7, are strictly enforced in the Reading Room.

Section 4. The Librarian shall administer the Reading Room and implement polices prescribed by the Board of Trustees; shall maintain books of account; and shall render to the Board of Trustees a monthly statement of receipts and disbursements.


The Church, in accordance with Article XXXII, Sections 2 and 4 of the Manual of The Mother Church, shall sponsor one or more lectures annually in the community.


Section 1. The fiscal year of the Church shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2. The financial resources of the church shall be kept in funds or accounts established under these Bylaws, each with its specific purpose and rules of operation. These funds shall be the accounting entities of the Church; all monies received by the Church shall be credited to a fund or account, and all disbursements shall be made in accordance with the rules governing that fund or account. The Board of Trustees shall make decisions concerning investments of these funds with recommendations from the Finance Committee.

(a) The principal accounting entity for the Church finances shall be the General Fund. Other than bequests, all receipts not specifically designated for another fund shall be credited to the General Fund. The normal operating expenses of the Church shall be paid from the General Fund in accordance with the operating budget for the fiscal year, as adopted by the members at the October business meeting preceding such fiscal year. The operating budget may be amended at any other regular or special business meeting, but no amendment to the adopted budget may be voted on by the members that has not been considered by the Board of Trustees.

10 The Board of Trustees shall be authorized to adjust disbursements among line items of the approved budget during the fiscal year as required without further reference to the members, provided the total budget authorization for the fiscal year is not exceeded. Contributions to outside activities shall not be changed, and disbursements for items or activities not included in the fiscal year budget shall not be made without the approval of the members.

(b) There shall be a Reserve Fund which shall be maintained at a minimum level of $50,000 or 25% of the approved annual operating budget, whichever is larger.

This fund shall not be depleted below the minimum amount except for unusual or unforeseen expenses and shall be replenished to the minimum amount as soon as practicable thereafter.

Any balance of monies in the Reserve Fund in excess

of the minimum level and not previously committed shall be available for discretionary expenditures as approved by the members.

Prior approval by the members is required for any expenditure from the Reserve Fund, except for emergency expenditures related to the preservation of the Church property.

The Board may borrow from the Reserve Fund on a short-term basis to pay for authorized expenditures in case of temporary shortfall of receipts in the General Fund.

(c) There shall be a Special Gift Fund, the primary purpose of which is to support and advance the cause of Christian Science in the greater Washington, D.C. area. This fund also may be used to support other activities of this Church. The Special Gift Fund may receive contributions of any amount specifically designated for it. All bequests to the Church in excess of $10,000, not otherwise designated, shall be deposited in the Special Gift Fund. At the time of the bequest the Board of Trustees may allocate from such bequest an amount not to exceed $10,000 to another established fund of the Church.

Disbursements from the Fund shall be made with the approval of

11 two-thirds of those members present and voting at any regular or special business meeting with prior notification to the members.

Section 3. There may be established from time to time, with the approval of the members, special funds to provide for the financing of major projects of the Church.

Section 4. The Board of Trustees shall appoint an Auditing Committee, which shall examine all financial records of the Church, including those of the Reading Room, for the fiscal year and report at the April business meeting. In making its examination, the Auditing Committee shall include a review to ascertain that the Church expenditures have been made substantially in accordance with the approved operating budget or other membership direction.

12 ARTICLE XIX —DISSOLUTION OR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY Section 1. This Church can be dissolved only by a vote, by ballot, of two-thirds of those present and voting at a special business meeting called for the purpose by written notice sent to members thirty days prior to such meeting. For the transaction of business at a meeting called under this Section, one-half of the members shall constitute a quorum, the provisions of Article XX, Section 5, notwithstanding.

Section 2. Real property involving the Church edifice or the Reading Room can be sold or purchased by this Church only by a vote, by ballot, of three-fifths of those present and voting at a special business meeting called for the purpose by written notice sent to members thirty days prior to such meeting. For the transaction of business at a meeting called under this Section, one-half of the members shall constitute a quorum, the provisions of Article XX, Section 5, notwithstanding.

Section 3. In the event of dissolution of this Church, all assets, after payment of obligations, shall become the property of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.


Section 1. This Church shall hold four regular quarterly business meetings each year:

(a) The annual meeting shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in April for the election of Trustees and, where applicable, the President; for the consideration of annual reports; and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

(b) The other quarterly meetings shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of January, July and October.

Section 2. If any date specified for a regular quarterly meeting should fall on a national holiday, or if such date conflicts in some other respect with the best interests of a majority of the Church members, the Board of Trustees may, at its discretion, change the meeting date to another date within seven days of the date specified in Section 1.

Section 3.

(a) Special business meetings may be called at any time by the 13 Board of Trustees on its own initiative, by action of the members at any business meeting, or upon the signed petition of twenty-five members. Any petition shall set forth the purpose and the date on which the meeting is desired and shall be filed with the Clerk at least twenty calendar days prior to the date designated for the meeting.

(b) No business shall be transacted at any special business meeting other than that specified in the notice thereof.

Section 4. A timely notice for all regular business meetings stating the purpose of the meeting shall be mailed to the members. All such meetings shall be announced at two or more regular services of the Church immediately preceding the date of the business meeting. The same provisions for notification of members shall apply for special business meetings except in unusual circumstances.

Section 5. One-third of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all business meetings, except as provided for in Article XIX.


Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended or repealed or new ones adopted at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting, provided written notice of the proposed changes is sent to the members at least two weeks prior to such meeting. In accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, proposed amendments that would increase or decrease the number of Trustees or that would change the term of office of Trustees can be acted on only at a meeting of the members called for the election of Trustees.

Section 2. The Standing Rules may be amended or repealed or new ones adopted at any business meeting by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting, provided written notice of the proposed changes is sent to the members at least two weeks prior to such meeting.

Section 3. Amendments to these Bylaws shall conform to the Articles of Incorporation, or the Articles of Incorporation shall be amended.


For guidance in conducting the business affairs of this Church, other than as provided for in these Bylaws, reference shall be made to Robert's 14 Rules of Order, Newly Revised, provided that such rules are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or with the Manual of The Mother Church. Business meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

15 STANDING RULES Business Meetings Section 1. Order of business for regular business meetings (a) Hymn — words written by Mary Baker Eddy (b) Readings from the Bible and the works of Mary Baker Eddy (c) Silent Prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer (d) Reading from the Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Section 1. (e) Reading of minutes (f) Reading of communications (g) Report of Board of Trustees (h) Reports of other officers (i) Elections (j) Reports of Sunday School, Reading Room, Lecture and other committees

(k) Unfinished business (l) New business (m) Announcements and comments for the good of the Church (n) Adjournment following a reading from one of the works of Mary Baker Eddy

At the discretion of the President, business under item (j) may be conducted during those intervals in item (i) when ballots are being counted out of the presence of the members, and remarks under item (m) may be limited according to the time available. Section 2. Order of business for special business meetings (a) Hymn — words written by Mary Baker Eddy (b) Readings from the Bible and the works of Mary Baker Eddy (c) Silent Prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer (d) Reading from the Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Section 1 (e) Reading of call to the meeting, 16 (f) Special business including report from the Board of Trustees and appropriate committees or individuals regarding subject of the meeting,

(g) Adjournment following a reading from one of the works of Mary Baker Eddy

Section 3. Special Procedures for business meetings (a) In elections, if more than one ballot is necessary, the following procedure shall be used: On the first ballot, announcement shall be made in alphabetical order of the names of all persons receiving one or more votes, but the number of votes received shall not be announced. On the second ballot, the names of all those receiving three or more votes shall be announced, but not the number of votes received. On subsequent ballots, the names of all persons receiving three or more votes shall be announced, together with the number of votes received. The procedure for a member removing his/her name from nomination is as follows:

If a member is to be absent from the meeting, he/she should notify the Clerk before the meeting that he/she does not want to be a candidate for election.

A member present at the meeting who has been nominated should ask to be recognized by the President in order to request that his/her name be withdrawn from consideration in the election.

No phone calls shall be made to any absent member during or immediately after an election. Notification of election should come from the Clerk. No one in attendance at the meeting may remove the name of any absent member who is nominated.

(b) The proposed budget, including an explanation of all proposed changes from the present budget, shall be mailed to the members at least two weeks prior to the October business meeting and a financial statement

from the Treasurer to the Board of Trustees shall be distributed to those attending the October business meeting.

17 (c) The President and the Board of Trustees shall confer regarding the agenda for business meetings prior to the mailing of the call letters and as necessary thereafter.

(d) Minutes of all regular and special business meetings shall be prepared by the Clerk and reviewed and attested to by the President within two weeks following the business meeting and made available to members in the Clerk's office.

(e) Well in advance of each regular and special business meeting the President shall appoint a qualified member of this Church as Parliamentarian.

(f) If a member introduces under “New business” a motion on a matter which has not previously been considered by the Board of Trustees, and such motion is duly seconded, it may be discussed preliminarily by the members and then shall be remanded to the Board of Trustees for its consideration and recommendations prior to being brought up for action under "Unfinished business" at the next regular business meeting or, if the members shall so determine, at a special business meeting called for that purpose.


A Legislative History of these Bylaws is on file with the Bylaws in the Clerk's office as an aid to their interpretation in the light of the drafting intent and the understanding of the members at the time of their adoption.

18 Printed February 2009


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