Fy2018 Marketing Platform Development Application Packet

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Fy2018 Marketing Platform Development Application Packet

Promote Missouri Fund Program Missouri Division of Tourism Marketing Platform Development Application Packet

FY2018 MARKETING PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PACKET Packet Includes:  Instructions for completing the application  FY18 Marketing Platform Development (MPD) Application  Section 285.525, RSMo Compliance Documents (Refer to the MPD Program & Report Guide for requirements)

Review the program guidelines prior to completing the application. The FY18 Marketing Platform Development Program & Report Guide is available online at FY2018 Program Information on Industry.VisitMO.com.


MPD applications due by 5 p.m. April 3, 2017 Notification of MMG awards June 20, 2017 Program year begins July 1, 2017

COMPLETING THE APPLICATION Submission 1. Indicate how the application will be submitted (standard mail/hand delivered or electronic).

Applicant Information 2. Enter Applicant Name 3. Enter the Applicant’s Physical Address – you may also include mailing address; however, the physical address is required 4. Enter Applicant City, State and Zip Code 5. Enter Applicant Business Phone Number 6. Enter Applicant Business Fax Number 7. Enter the county that the Applicant’s physical address is located 8. Enter Applicant’s official website (enter N/A if the applicant doesn’t have a website) 9. List the name of the State Senator and the District Number of the Applicant’s physical address 10. List the name of the State Representative(s) and District Number(s) for the Applicant’s physical address 11. Enter the MO Charter number issued by the Secretary of State. Applicants that are government subdivisions enter “City” or “County”. 12. Enter the Federal ID# of the Applicant

Page 1 of 11 MPD Application Packet Additional Information – Required for NON- Certified DMO only (Maximum 600 Characters each) 13. What is the funding source for the applicant organization? Please list all funding. A reliable funding source is required for Marketing Platform Development funding. 14. Provide the organization’s mission statement. It is important that the organization is focused on tourism marketing. 15. Provide the name and experience of the individual that will be the main contact for the Division of Tourism. This individual will be responsible for the project and reporting.

Grant Information 16. Check the box of the platform for which you are applying. Check only one box. If you check “Other”, give the platform a title. 17. The total funds requested cannot exceed program maximums found in the MPD Program & Report Guide and should be no more than 50 percent of the total project cost.

Budget 18. In the “Line Item Description” column, describe the service being provided. The Applicant Expense and MDT Reimbursement columns must equal the Total Expense column and the MDT Reimbursement cannot be over 50 percent of the Total Expense.

Review Criteria (Maximum 600 Characters each) 19. Describe the project. What will be done? What vendor will be utilized? What is the time frame? Give all information relevant to the project. 20. List the Applicant’s primary goals and/or objectives for this particular MPD project. 21. Explain how the Applicant plans to sustain/maintain this product after the MPD project is complete. 22. Give reasons that there is a need for this particular MPD project.

Authorizing Agents Complete contact information for both the Project Director and the CEO of the applicant DMO. The Project Director and the CEO may not be the same individual.

Section 285.525, RSMo Compliance Documents: Refer to MPD Guidelines for more information If your business entity is not in the system or affidavit has expired, provide the following:  Box B - Current Business Entity Status, completed and signed (Original signatures required)  E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification page OR  Box B - Current Business Entity Status, completed and signed (Original signatures required)  E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) confirming enrollment and participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization program

If your business entity is already participating in E-Verify and a completed and notarized Affidavit of Work Authorization is already on file (completed and signed in the last twelve months), provide:  Box C - Affidavit on File,

Page 2 of 11 MPD Application Packet SUBMITTING THE APPLICATION

Complete the application as indicated. Do not include any pages with the application that are not specifically requested.

NOTE: Keep a copy of the complete application for the Applicant’s records.


Electronic Method: To be considered for funding, completed applications must be received at MDT no later than 5 p.m. on April 3, 2017. Create an e-mail with the subject line: FY18 Marketing Platform Development Application and attach the required documents. An email confirmation that all files were received and could be opened will be sent.

The following are approved file formats: .doc .pdf .jpg .xls

NOTE: Formats other than those approved must be tested in advance. Contact a Promote Missouri Fund Program team member for additional information.

Standard Method: To be considered for funding, completed applications must be received at MDT no later than 5 p.m. on April 3, 2017. Please allow sufficient time for delivery. Consider a means of delivery that allows for tracking.

If delivering the application in person, MDT is located on the second floor of the Harry S. Truman Office Building, in Jefferson City. The Truman Building is located across the street from the Missouri State Capitol Building. We welcome you to our offices at any time during business hours.

Mailing Address: Physical Address: Missouri Division of Tourism Missouri Division of Tourism Promote Missouri Fund Program Promote Missouri Fund Program PO Box 1055 301 W. High Street, Room 290 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Jefferson City, MO 65102

Page 3 of 11 MPD Application Packet Promote Missouri Fund Program Missouri Division of Tourism Marketing Platform Development Grant Application

1. Check to indicate the manner in which this application will be submitted: Standard Method Electronic Method


2. Appli cant Name: 3. Phy sical 4. City, State, Zip: 5. Ph 6. F one #: AX #: 7. Co 8. W unty: ebsite 9. State Senator & District # 10. State Representative & District #: - - 11. MO Corporate Charter #: 12. Federal ID #:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: REQUIRED FOR NON-CERTIFIED DMO ONLY 13. Briefly describe the applicant organization’s funding source.

14. Provide the formal statement of the applicant organization’s purpose or mission as it appears in the articles of incorporation, charter, code, etc, that charges this organization with tourism marketing.

Page 4 of 11 MPD Application Packet 15. Briefly describe the project manager’s industry and grant management experience.


16. For which platform are you applying?

Website Development Mobile Optimization Social Media Strategy

Brand Awareness Study Visitor Profile Study Marketing Plan Development

Creative Design Creative Strategy Other ______

17. Indicate the specific total funds requested from the Division of Tourism with this application. $


18. Include the line item descriptions and expenses of your project. Applicant Expense plus MDT Reimbursement Amount must equal the Total Expense. Total MDT Reimbursement must equal total amount of grant

Line Item Description Applicant Expense MDT Reimbursement Total Expense

TOTALS $ $ $


Page 5 of 11 MPD Application Packet 19. Briefly describe the project for which support is requested.

20. What are the primary goals and objects of this project?

21. What is your long term sustainable plan for this project?

22. Describe the need for the project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The submission of this application and the attached documents to the Missouri Division of Tourism signifies that the project outlined within has the approval of those individuals named below and that the named individuals have the authority to implement and consent to the necessary expenditures for completion of the project on behalf of the applicant organization.

It is further signified by this submission, that 1) the appropriate staff has read and understands the program requirements as described in the Marketing Platform Development Program & Report Guide concerning this application, and 2) it is understood that materials included in or provided with the application that do not comply with the application instructions will not be considered as a part of the application during the evaluation and review.


Complete the contact information for 1) the applicant contact who is designated to serve as primary contact with MDT (known as the Project Director), and 2) the DMO President/CEO, who is authorized to enter into this marketing contract with the State of Missouri. These must be two different individuals with separate contact information.

Page 6 of 11 MPD Application Packet Project Director Name DMO President/CEO Name

Project Director Title DMO President/CEO Title

Project Director E-mail Address DMO President/CEO E-mail Address

Project Director Phone Number DMO President/CEO Phone Number

Project Director Signature Date DMO President/CEO Signature Date


BUSINESS ENTITY CERTIFICATION: The contractor must certify their current business status by completing either Box A or Box B or Box C on this Exhibit.

BOX A: To be completed by a non-business entity as defined below. BOX B: To be completed by a business entity who has not yet completed and submitted documentation pertaining to the federal work authorization program as described at http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/gc_1185221678150.shtm. BOX C: To be completed by a business entity who has current work authorization documentation on file with a Missouri state agency including Division of Purchasing and Materials Management.

Business entity, as defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo, is any person or group of persons performing or engaging in any activity, enterprise, profession, or occupation for gain, benefit, advantage, or livelihood. The term “business entity” shall include but not be limited to self-employed individuals, partnerships, corporations, contractors, and subcontractors. The term “business entity” shall include any business entity that possesses a business permit, license, or tax certificate issued by the state, any business entity that is exempt by law from obtaining such a business permit, and any business entity that is operating unlawfully without such a business permit. The term “business entity” shall not include a self-employed individual with no employees or entities utilizing the services of direct sellers as defined in subdivision (17) of subsection 12 of section 288.034, RSMo.

Note: Regarding governmental entities, business entity includes Missouri schools, Missouri universities (other than stated in Box C), out of state agencies, out of state schools, out of state universities, and political subdivisions. A business entity does not include Missouri state agencies and federal government entities.


I certify that (Company/Individual Name) DOES NOT CURRENTLY MEET the definition of a business entity, as defined in section 285.525, RSMo pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo as stated above, because: (check the applicable business status that applies below)

 I am a self-employed individual with no employees; OR  The company that I represent employs the services of direct sellers as defined in subdivision (17) of subsection 12 of section 288.034, RSMo.

I certify that I am not an alien unlawfully present in the United States and if (Company/Individual Name) is

Page 7 of 11 MPD Application Packet awarded a contract for the services requested herein under (Contract Number) and if the business status changes during the life of the contract to become a business entity as defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo, then, prior to the performance of any services as a business entity, (Company/Individual Name) agrees to complete Box B, comply with the requirements stated in Box B and provide the Missouri Division of Tourism with all documentation required in Box B of this exhibit.

Authorized Representative’s Name (Please Print) Authorized Representative’s Signature

Company Name (if applicable) Date

Page 8 of 11 MPD Application Packet EXHIBIT continued

(Complete the following if you DO NOT have the E-Verify documentation and a current Affidavit of Work Authorization already on file with the State of Missouri. If completing Box B, do not complete Box C.)


I certify that (Business Entity Name) MEETS the definition of a business entity as defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285.530.

Authorized Business Entity Representative’s Authorized Business Entity Name (Please Print) Representative’s Signature

Business Entity Name Date

E-Mail Address

As a business entity, the contractor must perform/provide each of the following. The contractor should check each to verify completion/submission of all of the following:

 Enroll and participate in the E-Verify federal work authorization program (Website: http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/gc_1185221678150.shtm; Phone: 888-464-4218; Email: e- [email protected]) with respect to the employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services required herein; AND

 Provide documentation affirming said company’s/individual’s enrollment and participation in the E- Verify federal work authorization program. Documentation shall include EITHER the E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification page listing the contractor’s name and company ID OR a page from the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) listing the contractor’s name and the MOU signature page completed and signed, at minimum, by the contractor and the Department of Homeland Security – Verification Division. If the signature page of the MOU lists the contractor’s name and company ID, then no additional pages of the MOU must be submitted; AND

 Submit a completed, notarized Affidavit of Work Authorization provided on the next page of this Exhibit.

Page 9 of 11 MPD Application Packet EXHIBIT continued


The contractor who meets the section 285.525, RSMo, definition of a business entity must complete and return the following Affidavit of Work Authorization.

Comes now (Name of Business Entity Authorized Representative) as (Position/Title) first being duly sworn on my oath, affirm (Business Entity Name) is enrolled and will continue to participate in the E-Verify federal work authorization program with respect to employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services related to contract(s) with the State of Missouri for the duration of the contract(s), if awarded in accordance with subsection 2 of section 285.530, RSMo. I also affirm that (Business Entity Name) does not and will not knowingly employ a person who is an unauthorized alien in connection with the contracted services provided under the contract(s) for the duration of the contract(s), if awarded.

In Affirmation thereof, the facts stated above are true and correct. (The undersigned understands that false statements made in this filing are subject to the penalties provided under section 575.040, RSMo.)

Authorized Representative’s Signature Printed Name

Title Date

E-Mail Address E-Verify Company ID Number

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______of ______. I am (DAY) (MONTH, YEAR) commissioned as a notary public within the County of ______, State of (NAME OF COUNTY) ______, and my commission expires on ______. (NAME OF STATE) (DATE)

Signature of Notary Date

Page 10 of 11 MPD Application Packet EXHIBIT continued

(Complete the following if you have the E-Verify documentation and a current Affidavit of Work Authorization already on file with the State of Missouri. If completing Box C, do not complete Box B.)


I certify that (Business Entity Name) MEETS the definition of a business entity as defined in section 285.525, RSMo, pertaining to section 285.530, RSMo, and have enrolled and currently participates in the E-Verify federal work authorization program with respect to the employees hired after enrollment in the program who are proposed to work in connection with the services related to contract(s) with the State of Missouri. We have previously provided documentation to a Missouri state agency or public university that affirms enrollment and participation in the E-Verify federal work authorization program. The documentation that was previously provided included the following.

 The E-Verify Employment Eligibility Verification page OR a page from the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) listing the contractor’s name and the MOU signature page completed and signed by the contractor and the Department of Homeland Security – Verification Division  A current, notarized Affidavit of Work Authorization (must be completed, signed, and notarized within the past twelve months).

Name of Missouri State Agency or Public University* to Which Previous E-Verify Documentation Submitted: (*Public University includes the following five schools under chapter 34, RSMo: Harris-Stowe State University – St. Louis; Missouri Southern State University – Joplin; Missouri Western State University – St. Joseph; Northwest Missouri State University – Maryville; Southeast Missouri State University – Cape Girardeau.)

Date of Previous E-Verify Documentation Submission:

Previous Bid/Contract Number for Which Previous E-Verify Documentation Submitted: (if known)

Authorized Business Entity Representative’s Authorized Business Entity Name (Please Print) Representative’s Signature

E-Verify MOU Company ID Number E-Mail Address

Business Entity Name Date

FOR STATE USE ONLY Documentation Verification Completed By:

DMO Participant Date

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