PURPOSE of the COURSE: the Course Presents an Introduction to the Theory and Practice Of
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1 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: Dr. Michael P. Gillespie Course No. WS 513.13 contact info: 347.334.2826 Course Title: Anatomy 3 [email protected] Semester Summer 2010 www.healingartscenter.info
PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: This course is a moderately detailed overview of the two major command and control systems of the human body: the nervous and endocrine systems. Students who work steadily and productively will gain a useful understanding of the anatomy & physiology of these body systems and their interaction within the human organism.
PREREQUISITES : Satisfactory completion of Anatomy 1 and Anatomy 2 courses.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE STUDENT: By the end of the course, the successful student should be able to:
1) Identify important neural structures and understand their functions for the subsequent knowledge application within ONE I course. (Please, see detailed objectives within weekly assignment of topics).
2) Identify important structures and functions of the endocrine system as per their relationship with CNS and PNS (please, see detailed objectives within weekly assignment of classes 12-13).
3) Utilize the obtained in class knowledge for identification of a lesion location, based on a patient’s case history and recognize neurological emergencies.
Tortora and Derrickson: Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology; Harper Collins, pub.; ISBN 0-471-41501-4. Please, note that the page numbers given in the course outline only refer to the 10th edition. You will need to find the relevant sections yourself in case you are using subsequent editions.
1. Kapil Gupta: Human Brain Coloring Workbook; Random House, Inc; ISBN 0-679-77885-3; 2. Craig Watson: Basic Human Neuroanatomy: An Introductory Atlas; Little, Brown and Co., pub. ISBN 0-316- 92457-1; 3. Keirman et al: The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint; 7th edition; J.B. Lippincott, pub.; ISBN 0-397-58431-8
Attendance- 80% required Weekly quizzes (9 quizzes) 1/3 (Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped) Midterm 1/3 Final Examination 1/3 Late arrival for class or after breaks will be counted as 15 minutes (minimum) non-attendance.
METHODS OF PRESENTATION: Course sessions will consist of: - lectures and practical group discussions, oriented on Team Based Learning approach; - quizzes given in the beginning of the class (20 minutes) 2 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: Dr. Michael P. Gillespie Course No. WS 513.13 contact info: 347.334.2826 Course Title: Anatomy 3 [email protected] Semester Summer 2010 www.healingartscenter.info - demonstrations of anatomy atlases, transparencies, posters, slides, educational video PowerPoint presentations prepared by the instructor will be posted on the PCOM website for download on a weekly basis. Specific objectives of each weekly set will guide you in preparation to the following quiz, midterm and final exam. Supplemental material will be provided with the sole purpose of assisting those students, who will find them helpful for more efficient and targeted comprehension of the required information.
Late arrival in class will be not appreciated. You can not take a quiz: - If you arrive with less than ten minutes remaining in the allotted quiz time; - During class lecture time or break time; - During one of the subsequent weeks. You may only miss the midterm or final in case of true emergencies. If you need to attend a section of this course, which meets at another time, and you are not registered for that section you must: 1) Secure permission from the instructor during an earlier class; 2) Notify the instructor in writing of your intention to visit the same class session at another time; 3) Insure that your attendance is recorded accurately in the roster.
LEVEL OF COMPREHENSION REQUIRED : Detailed comprehension of the information presented.
APPLICATION: Material presented in lecture is practiced and applied in the subsequent class.
A means outstanding achievement. The student has met more than 90% of the course objectives. An A grade is only available for the highest, exemplary accomplishments.
B means average performance. Student has met at least 80% of the course objectives. The student may need some remedial work in order to fully meet the course objectives. Because all course objectives are important in this curriculum, some remediation, either by focused independent study or tutorial, is recommended before proceeding to advanced courses.
C is below average and is awarded for marginally satisfactory performance. Student may proceed in courses for which the course is a prerequisite but remediation is strongly recommended. C should be considered a warning grade. It is the college's observation that C students are at risk of failure on comprehensive and state licensure exams.
Pluses and minuses, with the exception of A+ and C-, may now be used to differentiate between letter grades and are calculated in student GPAs. A+ is not used because the college is on a 4.0 standard with A equal to 4.0. An A is reserved for the highest standards of accomplishment. C- is not used because C is the minimum passing grade in the program, therefore, less than a C indicates a failure to achieve a passing grade and should be awarded an F.
A=94-100 A-=90-93 B+=87-89 B=84-86 B-=80-83 C+=77-79 C=70-76 F=69 or lower I=Incomplete 3 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: Dr. Michael P. Gillespie Course No. WS 513.13 contact info: 347.334.2826 Course Title: Anatomy 3 [email protected] Semester Summer 2010 www.healingartscenter.info
This class will meet from 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM. The sessions are extended by 15 minutes to accommodate for the college being closed on Memorial day.
Week of Class Topics & Reading Assignments
1-Week Nervous System Overview – Chapter 12 May 3 Nervous Tissue – Chapter 12
2-Week Quiz 1. May 10 Nervous Tissue continued
Quiz 2. 3-Week Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves – Chapter 13 May 17 Reflex Arcs Peripheral Nervous System
Quiz 3. 4-Week Spinal Cord & Spinal Nerves continued – Chapter 13 May 24 Dermatomes, Myotomes, and Deep Tendon Reflexes
Memorial Day – Entire College Closed 5-Week May 31 Quiz 4. 6-Week Brain & Cranial Nerves – Chapter 14
Quiz 5. 7-Week Autonomic Nervous System – Chapter 15 June 7
Midterm Exam 8-Week June 14 4 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: Dr. Michael P. Gillespie Course No. WS 513.13 contact info: 347.334.2826 Course Title: Anatomy 3 [email protected] Semester Summer 2010 www.healingartscenter.info Sensory, Motor & Integrative Systems – Chapter 16 9-Week June 21 Quiz 6. 10-Week Special Senses – Chapter 17 June 28 Quiz 7. 11-Week Endocrine System – Chapter 18 July 5
Quiz 8. 12-Week Endocrine System Continued – Chapter 18 July 12
Quiz 9. 13-Week Review / Supplemental Material July 19 14-Week FINAL EXAM July 26