Set up Suppliers for Direct Payment

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Set up Suppliers for Direct Payment

Accounts Payable




BANKINFO – Bank Information...... 5

SELVOUC...... 7

To pay all vouchers selected...... 7

Pay selected Vouchers/Suppliers from automatic selection...... 7

MANVOUC...... 9

TROUBLESHOOTING...... 10 APAYMENU – Accounts Payable Payment Procedures


Your Stamina Software application (from Version 5.4) now enables you to pay your Suppliers via direct deposit

You will need to make some minor changes in the set up your Stamina Software application in the particular areas concerned. Eg. SUPMNT.

You will also need access to an on-line banking application provided by your bank. Eg. Commonwealth Bank has Quickline. Check with your bank for their on-line application program.

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SUPMNT > Screen 3 > 16) Payment Method

Payment Method has to be set to A (for Automatic transfer)

Change this field to A for those suppliers that you wish to pay by direct deposit. When you change the payment method to A - Screen 4 will appear where you should insert your Supplier’s Bank Account details.

SUPMNT Ver xxxx Primary Testing Company Time Date Screen : 4 Supplier File Maintenance x User Name

Supplier XXXX xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxs

1) Institution Code NABC National Australia Bank Newcastle

Branch Name Newcastle

Branch Identifier 082 748

2) Account Number 123456


1) Institution Code - is maintained/created via the process BANKMNT. All details entered into this process are obtained from the particular bank.

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BANKMNT Ver xxx Primary Testing Company Time Date Screen : 1 Financial Institutions File Maintenance x User Name

Please Select : CRE/AME/REV/DEL/END C

*1) Institution Code NABNC

2) Institution Type NAB National Australia Bank

3) Branch Name Newcastle

4) Branch Identifier 082 748

Field # to Change [ ]

1) Institution Code A unique code is allocated to each branch of a particular financial institution type. This code is used to identify and distinguish a branch of an institution and offers a shorthand method of entering this information. Eg. NABC for National Australia Bank Newcastle.

The codes should be made as meaningful as possible, so that you will be able to enter the code long after they have been established.

2) Institution Type The entry must already exist on the BANK.TYPES file, which is maintained by the BANKTYPE process

This code refers to a particular financial institution and becomes the primary method of referencing a financial institution. Eg.: NAB for National Australia Bank.

3) Branch Name This is the physical name of the Bank Branch. Eg.: Newcastle or Hunter Street Newcastle if there are a number of branches of the bank.

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4) Branch Identifier This is the identification code used by the institution to identify the branch where the account is held. For banks, this is a B/S/B code, or Bank/State/Branch. Eg. 082 748

Your on line banking program requires this information to be in a format of xxx xxx

2) Account Number – is obtained from your supplier. This is your Supplier’s Account Number, which they should give you. When entering the account number into the system, make sure you do not leave any blank spaces. Eg. Enter the account number as 123456 and NOT 123 456.

3) Account Name – is obtained from your supplier. This is your Supplier’s Bank Account Name, which they should give you.

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BANKINFO – Bank Information

This process is used to store information about your bank account. The information is required when building a direct banking disk through the GENAPDKS process. You will not be able to use GENAPDKS until you have information set up in this process. This information needs only to be set up once. Each time you use GENAPDKS it will reference information set up in here.

BANKINFO Rev/x xx Primary Testing Company Time Date Screen : 1 Bank Information x User Name

Please Select : CRE/AME/REV/DEL/END C

*1) User's Bank 100 ANZ Bank Account Institution Code 7 Branch Name xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Branch Identifier 700777 Account Number 12345678 Account Name THIS IS THE ACCOUNT NAME

2) Name of User xxxxxxxxxxxx 3) User Number 222222 4) Name of Remitter xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

5) Desc of Entries SUP 6) File Name NAB.APD 7) File Format Balanced 8) Statement Ref Your name here

1) Users Bank This is the code for the bank that you will be making deposits from, as defined in the BANKACT process of the Bank Reconciliation System. This will be used by the system to determine your bank account details for inclusion on the generated disk.

2) Name of User This name will be provided to you by your financial institution, and is usually exactly the same as the name that appears on your bank account.

3) User Number Your financial institution will supply the information for this field when you indicate to them that you are going to be using their direct deposit system. This field, plus the User Name entered previously will uniquely identify your entity to the banks computer system.

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4) Name of Remitter Once more, this information should be verified with your Financial Institution, and is usually the name that appears on your account, and will usually also appear as a reference on the account that receives the direct deposit.

5) Desc of Entries This is a textual description of the entries. Although you should verify what your Financial Institution would accept, this usually contains something like Direct Deposit Payment.

6) File Name This field contains the file-name that will be used when saving the banking information to disk. It should be in the appropriate MD-DOS compatible format, ie no more than eight letters, a period (".") and three letters.

The file-name preferred by your banking institution should be used whenever possible. Eg. For the Commonwealth Bank the file name is cba.aba. Check with your bank to obtain this information.

7) File Format Different banks have different requirements in terms of the data file that is generated with direct payment details, which the banks refer to as "B"alanced or "U"nbalanced. You should check with your financial institution as to their requirements in this regard.

For example, the National Australia Bank will ONLY accept Balanced Batches, while the Commonwealth Bank will accept Unbalanced Batches.

8) Statement Ref Text entered in this field will appear as a "reference" field on the payee's bank statement. If this field is left blank, then the current entity code and posting journal number will be used as the reference.

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Automatically select vouchers for payment.

When automatically selecting vouchers through SELVOUC all vouchers meeting the criteria entered in this process will be selected for payment. eg. You enter due dates, discounts dates etc…All vouchers falling within this range will be selected for payment.

To pay all vouchers selected

 Run a PRECHQ Pre Cheque Report

 Print the cheques (eg. For suppliers vouchers selected with a payment method of Q) - CHEQPRNT Print Cheques

 Run GENAPDKS Generate AP Payment Diskette to create a file that will select those suppliers that have a payment method of A. This file will be used in your on-line banking program to directly deposit the selected amount of money into your suppliers bank account. The GENAPDKS process will only select suppliers for payment that have an ‘A’ type payment method set up in SUPMNT

 Print the Remittance advices for all payments - REMITPRT Print Remittance Advices

 Process the details from the disk through your On Line Banking application.

 When everything is correct post the cheques - POSTCHQ A/P Cheque Journal

Pay selected Vouchers/Suppliers from SELVOUC

If you decide to only pay a select number of suppliers/vouchers from the automatic selection process you can remove suppliers and or vouchers from this payment run via MANVOUC. Delete the Vouchers and or suppliers via MANVOUC.

Deleting the vouchers/suppliers via MANVOUC will mark the vouchers as still outstanding and they will be available for payment in future payment selections.

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In MANVOUC delete the vouchers/suppliers that you do not wish to pay this time. Deleting the vouchers/supplier from MANVOUC will mark the vouchers as still outstanding and will need paying at a future date.

When you have selected the suppliers/vouchers that you wish to pay this time.

 Run a PRECHQ Pre Cheque Report

 Print the cheques - CHEQPRNT Print Cheques. Only those suppliers with a Payment Method of Q set up in SUPMNT will be included in this process.

 Run GENAPDKS Generate AP Payment Diskette to create the records on the disk for ‘Automatic payments

 Print the Remittance advices for all payments - REMITPRT Print Remittance Advices

 Process the details from the disk through your On Line Banking application.

 When everything is correct post the cheques - POSTCHQ A/P Cheque Journal

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Manually select vouchers for payment.

When selecting vouchers through MANVOUC, only those vouchers entered in this process will be selected for payment. eg. You select those suppliers/vouchers that you wish to pay here, and only those vouchers are then selected for payment.

If you are paying a supplier through AP direct and you wish to manually select the suppliers/vouchers through MANVOUC, you must enter a payment type of ‘C’ for computer cheque.

 Select the vouchers for payment for each supplier.

 Run GENAPDKS Generate AP Payment Diskette.

 Print your remittance advices - REMITPRT Print Remittance Advices

 Process the details from the disk through your On Line Banking application.

 When everything is correct post the cheques - POSTCHQ A/P Cheque Journal


When posting any transactions from APDIRECT the cheque number written away will be in the following format: ddyymmdd dd = direct debit yy = year code (eg. 99) mm= month (eg. 02 = February) dd = day (eg. 23)

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Question: Why are vouchers appearing on the PRECHQ - Pre Cheque writing report but are not being included in the selection when generating the AP Disk - GENAPDKS?

GENAPDKS will only select suppliers for payment if the Payment method in SUPMNT> Screen 3> Field 16 Payment Method is set to A. If this field is set to ‘C’ or ‘Q’ the vouchers will not be selected via GENAPDKS.

If the payment method is set to ‘C’ or ‘Q’ and it should be ‘A’, change this field to ‘A’ and re-run the GENAPDKS process. If it should be ‘Q’, those vouchers will be selected for payment when you run the CHEQPRNT Print Cheques process.

Situation: Supplier No 1 has a payment method of Q for computer cheque set up in SUPMNT. The PRECHQ has been run. Supplier No 1 details are correctly appearing on this report. Printed cheques via CHEQPRNT. Did not post the computer cheque. Next day, received Supplier No 1’s banking details. Changed the details in SUPMNT for to now be A for Automatic payment method. Ran GENAPDKS. Supplier No 1 was then included in this payment run. Then realised that the computer cheque had not been posted so changed supplier’s details back to Q payment method. Printed out remittance advice. Remittance advice is saying DDxxxxxx for the cheque number. It should be saying xxxxx being the computer cheque number.

Question: How can I change the remittance to reflect the actual computer cheque number?

Make sure the Payment method for this supplier is set to Q in SUPMNT. Reprint the cheque via REPRTCHQ process. Reprint the cheque to plain paper if you already have a valid computer cheque. If you do not, reprint the cheque to a valid computer cheque. Print the remittance for the supplier. It will now show the cheque number as the computer cheque number you just used when you ran the REPRTCHQ process.

Re-generate the Automatic payments via the process GENAPDKS. Process accordingly. Post all transactions when satisfied they are correct.

Change the supplier’s payment details in SUPMNT to reflect that you will pay them via Automatic Payment next time.

Question: Have run PRECHQ pre-cheque report. Tried to print remittances. Nothing is printing. Why?

You need to run CHEQPRNT Print cheques for computer-generated cheques and/or GENAPDKS Generate AP Payment Diskette for Automatic payment type suppliers. It is only when either of these processes are run that the cheque number is allocated.

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Question: Have printed computer cheques - CHEQPRNT and/or run GENAPDKS, but now do not want to pay all those suppliers/vouchers. Can I unprint a cheque?

You cannot unprint a cheque. The only option you have at this point is to post the cheques – run POSTCHQ. Note the voucher number that is created when the payment is posted by doing an APENQ on the supplier concerned. Create a ‘V’oid voucher type to void that payment. Post the Voucher- POSTVOUC. The cheque payment will then be reversed. The vouchers that were marked as being paid will be returned to the status of outstanding.

When you run CHEQPRNT and/or GENAPDKS, this indicates to the system that you want to pay those suppliers. If you change your mind after you have printed the cheques you have to proceed through the payment procedures cycle, then make adjustments by voiding the payment through Voucher.

If you do not want to pay all suppliers/vouchers remove them from your selection prior to printing the cheques and/or generating the automatic payment disk.

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