Story by Faith 730, CN Winters and Susan Carr

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Story by Faith 730, CN Winters and Susan Carr

Rules of Engagement


Story by Faith 730, CN Winters and Susan Carr Written by Faith 730 (additional writing by CN Winters) Produced and Directed by CN Winters and Faith730 Edited by Angie Wilson Sound by CSR Art Direction by Robert Kidman Artists – Robert Kidman, Zahir al Daoud, Humaira, Mattxxx and Isis Fade In: Int. Rowena’s Apartment – Night

A slight grin crept across Giles’s face as Rowena set a teakettle and a plate of chocolate-covered biscuits on the coffee table in her living room. The elder watcher leaned in and eagerly took one of the desserts.

"Jaffa Cakes? How did you know?" he said quickly before biting into it.

Rowena smiled as she poured him a cup of tea.

"Willow. She always keeps a box handy just in case she needs to ask you a favor."

Giles stopped mid bite and looked down at his half-eaten cookie.

"Is there something else I should know about this meeting tomorrow that you haven’t told me?"

"God, no," Rowena answered with a grin. The younger watcher’s smile faltered as she placed the teacup in front of Giles. "I called you here tonight to ask your opinion..." She hesitated and then continued, "…to ask you if I’m doing the right thing by resigning."

Uncomfortable, Giles set down his cookie and leaned back on the sofa. "Well, I’m not really an expert in these matters. I suppose much will depend on Willow. Any relationship will always require its fair share of work to maintain and…"

"Actually," Rowena said cutting him off, "I meant…turning my back on the council." She avoided his eyes and began stirring her tea. "I can’t help feeling that I’m being selfish by stepping down like this." Giles quickly leaned in and reached for Rowena’s hands, forcing her to meet his eye.

"That’s ridiculous and you know it. You’re not quitting the council - you’re shifting your focus."


"But nothing." Giles took a moment. "Rowena, you have done an exemplary job this past year. I know on the surface it might not feel that way. This job is certainly no walk in the park and I have a team of heart specialists that will attest to that."

"I can’t shake the feeling I’m…giving up."

"You’re trading up," Giles told her. "If this job makes you miserable, then I believe resigning is the best thing that you can do – for yourself and for the council."

"That’s the thing," Rowena began. "I’m not miserable because of the job. I’m miserable because Will is right. It’s too hard for us to both be policymakers while sharing the same bed. Especially when we rarely agree on the policies."

"You deserve to be happy, just like everyone else. So I assure you that you are not being selfish." Rowena smiled graciously as both watchers sat back in their seats. Giles continued. "When I asked you to be my successor I imagined these difficulties might surface."

"Then why ask?" Rowena begged.

"Because we wouldn’t have known for sure until you tried. I just wish you had contacted me sooner instead of you and Willow suffering in silence. Truthfully, if Becca had been head of the coven when I was in charge I suspect I would’ve had four heart attacks."

Rowena grinned. "I’m telling her you said that," she teased.

"Bugger, I take it back," Giles said, reaching for a second Jaffa Cake. "If she heard that, she’d have me eating nothing but rice cakes for a week." Giles took a sip of tea and asked, "So when are you planning to make the announcement?"

"Tomorrow," Ro answered quickly as she traced the flowered design on her teacup with her index finger. "At the morning meeting."

"And I take it Willow still doesn’t know?" he asked. Ro shook her head guiltily. Giles continued, "Are you planning to tell her before you make the announcement?" "I want to, it’s just…" Ro put down the cup and sighed. "Sometimes it’s alright gets awkward at others."

"Such as?" Giles asked.

"Well," Rowena said rolling her shoulders, "sometimes we can talk and enjoy each other’s company but then it shifts 180 degrees when we remember we shouldn’t. So then we stand there in uncomfortable silence or we both act professional, as if we haven’t been having sex for the past…"

"Right! Okay, well, I think that you should talk to her beforehand," Giles said uncomfortably. "This new, and not so new, arrangement might come as a surprise to some people. Willow included."

Ro sighed. "I know and I will tell her." She paused, then leaned forward and grabbed a cookie. "So why do they call these cakes?" She examined the Jaffa Cake for a moment. "They look like more of a cookie to me, or maybe a biscuit."

Giles sighed as he took another sip of tea. "Speaking of subject changes, what time should I come by tomorrow?"

Rowena put the cookie down on her plate. "We usually start around ten."

"I’ll be there," he replied.

"Thank you for coming tomorrow," Rowena continued. "It really means a lot that I’ve got your support."

The elder watcher smiled. "I’m glad I can help."

Cut To: Ext. Pugh Street - Cleveland – Later that Night

"Can we go back yet?" Zoe asked as she marched alongside Heli, Marly and Sarah through the empty street. "Spring my ass. It is friggin’ freezing out here."

"You know we can’t," Heli said with an irritated sigh. "We still have to hit Irving and Beaver. And next time bring a hoodie if you’re cold."

"Jeeze, what’s your problem?" Zoe said as she crossed her arms.

"You’ll have to excuse Heli, Zoe," Marly began. "She’s bucking for that number three spot now that Faith’s out for good. Also, in Sweden, cold is a sign of weakness." Heli stopped in her tracks. "I’m from Finland you half-wit. And did you ever think that maybe I’d rather do my job than listen to complaints about the weather?"

Zoe and Sarah exchanged annoyed looks before stepping around Heli and Marly on their way down the street.

"Oh, well excuse me," Marly yelled raising her hands defensively. "I’m sorry! See I forgot that you have no human feelings so a little thing like compassion is a bit much to ask."

Heli matched Marly’s defensive posture. "I dare you to say that again."

Marly grinned. "What, is there something wrong with your hearing or did you just forget to recharge your robot power pack?"

Cut to: Ext. Far end of Pugh Street – Same Time

"I swear one of these days those two are going to kill each other," Zoe said with a sigh.

"Really?" Sarah said fearfully. "Should we go break them up?"

Zoe glanced back at Heli and Marly who were still arguing. "Nah. This is why Kennedy has them patrolling together. She wants them to work out their problems. Which will hopefully be soon."

Suddenly, Sarah stopped dead in her tracks. "What’s that?" She said softly to Zoe as she pointed to a shadowy area at the end of the alley where the limp form of a teenage boy slumped against a dumpster. "Get Heli."

Zoe nodded and moved away slowly, not taking her eyes off the body. Quietly, Sarah said a prayer and made the sign of the cross.

Cut To: Ext. Pugh Street – Seconds Later

"Take it back!" Marly shouted as she held Heli in a headlock.

"Hey guys!" Zoe yelled as she ran up. "You need to come now."

Heli looked up from her headlock. "What is it?"

"There’s a dead guy."

Cut: Ext. Far end of Pugh Street – Seconds Later

Heli quickly moved towards the body as Sarah, Marly, and Zoe looked on. She leaned in and felt his neck. "No pulse." The other three slayers grimaced as Heli rolled the body away from the dumpster revealing a series of slash marks on his torso and face.

"I’m gonna be sick," Zoe said as she put her hand over her mouth and backed away.

Heli turned to the other girls. "Go check out the rest of the alley. It looks like a demon did this."

Marly and Sarah both nodded and left without objection. Heli turned her attention back to the body and whispered, "Täydellinen."

"How can you stand it?" Zoe asked from behind Heli, her face ghost white.

"I’m a slayer," Heli replied simply. "It’s my job." With that she stood up and pulled a small radio from her belt. "Slayer three to base. I need a clean up team at 145 Pugh Street. One fatality."

Fade to Black

End of Teaser

Act One


Lacey Chabert as Skye, Elijah Wood as Jeff, Alicia Silverstone as Heli and Rachel Hurd-Wood as Lorinda

Fade In: Int. Council Apartment Hallway – Morning

With a confident stride, Rowena marched down the apartment hallway swinging a tan file folder in her right hand. As she passed the half-opened door to Kennedy’s apartment, Rowena grinned at the sight of Marsha the dragon perched on the end of the sofa watching, through the sliding- glass door, a pair of birds flying in and out of a large oak tree. Continuing down the hall the watcher slowed as she passed Faith and Robin’s apartment, where the muffled sounds of The Who could be heard coming from the crack at the bottom of the door, before coming to a complete stop in front of Willow’s door. She raised her arm to knock but stopped it mid motion. Uncertainty washed over Rowena’s face as she stood unmoving at the entrance to the apartment.

Suddenly the hall filled with the sound of electric guitar as the adjacent door opened and Faith stepped out, but stopped upon spotting Rowena. The two stood awkwardly for a moment until Rowena finally spoke.

"’Won’t get fooled again?’"

Faith shook her head. "’Baba O’Riley’…it helps dull the pain." She closed the door behind her, cutting off the music, and pointed down the hall. "I, uh, was just going to ask Ken if she wanted to get breakfast." There were several more seconds of awkwardness. "So I guess I’ll see you later." She turned and put her hand on the door.

"Faith," Rowena called. The slayer turned back but Rowena hesitated as if unsure what to say. "I…I just wanted to say that everything that’s happened…Faith, you have to believe no one here wanted this."

Faith let out a deep sigh. "Ro, you don’t have to…"

"Just hear me out," Rowena insisted. "Please." Faith slowly nodded, allowing the watcher to continue. "We can figure something out. Find a way for you to stay on. Just…please don’t leave again. We need you. Hell, you’re the best slayer I’ve ever worked with."

"I heard that!" Kennedy yelled through her open apartment door.

Faith lowered her head and gave a silent laugh. "Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. My guy lives here after all, so that means so do I. I guess I’ll just have to figure out where I fit in now." The slayer grinned. "Or find some really good dirt on Ken so I can boss her around again."

"I heard that too!" Kennedy yelled again.

Rowena allowed herself to smile. "I promise I’ll do all I can. I am really sorry about all this."

Faith sighed and leaned against the wall next to her apartment. "Don’t be. I brought it on myself. Plus, things could be worse. I’m not dead. I’m still a slayer, and my sex life’s never been better."

Rowena looked uncomfortable. "That’s a good attitude." She paused a moment. "I did want to ask you something." Faith looked over. "Sure."

"Would you mind sitting in on the meeting this morning? I’ve got an announcement to make and, official part of the council or not, I’d really like you to hear it."

"Everything okay?" Faith asked, her expression now that of concern.

"Yeah, everything’s fine. I just wanted to make sure you were included and I don’t give a damn what anyone at another headquarter has to say about it. It’s still my division and I can have whoever I please there."

Faith smiled. "Yeah, sure I’ll be there."

Rowena returned the smile. "Great. I was going to make sure Kennedy was there too but I’m sure she can hear me now since she’s eavesdropping."

"I’ll be there," Kennedy shouted over, making Faith and Rowena grin.

"So I guess I’ll see you later," Rowena said to Faith and then turned, continuing down the hall. After passing three doors she stopped and walked back towards Faith who was still leaning against the wall. Faith looked up curiously. Rowena held up her folder uncomfortably and pointed to Willow’s door.

"I actually came up here to talk to Willow."

Faith quickly stepped away from the wall. "Okay, I’ll get out of your hair." With that, the slayer moved down the hall towards Kennedy’s door. As she turned to enter the room, Faith stopped when she saw Rowena still standing at Willow’s door. She watched for a moment as Rowena stood with her arm raised and a hesitant look on her face.

"Something wrong?" Faith called.

Startled by Faith’s words Rowena looked over quickly. "What? I…no I was just about to knock." She turned back to the door and hesitated again.

A smirk crept across Faith’s face as she crossed her arms. "Uh huh."

"No, I’m going to do it," Rowena answered quickly. "I am…right now."

"So things are still shaky with Willow," Faith said wisely.

"Is it that obvious?"

Faith uncrossed her arms and moved towards Willow’s door. "Here, I’ll help you out." As she reached the door Faith raised her arm to knock. "No!" Rowena exclaimed as she quickly grabbed Faith’s arm and pulled it backward forcefully. The resulting motion forced Faith’s arm back into her face. Rowena gasped and put her hand over her mouth as Faith doubled over in pain clutching her nose.

"Ohhh! Faith, I’m so sorry."

"Nice shot." Faith groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Is it bleeding?"

Rowena placed a hand on Faith’s shoulder and examined her injury. "No, it doesn’t look that bad…just a few drops," she muttered.

"Damn, girl. Let’s put you on patrol," Faith teased as Rowena continued to wince.

"Let me see," Rowena said as she cupped Faith’s face and raised it slightly as the door to Willow’s apartment opened.

"Is someone out…"

The witch trailed off as she took in the scene. Her eyes spotted Rowena’s hand on Faith’s shoulder while the other hand held her face with only inches between them.

Quickly, Rowena removed her hands from Faith and said, "It’s not what you think!"

An awkward silence swept over the hall until Faith finally spoke.

"I’ll leave you two to talk." She turned and walked down the hall. "Wonder if Ken’s got some tissues or cotton balls?"

Both Rowena and Willow watched Faith disappear into Kennedy’s apartment, closing the door behind her.

"Did you need something?" Willow asked in a tone of pure professionalism.

"Yeah," the watcher answered softly as she made eye contact with Willow. "Have you got a few minutes? There’s something I need to tell you."

"Ro, if it’s about us I really don’t want to…"

"Please," Rowena begged. "Just five minutes and then I’ll go."

After a few seconds, Willow nodded and beckoned Rowena inside the apartment.

Cut To: Int. Willow’s Apartment – Seconds Later Willow closed the door and turned to face Rowena who was standing uncomfortably in the middle of the living room.

"So what’s up?" Willow asked, her tone still very stiff.

Rowena looked down at the sofa and paused for a moment as if considering whether to sit down or not. Looking very tense she took a deep breath, turned to face Willow, and then began. "As of 10 this morning I’m announcing my resignation as head of the Watchers Division."

Willow’s expression quickly became one of confusion.

"What?" Her tone softened as she took several steps towards Rowena and began to stammer. "A- Are you leaving the Council? Leaving Cleveland?"

"No," Rowena said quickly. "I’m not leaving the Council or Cleveland. I just..."

"Here sit down," Willow said, motioning to the sofa. They both moved over and sat down. "I don’t understand. What are you going to do if you resign?"

Rowena took a deep breath and relaxed her posture a bit. "I’m not sure exactly. I was thinking of taking on a new slayer. Maybe getting back into the field. Maybe research. I’m not sure yet but being head of the Watchers Division isn’t an option."

Willow’s expression bordered somewhere between compassion and uncertainty. "This is all… what made you decide this?"

"I’m surprised you have to ask," Rowena answered. Willow looked confused and Rowena continued. "It was you."

"What?" Willow replied. "Me?"

"It’s clear that I can’t keep this job and still be with you." Rowena paused. "So I’ve made a choice." She leaned in closer to Willow making sure to catch her eye. "I want to be with you… that is if you’ll still have me." Willow remained silent. "I didn’t expect an answer right away. I’m just asking you to consider it."

Willow leaned back against the sofa and frowned. "But what if the answer is no?" Rowena squared her shoulders. "Then I’ll accept it, but my decision to leave the position won’t change," Rowena answered. There was a moment of awkwardness. "I should get going. I’ve got to meet…"

"Ro, wait." Willow grabbed her hand to stop her. "I’m going to need some time. So I guess my answer is…maybe. There are still things…" Willow paused as if unsure of how to explain.

"I know," Rowena replied in a reassuring tone. "You feel betrayed. Some of it’s imagined and, well, some of it’s not. So I don’t expect you to welcome me with open arms. What I’m asking for is the possibility." Rowena smiled as she looked down at Willow’s hand, which was still tightly wrapped around her own.

"Can I say maybe?" Willow asked.

"I can live with maybe." Rowena grinned slightly. There was a small, less awkward moment of silence. "I’m planning on nominating a replacement at the meeting this morning so I’d like you there."

Willow looked up curiously. "You found someone already?" she asked as both women moved to their feet.

"Well, let’s just say I managed to convince someone to un-retire and they’re upstairs waiting right now."

Willow stood up quickly. "You’re kidding!"

With a grin Rowena gave an innocent shrug before moving towards the door. Willow followed quickly behind her.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Cut To: Int. Council Hallway – Moments Later

Rowena strolled down the hallway, still holding the folder, with Willow right at her side. Willow spoke excitedly, "I can’t believe it. How did you convince him to come back? What did you tell him?"

"I’m not saying a thing," Rowena teased. "You’ll just have to wait. And besides, did I say it was Giles?"

Willow stopped in her tracks, causing Rowena to stop as well. Willow pointed a finger at Rowena. "It’s gotta be Giles, right?"

Rowena rolled her eyes and continued down the hall. Willow watched her. "Is that a yes?" She quickly ran off to catch up.

Cut To: Int. Rowena’s Office – Moments Later

"I knew it!" Willow shouted as she rushed into the room towards a very surprised Giles who was sitting on the corner of Rowena’s desk. She quickly pulled the elder watcher into an enormous hug. "Oh Giles, welcome back." She held him tightly for several seconds as Rowena approached from behind her.

"Air please," Giles begged with a raspy, oxygen-deprived sort of voice. Willow immediately released him and looked up apologetically. He took a deep breath and said, "Thank you. But I am not taking up my old post."

"You’re not?" she said dejectedly. "Well, then who…"

With a cough, Buffy made her presence known from her place in the corner. She put down the small statue she’d been examining near the table. She gave Willow a small wave. Rowena took position beside Willow.

"Buffy!" Willow said with an expression of astonishment. "What are you doing here? Do you know who…" She stopped mid-sentence. "Oh." She quickly looked from Buffy to Giles to Rowena who were all smiling. "OH!" Suddenly her brow furrowed. "But you’re not a watcher." Buffy looked shocked. Willow turned to Rowena. "She’s not a watcher," she repeated.

"Boy, the lack of enthusiasm is overwhelming," Buffy quipped. "I can just imagine how the rest of the gang is going to take it."

Willow quickly rebounded. "No! There’s enthuse here. I’m just…confused." She gave a small desperate laugh as Buffy crossed her arms.

Rowena spoke up. "Yes, it is true that Buffy isn’t a watcher, but there are a lot of reasons why I asked her." The slayer, the witch, and the elder watcher all turned to Rowena with looks that begged her to continue. Rowena quickly caught on. "Which, I will explain in detail at the meeting." She checked her watch. "The one we are all going to be late for if we don’t hurry up."

Cut To: Int. Council Conference Room – Same Time Xander and Dawn stepped through the double doors of the conference room in mid conversation. "…and she didn’t say anything to you either?" Dawn asked.

"She did not," he replied as he pulled out a chair for her near the middle of the table. Across from them sat Robin and Faith, who were quietly conversing. "She would have said something if it was important though."

Faith looked up. "Talking about the meeting?" Xander nodded and Faith continued. "Well, I talked to Ro this morning. She said everything was cool."

"What’s cool?" Kennedy asked as she took a seat next to Xander, dropping a crossword puzzle in front of her.

"Apparently everything," Faith said as she snatched the crossword from Kennedy.

Dawn leaned forward and looked down the table towards Kennedy. "Rowena stopped Xander and me this morning and asked us to sit in on the meeting."

"Did she say why?" Kennedy asked.

"Nope…" Faith added as she looked down at the puzzle. "Hey, anyone know who played Bones in Star Trek. Deforest something…"

"Kelly," Xander answered immediately. "K-E-L-L-Y."

"That’s only five letters," Faith said, counting the boxes. "I need six."

"It’s spelled K-E-L-L-E-Y," Andrew called from the doorway. He took a seat at the end of the table closest to the door and looked over to Xander. "Don’t worry about it, it is a common mistake."

"Hold on," Kennedy said turning to Andrew. "Did Rowena ask you here also?"

Andrew nodded. "Yeah, when she stopped by for coffee this morning."

Dawn looked uncomfortable. "Something is definitely up."

"I’m not sure we should be speculating just yet," Robin said in a calm voice. "It’s been a while since we’ve all touched base. She probably just wants an update from every…" He trailed off when he saw Willow and Giles enter together. Willow whispered something to Giles as they took seats at the head of the table. Robin looked as if he was at a loss for words.

"Can we speculate now?" Kennedy asked eyeing the room’s newest occupants.

"Sorry I’m late everyone," Rowena said as she entered the room, closing the double doors behind her. All eyes focused on her as she moved to the head of the table and placed a large green binder and a tan file folder down on the table. She picked up the gavel and brought the meeting to order with two loud bangs. "I call this meeting to order." She paused slightly before continuing. "I know you’re all probably wondering why I called you here today, so I’ll just get right to it." She opened the folder and took a deep breath. "As of this morning I will be resigning as Head Watcher."

Ignoring the shocked expressions on the faces of everyone except Willow and Giles, Rowena continued. "So as my last official motion I would like to nominate my replacement…"

"Whoa!" Robin said from his place beside Faith. "Is this a joke? You’re not serious."

"Completely," Rowena replied. Suddenly there was a surge of chatter from the center of the table as everyone began to speak at once. "Hey!" Rowena said regaining order. "I know this might come as a surprise to some of you, but trust me when I say this was a long time coming."

"Ro, are you sure about this?" Robin said in almost a pleading tone.

"Yes I am," Rowena answered Robin calmly. "And I promise that I will explain my reasons to you." She looked up. "And anyone else who would like to know. But for right now I’d like to get the issue of my replacement settled. So if you’ll all allow me, I would like to make a nomination." Rowena looked over to Robin, who thought for a moment before nodding. The rest of the room followed in turn.

"Who did you have in mind?" Kennedy asked leaning back in her chair.

Rowena took a deep breath and looked down the length of the table. "Andrew…"

"I OBJECT!" Kennedy bellowed as she leapt from her chair.

Faith raised her hand. "I know I don’t get a vote, but I object too because…Well, actually I don’t think I need to explain why."

"Ditto," Robin added from his seat next to Faith.

Rowena glanced over at Willow who had her hand over her mouth fighting to contain a fit of giggles. Next to her, Giles was sporting a rather large grin. Rowena smiled and looked at Andrew who had a horrified look on his face.

"Andrew." She paused. "Would you mind opening the door so she can come in?" "She?" Kennedy asked, looking between Andrew and Rowena. A look of understanding spread across her face. "Oh." She sat back down. "Sorry, my bad."

Andrew looked a lot less horrified and released the breath he’d been holding. He stood up and left the room. Seconds later he returned with Buffy on his heels.

No one said a word as all eyes followed Buffy as she walked to the front of the room and took the seat next to Willow. Rowena took several sheets from her folder and began.

"I hereby nominate Buffy Summers to take up the post of…"

"But she’s not a watcher," Faith blurted out without realizing she had spoken out loud. She looked up to see everyone staring. "Uh sorry just thinkin' out loud."

Kennedy raised a hand and shifted her glance from Faith to Buffy to Rowena. "Can we call a recess?"

Rowena, looking a little bit disappointed, glanced down to Buffy who was already standing up.

"I know some of you were probably surprised to see me come through the door, and to be perfectly honest I was just as surprised when Rowena first called me." She paused. "But right now we’re just voting to discuss the nomination."

The room was silent as Buffy took her seat once again. Rowena spoke, "There is now a motion on the table to discuss the nomination of Buffy Summers as my replacement. Are all divisions ready to vote?"

Rowena looked down to Willow who nodded quickly. The watcher then turned to Kennedy who was looking very unsure of what to do. Kennedy leaned across the table and shared a few whispered phrases with Faith who was nodding as the younger slayer spoke. They parted and both sat back in their chairs. Kennedy straightened her back and spoke very clearly. "The Slayers Division is ready to vote."

Rowena picked up the gavel. "All in favor of the nomination discussion say ‘aye.’"

Willow, Rowena, and Kennedy all said "Aye" in unison.

"The motion has passed," Rowena continued. "I will now address questions that any of you may…" She looked up to see Faith already raising her hand. "Yes, Faith?"

"Why her?" Faith began as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah," Dawn added. "I finally have a life of my own, my own slayer. I love Buffy and I love having her visit, don’t get me wrong, but I love having her visit, not stay. And now she’s not only my sister, but my boss too." "Dawn, how often have we talked about your assignment since you’ve been given to Shannon?" Rowena asked.

Dawn muttered, "Once."

"Thank you. Your work life won’t be greatly affected by Buffy’s presence," Rowena replied. "Next issue," she added.

"If you were gonna choose a non-watcher to be the boss, why didn’t you ask one of us?" Faith asked. "Yeah, I know I got kicked out and all, but still…what about Kennedy? Or Robin? I mean he is a watcher." She looked from Rowena to Buffy. "No offense B, but you’ve been gone a long time. I guess this just seems like we’re…"

"…back in Sunnydale," Kennedy finished.

"…again," Dawn mumbled.

"To be perfectly honest," Rowena began, "I didn’t think any of you would want the job." She looked around the table. "Would you?"

"Oh hell no," Faith said quickly. "But it’s the principle of the thing."

Rowena smiled. "Okay, Faith. Next time a job opens up that I know you would never in a million years take, come hell or high water, I’ll be sure to offer it to you first."

"Good," Faith replied with a nod.

"Well, what about me?" Robin said looking both hurt and confused. Everyone quickly turned their attention to him. "Nothing against Buffy in the slightest, but it’s no secret that I can’t exactly go into the field anymore. And with my past experience I think I fit pretty well with the job description. Did you even consider asking me?"

Rowena’s face fell. "Robin, of course I thought of you." She sighed and looked around the table. "It’s no secret what this job did to my personal life." Willow shifted uncomfortably in her chair. "And that’s a big part of why I’ve decided to resign." She turned back to Robin. "I didn’t want to put you in that same position because I’m sure we’ll find some way to have Faith reinstated…"

"What makes you so sure?" Faith asked.

"Because I believe in you and I’m not going to quit until you are," Rowena answered, "which is yet another reason why stepping down is a good idea. I’ll have more time to devote to your dismissal-of-service appeal," she added before she turned to her second in command. "Besides, Robin, I wouldn’t wish this job on my worst enemy and especially someone I consider such a close friend as you."

Now it was Buffy’s turn to look uncomfortable. "Gee, thanks a lot?" Rowena looked horrified. "Oh…I didn’t mean it like that…You see, having a romantic couple as the division heads-."

"It’s alright," Buffy said with a smile, cutting her ramble short. "I was just kidding. I understand where you’re coming from."

With a relieved smile Rowena continued. "Well, moving on, you all know Buffy’s record. She spent over seven years as an active slayer and averted eight separate apocalypses, not including helping out with a few of our own."

"Was it really eight?" Xander asked as he began muttering various events and counting on his fingers.

"I thought there were more than that," Dawn added as she began counting them herself. "Are we counting the one with Adam? Because he wasn’t really trying to destroy the world. Just start a demon war."

"Yes, but there’s no telling how far the demon war would have spread if we hadn’t gotten involved," Xander replied.

"Right, so we have to assume it wasn’t a real apocalypse," Dawn stated. "Otherwise you could say I saved Kennedy’s life this morning when I gave Marsha a snausage because she might have gone on a murderous rampage since she was so hungry."

"Wait a minute." Kennedy interjected. "Marsha would never attack me. Faith maybe, but never me."

"Whoa!" Faith said quickly. "You don’t know what you’re talking about. That dragon loves me." Soon both she and Kennedy were arguing as Robin tried to play mediator.

At the same time Dawn, Xander, and Andrew entered a debate over the validity of various apocalypses.

From the head of the table Rowena called for order. "Hey!" If anything, her attempt only made all parties speak louder, as Faith and Kennedy were now standing, looking ready to spar a few rounds. Rowena jumped as three deafening bangs shook the table. All conversation ceased as every head turned to see Buffy holding the gavel. She placed it down in front of a grateful Rowena.

"Right," Rowena began. "We seem to have gotten a little bit off topic, so I’ll bring my point to a close by saying that we all know Ms. Summers can do the job. Her record shows that. I know some of you are thinking, as Faith accurately pointed out a few moments ago, that she isn’t a watcher. That is true. But I’m not sure that’s necessarily a bad thing. Recently, our division heads have had some trouble... resolving certain internal conflicts." She avoided Willow’s eyes. "Maybe this type of change is just the thing we need to help bridge the gaps in our leadership, to start communicating like we’re supposed to. I was formally trained in the ways of the Old Guard."

"And look what happened to them," Faith muttered.

"Exactly," Rowena replied. "And although I might not be as rigid as Travers or Tyrell – Kennedypleasenotaword," she added quickly before the slayer could say anything. Kennedy began to grin silently but let her continue. "I’ve got a ways to go when it comes to ‘standard procedures.’ Buffy and Giles did just fine on their own without Old Guard interference. I think if anyone here can bring about a new council order, that person is Buffy, with continued limited assistance from Giles. The bottom line is we need all divisions to work together," Rowena paused for a moment before looking down at Buffy. "Would you like to say anything?"

Buffy grinned. "What, and steal your thunder? No thanks. Plus I’m not big on speeches." From across the room Faith let out a loud chuckle.

"As you all know the vote to replace a council head must be unanimous." Rowena’s eyes fell on Kennedy who seemed deep in thought. "Are we ready to vote?"

Willow nodded immediately, but Rowena wasn’t looking at her. Her gaze was still fixed on Kennedy who hadn’t moved a muscle. "Kennedy?"

With a look of deep concentration Kennedy turned to the head of the table. "Yeah," she replied with a slow nod.

Rowena returned the gesture and spoke once more to the whole room. "There is a motion on the table to elect Ms. Buffy Summers as Head Watcher of the Cleveland branch of the Watchers Council. Robin?" She added turning in his direction. "As my second in command I won’t vote yes unless we’re in agreement."

Robin took a moment but eventually nodded his head. "Then I say yes."

Rowena smiled gratefully. "The watchers division votes in favor of the appointment. How does the coven vote?"

"The coven votes in favor," Willow replied almost immediately.

"So then I guess that just leaves the slayer division," Kennedy said looking very uncomfortable. "I guess I vote…"

"Rowena," Giles said quickly cutting off Kennedy’s answer. "Could I request a five minute recess?"

Rowena looked down at him incredulously. "Giles, what? We’re in the middle of a vote." "I understand that but this can’t wait," the elder watcher replied calmly. "Just five minutes, please."

Rowena looked down the table at Kennedy who looked equally as confused. Slowly, she took the gavel from Buffy and banged it on the table. "We’ll recess for five minutes."

Immediately, Giles rose from his seat and moved towards Kennedy. As he approached he lowered his head to her ear and whispered, "Would you please come with me?" He stepped back and headed for the door.

Kennedy paused for a moment before following him out.

Cut To: Int. Rowena’s Office – Moments Later

Kennedy entered the room and closed the door behind her. Turning to face Giles she still looked quite perplexed. "Why did you do that?"

Giles leaned against the side of Rowena’s desk, removed his glasses and began cleaning them. "You were going to vote yes, weren’t you?"

Kennedy paused. "I was but how did you know that?"

"You looked a bit…apprehensive." He held up a hand to keep her from objecting and then replaced the glasses on his nose. "I only mean that you seemed rushed. I was worried that maybe you felt pressured to make a decision immediately."

"Wait, I’m confused," Kennedy said crossing her arms. "I thought you wanted Buffy to be voted in. Isn’t that why you came?"

"Kennedy, I came here today in support of the council and all its members, which includes you," he began. "You’re a very good leader, which you’ve proved these last few months. However, acting effectively in battle is a great deal different than acting effectively as a decision maker. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?"

"Yeah I get it. You’re saying that there’s no timer ticking down, so I should think out all my decisions and not do what I think you all want me to do," Kennedy answered. Giles nodded and she continued. "Then can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," he replied. "Giles, how can I vote for a slayer to replace a watcher? I mean isn’t that kind of a conflict of interest? Wouldn’t that give the slayers division more power?" She thought for a moment. "Suddenly wondering why I’m objecting ‘cause this helps me."

Giles smiled at her comment. "Well, I can’t say I know what it is like to be a slayer," he replied. "But you do. And as a watcher I can say that I’ve cared greatly for my slayers. So could you see yourself switching roles?"

Kennedy sat down next to Giles on the end of Rowena’s desk. "Well, I guess I could. I mean I already spend most of my day bossing around slayers."

"And is that all that a watcher does? Boss around slayers?"

Kennedy grinned. "No, I just meant I’m used to giving orders, looking after the girls. And watchers…they’re tacticians - they look at all the angles and form plans of action that slayers carry out. They research things that will work…Actually, it’s kinda what you and Buffy did when she was just the chosen one, or one of the chosen two as Faith would point out," she added.

"And what about you? You have these same skills I’d say…Could you look over the Watchers division if need be?"

"I’d be open to listening to the concerns of the other divisions ‘cause we all have to work together." Slowly she looked up to face Giles, her face very serious. "I think I’m ready to vote."

Cut To: Int. Council Conference Room – Moments Later

"Kennedy?" Rowena asked, gavel in hand. "How does the Slayers Division vote?"

All eyes fell on Kennedy, who looked a great deal more confident. "The Slayers Division votes yes."

Rowena couldn’t help but smile as she pounded the gavel on the table and said, "Motion passes." Immediately the room filled with the sound of cheering and clapping as Rowena set down the gavel, rose from her seat, and backed away from the chair offering it to Buffy.

Buffy rose from her place next to Willow and took the seat Rowena had vacated. The blonde slayer picked up the gavel and instinctively twirled it around with her fingers. "Not exactly a mystical scythe, but I think I can get used to this." Both Willow and Giles smiled at her comment.

As the applause died down Rowena took the now empty seat adjacent to Willow and pushed both the green binder and tan file folder towards Buffy. "This is what you might call the CliffsNotes version you’ll need to get yourself started - Council procedures, guidelines and personnel." Buffy’s eyes widened as she opened the green binder, which appeared to hold several hundred pages of text.

"Get me started?"

"Yeah, that just covers the basics," Rowena explained. "There are several more volumes for specific situational procedures, a lot more on Council policy, and a few that our lawyers sent over so we don’t get sued," she answered taking no notice of the horrified look on Buffy’s face. "You won’t need to worry about that green binder just yet though. The tan one is for this meeting. You’ll find the first page details the standard talking points for each of our meetings."

With a dull thud, Buffy closed the binder and pushed it aside. She opened the tan folder and read the first page. "Okay, so the first item says we hear from the three divisions." Buffy looked up. "What say you divisions?"

Kennedy and Willow exchanged a look. "Umm…I guess I’ll start," Willow began and Buffy looked on attentively. "The coven has nothing new to report."

"Slayers Division?" Buffy asked.

"Well, last night Heli’s team found a body out on Pugh Street," Kennedy answered taking a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. She opened it up and examined the print. "She called in a retrieval team at 11:23pm and accompanied them back to Dr. Miller for autopsy, because the wounds looked ‘demonic in nature.’"

"Is that her report?" Buffy asked eyeing the paper.

Kennedy nodded. "Yup."

"Can I get a copy of it after the meet…" Buffy trailed off when she saw Rowena waving her hand as if she wanted to speak.

"There’s actually a copy in your folder," the blonde watcher said.

Buffy shuffled around a few pages and found the report. "Right. Okay great. Thank you Kennedy." She examined the paper and continued speaking. "Do we know when the autopsy will be finished?"

"It’s already finished," Robin answered holding up a sheet of paper he had placed on a yellow legal pad in front of him. "Dr. Miller sent it out this morning." Once again Buffy rummaged through the tan folder and found the desired page. "Got it!" She examined the page, which was completely covered in small font text. After several seconds of reading Buffy put the page down and turned to Robin. "Do you think you could just summarize it for me?"

Robin grinned. "Sure." He looked down at his own report. "Dr. Miller ruled cause of death as a result of deep gashes to the face and torso two inches deep, in a pattern consistent with a five- fingered hand. The victim’s left Achilles tendon was also severed and several ribs were missing."

"Oh gross!" Buffy exclaimed. Everyone looked to her. "Uh sorry. Please continue."

Robin turned back to his report. "The only other point of mention was a claw found inside the wound. It was consistent with the slashes. I’ve got a group of junior watchers typing the demon as we speak."

"Good," Buffy said with a nod. She turned to Kennedy. "I’d like you to take a team of our more experienced slayers to do some recon. Start with the street where the body was found and then move outward looking for any signs of a nest. If you find anything, report back." Buffy turned to Faith. "Faith, since you’re not technically a part of the council anymore I can’t order you to get involved. So…" She eyed the recording device at the center of the table. "…whatever you do, don’t meet Kennedy at Pugh Street and help with the recon."

Faith nodded with a rather large smile on her face.

Looking back down at her talking points Buffy said, "I’m going to hold off on addressing all old business until I’ve had a chance to go over all this sh…" She eyed the large green binder. "…stuff. So since that’s everything." She picked up the gavel. "Meeting ended." Two loud bangs sounded throughout the room and Buffy rose from her chair. Everyone else stayed put.

"It’s ‘meeting adjourned,’" Rowena whispered behind her hand.

Buffy quickly backtracked to her seat and grabbed the gavel once more. "Meeting adjourned," she said clearly before banging the wooden mallet twice more.

Fade to Black

End of Act One

Act Two Fade In: Int. Buffy’s Office – Afternoon

The afternoon sunlight shined through a window directly to the right of Buffy’s desk where the newly elected head watcher was quietly slumbering on a rather large open green binder. Buffy let out a soft snore as she drooled all over the pages of her new handbook.

As a loud knock on the door echoed through the room, Buffy shot up ripping the drool covered page out of the book in the process. "Come in," Buffy said with the page still stuck to her face. She quickly pulled it off as Rowena entered.

"I hope I’m not disturbing you?" Rowena asked as she approached the desk.

"No, not at all," Buffy said as she hastily tried to tape the page back into the book. She noticed Rowena staring. "Slayer strength you know… makes it difficult to turn pages. My mom never let me near the phone book." She closed the binder. "So...what’s up?"

"We’ve matched the demon that killed the young man." Rowena held out the report for Buffy.

"Yay! More paper," Buffy said taking the report. "So it’s a stri…stree… strey…"

"A Strieaufix demon," Rowena said easily. "A nocturnal predatory species native to North America. They habitat in large family units and tend to settle in big cities where both population and death rates are high. Also they are known to collect trophies from their victims."

"So not the warm and fuzzy non-lethal demon variety?" Buffy asked as she glanced up from the page.

"’Fraid not," Rowena answered, taking a seat across from the desk. "Unless by warm and fuzzy you mean vicious and destructive. And instead of non-lethal you mean…well, lethal."

"That was pretty much what we were expecting, right?" Buffy asked rhetorically as she let the report float down to her desk. "Can you make sure Kennedy’s group and all other patrols going out tonight are informed so they know what to expect?"

"You got it," Rowena said as she stood up from her seat. She paused. "It’s a little odd though."

"What's odd?" "The Strieaufix are very aggressive," Rowena explained. "It’s strange that there was only one fatality in such a populated area."

Just then there was another knock on the door. "Come in," Buffy called from her desk.

"Hey," Robin said as he entered the room. "Oh, Ro. Sorry, I didn’t realize you two were meeting. I can come back later."

He made for the door but Buffy called him back. "No, it’s fine, we were just finishing up anyway. What’s up?"

"Lorinda," Robin said with a sigh as he looked to Rowena who frowned.

"Who’s Lorinda?" Buffy asked.

"One of our junior slayers," Robin answered with a sigh. "She’s a bit of a handful."

"What did she do this time?" Rowena asked.

"Well, somehow she got the idea in her head that we were going to let her stake Skye," Robin said with a confused shrug. "Apparently she said as much during workouts this afternoon and the other girls didn’t believe her. Nasty things were said and Tanya ended up in the infirmary with a bloody nose." Buffy cringed. "I would have asked Faith to talk to her, but she’s busy not looking for the Strieaufix. So I thought that, Buffy, maybe you could try talking to her."

"Yeah, sure," Buffy answered standing up. "How old is she?"

"Fifteen," Robin replied. "She’s just outside if you have some free time right now."

"That’s fine," Buffy said as she eyed the green binder with a look of disgust. "I’m not busy. Send her in."

Rowena and Robin exited. Buffy rounded the desk and stopped next to the door as Lorinda entered. "Come on in, Lorinda," she said cheerfully as she closed the door. "My name is Ms. Summers but you can call me Buffy. I’m going to be taking over for Ms. Allister."

"Buffy Summers?" Lorinda said, eyeing Buffy suspiciously. "But you’re not a watcher." Not waiting for a response the younger slayer quickly brushed past Buffy and plopped down on the empty seat Rowena had occupied moments earlier. "Have a seat," Buffy said sarcastically as she rounded her desk.

"So you’re the Buffy Summers?" Lorinda asked. "Like the original Sunnydale slayer?"

Buffy paused at the question. "Well, yes," she replied proudly.

"Huh," the younger slayer grunted.

"What?" Buffy asked, now more than a little annoyed.

"Oh nothing. I just…" Lorinda put her feet up on Buffy’s desk. "I thought you’d be taller." Buffy stared as Lorinda continued. "You know you have drool on your face?"

Cut To: Ext. Pugh Street – Dusk

Faith and Kennedy walked side by side down a deserted Pugh Street as the sun faded on the horizon. Kennedy reached for the radio on her belt. "Vi? Find anything yet?"

"Negative, Slayer One," Vi replied several seconds later.

"Ten-four," Kennedy said into the radio before replacing it on her belt. Faith let out an audible sigh. "If you want I can still call you ‘Slayer One,’" Kennedy said to Faith.

"No, that’s okay," Faith replied sadly as she kicked an empty soda can.

"I don’t know why you’re so bummed out about this," Kennedy said as Faith kicked another can. "I thought you wanted to get away from the bureaucracy of the council. All the rules."

"You know, that’s not why I left. I had a lot of other issues." Faith looked down at the ground for something else to kick. "I never really wanted out. Now I’m useless."

"Are you serious?" Kennedy asked incredulously. "You’re free. You can fight evil however you want. You don’t have to answer to anyone. You’re like ‘Faith the Lone Wolf.’ Out on your own. Riding your motorcycle, kicking ass and taking names."

"Thanks for trying, Ken, but that sounds like the plot of some bad TV show," Faith said as she moved her foot back to kick another object that was resting next to a sewer grate. She stopped mid motion and said, "Hold up." Bending down, Faith picked up the object and examined it in her hand. "I think it’s a claw. The clean up team must have missed it." She stood up and handed it to Kennedy.

"Looks about two inches. It definitely belongs to our guy," Kennedy said as she rolled it around in her palm. She looked down. "Right by the sewer?"

"Didn’t Robin say the dead guy had his ankle slashed up?" Faith asked. They both quickly took several steps away from the grate. "They’re in the sewers."

Kennedy reached for her radio. "Vi, meet us on Pugh Street."

Cut To: Int. Council Detention Level – Same Time

In the last cell of the dark detention block, Skye lay motionless, with her eyes shut, on a thin prison-issue cot. In the background the drip of a leaking pipe sounded every few seconds.

Skye remained unmoving as the door to the detention block creaked open and a pair of footsteps began to echo through the hall, increasing steadily in frequency and amplitude. A smile spread across the vampire’s face as the intruder stopped.

"Long time no see," Skye said as she opened her eyes and glanced over to where Buffy was standing just outside her cell. "I’d offer you a drink, but I doubt you want anything I’ve got."

Buffy didn’t reply.

"So what brings you back around these parts?" Skye asked as she rolled into a sitting position in the center of the cot. She leaned back against the wall behind her and allowed one leg to dangle off the side of the bed. "Let me guess? You missed me so much that you just had to come back for a visit."

"Not quite," Buffy replied. "There’s been a change in the council’s leadership." Skye’s smile disappeared as her expression hardened. Buffy continued. "I’ll be taking over as head watcher."

"But you’re not a watcher," Skye said almost angrily.

"As everyone keeps telling me."

"What happened to Ro?" Skye asked.

"Rowena is still with the council. The change was her idea," Buffy answered still remaining completely still. "I just thought it would be best that you heard this news from me." "How considerate of you," Skye replied in a dangerous tone. Quickly, she regained her composure and walked toward Buffy. "Well, thanks for letting me know. I’ll see you later. Take care." When Buffy didn’t move Skye sat back down on her bed and picked up a magazine as if she intended to read it. "Bye bye now."

"I’m not finished," Buffy replied. Skye shot the blonde slayer a look of pure hatred. "I want to make a few things abundantly clear to you," Buffy continued. "You are under no circumstances to attempt to reconcile your relationship with Dawn. As of this moment that is no longer a possibility."

"You can’t tell me who I can love and who I can’t," Skye countered. "I’ll do whatever I damn well please."

"You’ll do whatever I tell you," Buffy replied. "I have a few dozen junior slayers who would just love a chance to put you in the ground…figuratively. Right now you’re of more value to this council locked down here as a source of information than as a pile of dust. But remember this, in the future I’m the one who decides exactly how much you are worth to this council."

"What about what Dawn wants?" Skye asked as she rose from the cot once more. "What if she decides she wants to be with me?"

"Then I’ll stake you myself."

Without warning, Skye grabbed the side of the cot and hurled it at the bars of her cell. The bed crashed against the hard metal and fell to the ground in a deafening clatter. Buffy didn’t even flinch.

"Take some time to think it over," Buffy added before heading back to the detention block door.

Skye quickly pulled the cot out of the way and stepped up to the bars on her side of the cell. "Hey!" She called after Buffy who was almost to the door. "Bitch! You can’t do this!"

Buffy exited the room without responding. With a frustrated cry, Skye kicked the cell door.

Cut To: Int. Sewer – Night

"Oh man," Faith sighed as she splashed down into the wet, dark sewer beneath Pugh Street. She looked down at her legs, which were now ankle-deep in brown, murky sewer water. "There’s no way that’s gonna come out."

Seconds later, Kennedy splashed down beside Faith, spraying the older slayer with more sewer water. "Crap," Faith groaned as she wiped some brown liquid off her face. "Vi and Heli coming?" she asked stepping away from the sewer entrance. "Should be down any second," Kennedy replied joining Faith near a large circular hole in the side of the sewer wall. The opening, which was blocked by a large grate, appeared to house a tunnel that was visible for about five feet before stretching into darkness.

Faith pulled a small flashlight from her pocket and shined the light through the grate. "This has promise." Behind her, Vi let out a loud shriek as she landed butt first in the murky sewer water.

Heli dropped down beside Vi and helped her up. "Find anything?" the Finnish slayer asked.

"I think so," Kennedy said as she pulled open the grate with surprisingly little force. She climbed into the tunnel with Faith right behind her.

Cut To: Int. Sewer Tunnel – Moments Later

With Kennedy in the lead, the four slayers crawled their way through the narrow, dark tunnel.

"Well, I don’t know about you guys," Faith said as she moved through the narrow tunnel. "But this isn’t exactly how I pictured spending my evening. I could be watching House right now. Anyone tape it?"

"Oh crap!" Vi said.

"What’s wrong?" Heli asked. "Did you forget to record Faith’s program?"

"No," Vi replied. "I think I just put my hand in some…"

"Eww," Faith and Kennedy said in unison.

"This sucks," Kennedy added as an afterthought. "This job is enough to make me wish I had been offered the head watcher gig."

"Nah, you wouldn’t have liked the job," Faith said as they all continued crawling. "I mean you saw the look on B’s face when Ro dropped all that paperwork in her lap. She’s probably still sifting through it right now."

Cut To: Int. Giles’s Living Room – Same Time

"I love this program," Giles said as he removed his glasses and wiped away the tears from his eyes. "Hugh Laurie is so bloody hilarious." "You know he’s actually English," Buffy commented as she muted the television when a commercial for a dish detergent came on. "He fakes the American accent," she added as she took a moment to wipe away her own tears.

"Really?" Giles asked. "I never would have noticed." He reached for his teacup, which was resting on his glass coffee table. "I didn’t get to ask you how your first day went."

"Good," Buffy replied as if she had been waiting for the question. "Very good. I got a lot accomplished. I met with a few students, familiarized myself with pending council issues and put out some fires in the kitchen."

"Not another debate over Andrew’s cooking I hope."

"No, I meant actual fires," Buffy answered. "When I went in for lunch, Tracey and Andrew were arguing. Something about that old game show The Newlywed Game." She shrugged. "Anyway, he dropped a dish rag onto a lit burner. From there, a few oven mitts caught fire. Chaos ensued. Not much fun."

"How are you coming along with the materials Rowena gave you this morning?" Giles asked before taking a sip from his tea. "I remember when I first started my career as a watcher I lived by that handbook. It was so profound and engaging. Captivating really."

Buffy’s eye’s narrowed on her former watcher. "Ro told you I fell asleep while I was reading, didn’t she?"

"She may have mentioned it," Giles said with a guilty smile. "Oh! It’s back on!" He quickly reached for the remote and un-muted the television.

Cut to: Int. Coven Room – Same Time

Dawn stuck her head inside the coven room and looked around. Finding no one there, she walked inside and shut the door. She turned on the light and quickly made her way over to Willow’s workbench. Setting down the backpack she was carrying, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

Taking another look at the door first, she began to look at the paper before pulling down a jar. She opened her backpack quietly and pulled out several unzipped plastic baggies that had writing on them. Carefully she began to put the jar ingredients into one of the bags before glancing to the door again.

Cut To: Int. Sewer Tunnel – Moments Later "Finally," Kennedy said as she kicked open the grate that closed off the end of the tunnel. She plopped out and moved aside allowing the other three slayers to exit as well. Kennedy took a moment to take in the new surroundings. "Faith, turn on the flashlight."

Faith did as asked, shining the light around the deserted room. The floor was dry and covered with trash, including piles of crumpled newspaper, heaps of shredded cardboard, and a few ripped mattresses. "Something’s definitely been living down here," Faith said as she continued to scan the room with the light. "Fan out."

The foursome moved around the room, rummaging through the garbage. "Kennedy?" Vi called after a few minutes. "I’ve got something." Kennedy, Heli, and Faith approached Vi’s position. "There’s a pile of bones. I don’t think they’re human."

Kennedy looked down at the find. "I think you’re right. We should get some of these back to base. There’s something weird about this place."

Vi crouched down and started collecting samples.

"Do you think this is the nest?" Heli asked.

"Yeah, I do," Kennedy answered scanning the room. "Come on, let’s go." She moved back towards the tunnel that brought them there.

"Aren’t we going to wait for them to come back?" the Finnish slayer questioned.

"My orders were for recon only," Kennedy replied as she climbed into the tunnel. "Besides, these things are nocturnal. We’re better off coming back during the day when they’ll all be asleep."

"Come on," Faith said steering Heli towards the tunnel. She looked back. "Vi, you coming?"

"Yup," Vi said as she stood up and pocketed the samples she collected. "I think I’ve got enough here."

"Cool," Faith replied. "Let’s get the hell out of here. It stinks worse in here than the tunnel." In turn Heli, Vi, and Faith climbed into the opening. Before moving too far, Faith turned and shut the grate.

Fade To Black

End of Act Two Act Three

Fade In: Int. Council Kitchen – Morning

With a spring in her step Rowena pushed open the kitchen door and was immediately greeted by the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soft sound of sizzling sausage links. Stopping at the counter, the blonde watcher scanned the dining area until she spotted Buffy, who was sitting at a table near the window next to a very animated Andrew.

Rowena strolled over to the unlikely pair and stood a few feet away so as to not intrude on the conversation. Buffy looked utterly miserable as she listened to Andrew speak.

"…so then Tracey turned to me and said, ‘Andrew.’" He paused for dramatic effect. "'We’re out of pita bread'." He glanced hopefully to Buffy. "I just don’t understand it. Is there some hidden meaning? Should I talk to Tracey?"

"You know, Andrew, I’m not really sure I’m the best person to ask here," Buffy answered as she poked a half-eaten piece of toast with her fork. She glanced over in time to see his face fall. "Maybe you should try not to read too much into…"

"But what if it’s really important?" he loudly countered causing Buffy to jump to attention, knocking over her empty coffee cup in the process.

"Hey guys," Rowena said making her presence known as she gave Buffy a sympathetic smile.

"Morning Ro," Andrew muttered as Rowena took a seat opposite Buffy. He quickly turned his attention back to the slayer turned watcher. "Do you think that maybe I should make Tracey a sandwich?"

Buffy stared at him with an expression that bordered somewhere between confusion and disbelief.

Rowena quickly stepped in. "You know I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation and if you and Tracey had a fight over…um…pita bread, well you can always order more." She righted Buffy’s toppled coffee cup. "I mean it’s not like we don’t have the funds to…" Rowena trailed off as she saw Andrew frown. "We already have plenty in the pantry," the cook answered. Suddenly his face lit up. "Wait! Do you think it has anything to do with the giant dancing lobster?"

Buffy sighed and rubbed her forehead. Rowena now looked truly confused.

"Andrew, just because I’ve had prophetic dreams in the past," Buffy said as she put particular emphasis on the last word, "doesn’t mean I can interpret your dreams now."

"But don’t you have like slayer intuition?" he replied. "A sixth sense for this kind of thing?"

Buffy slumped down on the table and moaned.

"You know, Andrew, Kennedy once told me she was really good at interpreting dreams," Rowena said pointing out the doorway to a nearby table where Kennedy and Faith sat enjoying a leisurely breakfast. "And Faith too. I bet they’d have loads of insight for you."

Andrew looked from Rowena to Buffy, who was now nodding in agreement. "Yeah, okay." He stood up and began to leave. "Maybe they can explain the singing dental floss."

Once he was a safe distance away, Buffy turned to Rowena and said, "Do I have the power to give you a raise, because, if so, I hope you like money?"

Rowena laughed. "Well you do, but I don’t need a raise." She took a moment to consider the idea, but then shook her head. "Nah."

Buffy sighed as she pushed her breakfast plate aside and pulled her green handbook in front of her. "So much for catching up on some reading this morning." She began tapping the front of the book absent-mindedly. "How's it going?"

Rowena eyed the book. "Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing. I came by to see if you wanted to go over anything. I realize it’s a lot of stuff to digest."

"Really? I didn’t notice," Buffy said sarcastically. "But really, that would actually be great." She pulled out a planner and began flipping pages. "I have a conference call at eleven, but I’m free after lunch if you’re not busy. How’s three o’clock sound?"

"That’s fine," Rowena answered quite bemused by Buffy’s planner. She stood up. "Well, I better head off, it’s almost ten." "Actually if you don’t mind, I was hoping you could sit in on the meeting," Buffy said as she collected her binder and planner, "and maybe the next few after that. Just till I get up to speed with all this watcher-y stuff you and Giles were so good at."

"Sure, I’d be happy to," Rowena replied as they headed towards the door. "Let me just swing by Robin’s office real quick. I want to check to see if he was able to type the bones that Kennedy brought back last night."

"You got it," Buffy answered as they passed the table where a very disgruntled Faith and Kennedy sat listening to Andrew yammer on. "Hey, you know any good lunch places?" Buffy asked ignoring her fellow slayers.

"Didn’t you just eat breakfast?" Rowena asked, also oblivious to Faith and Kennedy’s plight.

"Once a slayer always a slayer," Buffy replied as she pushed open the kitchen doors. "I could go for some ribs."

Cut to: Int. Dawn’s Room – Moments Later

Dawn had four incenses placed around her as if to represent the four points of the compass – located north, east, south and west of her body. She finished lighting the last one and closed her eyes.

Sitting cross-legged, she rested her wrists on her knees and softly began to chant something unintelligible.

Cut To: Int. Council Conference Room – 10 am

Humming happily to herself, Willow began highlighting a passage of handwritten text in a thin composition notebook. She looked up as the doors to the conference room swung open with Rowena and Buffy in their wake. Willow allowed herself to smile at the pair of blondes who were sharing an apparently humorous conversation.

"Hey guys," Willow said cheerfully as the duo took seats at the head of the table.

"Morning, Will," Buffy replied as she began moving papers around in preparation for the meeting.

Rowena, now aware of Willow’s presence, immediately stopped laughing and said "Hi!" a little too enthusiastically before adding an awkward wave for good measure. Willow couldn’t help but chuckle at her former girlfriend. She glanced from Rowena to Buffy. "What were you too laughing about?"

Buffy looked up from her papers. "Ro was just telling me about the time you went to a barbecue restaurant with Giles." She turned to Rowena. "What was it called?"

"Dante’s BBQ Inferno," Rowena answered, her tone a bit calmer.

"OH!" Willow began to laugh. "I remember. We went there for dinner one night and Giles called the waitress ‘sir.’" She was now laughing so hard it was difficult to speak. "And...then the waitress spilled Xander’s beer all over him." Buffy and Rowena were both now laughing hysterically. Willow attempted to continue the story, "Xander...being suave in front of Vi...but he smelled like brewery," she said before she completely lost her composure and buried her head in her arms.

After several moments, when the last fit of giggles had come and gone, Buffy, wiping a tear from her eye, began, "Ro and I were talking about heading over there for lunch."

"Oh that’s nice," Willow said looking down at her notebook. "Have a good time."

Rowena shot Buffy a pleading look. "Will, why don’t you join us?" Buffy continued. "The more the merrier, right?"

Willow looked up. "I don’t want to intrude?"

Rowena nodded furiously. "No, come!"

"Well, okay." Willow smiled.

Suddenly Buffy sighed audibly. "Darn it," she said unconvincingly. "I just remembered that I promised Faith I’d meet her for lunch today." She dropped her hands to the table in a dramatic fashion. "And I think we all know how she can get." Another audible sigh. "You know, why don’t you two just go without me?"

Rowena stared at Buffy in disbelief.

"Well that’s fine with me if it’s okay with you Ro," Willow said.

"I…uh," Rowena’s eyes turned from Buffy to Willow and then back again. "Yeah, that’s good."

"Great, that’s settled then," Buffy said happily. "Have a good…"

Before Buffy could finish her sentence, the doors to the conference room shot open and Kennedy raced in. She quickly closed the doors and hastily fiddled with the lock. Satisfied that the door would not open Kennedy turned to see the shocked expressions of Buffy, Rowena, and Willow. "Andrew," Kennedy said simply. "Somehow he got the idea in his head that I could interpret dreams."

Simultaneously Buffy said, "You don’t say," while Rowena added, "How odd." They exchanged a guilty look as Kennedy took a seat opposite Willow.

"Well, since we’re all here," Buffy said quickly picking up the gavel, "why don’t we get started?" With two bangs she brought the meeting to order. "Does the coven have anything new to report?"

"Yes," Willow said as she pulled a sheet of paper from her notebook. "A few weeks ago a jar of shredded snakeskin disappeared from the coven storage room. I figured it was probably just misplaced, until this morning when I did an inventory." She looked down at her paper. "We’re also missing three packets of crystalis powder and four lilac-scented candles."

"What are those things used for?" Buffy asked as she made a note on a blank sheet of paper in front of her. "Anything dangerous?"

"Not really. The snakeskin and crystalis are used mainly for locator spells, but separately I can think of twenty or thirty spells," Willow answered.

"Okay. It’s probably one of the students," Buffy said finishing her note. "Willow since it’s your department I’ll let you handle it how you like, but I also think it might be a good idea to lecture all the coven members on taking council supplies without permission." She turned to Rowena. "Ro, have Robin speak with the junior watchers as well? And Kennedy…"

"You really think a slayer would have taken something from the coven?" Kennedy asked defensively, cutting Buffy off.

"Probably not," Buffy responded diplomatically, "but just in case." Buffy paused. After several seconds Kennedy begrudgingly nodded and Buffy continued. "Does the Slayer Division have anything to report?"

"Nothing new," Kennedy said quickly. Her tone indicated she was still annoyed.

"Okay then that leaves the watchers. Ro do you still have Robin’s report?" Buffy asked.

"Yes," Rowena said pulling it out of the folder in front of her. "Would you like me to…?"

"Go right ahead," Buffy replied. "Report away." Rowena glanced down at the page. "We’ve been examining the bones that Kennedy’s team brought back last night. Based on size and shape we’ve determined that they most likely came from six or seven separate demons of the same species."

"Do you know what species?" Willow asked.

Rowena shook her head. "We’re still working on getting a type." She paused. "There was also one human bone in the sample. A rib. Dr. Miller has already confirmed that it came from the man that Heli found."

"Kennedy, how soon can you have a team organized to clean out the nest?" Buffy asked.

"Within the hour," Kennedy answered perking up.

"You’re going to kill them right away?" Willow said with a frown. "Shouldn’t we wait till the type comes back?"

"Normally, yes. But I’d rather not, given the nature of the demon," Buffy answered. "I don’t want to risk any more humans getting killed because we waited."

"So that’s a go then?" The dark-haired slayer queried.

"That’s a go," Buffy replied.

"Faith?" Kennedy asked hopefully.

Buffy nodded but gave no verbal reply. She paused for a moment and then went on. "Okay, one final matter I wanted to go over before we get out of here." Everyone eyed her curiously. "The black ops slayers."

Willow flinched. Rowena’s jaw dropped. And Kennedy let out a deep breath before glancing between Willow and Rowena as if she expected them to leap out of their seats and begin arguing.

Buffy continued, "I know you’ve already voted on this issue, but since it’s been a point of debate recently I thought it might be a good idea to bring it up again and see if we could talk it out. Ro?"

Rowena, trying not to look at Willow, took a deep breath and began, "We need them. They are the most effective unit we have for dealing with the human element that the rest of our slayers aren’t trained to handle. And I think they’ve proven themselves. They’ve rescued both me and Willow."

Willow scoffed.

"Will, I take it you have a rebuttal?" Buffy observed. "Yes." Willow tried to speak with some measure of calm. "Regardless of whether they’re effective for not, they’ve killed innocent people. And the stress of it was too much for Mia - she left. So the longer we allow them to operate the more they’ll keep killing people." She paused. "Slayers shouldn’t kill humans-period."

"Kennedy?" Buffy said turning to the dark-haired slayer. "Your thoughts?"

Kennedy sighed. "I agree with Ro. Mia didn’t think she could cut it but it was more about losing members she was close to…Plus," she added reluctantly, "there were issues with me too I think. It wasn’t as simple as I think Will believes it was. Besides, we need a team to handle human issues."

"Here we go again," Willow muttered.

"We’re not going anywhere," Rowena piped in. "We’re discussing."

"You know, this is exactly-." Willow’s comments died as Buffy spoke up.

"Woah. Down girls." The room fell silent for a moment. "Now," Buffy started again, "most of these girls were found in that gang Faith came across, right?" Buffy asked, and the members around the table nodded. "They weren’t formally trained as slayers like Kennedy, correct?"

"Neither were you, Buffy," Willow mentioned.

"True," Buffy conceded. "But when I did get called I was the only slayer around then. And the council did have a goon squad in place."

"They’re not a goon squad," Rowena added.

"If the shoe fits," Willow muttered.

"Why do you do that?" Rowena asked.

"What?" Willow asked, shrugging her shoulders. "Have an opinion?"

Rowena leaned her elbow on the table and raised her finger. "The snide comments-"

Buffy banged the gavel. "Enough, ladies," she said before sighing. "Sheesh!"

Kennedy grinned and looked over to Buffy. "You really know how to open a can of worms, doncha?" she teased. Buffy returned the grin and shook her head in disbelief. She then leaned back in her chair and thought for a moment.

"Okay, well, I’m just spitballin’ here," Buffy began, "and chances are you considered it but…has anyone asked them what they want? The actual squad members, that is?" The room was silent. "You know? Whether they want to continue in black ops or be formally trained as slayers?" Again more silence. "So that’s a ‘not’ I take it?"

Rowena and Willow exchanged a thoughtful look and then began to grin slightly.

Kennedy laughed from her seat across the table. "No, these two big brains didn’t think of the obvious. That solution’s too damn easy."

"Okay then," Buffy said. "I motion to discuss the matter with each black ops member individually. Anyone who wants to stay on as black ops…" Willow looked ready to protest, but Buffy held up her hand to stop her. "…and has a good standing record with the council, can do so. But anyone else who feels that killing is too much, like Mia did, can request enrollment in the slayer program." Buffy allowed a moment for them to think it over before speaking, "All in favor?"

In unison Kennedy and Buffy said, "Aye."

"Will?" Buffy asked when she said nothing. "Does no aye mean nay?"

Willow shook her head. "It doesn’t feel right. I’m still worried some of the girls might get trigger happy. And I…" Willow trailed off and took a deep breath. "I don’t want to end up holding any dead secretaries," she finished as if holding back a whimper.

Rowena looked genuinely pained. "How about this?" the watcher began, making Willow look in her direction. "We enlist the support of retired personnel to train with them on a regular basis. I know that we had the Navy Seals instructor, Sgt. Zim, but I’m thinking we bring in more help – Navy Seals, Green Berets, S.W.A.T., people like that. We can even set up an area for training scenarios."

"Oh," Kennedy said catching on. "You mean like police academies where the little cardboard robbers and schoolgirls pop up and you have to shoot them. Well, not the schoolgirls, but you know what I mean."

"Exactly," Rowena replied. "What do you think, Will? If we gave the girls more expert training on a regular basis would that make you feel better? I can’t promise accidents won’t happen but it will certainly help cut them down to a minimum."

Willow seemed to consider it.

"I vote aye as long as we go with Ro’s plan," she answered. The witch looked at Rowena with a small grin of thanks. "Alright then, motion passes," Buffy said happily. Rowena and Willow exchanged another smile. "Well, that’s all I have for now," Buffy added picking up the gavel. "Session adjourned…" She caught herself before she brought down the gavel and glanced over to Rowena who was stifling a giggle. "I know, I know." Buffy raised the gavel once more. "Meeting adjourned." Two bangs echoed through the large room.

Cut to: Int. Dawn’s Room – Same Time

Dawn sat in a trance-like state and remained perfectly still but suddenly swayed slightly to one side.

Flash to: Ext. Celestial Plain – Same Time

Dawn’s body swayed as she looked around her surroundings and she blinked a few times as she got her footing. Slowly, a grin came to her face.

"I made it," she said as she looked at the people walking around her. "I really did it." The sea of people seemed endless and suddenly Dawn got a worried look. "Now how do I find her?" she wondered out loud.

She looked down to see a circle glowing around her feet. Carefully she took a step forward and the circle evaporated. When she looked up again the entire area looked like a large but clean, well-maintained city. Slowly, she began to walk through the masses.

Stores and restaurants seemed to line the streets but one in particular caught her eye. Above the door hung a sign that read Anya’s Café. Curiously, Dawn made her way across the street and walked inside.

Cut to: Int. Anya’s Café – Same Time

A few people were sitting around eating some food as Dawn slowly walked inside to see a woman behind the counter. No one seemed to notice or care about her presence as she made her way to the counter.

Dawn walked over and asked the woman, "Are you Anya by chance?"

"Who’s asking?" the dark-haired woman replied.

"Oh, I’m Dawn. Dawn Summers." "Dawnie?" the young witch heard a familiar voice say. Dawn turned and began to smile. "Is it really you?" Anya asked making her way over and giving Dawn a hug. "Oh no," she said sadly as she pulled away. "It’s really you, isn’t it?"

"Oh, I’m not dead," Dawn answered quickly. "Not yet anyway. I’m here looking for someone. My girlfriend, Skye Talisker? Have you seen her?"

"I’m not sure what she looks like," Anya replied. "I’ve been kinda outta the loop for awhile now," she replied.

"Duh. Of course you wouldn’t know her," Dawn said to herself. "Long story short she got vamped and I’m looking for her soul. If I can bring it back-."

"You can restore her soul without having to curse her," Anya finished.

Dawn did a double take. "Uh, yeah actually. That’s exactly what I have planned."

Everyone in the café stopped what they were doing and looked over at the women. Anya herself looked apprehensive but turned to the patrons. "Eat your food," she ordered them as she took Dawn aside. "I don’t know about that," she began. "That’s…That would be a very bad idea."

"Skye shouldn’t be dead and she needs her soul. One way or another I’m going to find it."

"Good luck sister," Anya told her. "Do you know how many people are here, just waiting to get to the next level – either up or down?" she added. "Talk about needles in haystacks."

"I need your help and if you won’t help me then I’ll find someone who will. There's a ton of prospects. Maybe…my mom-"

"She’s ascended," Anya replied.

Dawn paused and thought a moment. "Okay, Tara then."

"She’s ascended."

"Amanda or Cassie," Dawn answered.

"Both ascended."

Dawn rubbed her temple. "Why haven’t you ascended yet?" "Good question," Anya replied. "After 1100 years and a not-so-stellar track record, but dying while saving the world…let’s say I think they’re deadlocked on a verdict. But that’s okay. It’s not bad here. It’s not great. I mean I don’t even get any joy out of running this shop."

"But you love selling stuff," Dawn answered. "Remember, capitalism dance and all that?"

Anya motioned to the counter and they watched a man order something. The dark-haired woman turned around, grabbing a tray. The food magically appeared and she handed it over. With a polite nod he left and traveled to one of the tables.

"I don’t even get to take any money," Anya whined. "Don’t get me wrong," she added quickly. "It’s better than being in a furnace, pushing a rock uphill for all eternity."

"Let me see if I have this correct," Dawn began. "The only gripe you have about being here is you can’t make cash?"

"When you put it that way it sounds dumb," Anya replied. "So yeah there’s a little bit of torment – at least for me – but other than that this isn’t a bad life, or afterlife, or whatever you want to call it."

"But what about the gang? Don’t you miss them, even a little?"

Anya shook her head. "No, I don’t have heartache here. I know they’re okay and I know if they all died tomorrow they’d be okay too. It’s freeing actually."

Dawn sat down in a chair at the table next to them. "Well, regardless, I came all this way. I need to see Skye. I need…answers."

Anya watched Dawn for a moment and then took a seat across from her. "I can’t help send this Skye person back but I do know of a place you might be able to look. Saying this will probably ruin my chances to ascend but…I’ll take you there."

Dawn began to grin. "Thank you," she said sincerely.

"Don’t," Anya answered. "We haven’t found her yet and truth is we might not."

Fade Out

Fade In: Int. Sewer Demon Nest – Noon

With a loud clang Kennedy kicked open the metal grate that blocked the entrance to the Strieaufix demon nest. She charged through the hole and immediately engaged the nearest barely conscious demon. Behind her, Faith climbed through the opening followed closely by Vi and a group of six other slayers, all with weapons raised.

Fade To: Int. Buffy’s Office – Afternoon

"Come in," Buffy called from her desk. She looked up to see Rowena enter. "Hey, right on time."

"I ran into Kennedy on the way up," Rowena said as she crossed the room and took the seat facing Buffy’s desk. "She told me to tell you that ‘the Kleenex are history.’" Rowena paused. "Her words not mine. I assume she was referring to the Strieaufix demons."

"Well, that’s good," Buffy replied. "Any word on the bone typing?"

"Not yet, but I let Robin know we’d be here all afternoon so if they find something he’ll call up," Rowena answered. "So are you ready for some book learnin’?"

Buffy pouted. "Do I have to?" She frowned down at the green binder on her desk. "Oh, how was your lunch?"

Rowena blushed. "You’re just trying to change the subject."

"True, but since I’m your boss you still have to answer," Buffy countered with a mischievous grin on her face.

"It was very good," Rowena answered. "I guess now I owe you one."

"After that rescue from Andrew this morning I’d say we’re even," Buffy replied. She eyed the green binder once more. "Sigh."

Rowena smiled. "Well, look at it this way. If spending a few hours reading council procedure is the worst part of your day, then you must be doing a good job."

"I guess that’s true," Buffy said in a less depressed tone. "We settled the black ops issue, took out a demon nest, and no one died today. Life is good."

Fade To: Ext. Cleveland City Street – Night "Okay, got it," Kennedy said as she closed her cell phone and stuffed it back in her pocket. Behind her Vi, Sarah, and Marly all looked on seriously. "That was Faith. Brell just stopped by the council. He heard something about an attack at an apartment complex on Dover Avenue."

"That’s just two blocks from where we took out the nest today," Vi said sounding a bit worried. "You don’t think we missed any of them, do you?"

"That’s what we’re going to find out," Kennedy replied. "Come on. If we book, we might be able to beat the cops…" Her words were cut off as the sound of police sirens filled the street.

All four slayers back-pedaled to the sidewalk as three police cruisers and an ambulance raced past them in the direction of Dover Avenue.

Kennedy exchanged a worried look with Vi before she said, "Let’s go."

Cut To: Ext. Dover Avenue – Moments Later

Kennedy’s jaw dropped as her team rounded the corner of Dover Avenue where no less than eight police cars, three ambulances, and a pair of CSI vans completely blocked all access to the apartment building. Slowly, the four slayers approached the scene, joining a group of onlookers that had gathered in front of a police barrier.

Stopping at the front of the barrier, Kennedy scanned the chaos before her. At least twenty uniformed police officers patrolled the area while various crime scene investigators and paramedics walked in and out of the apartment building’s front entrance carrying medical and investigative equipment. Kennedy leaned over to Vi and whispered, "I’m going in. Why don’t you make some noise?"

Vi nodded and pulled Sarah and Marly through the crowd of people towards one of the uniformed cops guarding the barrier. Kennedy watched as Vi whispered something to Sarah and Marly. Suddenly all three of them began shouting at the cop.

"Ginny Weasley of the Plain Dealer!" Vi yelled at a very surprised member of Cleveland’s finest. "Could you tell us what’s going on?"

"I… uh… I’m not supposed to comment," the cop said putting up his hands. "Now please…"

"Is this another police cover up?" Marly shouted playing along.

"What does the mayor have to say about this?" Sarah added holding up an imaginary microphone. Kennedy grinned as the officer closest to her turned his head to watch the distraction. She quickly slipped under the barrier and sped past the oblivious guard on her way towards the apartment building. She spotted a group of EMTs and quickly sped up to join them.

Kennedy paused for a moment as she climbed the front steps and got a good look at the front door. The surface of the painted wood was covered with deep slash marks and the doorknob had been ripped off completely.

She entered the building.

Cut To: Int. Dover Apartments Hallway – Moments Later

The walls of the interior, like the building’s front door, were slashed and in some places stained with bloody hand prints. Kennedy followed the paramedics down the hall, but stopped at the entrance of the first apartment when she spotted the unmistakable form of a body covered with a sheet.

Inside the room a detective was pacing back and forth, examining yet more slash marks left by the killer, on everything from the furniture to the wallpaper. He looked up and saw her watching. They locked eyes for a moment before she turned away.

Quickly Kennedy moved out of the doorway and moved down the hall passing several other apartments on the way, all of which looked to be in the same condition as the first. At the end of the hall she froze as a second detective came barreling down a set of stairs. She quickly busied herself by examining a smear of blood on the closest wall. He passed without noticing her and moved towards the front of the building. Kennedy turned slowly and watched as he entered the first apartment.

Wasting no more time, Kennedy moved down the hall and stopped just outside the doorway of the room where the detectives stood. She listened carefully as one of them spoke. "It’s the same upstairs. CSI counted thirty-two bodies." Kennedy put her hand over her mouth briefly.

"Any survivors?" The second man asked.

"One," his partner replied. "A little girl. She was hiding in a closet."

"Did she see who did this?"

"She said…" the man paused. "She said they were monsters." Kennedy sped off towards the front door.

End of Act Three

End of Act Three

Act Four

Fade In: Int. Conference Room – Just before Dawn

The main conference room was more crowded than normal, with senior members from all three divisions in attendance at the impromptu meeting. At the head of the table, Buffy sat speaking closely with Rowena, Robin, and Kennedy.

Willow and Jeff were close by on the right side of the table, representing both the coven and the Watchers Division. Over the course of several minutes, Willow almost compulsively glanced towards the door and at one point turned to Jeff and whispered, "Does Dawn know she’s supposed to be here?"

Jeff shrugged. "I couldn’t find her."

"Did you check her room?" Willow asked.

"No answer," he replied.

"Keep looking," she told him and he responded with only a nod.

Cut to: Int. Dawn’s Room – Same Time

Dawn sat perfectly still in the middle of the floor, eyes open but devoid of any emotion.

Fade In: Ext. Celestial Plain – Same Time

Dawn looked around the area at the various people walking about and turned to Anya. "Where are we?" Dawn asked.

"This is an area where people who have lost their lives to vampires usually hang out. If anyone is killed by a vamp they’re most likely here," she replied.

"Still a haystack," Dawn muttered. "Even with all the slayers in the world."

"Yes, the numbers have been rising lately," Anya agreed. "But at least this is a much smaller haystack," she added.

Dawn nodded but stopped as she saw someone sitting at a small table outside a café. Taking Anya by the arm, Dawn pulled her along with her.

As Dawn and Anya approached, they watched Bonnie put down her mug.

"So, she finally got you too?" Bonnie asked.

"No, I came to get her…the real her…I used magics to get here so I can bring Skye’s soul back." Bonnie began to laugh and Dawn looked around them. "Something funny?" the young witch asked.

"You came all this way to find Skye?" Bonnie replied.

"You mean she’s not here?" Dawn asked. "She’s already ascended?"

"No, sweetheart. She’s here," Bonnie replied.

"Oh good," Dawn sighed.

"But she’s also there, back home, too."

"Huh?" Dawn asked obviously confused.

Bonnie laughed again.

Cut to: Int. Conference Room – Same Time

Across from Willow and Jeff sat the slayer contingent, consisting of Faith, Vi, and Heli. None of them said a word, although their posture and expressions seemed to speak volumes. Faith slouched, leaning back as far as her chair would allow. She stared at the far wall of the room seemingly lost in thought as she cracked the knuckles of each finger one by one.

Vi, on the other hand, sat on the edge of her seat with her head propped on her hand. She looked both tired and worried. She also looked lost in thought.

Heli, who was just to Vi’s right, was the picture of perfect composure. The Finnish slayer sat confidently in her chair, looking towards the head of the table waiting for the meeting to start. Every so often she glanced from Kennedy to Faith and then back again.

Finally the conversation at the head of the table ceased and Buffy began, "So here’s what we know." Her voice was calm. "Earlier thirty-two people were killed at the Dover apartment building only two blocks from the nest of demons that Kennedy’s team took out this afternoon. All evidence at the scene points to the same type of demon."

"Is it possible that one or two of them got out without us noticing?" Vi asked.

Both Buffy and Kennedy shook their heads. Kennedy spoke first. "No, because one or two demons couldn’t have done this much damage. We’re looking at a group of twenty or more."

"I can think of two possibilities," Buffy added. "One - there was more than one nest. Or two - something else did this and the timing and location was just a coincidence. Either way we’ve still got demons roaming the streets. Kennedy?"

The lead slayer looked up as Buffy went on. "I want every available slayer on this. You know the city better than I do so deploy them how you’d like. You don’t have to wait for us. Go now."

"You got it," Kennedy said as she slid her chair from the table and stood up. Faith, Vi, and Heli got up as well.

"Faith," Buffy called after them. "You stay here."

Faith looked confused. "B, we don’t have time to pretend I’m not helping," she protested. "I’m needed out there."

"Please. I want you to stay here," the blonde said simply.

"Are you kidding?" This time it was Kennedy’s turn to protest. "Kennedy you have to go," Buffy’s voice was now stern. "You have enough slayers without Faith."

Kennedy stood her ground for a moment ready to object some more, but Faith waved her off. "Go, it’s fine." Kennedy nodded and left, with Vi and Heli on her heels. Faith plopped back down in her seat looking very annoyed.

Buffy avoided Faith’s angry stare and continued. "I want the watchers working on identifying those bones." She paused to think. "I feel like we’re missing something here but I don’t know what."

"We’ll get to work," Rowena said standing up. She nodded to Robin who had also risen from his seat.

"I’ll make sure Kennedy is notified of anything we find," Robin said before they exited the room.

"That just leaves the coven," Willow said. "What do you want us to do?"

"I don’t suppose you could do a locator spell?" Buffy asked hopefully.

Willow frowned and shook her head. "Even if we could we don’t have the resources." She thought for a moment. "I don’t think there is anything we can do magically to help."

Buffy mimicked Willow’s frown. "Okay, then I want you to help with the research. Aren’t most of you watchers anyway?" Willow and Jeff both nodded. "Concentrate on possible locations for demon nests. Base your search on what would be ideal for a Strieaufix."

"We’re on it," Willow said. She motioned to Jeff and both of them rose from their chairs and left the room, leaving Buffy and Faith alone.

Buffy waited for the door to completely close. "I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let you go out with Kennedy." She moved around the right side of the table and stopped across from Faith.

"Why’s that?" Faith asked as she crossed her arms.

Buffy reached across the table and turned off the recording device. "Because I’ve got another job for you."

Faith, now intrigued, uncrossed her arms and gave Buffy a curious look. "Why do I get the feeling this isn’t kosher?"

"Probably because it’s not," Buffy responded. "I want you to hit all the demon dives this town has to offer. Find out anything you can about the Strieaufix and if there was more than one nest."

"They’re not going to want to talk," Faith replied. "Especially to me." "Be as persuasive as you have to be," Buffy answered as she made for the door.

"What about you B?" Faith asked. "You gonna play watcher?"

"I’ll be out searching with Kennedy," Buffy said simply. "Call me when you find something."

Faith nodded and followed Buffy towards the door.

Fade In: Ext. Celestial Plain – Same Time

Anya, Dawn, and Bonnie all sat around the small table.

"Okay, this is how it works," Bonnie sighed in frustration towards Dawn. "One more time. From the top…"

"Dawn?" They all heard a voice behind them call out. They looked to see Skye standing there. Slowly, the lovers began to smile. Dawn jumped up from the table and rushed over as Skye opened her arms.

Bonnie just threw up her hands, giving up. She stood up and nodded at Anya to follow her over.

"What are you doing here?" Skye asked. "You’re not dead."

Dawn got a curious look. "How did you know-?"

"I’ve been trying to explain this to her," Bonnie mentioned from behind. "She’s not getting it."

"Some days it’s difficult for me to understand," Skye replied. Dawn looked confused and Skye motioned her along. "Walk with me," she told her. As they began to move down the sidewalk Skye spoke. "A part of me is still there within the body, it resides with the demon. Call it a life energy, a spirit, a soul, whatever. The point is not only do I have memories of us but I also feel us – here and there."

"Now this is what I don’t get. You’re here. The real you?"

"The real me is there too," Skye told her.

"But when a person gets vamped the soul comes here and the demon takes over. Angel and Spike-"

"I can’t speak for them," Skye interrupted. "I don’t know if I’m some anomaly, like if the reason that happened to them is because they wanted death as where I didn’t. I don’t know if maybe they too had a part of their humanity inside their bodies as I do right now but didn’t use it. I can’t say that maybe the world is filled with different vampire breeds and the one that turned me is different than the sires of the vamps you’ve known. I really couldn’t tell you Dawn."

"Well, what can you tell me?" Dawn pleaded. "Is that really you down there or not?"

"Yes and no," Skye answered. "The demon is there inside but so are parts of my soul – like two halves that make one whole."

"So the you that’s here," Dawn said picking her words carefully, "is also the you that’s there… somehow?"

"Basically," Skye answered.

"So you do have a soul, back on earth I mean?" Dawn asked.

"Not entirely," Skye answered.

"Then you’re a demon?" Dawn replied.

"Not totally," Skye replied. Dawn frowned in confusion and then rubbed her forehead and Skye chuckled. "It made my head hurt too," she sympathized. "But really, I’m not suffering now. The pain I feel is for you, for the others I’ve hurt…It’s almost as if we’ve merged as I said."

"So if I kill the vampire…am I killing you too?" Dawn asked. "Destroying your soul?"

"Those are questions I can’t answer," Skye replied. Dawn looked skeptical. "Or I should say, again, those are answers I don’t know."

"So is it a struggle?" Dawn asked. "Between you and the demon I mean?"

"Sometimes," Skye answered. "But you know me, Dawn, I can be pretty stubborn at times."

Dawn gave her a light smile. "I remember."

"Don’t discredit anything I tell you down there but don’t automatically accept anything either because, like I said, there’s two parts still inside and you’ll never know for sure which one is really speaking – not unless you find some magical spell or litmus test of some kind."

Dawn looked concerned. "But how can you still be in there? I mean Dana, Bonnie, that other girl…"

"Once I, well, the demon…was discovered I resolved myself to finding a way to keep the demon at bay but that might not always be the case. But then again…who’s to say, maybe I am the stronger of the two inside the body, you know? I can say I’ve been trying to reach you, to make you see there’s something else inside and since you’re here obviously I have on some level. I just can’t say for certain that every conversation you’ll have with me is actually the me you’ve come to know and not the demon gaining control."

"Well, I have a way to be totally sure," Dawn said with a smile.

"How’s that?" Skye asked.

"Because you’re coming back with me," Dawn answered firmly. "Your soul, 100% is going back inside your body when I take you there."

Cut To: Int. Slayer Gym – Dawn

The first hints of the approaching morning sun streamed through the large bay windows of the slayer gym, shining pink light on the tired faces of the assembled group. All eyes where facing forward fixed on Kennedy as she stood before the crowd.

Buffy watched from the doorway as Kennedy spoke. "I want two groups with Heli and Vi down on Pugh Street. Third group, you’re with me on Dover Ave. Split into teams of four or five and search everything, including the sewers." Kennedy paused as if unsure whether she should continue speaking. She took a deep breath. "Thirty-two people died last night because…

Fade To: Series of Shots – Same Time

Voiceover, Kennedy: "…we didn’t do our jobs. Because we weren’t there to protect them."

-- Jeff walking down a deserted council hallway looking worried.

-- Jeff opening the door to an empty coven room.

-- Jeff closing the door sadly.

Fade To: Series of Shots – Same Time

Voiceover, Kennedy: "I won’t allow that to happen again." -- Dawn sitting in a room looking to be deep in meditation.

-- Skye scrunched down in the corner of her cell crying.

Fade To: Series of Shots – Same Time

Voiceover, Kennedy: "You’ve all trained for this."

-- Rowena pulling out a large dusty volume from a shelf in the council library.

-- Robin examining a large demon claw with a junior watcher looking on.

-- Willow glued to a computer screen looking at sewer tunnel blueprints.

Fade To: Series of Shots – Moments Later

Voiceover, Kennedy: "You know what you have to do."

-- Xander handing out weapons to a queue of slayers.

-- Faith watching Buffy and Kennedy climb into a black council van.

-- Faith starting up her repaired Shadow Sabre.

-- Faith’s motorcycle peeling out of the council’s garage.

Fade To: Series of Shots – Later

Voiceover, Kennedy: "So go do it."

-- Vi leading a team of slayers through a dark sewer tunnel.

-- Heli nodding to another slayer as they walk through a dirty broken-down warehouse.

-- Buffy and Kennedy entering a back alley behind the Dover Avenue apartment building.

-- Faith getting off her motorcycle and walking towards a filthy looking door just below a carved wooden sign that read No Man’s Land.

Voiceover, Kennedy: "Go be slayers."

Cut to: Int. Coven Room – Same Time

Jeff walked in to see Willow putting away several books.

"I’ve looked everywhere," Jeff said as he walked deeper into the room. "She’s nowhere in the council and she’s not answering her cell."

"And she’s not in her room?"

"The door was locked when I went up and I didn’t hear anything on the other side," he replied.

Cut to: Int. Watchers Council – Hallway – Moments Later

"She’s not in-" Jeff stopped speaking as they approached Dawn’s door. Willow sniffed the air and Jeff followed suit. "I didn’t smell that last time," he finished.

"Lilac and sandalwood," Willow said in a worried tone.

"Reincarnation incenses," Jeff muttered.

At the same time both of them began to pound on the door.

"Dawn!" Willow yelled.

Cut to: Ext. Celestial Plain – Same Time

A light shot down from above Skye and Dawn.

"What’s happening?" Dawn asked.

"I don’t know," Skye replied.

"I’ve got to get you back now," Dawn said as she reached out for Skye. Her hand, however, fell just shy of making a connection.

The light now seemed to split in two separate directions – one to Dawn and one to Skye. Dawn tried to reach out with all her might but she still couldn’t touch Skye. She watched helplessly as Skye’s form began to flicker as the light around them grew brighter.

"No!" Dawn yelled as she watched Skye’s body fade even more. Still trying to reach out she watched as Skye completely disappeared from sight. "Noooo!" she screamed. The light grew even more intense and Dawn’s body began to convulse.

Cut to: Int. Dawn’s Room – Same Time

"Erumpo!" Willow yelled and the door burst open allowing her and Jeff to charge inside.

Jeff was ready to forge ahead as he watched Dawn’s body jerking uncontrollably but Willow grabbed him.

"No," she told him. "We do this carefully or we might lose her. Take my hand," she told him. "On three we jump into the circle at the same time and each of us takes one of Dawn’s hands. Don’t lose your grip on me no matter what. Understand?"

Jeff nodded.

"Do you understand?" Willow asked forcefully.

"Yes, my priestess," he replied.

"Good, on three. One, two, three!"

They both jumped and landed within the circle at the same time and the fog rippled at their entry.

"Again, on three," Willow told him. "One, two three!"

Both of them gripped Dawn’s hand at the same time and lightning seemed to shoot through all of them at once until coming to rest on Willow. "Hang on Dawnie!" Willow shouted through her clenched teeth. Suddenly the light burst from the top of Willow’s head and all three of them fell backward at once.

"I was so close…but…I lost her," Dawn said softly. She began to cry and roll into a fetal position.

"What did I tell you?" Willow shouted. "Why didn’t you listen?" Dawn didn’t respond. She just continued to quietly sob.

Willow rose unsteadily to her feet. "Dawn Summers, you are hereby removed from the coven. You are to be labeled a warlock from this day forward and you are forbidden from attempting any magic of any kind. Any violation of this and I will see that you are removed entirely and permanently from the Watchers Council."

"Willow," Dawn said as she pulled herself upright, tears still staining her face. "Don’t ‘Willow’ me right now," the high priestess said going to the door. "You could have killed yourself, and Jeff, and me…I don’t want to hear any debate." Willow then turned to Jeff. "Stay with her and be sure that Dr. Miller examines you both."

"Yes, my priestess," Jeff said and nodded obediently.

Without saying more, Willow walked slowly, taking unsteady steps as she made her way out the door.

Dawn buried her face in her hands.

Cut To: Int. No Man’s Land – Same Time

The front door to No Man’s Land swung open with such force that it crashed into the front wall, shattering a neon sign for Coors Light. Faith stepped through the doorway and surveyed the landscape of the surprisingly large pub.

The room held a host of demons in a variety of species, none of whom seemed to have noticed her less than stealthy entrance. To Faith’s left was a wall lined with poorly lit booths perfect for both clandestine meetings and shady dealings. On the floor was a red felt pool table currently occupied by a group of spiky-faced demons who looked as if they didn’t want to be bothered. To the right was the bar, which was very clean for a demon dive. In fact the whole establishment was surprisingly well kept compared to its front exterior.

Faith stepped to the left and walked down the bar scanning the demons. She stopped in front of a brown-horned demon who was hunched over his drink. Leaning up against the side of the bar, Faith tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jump and almost spill his drink.

"Slayer," he gulped in a nervous high-pitched voice. "Wh…What a surprise. If you’re looking for vampires you should try the Sunset Club."

"I’m not after vampires today," Faith answered menacingly. "I’m looking for some demons."

"Demons?" he whispered innocently.

"What can I get you?" asked the approaching bartender. Faith looked up as she stepped over to a woman whose nametag read Gabbie. Her human, flaming red hair and blue-green eyes looked completely out of place in the sea of demon faces. "Nothing," Faith replied giving her a curious look. She quickly turned her attention back to the brown-horned demon. "What do you know about the Dover Avenue Apartments?"

"What apartments?" the demon asked. "I don’t know anythi…OW," he cried as Faith slammed his head into the bar.

"Faith?" Gabbie called from the opposite side of the bar. "Are you sure I can’t get you anything?"

Faith let go of the demon. "How do you know my name?"

"Who doesn’t in this town?" Gabbie replied. "Dark-haired slayer, all attitude. Plus, you look too old to be Kennedy." Faith gave her an indignant look. "No offense," Gabbie added.

Faith eyed her curiously. "Well, chances are you heard about the apartment building. I’m looking for the demons that killed those people. What do you know about the Strieaufix?"

"Are you going to run my head into the bar too?" she asked.

"That all depends," Faith answered shortly.

"I know that they’re dead," the bartender answered. "You and the other slayers saw to that."

"Then what tore up those apartments?" Faith demanded.

"Something else," Gabbie replied. "But right now they’re the least of your worries," she added as she thrust her chin towards Faith.

"Why’s tha…" Faith wasn’t able to finish her thought as a pool cue collided with the side of her head dropping her to the floor. With a dazed expression on her face she looked up to see that the group of demons that had been shooting pool were now standing over her.

The largest of them grabbed Faith’s jacket and pulled her to her feet, pushing her against the side of the bar.

"You don’t belong here," the leader grunted before hurling Faith back towards the center of the room. She landed on the red felt of the pool table and rolled off the side.

As the demons closed in, Faith regained her senses and leapt to her feet just in time to block a punch from the leader. She pulled back his arm and kicked him hard in the chest. The rest of the pool players quickly attacked and were soon joined by the demons who had been watching from the bar.

Faith pulled a pool cue off the table and used it to counter attacks, getting in an offensive jab and kick whenever possible. Gabbie smiled and shook her head.

Cut To: Int. Watchers Library – Same Time

"I think I’ve got it!" Robin said loudly as he stood up holding a large book. Rowena rushed over. "They’re Selengus demons," Robin continued.

"Selengus?" Rowena looked confused. "But they don’t leave bones behind. Their bodies decompose within seconds."

"That’s true," Robin said holding up his book. "But the decomposition is only a reaction of the brain shutting down. An enzyme is released that eats away at the flesh. If the bones were removed before the demon was dead they would remain intact." He set down the book and pointed to a passage of text. "The bone structure matches the description. And then there’s the genus."

"The Selengus are genus Azile," Rowena stated.

"The same as the Strieaufix," Robin replied. "They also have the same body type and nesting habits. They’re nocturnal and very terr…"

"Territorial," Rowena sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. She thought for a moment and then gasped, "Oh god. This is our fault." She sat down in the closest chair.

"Ro?" Robin asked, concern in his voice. "I’m not sure I follow you here."

"We have to call Kennedy," she said as she stared at a picture of the Selengus in Robin’s book. "And we should see if Willow’s got anything yet."

Cut To: Ext. Dover Avenue – Moments Later

Kennedy closed her phone as Buffy looked on. "That was Robin. They typed the bones. It’s not our guys, but something similar. Rowena thinks they might be our killers."

"Any locations yet?" Buffy asked. "Yeah, Willow identified a few," Kennedy said reaching for the radio on her belt. "Attention Slayers Two and Three. I have possible targets for you. Vi, take your slayers and check out the drainage tunnels at the end of Irving Place." Kennedy waited for Vi to acknowledge.

"I’m on it," Vi’s voice answered.

"Heli, I want you and the rest of the slayers in the sewers under Lewis Circle," Kennedy continued.

"Affirmative," Heli replied.

Kennedy adjusted the radio channel and spoke again. "My team, we’re going to Allen’s Alley. There’s a bunch of old buildings we should check out."

Cut To: Int. No Man’s Land – Same Time

The battle raged on as Faith incapacitated a purple-skinned demon by launching the 8 ball at his forehead. He fell to the floor, joining several other unconscious demons that were already down for the count. Faith surveyed the remaining demons. Two of the pool players remained, one of which was the leader, along with three demons from the bar. They held position in front of her waiting for her to make the next move.

Suddenly someone grabbed Faith from behind, locking her arms tightly at her side. She glanced back as she struggled to free herself. Instinctively the slayer threw back her head into the attacker. She let out a loud cry of pain as she realized her mistake. The demon holding her was one of the spiky-faced pool players.

"Okay, now I’m pissed," Faith replied as she pulled her arm free and elbowed the demon in the stomach. As he reared over in pain she quickly grabbed his neck and twisted until she heard a crack.

Faith turned to the rest of the demons, none of whom looked eager to continue. The brown- haired slayer launched herself forward landing a series of punches on the nearest bar dweller. The demon didn’t have time to react before Faith took hold of his shirt collar and heaved him over the bar into the shelves of alcohol. Gabbie continued to clean a beer mug nonchalantly as she shook her head.

Quickly, Faith whipped around and landed a side kick on a second bar dweller, knocking him across the room. She ducked a punch from the pool leader and kicked him into a bar stool. Rushing over she grabbed him before he could stand up and punched him hard in the face, making sure to avoid the spikes. "Tell me where the other demons are!" She punched him again as the other demons fled the bar. The spiky-faced demon tried to get up but Faith held him down. He growled, "They live in a warehouse at the end of Allen’s Alley." He began to laugh.

"What’s so funny?" Faith barked.

"Your council," he continued laughing. "You call us demons, but look at what you’ve done."

"What are you talking about?" Faith asked.

"The Strieaufix and the Selengus," the demon explained. "They’ve been fighting each other for months. They would have killed each other off eventually. But you…your council had to get involved."

"Still haven’t jumped aboard your train of thought here, Buddy."

"You were set up," he laughed. "You killed one side of a war because that’s what the other wanted. After you did that, what did you think was going to happen? They went to town on everyone else in the area, humans included." He grinned up at Faith. "Man, you guys are never going to survive the coming battle."

Faith got an angry look on her face and snapped his neck quickly. She pulled out her phone and moved towards the door.

"Leaving so soon?" Gabbie called from behind the bar. She looked unscathed.

"Sorry about the mess," Faith replied. She pulled out a couple of hundred dollar bills and put them on the bar before she continued towards the door.

"Are you?" Gabbie asked. Faith stopped and turned to face her.

"If it’s more than that," Faith replied, nodding towards the money, "let the council know. They’ll take care of it."

"Money doesn’t fix all the council’s problems," Gabbie answered.

Faith eyed her curiously for a moment and looked as if she wanted to speak. Several seconds passed before Faith turned and continued out the door, dialing Kennedy’s number along the way.

From the dark recesses of the corner tables, Dr. Wagner stepped out and made her way to the bar.

"She’s certainly a sight to see, isn’t she?" Wagner asked.

"That she is," Gabbie answered as she looked at the mess around her. "Such determination, such passion. This battle just might get interesting after all," Wagner replied.

"That it might," Gabbie answered casually as she continued to clean her mug.

"I feel like waffles," Wagner said out of nowhere. The comment made Gabbie look over at her. "Wanna go grab some waffles with me? Strawberry topping, maybe a side of bacon?"

Gabbie shrugged. "Battle’s not here just yet and it seems like forever since I had a waffle. Sure, why not?"

She put the mug on the bar and tossed the rag in the sink.

"Hey, Donny?" she called down to the end of the bar where a Clem-looking demon sat. "I’m gonna grab some food. Keep watch until I get back?"

"Sure, Gabbie," he answered.

"Thanks," she answered as she grabbed her coat and then motioned to Wagner. "Let’s go," she told the blonde.

Cut To: Int. Abandoned Warehouse – Moments Later

"Faith was right," Kennedy said as she entered a large room in the back of the abandoned warehouse. On the floor before her were thirty or so sleeping demons.

She turned around to where Buffy was waiting with the rest of the team. "Everybody get ready!" she ordered.

The slayers fanned out and each slayer took a creature for herself. In a fast paced scurry that only took seconds they decimated the demons.

Fade To: Int. Infirmary – Night Dawn lay on a hospital gurney looking more depressed than injured or tired, her back to Jeff. He sat in a chair thumbing through a book.

"They hate me," Dawn muttered. She rolled over and faced him. "You hate me too, don’t you?"

"I don’t hate you and they don’t hate you either," Jeff replied. "If anything they love you. That’s why they’re pretty mad. But hate? No, I don’t think they could ever hate you."

"I messed things up – totally."

Jeff gave a slow nod. "I have to agree with you there. But you’re still alive so you should be thankful."

"Yeah, I’m thankful alright. I have a life of being the coven outcast to look forward to."

"But you still have a slayer to look after. They could have totally stripped you of all your titles."

"Is that the silver lining of the dark cloud?" Dawn asked.

Jeff shrugged. "The decision coulda been worse. We both know that."

A small knock at the doorframe made both of them turn. Shannon stood there looking unsure.

"Come on in," Jeff told her and motioned to the chair beside him. "Have a seat."

Shannon seemed to almost tiptoe inside. "I thought I’d stop by. There’s talk going on."

"And what talk would that be?" Dawn asked. Shannon looked reluctant. "It’s okay," Dawn coaxed.

"Well, the girls are saying you’re out and I’m gonna end up with a new watcher." The slayer was quiet for a moment. "I hope not because I finally broke you in," Shannon teased.

For the first time since laying there, Dawn smiled. "I’m still your watcher, Shannon." Slowly the smile slipped from her face. "I’m just not part of the coven anymore," she added quietly.

"Why? Just because you did a spell?" Shannon asked.

"No," Dawn replied. "Because I didn’t follow the rules when I should have." "Kinda like when you tell me to run five laps but I run three instead." Dawn got a look of realization on her face. "Uh, that’s just a ‘what if’ kinda thingy. I don’t really…you know…"

Dawn slowly smiled again. "Uh huh," she said with a nod. "Anyway, it’s kinda like that…but a lot worse. I hurt a lot of people and I coulda hurt myself."

Shannon chewed on her lip a moment. "If you don’t mind me saying…that sounds kinda dumb and you don’t strike me as a dumb person," Shannon finally answered.

"All of us are prone to occasional stupidity. Even us watcher types," Dawn replied.

"But why?" Shannon asked, genuinely hoping for an answer.

Dawn gave her a melancholy grin. "Because as Xander once told me, ‘Love makes you do the wacky,’" she replied.

Shannon shrugged but seemed to accept the answer.

Fade To: Int. Lounge – Night

The familiar Jeopardy theme sounded through the lounge as Faith, Robin, Vi, Xander, and Andrew sat vegged out on various pieces of furniture. Tracey rounded the sofa and sat down on the floor between Andrew’s legs, setting down a bowl of popcorn in front of them.

"Oh!" Tracey exclaimed in disgust. "When did Alex shave off his mustache?"

"A while ago," Vi answered from her place on the sofa. She reached over Tracey to get to the popcorn and added, "At least a year, I think."

Tracey handed her the bowl. "Why would he shave it off? It was his thing. It’d be like Faith swearing off leather."

Everyone turned to Faith who was lying on the sofa with her head in Robin’s lap. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t respond. Robin looked to Tracey, "I’ll say ‘Hey!’ on her behalf."

"Well, I think he looks good without it," Andrew said taking the popcorn bowl from Vi. "Ten years younger at least."

"Do you think I’d look good with a mustache?" Xander asked as he rubbed his chin.

"Don’t even think about it," Vi replied quickly.

"Well, what about me?" Andrew asked. "Think I’d look good with one?" Tracey giggled, "Andrew you can’t even grow one." Everyone laughed.

"Well, I can grow a mustache obviously," Robin said. "But I think I’d rather have a beard. Do you guys think I should lose the goatee?"

"Don’t even think about it," Faith muttered from his lap without opening her eyes. Robin frowned.

No one else spoke as Alex read the clue for mountains. "This mountain, the highest peak in Iran, stands at over eighteen thousand feet."

"What is Mount Damavand?" Xander answered quickly. Everyone stared at him. "What?" he asked innocently as he rubbed his left eye.

"What is Mount Damavand?" One of the contestants answered from the TV a few seconds later.

Vi slugged him in the arm. "Cheater." Xander grinned.

Across the room, Rowena watched her friends sitting together. She moved to join them but stopped. She turned and left the room.

Cut To: Int. Slayer Training Room – Moments Later

Rowena entered the room to find Buffy pounding away at a hanging bag. Willow sat not far away, looking at a book of some kind. Buffy landed a series of punches and kicks in rapid succession without any hint of slowing down. Rowena walked closer and came into Buffy’s view. She raised a hand giving Buffy a small wave.

Buffy slowed her pace but didn’t stop. "What’s up?" Buffy asked, the comment making Willow look up from her reading material.

"Just thought I’d check up on you guys," Rowena answered. "Everyone’s watching Jeopardy in the lounge if you want to…"

"No thanks," the slayer replied quickly. "I’m not really in the mood for trivia. But Willow might."

"No," the witch answered, "but thanks for thinkin’ of us." For a long moment no one said anything more.

"It’s not your fault, guys. Not Dawn, not the demon nest. None of this," Rowena said stepping closer to Buffy but looking at them both. Neither Buffy nor Willow answered. Rowena looked at the floor where a couple sets of paddles were strewn about. "You want to do some paddle work?"

Buffy stopped pushing the bag and turned to Rowena.

"Sure," she replied. She began removing the tape from her wrists. "It’s been a while since I’ve done any real training," Buffy said with a hint of sadness.

Rowena held up a paddle for Buffy to kick and mirrored the slayer’s sentiment.

"Yeah, me too."

Fade to Black

Guest staring Sarah Michelle Geller as Buffy Summers and Emma Caulfield as Anya

End of Rules of Engagement

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