Iron Content in Leached Maroon Forested Soils from the Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountain

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Iron Content in Leached Maroon Forested Soils from the Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountain

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 6-8, 2004 Copyright © 2004 The Trakia University Available online at: ISSN 1312-1723


Stoyanka Eneva, Vera Barakova*

Department of Plant Production, Faculty of Agriculture, The Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

ABSTRACT An evaluation of iron content in chromic cambisoils from the Sarnena Gora Mountain was done and the results compared with the average values for the same soil type in the country. For this purpose, data on iron content of soil from the villages of Pastrovo, Kazanka, and Stara Zagora Municipality, were used. The soil samples were obtained from a depth of 0-20 cm and analyzed in Umweltinstitut, Stuttgart, Germany. The results showed that the iron concentration in soil samples from those villages was lower than the reported average values for the same type of soils within the country, and suggested no soil iron contamination of anthropogenic origin in the area of interest. It was proposed that the low concentration was due to specific mineral composition of soils and prevalence of minerals with low iron content.

Key words: Soil, Iron, Minerals.

INTRODUCTION Iron accumulates in extreme amounts in vegetative organs (leaves, stems, branches), Iron, though in small amounts, is one of the in roots and, to a lesser extent, in minerals required by plants for a healthy reproductive organs (seeds, fruits). growth. This mineral element is utilized by With humans iron belongs to Toxic plants in the following forms: ferrous or Fe2+, Group IV and shows a low toxic and low risk ferric or the Fe3+ and the chelated or harmful effect (BSS 16608-87, 2). conjugated type. Higher soil iron No data on soil iron content in the concentration could spell some harm, Sarnena Gora Mountain and Stara Zagora especially with the ferrous form of the District exist as of now. However, some element (1)  information on soil heavy metal and In plants iron is found bound mainly to metalloids contamination exist with respect various amino acids that form part of the to the Pastrovo and Kazanka villages in the plant proteins; it binds also to some other Stara Zagora District. polymers. Iron is involved in the enzyme Considering the importance of metal systems. For example, it actively participates contamination to human and animal lives we in redox reactions of photosynthesis, therefore determined to set the goal of respiration, biosynthesis of proteins and analyzing the iron content in the soils of the chlorophyll, biological binding of Sarnena Gora Mountain and to compare the atmospheric nitrogen, and in the reduction of results obtained with the average values for nitrates and nitrites (1). the same soil type within Bulgaria. Deficiency of iron in plants, especially in fruit trees, including grapes and roses, MATERIAL AND METHODS results in chlorosis. The mentioned agricultural crops are characteristic for the To meet the goal of the survey, performed in area of study. the Stara Zagora Municipality, soil In raspberries iron excess leads to, specimens from Pastrovo and Kazanka were anthracnose. analyzed for their iron content. Samples for analysis were collected as follows:

  Specimen No. 1: Area of Pastrovo, non- Vera Barakova, Department Plant production cultivated area; Faculty of Agriculture; Trakia University, Stara Zagora 6000, Bulgaria; Tel:042/ 2801-20-96. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004 6  Specimen No. 2: Lane in the area of Table 1 shows that the iron content in Kazanka; Specimen No. 1 and Specimen No. 3 (from  Specimen No. 3: Park lane in the centre the area of Pastrovo) is 0.37% and 0.56% of Pastrovo. respectively, whereas that in Specimen No. 2 (Kazanka) is 0.92%. Chromic cambisoils and shallow undeveloped soils (partially or heavily Table 1. Iron content of the soil specimens eroded) prevail in the Sarnena Gora Mountain. Their chemical composition is Specimen Iron content, pH (H2O) relatively diverse and depends on the soil- No. % forming rocks – mainly magmatic gneisses 1 0,37 5.40 (metamorphic rocks originating from 2 0,92 5.89 granite). The transformation ranges from 3 0,56 7.34 biotite to muscovite-biotite gneisses. At some places they change into gneiss-schists and The lower soil iron content in the area of schists (3). Pastrovo could be due to the higher degree of According to Dabovski et al. (4) soil erosion, resulting in removal of a magmatic gneisses occupy the northern considerable part of the superficial soil layer. slopes of Sarnena Gora situated between the According to Stanchev et al. (1), the village Alexandrovo and the town of Pavel iron content of Bulgarian soils ranges from Banya. Their profiles are well exposed on the 0.2% to 1.2%. According to the Atlas of the southern flanks of the mountain, between the Soils in Bulgaria (5), the iron content of villages of Chehlare and Pastrovo. Data for a chromic cambisoils varies from 2.46% and larger massive of xenolites, non-typical 3.26% in the upper 20-cm layer and it granites, are reported for the area of Kazanka increases in depth. In B horizon (40-104 cm) and southwards from Rozovo. it varies from 4.35% to 5.36%. Soils associated with granite rocks are The comparative analysis showed that rich in silica, potassium, and deficient in iron the iron content in the analyzed soil and aluminum (5). specimens from the areas of survey was The soils in the area of Kazanka are within the known values for the country and slightly eroded chromic cambisoils. On the for the particular soil type. The iron content other hand, the soils in the region of Pastrovo in Specimens No. 1 and Specimen No. 2 was, are partially or heavily eroded chromic respectively, 6.6 and 2.7 times lower that the cambisoils. upper limit of 2.46%, cited in the Soil Atlas The soil specimens were collected in of Bulgaria (5). December 2002. The method of sampling, A soil pH values between 4 and 6 transportation and conservation were indicate the most favorable conditions for the performed according to the requirements of plant iron supply. In our case, the observed the normative document 27B/2000, reference reaction (pH) was within this range for to ISO 5667/3/85, BM27B/2000. Following Specimen No.1 and Specimen No.2. pH the requirements, single manual samplings lower than 4 indicated increased iron were collected at a depth of 0-10 cm. mobility and in this case iron concentration The active reaction (pH) of the soil could become toxic to plants. samples was tested in an aqueous extract. For pH values of 6 and greater than 8 The analyses of the iron content were done (1), the iron content is in the form of according to method EN ISO 11885 in insoluble hydroxides and cannot be utilized Umweltinstitut laboratory – Stuttgart, by the plants (Specimen No. 3). Germany. CONCLUSIONS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the analysis of soil iron content The results of the Umwelttinstitut laboratory from the Sarnena Gora Mountain – the analyses were reported in the protocols as villages of Pastrovo and Kazanka, reported total iron concentrations in mg/kg of dry soil. by Umweltinstitut showed an iron content Unification of the dimensions was that was lower than the average reported for necessary due to the fact that the iron content the same soil type within Bulgaria. of Bulgarian soils in specialized literature in The comparative analysis with the superficial layers (0-30 cm) and the soil layer available reference data does not suggest soil of interest are reported in weight percentages. contamination with iron of anthropogenic origin.

7 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004 The low iron concentration suggests related Academy of Sciences Publishing House, low mineral composition of soils, where Sofia, 1995. minerals (biotite, muscovite-biotite gneisses 4. Dabovski, H., Paleosoic magmatism, and schists) with low iron content prevail. formation of South-Bulgarian granitoids, neointrusive formation of Sredna Gora, REFERENCES Tehnika, Sofia, 1968. 5. Koinov, V., Kabakchiev I. and Boneva 1. Stanchev, L. et al., Agrochemistry, K., Soil Atlas of Bulgaria, Zemizdat, Zemizdat, Sofia, 1989. Sofia, 1998. 2. Gandev, V., Il. Ivanov, Applied labor hygiene, Meditsina i Fizkultura, Sofia, **This article was written during the 1989. consideration of the destruction of heads of 3. Tsankov, Ts., Filipov L. and Natskov Russian missiles CC-23 on a military firing N., Geological map of Bulgaria, a ground in the region of the Sarnena Gora report, Card list of Kazanlak, Bulgarian Mountain and its influence on the environment.

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004 8

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