District Small Savings Office, Kalahandi
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District Small savings Office, Kalahandi
This hand book compiled to provide information to the people in general regarding Small Savings Schemes, Small Savings Incentives Schemes, Small Savings Organisation at different levels and their activities. If some body wants more information he can contact Sub-Divisional Small Savings Officer in Sub-collector’s Office of District Small Savings Officers in Collectorate ( Sanchaya Bhawan Bhawanipatna), Head Postmaster or Sub Postmaster in Post Office or an Agent of Small Savings
Manual I Particulars of Organisation, Functions & Duties { Section-4 (1) (b) (i) }
(1) Aims and Objectives of the Organization :
Prior to independence National Savings, which is one of the most common means of savings by the people of the country was also serving as a resources mobilization for collecting money for War purpose by the British Govt. has undergone a radical change and became the biggest Bank serving common people,. To cater the simple need of savings by the villagers and urban areas the initial deposit has been kept as low as Rs. 50 and subsequent deposit is as low as Rs.5.00 so that any men and women both literate and illiterate can avail the banking facility at the village level.
As such the main objectives of the small Savings organization are:-
To make aware of the people regarding the benefit of thrift. Assess common peoples need for savings. Mop up savings for Nation building. Instead of borrowing from foreign fund, it is collected from the Citizen.
It is not a profit earning organization it is a welfare organization serving common people having a social objective i.e. to strengthen the economic condition of the people and the State
(2) Mission & Vision :
The small savings organization makes attempt to make the savings movement as a mass movement through various means, to increase domestic savings, which ultimately strengthen the country’s economy and teach the people the importance of savings. The instrument floated by the National Savings which cater the need of people of different economic status. The details of the schemes are furnished below :
(3) Brief History and background for its establishment :
In order to promote household savings, Govt. of India has established National Savings through Post Offices. The Post Office savings Bank is now the biggest bank serving the smallest man in the country and truly called the peoples Bank. It has a network of about 1,52,000 branches doing savings bank throughout India out of which 1,30,000 are in rural sector serving the simple needs of rural population. It has along history dating back to 1882. In the beginning the objective of POSB was to encourage the habit of thrift among common man but the concept undergone a radical change during last four decades. From the restricted objective of providing a facility to public to deposit their small savings, it has became a medium of mobilizing large resources running into hundreds of crores every year for plan project. 38% of the total collection on small savings in the country are drawn from the rural population. It has penetrated the farthest and isolated villages in India. Post Office savings bank is now a major instrument available to the Govt. for mopping up savings both in the urban and rural areas.
Constitution of Orissa Small Savings Organisations under Finance Department as a parallel institution of National Savings Organisation, Govt. of India was contemplated in 1966. In 1966 District Samall Savings Supervisors were appointed in selected districts like cuttack, Puri, Sundargarh, Keonjhar etc. Lagter in 1972 govt. of Orissa took initiative to have a full fledged organization with a separate Directorate in Finance Department. In 1974 Samll Savings Officers were posted in all Sub-Division. Prior to this District Savings Officers were working in all districts under National Savings Organisations.
Agency Function :
The Post Office savings bank in an agency function performed by the Department of Post on behalf of Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India. The Ministry of Finance are paying remuneration for the work to the Deptt. of Post for every savings bank and certificate transaction at the rate fixed from time to time.
Role of National Savings Organisation :
The rules of National Savings are framed by the Ministry of Finance(DEA) in consultation with National Savings Commissioner &Deptt. of Posts. Promotion of business in the Post Office is mainly concern of National Savings Organisation. This organization is solely responsible for publicity of the various schemes and works for the promotion of the ideal of thrift as a way of life among the people.
The National savings organization is headed by National Savings commissioner with Hqs. at Nagpur. The National Savings central Advisory Board, a non-official body exist at the apex to assist and advise the Govt. on measures to spread the National Savings movement. The National Savings organization work in close coordination with the State Govt. deptts, Deptt. of Post and other organizations. These includes various measures such as development of Agency system, strengthening cadre of agents, utilizing central and state Govt. organization for promotion and publicity organizations and enlisting cooperation of non-officials and voluntary organization and individuals.
Role of State Govt. :
The National savings Collections invested in National Savings Schemes became available resources for development to the central and state Govt. 80% of the net collection in a year in the state is available as loan to the state Govt. The State Govt., therefore take keen interest and work jointly with the National Savings Organisation for promotion of savings in the state. Orissa Govt. in the Deptt. of finance has set up its own small savings organizations with Small savings Directorate at state Hqs. And offices at Dist and Sub-Division level.
Role of Deptt. of Post :
The Deptt. of Posts runs the savings bank as an agent of the Ministry of Finance. Most of the National Savings Schemes are operated and serviced by the network of Post Offices spread throughout the Country. Happily, the Post Office savings Bank organization has been playing an increasing effective role for promotion of the movement in the rural areas through extra departmental branch post masters of the village post office who are granted incentive commission for increasing collection in their post offices.
Role of Nationalized Bank :
Many Nationalized banks are also operating schemes of National Savings like public provident fund and senior citizen savings schemes on incentive basis and large No. of depositors are covered both by the post office and banks in these schemes.
(4) & (5) The main duty of the public authority is to increase Small Savings collection. Appointment and renewal of Agency under the MPKBY and SAS and organization of Small Savings Incentives Schemes are the main activities of the organization. Agents are the grass root level workers of Small Savings Organisation. There are three types of Small Savings Agency. 1. Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana ( MPKBY) 2. Standardised Agency System ( SAS) 3. P.P.F Agency ( PPF)
The agency under the MPKBY is given to ladies only to mobilize Small Savings through Post Office Recurring Deposit Scheme. They are appointed by the Collector. They provide door to door service and get Commission at the rate of 4 % of deposits. There are 72 MPKBY agents in Kalahandi district.
The agency under the SAS is granted to both gents and ladies. They mobilize Small Savings through Post Office Monthly Income Scheme, Post Office Time Deposits, Kishan Vikas Patra, National Savings Certificte VIII Issue and senior citizen Savings scheme. They provide door to door service and get commission at the rate of 1% of deposits. They are appointed by the Sub-Collectors and Collector. There are 50 number of S.A.S. agents in the district.
The agency under the P.P.F. is granted to any willing S.A.S. agents. The P.P.F agents mobilize Small Savings through 15 years Public Provident Fund Scheme. They are appointed by the Deputy Director, Small Savings-Cum-Deputy Secretary to Govt, Finance Department, Government of Odisha. They get commission at the rate of ½ % of deposits. There is no P.P.F agent is Kalahandi district.
Organisation of Small Savings Incentive Scheme is an important job of the Small Savings Organisation. “AI” Series Small Savings Incentive Scheme is in operation. The period of the scheme is 1.1.2011 to 31.12.2011. Any depositor under Kishan Vikas Patra, Post Office Monthly Income Scheme, 5 years POTD, NSC VIII issue P.P.F, SCSS and PORD who deposit in any post office in Odisha during 1.1.2011 to 31.12.2011 is entitled to get free coupon at the rate of One coupon per Rs. 2000/- deposit.
The free coupons are supplied by the Government of Odissa to the District Small Savings Officer. The DSSO, issues coupon to eligible depositors in his office at Sanchaya Bhawan, Bh. Patna and supplies the same to all blocks except Sadar block, In block offices the coupons are issued by the SEO/LSEO.
The draw of the series will be held on 26.02.2012 at Bhubaneswar. Prize Profile from ‘AI’ Series Small Savings Incentive Scheme Category of Prize No. of Prize Prize amount 1st 01 Rs. 4 Lakhs 2nd 01 Rs. 2 Lakhs 3rd 02 Rs. 1 Lakh 4th 02 Rs. 50,000 5th 20 Rs. 5000/- 65h 2000 Rs. 2000/-
(6) Details of Service rendered :
Select prospective agents/appoint the agents/training to agents/solving agents problems. Coordinate with the postal authority for redressal of grievance of common investors, through Divisional postal coordination committee/Dak Adalat. Guiding investors for rightful investment/publicizing various schemes. Implementing small savings incentive schemes run by state Govt. through issuing free incentive coupons to investors of R.D.,K.V.P.,N.S.C.,M.I.S., P.P.F. & SC SS Schemes. Promoting Pay Roll Savings.
Ministry of Finance(Govt. of India)
National Savings Commissioner National Savings
Department of Regional Institute Directorate of Small Savings Posts National Savings Finance Department Kolkata ,GOI, (Govt. of Orissa)
Director, Small Savings-cum-Additional Secretary to Government
Deputy Director, Small Savings- cum – Deputy Secretary to Government
Assistant Director, Small Savings –cum- Under Secretary to Government
Dist. Small Savings Officer (In each Dist. At Collectorate)
Small Savings Officer (In each Sub-Collector’s Office)
(8) Public authority expects trust of the people in Small Savings Schemes.
(9) Accord publicity to Small Savings Schemes and Small Savings Incentive Scheme. (10) Verification of ASLAAS- 5 cards of MPKBY agents and checking of receipt books of SAS agents are the mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery of agents. Public grievances are attended in consultation with the Post Office, in the Divisional Postal Co-ordination Committee Meeting held quarterly and in the DAK ADALAT. The DAK ADALAT sits quarterly where any investor can lodge complaint freely with simple letter super scribing “DAK ADALAT” before the Superintendent of Post Offices, Kalahandi Division, Bhawanipatna, PMG, Berhampur/CPMG, Bhubaneswar who act as appellate authority.
(11) Postal Address of Main Offices attached/Sub-Ordinate Office field unit :
Sub-Divisional Small Savings Officer, Bhawanipatna. Office of the Sub-Collector, Bhawanipatna.
Small Savings Officer, Dharamgarh. Sub-Collector’s Office, Dharamgarh.
( 12 & 13) Working Hours for the office and Public/Public Interaction :
The working hour for office and public are 10A.M. to 5P.M. No separate hour has been fixed for public and any public is free to contact, take assistance from the organization any time during office hour.
Power & duties Officers and Employee Section 4(i) (b) (II)
Sl.N Designation Powers Duties attached o. of Post Administrative Financial Statutory Others 1 Dist. Small Full Full Nil Nil Overall Savings ( Delegated functioning of Officer by Office Collector) administration
2. One Jr. Clerk To maintain all Nil All the function records files of the office. correspondence 3. One Peon Assist the Govt, Assist the Govt, work work MANUAL – 3 Producer followed in decision making process Section 4 (1) (b) (III)
1. Subject in which the decision is to be taken: Granting fresh agency and Renewal of Small Savings agency under the Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachat Yojana and Standardised Agency System. Organisation of Small Savings Incentive Scheme. 2. Guidelines/Direction if any:- ‘Executive Insturctions’ issued by the Government of Odisha, Post office Small Savings Scheme- Part I, II & III, Odisha State Small Savings Incentive Scheme Rules,2011. 3. Process of Execution:- The Clerk attached to the office puts up the application within 3 days of receipt to the D.S.S.O., Kalahandi. The D.S.S.O., Kalahandi puts up the application for fresh appointment/renewal of agents to the Collector, Kalahandi. 4. Designation of Officers involved in decision making: (a) Sub-Divisional Small Savings Officer, Bhawanipatna. Sub-Collector, Bhawanipatna. (b) S.D.S.S.O, Dharamgarh, Sub-Collector, Dharamgarh (c) District Small Savings Officer, Kalahandi Collector, Kalahandi.
5. Contact Information of above mentioned Officer: (a) Office of the Sub-Collector, Bhawanipatna (b) Office of the Sub-Collector, Dharamgarh (c) Collectorate, Bhawanipatna Sanchaya Bhawan, Bhawanipatna.
6. Not applicable:
MANNUL-4 Norms set for discharge of functions Section 4 (1) (b) (IV) Please provide the details of the Norms/Standards set by the department for execution of various activities/programmes. Sl. No. Activity Time Frame/Norms Remarks 1 Diary of letter 3 minutes per letter 2. Despatch of letter 10 minutes per letter including the entry in messenger book 3. Typing jobs 1o pages 4. Issue of Incentive 5 minutes per coupon including coupons entry in coupon register 5. Fresh appointment 7 days and renewal of small savings agents MANNUL-5 Rules, Regulations , Instructions, Manuals & Records for discharging functions Section 4 (1) (b) (V) Sl. Name/Title of Type of Brief From where Address Tel. Fee No. the document document writeup of one can get a No. Fax, E- charged by the copy mail the Dept. documents for a copy. 1. Post Office Written & Conteins Book workd Ph. No. Rs. 120/- Small Savings published rules and 6723, Block 25724981 per part Scheme Part I, by A.N. regulation No. 10 9811728675 II & III by A.N. Dureja regarding Pyarelal Rood Dureja S.S. Dev. Nagar Schemes & New Delhi- Agency 110005 System 2 Public -do- Contains -do- -do- Rs. 70/- Provident rules per part Fund Act and residing 15 scheme years PPF POSSS part scheme One-A by A.N. Dureja
MANNUL-6 Statement of categories of documents that are held by it for under its control Section 4 (1) (b) (VI) Sl. Category Name of the document and Procedure to Held by/under No. of the its introduction on line obtain the control of document document 1 2 3 4 5 1 Permanent Agents Register Apply under RTI Clerk attached to the section/ DSSO, Kalahandi 2. Permanent Agents MPR Register -do- -do- 3. Permanent Guard File of Certificate of -do- -do- Authority of MPKBY agents 4. Permanent Guard file of certificate of -do- -do- Authority of SAS Agents 5. Permanent Pay Acquittance Roll -do- -do- 6. Permanent Bill Register -do- -do- 7. Permanent Contingent Register -do- -do- 8. Permanent Cash Book -do- -do- 9 Permanent Cheque Book Register -do- -do- 10 Temporary Incentive Scheme coupon -do- -do- issue Register 11 Permanent Book Of Drawal
MANNUL-7 & 8 Not administered
Directories of Officers & Employees Sl. Name Designat STD Phone No. Fax E-Mail Address No. ion Code Office Home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 B.K. Satapathy I/C 06670 230772 - - - Sanchaya DSSO, Bhawan Kld Bh. Patna 2 Manapati Jani Sr. Clerk 06670 230772 - - - -do-
MANNUL-10 The monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and employees including the system compensation as provided in the regulations. Section 4 (1) (b) (X) Sl. Name Designation Pay scale/ Compensation/ Procedure to determine No. Monthly Compensatory the remuneration as Remuneration allowance given in the regulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Bijaya Kumar DSSO, Kld 9300-4200- Nil As per the scale Satapathy 34600/- prescribed by the Govt. 2 Manapati Jani Sr. Clerk, I/C 5200-2400- Nil -do- 20200
MANNUL-11 to 15 Not administered
List of Asst. Public Information Officers
Sl. Name of the Designati STD Phone No. Fax E-Mail Address No. PIO/APIO on Code Office Home 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Sri Krushna Deputy 06670 - - - - Collectorate, Ch. Mallick, Collector, Kalahandi OAS Gen-Misc 2 Sri B.K. DSSO, Kld. 06670 230772 - - - Sanchar Satapathy Bhaban, Bh. Patna MANUAL 17
The year wise target and achievement of Kalahandi are shown below(for the last 20 years) :
Year Target fixed(In Lakhs) Achievement(In Rs.) Percentage (1) (2) (3) (4) 1985-86 180 44,50,000 24.72 86-87 120 90,89,000 74.74 87-88 180 91,08,000 50.60 88-89 180 1,11,20,000 61.77 89-90 400 4,39,43,000 109.85 90-91 450 1,00,71,000 22.38 91-92 450 1,68,69,000 37.48 92-93 450 2,61,25,000 58.05 93-94 400 3,24,45,000 81.11 94-95 400 4,84,12,000 121.03 95-96 500 6,14,37,000 123 96-97 600 4,25,30,000 70.88 97-98 600 5,18,25,000 86.37 98-99 600 5,63,20,000 93.86 99-2000 600 6,04,79,000 101 2000-01 700 6,62,34,000 94.7 01-02 700 5,80,34,000 83 02-03 600 7,98,08,000 133 03-04 1100 15,23,11,000 138 04-05 1700 13,83,35,000 81.37 05-06 1900 14,88,82,851 78.36 06-07 1700 10,95,18,962 64.42 07-08 1200 3,96,61,195 33.05 08-09 700 3,94,78,862 56 09-10 700 3,87,87,519 55.43 10-11 400 13,88,97,502 347 11-12 1500 SMALL SAVINGS SCHEME AT A GLANCE
Sl. Name of the Rate of Maturity Minimum Deposit Other Facilities. No Scheme Interest Period 1. Post Officer Savings 3.5 % Minimum Rs.50.00 Cheque facility available Bank Account Per Annum Maximum Limit Interest exempt from Individual – Rs. Income Tax. 1Lakhs Jointly – Rs.2 Lakhs 2. Recurring Deposit Rs.10/- 5 years Rs.10/- or Multiple Rs. Insurance benefit Account account account 5/- covered up to Rs.50/- fetches can be denomination. Rs.728.90 continued Premature encashment on maturity for available after 3 years. another term. 3. Term Deposit Interest payable 1 Year account 6.25 % Rs.50/- annually. But calculated 2 Year account 6.50% Maximum- no limit quarterly. 3 Year account 7.25 % 4 Year account 7.50 % 5 Year account 4. Public Provident 8 % per Minimum Rs.500/- Interest exempted from fund account annum 15 years Maximum Rs.70,000/- Income Tax. Withdrawal compounde In a financial year is permissible from 7th d quarterly. Financial Year. 5. Post Office Monthly 8 % per 6th years Minimum Rs.1,000/- After Completion of 6 income Scheme annum Maximum limit- years 10 % Bonus also Interest Individual Rs.3 Lakhs payable on maturity payable Jointly Rs.6 Lakhs value. monthly 6. Kisan Vikah Patra Money 8 years 7 Rs.100/- Pre mature facility double in 8 months Maximum- no Limit payable after completion years 7 of 2 and half years. month 7. National Savings 8 % per 6 years Rs.100 Income rebate available Certificates VIII annum Maximum- no Limit under section 80 L & 88 issue interest Premature facility compounde available after d half completion of 3 years. yearly 8. Senior Citizen 9 % per 5 years Rs.1,000/- or Multiple Account can be opened Savings Scheme annum thereof . in SBI or selected payable Maximum- 15 Lakhs. Nationalized Bank or quarterly Post Office.
Nomination and transferred facilities are available in all schemes.