January 16, 2007 IMLAY CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING 150 N. Main Street, Imlay City, MI January 16, 2007

1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Rankin called the Regular meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Rankin led the pledge of allegiance.

3. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Martin Rankin Commissioner Ted Collom Mayor Pro Tem John Lengemann Commissioner Lois Brinker City Manager Amy Planck Commissioner Amy Darnell City Clerk Janice Zuhlke Commissioner Earl Gass Commissioner Don Richard

Also Present: Sandra Zeeck; Anne Giglio; Don Davenport; Bettie Koerber; Stu Davis; Noelle Graver; Kay Pauly; Ron Dennis; Sandra Dennis; Rosie Cosens; Dan Lashley; Bryan Cloutier; Nancy Marshall; Tom Germayne

4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Darnell, seconded by Collom, to approve the agenda with addition of Closed Session Unanimously Carried

5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Moved by Collom, seconded by Brinker, to approve the following consent agenda items and pay the bills. A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 2, 2007 B. Payment of the following bills: Payroll Checks 119160– 119213 $ 48,666.50 Accounts Payable Checks 42812 – 42877 $ 208,704.77

ROLL CALL: Ayes: Collom, Gass, Brinker, Lengemann, Darnell, Richard, Rankin Nays: None Unanimously Carried

6. CITIZENS FROM THE FLOOR Pastor Dan Lashley, Trinity Baptist Church, spoke on the sign ordinance, and his concern for the limitation of twice a year use with a $35 fee.

7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS C. Zoning Ordinance – Sign Regulation 2nd Reading

Moved by Darnell, seconded by Richard, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to enter all notices, publications and communications into the record.

Opened the Public Hearing at 7:37 pm

Reviews of the changes made at the first reading were heard. Additional errors and omissions were brought to the attention of the commission. The use and limitation of January 16, 2007 portable signs for church use only was discussed. Commissioner Gass submitted a statement for the record (Appendix A). Public comment was heard.

Closed Public Hearing at 8:04 pm

Moved by Lengemann, seconded by Collom, to adopt as presented with typographical corrections made

ROLL CALL: Ayes: Collom, Brinker, Darnell, Lengemann, Richard, Rankin Nays: Gass Motion Carried

D. Ruth Hughes Memorial Library – Resolution 2007-04 Bryan Cloutier, Ruth Hughes library Director, reviewed the status of the library millage that will be on the May 8, 2007 ballot. The library for consideration of the commission has requested Resolution 2007-04.

Moved by Lengemann, seconded by Richard, to approve the resolution in support of the library.

ROLL CALL: Ayes: Richard, Collom, Brinker, Gass, Darnell, Lengemann, Rankin Nays: None Unanimously Carried

8. NEW BUSINESS A. Lapeer County EMS Budget Police Chief Winslow presented the EMS Budget. A short question and answer period was entertained.

Chief Winslow was asked about his officer that was injured on duty. Officer Evoy will be returning to work on January 18, 2007.

B. Fire Department Fund Reserve Excess fire department funds for future equipment purchased have been set into a reserved account. Designation from 2005 and 2006 are $11,942 and $18,609. With commission approval, these funds would be transferred from the General Fund Balance into the Fire Vehicle Fund.

Moved by Darnell, seconded by Richard, to transfer $30,551 into the Fire Vehicle Fund for future fire equipment.

ROLL CALL: Ayes: Gass, Brinker, Lengemann, Darnell, Richard, Collom, Rankin Nays: None Unanimously Carried

9. MANAGER’S REPORT  Budget workshop dates are scheduled for March 26, 28 and/or 29. Please pencil in these dates  The Detroit Water System has sent the proposed water charges for next year. They are down from $12.83 to $10.84 per cubic foot. New rates start July 1.  Parks & Recreation will sponsor a 5k run on February 10, 2007. The DDA has scheduled additional events for that day. Volunteers are always needed.  MML Legislative Conference is March 21, in Lansing. January 16, 2007  The Red Cross would like to designate the Lamb/Steele building as a shelter. The County has no problem with the designation. The City Manager is authorized to execute the documentation when it is sent from Red Cross.  Lapeer City is starting their own building department. CCA is currently looking at reductions to their budget with the loss of approximately $200,000 from Lapeer City.

10. OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Lengemann brought to discussion the snow plowing of the city sidewalks. What is the policy and why was it not done earlier on Monday morning. Several options were discussed i.e. when streets are plowed the sidewalks will also, two inch requirement changed, how/when the snow plow person is activated.

A short recess was taken at 8:45 to clear the commission chambers for closed session

11. CLOSED SESSION Moved by Lengemann, supported by Gass to go into closed session for the purpose of Police Labor Negotiations

ROLL CALL: Ayes: Brinker, Lengemann, Darnell, Collom, Gass, Richard, Rankin Nays: None Unanimously Carried

Went into Closed Session at 8:54 pm

Came out of Closed Session at 9:12 pm

Commissioner Gass brought up the sidewalk plowing discussion. If our policy says, a two-inch snowfall prompts the snow plowing then we need to stick to that. If we want it plowed every time it snows then we need to officially amend the policy. The DPW gets direction from the City Manager, but when policy is unclear, it is difficult to administer the policy correctly.

12. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the commission, Mayor Rankin adjourned the meeting at 9:17 P.M.

Approved: February 6, 2007 ______Martin Rankin, Mayor

______Janice Zuhlke, City Clerk