4500 Worth Street Ÿ Philadelphia, PA 19124 Ÿ Phone: 215.948-9285 Ext 104Ÿ Fax: 215.948-9284 Ÿ Email: [email protected] Ÿ Web: www.manufacturingonline.org


Accomplished, results-oriented U.S. Navy retired, Construction Mechanic Chief with progressively higher leadership and management experience. Solid foundation and proven success in applications of mechanical engineering training coupled with demonstrated skills in leading large teams to achieve objectives. Detail-oriented professional with a proven track record for completing projects on time and within budget. Proven success in production management, industrial operations and staff management during military service and private sector.



Production Manager

Manage all components of production and design within an original equipment manufacturing facility. Directly involved in the daily operations of machining, fabricating, painting and assembly while leading 14 employees in two manufacturing facilities that produce $6 million annually.

. Product design Proven track record of taking an idea of the sales team and turning it into a drum or roll handling product that is marketable and purchased by large corporations. Evaluate costumer needs from our sales staff to provide equipment that will meet all ergonomic solutions for the customer. . Facility Management Manage all contractors for electrical and HVAC repairs for two facilities. Host all annual insurance company and OSHA facility inspections and implement swift resolutions of inspector concerns. Spear headed building a sandblast and powder coat paint shop in a 6000 sq ft facility completing startup within a 50 K budget. Dismantle initial paint shop to sell facility. Tasked with retrofitting new 15000 sq ft facility purchased. Procured electrical, masonry and plumbing quotes and awarded contracts. Increased production and painted stock prior to moving paint shop equipment to new facility. Effectively organized in-house labor in conjunction with contractors and completed the move within three weeks as well as produced the largest equipment sell in a fiscal year since inception of Easy lift Equipment. 4500 Worth Street Ÿ Philadelphia, PA 19124 Ÿ Phone: 215.948-9285 Ext 104Ÿ Fax: 215.948-9284 Ÿ Email: [email protected] Ÿ Web: www.manufacturingonline.org . Develop Factory Mutual authorized EE (Electrically Enclosed) rated equipment Developed from concept through production, self-powered, small footprint drum lifting equipment that is an inexpensive alternative for use in any Class 1 Division 2 Hazardous area throughout the United States. Since approved, the EE units consistently represent 20% of sales to the drum and roll handling product line. Personally responsible for maintaining the Factory Mutual EE program and host every quarterly audit conducted on site by Factory Mutual Global.

. Developped weighing systems used on all equipment manufactured Designed all equipment manufactured to weigh with accuracy to 1 /10th of one pound handling a capacity span from 100 to 1200 pounds. The design enabled the weighing option to all equipment either built to order or installed on our equipment already in service by the end user. . Manage the quality control program Write and maintain company data base for material and manufacturing costs for all equipment manufactured. Write and implement weekly manufacturing schedules to insure consistency as well as quality while meeting sales demands and delivery.


Naval Construction Battalions 21 & 23  Alpha Company Training Chief - Monitor training requirements of 265 personnel. Advise Alpha Co Commander and set quarterly company training plans.  Officer in Charge – Occupied a commissioned officer billet to develop operational readiness and retention of a 40 personnel detachment. Raised readiness to 98%  Battalion Manpower Chief - Track manpower hours of 860 Battalion personnel. Assign hours to proper budget reports and report to upper echelon.

 Demonstrated exceptional management and leadership skills by managing two critical homeport positions while the battalion was deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Mobile Insure Undersea Warfare Group 1 East Coast  Civil Engineer Equipment Inspector - Inspect equipment for readiness of 13 subordinate MIUW units stationed on the East Coast. Write and implement maintenance procedures. Instrumental in developing MIUW perimeter defense field operating standards. 4500 Worth Street Ÿ Philadelphia, PA 19124 Ÿ Phone: 215.948-9285 Ext 104Ÿ Fax: 215.948-9284 Ÿ Email: [email protected] Ÿ Web: www.manufacturingonline.org

Mobile Insure Undersea Warfare Unit Delaware Construction Mechanic – Maintained Civil Engineer Equipment and TQS108 radar surveillance van. . Assessment team member for TQS108 upgrade, Specified requirements for standalone radar head and thermal imaging camera transport package. . Deployed to Bahrain and Kuwait for Desert Shield Storm. . Convoy Commander and lead mechanic for 30 man surveillance team and operated in forward deployed theatre operations during ground war. . Secret Security clearance held during MIUW affiliation.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING Knowledge acquired applied to job opportunities that led to advancement throughout my career resulting in becoming a very successful project manager.

EDUCATION EXPERIENCE WITH High School Diploma Turbo CAD Computer Aided Drawing Vocation School Diesel Mechanics Microsoft Office Suite Navy Leader Development A-500-0034 Maintenance Material & Management (3M) Chief Petty Officer leadership P-500-0021 Construction Battalion Operations 06010