w^w* \ -V Mofunoutii Oin^S ; . All tbo New* ol • wkct turn r . • BED BANK Tht tleiliter1. OlMtlfl** And Snmuulliic Towns Department— •' I, told Fewleulj and Without DUw. Where U» Seller Bind* MNK REGISTER the) Bayer. Ii»u«a'W«s1ilr, EnUred •• Stcond.Glua U»tt«r.at the FOBI- • .VOLUME LIV, NO. 35. ojnee »t B postponing the sale on the ground supplies costing $40 have been bought Jolinson of Highlands for sheriff. Elmer C. Wainright of Shrewsbury an original program depleting varl- The letter was sent from St. Peters- lato Monday afternoon. Ho was d by Recordor Charlca Woolley. ,' part of the state highway route No/ and $3,000 flrot mortgage bond* ttt that some of tho residents could not (or the fire dopnrtmept. Bills J8r~The~nlghwsy - commlBBlon"harr May B.-Armstrong ao guardian for 6ua phases of Washington's life. amounting to $884.82, were paid. burg, Florida, where Mr. and Mrs. charged with assault and battery The council paid $5,009 on a sew- Charles T. Stone, -superintendent of my their taxes now, but would be found It advisable to provldo addi her Bon, David Armstrong, for whoia tble io pay.in the spring. Edward Lawrence aro making a sojourn af- with attempt to kill an4 robbery. er note, reducing it to $20,000. Bills tional length to the structure at the education and beneilt tho income In the Long Branch ochoold, addressed ter having visited Mr, Lawrence's Tbo confession was obtained from amounting to $1,500 wero paid the association. , '••'.,• :. V, Wisb, borough-attorney, said the easterly approach by Changing tho to be used. Dorothy Cray of Sacra- inly thing the council could do was brother at Havana, Cuba. Sparks at noon on Monday. Follow- lengths of the Individual Bpana to the mento, California, was bequeathed, Mr. Btono, 'spoaklnff on' "The to Instruct the collector to comply Aii Old Bicycle Shortly, after tho election last No- ing directions given by Sparks, the east of the draw. No chango in the $1,000, Mrs. Julia B. Gray of Sacra* Growth of the Parent-Teacher Asso- with the law. . The last: taj?' aalo vember Mr. Lawrence announced pollco visited Wayside whero they horizontal clearance of tho draw or monto was left, fourteen shares ot ciation and Why," stressed tho needs was hold in, 1928^- one of tho com- that he would be a candidate for the found a nickel plated revolver which A Fine Program of its position Is contemplated. Delaware, Lackowanna and Wcotern of that association |n all schools missioners said, / • On Exhibition I Democratic nomination for freehold- the man had used In holding up tho Tho revised plans are on file in tho railroad stock and fifteen shares of and the accomplishments of paront- . ler at the coming election. On tho taxi driver. at Tinton Falls ifflce of tho United States engineer, Central arid South Western utilities. teaeher groups In other sohools. He Edward A. Brown,: president <Fowlbr, Sr,, who was sick Mr. JohnBon waB to be a candidate Physicians aattht thee MonMonmoutr h memor- «.,'•••, ter Mr. Lawrence admits his . mis- at tho Asbury Park railroad station exercises. Ruth McCormlck repre- was bequeathed all of Mrs. McLean's take, stating that it was an honest war department at Its New York of- Caprlonl, Cecelia Bufflnl, Tina Can- wallader, one of the owners of t.Uo The display consisted of an old and was directed by the latter to sented Martha Washington very ef- fice prior to Friday, March 4th, as it stock of the International telophono ells, Elaine Browor, Frank Garruto, nigh .wheel"bicycle and a framed one and not an attempt to deceive drive" to Beeveytown. Upon arriving fectively and three children of the and telegraph company, Postal tele* business, stated that the build lag the voters. Mr. Lawrence states is proposed to act on the application - Tony Trufolo.and WMIe Canavo un- would be made flriproof " group picture of "Tho Monmouth at this place, the Negro changed his irlmary grades wero charmingly on that date. '"'• graph company and the Middla Weat der tho direction of =Mrirsiienr Mac- , Wheelmen," both. tho property of that he will not be a candidate' for plan nnd .gave tho taxi man another pressed in tho laces and frills of co- Cp.mmunlcaU6ns_ ..should bo ad- utilities company. _Tho dividends^ ,Lood;' Goorgo DoLuclsano, John TherwIgnaUottLotllc Stoy- EnBloy E. Morris of-Rlver road. Red freeholder. He urges hie Democratic address. When the car -re'ached lonlartlmes. Thcro was~onfi~boy in from stock of the Pebplb'a" gas light :ns as secretary of tho Board of Bank. In fact, the bicycle, which la friends to vote for Mr. Johnson for dark spot Sparks, according to the tho group, Gerald Wyndorf, who drcoood to R. T. Ward, W«ut, Colonel, Stoblc, Victor DoITazIo, James Sam- Corps of Engineers, district Engin and coko company of Chicago aro to poll, Kenneth Blchardsoh, Anthony :onlng adjustment was received. Ac- In excellent condition, was ridden by sheriff. Tho letter follows: police, stuck a revolver In his side earing an exact replica, of Revolu- bo paid to Mrs. Kate Bush of East Mr. Morris In 1882, the year the pic- tionary war attlro, proved a v eer, Room 616, Army building, White- Aschettlno, Harvey Stupelll, Hobert Ion on tho matter was deterred un- St. Petersburg, Florida, nd ordered him to turn over- his hall street, New York city. Qrange as long as aho llvos. After vEsposlto. George Taylor, Margaret ,11 the' next meeting. ' ture was taken by Pach Brothers of February 18th, 19S2. money, This Snyder did, giving him stately representation of George her death the stock is to bo added to ' Satcer, Mario Canhella and Angel- Nolla Jacobseh again inquired New York, famous photographers of Dear Sir— " " Sve dollar bill and some change, Washington. the bequest of the Foot clinics. Mr«i lno Cosentlno under the direction o{ about tha mlxup over.the unemploy- that period. Wo had a wonderful tiois in Ha- 'ha bill, according to the police, was Five Washington portraits provld- Henry VanDaalcn of Leonardo WSJI ~Mr». Sarah Levyr Fairy Figaro,-Aff- jnent director's lob. This matterjraa Tfaml . whieh~waB-tB8- laBt- vaBa:"alltt~llno "weather.—It-rainoa ound-on Sparks, but tho change was id by the government and appropri- Senator Wolber left $500 In cash and her children, gollfta Aschottino, Virginia Keclor, Tflgo lald'"overruntmhe nexfineeP word in design at that period, cost three times, twice at night and once not ~ ~ "" LtBly-frftmod-by-tho. board of educa- Elizabeth, Henry and Adrian. Von*', Danny DoLuca, Anthony DeStafllrio, $125 and Is equipped with "cushion t daytime. Syndcr kept on driving and soon ion were presented to each class- . The borough road truck' was! tires" and "hand brake". which at Since we returned to Florida we in Speech Here l, were left $60 each.- John r Vincent Alvlno, Lucy 8aggesei_Wari sured agalnst.'ptdge have-had it so-hot-that-wo have-not after reached the home of relatives •oom. The program follows: Coney of Now York was left a first thatllmB were Just^hOcal thins and •Wayside,-when _ho_attemgted to public nablllty. were put on the highest priced mod- used a blanket at night and had two mortgage 6H% bond. Mrs. Blanche) — rfen Wolf and~NlcK "Gentile under get out of the car. As he~made "a Tells Republican Audience That Susplrisky of Leonardo was be- "" this' dlrectlon-of-Mre.-Frank-PlngU els.—Tho- pedals wero also rubber windows open all the time. "America.""" '~ "'• — •~ Thefishing is-fine-and-we -have move to open-the door, pollce.say. the Cenay, "Georfte Washington," - .,.. quJathed"$50. _A™$TO _ bond ot tore; Leroy Slower, Billy Robinson, cushioned and Mr.'Morris's bike was had good catches of sea trout. Negro pressed a revolver agains Hlir Vstiwickle -Emergincy— Relief-!Program also well enameled and highly nick- Hecltatlon, "Georse Washington" Leonardo civics association was I JSdward Mae, Jr., Billy HarcolII, Wil- My wife and I took a trip in a Syndcr's check and nrcd. Sparks •William Coven 'Should be Given Preference liam Bheppard, Paul Belllno, Albert Sells Business; eled.. dered.cancelled. A bequest of . ilane Sunday and I am going up In then fled to the woods. Recitation, "George Washington" — Over Other Legislation. was made to Mme. Koso Tcllotle Btoyo. John Aokerman; David Cohen, The picture was taken on tho west ho Goodyear blimp In a day or two. Joseph Battjer, Snyder'o oon-ln Anna Clay side of the Methodist Church lot with .•A-frlena of mine Bent In-a clip- Sons ..;- Third and fourth grades France. Bequests of personal be! Ralph Crclln, Alan White and Ken- WillGoioItaly law, and hia family paid ho attention Play. "Boyhood Episode" .—..—.Ten boys Speaking before the United Wom ings word made to Mrs.' Marcls, T neth Robinson under the direction of tho,church wall as a back ground. ping a few days ago that said that J md withdrawn- from tho raco for to tho shot, thinking that it was the Recitation, "Another Washington" ... en's Republican clubs o£ Monmouth of Bronxvlllc, Mrs. Emily Wag Miss Scrnadlno Stewart, Hiss Lillian The, bikers .wero uniformed with lackflro of a passing car. One of the Clyde Cobl county at St. James's hall last Fri Miss Elvira Garbarini WUl Spend their short, close fitting coats: small reeholder in favor of Mr, Johnson Drill. "Time for Flags" ..Primary grou Kansas, and Dorothy Clark ot ', "Murloy, Miss Anna. Garrlgan and If I have been mistaken, it was not mqmbera of the family later went ou Recitation, "The 22nd of February" day afternoon. Senator Joseph sas. Stocks and bonds' to. tho ] •Miss Ida Katsky; - Edmund Crislln, Six Months With Her Parents caps with patent visors, Windsor J«RBle Sode ber of Essex county declared tha 1 ties, close fitting "Sweat" shirts and for "tho purpose of misleading tho on tho porch and heard tho man of $5,000 wero left to'May B . ' Daniel "Caprlono,. Billy McQueen and at Genoa—Business Bought voters," for now that I have with- moaning. He investigated and foun< Son. "George Washington" JFlrBt sradi all legislative Issues should bo sub- strong. Mrs. McLean's houaf,|Bti] , Philip Lucia, under the direction of some of the.wheolmen posed for tho ({citation, "PlayUlB Soldier" » ,., by m Brooklyn Man. r • •: 1 1 : drawn, L intend to Indorse Mr. John- Snyder staggering toward the house; -:!'•'' '' i Booker Gawd ordinated fo a bl-psfH»an eraergencj contents at Leonardo we? Ulss ElltiHcaly. •'•.- , ,-•'; , picture in. "riding..' ' ; son for sheriff and do all I can' to He soon after lost consclouaness. R«cif>Vlon. "EoK: B ot Waehljigton" ;.;:„..' 1 relief program. Ho advocated fur- queathed to Howard McLean I Those taking part-in-tho minuet, Miss Elvira Garbarlnl has sold her The. members .of. the Monmouth elect him, for ho has been tried out Iris Osborn York and ho waB also bequeath, I Tho 8tat^ police wore notified an Flay, "Boyhood Challenge" ...—Eight boy ther co-operation between tho SenaU under thp (^lrootlon ot Miss Madgt newspaper; Btallp'riory iiui fruit: bw Wheelmen In thp group woro Josoph and I have great faith In him: and the House for that purpose. residue of tho estate. 'A bequi I' think It is'nearly tlmo that we tho wounded man was taken to th 3«say _T Vnldcmur Wllllom . Gleeten, wero Huth Lbverflidgo; Dot- ness on Monmouth strcot, opposite MoDerrhott, Fred Rockwell; John L, : the American li'lag" At tho coticluclon of hls addres $20,000 from thp cstato,lf- Virginia reel....Third and fourth crude Kir Balch, was ordered divided Into four ouia Oass. GW^do of Brooklyn, The choBcn men hand us hand-picked a Search was mado of tho section Toy band. > : Primary gradi S. Thompson, who presided at th none, Anglo Falbo; Santa 'Carco, owownertoolc possession lost'week; terman, George Holmes, John H. Way. "Goorgu Washlllglon's Homo Life' equal shares, one. shard goinp; to Mr*, Mount, Ensley E. Morris, Riviere H, candidates. I think tho voters' arc -All cars proceeding along tho roadi Martha Washington Ruth McCormlcl meeting, how ho stood on tho ques- •JJiflgip DplQuldlcO, Kaihryno Del- He 'and his, family aro occupying etting wise and will voto for their tion of paying old-ago pensions, H McLean's husband, Howard, ot|« Sriedon, Oeorgo Wild, Andy Colcman, g wise and will voto for their In that vicinity-wero stopped. Farm (ieorgo Wnshlnifton Gorald.>Wyndor share to tho First Humanist fllclcty,' Quldioo, Rose Luqla, Joyce Estclle, rooms* in the stbr* MUdlng^ ...,-. owwnn choicehice . As fofo r my being a houses_and barnfl.wero.searched. Nelllo Custla : Emlly-Cover stated that he heartily favored suc . Leigh Pennlngton, Mildred Hendrlck- MISB Garbarlnl wllUcavo within a Louis Frlok, William French, Wil- ono sharo-to the- Memorial- hospital- pcianpoliti , I never passed as ii'poli- Two small boys saw the hunted payment and oppos'edany steps thai ! eon, Fanny Buano and Jano Pen- few days for Genoa, Italy,- tyhere sho liam Mount, Alex Pach, James Gro- tician, for I never- had any wire- Mammy Maggie Roblnsor- at Now York, and ono share to tha ver, John B. Bergen, Charles DeK. man making hla way across a fl'eli Other boys who took part besides might delay tho carrying out of such Henry street settlement, Now York, • Bkngton. , I will spend about sis months with her pullers or ward heelers tell mo a program. Senator E. Donald Ster- Those who participated In the oceno parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paulo Garbar- Rlkcr, Dr. Marsden and a Mr. Harrl- what I could or. could not do, nor toward West Park avenue and the those mentioned wero Jcromo Reed, John C. Coney and May S. Arm-. ini.' After her- visit to Italy,•' Miss Bon. . • '•'-,! • have I been bossed by them. notified Constablo Walter Cobb o] Woodrow Wilson, Ralph Hendrlck- ner, who had also addressed tho Re- strong wero named as oxecutors of of the Surrondor of Cornwallls, unde publican clubs, sorted that he agree the direction of Miss Ruth Hny, wen Garbarlnl will return to Red,Bank. An Interesting fact In rotation to Sincerely, Shrewsbury township, one of tht eon, Thomas Farley, Howard Voor- tho will. "••••', Her: mother ,1s eighty years old and the picture Is that those In the group J. A. Lawrence. searching party. Tho man w^s soon hees, Vincent Reed, Jack Deitz, Le- •with Mr. Wolber on thla question. *• yrancls Garruto as . George Wash- Elmor £7. Alexander, a retired tll« ington, Joo Famijlary ; HB Genoral her father Is ninety years old. In wore still young men about town placed under arrest and was taken roy Clay, James VanWickle and Rob- Senator Sterner touched upon tht 1 addition to her parents sho has four when tho picture was taken. In PATENTED ROSES. o Ocean township pollco headquart proposed plan of redlstrlctlng con- dealer who died at his home In Mld- Lincoln, Jacob Cohpn as, Ginpral do- ert Hall. _ diotown township recently, made fail Rochamljoau and'Donald Pearce as sisters and a brother -who,Uvo. In those days It was qulto the stylo for ers. .. gressional districts. Under such Italy. youhg.men to wear "sideboards" and Rod Bank Florist Handling Two Later ho was taken before Hecord- plan part ot Middlesex County woul will in 1021. All of his personal prop* Q^neral Cornwallls.' 'The- American THE KEW PACKARD. erty was bequeathed to hla wife, Nel- soldiers wore" Louis Delia Borca, 7 MIBS Garbarlnl moved to Red Bank moustachoand several of-the wheel- Now—Varieties. _Wa!nr!Eht nnd_questlpncd^ HLc^e be excluded from tno third distrlc men stood in the picture at such n which is represented by Mr. Sterner. lie J. Alexander. His real estato wan Samuel Malta, Lawrence Figaro, Jo« about twenty Voaro ago. At first she nled having shot Syndor but admit Factory Is Now Turning Out More )e/t to his wlfa'for her lifetime. Af- was employed In the store of her un- pose as to glvo promlncnco to their Several patented roses aro now on ted having a police Accord. Hi This plan, tho senator stated, wa A Santelll, William Olson, .Patsy Sam- well groomed tonsorlal features. tho market. Before any nurseries or Than 100 a Day. ter her death the will directed thai •'"• iidll, Palsy Tomaino, Evana Conine; do, John Garbarlnl, on Monmouth Was twlco convicted of/forgery. Hi not a political one, but had been ad the residue bp divided among their Btreet. In 1820 she opened the busi- greenhouses can Jcgojly produce any brother, according to / police, was The Monmouth county Packard vocatcd foj: the purposo of soparat Frank Buonano, John DeSantla, Joo of these roses, permission and li- live children, Elmer E,. Charlca E., ness which; she sold to' Mr. Ca»a eleotrocuted several months ago fo company at its showrooms at the Ing tho Industrial nnd rural districts 1 LflPi-estl, Mike DoChlochlo, Donald BOOK BEV1EWS. censes must bo obtained from the Willla W.. Lcsllo and Everett J. Alex- Hwibllng and Frank Cannavo. The Grande. Tor a number of years nor a murder at Freehold of which h corner of Monmouth street nnd Ma- F. Howard Uoyd, supervising prin- ander. Tho will named Mrs, Alexan- two nieces tnada their homos with originator. Two of tho new patented was convicted. plo avenue Is showing ono of the cipal of Mlddlotown township put* "i J"rench soldiers wero Donald Apple- Member of Woman's Club Will Give roses aro now being produced by N. der aa executrix. her. These nieces are Mrs. James Them Friday. new Packard light eights, which was lio Schools, defended tho tenure ol gate, Clarence Jones, Max Brlto, Pcllapletra and Mrs. Lawrence Ma- H. Wright of Cranbury, who eup- Mrs. Charlotte M. Anderson of IJti Thomas Androwe, James Parker, ona of tha flrat to bo shipped into ofllco act, which, ho said, pcotectet rone, "Mr. and Mrs. Dellaplotra will Tlio muslo and literature depart- plleslargc cruantltiea of roses to flor- CONSTABLES PLAN BANQUET. tho eastern, district from tho factory tie Sliver executed her will In Octo- George White, Domlnlo Raoltl, ~Vln- tho teacher in her position. Ho als< ber, 1923. All of her estate vma bet continue to make their homo in llv- ment, of > tho Red Bank Woman's ists In Monmouth and Ocean county. at Detroit. Mr. Mattcnleo, tho local explained tho teachers' annuity fum cent Raeltl. Eddie Buonano, p of Hod Bank. association, explained uovcral legal Iton, Anno pePuro, HOBO Flasconaro, lioys given by Kernoa Prentice and JapansD situation and Manchurlan troit Packard factory with materials of the Exchange olub iionietlmo next LMUIS J, Conovor. Mrn, Crawford ap- ]ft»h<..w LaBlondo, Elvora Maizarop- Harris LnBoytcaux.'- Tho feast will conditions will bo glvon by Mm. questions that arinn during tho per- formnnco of tholr duties by consta and pnrls, havo been put on full month, it WHO announced Inct Tliiii-s- pointed her brother-in-law, James i', pi,'.Mary Russo, Fannie Vlcttorla, bo In charge ot a committee compris- Martha Papa. llusMan muslo will bs MASONS TO CEMCHRAT15. Urn*. Mr. Mattcnleo invites tho pub- (liiy nt tlio i-pgular tllnnci'-inootlnu Crawford, ejtcoutor. Helen Cantallco, JoBophlno Pcpltone, ing Formnn Butphln, Fred Noble, auni by. Mre. Blatchford Sherman bles, lln will glvo (mother tnik along this lino nt tho next meeting. lic to call at .his nhowroomit to see of that organization nt tlu> Globe J'"Ma Lonsdalo of Deal executed hit1 Edith Geronl, Edna Oolso, Anna Co- William Pltchor; Daniel 8. Ely and accompanied on tho piano by Mrs Kcd Bank Lodgo to Obscrvo Wnsh- this new Packard light eight. hotel. Tho ulllrimitlvo eldo of tho hop, Ellen Jones, Leona Conino am Tho constables voted to nsalnt tin hotel. Tho ulllrmntlvo eldo of tho wm iilat month. 8ho bo([ueathed all Robort R. Voorhocs. They will bo Alblo Strickland. Tho hostesses wll , lngton lllcciitcnnlfll. Llllli-Vlcttorla. assisted by tho wives of tho flrernon.be Mrs. Charles Wolbach and Mrs, newly organized Ocean county con guestlon will he taken by I'hlllp T. Jof her to her slKter-ln-law, Jlnimlno whllo Frnnk Hukomun will Huth Lonadalo, nnd tho rent ot n«r Others who took part woro Marga- Fletcher Sherman. Red Bank lodgo of Krco Mnsonn 8tnblon' immolation in getting star Dinner Dance. 10 18 upliold tho no(;atl^o Hide. pnraonal efftctu woro/boqucathud t» ret S ^ ! Thomas Robinson, Earl will obstirvo tho bicentennial of oil. A report of iho progress of thli Tho Ofllccra' club of Fort Mon- To Alter Btoro. Goorgo Waahlngton'o birthday Fri- Mr. Jlnniilno prraldcd at tho mcct nor nlocc, Eilu. May J/jiindule.. AlAlll Jordan, Jos Jullano, Angoll DoOeor- now club will bo mudo nt tho nox mouth held an lnfornuiWlinncrdanco TWO M0T0HIHT8 FJNED. day night of this week in Hi roo ma nt wlilcli loutlno business wa tha rent ot her citato wnn left In Ma, Androw Tciauro, Joo Flore, John Mrs. Benjamin HurwIU Is having a niectintr. at which time nomination! at tho club building Friday evening. special cloaranco salo at her store at in tho Pach building. A IHtlnn pro- transacted. Vocnl soloo woro Riven trust to Kutii Lonndnla with tho ill" Natale, John Summonte, Edgar Tay One Driver Had Navel ICxcute for for olllcorn will bo nmdo. 'Over 1R0 gucatn nttondr.d thin func- rcetlon thnt tho Incoma In to ha ptilti lor, Eddlt Oclao nnd Gilbert Whtti 20 Broad street preparatory to mak- gram lian boon arranged and thero Thrr-o now moinbomwriro enrolle by Ai tluir Hiunucl Hurvcy I'aimlnj ltpd Trafllo will bo no work for tho evening. Tho tion, which won manned by a com- and Meokcr. to Eila Muy Uninilnlo until uho ll 21 from Mrs. Shoemaker's room; Wll ing curtain Interior chanjes to the They nru Abrnm Ulxon o( Fair Hav- inllteo composod of Cnptnlu KilRiir yoaru old whon tho principal Ii (4 IlinV Bennett, George- Buonano, Froi etoro kt provlda additional room for Alexandor D. Urown of Unyonno program will open with tho en. Jninen Haffcritinu of Wannmns- ot the'"filar H|inni(lcd llunnor" by Ii. Clowoll, Flrnt, Iileutonnnt IS. H. 1 bo turned over Io linr. lliitli l^ont* Oomatock, Stephen Greoloy, llaroli a nowvopartmont. Thin now featuro was fined $1B by Hocordor Elm«r C. tin nnd Wllllnm Brown of Hod llnnk Vr.'1'KIlANS HONUH. WRlnrlRht ot Bhrownbury last Thurs- tho entlro nnneinhly, Tonor nnlon will WCIIH nnd Flint Ijlr-iitnnnnt Mmlnn ilnln wnn iKiinod executrix her ilnuifh-* rV Eitalle, James Udaloy, Joseph beforn him on chnrgnn of n A milK OF <>!>I> OUKIIN. MiHinuititli'County Yot^rniiH. partmont will feature ready to wear V. I). Voorhln. lilfltorlim of Myntli of (Innclnff fntorlnlneil Iho (iin'utn biv torn, ElUitbotti nml l>Mini llnrtnn, yerkng*, Louis flcottl, Lontor flhlbla, npparol for tho flapper type and tho without a llconaa nnd spending. Tho nml nha nnnipit them nn oxnoutilra* Gertrude Padgott and Gladys Ohli atrtiat wna mwln l»y OIHcer Otlo J. IlroOmrhuGil |od({O <)t Mnnnnn, wll twpcn ooursoFi. Miinlc. wnn furnlnhml Tlio vutiMiinn' b\irrau nt WnnhlnR- junior young ladlei. A display ml- Klvo an aiMrcnn on "WnnhlnKlon, tha It Occurrcil nt Jnmivt llnrlliolomnv by Oliot Ai-llitii-'notrlimtniii'iiiiipnHPil of her- will, which wnn mndo In Ucp- Wilottl from Mlsn Ruth luring Holder, who ntntcd tbnt ho chnacil Onrngo nl Belfonl. [du hnt\ cntlmntptl tlmL it would ro- th 1028 room; Raymond, Rloe, Paul flclilln vartlsemant rcgorcllng thlt snla ap- IJrown two mllcn boforo he finally Maaon." He/. Allint J. M. Wllnnii, or AI llcrlow. AI Hlnipmin, Hill (!nrr ipilrn $'nVUil,7Ul tii pny In full bnnuii Chitlen Vlttorln. end Myron White pears plnewheto In this luiiiie, cnUKlit Mm. rnctor of HI. OPOIRO'S nlmrcli nt Iluiii" A llro of unnnti'il orlftln oiicui-i'uil u Anil Jntn^n Lnlluri-, roiIllinntrirt hold by Wiirld wur vot- from' Mrs, neba Millar'* room nm Fredtrlclc 11. nmlth of Nnwnrk hail ann, will IIIIIIVIM- nn nildrom on Jiunon llnilholnmow'M |;ihi|:o nt Hal r'tniirt In Now .loi'Hoy, Many wf tim Mndo Alrplawi Trip* "WnnhlnKton, tho Mnn," Hnfrrnh fonl. Mr. ltnrtolotuow WIWI tiiilK Hennln LoCJruno, Frank Donat lCngsgoment Announced. . novel t Io »r« expuctfd to ntlend lim nffnli- i()«//) hriilin iiml Ihn iinr»lhu< liinllr nil lill|ilnlin, Thry left III" 1U4 IliinU ' O«orge llhomo, Albert DeChicchl< tlio InUrnnatlon ot thn tilnhwuy nn of tllirnwfititiry tnwnnlilii witn ilucd lunt. liiM.nloii of Ciinjit'*'!'". Tu |my Tony Inw and America Dolfotlo from Mian leatheth r J . HHer r of l'imclh h HotHt- llycnnioro nvoniic- Ha until hn wn WAnlillifttnti anrvnit twu -tniinn m wlirnlt. cntnn Inlo rontiiiit with Hi nli|)orl muly In tho |mirnli>K In lilllr toni, l'o,, hna been nmilo, Mr. Wiley wurahlpful ninntnr vt, h\% IIIIIKO n liii-iiiuinncnnt wltfl, 'Dto ihiinrn npron $55 liy IW'iMinln- ICIinn- U. WitlnrlKlil in oinlinn hi Mimnuiiitli county Mr«. Kmlly Htono'a room; Ilnntrlco tryliiK to mnlio out Ilia tlmn on Inn OlH Htlurimi inuii'iplmtd nh tiMtl>n Innt yrnr ill tmrf'il'DI. cult Morrla I'lnlo (llaka Cumpnnv, for honoflt nl Ht, Mnry'n rhiirrli of Now mi tlin ulnle hlKliwuy nrnr l'latiin HUM nl tlio Itiil llnnk nlipurt, will IUU-Kid 4l|v 0t»t*r Hiippr iiiinn liln inirln* <>f Ji/mpn wllll n Frliiny «v«nlnir, Vnliruiiry 9nih, «t lb« nlot" fronla, nilto Klnaa mid liouai Miiniiiuiilh will Im Imlil nt thn I'm A llnmn >f ]l«tl lianli tin • fininliiB. AiilhnMind denlar r»r •il wffti, 1IM«I«IV, uluvaa, l (ID.OO 1\ M., Bo c«nl». Menm Oyatnr fvmlnK' Mnrrh julh. MnnlniiHi'lu'n or n runt un (7a ttfr Inniltll. Tho n< A o mmln n ltap Innt. illtuiiny ftml tha Th» exeoullvn bonld of Itlv«tv|« noiv«h*U*r*.li|« anlaly gtaia. J7 Mop- luiinry nnd r M C*«W. of. rrml UU. OmtA, 14 Ncirtti HrlrtH* ny*ni>A, lt*C M-, «t lll« tiuli1«ni<> ijf llm |t>im\t*tl, lliilmil.l, M, .1, day to MMRlnt In prn(>mInu return*. df |t.m In Hold »i« awalilml I" O, II. lliillliaa, M«' irlaiy. AuvatUit tmo". n*gli£«ei>, rjiiiltod »n< link Turfcrr «upii«r — A"lv«r(l«»m*nt. > minx, riiiuM", (>orai>l«lt*< km for I'm hA4yilUMU•/•' ••':- .-W.-:."- '•'-•': . Peach growers who have reason burg, had been discussed by that been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Hood. Mrs. Louise Waters and Mrs. Vftiuo to Z5c ca. to fear'leaf curl in their orchards body. He stated the committee had William Loekwood. Mr. Palmer Is Mildred Conover aro recovering from are urged to spray* their trees im- adopted a resolution to have plans aickness. ^ _ • 18x32, hemmed with linen All ore pure silk from recovering from a sickness of sev- loop; Red. or Blue Borders. mediately by Prof. A. J. Farley, cx- p.nd specifications drawn for this eral months at the home of his par- 81x99 Sheets our regular stock. Announcing :enslon horticulturist in pomology at work. Mr. Roberts was of the opin- ents at Sparta. The road to better and bigger bust* he New Jersey Agricultural experi- ness leads through The Register's ad- Printed Flat Crepe* ; ion that the council, should join the Mrs., Walter. Mclsholohn, and Mrs. 18x27, homstltched' Kitch- Our standard New Moon. mont station. He recommends for township commlttee-ln-the work and vertising columns.—Advertisement. rialn Color Cantfini hi« purpose tho use of a solution of en Dish or Show towels Regular selling price, NEW PRICES to havo the plans includod for that 1 -each...... ,,•;•. ,.: Crepo Satins "-:',; !lme-sulphur, one gallon of concon- \ritlf"oh'b lnoh~~BoUd~colorl portion within the borough limits. borders; both styles in Crepe;'Aa Chinos-—'•}.•-- rated Hme-sulphur to 15 or 20 gal- A resolution • was adopted to co- : : Rose, Blue, Green;, Gold Konhon Crepes '•,",.'''"• ^•':\' for '•••• ona of water, tho strength' of theoperate with the committee In the mixture to bo increased by allowing work. It is estimated the cost to or. Orchid. • IM ana Evcrdntf Bbade* >nly nine gallons of water if the the borough will not exceed $7,500. Nestle Circuline San Jose scale Is to be controlled as The estimated cost • for Rarltan well as tho leaf purl. township Is $20,000. i Both projects Silk Hose, „, Every, branch, jwle and bud must will-.-reeolvo.state- old.. In.a letter, 10-Yard Piece Very fine gauge, pure silk Permanent Wave be sprayed thoroughly, declares Prof. Deturo brothers, garbage contrac- GLOBE IIOBC, full fashioned) all do- Farley, since any, unsprayed area tors, said that Joseph Meile had not slrabln shadea. ' Fine Curtains, will bo liable to Infection by the leaf disposed of tho junk near the incln Long Clot • B«f. *I.«K Valuo. Bobbed HairJ.Jff,ML :urlo-0rganlsm. The ..exceptionally tltMiMlla(rorrne - "i .~" , ;—tr—— warm weather of the" wlntef~ lias p set- :aUsed the peach buds In many or- garbage contractor, was notified Boys' and girls' golf' hose, /Long Hair and chards to swell to such an extent three w»cks ago to clear up the Junk variety ofcolors and long hat only a few more days will be but had not compiled with.the no- and Bhort BooltB. ' . tice. The rnattor was referred to Burfle or, flat, fine marquisette, Shoulder Length •equired.to push them beyond--the Reg. price, 38o pair. poinr where effective" spraying is th'e..mahaE0ri_for Immediate-action. doU, flguros or plain;.'2'/» yards 00 to $*9.50 possible; ' A representative of the federal "board ^[commerce and navigation stated Our famoun 2800 English, lone Child's Pajamas, 2 pr. long. Greenville House Burned. he hid Inspected the bulkhead and cloth, soft finish,' yard-wide; a Good quality flannel, In very jetties built "by Jesse Howland on desirable patterns', elzcs .2 •i Values' UJ ?l,90 l'alr The homo of Mrs. Elizabeth Rob- real saving. ' • ., erto, Sr., at Greenville was destroyed the shore at Granvllle Park, and to,8. • •• . : •'. • • by fire Sunday, night of .laBt week found they had been,built according Vnluo to 70o pair.; •while Mrs. Roberta' was attending a to specifications. Frod Trenary, Wil- i DAME COLOT : iheater at Tjikewood., The lire had liam 6alboch and A. Scliwifke were Ticking Cases, 2 for Knitting Worsted, 5 $nch Beauty Parlor | evidently started from an overheated granted firemen's exemption certifi- Made of. Fentherproof fan- -Milady yarn mud a by Min Btovc. The loss is estimated at $5.- cates. . • cy stripo Ticking; regular ctva Co., all -Colors; ITS William Giles of East Keansburg, ; 50x72 •••-•. = • 7 Broadway, Keyport 000 and Mrs. Roberts had but $800 sizes. • ';•;•,,, ounce nkcinn. nsurancc. • driving a Chevrolet automobile on Wcro B9c each. Reg,ularly Sold;Jit 83c, riione- Keyporl 868, Palmer avenue Wednesday, lost con. trol of the car on tho slippery road- Table Cloths Boys can make extra pocket money 1 Linen Handkerchiefs, selling The Reslster.—Advertisement way,>craahod- Into 4 street-sign a Glazed Chintz, 4 yds. Yord-widerrie'w patterns :•••-=-—---5-for-.- for many uses. . < Ladles' nnd men's fine lin- Our Beg. 30c yard. w $^.00 en in allWhltn and colored. Valuo 25c cafh. 1 Madeira Napkins, 6. for Real Irish linen,' fine weavo. 2 Stamped Goods, Pure linen, hand-embrold- *m Blue, Green or Gold borders. Lace trimmed linen Scarfs, ered, In handsnmo patterns, (t« Quality sell regular at $1,30 ca. Confers, Aprons, Luncheon scalloped cdgc».. Cloths and other article". 1 Hegular J1.39 box. Value to 00c each. Long Curtains, 2 pr,s. Radio Tables $••.79 •aod quality marquleette; (WALNUT FINISH. Croam or Ecru, wide hems, Bath Towels 2U yards long. y. .. Costume Slips; llcf. 70c pair. > $1.00 Buffet Scarfs, 2 for SJ.00 Hemstitched all linen, 45 Inches long; White or Oy- ster.1 " ' Good quality Rayon in Flesh, Heavy, soft double yarn; bath Feach-and-Wnileytrimmed-with- Pier Cabinet* size, 22VJX45, wide bordera. $1-98 FootStool $-|.00ea. Silk Pongee, 4 yds. flne Alencon Lace., AS riCTURED Assorted Coven Green, Gold, Blue, Pink, Orchid. Pure silk Jap, 12-M; clear, Strongly Made. , ' Rag. ZUa auih. smooth weavo for many Value Itrgr. S9o yard. 1 Corselettes and Cretonnes, 5 yds. Yard-wide, splendid quality; *M Girdles, out-of-Hic-ordlnary designs » Another, of our wonderful and colorlngit. sals values. Must see thorn 5 Rug Yarn to realize the bargains. 1 R«g. 26c to 3t. Fancy Linens, Ladies' Union Suits, 2 1 Made oC fine quality yarn; *M SJ.OO 6-Pc. Luncheon Sets, Sued* medium and light weight; ?1 Card Tablo Covers, B-Pc. 5-Pc. Bridge Sets $O .69 all styles. Bridge Seta and others, Blicffiiny or (trcen; Value B«c and 00c. MInorva yarn, full 1-ounce i I'addcd Sent Chairs. 3 Writing Paper «keln, in nil colon. Never sold Pillow Cases, 6 for 45x35 site, strong weave; Excellent quality, plain and before lesa than 20c skein. fancy striped colored edgei. well mads hems. Value to 69c !>ox. 1 Jtogular 29a ra^h. ,. Kleinort Shields, 3 prss. S.tamped Featherweight ahlclds; slit* 2. 3 and 4. In regular and (1 creicont shape. Alencon Lace Pillow Cases IleC. SOS pnlr. Powder Bowls, 2 for 5 y^. $|.oo BUYS A GENERAL ELECTRIC 2 prs. for Cilnan flllod with bath I>OW- NLY 10c n Meal ,.. 30c » to »l.0fl rnrh. every cent of its cost. Nf,W IlIU 1 Bon't dclny Genrrol Eleclrlc ownerihlpj Tho low current consumption of the Hicli (Uy's delay means money wanted. Leatherette Top, Green .$1 Linen Roller Towels, 22 Chenille Rug* Jeln ilit (7.f! tirrii »>< list air tnry wnk thi W » Mhg, Round Corner 1.50 Two ynriln lnntt> ltoavy lln- 'I'uli fnnt, nltn IIKAII for hath' ', •— * ^r*frmm ej bttt louil tan ft mug by /imam on; Ulna or Ornon boi'dnin. 2 Bandeaus mnln; 21x10. Ctrion. Ho>«' l«itrh. Jtl inn In. sullii, »l(lit« or itrfin- Long Brnncli, N. J. 4.00 to 7.7S. rr I1rnMilrri>«, aUrtrllvn II'IVPI. 637 Mnltiion Avc, \h\Utm tn t*,tx>, Aibury Pnrk, N. J. ty m«t«rl«l; wtll rn«.|«; nil 1 Crepo Alurc, 4 ydt. Nrw Voiles, > 4 yds. Furnishing Co. Pr«tiy prlnta, look Jint tn-~|l|ht fr iuioii'< GENERAL ®$ ELECTRIC 22' E. FRONT ST., A I. L - S T B li),. R E p n W«« (M)O Aft»r GLOBE RED BANK, N. J. ••/• RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,"1982. Paw FAEM BAMS. • ' TEJIPEBANCJB UNION MEETS. take place June.25th, July~30(h>afaV geant-at-ann», William Grliwold 1— i Surprise Party August 27th. financial -secretary and Leslie Layton Coofl Prices Obtained at William WUIsrd Memorial Service Held Lost The official board of the Metbodlbt treasurer. McFMtond's Venauo, Wodnesnty. Given Aged Couple church will wind up the business of Samuel Stewart is sick with pneu- The public auction tale conducted Th.o „ Bed Bank branch ot the the Conference year at a meeting monia. by William MoFarland on his farm Women's Temperance Union held a tonight after tho mid-week service. Mrs. Harry Schwlnd of Shrewsbury ? is one u/au ncor Crawford's Corner lout Wednes- Wlllard memorial service and duea- Mr. and Mf«. William M. Hurley Charles Hiiber slipped and fell last avenue gave a party e. few nights day wn» largely attended, Not only pnylng luncheon Wednesday. Mrs. of Atlantic Highlands Observe week while leaning agalnet a radi- ago In celebration of the birthday of Vemind him her husband. E desire to announce the opening of l was the attendance largo but spirited E. C. Glsleaon presided and spoke Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary ator in the Chevrolet salesrooms. His t bidding took place throughout tho on '.Trio Wlllard Memorial Fund." head bit the radiator and he received Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hauehenber- sale, Practically all tho live stock Mrs. Georgo H. Crawford,, president —Arranged by Daughter. a cut which required several stitches gor and Miss Louplse Rornandettl ot W a Branch Store at our Greenhouse* Newark spent the week-end with Mr. and tho -farming implements brought of tho society, spoke about tbo mem- A surprise party was given to Mr. -o dose. , • . • good prices. Thin was particularly orial presented last year. It was rod Mrs; Mrs. Robert B. Couch of At- A shower was given last week for and Mrs. Thomas Romandetti. and Trial Grounds on the New true of live stock. Tho horses voted to send, letters to three- shut- lantic Highlands in celebration of Mrs. John Plllsbury by her elster, John Vogel and Edward and Harry brought about twlco an much as Ins, Mrs. H/B. Hayes, Mrs. William their' sixtieth wedding anniversary Mrs. Edmund Gehlhaus. Kreuger of Brooklyn were guests of man, Springs Road, Red Bank, N. J, those who bought them expected to Greco and \ lira. Anna Errlcksoh. •>y Mr, and Mrs, William M. Hurley Tho firemen put out a chimney firo Mr. and Mrs. George Liming over pay. A colored man, whoso Identity Flans were made to observe Union if Hudson avenue last Wednesday Saturday night in the borne of Thom- the week-end. was not rovcaled, made Boveral bids Signal day and to have a Light Line ovcnlng. Mrs. Hurley Is the only as Fowler on Garneld avenue, Mrs. Valeria Smith will be tho hos- on horses, but he was over-bid as. union meeting, the dates of which daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Couch and Cornelius Bluh. of Belford Is stay- tess at tomorrow night's meeting of each liorao was sold. Tho cowu also will bo announced later. The next Georgo Couch of Atlantic Highlands Ing with his mother, Mrs, Harry the Trailer card club. At last week's brought good prices. Farm implo^ meeting will be held.at the home of meeting John Schleber won first monta were llkewlso sold for good is their only son. hockett, while his wifa Is a patient Mrs. George'Bates of Linden placo A card ehower and games were In Rlvorvlew-hOBpital. prize, Charles Hodez second prize prices, TIIOBO who wore In a position Thursday, March 3d. end Miss Beatrice Walling third PETER HENDERSON & CO, to know say that much ot tho ma- among the evening's' entertainment Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill of Pas- and refreshments were served. A sale were visitors here over the,week- prize. 1*ho couBolatlon prize went to chinery brought about half tho orlgl- Those present wero -Mrs. Georgo George Robertson. Everything for tho Garden H. Crawford, Mrs, E. C, QJaleson, wedding cako was made by Mrs.end. Palmer J. Quite a few-children are sick with tho piesunt conditions. Mi'. McFar- •MTBT •—••-- rip • au~d"cbld(n"--~^^'r^*~i*~—.'.'!_...... 7""™ DeMott, Mrs. Horace Vine, Mrs. Jos-and cards of congratulation were re^ a weekend guest -of-Mr.- and Mrs, show windows/ land has been farming for a number celved by the couple. Those present Louis J.'Galloway. •" , The guild of St. Andrew's church of years and la well known in Holm- eph Hulsc, Mrs, jQcorgo Bates, Mrs. will hold a flvri and ten cent .supper Julia Francis, Hro, Mac Uugg, Mrs; were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pollacclc Tho Chrlotenocn home on Fourth I,.., Woo Specializp e in del townBhlp. He will retire from ac- and eon Wlloon, of Holmdel; Mr. and avenue has been.rented through tho Thursday night, March 3d, from five tlvo farming. "'»•.' Lelltla Whltlngy Mrs. Anna Ryeroon, Mrs. JRobert B. Couch/ Mr. and Mrs. to eight, o'clock, at the parish house, Mrs. E. Bennett, Mrs.' Laura Curtis, Bbwtoil agency to Mr». h. it. Little I Funeral Designs. William Egan, Mr. and Mrs. George of Atlantic Highlands. ' , Mayor George W. Hardy has re- Boys can make extra pocket money Mrs. ' Millie Paterson, Mrs, 'John Sweatt, Mr. and Mrs. George Couch, ceived a letter from J; Parker Hay- Balnton,.Mrs. Fred Hlght, Mrs. Her- William Gerkens, flre chief, lias ', Hem Btusson Rood, Belling Tho Regisler.—Advertisement Mrs, Peter McLaughlln, Miss Anna been confined to the house with grip. ward of Great Barrlngton, Mass- bert, Mrs, S. S. Thompson, Mrs, Wil- McLaiighlin and Mrs. Elizabeth. Rcd- achusetts, seeking information about liam Rogers, Mrs, Ada * Stout, Mrs. The former dumping grounds near i Telephone Keel Banli 257L dlngton, all of Atlantic Highlands; the pumping station are being cov- folks about town. Mr. Hayward said Grace Schonck, Mies Adclo Morlatt and Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hurley, his -father was In charge of the bath- Announcing and Miss Mlnnio Commes. ered with dirt from tho new road Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kollock, Mr. and excavations at Leonardo. After the ing -pavUlon and amusements at Mrs. Stewart Cook and Miss Beatrice land has been graded grass need will Highlands Beach many years ago. the Opening of the Spent Week-End In South JerseyF Hurloy, all ot Red Bank. . I bo plantedp . The work Is under the The writer wanted to know If Wil- A group of Red Bankers spent the Mr. Couch was born In 1848 at diti f MayoM r Johhn R. Sned- liam Sandlass was still In charge week-end at the Deer Foot hunt club Mays Landing in Burlington county. direction of there. J Wallace Beauty Parlor | at Pasadena. The party comprised He has lived in and around* this sec- eker. •{ Shampoo ana Flngcrwnvo ... BOc & tion most; of his life. He was a car- 5 Shampoo and Marcel BOc toMr. and Mrs. James Hunter, Mr. and « Halrcutting- and lator was Janitor of the" Victor Goodrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Hai> Atlantic Highlands ecliool lor thirty -Highlands New* Headden's Corner. A Manicuring" • ....35c ft old- Hcndrlcksori,,.: Mr. , and Mrs. years. Ho Is now retired on a pen- {•!. Expert Operators Only. Thomas Brasch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred sion by the Atlantic Highlands board (Tho Tteil Bonk n»Bl»t«r can be bought A number of the men of 1MB place 4 in Highlands at Bodle's drug «toro and are engaged In widening the Bam 'I • o mtii »m i Munden, • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of education Mrs. Couch was born at Joseph Stamen's store). 8 WALLACE ST., Mcado, all of Red Bank', and Mr. and at Reckless Town, a hamlet near Hollow road. * Treea and underbrush V RED BANK, NEW JERSEY• 8 Mrs, Ambrose Schiller of Little Sil- Bordentown, in 1854. Tho couple Tho welfare society, which was or- on tho sides of tho road nro being ver. '•••/• were married at Mays Landing In ganized recently, will hold a card cleared away. Township unemploy- 1872. In 1922 the teachers of the At- party Monday night, February 29th, ment relief money is being used to lantic Highlands school*'gave them a at the homo of Mrs. John P. Adalr pay for this' work. reception in honor of their fiftieth on Bay avenue. Boxes will be placed John Mason spent two days last anniversary. ~ Mr. and Mro. Couch in stores throughout the'borough for week on a trip to Washington, spend tho winter with Mr. and Mrs. canned goods, groceries and clothing Fritz Smith, who occupies the Hurley each year. Both are in good for the needy. i^ Walling property on Nutswomp health. Patriotic services were held Sun- road, .is confined to the house with day night at St. Andrew's and thesickness. Mr. Smith is one of the Methodist churches. Members of the oldest residents of this section. How We Grow • Atlantic Highlands Daughters of Liberty and the Ameri- Mrs. Frank Mason is confined to can Legion attended St. Andrew's the house with sickness. ,(Tho Rod Bank Resistor can bo bought church, where addrcssca were mado John Grable *eturned home last ... _This-Bank_takes. much. ..pride, in _ in AtUntto"HlBhluhdn' nt~tHo~Btoria o{- week frbtti Br. Hazard's hospital at William Lett, W. Lcmhun: and A. Katz). by Rev. Howard Frazor, the rector, and Mayor Georgo W. Hardy, Col. Long Branch, where he was a pa- making its service helpful. By >art baseball, an indoor" sport, ig. tient .for an injured leg. His Injury J, C. Johnson was alto scheduled to vii)fi caiisM by a log rolling on him becoming-popular here, PlanB have speak, but he was laid up with a aiding its depositors to grow, its been started for a tournament while he was working for Thomas S. cold; Tho firemen- attended tha Meth- Field. among teams'representing the Men's odist church and heard a sermon on own growth is also assured. Your club and the Odd Fellows' and Margaret Hanking has resumed "Courageous Leadership" by Rev. her studies at the Mlddletown town- American. :Mp.chariics'...lpdgfis Prac- Waltor S, R. Powoll. Checking Account.is cordially in- tice at the gamo was hold last ship Ulgh school at Leonardo after Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 25th, 26th, 27th An every znembor canvass is being having been confined to the house Thursday night by tbo Men's club conducted by tho Methodist church. vited. ' ••'•' a,ftor the regular business session: most of last week with a heavy cold. The church budget for this year is John Mylott ia back at school after Tho flro department- hns - received $2,986.84, abbut $100- less- then last having been laid up several days a—bequGst^ot_?lJ)QQ._fram—thaJate year A.t tonight's Bervlce_the_pastor wlth-a-boll-on his knee,- Mr3. Amelia Wolfram and paxt of will speak on "Stewardship." Matthew Johnson i's confined to tho money will bo -spent for a new The HI-T and' the Girl Reserves tha house with sickness. flre whistle. The borough will be will present an entertainment "The Edward H. Morford has been on divided into districts with.a certain Ghost Chasers" tomorrow night al the sick list. number of blasts designating each the now school. Walter Brewer expects to start a district in order to assist this flre; A Men's Democratic club has been houso soon for his own occupancy on BROADSTREETNATIONALBANK men In locating the scenes of fires. formed here. The officers are MatT Oak Hill road, near the state high- William Gerkens, Morris Joalin, thew Horan president, Stephen Grif- way. 74 Pairs Women's at Rocco Faruolo, W. Harry Posten, fin rst vice president, Georgo King RED BANK J^fH!!5§LNEWJERSEY Harry S. Richmond and John Si second vice-president, ThDmaaLyons, Boys can make extra pocket money Flltcroft liavo been appointed on a.Jr., secrotary, Peter. McGough ser- oclllnc The Register.—Advertlsernen committee .to put tho new plan into Tl each ; ir effect. Miss Jennie Post of Bolford, who Is employed in tho ofllco of tho Sculthorp realty company, was laid up last week with a sovero cold. Reginald Martin attended ' ho J.YANKO prizefights last Friday night at tho Madison Square "Garden""at JJuw York. 30 BROAD ST., RED BANK f A restaurant has been opened In ALLEN A ^° Service and Chiffon Hose. tho Lennox hotel building1 on First Leading Shades; AH Sizes. avenue. i Sigmund Kasse of Now York was FEB. 25th a visitor hero over tho weekend. An Exceptional Buy at This Price ! During tho past week there has THURSDAY been no chango In the condition of I.Ii'3. Thomas Dowd, who is serious- ly ill at tho homo of her daughter FRIDAY FEB. 26th !it JJrantwood. Lr nnd MfsT~Ee6h Udockol ami S^ Women's Cloth Arctics T'.:!. 1 ealiico Murphy of Leonardo and Ct upent the week-end with Mrs. Boec- SATURDAY BUCKLE ZIPPER >l°"' Brown and Gray. 1. . .i ticlor, Mrs.. JCBSO Wobster of 1 Hartford, Connecticut. j':.-!\>h UoVey has been summoned to appear for jury duty at Freehold next week. ' ' Mrs. Bosalo Brand of Ocean Grovo will bo tho guost speaker nt a meet- Full measure of value for every dollar, every item taken from poranco union this afternoon at tho Presbyterian manac. A flfteen-mln- our own stock, notlnerchal\dise~hougKf^fbr sale~purposes utc prayer service will tako place Albert S7 Milled at tho opening of tho meeting. I A silver tea party will be held to- 54x90 good quality sheets ...... O for 4 .00 AH linen toweling £t yards for "• .00 U^Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. morrow afternoon at tho home of Mrs. S. F. Phillips on Memorial park- Fruit of the Loom ff for | .00 AH linen, hemstitched, £ for -§ .00 way. . | damask napkins, 17x17 ...... " • Shoes Fitted by X-Ray. Tho dates havo been sot for three pillotf cases, 45x36 u x cako sales for tho benefit of tho All linen bridge sets, ' •§ .00 Control Baptist church. They will Blanche silk dress shields Q pairs 4 .00 green, gold, peach, rose and blue •** * for ••• Baronet Satin, pastel shades O yards .4 .00 A for • ••• AH linen kitchen towels g for J.00 Ladies' genuine leather bags •! .00 Venida hair nets 4 dozen for -1.00 Large size Turkish towels 17 for "1.00 B.HURWITZ Large size ONT cotton Pure silk slips, dark colors only -f.00 1dozen 4 .00 26 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. 1 dozen to a customer for Children's wool and lisle , regularly 50c ff pairs for -g .00 Kayscr's Triconose underwear, vests, pants and bloomers, each •• .00 aa to u * Ladies' nnd misses' Somersets, whito, iipricot and pink, 34 to 42 O f°r "1'°° Clearance Sale All aillc reversible scarfs, new designs and colorings .' 4 .00 Sport handkerchiefs, pure linen, hand-rolled hems, all colors «7 for | .00 of all merchandise at drastic reductions to make room for our new Chiffon handkerchiefs, forgo size, valuer to 75c 4 for j^.OO Flapper and Junior Miss Department New linen nnd lnce collnr and cuff sets \ .00 All linen hemstitched scarfs, 18x- wn»r of Brookdsl« (arm, oe*r lipped on some lea In his yard and o-date city council chamber. Contractor and Builder Around Red Bank Locdavlllo, ana sna,de that place bit >roke one rib and cracked another. During the past week the Red SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING Incidents Culled From The Reg- ummer home, The place contained Bank Mtata company sold seven lots. SCBEEN AND STOBM ENCLOSURES learly 1,000 acres and wui on* of the Twenty Yean Ago. The buyer* were John T. Login "of ister of the Fourth Week in lest known stock fsrma. in the eoun- Fire was discovered In the shoe- Vew York, Arthur Davis of Eaton- Red Bank Dollar Days Xdephone MfrM 160 Bridge Avenue, Rod Bank, N. J. February, Twenty, Thirty and ry. Mr. Withers «u also the chief making shop of Veletle Gaetono on own and Albert Scott of Red Bank, Forty Years Ago. •, • • iwher of Monmouth Park. First street, Keyport. Frank and Edna Hitter, aged , two yean, Ex-Sheriff Samuel T. Kendjtoluon Jeorge Pease broke down .the door mghter of Fred RItter. of Holmdel, Thursday, February 25th XBIETHONB 2Z38-J Forty Y«ar» Ago. . led at W» borne oa Front «tre*t. He of the shop,, thinking they might b« at her balance while playing and tad been In poor health & long time, able to save some ot the contents, fell on a hot stove. Ono of her hands Mies Anna Cowart, daughter of ut Immediate cause of death wrea Frank Pease threw a pall of what he as badly burned. ' ' . Friday, February 26th Enoch L. Cbwart, entertained a num- the bursting of a blood vessel. He thought wai water on the flames. Mrs. Julia £. DuBolS. of Keyport' ber ot friends at her home, the oc- as 67 years old and was survived The, liquid was boniolne or gasoline lied at the Long Branch hospital B. A. SHOEMAKER casion botng her birthday. Among: >y his second wife. Mr. Hendriok- ,nd Pease was covered with.flames, rom diabetes with whloh he bad suf- Saturday, February 27th DEALEB IK the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Whit- lon was one of the most Influential e was terribly . burned about tha red for several months. She waa all S. Hill, Ada Burrowes, Winnie Jemooratlo politician* of Monmouth race and armsi. Horace Bannister '& years old. Under the ntpervmon of llie and Alma Austin, Florence and Lil- »unty. He had also been a free- md George Pease were also burned- Eugene Bennett, son of Seth Ben- lian Chadwick, Esmerelda-Cornwall, iDlder from'Shrewsbury.township. >am«ge was estimated at $200. ett of Marlboro, died at the. Long ^i np^ Tn« Alldtra, Mortimer and _Mr_8._Mary A. S1, todlow, wife of ranch hospital following an opera- Lester Tacfi, Bert ~McClee», Frank " "" , jicned -Wds__ior. Japtaln John "Iju81ow,~:^I»a"lt~lier ha audOlatown township section of idUUt3ft2t Chadwlck, Harry Burrowcs, Jacob lome on Wallace strett, aged 61 : INTERNAL TRADE COMMITTEE Cornwall, Alexander Cooper,, George he ocean boulevard. The bids ware rears, Five children'.. survived, her, Tor the part of tho boulevard which Edward Bennett's house at Key- Feed, Hay, Straw WyckofT, John and Robert Forsythe hey being Mrs. Henry Supp of Red and Ceorge Cooper. began at the river at the Highlands ort was badly- damaged by' fire of the CHAMBER of COMMERCE 3ank, Mrs. Andrew Carton of Brook- and went through tha Highlands vhlch was discovered In the feltchen. LIME and FERTILIZER At a.' conoert given lor the benefit n and James. Miry and Louis* hills, winding, along the hillside In The loss am the house was 41,009 and or the Sunday-school library of the lew of the bay. The sum ot J22.Q0O .bout J200 on the furniture.. Shop at (he stores tailing the Peat Moss All Kinds of Poultry Feed Methodist church of Red Bank $100 A very pleasant sociable waj-held appropriated by the state, coun- At « rseotlng of the Rumson bor- ytaa cleared. Mrs. 'William Plntard at th« home ot Edward S. Allaire oa :y ah, 10c BEANS pound fine supper was served. ' ' Walter Zelglar of Oceanic, wh FLOUR 1 Miu Francos E. There was a meat famine at Bel was employed at Oeorgs Orover's at P. O. Box 394, Morris Plain* ford. Mo butchora had, gotten to that AtlantlO Highlands, was badly In- O0TAO0X Stiodiri MsTfUsa V». 3 Ouu Chorloi F. Tuthill place on account of the snowstorm jured while cutting down a tree. Th RITTER 2 and tho grocers were all out ot tree fell on him and his arm wai tour 37 Oalc St., K«yporl, N. J. smoked meat. •* broken and a large gash cut In hi; P. Hall Packer of Seabrlght wai head. rowDiu L llC Cora BB Pork & Beans J. J. Undarhill c OB Box 285, Now Providenc* elected grand chancellor ot the John R. Donovan of Port Mon OOTAQOX n C41IA Knights of Pythias lodges of New mouth and Miss Sadie DeMars o! String Beans m Mrs. E. M. Antonidei Jersey. The position carried with It Brooklyn wore married at the lattei 8rrt Vu eoopini tor TtluUt Tomato Soup Ten ciifi prim, from $10 \o $2.50 a salary of 4000 a year. 1805 Morgorum Avo., South Bolmar place. Tho young CQUple took rrmluu Tomatoes can • •ich, «r« «w«rd«d by ui monthly The Eagle tile company of Keyporl housekeeping at Port Monmouth can 5 for {fit b*if vtrtu la fil fh* pic- Mils Bestrico Undorwood was trying to set the railroad com whero the groom was engaged 1, pany to put telephones In the frelghl lurti in our foldin. Try imt month. 29 North Hillsido Avo., Chatham farming. r» stations at Keyport a* a convenUno Benjamin .Sickles or Colt's Nee! Prunes vtmot. Carolin Fuller to tha business men of the place. died from Injuries due to beln First Prize Won by William Kelly, proprietor of thi Uneeda Biscuits '4c n 215 Third St., Lakowood struck on tho head by a falling trei Pea Bean* > n Miss Francos E. Corf, American hotel at Red Bank, tori He was 31 years old and was sur- 5c Mrt. T. C. Richards down some old buildings In the res vived by a widow. inn*. Morris Flams, Now Jorsoy 7 of his hotel to make room for hli lb lb 27 Brookside Ave., Millburn 1 Six Red Bank (Iris hold a St. Val Extra Fancy Rice Kiltie TarU A youny m*n tooVvd with l«nd«r rjtit new bowling alleys. 5c 29c entire party at Miss Dorothj O&BBK CZJlOtl Upon Ui biidnto-bt, n Mrs. Ralph Ost«s John Knrlfrlit, county superintend Weeku'd on Majiln nvenin. Gomel "Now w§'[» angiatd, w» rnuif btgin 18 EdgoMll Avo., Chatham - ont of nclioola, was elected prtssldenJ wero played anil Miss ICIonnor Hod Toilet Tiuua rnxuaia To look ttfcciJ, laiJ ht. of the Monnioulh county school «nti«r({ won the girl's prlie and Jcs«< 3""19c FJgBar* touchers' association. **A goodly *un> 1'vt UM ttitj* Franc«i D. Atkins Bahath won the bo/a prise. » !lt. Jnm"'n l>a«ki>thM1 tenm JiUye Agtlmt (Mi fi«ppy d»y, P««rmont, N»w Jtney Tho PaiiKhlers of Liberty of He the Holy Cronn team of Hnrrlion an Bunk Rive a surprlie party to Mrs, I'll buy lomi Jvrity Cmltil Slock, Mri. John J. Lan« rlofoatrd them by a. score or thirl And put it fight «w«y, 10 C. D, Meglll. Tho parly mi h«M nl U.S.G. Coffee ouwoaoiJB R.F.D. No. 3, Lakswood, Now Jirsty to sixteen. thn homo of Mr'- MrKlll' d It'a Tnak—H'a O»«a. Th*n 41th ihtf monthi • ctittV will Norm* Nulri, daughtf.r of Mrs, Mrs. Alonto Dewltt pf Pronpecl ave O.rou4«r B«a Coffee »»» 25c f°«r J«fl*y C«nlr«l'« it-und *nj itrenrj, Viola Ns'« of Wallace ntrcet, n< nut. TEA lb.39c Hank, died of dlphlhmle, aged flv It itrvti lh« ptopU wtll, Mimas M. Haley and Helen Bhl.ld ye«r«. (rave a surprlnn porly to Mini Dolore Th* r*f« Ii good, th« Intomt iur«, 32c Aaron Hopklnn of Nnveiilnkhough Conrad of Hlver street, Thirty |mr- And It I ••¥•, I m»y a house At UHluMfl, ttetwfltn iN< sons were pm«»nt and I^na V«IIK)I luy fh* homt wt dratm of, nlnk mill Atlantic Hlihlandf, from and Frank Howard won prl««s I CUQUOT aUB GINGER ALE Innxmnr B*tort our wadding day," Mr#, Tlilotson tor |0OO. plftylng* Kume*. •OTTUI "27c| A Vfir «r 10 pMtod on, and 1l,«n IIolmdM townnhlp hail «U ||a hill An addition 3D ful nqunre n«« be *. On* plttiAnt day In Junv, paid nml hud a ha.la.nnn of 1077.0, Inf liiillt \n tho r«nr of U>ul» l'ratn' UNITED SERVICE GROCERS MEMBER STORES. with which to start tho nitw year. nrn RANK PMH IIAVKN Th«y mtv»d Into th«ir litlla homt, fruit ntnrii on llro«d »tr»«l. )C«r|ln« Mr. .Ih.rmiin •'.AST A b«ppy bitda *nd groom. DUB to the storm no frrlKht wss Johnion * Krnko w«rn th« rvnlm Mr. .1»m Ul.r.r. Cailar Av*ttit*. Mr, T. ll..«.nioll,i A f»* mor* V»»". wt tooV agtln rrw.lvM at Krypnrt for flv« <|ny*. tflr». <>>. nii.i«« Av«. A wm n.., n. ' Mr. A«i, ln r. o, noa i3D. Upon (hit hippy j>iif» Tho D*nlfl I)f«n plnrn «t ir«|r Ila Tin annual suppor at lh« H«« TJ M..» •'*''• . Mr. J»<«V Sl«rn TMf *filUt*n n»w around i(t*rn pity vtn w»s) «ol(l In ICflwanl WhH« 1 bright MutliortXt rhurch wsi htld M.N.tr . M.jV.I UTiU tILVKM TMr h«pplntM •• •*»•»•. MUtilletown. Mr, While. pnU fl.RO the liioturn room «nd SM jiermm )m llA/i.r.T for It, IB t.. rmmx tnm\. ffa-ll ll» II Tiny UoW«J «U«rf, tftty net*d *1tt, •>il>ppr. Jnhn W. Illylia w>< li« Mr. WHIUm f. r.mma, !„ Mllla, rUiijliUr o w»IUr. AIKIUI IS0O waa ct»rad. • I !••••( Hlrxl, Ullla Allrir, IUd f»W *««», Wlllloni MIIJ» of A!lfn pl»rn, M Two rolorwl highway nitit w«llc Mr, |).m(»l.1i M M,. T. M. d(l« Will !•• lh*Ir d'«*fnt t ((u*. Hunk, of initiiiinoiilii, *fi\ i Into Joint Olt>pri»in'a )um«i> «t Cinlt'i * Mll » P'ay mm* ikaMPMn A«a«u*«. KUUSON , icM Mr. *nil Mil, (llbsrami u Mr, <)*«rg« f. Mui|tt,)r Mr, l*aMl r»*lflr Ti>» oltlok«n lioiin of Kr«il An thn |M>lnt Of n platol ntt4 S3 Ml»r KMtl. Mr, Mi rwivu, Mr, D.Vffl K. H-.k. i!r«« of Itontor i>Um im vlallmt )>y l|> |i(1 In i««li, R gnlii wadli mi SIT IU*Uf AVM*M4, ihl'VX »nd 7% nnlrkr worn •lii|«n, m (»p*r». II. A. KHIM of H«v«n »n J*m*« MrCvrmlfk nf KAtOHTOWN Mr, Ck.'iM A, V.».l i:.. nmifiMd hlntn»lf «• t»rt»ln»nd John Jones of rlth a heavy cold, but he Is now well was defeated at this placo Friday Mrs. Albert Ncldercr of Ilumson. but no bids were received, O. Asa Surgeon Chiropodist Washington's Life Overview hospital of Red Bank met Colt's Neck. Single horses were sold m the road to recovery. ' night by Shrewsbury by the ocoro of Francis, county treasurer, has an- t the homo of Mrs. Wellington Wll- -> Victor MOntag of Haslet, Victor Ernest Junghsns Is sick with heart 32 to 17. nounced that he will eook lo sell the 21-23 BROAROAD iT., RED DANK, M, J.< ins last week. A report made by ppaneal of Hopplng's Crossing, a No Bids for Bonds. OOmrm o lioursl i DlDulllj 10 A, MM trj 0 P, Entertainment Given by Atlantic •ouble. Mrs. Herman Baurldel and her bonds at prlvato ealc. They bear in- M. wri.ri A MUttMUttll . KVBN1KVBN1KOK S BY is hospital executive committee, party at Annandale, Staton Island, Bldu on Monmouth county short terest of 3% per cent. > Highlands Public School Pi» 'hlch was road at tho mooting, W. T. Smith of Freehold, Frank Andre'w Denys-has moved Into ths daughter Ruth of Union City spent piit in Obtervance of Bicen- flowed that tha Tinton Falls aux- Btoodgood of Llncroft and Frank tennial Anniversary. lary Is 'ono of ins most active and .fnnoo of Woadbrldgs. rgest aids of the hospital. It was Mrs. Madia Manclo Is confined to The pupils of the' Atlantic High- ieclded to hold a moving picture ho house with slcUnem, lands publlo tfthool observed tha bi- ow at the schoolhouse noxt month, MIBS Agmts Carney ts spending two centennial of George We»Mngton'» ho ni\xlliary voted to contribute •eek« with Mrs. Gallagher of Hobo-

birthday with a fine entertainment ;35 for ari electrical refrigerating :en. .•;••• . . , last Thursday night in the prc«enqa mtflt at tha hospital, $25 -to purchase Nicholas and Edward Harvey were of an audience which flllod the abhool Inen arid JB to help pay for an X-week-end visitors at Asbury Park. auditorium. Important event« In tl» •ay, machine. , • A St. Patrick's dance and euchre Special Offering! life of Washington wer» depleted, party will be held Thursday night, With the pupils wearing appropriate Goorgo Wllklris' of Belmar is hav- g repairs and Improvements made March nth, ct St. Gabrlol'a hall at costumes. The :. entertainment was Bradovelt. v aponsorod by the p»rent-teacher.ass« ;o hl3 fajmhousq- at this _ p_teo»i g other "Wnga."a bathroom will ^MISs" Dorothy Maher Is sick with Dress and Apron CtatlOB. :•••:••• .•:..•;•<( :•. i-.---.V-. ... ;• , >e inado. Tho hoilso will bo occupied grip. f jTho bicentennial committee was coming wnnann - liy—JCJcoTge James ~7TrTiimtBM«lMrt sfe Ichanck, who-now lives «0&? IS poultry farm to a Matawan man, pervlnlng pdnotpal)'- Mrs, BllaofB, olt, William p'Hagan, who. formed will move to Newark. He had an Clatk, hit; Mildred Height, Miss auction Tuesday of last week. There occupied tha house, has moved In was a large attendance and good In Beautiful Print Designs Kathleen Howard, Tetrenoo Sprogue, holiBo owned bjrvAnthony CelU. THE Miss Helen Mayoock, dlreotorof naui prices. Henry Carney bought a cow Mr. and Mrs. Hallarn"'and tholr son at tho sale, . . ' sio; Miss May Olfford, dances; Mian if Philadelphia apont a day lastweok Irene' Kattonhorn, costurooB, etna Mrs. Mary Harvey and her daugh- Be among the first in town Misses Beatrice Clayton and 1th Mra. Chnrles Dreyor. ;er. Miss Alice Harvey, are spending Tho township commlttoo Is spend- two months at Miami. While they to wear an apron and BoJer, ushers. ing unemployment rollof monoy by '•: Tho program was as follows; are away the Pleanant Valley tea dress ensemble, They are laying trees e» of W«shlneton'«'.-Ufa, MUlMrr thovlllajfc. A flunjbbr of mon who Drill ...... FUlh and Sixth Grade) Boy ere Idle havo now got jobs on this tical. Every one tub-fast. Georga and Lawrence) Washington ...»••• •oad worlt. •: ! •'• - Colt's Neck News. Seventh jind Eighth Grille Boy Size 16 to 46. Regular Cov. Dlnwlddle's ttessige ...... :, Mrs. Harrv Coyort, who has besn Soventh and Eighth Grade Boys patient at the Long Branch hos- Mrs, Anna Hellty Is a patient at the. price 1,49 for the set - Dttsy Itosa and i'lng ...» -..First. Second pital several ---weeks,- has nhown Freehold hospital for injuries which 'i'lilril and Fourth Orodo Girls marked Improvement tho past few she received lost week when she) was First Quality Merchandise Only! Martha anil Ceorco Washington ..— ; • Bixth and Seventh flradei days. .:••'. ••'"•.••; •.-,' George Washlngton'a Birthday .-. Entire Cast Thrca members of tho Wolfaro club TndHBCHdot. TfSOaBSHT ISHca tno Phto h! Marche Mllltalr* Hlch School Qrchest'n •'rlday ' afternoon. and distributed Aildran of. Wtlcomo Irm» TharkaUon ilothlng to'chlldrcii who woro in un- ~ Hooverette Dresses Inauguration of Washington— Oiorgo ' Washington, Hamuftl Otl«, aicrsUry, ortunato clrcumstanooo. Tho chN- ilaron vonBtouben. St. Claire, • Sherman, Iron were measured and fitted before Practical for all uses. Save your better clothes, af*^ <&^i Alexander Hamilton. . ' ,, $1.59 Candlewick Spreads a tho clothing was-given to thorn. Tho Inaugural Addre»« ..:. , Hoberh Smith - ' "^dllr S^r^m— $9*B| America , Audltnco club, members who did this work 1 John Paul Jonos and Sailors ...- were Mra. Everett Bradley, Mis, New prints, washable colors. Regular price 79c ^gfe2j SOE H DaDaviv d Williams and Sea Scouts Mario Scott and Mien-Dorothy Heed. 'InauguraInaugural Ball -....-. Cast iililliiitllllilllllM^ i MinuetMit , Mo«art'Mo«at o "Don Juan" .,.. Cn«Ct t Tho club will meo,t noxt Monday af- Hamilton's Tonst ...... Oroliihton Eldredve ternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Sarah A Super Value! ' VlrHlnla RooRooll _ _...... -..._...... -..... Ca»Ca»t 3cott. Ola GlorGloryOrchestry ....,„.,...- Orchestra Our New Prices CAST. AT INAUGURAL BATil* , . A Goorgo' Washington entertain- Coverall Aprons - noorico Washington Robort Spilth ment was given at tho schcolhouso Martha Washington ...- Dorla Stllwell Friday afternoon. It was ably ren- Don't ....mistake these Candlewicks with l)^rChnriesAndif»l)oorman.^r.^.T.^T..^™ rChnriesAndif»oo n Slip-over-Head style aprons, .FulLIengtli_and J&k ^RHi Marquis do LntnjcHo ...... Russell Phillips dered and there were many compli- Marqulno de Lofayette Edythe Emery ments for the performers and thi Red BanJT •those you see around at $1.00. These^are well made of 80 sq. percale prints, Regular price dzD®. £oi*" *^ H Hits. Central Wayno .... Martin Mortenson teachers who coached them, .: (luoat -....« ...Muriel- tfeMeber 1 39c each , _ Mm Jttm llovornor Clinton ...- Arthur Btryker Tho ladles' aid society of tho Mcth- new designs with almost double the hand Mia, Clinton - Margaret Mardorf dlst churoh bold a "rainy day" so- Beauty Parlor niBinniniM ,i » Mr. John Jny (lerard Baerman clablo.last night at tho home of Mrs. UJ Mm. John Jay Margaret Inglll tufting as on the ordinary $1.00 spreads. Vice President Adama. . .William Bowne E. Q. Ehlngor. Itoom 10, Elsnei Bulldlnj. Mrs. John Adams » ...Xrane Olion Mrs. Joseph Rock has returned Admiral do Qra&io .Gordon Bishop hope from the Long Branch hospital, 5 Colors, Green, Orchid, Blue, Rose and "Mflo-Sham" Run-Resist Undies Mrs. do Gratte Antoinette Dtto 54 Broad Street MAtai tori...™.-:™.....- where oho underwent an operation _ •• __ . • • i ' Croighlon Xld Bhe Van" almost fully recovered. Telephone Bed Banli 477. ' • Gold, full size*. Requires no ironing...... Panties, Bioomers, Vests, Step-ins. Damty, Ionj?- Mrs. Alexander Hamilton ...... Evolyn Dlom Mt*> Thomas JefTorson Leonard' Woot Qeorgo Washington is having wearing garments. Flesh and peach. Regular Mrs. Thomas Jeircrson .;.~. .Vlrglo Elder iungalow built At Pino Brook for hiB price 69c each Uaruti vonSteuben George Berlvan unL-iMOj He._ia_now—ocoupyln; 3f:iSbRtSAt 'OomsJrt"liis"Btoro':bulIdInir'~J"~ n Miss Adeline Johnson is a new HONOR BOIX FOB JfANCARF. member of tho'.Tlnton Falls auxili- Treatments Mani- ary of Rlvorviow hospital of Red cure, Eyebrowi, ruPll» With High ScholmUo Stand. Bank and Mrs: William Turtan Is a Shampoo. , (short Flat Linen Or Ing for Flrat Month fil Xwr, 60* now- nnsoDlatoAember of the aux-| hair)•;-.-." •:;-. Tha following pupils »t the Bed iliary. Tim auxiliary wilt moet at the Bank Cathoilo school .• iah Coleman, Rudolf Felsmatv'Margarei spect. Thero Tvbro many compliments An unheard of valuo' for this Chooso from clgthp In bcautl* I'lemmliiB. Huth JllcVey. Therei» Man. quality. Bias cut with laco caruso, Marcusrlto Murray, Mary McGuIre, for M[s. Margaret Conovor, whi multi-color combinations. Filled with pure ful flgurert cleslgnH and linens Nancy O'Ntll, Henry IMgage, Doris Rlliy, managed tha affair, and for all whi Henna Pack $1.75 top and bottom. Sizes 31 to 11. with colored borders. Eoady "Mar? noehey ATmttTWIohmanrT took part. Mrs. Condvor'a miniature Regular prico 79c. ' ~ for ii3o. BlxM inches. Freshman elasi—Grata Dublin, Doro. representation of Martha Washing- white cotton, scroll stitched to keep ifln tnoe, Connolly. Marlon Cogan, Maa Dona- hue, John Eqtsr. Jtn» Final). Doroth ton'o flower garden at Mount Vornon Nettle'* Circuline &£f Grause, Louis Grandlnettl.;Francls KUdut was very effectlvo and -much ad- Permanent Wave *?5 John Kllduft, Maria Kll.on. John Mahoney, mired. "Flowers" takon from, tho place; scalloped sides Rose Marie Malauiltna. Mary Bui Ivan, garden found ready flurchaoera. Marlon Spence, Jean>• Sloyan, Benjamin Jacquard Rayon Spreads Wooley. Albert rutenteau. About 85 persons were present. - The Lo Mur Perm*-' Eighth grade— Edward AUKaut, H(l< evening Wound up with' theT Servln SEIOU Connor. Joseph Grause, Uary Hemiehooti of refreshments and general soclabl, nent Highly lustrous bed spreads in hew smart all over Edward llarblion, Kathryn Kennedy, Kath- Uen Scanlon, Gerard Btoyan. ity. • . • • , designs. Seamless and scalloped. Full bed size. Soventh graie—William Cassy. Margate! Tha William C. Ely estate sol All colors , , , Connor, Mary Cotter, Elisabeth Cotter, Robert Euatace. Vincent glnan. Theodore narbaro, Manna. Jullett* Miller.. Josep $1.59 Coverlette Spreads ScllTert. Sixth Brado—Margaret Blnghsm, Mar. Combination Offering ! sarct Brown, Bhllllp Bradr, Margaret Finn, Dorothy,"Hopkins, Ruth Murray. Joh Save MulvlMll. Catherine Murphy, Alice Schu 1 "Verigood" Sheet "Towels" man. William Wlchraan. . Fifth grail*—Anne Flnan. Marlorl A Super Value! .Tones. Walter Kelliher. Margaret Kelly, Margaret McDonough, Sadie Power, Ros< and 2 Pillow Cases aria Sharabha.-.--.... -' . - Star tex--Turkish Fourth crade—Murtaugh Edwards, wll _|lam Oeronl, This spread has. never been sold at this low Sheet 81x90 • Kdwards, Jerome Grause, Burton Itochslle, Cases Linen Dish—^~ Him apericc, ~pnciTBefd7e,~and we doubt when you will 45x36 Second irrade—Darlara Bliby, Thomai Corbctt, Mary Finn, Ileglna Kennedy, Itar- again be able to buy such quality at $1.00. T h 1 a Bleached TilCSO tO\VCl3 lCR- nld Knlffln, Illehard Lyman. Doroth Muslin Set Is ularly retail for Noonnn. Helen Magle, Ethel Wilson. guarantoed to First Bride—John Blaneamo, Robert Beautiful all over designs copies of $5.00 as high aa 22c Hammer. Anna Mae Hughes, James Lar- ulvo two years Un, Willliim Mack, Theodore Most, Johi Coverlettes. These spreads are reversible service,will with- each. Towoia for Murphy. DoroUiy Malont. Bsrntdstte Ho stand many tub- uvcry purpose. All Kleholls, Mary Meads, Edward Oahes, John blnffs. Regular O'llern, Jean Patterson, Qulnn{ and can bo used on both sides. First qual- with colored bor- Mary Kfl.», Rlehard Bcanlon, Loulsi prlco for tho net TuUrlco. Teter Setaro. 51.60. 3-I>c. Set ders. Rrcrptton class—Ann* Kaney, Dennl ity, scalloped, full bed sizes. All colors .... McNIcholls. Anna Sole, •IBIBilBElllUIIJiM JOHN NEWS VENDCE. A Largo Attendance and Good Trlcci 2 1-4 Linen Dinner Cloths nt a Salo Lost VVcolt, Dinner size, 60x80 inches. Imported, closely John Now, who has boon oporatln woven cloths with colored striped borders—ready tho farm In Atlantlo township owne $1.39to $L98Curtains by Cornelius Bell of Broad atreot for use. Regular price 1.59 Ilcd 13anlc, held an auction of his live ntooli, crops and farm Implements Tailored Boston Net... Criss Cross It'MiBiira^^ Tuesday of last week. There was a largo attendance and good prlcei wero paid for all tha things struc" Colored Boston Net... Cottage Sets off, Many persons nt the iale ex- $1.59 and $1.98 Cushions prcBBod antonlihment that farm Novolty Priscillrts goods should sell «o well In theio de- You'll buy these, cushions by the half dozen. jircsBlon times. Ucaulifiil I.nce Saxonies, colored salius with ap- Mr, Now will move Into the Marti Save as much as 98c pair. Never before plique motifs, and novclly Damasks in many fcouno at Vanderburg. He Is em •TPIIE one true romantic f;llt...nowersl :,tylcs : • ployed on Harry McOraw'a eitate In have you seen values like these, They arc Atlantis township, Mr, Bell's farm Especially whm Hi' *.-« aa ij,.;1!;'::'::':!:™;.,:,!! will bo operated by Edwin IUordan. marvelous. You'll buy, tomorrow, curtains Mr. Itlordan wlllnot live In (hi sind lovely ** cur flc/nor* invarl»V^y »te. for every room in the house. Plain and hnuiie) on tho farm but will oontlmi They brlnn • thrill I Our nilcei «r« French Crepe Chemise and Dance Sets lo llvo with hlii mother* Mm. Mloha figured designs, nml full length Tlloidnn, whoie farm i> near tho tie You'ic gniiip tci love llicsc Hfcncli CJrf.pc iraiiiraiEncwi^ zarii i •!'•'•• .p.:; II j;;iniK-nts Irimmcd with ilalnly lace. nottoiiiTV CAHD TABTY. pi ice l.oo eacli. S.ivc half ilur'mj; Ihis Clgnrrlln < n«<-» Awarded nt Alpli Ml Uunmn Affnlr, from $1.00 n Doxen and up $1.00 Broadcloth and Chlnis. duntollo catlen Worn nw«r< xd a a pxlxos at a card parly Rive last 'I'liurndity night at thn horn* i All O<» Howi>rs I*rlrwi1 Min* Ilmlha Conrad «n 11i\»t Iff tin Corrrftpnndlnfly ntrtint l>y tho /Iplm Hlgm* flurami Rayon Pajamas •arorlty. Mm. Wnldo Kiirln m I i • K"noiul nhniii" «f tlifl nrraiigehunt Juat think of it, Imyinjc regular dollar pu- Tlio lirl«0 v/lminln wnin Mr«. Mini Potttiry, Aquariunu, Gold Fish Inn Km In, Mm. U«UIK° Hill, Mr jamiia for one-half tin; price. Thi:, in a mid Mltmnii Msiry IirniKiWnir, Hutl iipociinl purelia'w, nnw IIIHL quality inoroh- llciunl, JiSdnm JrfTrny, llelnil V«n iftmlino, boiiKhl npocially for Ihiii uviuil. )l*ntliuy«in nml M«rl» Kr««trta' About ll/ly iiomnnu vy«rn juPBenl, After tho mm they will bo featured ul thn •-. DEAN'S orlplnnl jiricc JlroadclotJtH in iKiatitiful lliiinn lrr* I'rMliyleilt ii. n. 8M>. or two-tono combinalioini, Well mndo 28 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J* gi i h(.«i.|la| nt N««wrk, TTIHIO II« llnito As»'n. with wido nub k'Kii 'i r want mi !t)p»r»llim on fit* 1»». >(• . lint the I'jt U l« »'$>1*W«

\ ?age Sfac RED BANK REfflSTER, FEBRUARY 24,1982. •

WASHINGTON EXHIBIT. BESTATJBANT BENTED. NEW NEW MONMOETH SXOBE. will bu completed about May 1st. The and the house Is being rewired. The Molntoah the department says: Wo buildings are part of a $400,000 con- house has about 23 rooms. Fred have received splendid reports to W. A. HOPPING '. Hunt Is doing the plumbing work Exhibit WUI Open at Trenton lira. Myra, Strong of Shrewsbury to Michael BoubH* Open* a Grocery struction program authorized by the Macoun from central Jersey. It hte vsSmBA Operate Uncroft Floe*. BuslnesB Tberc war department and.have been un- and Mahoney & Harvey the electri- a very short stem, and we were ICK BBIDOB KXOUHSION. on April tlb. der construction several months. The cal work. Mr. and Mrs, Hutchlns pleased to bear ono grower say that Real Estate and Insurance - Troaton, N, J.,—In connection with Mrs. Edward Bougbton of Uncroft Michael Boublis has opened a buildings comprise fourteen com- are spending the winter at Newthis was a great advantage for wind f LINDEN PL., BED BANS has rented her restaurant property United Service grocery etoro at New York. ___ NOT A SPECULATOR Niagara Falls Uia nation-wide observance of the 1 pany officers sets, fourteen non-com- stornu caused no bruising nor , WIONE 381 two hundredth anniversary of trie to Mrs. Myra Strong of Shrewsbury, Monmouth on the state highway, op missioned officers sets and a four- puncturing. At various shows the Rwnd Trl> birth' of George Washington, a loan who plans to operate a flrst-clasa resposlt- e St Mary's church. The utore family apartment house. Each of the NEW APPLES. Maooun attracted much attention and Is In a building which Mr. Boublls $6OO exhibit of "Wnshingtonlana"- will taurant beginning about March 1st seta will be occupied by two families, on made a groat hit" open in the special exhibit gallery of Extensive .alterations are being made bought from Mrs. Louis Merigold of the buildings representing double New York Department. Beports Two New Varieties., the New Jersey State Museum, here. to trie interior. The alterations will Leonardo a short time ago. Mr. Bou-houses. . _ . ". ' • Man's Back Broken. Saturday,February27 Sunday and will continue until April Include a main dining room, which blls and his family'occupy a house The New York experiment station S. BATON will take up the entire flrat floor of at New Monmouth -which they pur- IMTBOVING HCTCHINS HOME. Braest Trowor of Freehold suf- Returning Sunbr.' Fibrutry talk.' 4th.' •• says of the Cortland apple: fered a. broken back last week while --:•. Outstanding among the many rare the building and a large dance floor chased last November from Peter "We are delighted to' receive such CoacW uiC PnUman Sleeps** on" the-second floor. The work Is Karshes. They formerly Hved at Alterations Being Made to Besldence operating-, a tractor. Mr. Trcwer was Real Estate and undtrlp^r^l^lC ind valuable paintings, old engrav- encouraging reports regarding the using the! tractor to move a poultry ings arid prints of Washington and being done by Benjamin Dangler of Kearny, r on River Bank. Cortland, Several people who havo Insurance , Eatontown; The place will be called house. The house proved. to heavy On,P.r,onl.fo?/iKli? events connected with his, life, which The building firm of Hugh Getty beeVon the fence Are now-planting causing the tractor to rear up and Two Fenom 8.S5«ach 1.78 ««ok will be on exhibition, la an original the Triangle Inn, HOUSES NEARLY COMPLETED. of Red Bank has the general contract this variety commercially. It hawhes n It settled back to the ground U BBOAD 8TBEET, Ticket, will bo good on ragulir trsj» portrait of George Washington at The Lincroft postofflce and' the of- for .making improvements to thetaken many years- for the growers tho1 shock broke.Mr. Trewcr's back. "•ttlbutbd"to' Gilbert Stuart. There fice of Edward Boughton, Justice of Twenty-Nine New Buildings Soon home of A. 8. Hutching on the river to appreciate this variety but now bo onrjlBplay valimMn lpt- Beady «t Fort Monmoufh. bank at Fair Haven; ; The~lnterior we hear'nothing but praise of Its be- Red Bank. Consult Ajtinu or Sw Firm ^ryjii _ ftiuu uu vnr^**i*y—j—• > i • One of the quickest ways to Dnd s Hers and manuscripts' written "and "buliding~whTcirrs being erected on Twenty-nine new buildings which of the house la being redecorated, a Bavlor- 3bT5fcPfaa.averUsaiT5=fcPfa~~avrUsa-in TTho-nagih s signed by Washington. Many of the Tinton Falls road by William F. will-house nearly one hundred Fort hot water heating system, with con- where. . - , tor's Want Dopartmont—Adv "rbone these make special roferenco to NowVanNoto of Lincroft. New and im- Monmouth officers and their families cealed radiators, is .being installed "Of the Macpun a later and redder ment - Jersoy, and various battles fought in proved equipment will be installed in . this state, and to Its early govern- the new postofllce. .jnent There will be shown silhouet- tes, miniatures, busts and statues of "Washington by' prominent early A NEW ITABMHOT/SE. American artists. 'This exhibit. Is sponsored by theHarry Carney Building- a Hou«e on Museum Art Advisory Committee of His Farm Near Vanderburg. which Mrs. Joseph I* Bodlne, of - Harry Carney is having a house Trenton, Is chairman. Albert Bosen- built on his farm In Atlantlo town- thal, #ilst and authority on- "Amer- ship, near Phalanx, for his own oc- Annauncing new icana,'? of New Hope and Philadel- cupancy. It la being constructed by phia; Howard L. Hughe3 and Mary Delgert & WMett of West Keans- L. Messier, of the Trenton Public burg at a cost o.f $5,000 and it will be library, and Judge Edward, Ambler completed in about a month. The Armstrong, of Princeton, are asslst- house will be 24x28 feet, with seven -Jng-Uio^oommltteeJdth-the-selcctlon- rooms and almtluoom and^wlth-a- UUUU) ts,Il\* " ** avcas,*** w»-* »••»— -- -•—- — of the material and the arrangement sun porch, 10x16 feet, on the south of the exhibit side. The house' will have all im- During the "Washlngtonlana" ex- proveinenU. Mr. Carney and his hibit there will also bo a spcolal brothor, Vincent Carney, aro at pres- Transportation Exhibit In. the chil- ent living at the home of a neighbor, dren's room of the museum. This John Blehns. The house will be on will include models showing the de-the site of a dwelling which Was de-. velopment of modes of transporta- Btroyed byfcra last fall. • • tion by^alr._ land and •water. The material for this exhibit is being se^ looted and arranged by Morris B. Changes to Kumson Residence. Shoemaker, who Is In charge of the The sun porch on Edward W. Scud- dor's residence at the southern end children's department at the muo-f the Avenue of .Two Rivera at seum. Rumson is being enlarged and the XIG H T EIG . Admission to the New Jersey State library is being refitted. The firm of Museum Is free and it Is open to theHugh-Getty-0f_Red Bank is doing =puhlib'from 9 o'clockln the morning until 5 o'clock in the evening except the work. Sunday and holidays when the visit- ing' hours are from 2 until 5 o'clock tn the afternoon.

SCHOLASTIC HONOR BOLL, Veii Highest In Each Classroom on ~," List at SeabrtgUf — Tha following mid-year scholastic honor roll of. the Scabrlght public cchoolshowa the ton highest in each _room,_ in_alphabetlcal __o_rder.'__ and where more than ten names appear there has been a tie for tenth place: ' First crude—Philip Brag&r. Claire Feiln, tlurlel Fowler, Clemens Jacobsen, Violet rjulrascn, Bernard OlstivBUnler-Renshaw, I Fetrgy Ryan, Esther Sllva, Douglaa Stone. Second and third erodes—Fred Bradley, Charles Brown. WUUem Doyle. Harold .Estelie, Eileen Forsman, Dick Forsman, Ernest Gardella. Margaret Garland. Esther *ohnion. -Marie Kanehl. Dorothy Held. i Fourth and fifth frrades—Ann ''Engholm, • U Fary. Lillian Flannelly, Lily Garland. L- — -mas Garland, Grace Humbert. Mildred Most *of us knock on r 'hi, Stanley Olsen, Marfe Thompson. > ^ Thoraen, John Thoraen, Gertrude wood or refuse to walk •\felmer. e, . Jl, seventh and eighth (trades—Rob under ladders. "Play arkus. Florence Fary, John Foreman, betb GraU, James Layton, Lolls Nlch- safe," we say. Much , .Eva1 Olsen. Gertrude Stevens, Walter - .;rPT. Harold Bhlpp. Alice Wldorstrom; , -: more important, play' HIS ACCOUNT CLOSED, ., safe with your insur- ance protection. Let Neptune Man Claims Bank Paid Bis Money to Another. this agency take care Howard P. Bennett of Neptune mot of it. We will do a with unpleasant surprise last week -when ho went to the Asbury Park good job., .and Ocean Grove bank to fllo a claim for money he believed on doposlt. Bank officials Informed him that the o UR SHOWROOMS account had been closed out nnd an ALLAIRE & SON administrator appointed. It de- AGENCX. Inc. veloped that there was another How- ard P.~T3ehnett~who~dled aboxit a IHE DESIRE for Packard quality Is ns great powerful, roomy car—-with a 110 horsepower motor year ago and who formerly lived in A. D. COOPER today as it ever was.. Those who Hare always had fine and" a -wheelbasoof 128 inches" Your will appreciate — Asbury Park. The living Mr. Ben- 60 DBOAD ST., BED BANK nett claims a serious mistako was cars continue to wont first-class transportation. Other its modem grace and beauty of design—its low,,hand- 2nd Floor " Tel. S45& made at the bank-when checks drawn thousands'still-long to advance their standards. some, unmistakably "Packard" sweep of lines. The M*[light Eiglit, liko all Packard Bide Control >b lh« by the ABbury Park man were facltartl c*n,iaBlandnnl equip- original adjustable shock ab« charged against his balance. But for two years many have felt they could not Going deeper you will find i on entirely new frameo f ped -with aiutterffoof glau for sorb2iigs)r>tem,pro (ngsa/cty the complete protection of pa*. and riding eaao reganlleM of It pays to advertise In The Register. afford tho cost of quality. double-drop design, affording new strength and rigid- - seagen M well u the driver the load, road or temperaUn* Now the new Packard Light Eight scries cars overcome ity with lightness; a new and exclusive Anglesct Rear the price obstacle—answer the demand of the times I Axle •which permits-a-newj-fow -body mounting and •. Wi.th these entirely new cars—designed expressly to brings to hypold gearing new operating advantages fit today's economic conditions—Packard provides with worm drive effect; the straight-eight engine Packard quality at now low prices. The five-passenger "floated" ob live rubber; shatter-proof glass in wind- - Sedan, for example, at $1750. shield and all windows; bumpers and six-ply tires tut For the first time in thirty-two years of fine car manu- standard equipment; complete body insulation, and facture it becomes possible to offer a Packard at such newly luxurious appointments. a price. It means that thousands of motorists, who You will get tho greatest thrill of all when you drive In liencirPackard Ughts Unseen beneath the beanti- for years hnve admired and wanted the beauty, luxury tho new Light Eight. It provides surprising accelera- you will find added pleasure in fulljr tailored Interior luxury, operating Packard'* Synchro- but vaitlv important, li the and distinction of Packard transportation, can now tion, achieved through tho now high ratio of engine meahTransmission,quiet in alt thorough Packard body lniultr* enjoy it. For the new Packards cost no more to buy or power to car weight—one horsepower to less than • ihri»~»peeiU.Cear (hiftfog, ' lion. Squeak* and. xaltlet, out- either up or down, U eCfortle** aide heat or cold cannot in trad* to operate than do cars offering far lcs» In size, per- every forty pounds of car weight. It provides-tho funnnncc, prestige and pride of ownership. new Packard Silent Synchro-mesh Transmission, quiet In announcing its rcmarkablo new Light Eight, Pack- in all three tpceds; new Finger Control Free-Wheeling; ard is again deliberately expanding the scope of ^he nnd Ride Control—shock absorbers instantly adjust- fine car field, as It has done l>efore la recent yean. able from tho dash—just as found on the larger and Packard is offering a heretofore impossible Talue. Only more costly Packard can. the expectation of a Yery substantial volume, We cordially invite you to come in and go over tr^e new advanced engineering, now manufacturing processes Packard Light Eight in detail. Four beautiful models li/IOST everybody likes a modern Bathroom. mid prices on fine materials which touch pre- are offered, on the onmo chassis. Compare them with And for BO little it is possible to have one war Icvcltt, now innlo It possible. These any cars at any price for benuty, lux- facts will Im Itornn out liy your most TUB inntalled that will Rive you permanent freedom ury, performance. Wo promise you minute rxniniiintioti of thoncwPackard that tho Packard Light Eight Is tho car Tbo rrmarlaliljr low price of the Packard light Eight Include* from trouble. Only the finest materials arc used mjuipiniiii t tunallr clurgnl for «• nlras on other car* at tlmltar light Eight. You will find It « large. you will want and be proud to'own. 1750 price. In nuklna; coraiwrlaon* be sure to crodlt the ligat Elgtil and only expert artisans nre employed. That at ih* factory with s^aeeful, sturdy Innnpen, front sn.l mar, »li«ttlr Urea for which you pay nothing txtra Let Us Estimate Aslc the matt -who owns one

Tho proponed 5% Excise Tax on William O'Brien Automobile* will not help restore Monmouth County Packard Co. Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, your [Peonpcrltyl Monmouth St. at Mnplo Avc. Broadway, Ocean Avenuo Sheet Metal Work Ask yoxir Rod Dnnk Long Branch Sen Bright Congressmen Tcf. R. B, 3200 Tel. S. B. 00 29 W. Front St., Occnn Avo., tovolcagaimtit. Hod Bulk, N. J. Sen Bright, N. J. 1'IlONfi MB. 4T. >winn'*lwinuUMra'MnusUs^^

i •', ...... •. , :/ «-w '~v .UTJ., RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24, 1932. Pace Seven Brltton of Keyport were Injured lut William K. Devereau, died at the Branch hospital last week and said • Here and There Wednesday when theithei r automobilutomile home of her son Frank at Trenton he was unable to remembor his name was In collisioi n witih anotheth r car att lut Friday. \ Mrs. Deverfau'a ' hus- has been Identified as Robert Ring .: in the County Morgan. Ml" BrlttoBrltto n suffereffdd a and was a well-known newspaper- of Now Orleans. ' The man said he fracturered lleft legg andcut* on herman and was a former civil service :ould not explain his presence in this head anaa M BrlttoBltt n was badly vtUmai' Nojtei, Sain of Prop- Mr. commissioner. ,'.:... section. '•'•'. \ ' bruised. , Hotel Sold by Sheriff. Fire In Automobile. erty, Building Operationi, Injured on Wedding trip. ' The Monmouth House at Freehold The Liberty hose company was lioilge Poingt, Birlhit Mar- Mr. md Mrs. Irving Merrill of as" sold Monday of last week at called put to extinguish a flre In an rJaget and Deaths Larohmont, New York, were Injured sheriff* sale", to Mra. Bridget Collins automobile owned by Warren Car- laat week when their automobile and Austin Collins, executors of thehart of Spring «treet early Saturday , John H. Houghton, chief probation overturAed on the new highway near estate of Michael Collins. The hotol morning. Tho car was In his garage ~ t fit Monmouth county, la an » Matawan.' They were on their wed- ad claims of 137,600 against it. at the time. Damage was placed at ' >n Jn South America. During ding trip, having been married re- »200., . , • '" '/. ' •' .• L'Lit, assistant probation ot- cently at Valley Forge,, Pennsyl- Bam Burned. . : rik TenBroeck 1> acting vania. A barn on > the rear of Isadore Mot Death In Garage. Vchlet.- - , Remlk's property at Freehold! was The body of Walter Brownloe of Long Branch was found slumped In r' Henry 7. Oaum' of Engllihtawn Aged Man Recovering. destroyed by fire last Saturday week. (UVirittnber of the freshman dabat- John W. Erlckaon, 87, who forAn automobile belonging to George the seat of his automobile in a closod iln* '.-team , »t Rutger's, university many years was a justice of the McGlory and some household furnt garage last Friday week. Death was itobers b» Is Uklnga. ooune In m»th- peace at Freehold, It recovering ture were aleo destroyed. caused by monoxide gas flimes. from an operation In which, his left School Addition Dedicated. Agarol—Sl^Oaze., ...... 86e ,»matlce and natural science, Two Divorce Suite. PEPSODENT AntiaepHc-$1.00..;.«9e t, Mn'-ti; H0»g; of Neptune ha» •&*leg was amputated above the knee. The addition to the Broadway Kmul-Pcyllo—IS ox. size...... ,.,..83e Mercurochrome—25c size ...... - .lfc Mn.ErtekiQiiJi now able to wheel Mrs. Marian Bird of Freehold has Absorbine. Jr.—$1^5sfee ....89e 'indunoed' thefmarriage oi her daugh- rought suit for divorce- against -her grammar school at long Branch wait Break»-It;.Cold Tablets...... ""2J« •ter'Dorlii to Raymond MegUl. The himself about the hospital In a chair. - "dedicated Tiieaday—"-'-' performed an January Vertlct tlpheld. ; & ies. Tho addition thapaiktn, Maryland., ' :. The supreme court has upheld an counter-suit claiming that It was his Mm. 8«ral}.,tta'«»rdner of Long : award of 17,000 granted to Bareh wife who,deserted him, Sale of a Farm. LUNCHEON Tecnaimnt—25csizc. 15c Hill's Cascara Quinine—30c. 19c Branch dtoiif lut Friday irt her 88th Van Brunt of Long'Branch for In- The William M. Thompson farm year. Mri. Gardner wm the widow WlcltotunU Houso Burned, Flam Cough Mixture—60csize,..47c Syrup Hypophos. Comp.—1.6 ojc.r83e juries received In an automobile ac- near Freehold was sold last .week to Doan's Kjdney Pills—75c size... .43e vick'a Nose & Throat Drops .„ ..'.43e of Maltland Gardner. She i« eur-cident . The suit was against Charles The homo of Charles Hausman of ylved by: three daughters. WIckatunk was,destroycd by flre last August Koenlg of Marlboro, who will FluidExtr. Cascara—2oz...... 29c Whckn'a White Liniment—3 oz.tl 23c Weinen and his sons, partners In take possession .next August. The A ralioellaneous ahower was given Long Branch plumbing concern,. Thursday afternoon. Tho HauBman Lysol—Jl.OOmzo..... 65e lait •week for MIBS QIadyr Thorps of family waa visiting a neighbor when farm contains 73 acres. Woman Breaks Ankle.' Until Mar. % Ocean Grove whose engagement to Death of Aged Woman. the. flre broke out. The firemen saved Ralph Burtlo was recently An- adjoining buildings. Mrs. Elsworth Cotrcll of Farming- : MUs Josephine Yard died at her Dr. Miles Alka-Sdtzer—«maD..ae nounced. home at Asbury Park Sunday of last Flre at Belmar. dalo fell down the cellar stairs In her Pctrolagar—Jl.BOtnze ,.86e Peroxide of Bydrogea—8 oz.... 15e Mrs. Ethel M. Laird and Raymond week of hardening of the arteries. A fourteen-room house at Belmar homo recently and broke) her ankle Keu Carb Digestion Tab's-3S3.29e Zonltc—X1.OD alze__, ffite E, Grlfge, both of Tennent, were She was 90 years old. Mlsi Yard owned by William Watson and Mor-She Is undergoing treatment at the Gibson's Hygienic Compound..69e Whclaffs EpTedrine Nasal married laat Saturday -week at Mat-wa» tthh o lla»tt off a family of eleven ris MoBtow of. Paterson was prac- Long Branch hospital. Vick's Vipo Rub—85e size... .22e Jdl awan by Rev. Elijah F. Reed. children, BOM and daughter* of thetically destroyed by flre early last Nurses' Convention.,. James, Btrollo of Long Branch has lato Captain Joseph A. Tard. Thursday morning. The loss Is esti- The New Jcraey state nurses' as- been appointed borough engineer of Long Branch Woman Bead. mated at (10,000. . sociation will hold its-annual con- Manasp.uan. He succeeds G. Roland vention at Asbury Park beginning Moore. —Mr«r—Mar«aMt_Moran,_jKtf.e__pf, Wrestling Pdpular. Flam Rub—cut from 39er:.29e Dr. Scholl's Zino Pada^... Ue Aprll_2Sd. Ataout_iSQ nurses are ex- James Moran of Long Branch, died That wrostUng Is a pojiular sport Squibb's Liquid Petrolatum S. S. SJ-r?2.0Osize,«^.,.J.33 Washington Celebration^ - suddenly Tuesday of last week, phe pected to attend. :r"SS CastorOil.Aromatic—laz'..tic Standard Chapter of Royal: Arch In tho Freehold high school was Jad Salts—85o eize *Q* was stricken "while visiting - hershown last Wednesday night when New Election District. • - ' FUnsced, Menthol & Wild Masons of Long Branch hold a daughter. Mrs. Moran was 62 years Cherry Cough Mixtj.A.-49e ' George Wa«lilngton blcent«nnlM cel- more than 380 porsons turned out to A now election district will prob- MARY ANN 7 old and besides her husband she Isthe first public exhibition. About ably be formed in Ocean township. Oval tine—11.00 ekff...... We Glycerine&RotaWater-Soz^Sa ebration at Ho regular meeting Fri- survived by three daughters. day night. Many visiting Masons (SO was cleared. At the election last November near- ly 1,500 voles were caBt. STRAWBERRY were present from different parts of Settled Out of Court. Harried 55 Years. . NOW • the county. Thomas V. Arrowsmlth A damage suit brought by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William L. CbnOvor SHORTCAKE mads the address.------• -•— Mrs. Raymond Schwar? against Mr. DR. R. A. NEVDJS, CODUVKK of - Keyport, who ^re spending. tha LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR. *!• Clan Jan PAUL JONES and Mrs. J. Milton .Cook of Manas- winter at Brooklyn, celebrated their 129 Broad Strevt, ' R«d Bank, N. J. with Ice Cream on. Died front Injuries. quan for Injuries received In an au- 55th wedding anniversary Sunday of Phone 1060. Slain or Mint Richard Coomhe of Kearny died In tomobile collision was settled out oflast week by entertaining several oi (Formerly Pr. Engl«rt'» Office.) a Newark hospital last week from court last week. Mr. and Mrsthei, r relatives. WILLIAM A. WIRTH, Delighttully PSYL&IUM Injuries he suttorod about a month Schwarz accepted 49,800. / • • OPTOMETRIST ' Different ago when he was struck by a hit- To Reduce Men March 1st. Rerliter Bldf., Broad Street, Bank May Reopen. . The • Freehold unemployment relic Phone 88. Rid Bank SEED and-run driver near Farmlngdale. .1 Reports-are.current ln\the county Office Hours: 9:00 to 6:30. WITCH Coombe wa'e walking along: the' wad committee..has announced-that no —~ Evenings-by Appointment. neat that tho Freehold trust com- single man will be given employmen HAZEL 100 at the time he was struck. Ho waspany, will probably he reopened. Tho after March 1st as they should then QUINN, PARSONS & DOREMUS, 28 years old. COUNSELLORS AT LAW bank was taken over by the state be able to find work on farms or else- Whitfield Bulldlrjf, Rid Bank Tablets Auto Catches Fire. banking department on January 4th. where. . John J. Qulnn. Theodore T>. Paraoni. An automobile belonging to Daniel County clerk Joseph MeDennott is Thomaa P. Porcmua Whelan^s 5 Grata Auto, Overturned. * Hendrlckson of Keyport caught fire president of the bank. ALSTON BEEKMAN, while parked at Freehold laet week. An automobile driven by Albert E. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Hardware Dealer*' OBlcers. Treat of Freehold skidded and over- Offlcoj, 10 Brond St., KED BANK, N. J. 12 oz. trze BBJCARBONATE Mr. Hendrlokson had locked the Robert A. Sexton of Long Branch doors- of- the oar and It was neoc»- turned near Colt's Neck a_fewjdays BfflLKof Has,TJBenT.Blected: president":of"tfi'i ago.; Mr."Treat's right hip waa. 3 -D." -COOPER,- : - v — %|c i olSODA sary to call him from a 'jury in theShore hardware dealers' association. wrenched and ho was laid up several CIVIL ENGINEER. MAGNESIA Courthouse before the fire could be Succeaaor to Georfa Cooptr, C, E., Bertram > Birch of Freehold Is vice days. • , • • Patteraon Bulldlnc. . KEI) BANK, V. 3. extinguished. - • pVejldent, Wlljardj PrlRge pt 5"reo- Want Bank n«ipcnod.- ~-^=^— holdT1(iecretaijr-ahdr-Freii—Wilte-b QKOBGE: K; ALLKN,: Jr.,-CrEr.-and aubbiag ALCOHOL The Bradley Beach chamber1 of Freehold, treasurer.. Several • Monmouth, county mem- GEORGE IT. RANDOLPH, C E., bers of the New Jersey stato court CIVIL EN (SNEERS AND •SURVEYORS commerce has appointed a. commit- Dropped Deed. on Street ' • t«e of eleven buelnota, men to at- attendants' association attended the BO Broad Street, R«d Bunk. N. Ji Frank O. Alden, a retired, importer quarterly meeting and dinner of. the tempt to devise a plan whereby the of cocoarbeans and * member of the First: national, bank of that place association at Jersey City Monday. New' York stoctt* exohang>, dropped Alimony Reduced. KOTEK KLEENEX might be reopened, or In the event d«id Thur«day night on the street Anne's Beauty Salon LEAP-YEAR Specials that this Is; impractical; to start a at Long Branch. Mr. Alden was 71 Vice Chancellor Berry has ordered Regular new bank. . WAIXACE ST., years old.' He Is survived by * widow the alimony, payments which RUB- BED BANK. Pkg. of 12 For FEBRUARY 29th ONLY Candidate for Commissioner. and: two children. sell B. Haberstlck of Neptuna must Joseph J. Schwark, troasurar of pay to his divorced wife bo reduped Permanent Waving, This is Leap Year...FEBRUARY 29TH is an Firemen Are Insured. from $15 weekly-to $9.00 a week. 50c Tubo 'the Monmouth county Democratic • Commissioner Charles E. Brown, Finger Waving, Facials, BENAPS Odd Day...which means no rent for us...so KOLY committee and former lire chief of director of public safety at Long Author Lives at Falrfleld Station. we pass along another BIG SAVING to you. ' OUR Long Branch, has announced that New Hygienic Branch, Informed the commissioner! Carl B. Ogllvle, a well-known short Shampooing, Sanitary Napkins PRICE ho will bo a candidate for city com- last week that the city firemen were story writer, is making his home at Manicuring, etc. missioner at the election next May. properly Insured although the policy Falrfleld Station near Farmlngdale. lal Cream ' Schwark la the first to announce his can not be Identified as compensa- Mr. Ogllvle acquired his writing skill MRS. ANNE MUSTOE, 2 AMBROSIA Combination candldaoy. - tion Insurance. whilo working on newspapers. • Camming of - Injured In Collision. Bled at Son's Horn*. Couldn't Remember Name. Phone 3008. ^1.00 Bottle of Ambrasu fOT CASTILE Miss Emily Brltton and G. Morris Mrs. Anna Devereau, widow oi A' man who ctvjored ~ the Long U.ea D« FIANCEE Face Pwwdor I 50c .. AtnbtosU Flask J —And generous size Bottle of $Smooth NeuCarb SHAVING CREAM DOZENS of PAIRS ANTISEPTIC 57 60c Cunt Tubo—35 —3 Tubes JOT •!,.•«

PER FOOT CHILDREN'S SHOES UFEDUOY SOAP 3 Cakes Manon Lcscaut CAMAY SOAP \re you one who thinks we sell only expensive shoes? LIFEBUOY Zf* Tul» anil .mo Inreo HIIK FlnUrK. c Just Come in and Change Your Mind. SHAVING CREAM %*] Face Powder Valim 41k*. Let Us Fill Your l , Our Women's Shoes at $5.00 Are Excellent PRESCRIPTIONS A Pound

Our FREEMAN SHOE for Men dt $5.00 Are Leaders. rmrlly UK yrrnr l'liy»lri»n «nliT« 'WILBUR W« ««• nnly tlin lil«lir«l r"'1" 1>'"K» WE FIT BOTH FEET AND POCKETBOOK. •ltd l'harnt»c*n(llr«l* Wo (Sunranlr^ SAKrrrV OUAI.ITV JOHN B. ALLEN CO. KK.ItVlrK SUCCESSORS TO Until Uuth FREE 9 Broad St. WHITE SHOE CO. Red Bank nr.nvic:r. itowk COURTESY QUALITY DEPENDABILITY Itrond mid White Sit Rrt! Bank Phona MB IIKKMAN I) WOOMJCY 1 OMBCIUI BVUVIUUI* 1 i. nA\in Ivai ymi lull liifnimnlio't dents at the normal school at Hill- Matawan'visitor over the week-end. birthday at ,tbe home of Mr. andscpre and Mies Margaret J, Devlin' Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Waller Mra. Loroy Stark of Miami, Florida. second. I %£.MXTHCW n. HATnjBraJt. i-^'Zif•*J;;6ay Is a picture suitable for, the ma- Tummlngton and Mrs, SpolTord W. ' .The said • Bill. Is ' Alad to foreclosa • : wan, has sold his farm to Hayward 'or the children will bo held Thurs- tho Wednesday Fortnightly bridge mortiiam'Blven 'by M»thew fl, Ijathlaen ;. tore audience. It presents excellent B. Spangler, and will realdo at New- day night. Tho minstrels this year club last week. Prizes were award- Schanck won pjltes. ' to Chsrlei L. Bennett nod. Joseph H, A p. jy;.Acting, clever dialogue and shows are under: the direction of Frank ed to Mrs. A. B. Henaorson and pTekate^' a^eoutdra'' *uhder7. to* ^ ark.' ano^'-'Ttstanveftt1 pf'JplftatHtffl'.TV^ialQKtvc* i'|;th8.;lh-law'problems ot an actress Mr. and Mrs. Warren Donnell Tray, and according to reports will Frank Bliss. Miss Hary: Farry was ChrlstenliiBatCoi'teNeok. * ah married to a wealthy young man, •ca*ii«3,. aid J«ud;US.tWent/inWtt; Jay Qt were recent visitors at New York. bo, better than ever. Mayor Currle gueBt. .' Doris Marie Bennett, daughter of October, 1980. on laniis Irt the Boroujh of i BVTTl ;'|f I'tejio Is tied by the proverbial apron Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Drummond {taied D»nkBank,. .CjCounto y of Monmouth and Mlsa Eva Stlllwaggon and H. F. will be master of ceremonies. The Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bennett, was Stato of Ntw J.riry. THElt i|-..'Strings;•' '>' '••'•:•,•' Traser were the guests of Mr, and nd men will be Tliomaa Woistead, entertained at dinner last week Mr. christened at St. Mary's church at E Std Vb nry stti 1:%v;^At. the: Strand for this coming lost. AT" I ,. Mrs. John Connolly of Flushing, Thomas Walling, Warren New, John arid* Mrs. Paul Raycr of Manasquan, Colt's Neclt Sunday morning. ^irB, THE DOKOUOK^l ;.:' Sotuxday and next Monday and Tues- Long Island, last week. Shea, Joseph Haley and «amuel Mr. and Mra Garrott McKcen> Mrs. Susanna Bollly of Oceanport acted as SPySSSSii OUOH JOPi KBASgBU... ySdwthe feature will be 'Murders In A parent-teacher association has Brewer. The jokes are all new and William G. Bedlo, Jr., and Rov.godmother and Walter Bennett of Eollclton ot Corniilalnants, •VAIL. ESTATE PROPBh §j^tiia;]Elue Morgue,' Poe'ff horror story ^"7- /tmencan inventor 81 Dro«4 Street, Rad Bank. N. J. BA8T,: BSINO -SUPPLEU- , been organised with Mrs. Edward original and tho songs are right up Thomas S. Cobb. , • . Vanderburg was godfather.'After the IN ADDITION!TO.THB.WOBK JS&ot; 'the Bclentlst's attempt to unite ;o the minute. Next Sunday after- Miss'XIQle Baker entertained the christening a dinner party was held ]•": >'.;;•.-. ii NOTICE, ,'..,-: >,.,:/: '• OUSLY AtlTBORIZED OIT-Ta: Currle as temporary chairman.and NOTICE Is hereby: tlven that tha Town- U tha blood of an apo with that of a Mrs.- Fritz Weber secretary and noon the show will be taken to Mil- Thursday Evening brldgo club this at the home of Doris's iparents. SHOBB PKONT BY' THttr ppfprT^" ^BSveral".MUiirdera- Tesultr-but ; ship Cornmlttea of (ho Township of Ulddle- OP MIDDLETOWN JN THE treasuef.~"Th¥presldent:wllH)eit!l; jHoyontaally the ape takes justice Into Voorhees. • piss Baker held High TOoetlnir-Df-^hsr-ToVnvlilpTJoTnniltter.tovb*- d at a meeting to bo held March 1st o the men in the veterans' hospital. It pays to advertise in The Regtstei; hsld ::ohi .Thursday -afternoon,'Febrgary fWHERBASi ilifc'Townshlrr/iif^lddrfc ;,!his own hands. This picture is for Mr. and Mrs. James Olley of Now Y may changa the own, by, an,';Ordinanc, Ordinance pUsad,iJinp»BB6di>ind ,ap,ai'i *{ thexnatvire audience. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dominick of S5th, 1088/ >J the Committee ,'>oo?na at —-•-irov.•d I' n 'lUej'Mtth 'mr r i«»,t»Mj») and.«il,eJbjeV,,Oand.«il,SSeV>|i * York «pent the week-end with Mr. Plalnfield spent the week-end with 1 modes of transportation, MWdleto-wn at 3 l|B0 o'clock In tho «(t«f Inanco pat •S'£."ThB family will be privileged to noon, for, thfl.nurp'oBB'ot ^arb'n^o'.cplle.c- Jcidj niand approveapprovedrlitjthtwd •Hn,; a- i and Mrs. A. L. Witaon of .Main he former's stater, • MUzmhfth Dom- but tlmo cannot chango our noon, for the nrpoBa .OSl^hasip^00i ' »lded for the .lrapr<>Ti o( i,- fcee 'Emma' nt the Carlton next Sat- Announcing to Our Dear Cuotomcrs and the Uon In Uio ButKeamibprit UotE«K0 Dial itreet , nlck. policy of offering quality flow- trlct. Ii. show frunt' i'i i tttiiay and Monday, The picture will 1 paid shore front belair betwaen tbo am* Miss Mary Flnlay, a cousin of Mrs. Dr. and Mrs . C A. Gesswlne spent Public in General ers and plonta. The florist of "itid 1* deidred for., a period :'o( on* year pugh liny of the Borough ol,K««Mbnol,K««Mbnttg Yc'ttow. a loyal family housekeeper, shdavtieriod of'three yearsr-w . -.' ; : XJ. Atken of Little street, sailed at Wednesday at New York. reliability. and thoo Vall'Eat^ta- propertr on th* EMEMttl |<:;!yfha brtagii up an inventor's children SpefltflcaUona rnay bo bad ' fronv Row* ANND WHEKEA8WHEKEA8 . It (a deilredeldd t o voff C^Tlth tho uoual human rewards ot loon Saturday on the Caraeronla for Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Valdez »rd W.Eobettj, lownnhlp Clerk, Atlantic >late th< aald work and It roqulroa an'1 .reland. Miss Flnlay hao been tho and children, Kathryn'and John of Hfunlandl, K. J...... , , •i|vBmtltudB and Ingratitude, Rowing The Re-opening Wright's Roses Fresh Cartlfled chock In. too turn ot One Hun- •excellent acting and direction, hum- guest of Mrs. Atken since last Octo- than, Pennsylvania, were guests of dred (»100.00) Pollnt, mad. to. tho order Ji'^Ar and pathos Judiciously lnterroin- Br, Mr. and Mrs; John B. Terhuao over Daily of the Tpwriehlp of Mlddlotown. ^juit ac the week-end. eompany>al|:blds,,. '- ;.-.••.: .." ; ••;•;•.- if"Mlddletownr'.' / -ri-i, • 'n»-\,:":f,conslderad-.to thft,.beat Borough.' of-OKeansbiiraT'andfthfti-Vail-^E K'Sfriday, March* 2d, 3d. and 4th, the Mrs. Mary Kramer of Washington, ary 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Corsapes-aiKT^ottery. ;ata properl»«n'Uhi'Eint,'.b*.)iJthji^r E 1 :< ho conitmntloni ot jetties, ,buli i. feature at the Strand will fee 'Fire-' D. C, Bpent the week-end with Miss F. Simpson, who are spending the '..•.-,-*..'*•'• ^ •-•• • - 'Township Cleric. luc;hrh construotlon othuc Improvementi ot^eHles,^biilk£«'ad«s as •(!«.„ ; anS ;?; iBan, Save My Child.' The title tells Mildred Btultz of Jackson street. • winter at Augusta,,Georgia. Spanish Beauty Salon :Datad.Felruary:nih,.l»aS.< ,\:'••....•: jrotaot tho sold ihoro-front from theH v-'-V'jron that of course the child is Mrs. Isaao T. Rue celebrated her oads of tho Mrs. Fountain Burlew and son Rob- . .^. .SXIE.'-.'- ':'. '... tq plon» mad 8a^*. ,5'; '(WCvecl."ThB plcturp-presontB-tnany jrt have returned from a visit with By virtuo of B wflii ol7fli' J?. io: mo- ill. Townshln E ltKeri ond to ba »pij ~—aBBUBing_situations. Any member of .Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Pifko at Col- rooted, Issued out. of the Court of Chun* br. tthh oE Btatt o -] oard ot Commerce mn^ Isatlon. .' r "•'the family can see this picture. — ingEwodd.' " - -•- ON FRIDAY Honey Bee eery of the'Stato of New Jersey,' will bo 3. That tho Bum \ of :'Or\a exposed to salo at public vendue, on' .."At tho Carlton next Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and 11,000.00) -Dollura, or to'tnuch.i., •Monday, the. 14th; day of MaVch. 108.. may-be required,,ba.an'd.the1 eamov.ls here- • rWednesday -^xmrfuCourageoug' will _AUghter-JJoul3flij3f_Jackjgri _BtrceX AT THE SAME PLACE Tel. R. B. 872. between tht.hour* of as:0tt o'clock and by appropriated tat .the above) Iraprovi* .'•'iji the attraction* This is a picture WHEN ITS AN... . 5lOO o'clock (at 2100 o'clock) Mn-the after, were Jersey City visitors last week. With every modern improvement and •• UPPER BROAD ST, noon of said day, at tbo Court. ]loi»e, in tnent.. • '.-V-. i-.-r.. '•• '• • ."'' '.-. •;*••» •fpp the family audience with a plc- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen and tho Borough of Freehold.' County of Mon- 3.,In order to temporarily;fln«nc*-tk'» tttrizatlon of a very agreeable love mtrntb,.^ow.-Jerae/,. to:^tlsff & decrefl of above :undartakli•'Interest..-'and . Incendiary Origin, . Mrs. George, Loscoo last week. thence southerly. Blonsr the Vest side pf dato of maturity/ shall; also • be. det«tmlu«a Mr». Emma Shepherd will enter- Lelshton avenue, forty-five feet six Inches by resolution...- -.':. :::-^':..'". •• -. parallel with .Bank «tr«ut, on«. hundred ! 4,'The followlnof,matl«rs, o«.pro»IJad'by -! A ore which the Keyport fire de- tain the ladies of the Methodist Waves and seventy feet to a stake! thihco north-* Chapter £62,; Pi U-lsU," aa onioTldld; are fought desperately, broke jhurch at a thimble party at her wsrdly .on-a 'line tlroilel- with itelihton * sroby_ determlned^and-deolaradi^- >--•-* * »-v-- A MARCEL, --*• a.venua - forty.flvo -leet.' six - Inches^ to ^ the tC-'Sut-ln. the Rarltan Inn Friday morn- home at Middletown. The trip will south slda of Dunk Btree11 thence, a|ons (a) Tho Pcpbnbl« iieflad of .UHtulMll J"; Sny, An alarm was turned in by >e made by automobiles. Bank street easterly ono hundred and sov- of said Improvement. Is ton' ye*M.' }'. Keyport poatofilce. Thla was at 5:40 onflned to his homo by illness. Expert Repairing Ine lot number elinty-three (83). -. Sobed aa the property of Satyntora Eli- rirovejncnts) - of the^TTownBhlii', ef Ulddli^ complete 1 town in'tho County of Monmoutb,,civjrn* >'•: 'i/dpek. Two other alarms were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friches and • ov--- • •• anrro et al; taken- In extcuuori at- the'suit f- turned In to make sure the entire ihildren and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Performance of The Mainstay. Bulldhts and toan-'As- puted.unon the three next preceding vala- nictation,, a corporation ot the Stata of »llona thereof Is »8,150,2Bf.OO. .'.-"'" V f department would respond, 'saacs were Perth Amboy visitors WATCHES/CLOCKS (c) Tha net dent of tha Township tef . Hiv« you 'IxUtry sy H«w Jersey, and to be sold* by Ll'.'.'• The oriB'n of the flro was In a hall- last week. Short, long, dyed or bleached. Guaranteed from 6 to 9 months. R. O'BRIBN, Middletown In, tha County of Moninouth ', iwy on the secona Boor, and the Imptcted by «»p«rl«ncid ra«ni la S279.27B.4T.V ' '. .- "..;), ''TheRural Billion"'Is ttetlOe (A j witi each Permanent Wave a and JEWELRY -— Eherlft, (d) Tin sUtementa^rtdUlrtd byBeotlon £• -flames were sweeping along that Exid* Batterlu, luperiei as lh«"y batad Pebianry ^1082 i book being studied at mid-week Jar of Rejuvenating Cream Warren :H.- Bmocfc. SolT.. ; 1! hereof have'beer, mad* and Sled *>»• ::';•: floor and tha one above when the lervlco In tho First Presbyterian •»/ »»ed ettcntlon periodically. Accuracy, skill, and ,experl- ilL4T4l7;22:" QUlred. • '• - '"• i ' . '-.' '- (.'.'..V 'i.'i'" .';--i • 2i-ltoinejiLarrived.._Withi the flamea 5. The said.work .hall bo .undertaken''n< church_on_T!l«rariayjLight. ___ .Lrt.SfJoote ovti^your bitttry to- ^nce_enabie2us_'to:- doi_ the -IN CHANCERY'OP NEW JER3EV; local impVoTemeint^«lid_th*,«orfl;(if::, ;«flo6ed on January 1st. Miss Margaret Latlmer of Nutley Our Work h Always Guaranteed. By virtue of an order of th«< Court o* 8. This OOrdlnsnce thsll take «f(«t.lro- prices will please you.: Chancery of NeW Jersey; ma«3fl on.-'tha Jay mediately.!ediately! - •';'; :;; -.•••^ ,V\ In less than hall an hour-the was the week-end guest of Mr. and of the data hereof ir> a cause-wherein ; wines were under control, and-woro Mrs. Lowlg Blood, Castile Shampoo with Artistic Eleanor W. ;HoCormaok U complainant yttihgulehcd within an hour and a Our Service Car Silverware Repaired and-Ask Brynl)dian, Sigurd Canlolsen and ..:v '..'.sHEitrcps SAUB.•:.,_ ... Mr. ond Mfs. Robert Melnieir.pr l Finger Wave .....:...... <...... 75 Thomas Farlojr. a«» daf«ndnnt*i you ni-e By, virtue cf a writ ot ft. fa..tan. Then began an Investigation Perth Amboy and Mr. and Mrs. and Replated Like New required to' appear and answer tho bill rected, Isiuad out of the- Commijn P -t revealed that in practically every of ftafd complaint on or-bofora' the 11th Court of Monniouth- County, and Stnt James Meinier and daughter were a li Always Ready 5 Castile Shampoo with Marcel New: Jersey,'will'ba expqse,d to''tall n there wa3 a five-gallon glass day of April, 1932. or the Bald'bill li: tl |l the guosts of Miss Rebecca-Norrls be 'taken aft cbnfeassd t you. public VendueJ-on • ' •"• 'i:. liner filled with gasoline or ben- .Tha said bill la filed to foreclose a cpr Monday, the 7th'day;of March; i*n, and Mrs. Evelyn Taylor of Ravine Manicure," Eyebrows, Haircut, Shampoo REUSSILLEi' between the- hours -of' 12:00 o'clock- .Mid large number were loaded drive last week. —. FHONE 2112, tain morttcoge tnade by A*bk "BrynlMnen -uck and taken to the borough 36 Broad St., Red Bank i (single) to Eleanor W. MoCormnck, bear- 6:00 o'clock,: (at 2i00 o'clock) lii_t)io af- Miss Eleanor Goodacre of Jersey or Scientific Scalp Treatment...... ing date Febtuary 2Sth, 1D31. In the ternoon of aiilardhi; at .the Court Xtousvjn City was the guest of her slater, Mrs, TeL 183L Bum of $8,000.00,;-which raort^ago wa» re- the Borough of, Freehold, County, of Mon- jstimatcd that at least 75 gal- Henna Pack or White Henna crdecorded In the'MonmouttheMonmouth County CUrk i mouth. New Jersey, to.satisfy a Judgment Jennie Vreeland, laBt week. ofl.coflcn In Book 078 ot MortgagesMortgage * page 848400, of-aald Court-amounting to approklmately >erc stored in the building, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle T. Daws of NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ctc.JJ annd w fniredofnreottff a certain mortmortgag ^ 1286.00. ' >''•'• • ••-•; -. • .' : ": ,-•;••: tho flro was of incendiary JolinHansen GOOD WOBK BUTX.T OTJBBEPBTATION... ~ Ei. l of GracG e MMore , deceaseddd. m»d« br Sigurd DajiIelBeny-ahd from said pe- Notice Is hereby given that tho ae- ' Sigurd Danlelien, oro tho owner In fee filnmnff point 'running* th*nc« U) in * northwesterly direction' along' tho easterly counts of 'the subscriber, substitutions^ tbo lands and premises wheraon 1J SUPERVISOES MEET. admlnlstratoadministrator.witt with will annexed of thae esen. mortgages', are a Hen :'and rar. made de- - - -"' >ald Holly a —. tw' o hundred iate of eald deceased, will be audited and fendants. ' ' .. . ;' i'point belt) tho soutbwtiterlr stated by the Surrogate of-ththe County of Dated February loth, 1032 ._ „' Lot No. si as shown >on 'said County School Principal In Scssston MonmoutMonmouMth h and reptterepottetd for settlemensettlemttlet t tto EDWARD W. WISE. mapi the: _ .iQrthcast«rlydlre.o- at long Branch. tthha OOrphanh s CCourt t off nulld CountyCt , on - * - - Solicitor of- Complainant. tlon alonlonje the-southerly ild«» of old: lot Thursday, the thirty-first day of March. ' .'.:. * : ' ' . ,'. , Ittd B»nk. N. J. No. 99, and iptiNo, 85, two*hundted' f»»6 A. P. 1083, nt which timo application will to a point bslne the southesstetly comor A meeting of the Monmouth Coun- bo made' for tho allowance of commissions • , NOTICE." • of .aid lot Xio.'OGi'as shown orfaald map} ty Supervisors' Hound Tablo waj and counsel fees. ' thence (3) In a,, northwesterly direction To DEPOSITORS IN AND along th. .aitsriy aide of eald lot No.Bt, teld at Long Branch Thursday af- Dated February 18. A. 1). 1082. OF THE-iMEKCHANT8 TIIOBT COM. SEACOAST TRUST COMPANY, two hundred feet to av point in tb« south- ternoon for the principals and super- By! Robert B. AttartUco, Special Analotant PANV OF BED DANK, N. J.t erly,eld. of Oak-street as shown on salt! visors of the Monmouth county Deputy CommlsBtoner, In Chargo of the Pursuant to Chapter 25{Tof the Laws o: map, said point being the northeasterly schools. Harry C Sleber, principal 64 Broad St. Phone R. B. 818 Free Delivery. Liquidation of tho Seacoaot Trust Com- 1031 of the State of New Jersey, notice I corner of.eald lot No. 891'th.ne*--(4)'In pany. hereby given that all Persons havlni • northeasterly direction along the south- of tho Bed Bank high school, and fiubitltuttonary AdmlnUtrator claims against the Merchants Trust Com erly eld*-of Oak street continued, thrc* Charles A. Wolbach, vice principal, With Will Annexed. pany of lied Bank, N, J., are required ti hundred fe*t nior« or lesa to a point! r thenc* (5) In a* southeasterly, direction Attended the meeting. It was an- present same to tho.undersgned and maki legal proof thereof* ,a.t the office of-UlL parallel with th. .aaterlji sld.. of lot No. nounced that a moving picture cam- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JfcRSEY. • Merchants Trust Company, 28 Broad street, S3 shown on ssldtnap, and at right angle* era had been purchased for uso in FOB CASH To MAGGIE FAVETTA MAZZUCCAi H«d Bank, N. J.i on or before the lOtl to said Oak.street; two hundre&.feet tola, SPECIAL —Thurs,, Feb. 25, to Wed., Mar. 2 By virtue of an order of the Court of d«y of May, 1682. • •• ' • point; thane* (») In. a sogthwesterly.dltoc- the county and that a course of study Chancery of New Jo racy, made- on tho ' FHANK II. SMITH. tion, pirall.1: .with the. (authcrl1 y side ,of : aald Oak street, ;one'hundrf *•"*'•*•- In penmanship had been distributed, day of the date, hereof, Jn a certain cniiae Contmtssloner of Banking and lnsuran< point belntf th.iaou' throughout Monmouth county. Kol- wherein Joaaph MKIXUCGA U ; petitioner, ' - . .-: . O#:Naw.'Jf«rsay.- and you ate defendant, you are required DaUdHed Bank, H. X, Feb. IT. loot, said, lot No>' 83. as, shown on'aalii end Fcnnimore, Fair Haven school to appear, and-pleadandrilaad, Ianswer or demur to • Far the convenience of- depoeltora atiu theneo (7) In •..southeasterly :dl , , principal, was chairman of the com- petltloner'a petition i before the other credJtorM, printed forms wlll.be fur- parallel. with tha «ast«rly ilde' ot >loUy mittee on teaching of penmanship, ( ho twenty.elghth day of March ne*t, or. i nlihjd ond nulitenra r«nd«reil fn the pr«p Avenu« and at right arigUu ta/Beaen n default thereof, such decree will be aratlon ot Proofs of Claim, at the Dnnic street, two hundred feet ta a point: In th. lllaa Jennlo Egan, penmanship sup- aken against you as the chancellor shall Ing House during business day* from »:i)( BEST ROLL BUTTER northerly aide of Beech.street continued1 , ervisor In the Red Bank schools, and think equitable and just. I A. it. to OiOO J>. M., axc.pt Saturdays distant four-hundred feet mor*-lor laMa JTred C; England, Shrewsbury school The objecobj«ct oft aaldaald. aulsuit I»s to obtain a on Saturdays from OiOO A. M. to IStOl from th* Ir.temectlon of tha northerly decree of divorce, dlanolvlna the marrlsse M. Ueposltors and creditors are request, side of eald lleech street with the #aitor- principal, were on the committee. A Red Bank—UON BRAND between you and (he nafd petitioner. od to make their Proofs of Claim aa aooi ly. side of .o«ld Holly itunus; th«tiM (a) - *26 Dated Janunry 27, 103S. discussion on tho relationship be. m "•'- andd rauitrou« prcaaht.tlnlpresentheirr 8a,v In a . southwesUrly - direction lalanaV ifji tween grammar school and high APPIiEOATK, STEVENS. FO8TKR ings PASS Book! Christmas Ctub northerly able cot "said Beach, streetj^alft & UKUHHILI-E, •or other ldanee of lnriohtedn«(i known na lAidy lane,:contlnu.d fou?-hun echool wns held otter the meeting, Solicitors of Petitioner, by'the Trust Companyany, when filinfili g clalmi dred feet rupr. orMess to the', r which was led by Mr. Slcbcr, Harry HOTEL ASTOR HOT HOUSE Broad Street, Red Hank. Now Jersey. pl.c. of beglnnlnR, Tltcomb, Neptuno hluh ochool prin- BEOOND TRACi'l 'fill that lot, ,trt«t, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Monmouth County Orphans' Court. parcel of land and :piemltes,'altuate,'lyl cipal, and Thnmas Harper, Bclmar Uneeda Grahams Kstato of l'aul L'. Uratldt, deovasfd. In the matter'ot the estate of Thomai and being In'the TowtiBhlp of MlddlnoWn; Notice la hereby ulven that th. ac- Coulton, deceased. high school principal. RHUBARB On petition for,sale ot lands to pay deliti County of Monmouth and State- of .,N*w" ' COFFEE counta of tho nuhacrlbern, executors of the iltato of said deceased, will be audlt«d Order to .how cauM. BItaiNNINa.at anoint, which.., 1-lb.pkg,- lb8 c ind dtated by the Kurrogat* of the Couh- Itiullum K, Coulton, admlnlslratrU ol Jha southeait comirof lot fto. &t *• ,y of Monmonth Anil reported for aettle- the estate of- Thomaa Coulton, deceased* :h* . .outheail ^orner-'of -lot -No...'81,*'«,• ment to the Urphanit Court ot said Coun- huvlng uihlblted uniler oath, a true >ao* shown and diilitnatcd on a tn*it<*nt|tUdv Matawan New«. ty, nn Thureday, the twenty.fourth day vount of the penonal estate and debts of "SectioSionn AA.. Map, of Liner oft Eitttei, >- 2 -25 of March, A. I>. 1012, at which tlm. ap- Bald - intsBtats, whereby tt appears that vorpor«UdrpoUd« Uncrofl. ;N«w Jar ley, "mad* >- 25 by a«ora« II. Coo M (Th. R«d limit Jtaiilitar run b. bbought plication will be made foe the allowance tha personal estato of th. tanl Thomus II. Coo Mr, Q E.. July >•», U27, |n Mllmu (rut(rutn I. '!'!''. CCIOMOII . 1212»» Main of ruinmlnilona and counsel leva. Cuuiton, dicuiid, it lnjtufl)el«nt 'to fft/ Jted Hunk, K.. J... phi eh mspU ,on fUe InIn (Uect uid Jacob A. Lewli, Inc.) Dated February Oth, A. 1), 10D2. Ma debts and rsnueitlnc tha aid of the th* Monmouih Coun^ vl^tk'* OtTtc««,ai\a from laid luglnntna.iolnt runnlnn thept* CLAltK DUANUT. court In th. premises, - '- ' • ''. John Dovlln of Uoonton callod on TINY MELTING H.le theraupoi, on this twenty-elghth (U In m Bovth«Aii«rly dlraetlonton :a dt- Wlatlvcn nnd frlcndn nt Hntawan It Itlveriildo Ave., lied Hank. K. J. V, MK.f.VIU.H IILUN, day of jfamnry, 1D9>. ord.rxl that all said fot Ko. lit 100 f*et to A point In the J»»t week. •jl7c Can to Iliiller llnml, Kcarmlale, N, V. iraons IntereBl.d In the lanijs, Unaments, KDr.illtmn.nts and resl .atat« of Ut. aaM northerly slds of IlMUta alrtet* alio kijoifrt Ml*« Jlulh Wolfo of New Vork rc- IfAHIlY S. WAU.KNHTKIN. •• Undy l«t feet rnor* or leaa In Ijtnl. of ICJ»«nl 1, llutler, dan.ted, nff IhIh . n.w»ia|)Sr» < ttt tilltiilll* >tsl>>tsl>tl , ffor au In ita w.eletly .Id* of the tin Jacob Mllnnllik' nf Phllndelphlit Nollra U hareliy given that ttia ac- waeks at leaat onr. In ..oii l wees, w leading from Dnoroft to i'lpti bu unla of th. auliHril|i«r, adinlnUtrator vf JOBKl'Jt U. l)ONANAH\rH , shown on *4ld rn.pt th*ti< Client Turxlay wltl\ litn inolliri-, Mr». £or flurro«.te, ,.. „ (») fulT X'. Mtmiiliip. tlm .IIKIO of mid il.ron>nl. will l.« amllted ..Mln at tli* .for.eaor.ealMd bfalnnlnK poln,« Special IOC - and >tat«il tiy th* Hurrogat. nt th. Ooun* nilutli Cnuaty fiurrogat.'a Offlc, tinning In »"'niiftiie««UrinurthaaeUrlrr h)in. (lourt vl snf'l Cot>n> Of Minn Klciinor l'ftt'ac»» nt Now man, a.c»*ee4.' *rt**t, att.o known a* IAt\~r ._., Vorlt ovtr tlio wtdk-dnd. Ir. iin "Tltiii'stuy' . the thlnl tUf of Mftrvh. tu cr^lltors to , pr*seni el*ll iwfttlnu.d M) atnrea.til, 10ft feaittf'ja A. II. 1013, at whlrli Urn. p[>|.)U«tlr>n ill i.i .stale, ' IHilntl thalna (4) In a northw.aUrlr «l- Minn JCdnu Nulxon nf Itawnrnn ivnn 3-MINUTE lie maild , fof r thtl . alluw.ncllw.n«. off eoinmlacotn - to th« firiifr of Joi rcllnn. ^laisllel wllh lh« a.eurly .all* of flio Kurnt (if her IIII'T, MID. Mlllnrit alum Am! r'tiirmet faea. Hi* Uou •ilii "lot \Itt''ii oii'i!afoV map, loil'.firtt 1)1 Intel January 'II. A. D, inns. m point l» th* auutherly * aid* of pak XX lOrvIn, ovpr Iho wrok-ind, PET MILK Queen Sardines JOl/— N A. IHItOOIIE, street aa anov»n *tl a»ld m*I>. e»nl X Olivet' Dunn linn rrtunidl from i: i:>st M.iii in., l.ehiiM, H, }.. an .aitarty d|r#ptlun. wnleh polftl-i lrimliln, wlicro hn mnd« n nltutt Imnl- OAT FLAKES CROSS PACK Adminlitr.tpr, tank itrt f»«t In ml t«its«iy *fr.etHu tli. ii»rth.«lt«rlr '»6rMr of aali) jftl Nt, tiKxi trip. fw C NOTICi: OF StTTJiMBNT OrACCOONT Mi iiiant* is), In a notini 's Minn Mnffinrri Mrlintirk linn born c for c for C KIIBIK of I|«MIK*I u. lt«nT)rt u#f«s..'l. Muttr, |. l,.i.l, alian II..I lU ar. lion, «l.nm tn. jkov<»»ny •"•- r. -, -• .-,— fWtMillluUnit nt Ilii vm-ntlnnnl aclmol r KMUIma *a afaraiaiil,' their ilebt. .ml m—t. cniiMih. %iihlii sU rii'inihs frnm l»« data nf imbll |» lh« •«terfy •tile of aaii fiifill. d ttl h i\ Ett f th rd*rnrd.r,. Min they will lie fiii. rp.fl l.adlnf . from I „.,- ,..tit.' * «|ll« Cfiilar li«« I'"1" Ilia eun'l "f IV nf MniiiNnilth .(til I.|i6rt«il fur ... Kailsi •['•"f.av la>) (In .»,•a ^..iiS«..litn3'f**_ti*!'l1 liienk to Ih. Ot|>h.na Coitrt ut aalti CAMn- nf tnclr fli. w..la,l, .Ma- ji f» Mr», A. H. Andernon (In P»»t wpnk. tr. "II Thurdlo. Ih. tVanly-felltlll day ll l) l|{"'ro's!l fMlni- from Mn*rt*ft tfl fit* fJik* a.le tififliir tlm nunplcru i. n/s*. iiI',. t»iiIWHJ,, n«*t wl,lr" h \|me | r.lle. u Ih.. a andlni... r ..min. i «' the Of tlm mini Ilat.l|pt i-lllinil lot wonk wil•IIlI Iiii.. niailniaiie fufurr tli. a sttM • l«5 Hi"«4 Ml., lu-l I'.M.. Ii, 1 rtiiiia. h.teltli lUaflbsdttl , t th Fancy Bananas of ruttiml!•• une ainl r«u?i««l J, TjtH llljllKllK riEKUHAN, wh»l II w*»i ii«tii>it n'>. Green Mountain Potatoes Vi»'.i.iunty *((•,• »,Ji 111 Ituifnin *»|., fUi P-Kk, II. 1. H^letn an ih Mr. RIMI Mm. August Knllii'r, Jr., JElmW I» MHttMAH. ill.Ml.lo»r., II. 1, trtiMta of Mr. KIHI Mm. Krrri Utn^'TWh<|t.n, Ji«l»r nf MDignU nvnr tli* C, .||.,,e at )-«. H4 ri.nv, II, J. ' 15c 19c _,.-V*,*?'*t!—.,..„„„._. „ ^ «*• basket Allanth III«M>.;.|.. tl. I. DOZ, DOZ. 'I'll" r"!«! Hiiya i nn l»oit« tliKumh I'll* Itasiatar'a »J iU lXJUit

4- ...._-., BED BANK , An IdsiU riaoe to Un can:. Located on ths Beautiful Broad' etfreel to Ibt Rlrti tUwwibwy River, one hour Sower* oo Every tilnHri from New fork, and provid- A Publlo Comfort Station ing every oily oonvenlenoe. Mora Parking HpaM 1 i RED BANK REGISTER limed Wcsltly, Entire! u Sacond-Clus Itattar it thi Poit* VOLUME LIV, NO. 35V offlco at IUd Bank, N. J., urdsr the Act ol March S, 1B70. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1932. $1.50;-PER YEAR PAGES 9 TO Pupils to Present 300 at Annual A QUILT FOR CHARITV. To Hold Dollar Church Conference! IN FLORIDA. Democrats Take It Will Bo Disposed of for Needy Richard Hackstaff Has Favorite yjpl A, Drive . Pageant Tomorrow Boat Club Dinner • Mothers and' Children. Days This Week Opens on Tuesday Paper Fallow Him. Neutral Staiwl Reaches $4,135 On exhibition at Albert S. Miller's The Register has received an at- AH Grade* of^Oakland Street Washington's Birthday Dinner of shoe store at Red Bank is a large Several Red Bank Stores to Co- Tactlve Bouvenlr postal card from s(lk quilt made by Mrs. Charles E. But Few Changes Expected Rlohard Haekstaff of Spring street Women's Organization of Fair Second Annual Maintenance /•School to Appear in Washing- the Monmouth Boat Club of Throckmorton of Broad street. The Operate in This Sem-Annual Among Pastors in This Section whd is spending some time In Flor- Haven Adopt* Declaration Not Drive u Well Under Way— • f "tonPrograjii-^-ppen to Public Red Bank Wai the Most Suc- quilt will'be disposed ot on the co- Event—-Bargains Offered for —Rev. Alfonso Dare Expect- ida. Ho writes, "Have read with in- to Endorse Any Candidate in The Total lo be Raised it ' cessful Ever Held. operative- plan and the money will Three Days. ed Back at Red Bank. terest every copy of The Register. It the Primary Contests. be used for-tho benefit of needy-moth- gives oil the news that one Is an- $7,500. .'!; "The pupils, of, the1 Oakland street From every standpoint the annual ers and children. Many shares have Red Bank dollar day. s , are agai_ n The 09th session" of tho New Jer- xious to have while away from the • The Fair Haven women's Demo- The Bocdnd-annual malntenaaM ' ~ §cuoM Wittpresent-a programIn cel- Washington's blrihUay dinner of llrsmly Men dSl(t-Tttm~MrBrThrocli? :B—trs;—for—begtaiiing^toraorrow- -sey-onnual-confeMncs^of-the-Metho- homo-town. Hava_heen,T having- a £mp.(ilen_for-thiUjcnont of the Red ebration ot tlio Washington bicen- Monmouth boat club was the morton la hopefulthat $200 or more and, continuin.._..i.g_ tthrougu uh ™.ij..Friday. .an^d dIjt churoh wlll open neit Tuesday wonderful time. At. the ~ races saw decided to remain neutral inrthsco Sankr—CoiSnVunlly Young Men1* tennial tomorrow morning and after- luccessful ever held. Tho attendance will bo cleared. The quilt is of excep- Saturday, many of the -Red^ Bank in tho First Methodist Epuscopal Lightning Bolt, Whitney's entry ing primary flght. It la tho first club hrlstlan association la woll under »Qpn,at .the Bcbooli Tho morning : surpassed all previous occasions. tionally flno workmanship, and Its storea are featuring ejcceptlonal bar- church at Atlantic City with Rev. come through. Weather beautiful.' to take this stand. The following ray and a%> tho meeting of til* ptpgram will bo for tho puplla and value- can. be realized by the fact that gains under tha supervision of the in- .: foe!WternQon . program at8:30 o'clock Three hundred portions enjoyed a dlu» Ernest fi, Riohnrdson sa the presid- Mr. Hackstaff Is ono of the many declaration was proposed by. Mrs. rorkera held last night It wm »», nor which Included t£.'key, potatoes it has been insured for $300 against ternal trade 'committeo. of tho cham- ing bishop. The- conference will who never fall to haW their favorltd Rose Dennlston, president, and was icrted that $4,135 of the $7,1300 re* '• Wttl be forthe parents, Every grade ber of commorce.* Stores endorsed Will bp-represented In the pageant. and gravy, baked beans, cold slaw, theft. Mrs. Throckmorton is famed comprise the districts of Now Bruns- newspaper, Tho Register, follow them adopted unanimously: lulred had been pledged. 3&e program la: . and other good things in abundance. for having mado many flno quilts by this committee will display spe- wick, which Includes all the Metho- on a trip away from homo and ,w" "To substantiate tha open primary cial posters signifying that they have Tho captains of the twelve team* ^introduction, Joannottn. Ryoraon. The banquet hall was attractively and those who have seen her latest dist Episcopal churches of this sec- consider tho regular receipt of The in existence theso last eighteen years ogether with the Initial gifts com* . Chorus, 'Washington group frpm ffrado ecorated with signal'flags,'burgees product say it Is the boat that she met all the requirements and are en- tion; Camden, Trenton and Bridge- Register; as being part of the worth- titled to co-operate In this semi-an- and out of courtesy to any candidate nittco nro working hard for cits* - jjx, . ...-•• and patriotic shields. There were has ever turned out. Mrs. Throck- ton. Rev. Furman A. DeMarls of while beno.flts enjoyed while In dis- of the party, we, tho womon. of tho Ions which aro made dally to th« ' '>••• ••••••"-•• • ••• -Act' Ont. nual feature, which has become one pictures of George and Martha Wash- morton, who is eighty years old and Red Bank is superintendent of the tant climes. . Washington's (aorlDco. of the trade events ot Red Bank. Fair Haven Domocratle club, wish to i..en who make the beat showing, ; ington ana there was.also a picture In good health, says she does not ex- New Brunswick district publfcly state that no candidate, wll - , Toplo on nmslenl conditions. In Wash- A careful perusal of The Regis- Yesterday Ernest Hall, captain ot ington'* tlma, by Dlta'DavIs, grade six. of the late Dr. Edwin C, Field, found- pect to mako another quilt. Rev. Alfonso Dare, pastor of the be sponsored by the above mentioned 1'cam No,; I, was given the tltlo ot er of the club.' . *"* ter's pages of this Issue will show a r Song, two rattt, "A ritdse, scoup large number of individual adver- Red Bank Methodist church, will New Proprietor club. -.-... "Leading Citizen" for having at«, from frrsde sljr. . ' ' Herbert Edwards introduced the tisements where the respective stores preside at the annual meeting ot the "It is furthermore our opinion tha! ;alned tho best averagofor personal '* TopTo on Musical Instruments of Wash- speakers and entertainers, Augustus Historical society In Galen hall at IHBton'« day,' by Alfred Alder, srrado six. Many Present at are featuring dollar days. In each the Individual members of any organ lollcitatlon.' Josopji Turkinglon wo« I.XOPIO on Dancea of Washington's day. M. Minton, president of the club, caoo tho values offered by these three o'clock next Wednesday after- For Globe Hotel ization havo sufficient Intelligence to ;ccor.d honors and ho was given tho, * ty.' Warren Atlnton, srado lour. made a oh'ort address and then read BtoreB have been passed upon by the noon. Rev. Z. T. DUgan_ of Red mako an honest decision at .the open title of "Vesuvlator," Third honora • •••Di.nco, tho minuet group from grade a telegram from Joseph Ealz, who Is A Dinner-Dance executive committee. Bank will bo In chargo of the me- primary and loyalty enough to th went to William Weeks v,ho U sours viplln accompaniment by Warren in Florida, In which he regretted his It Hat Been Leased for Five Fields from grade six: The stores particpatlng In tha dol- morial service to be held next Democratic party and cause to vote now known aa a "Spizzcrlnk." J, J. Inability to be present. It was the lar days are J. B. Allen company, Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. Years to a Newly Organized for that 'best man' who becomes th Carhart's team did tho best "team - ..•.:..: ... , Act TWO. Irst Washington's birthday dinner of The First Aid and Safety Squad ' Wenlilngton'i Invitation to become com-, Held a Very Successful Event Yafiko's, A. S. Miller, Straus com- Just previous to conference time Concern of Whichs Herman victor at that time. work" for tho day and rccolvod the, ' kfliniWr, . the club that Mr. Sftls liad failed to pany, Ye Gem Bhoppe, National Fivo there is generally plenty of rumors Ritzau is Presdent. ' Tho. organization, wo conclude; re- temporary title of "Hot-Footer ft. Topic on Wnstdngton's Musical Talent,attend. :•'..• at Louis's Restaurant Near Cent to $1 store, Krldel's, Clayton & relative to anticipated changes in mains an organization. Its member Team." by Charles Qrleienbeck, grade six, Talks were also glvon>by Thomas , A living ulcture of Washington and New Monmouth Last Week. Magee, Goldberg's, Robert Hance & the district, but so far as could be The Globe hotel, Red Bank's old- remain affiliated with their respec- Red Btar citations for special ef« M. Oopslll, Fred HUI, former blcyclo Son, Margaret-Minerva Shoppe, the lletsy. Rons..by group from qrade two.'«. learned this morning from reliable est hostelry, will soon be under new tive local club, harmoniously work- forts were awarded to H. S. DoVoo, All original song by group from grad* champion, Howard Mailon, Mr. Doug- The Hlddletown. township first old Silk Shop, Reusslllcs', and Monmouth sources there wlll be but few, if any management. It has been leased for ng for tho success of any candidat las iand. Kd#ard Bllllngtonof the safety squad held. a.very successful Street.Men's Shop. flvo years to the Globe Hotel com- S. B. Boynton. M. V. B. Smock, Wll. * r An orlgln&l song composed by tho fifth changes,' In this immediate section. tha open primary proves to be th( liam Weeks and Ernest Hnl], Tha ktad«»" sung by Joanoito Iiyaroon from Montclalr athletic club. Vocal solos dinner and dance,at Louis' restau- Kev. Alfonso Dare of the Red Bank pany, a newly organized-concern,-of- nfth grade. . true representative to tho- Demo division of solicitors composed of • • Act Three. . were, rendered by James McGarlglc rant on the State highway near New church expects to be returned to his which Herman Ritzau of Rlverdale cratlo party." f California, Larry LaRos,. Eugene Monmouth last Thursday evening. avenue, In Shrewsbury township, is colored resldonts nnd designated M > Washington's, return from the vtar. pulpit here. He has made wonder- The club has grown steadily sinc "Pirates" in tho campaign havo col-« . Topic, tho Origin of Ynnkeo Doodlo Magee, Jack Rohrey and Charles There was a large attendance and Shore Park Site ful progress- In his church work dur- president and chief owner. its organization lost October and now and Kali Columbia, by Dorothy VnnBau- Meeker. The eplrlt of conviviality everyone had a Sno time. Chicken Thq hotel la owned by: Mre. Clara lected or received pledges up to OS * t«>, grade six. . • • ' ing the year ho lias been in town has 67 members, An invitation has per cent of tho quota assigned them. and.good fellowship prevailed and was the principal dish in the dinner and with the plans which he has In M. Metzgar. Her husband, Harry T. |:.: OhoruB: by Woihlngton group from Is Recommended been extended to the Women's Dem- This is regarded as an exceptionally dl the entlra-gatheringJoincdJnBlngr. and _the_feaslLWa5_Qf_s.uch._hlghjiuai^ storp Jpr^ MethodlEm Jn_Red_JBank Metzgar, who died about a month ocratic club of Monmouth county t .' : 'Tpplo, Muslp Composed to Mourn tho Ing many of the oldtlmo popular lty as to win compliments for the agopconductedthe hotel^a "number flno-ploco.of work by tho executive Death of Washington, by Alfred Uandcr* State Park Commission Favors ft is unlikely that the bishop will hold the May meeting: In Mechanics' committeo in charge of tho drive. ion. strado six. ' jongev • proprietor.of the restaurant and the send him elsewhere at this time. of years, Tho Globe Hotel company hall at Fair Haven. will take possession Tuesday, March In talking* with oomo of tho BOllcl- ' Fla» drill by kindergarten group and Gcorgo W. Bray was In general cooks who propared It The mem- Establishing Park at Sandy It is practically assured that there • £nt and third grades.- • - 1st The lease was signed yesterday. :or3 a Register representative vratj 1 charge of the dlnnor. Edgar V. bers of Von Folt'0 orohcBtra of Mat- will be changes in tho pastorate of •-,- Act Four. Hook—Tract Proposed Has Under its provision the rental for the informed that this year it is neces- 'Washington's first inauguration. • Denlse was chairman of the ticket, awanalso received much praise for it. Luke's Methodist churoh at Long v Area of 450 Acres. first year will be $4,200, or 5350 per sary to somewhat soil the idea lt\ ' Chorus, ' "Halt, Columbia,'-' by . thoso committeo, Delford Fisher of thetheir line music, Solos were sung Branch and at the First Methodist Two Navesink Men l - taking put In tb» play. month. During the remaining four order to get pledges or subscriptions < decorating committee and Peter J, by Charles Smith of Fort Monmouth, The state park commission of New church at Asbury Park. 'Those taking part In tho flag drill Elohole of the refreshment commit- Charles Rupp of East Keansburg and years the rental will bo $4,800 per to the cause but Uiis la not difficult Jersey, In a report Issued today, has The anniversary meeting of theyear or ?400 per month. aro :IiOul«e Htac,.flhd Jftmea.Davis, by tha .waiters of the restaurant The y p Accused of Theft because of tho wonderful work a> recommended..to_the...leffis!aturethat Women's Homo_Misslonary society RtiJ^th compltehedby Jhfl.arUvlties ot tha-, klndergarton: . Jacqueline Hlrscn, members of the oqua'd extended" a a state park be established at-Sandy will~hoTJL" feature' part 6f~tho~eon-" --Represen.tatiyes; pJ^the^Globe Hqtel^ • Gloria Layton, Richard Wolr, Paul vote of thanks to Mr, and Mrs. James company state that the place will Be William Cuffiey Y. M. C. A. here under tho direction Hook. Thla site Is especially recom- ference session.' This wlll bo held of tho executive secretary, Richard Ralph,.Morgan Ellcrt, first. grade; E. Greeloy of Port Monmouth formended on tho ground that it will operated on tho eamo lines us in the Locked Up on a Charge o Benefit Card Friday afternoon of next week at past. No statement hah s beeb n maddo T. Smith. A largo display of ] --—B6tty~Mageei"Marjorlo- Mooro.and their, cooperation In. maklngjho^af- entail no oxponso to acquiro tholand. Having Stolen Whiskey and Billy WlltorT, third Brado.Thoso tak- falr-a success.—They-also_thanked g __The_ lures Bhowing some of the work and~tbat"the-ohly-expenso-involved ohuroh-with Miss Graco-Llvingston hotel ls-tho-largest- in- operation-at ing-«lonc-in Red Bank under ing part in tho second-grade aro Ar- the members of the Fort Monmouth would be tlie Improvement of theHill, a well-known author, as the rciihT^zrzzzi" thur VanNoto, Carmine Sovleto, Ted- fire company and all other persons Red Bank. Smith's supervision la being sh property. The section chosen by the principal speaker. Mrs. Howard S. Albert Titus and William Carney In one of the large windows In. ' ' dy.Uhl, Mlrnl Fanjul, William Long- Affair to be Given by Two Local vhn assisted them. It was stated that commission comprises 450 acres and Higglnson of Fair Haven will take two colored men of Navesink, arc i street;. Jack Kennedy, Elmer Ralph, FIREMEN'S SDPPEB. store at Broad and Monmouth Bt Club, for the Braille Fund for is two, and one-half miles long. It an active part in this meeting. tho county jail charged with havln formerly occupied by the Bui JJosophlna Sesta, Jean. Wllby, Jose- the uquad for Mlddletcwn town- is estimated that tho park would ac- the Blind—Helen Keller Prais- At the organization mooting Tues- Annual Affair of Independent Engine taken clothing and liquor from Ar- market. phlho Domlnico, otty Shropshire, ship residents. Those wishing to commodate 35,000 persons. day morning among the pastors who thur McKeever's summer residenc Join can apply for memborshlp-ijy Company Lost Night. ll»n)lyn Black, Mildred SUpponger, es Their Efforts. Tho following Improvements to the will bo elected conference officers at Navesink. Tha robbery was dis- Another meeting will bo held, writing to A. Konneth Collins, sec- 'Gertrude Blako' in the chorus; Vic- proposed Sandy Hook park havo aro Rev. N. M. Poff of Little Silver, The annual supper of Independent covered early on Monday morning:, night when, further reporta fron'ij PlanB for the card party to beretary, Campbell avenue, Port Mon- toria So Voo ns Betsy Boss and Sam in recommended by the commis- Rev. C. M. Hogatc of Manasquan.engine company of the Red Bank February 15th, beforo dayllght-whe teams will ba received. Harvey as George- Washington in ajlvch for the benefit of Brallo fun$ mouth. flro department was held last night for tho blind by tho Junior Woman's sion: i Rev. H. II. Blakcleo of Spring Lake, tho house waa gutted by fire. Wheth living ploturff. Tho pupils In-the -Among-thoso present at the dinner Rev. H. L. Bradway of Asbury Park, at the company's headquarters, on or thQ.houBo was sot .on fl're by th< fourth grade minuet are Anna Reu- club and tho Young Woman's club at and danco were Robert N. Seoley, a Build boardwalk alone tho ocean bath-?. SALVATION ATOMY DID Ins bench and Improvo tho beach. Rov. LawronBon Correll of Bradley Mechanio street. Covers -were sot thieves or whether the blaze origin — ther, Vincent Sovlcro, Jane Harvey, he Woman's clubhouse on Broad member of the township committee Mull- Bogors, Louis Hartman and. Allen On tho following day, Carney am will bo staged at tho Army chapM c» club aro co-ohalrmen cf tho commit- 1 day Until After Easter. ~ SarVara- Weir,- Helen ; Pdj-trlek, Ed- Republican .nomination .for., sheriff; POBito center, of Hp&rmft<«tl cove. Maxson with tho added asfdatnnco of Titus got into a drunken brawl on Linden place Saturday, February, > ' win , Conover, Woston Hausman, tee In charge," Thoyl together with William, Nyc of Dallas, Texas, form- Provide automobile piiarkll After.Friday.night, vaudeville will Mrs. Frank Houso and Mra. Frank 27th, to Sunday, March 6th. Tw«Jv»- MIBS Marlon Kollty, Miss Alma northerly snd of park. s area licar Titus .was arrested on a chargo o: cadeta will conduct tha meetings iin* Charles Grlesonbeck,. Jack Thomp- erly of tho New York Times and at Widen Bat] improve road from main be discontinued at the Strand the- Dlckman, membcra of tho ladles'aux- disorderly conduct.. Ho was sent t( son and Edward Flolda, Pupils of Longstreet, Mies Catherine Rogers present a writer of -animal stories; ?ata through park. ater until after Easter, it was an- iliary of tho company. der the direction of the cadet cap* and Miss Janet Brown of tho Young tho county jail. He was suspcctci ....' tha- sixth.,grado will give. several his daughter, Parthenla Nye; Mr. , Tlio waters are very Hhallow Detvreon nounced yesterday by Herbert Shus- The main floor of \the flrchouso, tain, Lyle Rader, &» part of tktir Woman's olub and Mlsa Mildred Island b«ach and tho peninftiila, and could of being guilty of th« robbery. Hi ovangellBtlo training. Th«eadoU,all topics. .They aro: , and Mrs. Charles Rupp of East terman, managpr of tho playhouse. usually-used for. tho housing of tho Swift, Miss Corrlno Welsh, Miss rcadlly'ba Ailed, thus providing additional made his homo with Carney, who ii nround twenty years of age, will tolrj ' Muitcal Conditions In Early, Keansburg: Marcus Holler, presi- ipaco for automobile trantco and Forking. The theater will rcsumo its policy company's flro righting apparatus, Mary Ann Selling and Miss Allco his uncle. A search of tho hous nightly meetings featured by tttutl* • Am«lc»' - • '•—< "Itn Davis. dent of tho Port Monmouth flrocom - Tho commission haa also recom- of showing feature" motion pictures •was turned Into a banquet hall. The Ross of tho Junior Woman club, will resulted in tho discovery of the miss- oil programs supplied by thcmoelwa, Muilcil Instruments of Washing- pany and president of the township mended that tho 120-acro slto ot the nnd short subjects. room was gaJly decorated with na- tons day i: , : '... Alfred Adlcr servo as hostesses, Ing clothing and liquor. According, t la addition, the cadets will bav« V/oshlnaUiri'i, Musical Talent flro department, and Patrick Gavin, stato camp at Sea Girt bo converted Tho last vaudcvlllo performance tional colors, yacht flags and bunt- the police, Titus confessed ho was ' ' Charles GrlcsenbecK Tho Junior Woman's club, which vice president of tho Port Monmouth street meetings daily, and will Into a state park. Two seashore will bo given Friday night. Begin- ing. Louis J. Tetley, a former fore- guilty and ,sald that Carney helpe visit Red Bank homes and etjuMaa. The Origin of Yankee Doodle and Hall has raised considerable money forClvlo association. Among those pres- tracts in Ocean county, approved by ning Saturday and continuing man of tho company and an ex-chief ,*Columbia 4. -Dorothy Van Stutcr tho Brallo fund, Is In receipt of a let- him to steal tho things. Tho Ilquo The cadets are expected to BrrlVB Uuile Composed to Mourn.the Douth ot ent nsldo from - residents of Middle- tho commission for stato park sites, through Tuesday the film adaptation of tho department, was loastmaster. was said to bo of pre-prohlbltioi ter from Mrs, Myron W. Robinson, town township were Mr. and Mrs. Saturday afternoon" by train from .', Washington -...'... Alfred Henderson are 100 acres adjacent to tho Barne- of Edgar Allen Poo's immortal mys- Short talks wero given by Mayor manufacture. Bronx, N. X, and wlll march through •" Tho fifth grado pupils taking part stnto advisor of that organization, inFred PflUncr of Nutloy and a party gat lighthouse and 2,000 acres on tho tery Etory, "Murder in the Ruo which she conveys tho appreciation Charles R. English, Councllmen Kcn- Carney, -who 13 commonly knowi town. in tho play aro Josoph Abruzzo, of friends, Walter Rudell of Eliza- Island beach peninsula, south ot Morgue," with tho oamo cast that icth Wyckoff and J. A. VanScholk of Miss Helen Keller, famous blind as "Cold Turkey," denies that ho i: Captain Xyle.Bader Is tha son ot Charles Beck, Lawronco Clayton, beth, Miss M. A. Smith of Irvlngton, Seaside Park. appeared In "Drucula," wlll bn and Deputy County Clerk Lester E. author and educator, for their work. Edward Jordan ot Pl&tnflold. Miss guilty. Ho Is an old offender, hav Lylo Radcr, tho scientist and «van<< Dorothy Clayton, Ernest Donato, Lil- shown. Beginning Wednesday of McQueen, an ex-chief of tho depart- Ing been arrested several times o lian Dwight, Estrada Fanjul, Loulso Gladys Smith and Mlsa Marian Karp next week and continuing until Fri- gellst, and the nephew ol PaulRadsrt DISTRICT DEPUTY NIGHT. ment. Otto Beutelt of Fair Haven, various charges. Ho 13 about fort; Fuller, Catherlno Olrlllo, Amy Graf, MILLINERY STORE. of Red Bank and a party of friends day Joe E. Brown wlll bo-seen In of the Moody tabornaclo ot Chicago; a representative of tho Amerlcan- years old and Titus is eighteen years A group of the young folks attended . "john Grocley, Philip Jacobs, Alma from Keansburg, his latest film, "Fireman, Savo My LaFranco flro apparatus concern 1 John W. CanUlllon to Visit Red Bank old. Until tho robbery and flro oc- a Washington bicentennial celebra- Jiannlno, Anglo Marasclo, Paulino Whyto Millinery on Broad and White Child." waa tlio principal speaker. Ho gave curred Titus had a good reputation Streets Opens Tomorrow. filks Tomorrow. tion at Wallace hall at tha NewarK \ Mason, Jano McDonough, Juno RECEIVE MORE DONATIONS. Mr'. Shusterman stated that tho an Interesting talk on flro fighting Ho had lived with his uncle onl Young Men's Christian association '"" Methot, Raymond Minim), Dorothy Tho Whyto millinery on tho north- John W. CanUlllon of Broad street, prices will bo tho same as those apparatus, principally on pumping about two months, Carney and Titu' Monday. Arthur Recdie, captain of Karcom, Leonard Purdy, Jcsslo Rich- west corner of Broad and White Relief Committee Reports That past exalted ruler of Red Bank lodgo that provuilod prior to the Instal- machinery, and his address was sohad their hearing before Justlci tho Salvation Army headquarters on ardson, Jeanetto Ryerson, Barbara streets will open tomorrow under Funds Are Low, Hanrcrer. of. Ellcs and deputy of the Elks lation of the policy of showing well received that.be haa been asked John Plllsbury, who in temporaril; Linden place, la recovering from an Sayro, Doris Smith, Loulso Staldcr, lodges In this district, will make his vaudeville. Tho beat features obtain- lo repeat his talk at a general meet- acting as recorder of Mlddlctowi appendicitis operation. tho direction of Mrs. Jennlo Schary Tho Red Bank unemployment re- official vlBltaUon to tho Red Bank Joseph Vallcau, Hubert Mandevlllo, Ejiutcln, tha owner. Mrs, Epstein, lief committeo announced yesterday able will bo shown, ho declared. ing of the flro department In the near township. The toachers coaohlns the play are lodgo tomorrow night at which time future, who has managed and bought for that contributions havo been re- it la expected that ho will bo greeted Miss Mary A. MoCuo, Miss Lois Rog- Bamborgcr's In Newark for ovor flvo ceived during tlio past woek from tho A DOLL CONTEST. CONVENTION. ers, Miss Lillian M. Jordan, Miss by from 3C0 to 450 vlslUng Elka from After tho supper the members and NEW MRUO STORE. years, has been abroad twice and has colored Young Mcn'o Christian asso- various parts of New Jersey. their guests enjoyed card playing, Alice L. Williams, Miss Gertrude Nor- vliltei all the fashion centers. Indi- ciation, tho Woman's club, the Great Red Bunk Girls to Enter In National Mnny Red Hunkers Attended Meet* pool and radio entertainment In the William A. neckcnstcln to Open On Ing at Madison on Slondny. man, Mies Vora M. Hcnncssy and vidual attontlon will bo given to Atlantic and Faclflo tea company, tho Tho delegation from Plalnllcld Competition. Una Janet Brown. _ company's parlors on tho second floor on Monmouth Street. every customer, Mrs. Epstein, who National grocery company and the lodgo wlll como to Rod Bank accom- A number of tha momben ot tha Tho members of tlio Young Wom- of the Ilrehouso until a lato hour. owns tho building on tho corner of Strand restaurant, panied by tholr large band nnd the Tho Phyalclnna and Surgeon: Prosbytorlan Brotherhood of RB4 an's club will meet tonight at tho MISSION FOB MEN. Broad and White, streets, will mnko Tho committeo has failed to re-Bound Brook lodge will bring along pharmacy Is tho namo of a ; Bank attended tho 26th annual con- liomo of Mtiis Gertrude Norman, the CLOSING ONI5 STORE. Hod Bank hor homo. 'Local'girls ceive chocks duo from tho otato com- their uniformod drill team. Tho drug etoro which wlll bo opened a vention of tho Dtnto ProsbyterUn councltor, on Maplo avenue, to dreHs it Will Close Next Sunday Night at havo boon hlrod to work In themlsulon for tho past threo weeks. Platnflcld band wlll render a special 108 Monmouth otrcct next Saturday Brotherhood at First PrcnbyterlMi musical program and tho Bound dolla to be entered In tho National ndncmmi Radio l'lrm t» Opcrnto St. Jamos'n Church. Whyto mllllnory. Thoroforo It lias been found nccos- by William A. Ucckenstoln. Mr. church, ot Miullaon on Monday. Tha Brook boya will put on somo of tholr doll contest sponsored by tho Feder- from Long Branch, licckonstoln lian been a phunniiclst Tho women's mission cloned at Ht. «ary to roduco tho number ot dayn rip wns mado In automobiles, under put In by tho men employed on tho clover pnrado formations. ation of Junior Women's clubn cf cevcral ycurn. Ho In a gradu- Andrew Hclscmnn, who bun been r tho direction of O. Howard Llppln- „ James's church Sunday afternoon, TARENT-TEACIIER OAKD TARTY America, uto ol Uutger'H colloj, c of plmrmncy, streetn to threo ,a week. Thoso em- Red Bank lodgo In making extra conducting ii radio ntoro for nonio cott, Mr. Llpplncutt U one ot th* and the men aro attending tho ml ployed on tho borough hall aro bolng special preparations to cntcrtuln Dis- Sunday morning tho olllcern of the Jtn conjunction wltli tlio upeclal bar •Ion this week In largo numbers. Mra. Theodore Moi» In Charge of tlmo lit 21 Monmouth street ns a vico prcsldentu of tho etuto orgun- continued In full time. trict Deputy CanUlllon und tho sev- club and Iho chairmen of tho stand- branch iitoro In conjunction with hlsi £ninH on household find toilet (irt The church has boon flllod to Its ca- Hvent at Cnthollo Sohool. eral hundred Elks. Theno visitations clrfi for tho opening, souvtiiliii wl 7.ntlon. IIo and Hobert N, Cad|na< pacity every night. ; committees will meet nt tho club- other stores at Long Brunch and As- were nn thn nominating committee. The paront-teacher association ot by tho district deputy, npnrt from be- houHQ und liavo their plcturea laken. bury Park, hao an announcement in bo K'vou to ciiatoinoiH. The mission will close Sunday WASHINGTON 8EHVICIC. ing a compulsory fcaturo of tho Krv. John A. Hnycs conducted th« tho Cnthollo high school will hold nn- Thcao pictures are to ho pli(cod in today's Isauo of Tho Register to tlio convcntlun offprint. Hlght, nt which time tho men will othor card party tomorrow uftcrnoon lodges' nunuul program, tira mado a tho ocrn|> hook which tho club Is mib- effect that ho will dlncontlnuo Ihc rnnew their baptismal vows, and will Hpcclnl Service In Christ Inn Science ronl goUogcthci- festival whero good lOx-Jiulgo (o AiliIri'HH Mecflnjr. In the school auditorium. Thoro will , Church Monday. niltUnt; n« Itn entry in tlio ucrnp Ited Hank branch thin month. TIIIH also receive the Papal blessing. Tho lm prleea nnd rofreshments, Mra, fellowship predominated, hook conical, which la nluo Iml In helnit done In order to cut down 1'Jx-Judgo Jamb lUelnlmch, Jr., wl] To Ix-cturo on Hfalth l'rolilrnn. , t)l«ss,lng of the children of tho par- Theodoro Mots In In generul chargo A special norvlco was held in Flrot District Deputy Cnntllllon la ono iipuniioreil by tho Federation of bin cxpnnnru nnd to onnblo him to lm thn principal npenker at u mrct Dr. tUiinlny Nlcholii of Astiury ish will take plnco next ttumlny af- nnd her smlatants aro Mr*. William church of Chrint flclnntlst nt Itoil of HID ten) jjiopiihip r fcilowt) In HodJunior Woiiinn'n cluhii ot America. curry on larger opcrntlon.i ut hln Ini; (it tlio Wuinnn'ii Ui'iniicintli! i-li I'nrk und 1/inK Ilruni'it lmn boon ternoon at threo o'cock. Fathers fthnnnhan, Mrn. W. Harry 1'cnnlnK- Hank on Monday ns a part ot thoBank nnd tho ninnhcr iint; Hrnnch ntoro. (it Moniiuiulh riuinly (o lm held Hn hoiinrnd l>y mi ii|i|)iilnlnifiit by llul- Rlolinrd and Athnnanlua ot the 1' ton, Mm, Aloynlus l'nltcrnon, Mm. ti iinlvoiNlty nn njirclnl Iccltircr on nntlon-wldn celebration ot the QOOIKO flhlp ot Rod lJuiik lodge Is expected ltrilllch Heed Htnrr. After the Hpil Hank iilorn In rtuiii'it iirdiiy iitli'iiiuiin. Knliruitry JlTth, •tonlst order nro couductlnt; tho Arnold Hodnn, Mrs. Wllllnm Malonoy, Washington bicentennial, Tho ncrv- to turn out In full forco tomorrow next Monday two expert rudlo repair tliii liiiiniiKli hall at Unlun lle.ic' Cninniiinlly urn! Chtht lleallh I'rob- mission, Mrn. Edwnril Jlonly and Mrs. John I'otor Ilondortion & (,'oinpnny, a liiinii, anil wlll Klvo nfternnim lnctiifm lea included nn nddrons on George night to nhnw him nnd tho vUlllni; prominent oood nnd (;nrdcn lnipln- men, both rcnldcntn of Keil Jlnnlt 'l'hd iiimiihcivi of tlin He^ular Den McNeil, Klkn what ISIkttiuu stnndn for in thin n thin uiibjnct In tho Iliitgem ex!«n. VVoshlnKlon by tlio flint reader. A lnont lioiino «( Now York oily, linn un will tin retained liy Mr. Kclncimin ti.»«nl< Tho will start promptly at wwo written liy Mmv linker lCdily, wenk It wim (U'rlilnd li> tcdum tin lln In Ilivltnl to vlnll Ihn KlnHlllliUlleil, ttlnrn (in Munmmtth rdrtiot nt It, 1 price of hitlrotitn from Wl cmitn to cll\l chili nr JU-'l lliinlc -will hnlil nil all ll«v«n II Mil MO. l'iltn« will bo awnnlcd. Tho fcituuli-i- of thn Chilntlnn flclence whero iuilii|inteiit iionuinn Din In llnnli, ii|i|innltn llm l,ull.lln|{ whir I'Jhn' Hnturdny Itaiicr*. tumion ,,.... fifty contji, a policy Dint wim j.ui. In ntdi- Ixill nt. thn IOIIIII' liimin mull- r _...... a'jfl.nil rninmltlrs in corn|irl«(<» Ml«n church. clmrKm* ad' {iai.m linmrtllately. Tlin notion, ncconlliii: BOIh. Thcln will bo npcclnl rnlnlnlii. tilmllnr bunliiMiii, Mr. Ull'lnm Allantlo ijn.ni lono, Krllli Muvo Omen, nient. In ndilttlnit to (m'hr.'itia iiiiutu in,un, .MI tlmt Ihry will continue 10 ftnillllitowit to Hobert Nlvunln, prrnlilruL of llm Inolhi-i In Uw, Ji>.itipl> Uutiilii, In hold (Iniui-ii nl, Hm li:il(a' duh audl" Prlills lia.iii .limlli-a aillmrt M. JCclth linn rnovnil limit Hub Niii'hil Monril- IIIocs In (ivnry linn. Another innn!- l'lttyoin' Inmt Huh wnn hrld Innt t h t IQ In Iho nanin liullillnij nn Wnllnco IllKht. Thn lmntrnnrn v/rin Min, I'll llln "(let » Wlfn fur it qn«tt<-r." si-haol nt IQVnntt will |irni»nt a liiK wlll bo hold loninrrnw nl>ilit nt A curd pnrty for thr> bnnndt of An Ihinn mny lo nindn tlifnuxll lUrdlrj month'H content lmiler llm aunplne gloi\ iiniKimii toUy'nl 3iS<) nil not, formerly ocmiplcid by thoth* Imiifrlril barber »hoi> on Went Otto, Win. Hh'tiniit Mi-Allhtcir, Mm. A miHnliln wlll lm ImM hy thn "(Mil b, Illhllii, rrcirtitry (if tha ludjfo. Ot th« •UtH'y Cenlrnl imwor mid lluh WiUy Mlnpl^il Front atrniit. Mnldn'" club Krlilny iilKht, l'nlnn- iirtniuunn, Ntnii'h Tilli, nt hnlf pn Oompnny vroro Mrn, ulmrJiM V, Tut l to thn (ifTli-n ocoupleil liy Kfllth. bn. fruni tlin ntifty, "Whtor»;n wilt 1)0 |irn»nteil fin a lm niovnil iipnlnlm, Tho iimvInK (l tl I'lmillr., Min. Alli'n rrnnciill Mrn. nt Knlr llnvrn. Tlio chill ini>mlw« Irililn Niiiinnii uf Mn|ilti nviiuir. It In Illlln nOvalltntii lit III* VtbtV»t9' John J. Ijiiif, It. ir, I), lMktwiHHl, l purnilfl'lun uf h j t l won rinno nn Munilny AIUI tlin Oyatnr Hii|i|irr. An nyntnr mip|i(V Kf«'t four of tliU loaue. ]L It, 1'nxi™, |n«auw 'I'm d'dloch, nt thn Hrfount'l i IMIUII <,t Irr uf ('"itnvei- Initi MtHJJ>|i« l|l|»llly 0fT«|«iI l« |TQli *f •M1*1' wl" *'* •' Jtnnm P. |CI'ni Inng tkbltkbln |I,W|IW,, llliicll i kitt MCII Hi;Hi;- l Wli||xt S*«SSS*SO O r»aa tuntunn M rentt* e«he«»hh, l" iitn txiUl« ii.uo «»i, twii oniiim n.ii Cttmo. <» Conif, (let it Wlfn amii 2J2J1 Hi, nlinnipmi HM<1 UIIH»I* wnvp, Illlinlnil CO rontn, Mll'l'l )>V Ihmtl* uii t Ul iiuo i ti oiim ni rill inaka tho hniiin ff»i>| | tnoi <• i liner Tolrphonn ailll). Alll limlal . II)) I'otlUU nnrlil , IlIllililpull i III loli« and two null IMXi, (I'lulbtn • t iho Old Mnltln' club1 nt Urn ln«l, nml fllnnxry'n iin iloli« and tw , Thvut (nl with K fow now tlm j to, Ntllntin plmtifi! lifltlnh tinII. Full ilnvciti, li'il- ll.lia Ii«n fdpt nt) r^ntNi c,, oval r»s , - „ jly« t In li«il», \V« t»ttjf atnUt cr*mit 3i c«ni>, ova !Ui. KHi nfill It.lKl fUulnii, TflUjihtilK d«y, iraiiiiwry anth, maa, »t BIXI I: tlrlutti 111 v*rvIK VAI (I, HoiiP H » W (laiili ont'lll , nloOielO alll U l«ry * ... , ... Jiidii, 3cl(KI, VVB llnllvor, Ad»(i|t|s?ui«||(, Hfltli.UBl B<\ Ifo Ul|i| tl.W) Wtnl hi»h i(ii*lllj»" Allv«ltl.i>tiuiiil!««n», r In "Tli« M, Ailmlnnluil -Jiv. lluntlnr r, Ilitlilttiula Pi*. < hllOp.Hll, wtt olummni t<>» h«( Uh«inp," iv nlsht, VVVV tll K ruga 3U1M sn canl t houn Kii • 1.00 Hale *t tti,l,'«, IllV, J, V. lft nmlr Jctn C' \\% "Tho llnnli »m«W; liimi) two In nU or »|i*t. lOvarY Item 94lh unit aflh, •li«iii|i

her married, was at her golden wed- CAED PARTY LABT NIGUT. WAB1UNGTON PitOGBARl A Journey Back ding and attended her funeral, Postmaster of R. Taylor Smock Weddings. though Mrs. Osborn lived to be ]f9 William. S. Worthley ot Eatontoffn About 100 'Attend Affair at Home of Daughters ot Revolution Presented years of age. Morning—Funeral Tomorrow Mrs. Cyril Brown . of' Eatontown, was awarded "at' each table. The Mr*.''Henry; S. White, honorary, re- .bridesmaid ,onfl Wllfrod Nagal pf paper Account of * Death on which several .hearts in red Ink where he. llvedi. Mr> Worthley cele- MM. Mabel Higrginson. , gent, wag present, and Mrs. Hubert are, -represented.: as pierced with prizes wero boxes' ot dusting powder. 3andy Hook was .grobmamin. The i % Henry Tyre Ackerman, postmaster brated his/ ninetieth birthday last 1 M. Farrow waa hostess In place of ! On Monday Joseph W. Thompson darts. Impassioned verses are'Illus- The;prize Winners were Helen Cas- bride was gownod, in, white: »aUn' !of Keaneburg for little over a year, November. '. R. Taylor Smock, a .former Red Mrs. John BVAllen, Who was absent. of Llncrott found some relics of old trated with' pictures of 'clouds,, Bank resident, died last Wednesday iMV.'iirW Ji-" J. O'Shea, 'Margaret with, white satin «hoe« and eh» car. times in an ancient pocketbook houses' and . trees,', all being very died suddenly of a heart attack on Mr. Worthley was the son of Ab- Mouaer, Mrs. Teresa .Healler, Mary The program included an old song, .rled. a bouquet "or, white roses ehdi Monday morning at his home: on at the home of his daughter, .Mrs. •which had been owned Ay his moth- cleverly drawn, though apparently bott and Jane Worthley and-was Mabel Hlgglnspn ot Elberon.. He was Collins, Mrs. A. Boncorc, Mrs, JosVWaeWngtoni- " various--paponr by erns. The bridesmaid •wae.dressef er, Mrs. Mary E. Thompson, who by an amateur, in colored inks. A' ihurch street. Ho was 85 years old horn at Uttlo Silver. He was thein his 78th year and a native of Mid- eph Cooper, Mrs,' Charles Clay, Mrs, members including "Tho, Mother of n a pink gown with; a" picture h»t died a number of years, ago.- The large red heart, in red ink, was BO and was apparently in good health last of, a.family of three brothers. lletownshlp township.' 'His'blrthday William Lake, Mrs. Charles Glblln, George Washington," by Mrs. J. Dan* to matcb and she carried a bouquet curiosities comprised paper money drawn on the^outslde of tho"volon- iip to the time he was stricken, L ._. For many years he was engaged in 3CcurrBd;on'Septembe,r--224.':-'---- •-- KathrynlJolrasoij, •Mrs.JPatrlckJCen- lei Tuller; '.Washington's BuolneBa it plnl^ rosos. The brida was'given,"" issued by two banks m Civil war tlne:that,,it was necessarily • broken- Mr. Ackerman was one of the best the fruit and produce business, and .Mr. Smock;wfia a son of William hedy, Mrs. Fred Rochelle, Mrs". Wil-Career,"-bjr-MrSij'-Of- Franli Borden; In marriago by her brother,rCharlejT" times, a two-cent piece minted in when the missive'w«.a opened.';,At- known residents of the bayshore sec- was also engaged in the' butcher H, Smock and h» was a lifelong *esi- liam.- Decker, Mrs. Charles Hoffman, nd extracts from, tho book. "Wash- Walason. A wedding dinner was giv- 1885, and a newspaper clipping con- tention is drawn to this fact by a tion/ Ho came to Keansburg during business, Ke had lived', at Eaton- dent .-ot jylonrliouth_!epunty.' For; a Mrs. John Ryan, Mrs, Frank: Clusey, ington Spoaks for Himself" by Mrs, en by .tho.'bride's slsten Mrs. Wil- taining tho obituary of Miss Ellia- couplet • inside. When Miss Dorsett its early development, engaging in town sixty, years and for almost number of years he conducted a dry. Mrs. Fred Tpbsrj:::Mrs.: EHfc Koney, Vernon Rose, , Mlss< Margaret La- liam White ofAobury Park. Mr,,aitd' beth Dorsott of Mlddletown village, received this valentine she was business' as a painting contractor. forty years was a member of Wash- goods and notions, business In the Elizabeth Ryan, Lcnora Ryan, Mar- Manna and Miss..Barbara Olson Mrs. McCluny will llvp at Atlantic^ •who died In 1870 at the age of 10?teased So jnucli about it that sho Later he organized the Keansburg ngton lodge of. Masons. - He was building at the northeast corner.of garet. Tobln, Margaret Murphy, Qar- ilayod piano solos and Mlso Virginia Highlands when they return .from wept—ninety years ago. ' • , years. .'; \ ' " • • • . trucking company, which grew from their tiler for many years. .- Broad' and Mechanic street, \ Red trude Mlnton, Bernadetto Emmoni, Wyckoff, Miss Katharine • Reamer, the,, wedding trip, . The .bride .rW a concern with a single horse and Mra.-P, j.' MtRvlhlll, Mr».' Arnold Raymond Clark. and Jack Balne Very different from the money of The funeral was hold last, Monday Bank, which is no\y occupied by I. Salved, many flne-glftsv -; -'-'---.-'--..'4- Among the stories told of • Miss wagon to a thriving firm with a with services at tho home at 1:30 Vogel One of the bills was' for J3. Bills of Tories entered his house and took other places which the c6mpany the business to Joseph Sale, who Is Kmmons, M's, WllllsTO Jeffrey, Mrs. row, assisted by Mrs. Edwin C. Gil- Miss- Belva Bhlnn, daughter' of Mr. this amount are- out of circulation him prisoner. , In such • haste were n oharge of tho local-lodge- of-Ma- strved. i . sons and the bearers were all mem-now In, partnerahlp with Henry F. Philip. Lemlg, Mrs. Ma,L. Connors, land, Mrs. Ethel Walling, Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Clarence Shinn of Long i now. But that wasn't the only dif- they that they would not wait to lot Hyluvin the real.estate.and insur- Mrs, P.' Moadej Helen jCasjer, Kath- Hewitt and Mrs, William; Hallock. Branch, was married last Friday to< ference, between the paper money of him get his hat, which, however, was Mr. Ackerman was born at Charlcs- bers of the order. Rcvj Harry Van- on, Virginia, on July 20th, 1876. Ha Cleaf of South River and Rev. H.ance, business under tho nomo.pf Hy- ryn, Beatty, Margb Beatty, Mary Mrs. J. B. Rue was appointed dele- Captnln- EJlsha V. Bunting,-who is Civil war times and the paper monoy thrown after him by a woman that gate and Mrs. J, Halacy RoiU. and waa attending his wife. He was moved to Plalnneld at an early age. S. Crammer ' officiated. Interment In & Salz. • . ' ; ':.' • V. .•.,'. : Murphy, Mrs. Hubert G(aul, Mrs. Rus- In ohargo of tho coast guard station, of today. Tho two old bills which •About thirty years or so ago Mr. sell Mlnton, Mrs. Georgo Conrad, Mrs. Farrow as alternates .to a con- at SpermacottliCove.. A dinner tori' Mr. Thompson found In the pocket- taken .to Now York and locked Up Whiio a young man he was engaged was at Evergreen cemotqry at Little in the old Sugar House prison. It is as a stage hand and traveled with Silver. Charles Breese was the fu-Smpck .moved to Long Branch, and Mrs. M. Ladlso, Mrs, John Splllane, ference at Trenton, March 17th and tho bridal party was held at the book are printed on paper very dif- later tc-_Eatontown. For a time ho Mrs. A).' Patterson, Mrs. Arnold 18th, Mrs.' Grover and 'Miss .Mar- ferent from that used In making further- related that a wealthy resi- a number of well-known road shows neral, director. » • ,.•'-', Garfiold-Grant 'hotol at Long Branch- dent of RedJJank, three-miles away, and minstrel.troupes. He was a vo- Mr. Worthley is survived by three had a position with Marcus A. Datley, Soderi, Mrs. Theqdo.ro Moss, Mrs. Ed- garet Tcrhuno will attond a cdn- following the ceremony. ,i greenbacks today^jrhejiaper Js also r who was a prominent.owner of race ferenco in Washington April 18th to 7 hod lhrce~sonifiwhoTworer on Tterms'. cal soloist,-and upon many occasions other daughtera besides' Mrs. Brown. 7 ward McDonough. Anna Donahue much less durable than ihat- ft use horses. ; Tho old Monmouth""Parlr Nora— Frawley^: Mrsr'^Phlllp Moore, 28A—-_..•••.•-.':-:v.-l'...;;.>:.^y;' ;--' '•'•- now of intimacy with some 'British offi- appeared in theatrical benefits at Thoy. are Mrs. Susie Withers of cers. He was q> friend of her fath- Keansburg. . -' ' f • race track at Eatontown was at the Mrs, H. Edwards, Eleanor' Garvey, " A JtARK PiCTBRE, -1 The bills are "printed on one side Oceanport, Mm. Charles J, Schlck ot er, and told his sons that unless they Ackorman was always in- height of its paliny days, at that Mrs. J, Chadwlck, Mrs. Fred.Soe- OHURCH BENEFIT. "' • only Tho other side la blank. One Eatontown- and Mrs, John V. Kolbtime. Later Mr. Smock, was a.ealea- 1 could procure his releas6 he ^Vould terested In civic matters at Keans- ot Newark, He is.also survived by dorf, Mrs. Robert'B. rBurkc, Mary Rod Bunk Man Kef uses' $300 tor Pic- • of these bills was Issued by the Egg disinherit them., Spon afterward'ho. man for many years for a wholesalo O'Brien, Mrs. William O'Brien, Mrs. Entertainment Given Lost Might at • • • turo. of Washington. ,,".,'.•:' Harbor bank and the other was 1s- burg, thdugh he never held public a Bon, Frederick .Wprtbley. of Ocean- cereal firm.' During his residence at Little Silver Parsonage was set ashore, beyond the British office. For.several years, during the port. The grandchildren, present at Edward.. Coyne, Helena Henderson. A picturo of George Washington eued by tho Williamsburg Citybank. lines on Sandy Book, whence 'he Red Bank he was 3 membor of Nave- Elizabeth Coyne, Elizabeth Murphy, The namqs of the bank .presidents time when Keansburg was a part of the celebration, of. his ninetieth birth- slnk hook and ladder ilro company. Fifty-flye persona atto'ridoS an on- in tho show window of W, W. Kon-' made his way, after a narrow es'papo Rarltan township, he served on tha Helen'- Massoy, Hclon O'Neill, Made- jertainmont given' last night at the and of some of the other bank of- day laBt November ' were Lloyd He was a member, of the. Red Bank 1 nady and Son on Broad atrootthat from being shot by an American board of education. He was an as- Sickles of Oceanporty Mrs. William llho .Kelly;' Mrs. John'McNoll, Mrs. Methodist "church parsonage, at Little has attracted'a groat deal of: atten-< ficials are written, not printed, on picket, to his homo, and thon for tho exempt- firemen's association at' the aoclato member_ of the Keansburg Kolb of Newark, Mrs." Russell Cort time of his .death. . • \ . Raymond. Phillips, Mrs. H. Qrlswald, Silver, About $20 was collected at d tlon Is ownod by C. Irving'Pattorsort the bills, but orily one 1B legible, due flrst greeted hhrchlld. • -.-"•. Mary Lang, Margaret Mouaer, Lena to tho effects of time. The one de- fire' company. He also retained his of Freehold,' Mn. Br Gf. Coat* .of liver offerlngand the money will bo of Broad streot.' The picture wan' When Miss D,prsett's grand nephew membership' in the stage hands' Long Branch, Mrs. Karl Hathaway "On Septembeer- ,17thj 1878,- MR McCuer lioulse: Chadwlek, Mirs.- Sam- used-to help, pay'for the church bul- originally purchasod by Mr, and cipherable namo is that of William Smock was married to Miss Rachol uel , Wlsoi " Helen' Morte, Kathryn Mrs. Charles/ M, PB,ttorson ~ of Caddock. president.of the Egg Har-was elected Governor, his picturo'in union. He succeeded Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Aline Brown of Eatontown letin, Aa excollent program Was pre- ah illustrated Journal >was shown to C: Opdyke as postmaster, and did Cooper at St. James's church at Long Mertz, Mrs. Harry McCormick, Mrs. sented. Vocal solos wero' given* by Shrewsbury at' the centennial exposi- bor bank. and Mrs. Charles Grogan of Free- ; her. She recognized it, though her much to increase the efficiency of hold. .... Branch. Rev. Elliott D. Tompkjns Edward MoKcon, Elizabeth Fittspat- Mies Florence Davlaon, Mrs. John tion in 1876 at'Philadelphia for ton The newspaper clipping was from was the.clergyman. Mrs. Smoclc died rjek, Mabel McCormick, Mrs; M, oonto. They gave It to their eon> ,C . sight was falling her. Her remark that office: . • The... great-grandchildren present lallagher, John McNally and Nor- f the New York Sun. Miss Dorsett was-that.Joseph was always & nice 28 year8-ago. 'Besides .thsdaughter Mcade.-Mre,- Thomas/ Sagurton and man -Strangway,_ a__plano_ solo was Irving Patterson, who put it away, waa" "born aurlrig~the Revolution- Besides his wife, Mrs. Barbara were Orrln Sickles of Oceanport, mentioned Mr. Smpck leaves two sis- Mrs. Mary Murray, . '• , I •. Inrarbook and~forgot-abouHt-for-flf-!— boy, and'now he'd, been made Gov- Hchllck Ackerman, he is survived by " en by Miss Florence Campbell ary war, but she was too young to ernor, ' : : '• RutH Sickles, Jane and Shlrlejr Kolb ters, they being Mrs. Sarah Klngman ty yoars. A few years agoi h« found, lomember any of the' stirring inci- a son, Henry M. Ackerman, who ot Newark, Marlon. Doris, Marjorio and Mrs. Ella Broddmcadow of Bald- and a vocal duet was' rendered by Though in her later years Miss Rev. and Mrn, Nllea M. Poff. it-and framed It. One day while dls-, dents which took place hereabouts employed in the postoffice, and Mrs. and William Cort. of Freehold, Vir- win,- Long Island. AT ST. THOMAS'S CHAPEL. ououlng business with" a Now YorK. Dorsott's sight and hearing were im- John McNally and Mrs. John Gal- at that time. Sho recalled many in- Dorothy Watts of Sowarcn. ginia, Lydla. and Josephine Hatha> The funeral was held Saturday'and man, tho picture was noticed and ex- perfect, she retained her reason to The postoffice building was draped lagher-presented a humorous sketch 1 cidents • connected with tho War of the last When on her centennial -way t of Ka'tohtown and Charles, burial was at -Fair View cemetery. Special Lental) Sorvloes >t Rod Bank amined, by the man. Mri Patterson in mourning and flags were, flown at entitled "Our Friend-Wife • Relates' 1812 and tho Civil war. Many of birthday many presents were brought Florence and Margaret Grogan of - - Episcopalian Church, was offered $800 for the print. The half-mast on other buildings. Several Freehold.. _ _ Hor Trip to the Opora."Thls sketch Now Yorkor explained that tho pie-' Miss Dorsett's relatives live in Mon-to her she said that one thing had, The confirmation class of St. Inouth county. business men of the borough will FORMER RESIDENT DEAD. •was written by Mrs. Gallagher. An- turo Is an old wood cut done- In- oil. been forgotten. That was a. pair Thomas's chapel of. Red .Bank will other tunny Ekbtch was "School "MK 'Thompson-tHd-not- lenovr-of of"epectaClcBlthat"Would enable-hcr- 5£rv«_as_honorary bearers at the Mr. Patterson refused to soil the pie- JHEP..QF.£DSABT ATTACK. W. Woit Died Last Night meet at the chape! tomorrow" overling Days" and the participants were the existence ot tho curios until last to see them. Bhe-died painlessly, of funeral to be lieTdPlomorrow aTler- turo because of sentimental value. ' noon at two o'clock at his late home. XoBhMm -aLBeyeji ...a'clook,. At quarter after Monday. He had never opened the the slow rwastlng away of her vital- Talr Haven Woman Strlclipn Sud- eight o'clock, a service will"fie bsjd in Mrs. John McNajly, Marjorie East- pocketbook, thinking that it was ity, i ',„..,, ;• 7 • The fire truck of the Keansburg fire denly Last Wednesday Afternoon. Mrs. Lucy W. Wolt, widow of Wil- charge, of Rov. Edmund Trotman; empty. Ta a"iriorncntnsf ~curiosity department will convoylthe.floral of- liam L. Wolt, died last night at her mond, Helen Imlay, Virginia' Batter, WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING. Mlss-Maila Doughty-of Fair.Ha- rector- of St. Augustine's church, at Jacqueline Simpson, Frank and Kon-' lie sWrurdrttTexanilno-lt*-and-fpund —SEABB10HT DEMOOUATSj-- ferings^ JPhe_bqdy will be conveyed home on Llpplncott avenuo.at Long Asbury Park..,,On FrKUy-Wening.at tha newspaper clipping and the two to Plalnjeld for buriaithere. "" ven" died-suddenly-las t~WodneBday Brancff~at~the "age" of ~8p~yearsr eight o'clock a sorvice for-men's In- noth Curchin, Robert.Imlay,'Arthur, Red Bank Club to Contribute to antiquated bank bills. Mr. Thorop- afternoon of a heart attack at. tho Death was due to a complication of tercessions for the diocesan teaching Llttrbll and Lloyd McNally:"Fort VrNr'Or•Arb Soclal Meeting'. Xiast Week—Card home of her brother,. Robert Doughty sketch parodies on oldtlme poems I was showing the pocketbook Party to Be Held Morcfi 3d. SEABRIGHT RESIDENT DEAD. diseases. Mrs, Wolt. moved from mission will bo held. Tho service on .Tho Red Bank -Buklness and Pro- tho contents mentioned to a of Fair Haven road; with whom. Hhe Red Bank to Long1 Branch fifteen Sunday will comprise communion at were written by Mr. McNally. Prizes — ,_.--She' was .76 years old and had In a guessing contest were "won' by fessional women's club licld their reporter, when ho found The Soibrlght Women'? Dcmo- William"MrBrcnnan TJIod 'at"His years ago. She "had bebn a resi- half past seven o'clock in the morn- cratioclub held, a social meeting last been In poor health for some time al- Mrs. Victor Satter and Frank" CUr- regular business meeting last night [bat the purm contained another Home Suddenly lost Week. dent .here many years. She'leaves ings litany and - sermon at elovon at the YoUnS Men's Christian asso- week. Tho evening waa spent play-' though she was able to be about un- two daughters, Mrs. Alfred IngallB o'clock, confirmation lecture at flva chln. Suggestions for nows for the :"la This was the two-cent piece til a few hours before her death. church bulletin were given by Mrs. ciation building on Branch avenue." 'ch. rolled out when Mr. Thomp- mg cards.anfi prizes were awarded to William M. Brennan, a- resident of WeBtslde avenue,. Bed Bank, and o'clock in the aftornoon and evening Mrs. .Frank .Rodney,' Mrs.,,IS,,. A. of Seabright for the past 45 years, Miss Doughty had lived in Fair Ha- prayer .and intercession at eight John McNally. _ _ '-.,• Miss ffi. Green, chairman of the i-turned the pocketbook upside ven all her life.: She was a member Mrs. Paul Volght of Landing in Mor- hoalth committee, distributed health' Tho two-cent piece had in Brown, Mrs. vWilliam Darby, -Mrs. died last Thursday night at his home ris county. She also leaves a sister o'clock. On Sunday, March 6th, Rev. Bessie Magnus, Mw, Qeorgo^ThqiTtp- of complications. Ho had,been in of the Methodist ohurch of that bor- A. E. Jennon, vicar of St. Monica's BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS, examination blanks to the members manner escaped his notice ough and of tho Fair Haven council and a brothor, Mrs. Joseph Snlffcn which nro to be tilled In.by physi- e opened the pocketbook the son, Mrs, William B. Fowler, Jr., poor health for several months but and P. Crclfe of Red Bank. mission at Trenton, will conduct a Mrs. Thomas'-W! Garlarid, Miss Kath- was able to be about tho house un- of Sons and Daughters of. Liberty. diocesan teaching mission.: Addition- Men's League to rOlve Annual Tur- cians. Tho members decided to giv« erino Holtutfi' Walter J.-'Swecnoy," tjl'la^t we?k when he was atrlcken She la survived by a sister, Mrs. Ma- Mrs. Wolt was a member of the al mission conferences will be held key Dinner Tomorrow Night. tho total,of their Indivldualgiffs. tp! ewspaper clipping cpneorn- Clauds Mlnaldl, Roy Stone,and Har- suddenly and died within a.low min- tilda Pariter of Fair Haven, and Reformed church and tho Pocahon- on Monday and Tuesday, March 7th the. Young Men's Christian aseocla-, - .a Dorsett's death is repro- old Kelly.. ., „, , , . . utes. three brothers, Robert and Charles tas lodge of Red Bank. Tho funeral and 8th. The- Mon's lengup of tho Baptiot tlon drive in tho namo of the clut'.' _,m tho belief that it will be Others "present were;-Mrs. William Doughty ot Fair Haven And-John will ba held aVt two o'clock Friday church will hold its annual hot tuiy The state convention will be held: Mr, Brennan wa3 77 years old. Ho afternoon at her late home, and will key dlpnor tomorrow night,in. tho treat to Register readers. It Is Douglas, Mrs'.'. Claude Mlnaldl, Mrs. was born in Ireland and came to Doughty of Halesite, Long Island.:. at Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, May; 1 be conducted by Rov. W. Carman - TENNIS-CLUB MEETS,/,: ' church. The tables will bo-solved iit -as followai Rutji IielnbUtfeMrsi Roy Stone, Mrs. the United States at an. early age. Tho funeral was held on, Saturday : 20th and 21st. Several members are,./ 1 Trembath, pastor of, the Bed Bank 5130 and,0:'45:'.o'clock,,'The proceeds George KraUBS, lira. Mario Do'u'gjaa, At one tirne he was engineer at tho afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the. Fair planning to attend. Tho next.meet?;. -- The funeral Services over the re- Koform»d church.!:Burial by'R.'?R. Sycamoro' Tonnls, Club to Entertain will be iised to make the last pay- Mrs. Arthur Silva, Mrs. V. C. 811 va Seabright ice plant but' later en- Haven Methodist- church—with .the h : Ing of tho Red Bank club "will be' . mains of Miss Elizabeth Dorsett in. Mount * Son will bo at Fair "View . rarente April Sd.- -. ment on tho hoator, recently Installed Mra. Charles Nelson, Mrs; 'Michael "J. gaged, in tho garage and real estate pastor, Rev. Henry P, Bowen,' ihi Tuosday avonlnjr, March 8th, at the, the Baptist church of Mlddletown cemetery. . In the church. yesterday morning were begun by Deyereaux, Mr. and - .Mrs, Joseph business. charge. Two selections, "Abide With The members of the Sycamore ten- Y. M. C. A. building on Branch BV»-< Me" and "Rock of Ages." were sung r Edward Clayton, Baptist nilselon- Hinging "Teach Mo the Measure of Douglas, Miss ftlfa Krauss; ffrank nis club met last night at the Christ nuc. - • • .• Mr. Brennan was,a member of the by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crojlcr and MTODLETOWN jlE8O)ENT DEAD ary. to China, will bo tlio speaker My Days." The tent of the discourse Rodney,. Edward A. Brown • andScabrlglit lodge of Odd Fellows and church parish liall on Sycamoro ave- •—• •?-*» . ', .'••":' Mrs. William Tallman, accompanied next Sunday at the regular church was from Job,, "Ail the day* of my- George Thompson. '-.'.' ••; was also, an exempt member of tho nue,- Shrewsbury. The date for the - Baby Baptised. ., 1 by Mrs, Arthur B. Baker at the or-Aged Colored Man Passed Away Last services. The third annual "ninety Rppolntcd time will I wait till my .The club will. hoia"a clrd, party'.for Ocean-ftro company of Soabright, parents' .tea was" definitely set for Gcorgo Alfred Brown, son of Mr. the benefit of tho organization Thurs- gan. ' ""'" •'-•>•• . Sunday Following Stroke. . April 2d. At this party, tho cVub mem- and nlno" servlocs will get under- change ,come." His wife, Anna Grote Brennan, Services of the Sons and Daughters and Mm! Goorgq Brown of Leonardo." "For many year3," the Rev. E. J. day night, March 3d, at Dowd's hall. Albert Cain, a "resident of Middle- bers will bo at home to their .parent! way'*tho following Sunday and will died several years ago. He Is sur- of Liberty were held after tho re- continuo until Sunday, March 20th. was baptised Sunday at St. Mar/I', Foote began, "our friend lived on an Mrs. Thomas W. Garland Is tn'cHarge vived by two daughters, Mrs. Lillian town township for more than forty at the homo of Mrs. Martha Papa on 1 ligious ceremony with Mrs. Harry The Ladies' aid society of the church at Now Monmouth by Rev, "assured-expectation of yhat-was to of tha tlckeU_and posters, Mrs. Wil- tieClalr: of. Seabright and Mrs. Julia, years, died Sunday night following a Riverside avenue. The reception com- Thomas :F. Maher. Th» spon»or» Veron'eau !as! councilor^ and Mrs. Har- church will meet tomorrow at the come. Sho barely had hor existence liam B. Fowler, Jr., of the "refresh- Brelllhg of Stratford,""Connecticut," 1 7 stroke of poraiyalB at his home on mittee for the affair wIU be John woro (Mrs. Julia Murphy, of.Port ments, Mrs. Helen Toung and M". vey M. "Little" as chaplain." ' the Holmdel road. He was 72 years Parker, jane Wyllc, Jeanne" Parker, home of Mrs. Ada Stout of Irving here. There was not a regret or a and a son, Henry Brennan ot Sea- Six nephews "of the deceased wore Monmouth and Lawrence JfcNamar*-. sorrowful thought In any Christian Willlarn Darby of the chairs and bright old and was bom at Petersburg, Vir- Adrian Nltschelm ahd Botdy Hanco. place. • of Leonardo. After the ceremony Mr. tables snd Mrs- Lydi Hanisg'y of the hearers, Thoy were Raymond, Leslie ginia, coming to this section at an Tho dates for tho two big events The Workers' conference met last mind, under tho bright sunshine of The funoral was held Monday and Burton Doughty and Warren, and Mr». Brown entertained a num* last Sabbath morning, when it wasprizes. . - _ j _. early age. • • • of the' year, the "Tchnls Racquet" Thursday night at which tlmo ten her of relatives at a goose dinner at morning at 8:20 o'clock at his late Charles and Joseph Mlnton. Burl and tho Christmas invitation dance, tatlvo plans for the Easter observ- announced to us that Aunt Betsy home and at nine o'clock, at Church In charge of Albert W. Worden was Besides his wife, Mr. Cain Is sur- tholr home. CAH HITS TEEE. •wero definitely set. Tho "Racquet' ance wore made. After tlio business nad gone up to worship in the beauty of the Holy CroBS where Rev. Father at Evergreen comctery. vived by five sons, James, Robert, William and George Cain of Middle- will bo given September 2d and thosession refreshments wero served by of holiness. She was 302 years old, Whcclrlght of West End, who la serv- Card of Thank*. • loss 15 days, having been born June Two Bed Bankers in- Car Did Not town, and Matthew Cain of Sharon dance will be held December.30th. A the hostess committee, which con- Know Who Wa» Driving. ing as rector of that church during Wo wish to thank tho many friend*' 15tb, 1777, as is undeniably attested the vacation of Rov. John E. Mur- DEATH OF CHARLES PECK. Massachusetts, and - two daughters, committee to confer on candidates to sists of Mrs. • Edward Browcr, Mrs. who gave expressions of their symv by'.tho record In the family Bible, Aa automobile In which William ray, celebrated a requiem mass. Mrs. Lucy GUIs and Mrs. Addle Rey- be appointed for an advisory board A. C. Beck, Miss Dorothy Brown, pathy in our recent bereavement; for nolds, both, ot Mlddletown, He was a cf parents was appointed. Mrs. Edith Worth and Warren do floral tributes, loan of automobiles,. Inscribed by hor father's own hand. Covrell and Fred Morninwheg of Rod A delegation of members of the Aged Atlantic Highlands Resident Sho was cradled amid the clangor Bank wer« riding ran into a tree'at Side Only a Short Time. member of the Mlddletown lodge of A motion was made for considera- Brown. and other marks of kindness. Oceanic Are company and the Sea- the Knights of Pythias. ' John L. Bennett, of war. Sho was one year old at the corner of • the Avenue p{ Twobright lodge of Odd Fellows attended tion, to incorporate the club and a Mrs. Leon A. Little. the battle of Monmouth, and hor in- Charles Peck, a resident of AUan The funeral will be held this after- building fund oi ?300 was set aside. BRIDGE PAHTr. Rlvsri and Kumson road Monday tho services and scrvod as honorary tic Highlands 35 years, died last Advertisement, fant eyes may have gazed on* thenight. The windows of the car wero bearera. The fir© company's truck noon, at two o'clock at the Red HII red coats' of the cnomy as they shattered and.the front wheel and a Thursday at the home ot Mrs. A. E. Mothodlst church with Rov. R. C: C. SUBMITS WELFARE ttErOltT., MM. Samuol Berliowttz of Spring conveyod the floral pieces to the cem- Hartcorn at that place, wherp he Card of Thanhs. passed through Mlddletown. Th« mud guard wero damaged. • When etery- Jones, -pastor of the ohurch, In Street Hostess Yesterday, We wlnh to thank all thoso who »». Eev. Abel Morgan preached in this had boarded since the death of his charge. Burial in charge of R. R. kindly helped and assisted In any. the pollco arrived Cowell ahd Morn- The bearers woro James Miller, C Milton Siegfried Tcll» of Work Be- Mrs. Samuel Berkowltz entertained church on the morning of the battle, inwheg were, standing near the car. wife sevoral years ago. He was 81Mount.& Son will be In the church ing Done by Elks' Lodge. way during tho sickness and dosth it has been said that sho saw and WolcoU. Fary and Augustus Forsm&n years old, but In spite of his age ho graveyard^ at a bridge-luncheon yesterday at of out\ nletcr and aunt, tho late Maria.: Neither mnn Wuld. admit that he of tho firs company and Fred Nelson, her homo on Spring street. High Doughty. conversed with Washington. This Is was driving tho car. They said that held a position of department man- Milton Siegfried,, chairman of -tho Andrew Johnson and Oscur Andrews welfare commlttoo of tho Red Bank scores were made- by Mrs, Joseph Matilda. Parker, ' probably not true, though sho wasanother man was driving, but had, ager of Riisch & Co. of Now York Funeral of Mrs. Moncrlef. ' Charles Doughty, twclvo yearn old when he was in- of the Odd Fellows. Burial In charge until a short time ego1. Death was The funeral of Mrs. Grace L. Mon- lodge of Elks, in a report submitted Hoxter.Mrs. Richard McAlHsteTinr left tho scone. When tho, police asked ot Albert W. Worden was at Groen- Mrs. Herman Holler. Other guests Ttobort Doughty, augurated as President. If a child who tho man waa they said.they.did due to hoart disease, Mr, Peck was crlef of Fair Haven, who died'on yesterday, Btatcd that-nineteen fam- John L. Doughty, born on tho 15th of tho present June lawn cemetery In West Long Branch. a charter member of the Mantel Monday, of last week at the Allen- ilies havo been provided with gro- wero Mrs. Waller Connor, Mrs. Clar Maria Emery. not know. Cowrll was fined $5 for ence Legg. Mrs.' James E. Balnes, should llvo aa lone as she did, anduUdrderly conduct hose company of Atlantic Highlands, wood sanitarium, was held last ceries and meats, seven families —Advertisement. if the progress of Christianity dur- Bins. EMMA B. HAMrBR DEAD. an exempt llromen and a former Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at woro provided with - coal, fourteon Mrs. Leroy Snydor, Mrs. John Mul On Saturday another accident- oc- vlhlll, Mrs. Jncob Yanlto, Mrn. B. Card ol Thanks, ing Itti century of life should be as membor ot tho Bevonth regiment of Albert W. Wordcn's funeral homo on children -wero given new shoes, curred nt the same Intersection be- Motlier of Hhakespcaroan Actrcu clovdn men and eight womon wero Wolnholmer, Mrs. Nathan Goldberg T wish to tnko this means to «-, rapid its it was during her life, it tlio Mow York national guard.' , East Front street;. Rev, Edward W. prosp niy nlncftro thankn nnd appre- tween cars drlvfin by George W. l)l«l nt AUantlo Highlands. Miller, pastor of tho Baptist church given shoos, four families received arid Mrs. Ucnjamln HurwItA Tho —*would-llve to-rco ovory nattvo Chris- Scttlo of Arlington, and t^Cudopp of The funeral was hold,Saturday at decorations woro In lieoplnB with ciation to tho Fair 1 In von llromnn for —M i-H.- Hlmma B. Hamper, -mother of the home of -lil» ntcpeon, CV Dronson was in charge. The bearers wero blankets, flvo womon and.four mon their quick roBpohsa and cfflclrnl tianized." Newark. Both {irJvern received KUIII- George Lchikin and William Cham- rcceivod coats, six men wero given Washlngton'a fclrtyiilay. -.; - Among the many relatives in themonses to appear brforo Recorder Mrs. Cicnevlevo Hamper Alexandor, Derby of Atlantio Highlands. Rov. work displayed during tho recent flrt* who was tho wlfo of tho lats nobort berlain ot Red Bank and Henry suits and underwear and medicine In tho Fair Haven postofflce, • > congregation was ex-CJovrrnor Jos- Jem J. Cnrcw Friday night, Fcb- Howard Fraxer, rector of St. An- and medical attention woro provided Fred F. Dennis, . If. Mnntfll, noted Shakcnpearean ac- drow'a Episcopal church at High- Chadwlck and John Marlow of I TAPPA' KAO ANrJlVKIlSARV. rph Dorentt HiMllr. Ills niothor, Mr». unry 20th. Shrewsbury. Burial, was at Falr- two families. Postmaster. Thonian I. llcdlr, who wad prcnriit tor, died last Friday nt the homo of lands, conducted the service. Bur Advolllncmont. vlow cemetery. Membnn ot LUtlo Sllvor Sodoty At- with her hiinUaivl, nml -whoso golden IIKK «.1I> HIItTIIDAV. Another (laughter, Mrs. Clam Johti- l«l by A. M. Pontcn ^ Son was «t Assisting Mr, Siegfried on tho non of Atlantic ltlnhlnnds. She was • i a» committee nro Herman Rltcnu, Vrr- tended New York Show. vuldlnK wan ilfnn-lbrd In Tho Hun Cyprcsj llllln cemetery at Brooklyn IN MEMOMAM. I'urly Olvrn for Mm. Ijiura lllcwltt 81 ye«r» old. Dentil wn» duo to gen- 1 Death ot Infant Boy, non Bennett, Earl Flnnogan, Frank In lovlntt nmniiir/ i«f a ilaar fathir, Wa>' two yenrn nnd a hnlf n^i'. In a nlcrr m i a» . Members of the I Tapna Kag no of Mlna Domett. In llio little.j of Moitinoulh nr«l debility. John Cludwick, infant son of Mr Welnhclmer, Richard Jeennn, Elmer clety of Little Hllver celebrated th< than J. WMIImiil. who iiamgil »\tay l'«b. j'urrt nenr th« oM Domett home Mrn. Hamper hml lived at Atlan- KILLED IN FALL. and Mrs. William J. Chadwlck Morris. Charles Rodfern, Joseph first anniversary of iho organization ruarjr Kill. ISOtl. A party wna ntven Mondny nlffltt Bate and Myron V. Brown. '1'lma taW* nwiiy tha mlu* ot aria/. whpro Aunt JMny, tin Blio was Tor Mr». I,aurn Illewllt of Monnuiuth llo lllghlanln ulnco luat October, Mechanlo street, died Saturday af- with a theater party at New York on Hut mainorr turna bnek «vary Itaf.' liy fiirniln nml relative*! nlllio, lived, )ii>»cli In celebration of her «M lilrth- Jihvliiff comn ICnat for a visit from Bhrcwsliury K*aldent riunjcd Nlri) ternoon following convulsions. Tha Washington's, birthday. They attend llmllr mlii.J l,y r ort a matlnco performanca of V.m lid burlnd llvo .lonopli Darnells, ilny. Mm. ninwltt moved to Mon- hnr honia In (Irconvllle, Michigan, Mtorlrs I rom lloa|ilt«l. funertl was held Monday at the pur ENGAGEMENT ANNOMNCKn. DAUl.HIKR AND flOH-UMAW. cnt»' home with Rov. Ertwnrd W. Carroll's "Vanities" and afterward fathcrn nnd noun, through llvo gen-mouth lirnch a »hi>rt tlmn BRO from Hfnlilrn tho twodaughtern mentioned Arthur Jumna, 05 yearn old, o plio Icavoa two tiuiiB, Chnrles Ham- Miller, pastor of tha nptUl church, MIM Kllutftcih Fort^r nt HumsoM to vlnlt«d the Hollywooil Jilnlit club. In eration*. All wcto mibBtiilitlnl fnrnl- IIliclilnnfin. 'I'lionc )iiencnt wfie Mrs. flyeamoro avenue, Hhrowabury, wai erit of Mciiimoiitli county, per of Detroit, formerly of Atlantic lit charge. Iinrlal In charge of It W«l r.lbrron Mnn. the party wore Mlna Mildred Jack- .lonrph lipMnrrn n! lied, llnnk, Mr». killed Initsntly wh«n h« fell from i fon, Mine OMhn flninck, Minn MtlK TIIK flrnt cniiin from llio 11m 1.. r:illK, Mln> l.nmu I'lllln, llrciigp lliulilnmb, and IKIUIH Hamper cf JI. Mount A Son W9« at KvorRMpr AillwntiU^.o. Mrn. Alp*(intler,' wh6 nlntli-atory window In th* Prenoy crmetfry. Mr. and Mrs. ChMwIrk 'I'lin rnKngfinOtit of Miss tct f)|irln|[atoen, Perry tlmlth, HcuhcH TalMKlH, InivlliR vlillKi'itnil lliltlirr I'Min nml Mm. Mni'Knrrt ,'lulllvnn of tfrlnn hospital at Nnw York 1»» Porlor, rlaiiRlitci' ot Mr. nnd MrnTaylor, Warren 'Herbert, Vrnncla Too Luta For ClMiiflc«tIon ,. from KIIRIHIHI in onlrr to IMI Illglilnii.ln, Mr. unil Mic V, Itrllly, pfriycil iin|>(irtnnt rol^n In tlio Mrtn- havn another ton and two do.u loll pi-iHlu^tlon", continued In tha Hunilay, It Is b^lloviid by th" lio« tors. ,, William It. Porter of Kutnnon, to Iinttu, Douglan i'nrknr, /Ucltnrd i,(iV.(i liOSW "fct"'I'«7I'I; "niifi "oi~ilil,'i.u'{ without pcr?t*iMilton or anuijyH Mm, W. Unit nnd Ml»^ Norinn Itrllly huaril, limulra at (III Waatil'U artnut. Illinlrlca) lilmhll-n.-i «(lrr tlin ilrnlh (iltat otTlclals that JamM was elnllr Jnnifn J, Tlornoy of Klhoron w«n nn-O'Donnrll and Oaoar Oetinnn. Jiln J!d|>IM fnlth. Tlio Innt wan • >f f/ilt]W(.|l, Mr. nml Mr". It. 11,'lln- lima nmt in atiuiitillng from hla lied nounrcd at n party h«llaya, flther allpprd or Jumped from the th« Indian Treo tea hou>«. IJrldBo Flmmrn'* Dlnnrr. Jtiothrr. }h dlnil wlifn n yiiiinn irwti !»;H'MJOI «nd .Inf'k ICIIxwoith of Jpr. window. ![« wna reniovml lo the ICdllh llutton, nged alxtoan nionllm wan )ilay<-nn a rrtlrml rnnl mtut morhltiff nt tlio i^niK Uranrh lion nry iiml Mlnncn Clnyro Martnn,llclnn l>r;llall nilanpgr, |I)MIIIII |U,| Hank (11)0^ Mutts (tdimlur (mm Nrw .Wary, limn unit llvml with hla wl(a nt thnI'ltal. Tha funeral will ho linld at About dlxly purnoiii) wmn prenant I'apworth, .Icon Iliiplno, ll Jn,hn Jtnnrimy waa tonatmnalnr nml WIlMAM HHiilinl ^,ir umiaiaf lii,u«awiiri, >vhonn rlniiRlit^r ninnlfl tlin Infi* Drnlh of rutrlok «:oiili-j-. (Din'i- ot jtycamuto ami. llultnnwood two o'clock tomorrow afternoon eJ _ l-'nr |iin i) • l>!ll. fi i" Mr,r.iiN(i, Kmiminn, V«ronlij« liinmonri, Monica liintnllcil thn omcon. A fine dlnnrr dtivfrnoi' I'ntrr 1>. Vrnotn of lh I'ntflrU (Ifinlry, a former rfalilenl. Ilia Wonlnn ftnioral homo ami wll ICinmonii, Poiolliy Miilvlhill. Ann* (.1)1 lAUl. f,ii i#i)i, l)S iilvi,,- ,t,al prapured and aorvml by tlio aim i IWiv r'Mima,. tut, alarlrl'lly an*1 n( l|«il lianh, ilkil on IliimUy nt 111" rrlRU", Mnrciirrt ThlltKiiril, Dorolhy InitleVi' aimlllnry of Ilia company, llWHKlnnln of tlin lloraitlt fimllv liotim nt Aatorln, I," nK lalanil, I In llurl«l will 1)0 at Kali- Vlow cm fihiifnlilin nrul Marlon Wclib, «i lei |i« Iwilcil Ill ll>« 11*tin in"' Tim taarhara' aanirlallun nf Ilii, In nuivivmi |,y iiin wlfr, wlin linforo Filler Hi nf J. A, Jmlnon. Ifry. Mr. llutton la enuiloyna Ijy H, jii I'liM IllH »aiila.i I.V (naiiM"i.ian,'Va; yuril mill tlirri It will 1>« rlo»»(), Tlin iier inniilnj(n to lillil van Mia* Maiy 'i'iie ftirtflrtfl "f Jmit^') A, Jackaon llobraw* Honor ll»a nl Ilila aarlliinl dial rU.t laiw Itni Honk J11111 <:r anil aanlnr IIIKII I'ntlcflla. liaurf, ,,r«hii,tl Mnil dali r w««l a«i»#f ami «llliri'll In which Ml** Mnia'tl, waa V\ &1r('qliA. l|a leAvan fotir clillitrfin, who (Moil on M'inilny of laal. waeK • "Wuhlnglon and tloata" Vina th patients at tlin Illvtrvla- alfiailyl wliltaa alaailr ainliturmani by tlay Wirl»l»npi1 anil from which •)>• waaIII» Junior Mgli a'liiml. Tim main Iliay lialnK Alllilir IC. (Iimlay, Mnn. til* liornn on Wtat lluinol nvnniio, I^nltirA liy ifurmor Criminal, milijmt of tli» «(l«1rp»a m« 8ri,i|)>. TJiny OIHI . Mia, JIIIIII Aunalrollir. Tll8 fll- ton it'rliirit nt fit. .fltnioft'N chllrnh 1 riny aorvlout )>»I<1 by tlm llfljrev Nancy linrnntl, Hi" alaler (if Mia, lia^lng »tiilfin ll.fKW.ODO nr IIIDID in In j>lo Mliilil.V) An»;li lair ""WUIIM "lniMl.k.if • IP Mini A tllllf Ilinikri |,| r ..till III. n*ia.l waa linlii thin ,moinlne'at fll. whiMn .Inlili 1'. Kittlnu, IIMUIKIII in: hla c.ufpat' Of riimn, will ulvn 4 |r< nunu»y-(wihool nt. U\*i Cflrigrcfit'loi tm', rrl'limt"'! * •olrmnhlgli mm, (tatrriif Mnrltiord find Mlaa Joaaplilti' Tt'nat i*r«ol on nl«erali1n tvtnun ln« llliaa K, Wllny Ilial \|. „ jiinalilcull Jiittf|>h'a IIIUMII nl A"l"tla, turn In tho Knyport nuptial ijlmtc I'.onin-tt nf llMfnnl. Mlaa llnntl'lt I^W'ii Ite)c. arrnrt'l "I*"" l»rpp|i|»nt (tint Mr. J«rl«niin for 3« y»»i» >va nmt Wrilnrxlny nlftlit nn, «ha want I" llvi- illnoar ill th« lioimigh wnlnr who In nfPio aromliiry »t. tha ho*wiirA •ting l>y thn ••aomhly, uvwirTnAfmff.ii-r'i.V'iii'f'a !»"','!,.; Mra, tjMillfl ntmtiaa anrralmy, Mia. I>MI|I nt lnfa.nl. •illpliati of tha JlarncA lllltln rl^aq filial, waa ii|inrnt«il on for apr*ii' with lirr nl*»rf, Mr*. J^iia. <>MIHHII. • nrlnl< of Hint church, Hln l"|>lo will bo hall, r'l.»<« ).,ll,. r.,i .!,.! w.i.ri „„, nf tlm wnlpr itfltmttiiiriit. nn< <11r111» yrtlrrday. tTawutioIng for 1*1*7* tnjntila tf^ti nnt'ttti alall/irf. aivl rtta In (h» ciiitan nf tltiiai Mra, Oahoril dant, pl'raMeii. Taa w«a naivr.1 l,e "f Mi. an') Mia. Tia.l Kulhiliarli (,[ "Th* riittlljy " ttm ni*»llfif and an ti\in\ •!(•' u« p)oy»0* in ttinl itapMilniant »I wna fanown ilni|«r m«ny nlfaaaa, lian <••«-•»• A Joint prauitloa nf tit* nut r>f th*vxT^'lil*! ''•'"• M"V™'ib', V»«.t AtUlltirt HlKlilatiilt, dlrii Ittihitay At Iho natvlrfn. Tha lir«t*r» W"in \VII< ArUtot'a l*% tllolien. Atl«r that aha rntitlnu«<| (« llv» will* alon waa tial'J la|i>i mi ijuaallfina t» tH»;ni¥«r»law hna|ilt«l at tt»4 Jlank. a) r^rnilatlon nf lmvln« bnan nn li plur to t>a) pt*fanteil In th« nhtpi IIJV Iwi) Hnf»> |f«jini«ry 4»|h. lone, IMvlit t^rwy, Tlioipm l«»y KruuilihMr lleriiiton nt Rhrowa^ .Itfttll Ili'lr rtdaltl, fill" Wat twenty kni A. l*ft<»y I'adar »m|»|. Tlia runmul wa.< ImM yi#lar<1»y an,I liiiry, la (ii th« nivat-nlfiw In tit* eh*Ml JTrldoy tilfliL Mn, tin f't »*• it-tint )>»r (()«<••< Mn. mi'l J"lin Annnliontf MmM. In JUroii) Polt*r ot M«liicli#n will t»»rUI )>y A, M IVi^tafl-jniit fU,n waa rli«r«« tif Altwtl W WoFrtan w*t Ilia t"ati r *lnt «ltli H IHOKPII \*f. ltd »" Inlurrd - - " - • ttiw M l4 1'l t wlitla'rrr««tllrt?- Itarndon (i ,%W **j p"/i RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,1932. Pflpe DISEASES IN COWS. JtEET. ^BB.^BBHSnMQ.^VVSB^HUBSBHSBaiHMVi^V.^B.^HflHSB^BWVeVVSVSSB^H^BV^^B^^^^B^^.^PW^HI^VV^P^^BaVB.^B^Wl^SB^S^'^B^^B^H^^B^^^^BWn^^a^^B^HflHVVVB^^^^BVVV^^^^^^^^^^VW^^B^^^H^^V^V^H^^^^H^H^^^^H^^B^H^^HI^^^^B^^^^^MIViVV^"^ A-Little FrevBDtlon Will Eesult In Cominltt«e of-Five Eepre*entln( A»- Big Bavtnp, bury Park J8«u>Vi Depqalton, Ut-H.'CO.UNTY.'S GR'EAT" MARKET PLACE' ' It Is eonaorvatlvtly estimated that About 2,000 deposltori ot the Ai- garget "and mammltls coot tho dairy bury Parltand Ocean. Grove bank farmers of New Jeriey $800,000-In attended a'meeting In the Conven- "Where the Bilyer Meets the Seller" Thirty Words lor.^Twenty.Five Cents 1931. It will certainly be economical tion' hall last week to hear plans of If In every dairy bam this year, a the newly formed depositors' pro- Ilttlo extra lajjcr lo. do voted to eon- tective : association, • Sove'ral. hun- ARTICLES FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT. Rl-AL ESTATE EQR'RENT-' trpl of this cohtaBl6un'dlB6a«o. These dred of tho3e - present signed an [COOP- BOTTOM 'chairs >t IMI e.ch;JOSEPH C PICUNE, iiiMoni builder A LED, HAY fot »le; ttmotbr and naixo.i DRESSMAKINO, reraodallnit; reiairtne )R RENT, stores, ofHcsl. flats, houaas. •tcpo aro recommended, • • „ agreement placing their' Intercut In .'bankrupt: lot. -Last' call/ Jia.va.seven Bon«rnl :contr*ctoq eatimitei.' pl« hay, Alab flr«, tacond and third cu> ; for ladles or gents! curtains.-drapsries, apirtmtnts;/intprovedl • all locations. jou. I have many ilstlniii of houiaa lirt^ffl 1( feMlbls, raise, cows-for th? hero. tho hands of the committea of five, only. Gramflnn's,. Jl White street. Red aclQeaUons (urn'ilheaj jobblnz »nd dtjr. ncfl oT alfalfB. E. p. Untilhon. Middle- my kind of svning done. Frlcss reason- 1st *•' .Broad -atrear. . Und * tifan Co., 1 oni irlvcn BpecUl attention; Oflce 24fi >TTH, phona S8I. :bl«. Ella nysDdorph. 23 Hector place, li ' Ekataine foremilk'bofore each coW The agreement empowers the 'com- Bank, ' ' " ' ' 1 t«d Hank, phon. H8Z-J. ' ^tanle ,tnset. n«d'Bsnlc "b". renK VV." r."'r«rkor "V " ""°''*^ gonD WOOD, furnace rood' >nd flra. telzhUrn myftiut, lUd Bink. ithong.t^S* FOR SALE cheat-, horsei. COTTII, plga, ate reet,_Itod'_ llanjjt, li'hono milt, la milked, to detect whether flakes mittee to represent tho • depositors 1 CURCHIN'S-for iflsl art. Ourcbin'v barber ; pLE AGED widow fvould lik .-- ; *»«» "«ms »nd,bath. Ttlth nU.m : : ' place wood for-sale t imce 910 per tord, P«Ur Farrcll, Broad street, Shrews! hsit and witer; all Improvements; IU OUp;R.OO"fM M flftt^for^rentorrentl! 2S44 8 Shr« or lUtnps aro,prcBont. Co'thls either signing in kny litigation which may : -shop Uthe place where art meai|n •ome- . J.' ; . "I :',.;•• \vlaow()p*fl home; or nuns' maiirnlt.y hu— --' • ' " Frtd applies OW8• fot* Hile ch«Bp; iU (JucrnBiyn And fon chid re n hy day or hour, rhone ll*d 1008. dbritalnlng flne meih screen) of With tion of the bnnlt, . • • .manure; also ffradlng, of .all kinds, to ladles nnd ,rhlldr«n. Second National ne Jeri*y; aho on* Guernsey bull, J. Bank 1M7-M. - JB.kBNT, bulldljisr .pjioo, located .with'.' 'rlcea'rUht.' Claude C- Wright, Little Bank-building. • Rid Hank. Upataln. . P. Kennedy, Buperlntendehf Towerhlll In buslnsss snd shopping district of H«d !ALP of double houia fav rent •t'78 .'••r'Wtwfc cloth stretched over* large Silver,^. 'J., phonaHad Bank .U08-J. m,_lled "nftnk\ phona S19*~W.* • ' Bank; suitable for picture theater, bowling laee itroat, nno blo.k from UCK1 O, motina, hiul1n ; all BOO l ctip*' '•' \ '• ' ' '* ' • • ' ' djrfff'T^Tfely febulirimi K ;OOD HOItSR for sile, *IM Jerney ftTd REAL ESTATE WANTED alley, and ipool room, manufacturer's or itreet; to adult family; nil Improver .carefullcareful y handled: ~ Thone Red lUru nhoteFs Lohiea HomettCAd, G. H. Lol(« iobbirs. aupplr. housii''or Karsce. Apply iood heat and Karo«e, ficoi'tto k 'feofate" any Infect^ c . i i • (Ottom'rlow: imc'ed loV to early buyer. Oil SALE. IT?O' \o /our VI*KUA Ltchorn J IMI/K of. dcttblo houiCt-nTx cao tn S Ing to'voterlnary advice,: -••:• ..•• ' ' (The Red Unnk K«i[l.ler csn be booaht KU; *nd hcinKK i «a>lmatea choec- nale. lease or rent. Send full details l BUNRALONR W: for. rant, new:, live rooms provomontH t how!/ (ifl('orRtciiV^"unB:t"i -'!, ln,Kejpojl «t tba stores ol Ubulai; 1*1)0 Mount-English Co.. Red Bank;-' i . fully, furnlnhed:'Jobfurnlnhed:'Jobblni:b , prflmbtly. at- cocktrela; 'price ittrnctlVe. • C. • H. KullKO\?Jik. & .Co., 635 Cnrion avcnUf e rooms l f -Dip toats of 111 cows In a- cup ot VRTC OAK .wood ' Im stove and .fireplace liubb, Ch&pel . Hill road, Atlantic Hlgh- Perth Amboy- N. J, rhona 4>3684.. . • r <, M-Bh Bnt-rennoimlili. 18 Hprluif filTcW, KtiirA ana J.XPi Plotikj.) tended tto . ThonTh e 2727S-WS V Leroy Smith, indBi^N^sJ..^bpna, Ued Bank' 758-R. , V«rna«: iank. rtcnr Kinnt.ptrcct. tilinnn Ife^, .' v-^ disinfectant nfter milking lo help Jenirths, delivered) also tractor, plow* WANTED, on« or two .acre, chlckpnfarm 1 45 Elm placa. KeJ Bank.- ' : pli SALE,, two lr«j>h ditfry or family B prevention of • Infection when cows Mlsj-Jane Walker of-WeBtfletdwas na andhay baling. J.'H. Carney,' phone to rent;,bungalow or *miill houae pre- FORMERLY or Go*rim Co.. vmperha »7.,7f., cown, cfl]v«s by'thilr biden; ttiberji-'n 1 FOB KENT In Had Bsnk, Fair Hav , Katontown 440.J-2. - . *.- ferred; located on or near highway, ntur M i lie on the stable floor. The garget the wock-end gucBt of Mr. and Mrs, . ^Including, maleri&l, any tooni tn , th» hfced: Apply T. Shcehan, State Hlghtmr. Kurtsbn,- LlLUe Silver; Shrewsbury, Eat- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3Ot4CH£TB,- travel' annd rnarnaionn send for Red Bank. K. Seckensteln, H8 Mop gertn gain" entrance to the uddor Arthur S. Van Buskirk. ; Ot4CH£TB,r hauiei room' painted SS.75t Go every- onarao, N.,J,* , ontoirn, (Oetifiiport, Ulddlelown.'- I'or l H niteu pfaon«:2!<('.Wpfaon«:2!<(W . ReRd where. • BxUrlof'Worl* tfUtil-anUftd. • Mur- mouth Btreet. Red Bank, phoni USE. l lu 1 IHQICB LIST op. liroitorllia for sal* ill. through tho teat canal. • Co.pt. Frank B< Stoncy'has re- 'Hf)UOU(iHBREl) Black Giant chickens Srif* .'Ml'"* *?S * H" " I -' SU'lman. Bank. • rliacy, Frlcdlander Co.f 611 Aibury ave- MODERN small TV«1I located, in »tat< hlehrtar. EaLonlonp.: N. J,, phone • u'.'W-,, *-H*»b«Ul' U. Hoblis. rent' cltsl»,•";' .1 ••.'," turned from a trip by steamer' to TWO 300-ere canaclty, one «00-eeg, ca- nue. phone Asbury Pirk 8380. ' ' * , • for'breedlnc ttork and "hatchInn egun. BedRd. DinkBk, wanted for cashh . StatStet lol •Ittle Oliver, N. J,, uhono fled Bank Ull:?,''A ° f n'jil^M.^idd lotoin^gt J i'v; O;S uoclntlqn, Tho records obtained-will j nnd lour, children have moved'to dente. P»lr View. . ' ' IOV/S for «sle choap.i Guernseys and Old, car.p«U.. mada lntu ruffi. Hag • -provoment", near water: 515 Per month 1 vnad|i Rumaoli. W, Ju phone Itamson ',S«. toll; you about which cows are likely Bldgowood. They have been making FOR SALE, WcatlrffthouBe Unlit syottm, one Jersey: [IIRO on* Guernsey null. .1. Ml year house, Address Mrs, BoTTers, 31- drew J. :. price . SGp. • I^oula' ZaBjuba» ."i.for January are given hora ariagcr of the Aeroraarlno Klem FIREWOOD, .16.00 wen load, locusta roiti Company, telephone Jtfonmouth" Beach, ^von first i-ockcrcl last Asbury Park ancy fowl. • Rent or buy, V c. pie i" stona's' thhxr froln depot. A, Blstli- 'and lumber for dale.' ' Custom sawing io^/. He Tvelehcd ten and one-half Acency. box 113. AllsnhurBt, N. J. og' wlddlsto^m,' N. J.', phone 281-M. u nr'.ng euch data. company. , • ' done. Charles. G. Benpett, Mlddletown. 2272.' William Grosa, propdotor. lounds, aged eight months. W. also won .'. f.vo high herds in.'»Uk pro- Mrs. Anna Kingsland of Brooklyn lecopd and third best,pullet. Inspection WILL EXCHANGE $5,000 equity.in Plait* AIF, of double houu at 119 Chestnut J*,,r>hon» 19. ." , - - .. , field residence ior well located buDdlnK atreet; six rooms. ai\d.all ImprovemontBi duoi.,.;i nro owned by F. S, Tlts- as the, recent guest, i nvlted. Koed Poultry Farm,' Ea'tontown, •as the, recent guest, iof her Bister, TnAGTQIlt.. McCormjck-Deerln IIEMSTITCHINJMexlctnIIEMSTITCHIN(J—Mexlctn. uold, alfvealfveuu . F. J.. phone ISato'ntown 173,' lots. Downyflake .Cake Shop, 2$ Br«jad Ann;r lgfl Chestnut atrcet. IUd Bank. . __worth_worth. J. -M.'8_-M8_- Ncch,Nh,p' B62 pounds; Mrs. Joseph Q.' Ward. olcns find Foi-dsonsj one w)l,h Johna etp/,t ' t UuttonB.Uttik' pinklnil , • - plaltlns.. enjr Btroet, Kod Dnnk." 1 OH RENT, store rooms pit Monmouth WHY*PAY .RENT f--$\vo "i pomi, bath,''UX :: 11 jjulttvutlnit:ttvutlnit:. equipment 1 PIBO.I4OW«,, ejeadejeaderae , -hrDldery^i'lmniliiBii jind novelties. Maii- FOIlSALEi. ten-we'eliB-old pign lind Apple lmi>i-yvcnicnt», enn be .bought lor piitV', CharlcChl a -i i|l& io|cl~& SbSbrii , HlghtlbwnHlghttlbwn;; -Mrs,—Fr:B;:Bteven9:and;^daughtor — trfifl-firoplace^wood.— MlddlQtonn-^jib OWNER of fine residence in Map]|woud, Btreet. tted Banlc Favorable-locatlo monthly, indudea in-iniiipat 'anu ltilorD*H;- Btc. rConavcrC : Bro«r.~'W.ckfltiinkB«Wktik, - N. J.r "(jU«Ti'8do:BiiH(jU«Ti8doBi i for^hii-e.-hiie.— TK TKe-Hande y Shojir esslo of Plalnflold, were recent farms." Thone.Ked Bank 861 r •• ". rKc^"~Jefifcy~VTll""exchans« for Mon- medl.ri.tB rent.. Appl/, ,at* the pm n«w bunualow. K, tiiover. "8 I'nrKor «vc»;'• 808 poundo; nbbcrt Lutes & Son, phone llolmdcj $. ' • - ., lft BroaBdd lt HedBank.HdBk j p jnouth county farm. l o? jiflrtlculRrs-P Blgntund -Elaner Co.. or telephone nue. Foir Haven, Phunojted "Hanh_78*^M;•; iuests of Harry F. Crawford and UA N A RY - birds and sold fiah lot (tale. We BanlBl c HODHOD. • - •: :-;• :-• Cream Ridge, 710 pounds; stato hos- : ; THUORA BROWN.. modiste. dreBsnUklrur suit Hay JI. Stillman, Stato highway, E SALE or rent, year round fiomes, fcufHiiiV^. family. "-' • •' : ; - now huve a full Hne of-canary'birds nncj ontown, N. J., phone Eatontown 173. pital, Holmdol, 711 pounds, and Bog- ' alterations, coeturalntr, heiriiUtohing, pL MISCELLANEOUS, Foil' BJlNT.^-aix'..rooms, .and., bath, .two Iowa, coltatfca. hotels, a to res. offluci',> Bey. M.. Vf., Dorr, of, St. Mary's cold fish;fish; 4lio bird and flshflsh aurplless WW.. cotlnin 'pleatlne. 'etc.•' Coaturaea 'to order. blocks fron* Broad street; EG Spring or Morrlolt, Ardona, 711 pounds,. \ yfi lylyennodd y & SoniS , 41 DroaDdd etrecttt , He,Hed Prlcva roBionablo, 64 While iticot, Rod OAHDINCi, modern imiiroycmcntBi fltre«t.••.. Hint -reasonable. Inquire Owner, bulldlnt lots and Oirmgi all locatlo»HV.- plscbpal church attcndpS a confer- GnnUU. ' ' ' ' » • and [.-old runnins water; centrally' lo- ummnr teninlal . - AA»bury.b , HdwurHd d iHi ,Tho flvo'. high hords In buttcrfat Dank, |ihon._^650.' •-,'.-,' ' • • - * • J ROOMS FOR RENT. is Oak-, placp,. Fair.- Haven, .phone-. 2479 ft ted , rates VeaBOnable. Hudson House, Broatlwny, Lotm Urancb, N. J., ndo ot;tho.I?plscppal dloccBe of New B00JZ3 nt flv« cents eacji, whJJe they last; {JEpSPjOOLS. cleaned], csllvs ,duRV etjttov- -Bk- aro! owriod. by nogcr •' Mecrlck, 33;0 til Huiiuon avenue, phony Rod Btnk 044. EM ALL «p«rtmcJic lor tent in' cwner'n UlUS^jgh t a314Wa314-W.. , icrsey-at .Tronton last week. . hnve-ovchnveovcr a thousandtusand ' ffbod booke. IInn Jntf and jrradinB * at reasonable. rales. FOR -RENT., furnished ..biihiralow in Fall ppunda; F. S. Tltsworth, Cplt'a No?k, bund lel a ott tet n or more. O' 111 Howard Mifttqn, phorii Atlantic High- BUY and noil second-hand clothea; rnuBt home; two-rooras nnd .private bath; fur- HONMOUTfl COVNTX country ortlM^iT Mi'.'and'Mrs. Benjamin Cohen ot nished for light housekeeping; nil- Im- • Haven: fiva-rooms and'bathe all tm farms, BCTBOKO. If you wnnt the beH ^ 33,1 pounds; P. S. Fairy .and family, WhHtt. Had Bank. lands 77Ci : • : . . • •. , : ba In cood condition. L. Kerber, *i0D i-rovemenU; rent reasonable,- rhons Ret Ihren-abury avenue, "Rea Bank, 'phone provements ; near jstallon; on rlref. H. olTcicd for aalo fur thu ICRKL conault .u:»,, Parmlngdalo, 31.5 pounds; Charles [ndianapolls havolbeoh: visiting Mrs. U> REDUCE!) rate*: Wathinif $1.90 to Bank -. - i . • • • , . g ; 654.J.. A. Worthley,- 23 Rector place, phone 1168 Charlsa V. UuBoia & Bon, «BtablUbOTl• lTlld & S313di nd Kor h eliehinslen . itilti." ninety' cenU gallon, iJL50.- Alno. reduced, rates for Simprik- ItedHk" ;~'' " """ 1896. -American -holel-buildlnir, Kreeholtl^ lTlold, & Sonr-31.3PPundi), and Kor Otii> GOLD—We pay you coah for your liOUSB for:rent from Mat-ch iBtrlUvor. : Miss Oardina Armstrong has been good _._ __ paint 91.60 per jfnOon. i Kon- ff. Jonei' nillra Station, North Brt'Jge aide, drive, pear -bus line; .six raonu N. J., phone 410, tenlus Schank. Adolphln,|3O,2 pounds. month Paint and VarnishWork*. 25S. ivtinue. Red- Bank, Charles HoDerti, pro- old cold jewelry, watches, etc. Kcua- TWO nicely furnfflhod rooms .for- light onftnotl to her. home with grip. mouth Paint; and 'Varnlnh Works, 25; Uca*; ,36 Broad'atreet, Red Bank._ " housekeeping;'all Improvements: nice IO' Improvemtnta;' 386 -per month. Inqulr VFOR SALK or cxclmngc, rhoieo fionlBKt" .. 'Tho flve' high cows in milk pro- Willow avenue, .Long Branch, phone prletor. 1 Rhone Red Bank 1294.. Charlfi E.-F&Iardeau. box 1*5, M.ddlctowtt, of J2.1.-fcot on bttate Highway, termfl^v The" Young People's. association ot 3U0.J. • ' • " •; ' ' • ' ' ATER SVSTEM3—FalrbankB'Morae. wa cation. - Apply 65 Dersen place, - Rei N. ,i.. , . .; , ; . r , "... duction woro owned by Isaac Hurrl- RUTH NOVELTX SHOP-Ordere taken Bank, phono S672.' R. J. Gibbons, Mlddlotown. N. J.. phont he Boformed church.' will have noriUAL FISH v^hlch breed at frequent »nd remodeling ,done, on (amp ehadei t«r ijratema tnBtallcd. Ws efoclallca In 37 3. ' •__ •.;:/. «on, Crosawlcks, 1,722 pounds; C.V. [tump repalrir.K.. Reuldeuce, MldJletown, FURNISHED rooms (or rent on tha river TWO. sa'nsei for rent. J4.60, ntr month :hargo of the evening service next JntejrvaJB in small home'nquatlUms; alio pUlowa and dolts; also tell ready made Aumaote &' Son, Bngllshtowrt,' 1;TOT pianti. nand, cnaila, food; nquarlumi'and pricea reaeonable. -0 Drummond place ~i. /.„ phone Mlddfeto^n- S6. Plumbing, >__fj3ank.__^B0 Kcctor place. Red Banjt, Apply ••yrti-Vu'o co. 2tf Waif atreet. Red VOUR LOTS, corner Snyder nvenue 8ml ;• eatlng and tinning.' Fred (J. Hurst. APARTMENT"*for rent, four toomB and Bank, phonelQU. Port Monmouth road, Keon«burff. N, .LfV rpbartdsr.CharlcS 'Eleld-&:-Bon,-J,689 , j5!! _ fish oupoHea 7dr lale nt hatchery, 174 oppoalta -town hall, Rod Bank.- •\Ve8t~-Front—etreet—iphone Red B^ YOUNG COUPLE £ant to rent four-roon Taath: ua» ranse. electricity. Arcola heat- C^ for rent. River toad .and Lafayetti new Dno^atory. two^toro bulldlnt: ontHn' poiinds; Isaao Harrison,,1,662 pounds H. F, Lawson has purchoBed" a 'bungalow.-or -apattirttnt,' unfurnl&bci er: Hunt nnd airy; rent ?25. 29 West aireet, Humnn; N., J.. occupied t> lotii; muflt bo sold auicUly nnd will Lo wold* un'ch. wagon in' the' business section TERZIAN^AHTcablnel maker,,ap- LiniHcin -StoroB^ Co. 1'vaoftnt- April Inl arid C. y, Atfmaclt &; Son, 1,608 ICE MACHINE for sale, A-l condition; holeterer. Interior woodwork'decor- centrally located. State monthly rental. Vt-ont'tstrcet, Itcd~Bankr~ rhona-'118u«M. 'hone r^d Bank, 2350-M,, .or: Hh Willis, corner Church and liulrt -atroctB'^ pounds. '•.'" •-••••,.• )t Long/Branch. Alfred Prakctt and . electric motor, JnclucJIng colls • ami' Ice Address Y. C. .box 5U..R;.--ii B1, S.Tltswprth, 64.3 pounds; tt.'M. as the guest last.week of Mr. and loads; Undllnc wood, Beven bRffi for 275 improvements; suitable Cor a pouple: house. Louis Knaiuba, NulBwemp rofi.!**^^; ; OTTMAN'S EXPRESS—Movlnu' ar\d ,iiouaeK"flO(>lnt conveniences. Call at 88 : Mrs. Werner Bothermund. SI.00, Telephone Keanabilrfr 716-J. H. hU • erbl trucking ' No • job tou tar^e WANTED. J3.000 (Irst mortBaae on Red Hunk, K. J.' • ' •• • ' .'• ••!-O lffir Gravatt & Son, Allentown. 61.5 Vivian, i Hudson , avenue", box- 322, Port West .Front atreet, lied Bank. ' , FOUR AUDi nVE- ROOM bunmilowe ; amall; rfcaaonable rates. .For prompt a«rv new seven-room.house; all improve pounds; Joaoph Taylor, Freehold, Mrs. i C. H. Thomson has rented Monmouthi N. J. • , - - •. ^ . Tor'rent; i;5 and up. Georfit B.' HOUSE. roT^loT^arKiTiri j Rlveiaid* driveUM h3ia7W13a-Mechanie.atr«et mont?; neighborhood. Telc- SUNNY room, adjolnint: bath. ?,ith or fifth houBc from Stuto hlwhwrty, nbilUS-x 81.a_.paiui!la,_and-C.—Vr'AumlcTt "&" ra; Ahi s tord~dn""Hroaa MEN AND. WOMEN, boya and clrla; make SB-W. """ : —wlthbiifboardi dfiuble rodmVtwlnbBdB.- —llrbwa—Co,*—t~-Ualen-~street,—Red- hide J "nix roonisr''*"lmorovcnn!ntB*—S itW SHARPErlING—Ho..re_e „..an.d barber clip. phone J trro clofiets, drossers.- v.cll heated ; icho.ee strcot and will open a gift shop, big money! "Here's your chnncn. , Be Bank.' • •• i • •••"••.• down, balance to suit buyer. Ubarltt* Spn, 00,5 pounds. . • per?, lawn mowera. nawe ana al.l aharp< WANT to. ren(t in Ked Bank, two-roam location: Karace if needed. 21 Branch Mre, Thomion formerly had a store one ct our forceAerg,; Raise Ohlnehllla and eaca -tooUi tatlsfactlan euarartUcd; .. apartment for light housekeeping, b. Falardcnu,- Mlddletown. N. J. New Zealand white fur rrfbblti.. We *un- business woman; near bus line. Reason avenue, phone Hed Bank 10U. the Browij block; on Front Btroet pty:. Stnhl'ii._outdoor enterprise company B. A, Hlekey'eys ShShopo . Everett, N.J... phone APAKTME-NTE. JOUL- and ftve. room; sn SMALL BUILUINU. Monntoutlt nrnJ Weil,;;' RedBk 703-J.l703Jl . ; nble rates. AddreL. Apartment Wanted, fO furnished rpomn. light hpuBekeepm fitreehi. BUItable,Tor roadattttid; aluo caah4_" BLUE COMETS BlilTHDAY, , wriitch-sht e later moved to Matawan. breedhiK ttbek. Pay .you' th«f- following box Gil, Red Bank.' adjoining bath: all conveniences i' lathj lodem. river!vlew. near town an<] pXT .lapei* and paper hanif- Italian; register'.. Inquirlnqu e MM. Jiiltii KcduchTRiU-, ncaor-thB-yQUj,K_iou_JRljie;lfthl$25Q:,.$ J rage. H Madison avenge. Red Bank. kl+ste norchts an* garages; rea. Mr»r Fred" Bronkhurst-hRs -boon —lnu*—We'Tire experts with either.—\Yi SSONSin-contractVidB* glveh Ituynu : Bank borougorouch hall, tl ay time- or 0'-' |6.50 each. Send'10 cents-for-full par APARTMENT for rent; llTrie7'foQ •orjLbl«~rejrt^-tThonel owner, -O.-_R,_Jtoaa.- Popular Jersey Central Train In Op- visiting Mr.'and Mrs. Robert Mac. ticular* and rontract. - - RemedJeji, nay. cruato pew liittreBt In your home. PHCBL home. Price Very Reasonable. Phone .... ./iriiriss ljUlen_place. 8862^, Bed bank. >Tnia~Bl7^ll ! remarkably, low- Arthur E. Joyce, dec- MM, A. J. Hague. EatonCofrn 448. room*. . Inquire ac . 172 Monmouth • i oration Three Years.; . Grcgor of Now York.. < feed, and Bupplles.- Maple Rabbitry, . 44 Bank. h TWELYE^R0()Srhoua6: on river front for I'OR SALE in Bel ford, one-family hoi, Maulo.avenue, Eatontbwn, Ni J. ' ' ' ' * orator, 31 Second' •treet, Rumson, phone UOAT WANTED, apeed sea akllT, 26 feet. ilrect. He vent; twe balhfc.. Can bo ysed for ttvn ons year old) BOVCO roomn, hot wa Miss Estello Bhelddn, teacher o .606.' 1 li Knglncer Smith . and Conductor FARMERS'and truck' fcroweri Will find a cabin or ppen; .with or. without ene.ne. WO OR THREE large rooms, furnished, farrtiljea j' $-50, por month; Hent free \jn ' heat. Lof 60x150. Trice $8,000.'.; _ Boss on Sundoy at 11-A, M.caaed :ypewrltlngjn tho high school, wll ready market for their..produce-by ad- INSTRUCTION—Atmesa School of Music C. n. Kutter, West Cretk, N. J. with privlltffe of houMeketplnir;'central- April lit;* Call . IUd r Bank. 2B20.iTfor Rauch. South'End nvenue. Tort- Monroouljf ; expert Instruction on ylojln; mandolin' *\VANTED, valves to crlnd, brakeB to be / located.. 41. East, Front etreet. Red turthar parUcualre.-" - ,------' ' . , ..--!. " »ne 13-U, Kcnmburg. tho Jersey Central's Bluo Comet In- onter two best pupils from each class vertlslns In The Regliter • cltuatflcd col- Bank, or phone 'ill6. guitar, ukelele,,steel Bultar,. banjo, ssicn relfhed with Jlayteaton brake Jlnlns, FOR RBN.T,eIifM-i-oo?a corner houat, £lm LOT for sale on Kpwmon Sprinjr*,. to Us third anniversary run to At-Ir. the typewriting contest to be hold phone, piano' accordion.- Instruments unit eeneral, titrhtenlnj; up; - Slmonizln?, wash- TWO furnished rooins for rent Ut light it Freehold In April,' ' ; EIGHT-BECTION ARCOIA, ATTbondltlon s and repaired^ 47 Waihinston street, Red place, andj Hifdaon evenueifor rent fcom . fiQxloO; buelneBs tiurposcn. San lantio City for the 2,191st tlmo, With suitable for seven- room,)\ouBe; ." FURNISHED ROOM for rent; ill con- Broad atreety Red Bank. ' ' • • • WCATE HIGH WAY. lot, Couritry'*GnijV tbrcs years' of record on-time oper- 1 ' ells,. corsotlere, 227 ' Eerecn place, oi venlences. Apply 60 Linden place, Ked Marie's beauty shop on Front street FOR 'SALE, ' Felcinffete doffiYwonderfuT phone, 887-M, Red Psnk. . . . • Hank. - < SIlfc-TtQQM liouie on Maple avenue,. Fair tates, Mlddletown; lot for bustr. ation of this de liixo straight faro company, tor youns and old i-beautlful EMPLOYMENT Haven, for rent,: J26 per month. In. ration; rear entrance. Price Jl,2Bf" train, Englncor Birdsnll and Co'ncauaed'by- a heater being placed on and'very healthy. At Coyla's Kennels, Nul- CLASS WORK—All klnda of glatlne dune H00M3 and. board—Do you want B. Urge, quire at 106 Parker avenut, Fair Haven, • Ulatta. tops for furniture, .mirrors, pic tfr,. «B and electricity. _Actdr«' '-jf] ductor CUne, who make the cor-a -wooden base. Very little damage ropd. phone 1160 Red Bank. WHITE WOMAN vi\kht* daj'a work to do, warm, comfortable room with the best Box 40, 1U(T Bank, . 1;1 R ture frames, auto Rtasa and window Klass meals money run buy? New low prices. or mould 'do laundry in or out. Call at BlJNflALOW .for'rent} four roorpa anil EXCHANGE—CustomerTvishoa toy responding run which starts from. At- was done. The property is owned- by BEDROOM SKT. llvlnjr room «et.. chain, Mirrors rcsllvered. Morris Plate (JIBA Try 35 V.'nllaco street, phone 295-W. Ked Miss Elisabeth Cherry, dinlnt: 'room sett party jnoVlntf wants' to Co., 6J Mtmmouth street. Phone 1083. Re 1:7 6. Mechanic .street, afttr 6:00 V, M,, bathj eUctric, targe cellar. Mrs. George lot 100x200 AX port tiajr^rient ol lantic City ovcry day, havo done their Nell quick. At Grnmann'o, H White street, flank'. • •...•. I'll one Red Bank. .274.' Hank. Giover, £7* .Mechanlg itr»et. Red. Bank, •will, pay Additional cash rer.lt!red. sharo in maintaining this high on- Mrs. John Bcldleman of Washing, Red Bank.. • . , , . , . . . .. experienced, vtou\A like Bteady BEAUTIFULLY located on river, 'arse plione .274 afttr 5:00 P. M,' Kali, 90 Monmouth street, phone So room nnd private bath; reasonable. M Bank. tlmo average. According to tho road's ton, N. J., visited her daughter, Mr: FLAYEn-PIANO. nonulnr make I Hither BARTON CHAMBERLAIN, cohtradlor'and rpultlon as' second or third hand «m H3USE for trent! «Ix JO cms, with'bath, • bulldect Jobbinff especially. ISL Soufcfa hread or cake, Herman Ulllcbrcchi, r. O. East'Front street, one block from Broad furnace, era* end electric: one block SIX3 leai>p..|127i Including ro!lx,Lbeneh and de. >4fLL'UN£MPU>YED and others less for- 17,500. Can be bouRhc for 18,000, W has' travelled 657.000 miles. There- Mplvln Hopla, aro spending several livery. Will accept: fG or )6 a, month to JOSEPH U KNIGHT, auctioneer, over : lunate than, myself, can have free cof- rooms with nil conveniences: also t _ etreet. Hed. Bank.* : iirnlshed bedrooms, by the ^veek. ' 47 Me- Hopping,'B'Linden place, Rctl'Vank,' fore, railroad men take considerable weeks lniFlorida..~ ' *V, . " rollable party. Ydii set the benefit of all twenty years' -.uperlence--tailing fee, bread, soup and beam or fieh &t Hoy- HDUSE for Mnt, flvt roomjs, all improve- 397ri- money ilnld hy. fhs orlstnir cuitomcr. an'a Quaker UUslon. 116 Oakland stieet. ohanlc Btroet, Red Bank, one block from -ments; 9Z1 rent; sirace extra. If de aired. pride In their three-year record of . Tho Klwanls club were guests last Write E,.M. KoonU, 1306 .Chestnut street, coods at auction.'I sell anything an7* Ui-oad street.* True Christian honpltatli; I'ravalls here V. ReFlore, ;<0 West Froht• atreet, Hod EIX-HOOM houao, tn excellent conditloTTi:.-..',r ; 87 per cent on-tlmo arrivals, • night lot- tho Tall Cedars at the Ma- Philadelphia, •••••' where, fho'n* Itcd Bank 127-W. and no questions asked- Brotherly, men* ONE OR TWO rooms for rent; gentlemen Bifnk.* modern In every way; Ideal location.'V '" «onlo hall. VV. A, Sweeney of Red I*) Ami spiritual advice or usilitance nleo or Imllefi. Thon* T>-1 Bank 908.* Easy terrrm. Prlca 96,7 A 0. PresenL moH--'^ The Bluo Comet has earned Its' UURO rcsfdenea water .'nyatemi fiO-sallon tlven If wanted. Come around ? and mutt BUNGALOWS for rent on .Monroe avenue; gas* 95,000, IV. A. Hopping, S Ilndefi,- tltlo as' tho "Seashore's finest train" Bank was the speaker. tank and.motor mate. M. Kelly. State FOU MORTGAGES on rosldcnco or com \PARTMENT for-rent—- four— rooraa-- and - .c*.av ele£triclty,-runnins:..i?at*c_in_kUch^ highway. Hcmldon'a Corner. N. J. . morelal. properly, In amounts .'from personally the genial Cowboy Moyan. t_ bath, nil improvementi*. including heat en; <22, one for |20. -Pficet Include wa- The Keyport Literary cltlb will b : dye, it Is said, to lta on-tlmo arrivals, COMI'LKTK set lal*it model Hutchinnon 12.600.01) Mir. Also construction lonns. 1S1EN~~WANTBD to conduct wo~rld le- md Raraice. Over Mttle'n Service statinn ter tax.' Apply Mrs, Robtrt C. Hance, J 01 FARM of twenty acre*, neur Rod Dank.-,.--'. api'also becauso of-.tho comfortable Bntertaliied on Friday, March 4th, by steel shafted solf clubs; brand nt\f, See. P. H. Ecan, ]i llcchsnlc sticoL.Tie nowned Ituwleleh "notne service businen on River road. Phone K. A. Cameron, Ilcd Riveralde avenue, phone E82-J. ' '_ for Bftle; road frontage. 700 fcetiimainV"^ In conn tic of West Mcnmouth,' Mltldleiie:;, JiiBhway, good fertile stound; $15,4E0i Pat*—r«^ ajxcellenco of its equipment and ser- Mr». C Leon Garrison and MM. W,rotl- inv will a.ll for H». Red Sink Bank 1124-W,* FOR RENT, alx roomi and bath, at ,$37.60 Yacht Works,. Itad Bank. N,, J.' , CHICKENS wanted; .will pay, hlnhL. HCB pfRd Bank, l*tng U ranch, Ked- APARTMENT of three roorns and bathi tlculnra and terma. U. H, Ford, 178 B&W-ty 8. Wallaces The feature, ot the after- aSle h,uatler'c»n Klart. enrnlng $35 weekly por rnonth,* nice tunny place,, ali .iro. Front Btreet, Kod Bank. " "" vice, And, say railroad men, not a market prices for fBwIs and brollem. hhardwooi d floorn, steam h«n,ted. The pro'vahiQnta; Ifr Hudsoa avenue. Inquire little Is duo to tho fact that it ren- noon will be the Matawan Woman's CROSLEY seven-tube radio. DTnacoil Call or. write Alex Zwickl, f) North and 'Increase rapidly. Vfrit* immediately. MEDIUM BUO hotino In finest condition, n speaker] sturdy low bdy cabinet In u^ rtawleltth Co., Department NJ-52-S. Chen- •ro.-rover. . Apartments... ,. corner Wallace and VUU Clayton,-Feteri place, Red Bank. ders Its servlco at regular coach faro. club "Exchange Program," — Broadway,; Lons- Branch, N. J,, .phon Spring streets, Red Bank, Imiirovcmcntsi now gai furnace, hot *TI plernll for the small sum of'330 caih. 1600. " ",.. . . : " tP unBafowi fine residentlnl ter he«tj aero of sroundt extra largt plo-- -, , A, J. Walling; who Is 80 years old, Call after 6:00 I*. M., at CO Sprlne street, DESIRABLE^ HOOH In piivaU family; r1llvlns--ro,omr opfn-lire-- Tho Blue Comet wai tho flrst train AUCTIONEER—Let my experience ot con WANTED, man to take orders and deliver Meadow laruLatuLshoro front jroperly *m ' ! .•" arrived from Florida last-week. Mr. lied B»nk.* • • • _• Cood . location, nenr busintas lecttnrl: ptfcce; one-ear-carage attached; two t'.le T In the mast to havo lt» own distinc- ductlns over one thouland* sales be ( hpices, extracts, brushes, etc. Trade U lt Improvement". 03 Harding rqad. Had bi.ths, . IminQdlate . poaiiiBldn. - WblLi- North fibrenabury river, AH f6 "l)i i(,M ''^™ Walling, who la a veteran of tho USED FURNITURE houBht and sold; anr- service'to. you. Will attend to all advei established; present Man ' has too much together. Price very reasonable. Tt. tiv. tive and Identifying color scheme. thlng from one piece to contents- of Banlc, phone 3394, riich. inc.. "Had Bank.phpna SlOl) Civil war, will dispose of his prop- tiling, furnish clerks, etc. (ieorse II. Rob territory; MtNeia Co.. Fre«pprt. III. Battln. toeli'hone 1270 or IP 1 ltd Bank.*- From hoadllght to obao'rvatlon plat- home. Grnmsnn's, 11 White street, Red «rts, phone Mlddletown 276-M. I-'OUR HOOMS for rent; all imp ro rente nti, WALL HOUSE five rooms, water, ianl- W1KOFK FARMS, on Eatonfown-ITreBbDld erty' here and' make his homo at Bank. SUPERI1STENDENT wants'position: mar- large suji porch; garden, nc&r atorc;. form, travellers say, It Is literally a 1 tary'toilet.;* 184 'Lelehtb'n ' ivenae; far ; lilghwny jideelrable altos for truck farm-- UAVH your clothes cleaned at the Clt' rleii. no children; life experience in nil one minute from hua and Klver road 1 Palmetto, Florida. BEAUTIFUL Sttlnwiy Brand piano. Ilk* nnt, tlo pe,r month and; wmtcr chargen. Inc. pftultry or rabbit ralaltifft fertile aoll,: "blue' streak." Prusalan .blue with Dry Cleaners, 0 J[«ch«nlo street, n««i brnnches of eatnti and farm management; ent and water ?27. Apply 1 Parmly ""- Irving'UroTrn. Register office.* rsb gi fertile o, .Tho annual banquet of tho Tlalols new; may copilder upright pltno in Broad street, Re<] Hank. Thono 2117, Wll. expert poultryman; board help; reason* plota sveraga three acres, only 336<*. - a broad cream atrlpc running along rado. Phone Seabrlght 22. ' ' itreflt. Uumson. N. J. HALF OF HOUBE tot rent; five rooma Terma. Hay H. Sllllmnn, Katontown. class will be hold at Masonic tomplo Huum Ostrov, proprietor. able salary. F.ntit references. Address the sides of the cars has tho desired HILD'S wbita enninel chlHorobe. kiddle WILLIAM V. niETRICH. plumblns, hest ROOMS: hot and cold water, urn pie heat, and bath. Inquire Mrt. A. M. VanNoi- phone 178. on March 17th, E. W. Straub'of tho Box 407, Itameey, N. J. pleasant locution In private family, iear trand. 84 Brar.rh avenue,H«d Qank, phone effect of making tho wholo train ap- coop and stroller, practically new. 25 Ine'anil tlnnlnc. Pumps and wlndmllli TRAINED^ "Vh"nuVae-holJaek«eperl . French, ; FOUR-ACUH FARM, (eitllo aoll. fronUs* Rector place, or call 1143 between 8:00 tlgh qchool; on bun line; with earaRC. R. 1HB4-W.* • • - • pear is a unit. Kvon the powerful Melba,'restaurant at Tjaurence Har- repaired. Aeent for Master carbureto: niches position with eldirly people, t\~ [I. VanDervcer. 49 Branch avenue. Red State highway, noar tied Hankj Colonlnl and 8130 P. M. BiX OR SEVEN. room elegant houae for home. 150 ycun old; aix rooms, Vrnttr,"- bor will cater,' Mrs.' O. D. Walling coal saving device. Fits any furnace, 4 per vreek. Cook-bo line worker-l^undre.is, (ank, phone Hio. ' Paclflo typo locomotive. Is the samo GRANUVATIIER CLOCK for J22 i mahoi- Lelghton avenue, Red Bank. Phone 13«( Cerman. ten years' experience, 15,5. ct.lld'a rent, by year;, very re anon able If ta.k«n electricity! outhulldinKn; $S,7i>0. Knit hue and glistens with nlcklo trim- and Mrs. Catherlno Bcdlc aro the ar,y rale, Chippendale type. 'A real'bar- nurse, experienced, $45, first clans (Jermnn LARtiE, nicely furnished rooms for lodg br April 1st. 'Ifot trater. every Improve* terms. Kay II. Stillmnn, Entontu*!..' committee in charge. couple, - • oolor motif. Every detail—uphol- East Keansburg News. ufTalo, N. Y. Reatonsbit' price. Phone arst.real .estate and Insurance, 10 kind; dump wanh. or will so out day's DESIRABLE room in private home: three buy like rant - t o rcapomlbllble party. null, M.out) to Jo.oou. incluilintr land. Pay minutes to station: gentleman preferred Good locationon,, good condition j doubldoble itra- like, rent, liny II. Stlllmat., Katontown. stery, carpeti, smoking stands, tablo Katontown U3-W.» Monmouth .stnet. Red Bank. vOrk. ttoRlver street. Red Bank, telc- Fred Murragh of Newark Is hav- phone 3tKJ' & Chestnut street, phone Red 13 ank Add NBfBt OwnerO er, , 1717 3 BirgtB gtn a phone 1?H. llp.cn and china In tho dlnor—follows FOR SALE or exehansa,for small ear, tJ-3.* „______Ji|rsty_J P 1 08>7M ing a bungalow built on Sycamore Wurlltesr alectrlc plnno. thrity rolls • of SOUCITORS wanted, not afraid of work; ^ phone Ptrgan 08>7'M.' fiirm, convenient to" 'V**.'' tho pleading blue and cream color Two or three« roomoo s forr rrent, , furnishefured NEW ••vtn-room houit, tile both,- inns; eicht loom* nnd bulhl ctrollfiit street as an Investment. Henry music; flva tunes on .each roll;-cotnsit> DECORATING'! skill and a desire to pies*. ialary and commdnlon bials. Addre*a Scheme. arhmsnt, Ccst I l.EHO. 20 Shore Doule- is .your guarantee. 'Painting and S^box CM. Red Bank. Biillbt bll B fof r lilifchht housikeevlnthkrl IIff de< firiplace, ' aun parlor; two-car frnrag*, condition; Karaire; thioo new rhlrkrn \* Keefor Is ddln£ the work. paper probems dlsspntar when you „, Jred. Prlrate fnmlly; all ronvtnlencti hot water Heat; natr lied Bank. Had lo- 1IOJ3CH new elcctrlo rnn«o. flftrir»ln, <• • « • a. ,'ard, Rescon Beach, Keansburg,' MEN AND WOMENwanted to B«1L stock 7h nhlnegold Yahn la Improving from suit Arthur K. ttayce. !>alnter-and decur- 1081 Red Bank, or call 30 Mai'l ll nit, 90 Uonmouth street, phono : Ked 18,000. Terma, Kay H. Stlllnian, Eaton- ANTIQUE MIRRORS, one low boy, con-otor, nhons.Riimson 666. for the Travelers Tra.-Car Ser.vlrt. Inc., lUnk aSQO, town, phone 178. DEATH OP 11ANKEH, oyo trouble, but ho etlll has to re- sole table, ffrandfather clock, print*, a local New Jersey cornoratloti, bulldlnn ARTrST—l.ydl* ld«lnon tnBtructi pilntlii) and mnnnslnir'a chain of super hlshvity furnished room, or two roomi )H RENT at Rumion, a ntw]y decorated MONMOUTII COUNTY, l.y ths mnihure/ eolvo treatment, ' ' etc. At ftrtntanit's, 11 White street. Red for light hotnelceplny; nl Bert Carton ot Mntawan Died In Bank. ' . • " • and ektlchlng In It urn ion or Herbert Youngs is building a ilx- private or claasta In frvnch or EnglUh Improvements; runnlntr w*t*r: n«ir st&tlan litnprovamthtu furnUhod or (infurnlahed; stsnilsi Shtewshiify river, Uarnriat li»y. Baltimore Hoipltal. riv* dollars commlsnlon paid on ench nnd bus line. KO Bridge avenue, . rcom house on Thompson avenue. H« winter hire, and Metropolitan Muieum o ahare of Btock «old. vrhlch sella (or J20."0 nfar atorea. IJUB lint; Immtdiate't'o*«e<* lots, 'liny throuuli relknle estnbllnied reel Art, N«w a^ork. Write WwhlnfftoQ *.polntmvnt.* UNfiLK ItUOM two-room »i>mrtm»i my, Katontown, >f. J. diii and Merchnnts national bank ol Tho ladles' auxiliary of the flre •IJIUCK. for tali, 1927 Clievrolst stalca STAR U'lndow Clesnlnir Co., 1,'nrn 1^ for rent; tcirai Tclepbooe lied Dank __1_ body Irticki miUsje only 17,000, Ftv« N wlihe* position an private rk- Mntawan for tho past fifteen years, company hold a card party at the manager, 6 'Wharf avenue, Ited Hank tnt«; Aftetu ytaiV exinrlence: ipecUlt»e 0*1, Bood tires, .with only two punctures In ftva phone_jn I - W. . ._ died Tuesday ot last week of heart flrchouso Saturday night. 'cars; all ramilrcd «ijulpm.nt. Everythlnir In luitttr hmVlnjr. Address Pain nun, Mrs. Ellrabeth.Hallo well continue! n sood working ordanlonlr ont driver, UPllOfcHTEMNIi and isdnlshliuf of _ hox :.H, Red Hank.* REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. dlsenio nt Johns Hopkins hoaplU' klmll ot furniture. Frank lloitanl, f. to Improve from alcKneaa, •. Chn. ba se.n and tested at Ixihsen Hume* >. i\oiltlon as hoUB«lia*i'er or cook nt HBltlmoro. Ho had been in poor sload F'rin, ne«r Ccntsrvllls school on Harrison avenue, Itsil Hsn>. phone 1141 by Amfncnit born fchlte lnrlyi c\perl- BUM(IA1>aWR In Talr Ilttven. UUlt'Uilvtr, Keyrort-llsil Dank highway, deorc* !«h< n*«l flnnk- and J{lvBr»H» Height*. e_ _ health abo\it two yearn. Mr, Carlan iLOAY'ME to ilo. your odil property job enc«il. Addrem Mary Arnold, 804 Kim rnntnlninir ftvfi Woomi unit tU lmpmvt>. sen. Jr., Krrport, It. I). No, 1, rHotio Ka/- large? or small, st: a reasonable ros ntrctt, (Jrotnni J^. ¥•*____/ was ti2 years old and was the son lort HBfi-M. ' ' ' mentn. llent Sil to J60 per month. /.I- whether It Is carpenter or- paint work n MAnniElt'MAN winti poilllnn'on (iCiti: o fkii-nlshcl kunk'nlnw irt Kalr llnven li of tho lato Lawrence Curtan. He. lust,.plain liking of some kin.I. A, II cood n.llk«r and central farmer. Ad< isrfect romllUon: J40 V*r month. Hndiny WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. LOOK -LOOK—LOOK—K«.i. yoTir TaJ lohnion, Ilcil llsnk. rhone IDDil-W. began work In tho bank whon ho looking IU« n.w by having ItSlmonlsad. ilrfBB M. M.,J>ox fill, Heel Jlnnk.- Ull, HO Monmolitli atreet. i>hon.4 Rt< was eighteen and ndvuncodto vari (Continued from preceding p»e».) W« tn»ks old car, look llk« new. At Tay. WOMAN" W»tu«ii™fJor"*ho'uBe"w"rs AutQ. LaunUry, l'earl stroit, lt«d stered 17.B0, renulsr three.piece llvln A Complete Rental Guide. ous posltlona until' lie w»'» made i«II Ar^l'lur*. twu-ui cashier. Ho Is survived by a widow. sewed by hsnd. SJ.OOi box Hptlng mm i;OO I v liT* K I* 11T t dtsslrti potltlon of i rurnffi; fiv* tnlnuttn trorn IUd HinU, tan LUMT, (lark brown and whltt rollla dug! over 9K.00, msttt'ciaes isnnvatril $a.u 1 breakt II nhlt* %IH\ *rhlte rlns nroviml \VK IIAVF! a us.d rsr to All your rs- kind: eltlior full or p»rt time; vtiim.n- IGO. W. T. I'arWr. f.i-Dfl Hroad *Uvu\ You may "hint ot" u lio\i»o or nptirtmrut fui i-'i.t All -workmanship i:usiaiitssil i first els llnnk. phim* W!:i, IIANK ri.AN8 ArrnovEn. nsclt. An»**ers tn th. namt or flrotfle. ]# fiflliiry, Nx yean «i>i>«il«nr« In c Telephone SK7.W or call at 1* Linden 12,7011. Howlsml II. Jons. CsillJIso River rosil, Fair Havsn, nsxt tn imslnnir tiat-ior'ii onlce. Cull Ktatiiliiirir KM, r— \utir that would ju^t stilt you-or you m.iy «j»y a "for pint;, Il«,t JUnl..* ^_ Co., Maplt aVinus, Ksd Dank, fhon. R, llclle, 3a Norwood avsnue. Dssl, N, J nddl'MB l>, 1), r,, l>ox Ml, |lriMI*nk. rornt Inn iM unmll Vl 1'ronpocts llrlfht for noopenlni; o RADIO servlrlng tlons reaionsbly, r< HANPY HA^".l«'alrea job" t>n eM«l«i «r month [ ihih«« )i»m«jr nd f mn irnt hlgn as you wi\l.c «1OHR n-atrcnt. Hut you cni»- . . iftT.. . . r poekettiook lost. Hstn 310. " • • • , ' .. • . New Jpmry Trait Comiiany. day aftsrnnnn In vicinity nf Prospect < ward Adillsnn, 10 William strtet, phvl i>filsnc«il iarp*iit«r, .itltUfr, ilnlrymaii, MlinttinnnM, Hrffientfri. , lUvrtalde l.ac av.nu., Lltlli) Sllv.r. or n.ar Mills Mlvar llsil nan).- 3l?g, '- , dt-iv«n cr\r, heal refer*ncfn. Addicts Hait deni, l2_Mrr U1 , not rnako n anlljfyln^ rliulcc in lUicii n luiphnvAnd lTiank H. Jlnillh, utato commls rullroad station, rontnlnlnir 'som. moh.v, ilymai.i Imx M I, H . fOU.'iU tn Irti MKvrn rnont". nil Im.uii tslenhone Mil and nthsr naixrs. Will flm)-ln:o TIIUCK, on. and out halt tons, tat _ Mienl-; In that IIHKI ••nmlltlttn j lutt* nmnner. Nloner of banlrinR and Itmurance, 1 -•'- h»»|>. I'hnns Itsd Hsnli fit, gardener. Pruning hy ViK^iTir.orfnK • r plsaia )«t\un tn Mrs . Wllllsm It, Tons. {•ft'.i i nip* Inor out t»y th« tiny ml* RfirnBtt In'i'lli e A. T> Puiontui, i > him npproved plnnn .for Clie'roopen- 21 WlllUm strcst, It..I Ilsnk, anil r.c.iv. 'experienced mtnl sprs^lng, Isrlna* l'i Went He Kirn In. lull of tho New Joraoy trust com rsward/ Ion I'will iisy 130." Ad'dr«s«'*fle'' Olil of. viuunila, lifrce or small, Ail. niltrV for *i"ini.Tn tU'^U To bfl nuift that you hnvn not ovcilnuWtul Jii:'l. lite •Ian, IISJI «ll,,Ils|il biny.* party nt Long llrnnch, Tho jilnn wa TX>H'e. i _ vice fctvsn a» to whet, rtli«ii sirl h»w vrtf «*1 tel rutl on tmmrrt J irnnt) l.ullu, AVL'IT At l)\* <»m.i of flir night lHJj"'rlKIM3F.-AIlH(IW~to^fln"lt- rar iVr fipviHtMnlt)-, Mnk* II to h(ii,« H«.J Battk etiomfl you want, you shoul*. <*h«ntn» fiont « ramjMvi- not formally «ccopt«d berau«o only .IIHr. ellllil'a >ue«r/sct tondltlonl n.w tlrss, >>*w r \|H.I»IH • f>r en[les«e lesve at llfidtter ofilre,* lN C p >t. T.T , IIMinl M .L.ttl.U* lutiitsa'At tl Oail»|u 1)00 Ilio bitnK It IrylnK (a ruin Kssl I'rnnt sti'MI, Itsilllank." ____ nil eat for I| [ ARTICLES FORJALE. U6I)Kir'V7l'OlUrr"(mii.rA~r7onifltTonTa l I1 Columni ot The through tha axle of iharci, Official Doi.r/n »Aiini;n HIIUP, at 7» Hi,,,,,,,, l>sreslnl nsw bslttry, lliritr and spiisil . ststieeti . tlredsl sllnulon Is palil I-, rhll- at Itomn IM- iait t lime, 11>* I.«(B;fito oHhn bank wcr» confident that th BANK IInick'. 2H shar.i S.rond NatlonsI lianilsnl, , (lalll list*.slSnB 119I 0 «ml 7lOD I', M, III. . .. _ 1L . , I. ..I *M_^_ . ™»,--. ddren. .v*nti», IU<1 HKIIW ll.nl. still Trust sny >tol>l<, st Illl) I'hnne l llsnk »137. Tho <:ompltiLrncsri of »«nmlnlnii (17,000 would !•« ner.iirni «r iharai (airs HKIO dlvld.nil annually i I hla wcelt, ami tlml. tho b«nk couli 11V s.ll In nv« shnio lots. Addis,s IlanK w.nl.,1, Ai'iOy WHIUID 1>CH choice AjwuroUly Hindi, liftK Ml; IU,i| llarik• _ ^ ^ BUSINESS NOTICES irfiml aliMt, lu«l flunk, Im rnopened nlioiit M«rch Jlril, . i),rilnliitnir four POIl"AKIM."ins'ri lltlif.ii pnultry, ssvsr.T jnsr (Inns on shnrl f.PioituOAi. wit In B, li.fio rti niiiifi i f«r I* ) llres'lsl l«w i . . fhleVs, a«is (nr aWVINlTanTKaliTlMt short n ilnuhU b««M t'litti. *ny wrui«. H.DO, nrci i>iihlon In inmll l coJiilnm run nln-t nnvo you In sl( honsa for rant I .l.r llrs) r.llnialss ihssrfullr alvsnl, , O. , Wi-lin Dnnfi Klfchlr, I'ml Monmonttt, M. f«mllv, IT<* Wftt Itergtn 1IU M hstchlna, Aim l W.sUir Cdddlmton, l linns, Itsd ~Bank If you do not wen whet ylil slsntrlf rsilli, It.t l'i,UMIjlNf| pi ilill.li*)>. i e IIUU , rr. .'I'I . C,ir,f«Cf , la rhurrh Mr.«lMl, It^.l H.II. l vl.li.llr. Itiiiilatiiti Kwropmii tour but (hi Ilirss-tUsi'. IUIIIK riium itll lis«l Mm. lt t l t Kwp lM.t«, latrn ninw.r, Hsriitn luiils, str. Ainl< K..( .I,IIIu, .llnnl/ sriiiis (ifim rallriitu '|*li»it. ti 1'i Itn ninini, n l , 1.11 i» h»R hpstl l h t tins. III) hlv.r r«ai|, ll««l.i <», ii».',u.y; rnt r'Ulil HIiirif. yimHiTijnBRr ir« SOB iivr.fnrsVsrifiii.' Ihlt ItillfA IllltSS, tsil Pl.rSS, 13 A ll|i I IH"I- »n«, Ji.t llsV.r, 290 M.tnsnU alint, rhona II.il (lank IIOK, r|aiM A' Itfill, WfVini C. Brown* ot Knypurl I MM I hilt.«il anil »Mit nr rimvr.rs t% ufi. nlnl C y n.'ls inMnUla 10, alsrlrln ill.li»ssh.r I ' riant' slt»*l.' lt.il Mank, i>h«na ~ ' tf tim ftnl»lt|n» lou li.,I |i.,,w Ati'tlan Moans, •• r«it. Psaa in Huiilli Anictlo, Hid |

who Ignore the law to be punl»b«4 by being fined than TOOAZ. TBIO AOAXK 'ami produce, to to* Salvation Army A MEW ORGANIZATION. 'or groceries and coal from Sister E. ii la for them to b» wounded or ilaughtered, Th» au- Teachers Meet Swimming Biver Country dub Sint- :I>^tii^'ife^^->;;: Carllle, He B*y» that about t«n per- is Being Formed ty Franklin C. llIlREi) BANK REGISTER thorities, la charge of law enforcement should take im- ers Present Badlo Fam ons are fed daily at Ml mission. The Hoyan ot Sed Bank. • j-'K?' ESTABUBHED BY JOHN H. COOK. mediate end effective measures to compel bicyclists to at Washington l are. cooked by Jefferson Oerd- Tbe popularity of the Swimming Washington Era Franklin Carmine Moyan states display lights. Unless they do this they win justifiably that a niw organization Is being ' GEOBGE 0. HANOK, Editor. !>« blamed toe tragedies .In •wiles-bicyclists arc the Great Educational Convention ;lver country club trio was fur- Thft Father of Our Country and ler enhanced last Thursday after- x formed at Red Bank under the name JTOEDEStUO 8. HATES, ManagUj Editor. •victim*. , ,j . x Will be Attended by 40,000 His Times Portrayed by Exer« ;••:-• Birthday Party, ;::.'-:0 ot tbe,Italian Renter) and Taxpay- joon when another : program of Mn and Urs^Wililam Kawman of School People—Washington's nappy vocal selections was given else* and UrmgPktmu at the ers' association. He says that a, mass THOMAS IEVIKa BROWN, -c-c-oo-o-o- Sergen place ontertalned Saturday meeting will be held at the River Ideas on Education. >vor 'station WOR at Newark, The River Plait Schoolhouie. ivenlng »t a party In celebration o£ Publisher and Business Manofer. rlo, which consists of Jack Rohroy, street schoolhouie within a few days. (By r, Howard Lloyai* Mrs. Newman's' birthday. Decora- A petition will bo circulated at tho Ah Enduring Reminder Larry Leroi and Charles Meeker, The, Woman's club of Elver Plaza, tions were. In keeping with Wash- Snbwrtpttoa Prlotrn It Is my belief that the great edu- 'reseated a Washington bicentennial meeting, asking the federal and state , SL60 if the Washington Bicentennial, ill appear on the Newark station ington's birthday,' Card games, and governments to take action to relieve y«»r cational convention now being held gain'in the near future and if .pres- irograra at the Btver Plata sohool- Banning "were; enjoyed and refreth- lauis last Thursday evening. Atonal unemployment. The ' petition has ^months '- A Washington entertainment which will leave an in the nation's capital should' receive ent plans materialise the trio will ihentsx'were served. Those present been signed by several persons. It , JO enduring reminder of the 200th anniversary of the somo consideration from the fathers be signed up as a regular feature. nd of a long corridor a platforrn4werp Mr. end Mrs. William Newman, Thru months vas wed for a stage. As a baok- Is addressed to President Hoover and father of our country was that given by the pupils of and mothers ot the land aa well as The trio gives a program over Mr.land Mrs. David Pajton, Mr. and Governor Moors. It a»ks that pab- Telephone Bed Bank IS. from boys and glrla old} enough to tatlon WJBX of Bed Bank for ground (or the entertainment were MrA. H. A, Void, Mr. and Mrs. Bob- lla money be spent to buy Email the Shrewsbury borough school. It differed from most catch the significance of Its pro- ichnelder's market at'7:15 o'clock :enes showing Washington's home lelebratlons ot this sort in that it was followed by the ortr pierce, Mr. and Mrs. O. Phillips, farms and build houses and that The Red Bank Register grams and their themes. There will .•ery Friday night. They made their . Mount Veraon, has ooat ot arms these properties be sold without propt (lasting ot an oak tree laths schoolhouie-yatd. The Mrs: toulse Dunii, Mlsa Muriel Lind- Is a member ot be thousands of school superinten- Irst appearance in.the studio.ot the nd other pictures painted by thesay, Miss, Dorothy Moss, Peter Saeco, to home seekers. Tho potltlon re- roo was a gift from the boy scouts ot Shrewsbury. dents from? all ovor tbe United loysof the seventh grade. The draw- THE ASSOCIATED £BESS 7ewark station at th» time the ^wqpiJt. Orsnan, ..fhfagfi. Bijrhijlde, quests that various other actions bs Slates In attendance at this conven- chamber of Commerce presented its igs dl»play«d tnueH talent and they Associated Prejs Is exclusively enUUed to ths No tuoro effective or practical way could fee em- ohn Lemon, Norman aardener and taken as a means of relieving the de- ployod to preserve the memory of living and dead heroes tion. It Is,expected that during the program and the program pleased liclted much favorable.comment Man-Heather." ' • '•'.- ; ••,- ,-.- .'.•'' pression. TSon of all news dispatches to Jt or not wcok there will be 40,000 school peo- IO much that a return engagement Children et the school, under tha localnew than by planting trees In their honor. For many years «»«• «*•» «* ^ *• " the tree planted in "the Shrewsbury schoolyard will j>ls in Washington—many of them ras arranged for them. Many let- reotjon of Mrs, Edwin Brasch. the members of boards of education, rinalpsl, presented short. sketohea published therein. • wautify the landscape and provide shade. The boy in have been received frost listen- Most brfhesei'peoplerSfe" aenVto'tha it net only in thla state and New lesllnf with the life ot Washington. loouts could not. have selected a more appropriate gift convention for a definite purpose; 'ork but from other states as well. WEDNESDAY, ETEBRUAB.T 24IH. 1932. and the fact that they made such a choice Is an augury Those who toook ppara t In these ex- many others "have permission to at- l were Dorothy Desch, Bu- hat their appreciation of the value of trees will in- tend. BROTHERHOOD SEEVICIB8, olph Firter, Helen Stewart, Victor crease as they reach manhood. What is it all about? It Is a defin- lalnes, Daniel Qordaychlk, William Shade trees are .'woefully lacking on many public Better Facilities Needed ite contribution toward the strength' Churchmen Present Wnahlngton Tro- Usen, Audrey Willis, Kenneth Snif iropertles and nowhere perhaps Is this more consplc- entng ot our publlo morale. If all jT«m at Fresbyterlsn Church, on, Doris Fowler, Peter Koleda, for School Elections. IOUS than in school yards. Arbor Day Is not the only who UEO our schools could read ail Korence Moran, Thslrrsa Nsllaon, - Tho recent school •Igctioa at Bed Bank produced .ppropriata date for planting trees. Many varieties of that is said at this great gathering The Presbyterian brotherhood had Helen Oordsyehlk and Florence pet- at least ono conetructlvo criticism which the board ot :reea can be planted at various other times of the year it would serve as a most Important barge of the services held last Sun- ngale. '' * ' education should not Ignore. For the convenience ot lesldes spring; and It would be gratifying to have othor and timely interpretation of ourlay night In the Presbyterian church. The rnembors of the Woman's elub the voters there should be more than one polling place schools to their patrons. The prep- V program appropriate to the obser- iressntad living pictures ot Instances: ctoools follow the example net by Shrewsbury. aration and the coordination ot tbe 'ance of Washington's- Birthday -WAS Jn a hotly contested election. At the election, many in Washington career. Taking part program has., meant, a tremendous iresented. - In Individual pictures were Mr. arid voters had to stand in line halt an hour or more and the nmount of work, for which no pay Charles Wolbach made Uie opening Mrs. Burt M. Decker, as Mr. and CHOOSE (fY^ count of the vbtes^waSTnot completed irotll alter six is Tjxpcctefc- It is done as - a patriotic remarks. ^-Tha:brotherbood_.quartet Mw-WuWngton! Mrs. Vincent Wit o'clock thg next morning. A number ot citizens who; Our State Should Lead in duty. The convention and its pro- javo several selections after which Us, Arlene Undenstruth and Audrey with confidence Wentto the Oakland street Bohoolhousa -with th« Inten- grams are dedicated to tbe memory William Collo read the scripture les- Willie, as Nellie Custls and her two tion ot voting came away without doing so after long, Ratifying the Twentieth Amendment. — ofGeofge'Washington, who said- in ion and Hsrry Knapp offered a pray. :hlldr«n.- anl William Gaughan aa tedious waltinj. . New Jersey should lose so time in ratifying the pro- 1788, "Ini a country like this, where ir. ' ' •- . fx All the performers in every man may reap his own har- ^VP^jq V the marl ' Having three or four polling places Instead ol only twentieth amendment to tho Constitution where- Herbert Edwards gave a short talk heie living pictures wore eoatumes vest, which by proper attention will luring the course of which he :haracterbtlo of Revolutionary war X or-y6mari.|ipgn.whom the burden of- ona -would have precluded the possibility of such incon- >y a newly-elected President of the United States will afford him much more than is neces- .ouched -upon the maintenance cam- venience and it v/oiild have meant an earlier count and is Inaugurated In January instead of Moron and whore^ times. A group picture ot Betsy •responsibility-fills when^deatlii occurs i First, sary for his ownconsumption,- If palgn being conduoted by the Young JVikiBthJiiLAmerlpan flag o. bigger vote. It would not have cost one cent of. ad- >y newly elected senators and representatives will tako there cannot, bs found .money for Men's Christian association. and presenting it to General Wash- — what^funeral director- to call;, second, what ditional.expense, since the tellers and the other election office in January instead of having to wait eleven education there is something amiss The principal speaker was Record- ington comprised Mrs. Albert V casket to eelecti Both should be chosen officials do not receive compensation. No difficulty has months after election, as is the case at present. The in the ruling political power." Andir Harry K. Plckoroglll of Perth Am- Lindenstruth, Miss Bary Brand, Mrs, ever been, experienced in getting reliable men to fill leasure waa introduced by Senator George Vt. Morris again in hla famous farewell ad- ioy who gave an adrreai on George Edwin H. Brasoh and Burt M. Beck- ^isely and only after thoughtful considera- these positions, but this may not be eo easy In the >f Nebraska seven years ago and it was only bocauao dress in 1796 George "Washington Washington.- He was Introduced \>y er. A group : depicting a quilting tion, Both must be -worthy of confidence and future if counting and tallying the votes gets to be a if inertia and selfish political action that its passago eald, "Promote, then aa an object of G, Howard LIppincptt. . . _ arty ot colonial tlraen consisted of aycd until tills lato dato.—Defeated candidates prlmary-lmportancei_institutlons_fpr Mrs. Addlson Sanborn, Mrs. Henry the sacred ,dtt$ entrusted to their care*,. regular all night job..'•"";" "":•'•" —— - tho general diffusion of knowledge. : Neither the members ot the board of education nor tor. re-election who stay in otlico almost a year after NEW "ATROAUIIJH1TKS. ~ 0."Meoklenv Mrsi'WIlHara"Gaughan __Iri answer to the first, we offer these quali- In proportion as Hie structure of a and Miss lona Brand. anyone else expected such a large turnout of votes. Al- alecUoa are known in political parlance as "lame ducks," government gives force to publio fications: A lohg and ^honorable record of together 1.499 ballots were cast, as against 22 last year. and It is well that they seem destined to become but a Two Initiated in Bed; Sank lodge F; Howard Lloyd, eupervliing prln- opinion should be enlightened".' Last Thursday Night. •-. service; an..,intelligent,, coufteous, capable Now that it has been demonstrated that Red Bankers, memory in American politics. lipal ot the oohoolB ot Mtddlatown A little reflection on the part of Harold Edgar Danes of Bed Bank :ownship, made an address on ! jierspnnel;complete"icquipment and the honest, on occasion, can become Interested In school elections, . The approval of the legislatures of three-fourtha those who have the futuro welfare "Washington." Aftor the entertain- the board of education would do well next year to have it the states !s required before the proposed amend- and John Herman. Heather of Port straightforward business principles ion •which of the nation at heart will show that Monmouth were Initiated as mem-ment about fifty personB, including i——Jnorethan one polling-place... ment becomes effective. The..present 'practice of keep- these wiso -words of Washington are bers of the Royal Arcanum lodge of the members ot the club and their ' our reputation has been built. ing newly elected national legislatorsout6i "oHceior more needfully applicable- through Red Bank last Thursday night Past husbands, and. friends, wentto tin long periods of time is a rello of tho ancient stage thought and action today than In home of Mr. and Mrs. "Fetingaleioi his time. Grand Regent Edward Potter or refreshments andentertatnment. Thi client's hands — for the choice is a matter of coach and tallow candle days. Tliero was good reason Metuchen was tha principal speaker. j Tax Relief^sent Where It iBb h^ _ It is for this reason that we are •estlvltlea concluded with minue . : .jndtvidual.pursd and preference. But, so that 'orirtBenr lB xo-cxcuBB-for it nowr in these 1 .Pftex_spjakers_'w«r«_ Deputy Ear? dancing.—'— days-of-speedy transportation.Jt-lajuhverslYft_flf_tho. urged to Interpret""the TBchoolBto the Hagaman of Keypoft, GranflrOr&toi -there; can»-be: no-doubt as-totho-beauty and Could Most Easily Be Obtained. people-through-the-preas,-through leorgrlttwerof BosBllerPsrkrPasi will of the people. It has resulted.on many occasions home and school associations, ^^laBililfy7''qullity7~and construction,""We Jg ibese depression times when bringtair hack in the country being governed for almost a year by na- irand Beg'ent A. A. Phllo of Key- PITT FOB A MISSION. through service dubs and through port and Olaf Larson ot Perth Am- jrity is so largely contingent -upon reduced tax- tional administrations which have failed to win popular pupils and teachers. Bupply nationally-rfldviirtised-merchandise many appropriations for public purposes have : boy, Utty msinbers were present, Meat, Orocerles and Fruit Given to. approval. •'" " -: - It is fitting and proper that the that has long been recognized as the finest _ "cul to tho bone." It is questionable whether some and following tbo meeting they en- Franklin O. Hoyan, The wilt ot the people should bo absolute In a re- highest respect ebould be paid to loyed refreshments consisting of cot- money can buy.,In addition, our practical these reductions or* wise, especially those .which publio and the Norrls amendment la a step towards that the opinions with respect to uni- Franklin. Carmine Moyan state t been, brought about by outs in tha salaries of bard .fee, sandwiches and doughnuts. On k end. New Jersey has sa opportunity to be among the versal education that wera held by Thursday, March 31st, the members that he has received many gifts fo: knowledge of (ypes and materials is avail- ng publlo employees. For example, It cuU have those who attended the birth of the of the lodge will make a bus trip to use In bis mission on Oakland street able as a guide* first states to ratify tho action ol congress by passing He says that a lew folks have senl mad?, dost make them In tha salaries of teachers, this'progressive measure, nation—contemporaries ot Washing- Jersey City to take part in a cele- eerrfione In some placet, or in the salarlei ot ton. It Is for this reason, we give bration which will be given for cash gifts and that he hopes the; employees, as It has beea proposed to do. If tho gist bt some of them. Grand Regent Anthony 1/dCq.ue, will refrain from-doing tills In Ihi -ti to be made, male* them in the salaries ot such Said one. "Although I do not, with future, as he would prefer to~recelv R. R. MOUNT & SON some enthusiasts,1-' belleva that thi food, clothing and fuel. He says thai »» iiiLcicdtis the meMbers ot the Monmouth county board SOLDIER mi BY AUTO. all the cash was immediately used to - •; Funeral Dlreotors as,-fqllowsiolders, -who receive 14,000 per year and who Many Houses human condition will ever advanc p to a state of perfection. , . yet I buy things of this sort. He says h ..','.. Frederick K. Adams, Mgr. ) their duties. ^_ only part ot their time Need Re-Numbering.. believe it suBeeptible of touch im- WUllarri Murray of Fort Monmouth is -especially grateful to Fred's bak pey spent by theie and Has a Fractured, Collarbone, ory for bread, cake and rolls, ti It was the large sums of m Ona tiling which should he done at Bed Bank is toprovement and that the diffusion o: , . , 135 W, Froptt Street, Red Bank, N. J.> leials which contributed Christian Berga for vegetables, t< other high-salaried part time have worn out house numbers replaced and to have the knowledge among the peoplo is to b William Murray, a soldier at Fort : jtaxes. It Is these of- the Jnstrufiieut by which it is to bi Charles Schneider for meat . thrc< •' •••• Tdephono 226 largely "to the burdens, of hi numbers put where they can readily be seon. Tho last Monmouth, suffered a fractured col who should first receive effected." .' - times a week, to the Elks' lodge. f o: ficials who can best afford an time this was done was six years ago. A good job was larbono last week wheti he'was hi •ubllo servants who give Another, "Education is more In- a load of groceries, to Henry McLeai Hilary cuts, not the humble done. The entire town was re-numbered, but time has by an automobile driven by John P. for a truck load of fruit,- to Mn We Furnish National Caskets dispensable and must be more gen- Weir of Seabrlght Murray and Leif all of theithi r ttimi e to ththeiri worlwoi and who honestly earn effaced some of the numerals to such an extent that Isabella Philip for a truck, load o every cent they receive. Due- to profligate spending ol eral under a free government than Larson, another soldier,.had attend- they are scarcely distinguishable. In some instances, the under any other." And another, "A publlo money In th« pact a period of painful scrimping ed a show at Red Bank. They missci numbers were painted over when the houses were re- rspubiia without education is" llk« a bus and starledto^walh—baoic Jskow" neceisary and the occupants of official swivel painted and this baa made them undecipherable, espe- tho creature of Imagination; a, hu- Fort Monmouth. It was their first chairs appropriately should he the first to take a dose cially at sight When the job -was done six years ago man being without a soul." trip to Bed Bank and they got lost o£ old Dr. Economy's wage cut medicine. But docs eny- all the numbers were placed oa the top risers ot porch We read that a popular govern- They wero walking along the Bum,! cno see them tails it? Hot one bit thay dont. steps, but since that time many bouse numbers have ment .without popular means ol son road In tbe direction of Sea- _ i _TOB_present tendency to reduce appropriations i» a been put up at places where they are more or less hid- acquiring it is but a prologue ia a brlght and were near Buena Vista ^ipratifyinjr but beIaleT~atl»»pt~Ior~tax- relief.—If-a " len ~froiS~view. farce or a tragedy. Knowledge wlU avenue when Murray^was_hlt b; leasonabls amount ot this economy had both practiced forever govern ignorance and7 a peo- Weir's car., Murray was brougK~t' in the'so-called prosperity days there would be no need It wont be necessary to re-number the wholee town ple who mean to be their own gov- the Rlverviow hospital In tbe Bum- for the present parsimonious scrimping and saving. A agaiin bbecause most of the numerals of six years ago ernors must arm themselves- with son ambulance. After his injury wa are still all right, but there are enough of them in athe power which knowledge gives. attended to he was removed to th queer thing about the present economy drive ]• that hospital at Fort Monmouth. Wei state pf disrepair to cause much lo» of time and con- Tho general theme of the greal Formerly AL. WYMBS. Home • appropriations which are ot large publlo Im- convention heroin mentioned 1 was absolved from blame for the ac portance have besa'reduced -while other appropriations fusion tor folks who are hunting addresses, This in- "Education, our guide, and our safe- cldent In a statement by the so' pt doubtful value arc the same as last year. convenience-is caused not only for strangers but also guard, and one of the chief source diera to the Rumson police. . . M an example ot this consider the action ot con-for folks living right here In town, Bed Bank has grown of our' spiritual life, cur cultural The Small Sanitary Meat Market Between the gress last week. In one breath congress defeats a bond beyond the stage where ovcrylody knew everybody growth, and our material power," lame to raise mqney for a publlo works construction •lie, as was the case within the motnory of many per- In the development of this them 2 Chain Stores Located at program for tho benefit of the unemployed. And Insons not yet aged* Keeping houses accurately num- will bo Boen a worthy attempt t itha next breath It decision that there shall be no re- bered and within easy range of visibility Is one of the emphasize spiritual valvtB In a ma- ! Fair Haven duction in tho 'expenditure for prohibition enforcement. requisites of a well ordered community. It would not terial age, while at' the same (Imi 38 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. !Ebe funds of every other department ot the govern- cost much money to do it and it should be done with- devotedly studying tho necessar; economlo aspects ot the business ment are drastically scaled down. The employee! of out loss of time before things get more awry than they Above all It Is an attempt to turn (Wood&CoalCo. Telephone 3075. We Deliver. every other department face the prospect of a pay cut, tho nation's thought from material J Seasoned Oak, but the prohibition sgents -will receive tha same sal despair to spiritual and moral hope aries es heretofore. and faith BS the best national safi i Chestnut and Locuit JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY WEEK-END SPECIALS: "THE TANGLE OF TllE COCUTS.1' guard. Is It too much to ask tha Regardless ot whether prohibition Is the grand Wood for fireplace, "America has been dubbod, with much Juatlco, the fathers and molhors — lovers e: FRESH-KILLED PRIME RIB noble experiment that its advocates claim, or whethei America honor the memory o: furnaca and ttove. It Is the useless, futile thing -which Ho opponents claim lawyer's paradise," says the Portland Oregonlan. George 'Washington by lending there is no reason why it should not contribute to la; "Tako flew York slato as an example. Recent hand? $6.00 per load. relief. Thoro Is no reason -why It alone should be ex- studies show that cases in tho state supremo court am Alto Kindling*. TURKEYS ROAST brought to a conclusion after an average delay of two empt from performing this service for taxpayers, Stolen Car Recovered. Cool by th» bat; or ton, Tho unwillingness ot the national administrate and a halt years. Some of the cases finally disposed An automobile owned by Htnrj ib. lb. of last year had been drag-god eut for more than ten Quick Service. and of tho prohibition department heads to accept Wonderly ot Chapel Hill, Mlddli OFFICE: years. Cases in New York city court averaged slightly town townohlp, roported stolen abou1 24 reduction (or prohibition enforcement will mako no now friends for prohibition. Pretty much everyone, busl under two years. Tho municipal court required an nine o'clock last Sunday night, wa 33 Gilloipie Avenue, ness owners and employees nllke, have to got along wltf average of ten months for disposition of its cases. recovered a tow hours later by atat< Fair Haven, N. J. SHOULDER OF LOIN 'No figures nro avallablo as to tho total annual liti- police nttachod to Eatontown heai reduced Incomes. Why prohibition enforcement shoul| quarters while on patrol in Shrewi Phone R. B. 2635-J. 1)0 en exception Is without rime or reason, cspcclall; gation in New York aUto, but Ohio, which did total Its bury. wlian tho meager results o( the vast amount ot mone: litigation, found that it had about half a million cases SPRING LAMEi LAMB CHOPS spent for enforcement ar» considered. Anybody wh lor each twelve months. -wants a drink can K"t It, nnd tho country la paying "Sprotnculnr failures of criminal Juotlcc, such es Ib. huffo prico far beyond the value of having a fnw "iinml have boen witnessed In Chicago, «nd widespread cor- 23 fry" bnotleitgnrs nrrested, ruption, such Ji ha* been, uncovered In tlio mnglstrato'a Tho United BUles hi, had prohibition for twelv court of Now York city, appeal to tho publlo lmaglna- HOME-MADE jears nnd thn large sums spent tor Its enforcement Mon and cry for correction, Eut In quantity, social SIRLOIN or DEL. have proved ineffective Perhupn (mailer sums would uornls suffer no more from these, conditions than the prove no nioro rffer.llvr, lint at any rate tho tnxpny«rs latlon's Inwlnms suffors from tho legal delays that liain- SAUSAGE I«r STEAKS ' would benefit nntt that would be some Ruin. It la Imrd >or It, '11M Judicial council of Ohio, utter studying the of 1|fc ^| n (100% rtnn romt) wi to Imagine how viulatlnna of till* Inw could In much matter carefully, lias publlahcd Ule opinion that it Uie !'' more wMi-nnroiid «nd rampant If tha approprlatlonii for present Ohio corn-Is wtro properly oo-ardlnntcd, they every kind of a financial situ- lb. c lb would l)o sufficient to Inndlo tin legal bunlnoM of this' jnirppsn cut nut entirely. atlon are entitled to a suitable 21 20,000,000 p«iplt-one-fllkth of Hie nntlra population of funeral service, when the need 15 - o-o-o-o-o-o- the United Mated, SHOULDER OF "Impmvninent In tho courts and Mis moehlnwy of nrbes. LOIN OF, Ehforco the Lav/ IATV A. c«nin noon aiionigli now, no matter how Hence, we have always main-* \ noon it c PORK Requiring Lights on Bicycles. Tills tafned a versatile, tervice, ono PORK IHIMI M>nut lni([tly Onn Inw v/lilrh lino lirrntnn iiifir* or Ie»n of n y rtur Immiin multiplicity of runt rlt-.t Ivn lawa wlilol. »,.- that Is able to meet the needs It ap- ib. litter la Hint which rctliilraa. llghU Io Iw rilapUycd on ply to IndlvWilnin and Industrie* nllltn. I-tuui ln.w anil nnd wishes of nit, „ ib. bloyc s\st R Duringg 1li« I»«t ««v»r«l brttor Juntlco-Jn (hat dlrootlon Ht« security for society. 12*- dun lilcyrlltls lmvfl b«rn killed "r tnjurnd liy being run down \if eulnmubWf uml most ot Uinn tr|i(ei1lri wart ciud SUGAR-CURED un la |ln h by tho n)>acnn« nt Iliilili. l liil* OX N«w WORDENfFUNEIULHOME ROLL BUTTER TnrU Hty jxilltlri. It *n«i»ji i »trii)KA ttt n man w rll Otio mlp.lil tlilnU Ilinl Hi* InnUnct of «»lf rr««trv«- ALD CUT W. WORDRH, IE AM) m tion Mvollt'l )>n anfnclnnt, id CAIIP^ Ii rlrttm to tin't rPTiii'inlmr v/lirrA lift Knt iino,()00 SLICED BACON ••lla.rM CMH O« M MOW ivh<-r« )i* ixit H,- Jloaluii lttrold. bleyflM, fur tlintr IIWII * nlmiilil cuM be 'l In tun [OOB.FW)NITSt. iittnr iiuinufncttirpi-fi of jjau #Mvr» f)i« llltln Amplet of llmnn wli" lido Mi-yvlaa at night tl Hint Oiny put "a rxltn Hull*"f •oui>ii«h*r< RBD BANK' n Jijlil". Tlio full |>«u«tly II!<1 )>» ?lsltr><1 til* tnp <>( llta upp^r VV*n AO ltr to L RI M From the almidpolnt »>r rlcot-pli-Hottnu JIm.til. M •• ImpniUttl Uiil Moyrlri n|i"iil.) l.o HghU.1 at nl«lit ROAST LAMB CHOPS U I* tlutt antoinnUHo. «IHIIII,1 iHn(i|a; llglilf. Jf th« M eyola ti»»ra rto not VKIIIO tliolr own llvoa anomh to on 1r» th* flppr Ib. lb. , Ilift, tlitrt Ut*y wttoMH b» «om|>a1l« It for III* »i e|«i| ta ni.rnly 4i,|n( without v,|i.t llavor Imd, Wall, OK* «f Iht 15 »i «upil»U *llo '1n*'l (lit piinllilllty of tiiKlmlng 19 • 4«nrtsik>n like f •RET) BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,1932.

atrdrebser st M|on l a, Harold Reynolds and dough- end. "Christ Jesus" will bo the subject Mrs. A. I*'Davleon of Monmouth ot the lesson-sermon In all Churches . tor Tholma of, Spring stroot have ,reet; who has-been critically 111 for Mrs. Austin Morris of Newman 6es Liquid or Tablso UMd Inltrtilllf-Wiivrf of. Christ, Sclent lot. on. Sunday, Feb- Leon^s 6S« 3alva «»ternaUy. m»K» • «0«JJ«»t,iSa bqen Confined to their homo with .he past ton days, Is showing marked Springs road Is visiting her parents Susquehanna and «f/ectiv« treatment for Col<(t. , ;:::':oi>fi ruary 28tb.. .•....' improvement; arti a opsedy recovery at Lakehurst. ' ' ' "•.'•-. Mt-a, Charles I* Reppharfl of Me- Is looked for, . * ' Mr. and Mrs. William L. Euesell of The golden text is: VOod.sent not Motl Speedy Remediei KaaWn. chanto street entertained Mrs. Ed- Miss Edna Schmltt-of Alston court River road are entertaining Mr. Rus-His son into the world to condemn Column •win Schuater and eon Edwin loV. a. entertained Mies Patricia Gopilll, sell's mother, Mrs. F, B. Ellis of the world, but that the world through few days last week. him might be saved." (John ,3:17). Anthracite Miss Ruth Beutell and Miss Eleanor Lakewood, '"'-.'. Mr. and Mrs, William T. Sandlao Mexander Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Scott of Wav- Among tho citations ,which>-com- Body Biiiliderll ; o( Alston Court left lost woeic for a • '. John Lovett, Jr., of. Little Silver, orly place entertained their.daughter prlso tho lesson-sermon la' thd fol- r glx weeks' visit at.St. Augustine, Flo. Alan Shoemaker, Mary Ann Slellng and'son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles lowing from-the Bible:' "Neverthe- j • CUSTOM JbVWl,'.'t;•;7> • George Bobl of Llttlo Silver and less I tell you the truth; it la ex- and Ethel HcoU, all of Bed Bank, Q. Brazier of Great Keck, Long Is THE S ATlTOMOBni: BODIES, ; Hemy Bulntoa of Brown place vis- went to Princeton Monday to see a land;, over the wcok-end. pedient for you that I-go away, for The Truth ited Trenton .Thursday, ••':'•'• wrestling natch,' Mn and Mrs. 'Amos F. Bordon of if I go not away, tho comforter will "1 Itcpalrtng, ralntlng, TrimaUnii Mrs. Elalo M. Hemphlll of Broad Mrs. Howard Manning ot South Rod Bank, Miss-Josophlno Lchmann not come unto you; but If I depart, j Triple* Safety OtaSi. 'v street was confined to her tied last jtrcot entertained Mrs. David B. of Jersoy City and Robert Ingles of I will send him unto you. And when SUPERIOR woplt .with JHnosB, Clapp and-daughter Jane of West- Newark motored to Washington for He is come He will roprovo the Jlios Grace Hill of Peters place and field "last week, • ,. , _;• the week-orrt.'They visited all points world of sin and of righteousness, About Dry jjJoseph Wild anger Co. Mies Lorralno Repphard oi Mechanic Abram .B. Baiter of Peters, place of interest and saw President Hoover nnd of judgmont." (John 18:7, 8). ^ « WEST ST, in, R, AVB. , street vlBited at Bayonhe last. week. Bpet Monday at AUantlo City. place a wreath oa thB Washington The lesson-sermon also includes MIBS IJorothy Mytlng«r of River Alfred Scacda of Blver,street, a monument. tho' following paBsago from' the -tho Depot, Tel, R, B, lt«0, road has been confined to her homo itudent • at New York university, : i i Elmer 13.. CnrHle ..of Drummond Christian Science textbook, "Sclonco ."._• with JUneatv'::•;-:.t:.frr- ' -, —--- •- • ipont the holiday week-end at Ws plaee Visited Washington over,, tho cud Plealth with Key to tho Scrip- i'Mrs. Thomus Cook of Broad street jme. ' • • •'. - ' -.''•.'." •• week-end. . tures," by Mary Baker Eddy. "Christ COAL and Mra. If. T>. Blddlo of. Long Mrs. Oscar Hill of westslde avenue Dr. Walter F. Rolnhaus,ot Waver- Is the ideal truth, that comes to heal ' Branch aro spending.three- weeks at Is confined to hor hdmo with sick- ly placo attended a two day seBslon sickness and sin through' Christian •—Washington rThey are .visiting'Mrs. 1SBB. •;- --J--V .; ;-\. -,... of a. clinic and instructions in ad- Science, and attributes all power to WHAT YOU GET FOR THE Blddle'a »on. Gordon Blddle, who at* M)ss Louise Repphard of Mechanic vanced chiropractlo technique con- God." (p. 473).' , • ':•'• tends a law college. : . • ,,, Jtreeti' Miss Katherins Kennedy of ducted by Dr, B. J. Palmer at the PRICE YOU PAY 'Mrs. Howard Manning, a member Broad street and Fred Johneorl of Robert Treat hotel at Newark, Feb- of the Rod Bank junior high school Feters'place were among tho guests 1 judgmont Sustained. A V*Brown Monntdutb Ptrforminct* ruary Slot and 22nd. ' faculty, has returned to hor duties at; ot Miss Betty Schweera at a party at GOOD Dry-Cleaning is a mat- Street 2:30.7.01'. M. ' 1800 toi'.a month's abueneo duo to pnou- her home at Llttlo'Silver Point Bun/- Howard Stamm 'of Wllmort Park, The supreme court of New Jersey an employee of tho Red Bank post- has sustained, the Judgment of $1,200 Grain—Fertilizer ter of skill, equipment, ~ex- Saturdays and jllaUduys Continuous ; monla, r day. .•.....:.._ .:-..'...;. .. Mrs. Elisabeth Smith of Maplo ave- . John •Williams ana William Bar- o/ilce, attended-a 'poslolllcc conven.' awarde•---•-d• —•-Richar' d ™T. Smit"—•"h- o-••"-•j Red• . perience and intention. LAST TIMES TODAY! nue was confined to hor homo with .on, Jr., cf Kewman Springs road, at- tlon Monday at Newark and later at- Bank against Edward A. Ryan. The At 3:05, 7:35, 0:30 tended the chiropractic lecture at suit was •'the result of a. boat col- 24 WHARF AVE., Here, we try to maintain illness last week. tended a Bo> Scout celebration at "NO ONE, MAN" , Miss Loulso Parker ot Prospect Newark Monday. ' the Robert Treat hotel there lision. ;»Mr. Smith was represented TEL. 27 RED BANK, N. J. standards of quality. ;We avenue was' 111 last week. Mrs. Bllrabeth Williams and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs*. William Sherwood of by.the'law flrrn^of Qulnn, Parsons .. aim for Value, rather than A with , "•;•'.'Queflji Todd, formerly ot Mlllburn, Margaret J, Bray or Newman Bprlngs Wailaco Btreot vlaltdd In Bchn»yl- and Dorcrmis of Red Bank, , CABOLE tOMBARD ._!has.:boen_cnt9ned as a pupil in thi road cntortalned Mr. and Mra, Alex- yania over th"a week-.ond. ! -price—results rather than PAUL LUKAS RICARDO CORTES -.-.'Red Ban^ high Bchdbi." ~ ander D. Milne and .family ot West MaJCDistcl,"whoactcd an chief me- "~ penny-savingsTTWc Believe •-•—--James -LodUy, formor- Rod BarVk New Tork over tho holiday^ week- chanto for tho. Shlpoc-Johnson expe-: : :hlgh 'school student, htia Jbft-Eod end. dltlon to Porurand his slstor Louise, —.-tKat-Js -ihe poHey-yoipyour— Bank to join lils.|athor on Long Is- Edwin C. Clllland, superintendent both of Babylon, Long' Island, spent self will approve. It's in- the week-end at the homo of Mr. TOMOBBOW ani FRIDAY" land. of the Bed Bank schools, and Harry teresting to glance over just MIoBos Mary• Applogato and LUUai. C. Stetor, principal of tho Red Bank and Mrs. Ward VanDerveor of Wal- Feature «t 3:18, 7:48, 8:»« Applegata of West Front atreot are high school, ldft last week to attend lace street. '..'•' At the what you get for the money Bhe Didn't Cnro What wintering In aouthern California, a National Education- association Mies Selma Simon of Worthley you pay us to.dry-clean and She Did! Last week tbay were registered "' meeting for tho department of su- street was homo from Rider collego the Maryland hotel at Pasadena, pervisors at Washington, D. C. at Troaton over tho week-end. press your garments. :MM.7Cora,""Smitrrof-Hardlng7road Wiliram'C. Brown Of Brown place Mrs. Wlljlam Chandler of "Broad was a rceont gucBt of Mr.- and Mrs has sufficiently recovered from sick- street is a 'patient at tho Rlvervlew Red Bank Elks Club Lewis S. Bortnor of Engllahtown. ness lasting slnqe New'Tears to be hospital with Influenza. 1. POCKETS and trouser Mrs. Ella H. Flntard of Broac up and around.' Mr. and Mrs. M. Bride ot Brooklyn cuffs turned inside out and* street, who hag "been seriously 111 foi John Milne of Broad street has re- spent Saturday. Sunday and Monday . tha past two weeks, is much to turned home after a. visit to Philadel- with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown of brushed. • proved and a speedy recovery la now phia and Went Now York. Westslde avenue. looked for. Michael Kennedy of Locust ave- Mr. and Mrs, James Francis of Every Saturday Niglit 2. pRY-CLEArtED in pure, - •-JJIJJ Dbrolby' Mount, daughter o. nue, master : of "the Bellhaven ken- Brooklyn word week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Balpli H. Mount ant nels, was taken sick with grip at the Mr. and "Mrs, Harry Jobes of New- sanitary, cleaning solvent . granddaughter of Cornelius S. Mouw ; recent dog show at Madison Square man Springs road. and with the most expens- of Rod Bank, who. Is a graduate o. Garden and has since been confined Mrs." Harry Wiltshire of Broad ths Marlon high school of Marlon, to his homo. •„"..- street and her slater, Miss Agnes ive dry-cleaning soap—sol- Indiana, has been appointed a re- Square Garden and has since been Dougherty, a student nurse ' at the Just a red-headed red hqt porter oii the staff of the Carhpur Alan Woolley's vent that, is kept'clear and chorine* who knew whom confined to his home. Long Brdnch hospital, spent tho sbs wanted ... fotfffht hit NOT/B, the -uudorgraduato nowspape. Miss Anns Gallagher of Broad week-end at New York. constantly circulating until family far his lave! -—«t-the-Now-JcrooyGollcgo-{or—wom «t«ot~' has—rented - the- Blacksmith en. ; I gmBrMa —every -trace—of —diffc—is—fc-— borne, at Mlddletown Village. ple avonue has'been spending a week Mrs. R. Saro Gharabba of Brldgi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belgrad and In Plainfleld with relatives.. moved. A Param'oUnl Plctura > avenue returned Sunday from i daughter Tetta and. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Hance and his son Wln- •with ~"vliltto relative gut-West New York, William NachamUla and daughter fiejd and "William Francls~"Bnd'Har- ~—TNow~Jersoyv and-Bouth-Bcach.-Sta- Audrey of Throctanorton (ivcnuo mo- jFhese popular affairs-will be continued. 3. RINSED in crystal-clear ' NANCY CARBOMi— old~McCormlclr,-who" are—employed - HIGH ARtt-ARLEN — ^__ , jtori Island, tored to Baltimore, Maryland, and at Hance's store, have been on the solvent ( ~Mn and Mre. John McDormqtt o. spent the holiday week-end there, sick list. .""" . FAULINE FREDERlCKVt Brooklyn are visiting MrB. MoDor- •with TelatlveB. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. ; Addition— Harry Kohn of Wallaco street, mott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Miss Minnie- Falshman. of Sank : 4. DEODORIZED in spe- ANDY'. CLYDE L. Davlson of Monmouth street. owner of Yc \ ~ ~ slioppo, has • boon street It taking a post graduate kept Indoors with grip. cial equipment that takes In "Torehy Turns th« Trick" Mr. and Mrs. James Blgglo an course at the Red Bank high school. • Reservations made by telephoning Secretary... "TOP OF THE WORLD" daughter Doris of Palisade, Nei. Miss Felshman graduated in 1929. away all fumes, and at the "Black Spidar" Tararaount N Jersey, have been visiting Mrs. Big- Mrs. Fred Balnton of Brown place Ths Red Bank Register travels same time fluffs up the fab- gl6's sisters; the Misses Prate -' IS.entertaining her niece, Miss Flor- over every street in town and every Red Bank 511. Mount streqt.. . ence Qroon of Long Branch, for * road in the county. Let it carry y<'our ric, removes lint, etc. Paul Houssllle and his son, Bob week. . ' " message to those who live, on thicoo thoroughfares.—Advertisement. ort Rousslllo of Knollwood returnee ' MrB. Henry Jeffery of Madison ave- 5. "SPOTTED" by "experts," CARLTOW last woek from a motor trip to Flor- nuo underwent a major operation ida. Monday morning at the Rlvcrview who remove all stains not Mrs. Edward Wllby and daughte hospital,' removed by the dry-cican- Horns of Paramount Jean. of Monmouth street are con Edward MoDermott of Branch ave- fined to their home under the car nue has-been confined to his home ing process. SATURDAY and MONDAT • of their family physician. with grip. , WAGNER M ARKET CO Feature at 3:16, 5:37, 7:40, f.iti '_"_'Mlss._ Alnetta" Dorn - of Plnckne Mr. and Mrs. William Nowman of 6. MISSING buttons, holes in She makfj you LAUGH—iha load baa returned to tor duties Bergen place entortained Mr, and makes you CRY—but sh« pockets, and other minor always makes you HAPPY! FRUITS repairs attended to. 7. THE foundation lines NATIONAL 5c;i(k& $i.O0StMe moulded back on modern 47 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. and presses. Collars and sfioul-- .ders sit right. Sleeves are DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS finished as when you Lgc. GRAPE FRUIT 4 for 19c -, - = bought-the^garment. -,:——

WE DELIVER BEETS . . 2 bunches 11c 8. CALLED for and delivered CARROTS . 2 bunches 15c —Cleanly packaged—FAST, Medicine Chests . . $1.00 ea. SERVICE—insured against <$US0 VAMJE) Cooking APPLES 4 lbs. 17c loss all the time it is in our Folding Ironing Table. . $1.00 ea. Iceberg LETTUCE 2 for 15c • care. , ' ($1.50 VALPE) « ' Yellow TURNIPS 3 lbs. 10c with JEAN HEBSHOLT Lunch Kit & Vacuum Bottle $1.00 Sri* POTATOES 3 lbs. 17c PATRONIZE YOUR LO- RICHARD CROMWtLL (tU9 VAMJE) Complete MYRNA LOY CAL ENTERPRISES. Then Tl.cre'a New CABBAGE 3 lbs. 14c niNO CROSBY In "Qn» Moro Chaact'* "Boston" Common and I'ropar" Table and Bridge Lamps . $1.00 "5we«t Jenny L«»" - Tsramount Nav* \ (COMPLETE WITH SHADES) ' These SPECIALS Effective EVERY GARMENT EN- For tha Chlldranl F course our other Specials Saturday Malines Start* I t. U. LADIES' RAYON TRUSTED IN OUR CARE Selected I'botoplav FEBRUARY 25th, 26th, 27th IS INSURED AGAINST Final Episode Bloomers, Panties, Shorties 29c ea. 0 are equally attractive. Just look "Oattllnt With Ouffaln %M" (40a VAI.T1K) EVERY LOSS. Fish Bowl with 2 Gold Fish $1.00 . SIZE OOTAQON BO\TL) . We maintain a cold TUESDAY nnd WEDNESDAY Featura at ."1.09. TlM, O.4S ROAST 'b14< RUMP ofVEAL • •torago vault for (he Th« Girl Knew llrr Ix-np Year) Out tnsrrlaaa was Cocoa Mats protection of your val- Just tha bailnnlnvi' you mutt sss what naptient •VERY FINE TOP or BOTTOM uable Furs and Rugt. TllEN! targe Sire, ID lb uood Quality. VEAL **' ROUND ROAST 21 • CrMLr CUTLETS PHONE ytility Box LON A Real Buy. I SIRLOIN RED BANK ea. Madgo \c each VEAL Evam STEAK 29^ CHOPS « 2 80 0 Roland ,Yoimg In STEP LADDERS con AGE • . PRIME Frc<|cricU 5 FT. Lonnlaio'a Willie.I rnmaiu* Heavily Roddod HAMS RIB ROAST 25 Leon's LOVEM SJ.OO each WHERE RUGS AND •» PORK LOINS b HOUSEHOLD GOODS Japanese Toilet Paper 2c roll rH%! ARE BEAUTIFIED. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR REAL VALUES O.N.T. Cotton . , 4c spool MAIN OFFICE A Extra Special! 36 Monmouth Street, Red Bank PLANT: Table Oil Cloth 10c yd 70-79 White Street, YOUR MONEY BUYS MORB AT A WAGNBR STQRI Red D«ifk, Now Jomy w i Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24, 1932. WON MO. illness to deliver the sermon at the cleared about 1100 by a dinner and WEDDING ANNIVEKSABY. morning service at the church last Marlboro News. dance at' Louis'* rMUurant Jut Frank 7. Dlckman Awarded Elks' Sunday. Thursday. Rev. Frank A. Huff left Monday A.L.Davison SnrprtoB Forty Given for Mr. and Attendance Edward Sagurton, Jr.. is recover- : A water main on Renfretu place Mrs. George Sanborn, Sr. ing from an attack of grip. Edwin morning for Auburn. -New York, to sprung » leak last • Thursday and JeddQ'Highlrad will help you to reduce Commercial Body Frank P. Dlckman of Wharf ave- Bronson and Frank Laho have also visit his brother, who Is very 111. part of the street waa flooded before A aurprtae party wa» tendered Mr. nue is $40 rloher because he attend- recovered from sickness. Miss Francos Burke was home the trouble'waa remedied. your fuel bill. It gives you ample heat for a Building and Repairs and Mrs. George Banborn, Br., of Lit- ed Thursday night's meeting of the WiUlam Obro of Rhlncsbetk, Kow from Montclair school over the longer time. tle Silver, last week in celebration of Red Bank lodga of Elks. In order York, spent tho-week-end at the week-end. . , of All Kinr«. their 28tn wedding anniversary. to create interest in attending the Wallace MoCue, who la attending a Barboura Entortoln. home of Mrs. Matilda Obre. Senator and Mrs. W. Warren B»r- BlaebsmlUiIng, Repairing, Auto Their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Swan, lodge meetings $5 is being awarded A George. Washington program dental coilego at Washington, D. C, Spring*, Bolia Track Tires, arranged the party, A supper was at each session to the member whose was presented in tho Sunday-school naa horns over the holiday. bour gave a dinner JTrWby night at Pneumatic Truck Tires. servoa at midnight. Those present name is drawn but the member must of tho Presbyterian church I Amos Bird la very ill at his home their Washington home for the New Serrtoe tflreetone Station, were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swan and be present to get the award. If no Sunday* evening. Both adults and near hero. Jersey congrewraen. Th» affair was daughter Shirley of Eatontown, Mr. award I a made on account of non-at- Mr*. Martin Walsh of Newark was one of the soolal highlight* of the Established over 25 Yean. young, people took part In tho cele- and Mrs, George Sanbom and daugh- tendance of the lucky person the bration, irod England., principal of a recent visitor at the home of Mr, weak at the capital. ' Distributor for the ter of Oceanport, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- amount is built up at $5 a meeting and Mrs. Martin Collins. EATON BTOIPEB SPRINGS. ley Thome and children of Lake- until some one present has his name the Shrewsbury school, read an ar- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Banborn, ticle on "When Georgo Washington Clarence Potty has been confined When your Springs break or drawn from the box. It waa Mr. Worshipped" and Mrs. England read to his home with the grip. your ear .doesn't run right or Mrs. William Musto« ond Mrs. Dlckman's first visit to his lodge in Mrs. Henry Schenck entertained George McQueen of Red Bank, Mr. several months. .-'*•• an article on "When George Wash- thtro'a any-other trouble which and Mrs. Abram Hyler and Mra. WU- ington Laughed and Cried." • A rccita- her sister and brothers on Monday. Announcing the might bo traceatJis to Springe, I Haiti Nltenger of Koyport, "WUltftM iit!'JJWG^^itonJ!JJp..^^7B^^ -Mrs..Lytlla.F!plds was the guost ol come to toe^I can fix it. Mr. and Mrs.-W. D..B'lelda on Sun- COAL -Woodward of Riverside Heights and presented - by-Marg^rot Bofdonr who WHABF AVIlP^KED BANK. Mr. and Mrs. Hetoiy Fentoa of Un- Oceanport News. was dressed in a costume represent- day. •~'—^-<— •-• ••" ^ Opening of . Telephone WSanga , attended the with every pair of Shoos Soled His subject was "The Proper Fitting [ tho Monmouth county Mrs. John Maxson is sick with Tel, 103 association at Allentown grip. * Thuwdtty,»Wd»y and Saturday, The firemen will hold a fire drill on February Z5«\ £Stb and 27tb, Where Quality Rules. Sunday, March 8th. and every Wednesday florins Sunday night Those present, were .George Silver, Jr., and family spent Mrs. William Carmen Is confined to Mrs. C. Mott Cramer. Mrs/ "JMriest tho house with grlp._.._ Sunday at New York. <••»»»••»»••••>••»< Laverty, Miss Florence Barbour, • Harold McCormick has been very The first aid and safety "squad Mlas Herbert, Miss Cassidy, Mrs, Bus- ill with grip. sell E. Glllam, Mrs. B. Mullen, Mrs. Edward Berry, Mrs. Thomas Meag- her, Mrs, C. Walsh, Mrs. Remington, Navesink News. Mrs. Martin J- Cojinelly, Mrs. Harry Stryker and Mrs. W. Theysohn. _ (The Bed Dank Eoglntor con bo bought The following residents have been 'n Nav«»ink. from ^William Swan «t tiio confined to their'homes by illness: I«"»•«•««• buU*l»».) Mies Ruth Sickles, Miss Dorothy | , Everything Is la readiness for the West, Miss Jeanette Conway, MISB minstrel show to be held tonight at Evelyn Hulse, Miss Shirley Riddle, the Navesink library by the Epworth Rev. C. Mott Cramer, Lester Hurley, Jeague ot the Methodist church. Hol- Mrs. Thomas ROM and Frederick lls A. Hart will ha Interlocutor. Hurley. A pamphlet has been Issued by the Margaret' Walllng-oMmng Brancb toaohors and-puplls- of tho Navoalnlt. Express YourThoughts has been visiting the Misses Pu Bols public school in observance of the of Main street Washington bi-ccntonnlal anniver- Mr. and1 Mrs. Joseph Mertz of Phil- sary. On tho front page is a draw adelphia"have~ been" visiting "Mrs." ingrof"Washington and-tho-domo of Phone 3262-3263 Mertz'B;, mother, ^Mrs.-Champlin_of tho_na.tipna^capltol_by Arthur Devcy Arcana avenue, who has been lit for of the .slith grade. Tha~paB!phlet ls~ Their bestuty best expresses the past month. v . made up chleSy of compositions on A Valentine sociable waa held at Washington and Lincoln by tbo Free Deliveries RED BANK the spirit of the occasion. Our the Ocoanport church hall under the school eh!ld,renrL ...... 45 BROAD STREET flowers are the finest...and direction of the Epworth League so- Arthur Llnzmayer has bought a clely recently. Valentines wore ex- now..Ford coupe. inexpensive. changed, games played and refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenco Scott and Thursday, Friday and Saturday ments were served under the direc- children ot Bound Brook spent Sun- tion of Mrs. George C. D. Hurley, day with Mr. and Mrs. James O. - Dr.- and Mm. Charles A. Smith and Scott . Tames Smith of Bayonne spent Sun- Mrs. John Moulds la elclc with day with' Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. pneumonia. and Mrs. John B. Hulse of Main Prank Vaaderveer, Frank Howor street - - _ • ^ '» and John Bavillo of Mils place at- Special! CotSee Special! tended the meeting of tho county MEARS' Shrewsbury News. firemen's, association Sunday at Al- C lentown,—Mlddlotown, township had 4 lbs. tho largest delegation at the meet- Beechnut • * 3 89 Astor • (Th« Bti Btak BwUter us to ... Ing. Forty-two firemen from tho 320 In Shnwiburr tiam Blchud Btalt* «t the township were there. Rev." Carroll M. Burck, rector of John Savllle and Frank Vandor- Alice Foote McDougall Chase & Sanborn Christ Episcopal church, was suf- veer are on the committee arranging ficiently Improved from his recant tor a dance to be given by tho town- ship Ore department March 19th at 99c Sanka • • • Ocean Vlow. David Simpson of Maxwell House 3 Hoaijdon'a - Cornwv- la the -gon«ral. chatrman. , Members Qf the parent-teacher as- sociation gathered at the home of Mrs. Alfred Brower yesterday after- BUTTER noon and heard a radio lecture on Tana Fish child welfare work. Mrs. Janies~Purvtir)sntertalned-a- fow friends at a hrldge party Friday Country Roll«_ night Mr. and Mrs. William DoVcBty And we predict that no new car to be produced, from the standpoint of have returned from a week's stay with Mr, DoVestys Bister, Mrs. Stella economy, long life and reliability will excel the present MODEL A Abbott of Fort Lee. cans FORD. Fred Rader of Now York spent tho week-end with his family here. The fine parts used in its construction, and the unsurpassed skill New Monmouth News. with which they are made and fitted assures the purchaser of many PRUNES CORN The trustoes of tho Baptist church BROOMS thousands of miles of dependable, fault-free service. have appointed Mrs. O. W. Palmer of Conqueror, White Sugar Ocoanport organist of the church. No. 6 Parlor Special William Kelly continues to make • Large, Sweet California We still offer three of these brand new, nicely finished show good progress In building his house. for c The framework of tho dwelling Is each lb8 c room jobs, equipped with moto-meter, spare tires, tire locks and rubber completed. 3 25 pedal pads... any of which may be equipped with the new floating Mrs. Elizabeth Goodchlld of Red 4 -25 Bank spent the woolt-end with Jicr power unit at the small additional cost of $Q.95. j Bister, Mrs. Georgo H. Roberts. I Hogor MacCormack has been ilck PEAS with grip, but he la improving. Peanut Butter Asparagus Tips Haddon and Cary Johnston, sona THREE-WINDOW TOWN SEDAN—Upper panels finished in Elk- of Rev. and Mrs. Samuol Johnston, Slade's Finest or STALKS Artesian Giant Variety point Green, lower panels Kewanee Green with Apple Green strip- aro kept Indoors with grip. Fancy California Aaron Nucltle and Humphroy Mill- cans C ing.' Mohair upholstery. er havo formed a partnership to ralsa jar8 C and sell flowori". Their otocli la Sal Prlco grown In R large gTconhoueo on Mr. 2 S5 2 25 Regular Price $^24 ° ^85 Saving $ J /% A Nuoklo's property, which -was built a short time ago. Both Mr. Nuoklo and Mr. Miller havo hiul large exporlcnco In raising grconliouno products. SALMON SHRIMP DE LUXE SPORT ROADSTER—Genuine Leather Upholstery, Tan John Polowoky hn» moved from CORN Royal Scarlet, Blue Back Steaks tlio Price properly near Leonardo to Burbank top, fender mounting for sparo tiro, and folding chromo Thpnina H. Holjorlii'a tnim. The Fancy Maine Golden Bantam ' Large Cans Large, Wet Trie* honno was recently nold to two trunk rack. Painted Brewster Green, with Apple Green striping How YorU men, who will convert It and wheels. Into a hotel. cans c Regular Price $ Hoy« can mnlcnoxtm pocket money 3 29 3 for $j.00 gfi'7 Sale Price Saving $| AO nolllnKTho llcRlBtcrArtvivrllnomniit

SPORT COUPE WITH RUMBLE SEAT—finished in Raven Black, a LUMTSE WAX BEANS very ahowy utility and pleasure car. • • From «r»erjr deprea- PEANUT BRITTLE SARDINES Conqueror Brand don of Ilio pniit tins in Tomato Sauce Regular Price $gj)g Sale Price $dgQ Saving $| -| g arisen opportunity for cam C «>Oc Mb. tin Princo Brand trammdous profit to 2 25 Uu>M who lind (Jig NOTE:—Tho nbovo snlo price» cover the purchn»or'« total delivered vtstnn and (hn miir- 3 for 29c co»t and ony of thene cnr» may bo purchased on the bnnu of One-Third •(« In liny «onni1 an- Down Payment and 12 Equal Monthly Payment*. mtrltjo« from (hn \tm- Fruit«»«Vegetable Specials •Imlit ant tlm nln*m- Wo nl«o offer nn nltmctivo attortmont of re-conditioned Uicd Car« fa reasonably priced. POTATOES SPINACH RHUBARB Green Mountain—MainoV Fancy Washed—TcxaC* Hot House C DttUn in hiviilmmt Stmrllitt OQc basket—16 qta, 1420 WAIJtifr I**,, 1?0 frpovwvr, 3""23 2 ""• 23 Mount-English Co. MUSHROOMS IDAHO Sweet Potatoes Fancy Yellow —Red Bank— W, IIAVMONII aollNHON FANCC Y ' Baking Potatoes II it»H»nl r-K WtO J1AMK, M. J, C T.I. HIM. 25 * u*. B., 43 *% f' 'It T V V BED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,1982.

, CVUB ELECTION. 'here she underwent an operation and Jonu, Olroh and Qasklll for the Eatontown News. or appendicitis. She is Improving. Unknowns. • Would You ?it tha'Snotl Baluu Dut on • Flnt Bed Bank High School Spanlah Club Mrs. Louies Oberle has closed her (Tha Itad Bank Bcilitai eas b< bougbl NATIONALLY KNOWN Elects New Offlcerp. in Eatonttmn from Nobla Moibj at th* omo for tho remainder of the win- The Spanish club at the Bed Bank postofllca aad at Frank Uvcello'a buber ter and oho has gone to stay with Middletown Village high school elected officers at a meet- •hop.) . ' ior son, John Oberle of Jersey City. The Woman's Missionary society Mrs, Ashley Roop is convalescing th Indigestion. night at the home of Mrs. George O. Johnson. once and place your order before these important items Mrs. Herbert Randolph of South Lawrence Fowler has rented the Had to Be a Better Tireto street, who was seriously ill recently, Howland apartment on Church are sold! 1 Is considerably* Improved. , street Rev, Leroy DUlencr, pastor of tho Mayor William R. Fowler, Sr., Is Roll Ahead of Its Rivals So Fast! Presbyterian church of this place, around again after having been laid BED ROOM GROUP preached at tho First Reformed up a fow days with grip. ALLSTATE. Size COMPANION ohuroh at Long Branch last Sunday. Mrs. Howard Rash has returned $249 5 Piece Walnut Bed Room Suite ... is now $120 Balloons Balloons Rev. Alfred Duncombe of that from a stay of two months with her • church was 111 and confined to his parents at Memphis, TennesBee, $195 5 Piece Walnut Bed Room Suite ... is now $ 97 bea. Rov. James H. Owens of Rec The Epworth league will hold a Bank preached In tho local Presby- $298 5 Piece Walnut Bed Room Suite .> . is now $149 29x4.40 social meeting tomorrow night at th ft= each terian church in the absence of Mr. home of Miss "Vivian Fowler on $275. 5 P}ece Walnut Bed Room Suite .-.. is now $125 ^Jleach DIUcner. Church street '' If Bought In Fnlrs 11 Bought In ralra Mr. and Mrs. William R, Fqwler, $259 6 Piece Twin Bed Walnut Suite... is now $125 Jr., and family spent the weekend $g -f A ea. ea , "Leonardo News. with Mr. ond Mrs. Thomas Garvln $ 90 3 Piece Maple Bed, Chest & Dresser is now $ 45 29x4.50 of Maplewood. $41M.eJL 7m - (Tho Rod Dank Ktirlitfr can ba bought Paul Covert and Robert Whit in Leonardo at th« stores of Fred Mayei and Geno Deeal.) were home from Trenton over the LIVING ROOM GROUP $ ea> 30x4.50 $/g AQ ea. week-end. 5.2,7 Robert Kroba has purchased Henry Renshaw Is kept indoors $239 2 Piece Karpen Frieze Suite ;.... is now $119 now Bulolt sedan. with grip. $ &7 28x4.75 $ ea Tho building formerly occupied by .The Methodist Sunday-school, has $149 3 Piece Karpen Velour Suite ..-..-.-. is now $ 59 ;; 4.97 - Louis Lareen on Leonard avenue has elected Mrs. William Engholm sup- $ 95 2 Piece iSuite in Tapestry Cover .«* is now $ 45 6.16^ """" aeen torn down to mako ready fo] erintendent, Mrs. Ruth Llndman sec- $ ea 30x4.75 , — tho new highway. retary and Mrs. Sarah Layton treas- $110 3 Piece Pillow Arm Tapestry Suite . is now $ 55 Jerry Kcneralli has oponbd a tallo urer. A cake sale will be held March 6.40 shop In thfl pOHtofllrn hiiHtHng. ^ 26: $ 50 Odd Tapestry-Sofa Well Designed . is now $ 27 James Burdge is confined to tho Mrs. Isabello Wilson was taken to $ ea 29x4.95 ea> houso with grip. $ 80 Odd Karpen Damask Sof a-^Unusual is now $ 40~ 1 tho Long Branch hospital Friday in 6.55 —15.29 Miss Wllhclmlna A. Phraner spen the Rumson ambulance. SI tho three-day holiday with Ml The Five Aces basketball team de- $ ea 30x4,95 $ ea Allco Rosa of Newarlc. feated the Unknowns last week by a DINING ROOM GROUP Mrs. Charles Prledlander is a pa- score of 2T to 23. Warren Johnson 6.77 5.56 - tient at tho Long Branch hospital, and Bub Smith starred for the Aces $189 10 Piece Oak Dining Room Suite .. is now $ 95 $ ea 31x4.95 $210 10 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite is now $110 7.47 - $250 10 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite is now $125 $ ca 29x5.00 $ ea> $325 10 Piece Walnut Dining Roor Suite is now $150 6.45 SO23 $119 10 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite is now $ 59 $ ea 6.55 30x5.00 $5 29ea McNAIR'S MARKET $119 7 Piece English Oak Dinette Suite. is now $ 59 r $189 7 Piece Maple Dinette Suite if is now $110 19 E. FRONT ST., Phone 372. RED BANK Accept the Choice of Millions SUN ROOM GROUP Legs Genuine Fresh-Killed $225 3 Piece Maple Sun Room Suite ..>:. is now $119 W. L. S. Philadelphia $ 59 3 Piece Maple Sun Room Suite .... is now $ 29 LAMB $125 3 Piece Oak Sun Room Suite ..:..> is now $ 55 13 Plate Battery *^IJ5 CAPONS $ 75 4 Piece Oak Sun Room Suite . •..... is now $ 35 ' ib. lb. And Your Old Battery. WHILE THEY LAST Guaranteed 12 Months. Armour's Country PEERLESS 28c Italian Inlaid Linoleum 13 Plate Battery $E.23 Prime Rib Roast . . . 25c lb. 15 Plate Battery $£.35 Sirloin or Porterhouse Steak 39c lb. Oriental Rugs 95c And Your Old Battery. Values up to $1.69 i Loin Lamb Chops . . 29c lb. Size 4x6 You can get more for your Guaranteed 18 Months. McNair'8 Fnmou. Sausage 19c; 2 "" 35c money in an Armstrong linoleum floor. Roplaco CROSS COUNTRY MOTOR OIL Jersey Fresh Eggs . . 29c doz. $6.95 your worn linoleum floors 100% Pure Pennsylvania—Permit No. 554. at once. Wo have export llrlng Voter Own Container. Best Cuts Chuck Roast . 15c lb. $12 Value layers to do tho work. From now until March LARGE Gj-ape Fruit 5 f°r 25C Size 27x54" lfith you can buy Arm- SEARS, ROEBUCK AND JUICY strong inlnids at reduced White Roto prices and hnvo thorn laid White Roso in an export manner tot Asbury Sliced Pineapple $2.85 $5.00 Valuo 1-3 to 1-2 former prices. RETAIL STORE cr«l (nil Peanut Butter

Mb. jar -f gc 2 enns 32c u ""'I InlilM nf tli« ..Ul. nf .«l.l ,1.. MldHIK R, H. CI.AI|It, WEST FURNITURE CO.

.mil ..» .«M I'nunlr. on llmrxtu, llx iK.ntr-f'Hlllll .'•» .'f M.i.l., A. II. »»». FREE DELIVERY ,»\ tvlil.li Uw» nrtiilcMM hill I'* «vl« rot«tnr> Sixteen ftED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY tit, 1982. \ i\ WW*X*XV!W!K*X*3 BC01E COBFS HAS DINNER. and Mrs. Ward R. Jetfera of Brook- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William of Central avenue, whIU at play fell guesU over Washington's birthday. lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacLeod Maxson of Chapel HIU. and bad tlis misfortune to have a Mn. William, Hubbard, who li con- FIRST CHURCH OF Annual Affair Held Last Week at of Dallas, Texas, Robert FOOIB of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Salt and ion splinter four Inches long penetrate fined to the homo by slcfcnesi, w»» American Trenton and tin. Bertha Pools of Albert of New York spent Sunday his left wrist He was taken to the visited by her »l»ters. Miss Rebecca CHRIST, SCIENTIST Belmar for guests on Saturday and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glaa*. Matawan hospital where the splinter Clayton of Bltnbetb and Mr*. Garret The drum and bugle oorps of the Sunday. was removed. Wyckoff of Broomfleld, over the VH Broad St, Bed Bank. K. 3. Red Bask pott of tha American Le- 1 Mrs. Emma Brown ipent Sunday RACHEI/S I Miss Vera Kaplsh ot Hopping ! with her sister, Mrs. William Cottrell The annual -election ot the Union week-end. Mr. and Mrs, John Doy gion held Its annual dinner last of Ocean drove visited Mrs. Hob- 0antoM Sunday 11 A. H. Braxlu. Wednesday night In tho legion's Crossing spent Sunday afternoon of Highlands. Beach building and loan association 8:00 o'clock. with Mt^s Merlon Longford. MI93 Marjorlo Sutherland, who hat was held last week, when the follow- bard on Friday, Sunday-School—11:00 A. U. room on Broad street. Cecil Mac- Miss Mary Elisabeth Cunningham Cloud waa chairman of the commlt- John Mulder, Jr., of Hew York a position at Asbury Park, spent Ing officers were re-elected: Qeorgo ••dnaxlay Ewiliis; TwUmonUl apent Sunday with hla parents, Mr. H, Jones president, James P. Mc- ot Bed Bank Is visiting her ount«, HMUnn—»:00 P. M. tc* In charge. Sunday and Washington'! birthday the Misses Brand- Beading Eoom—Open li»o «• «il» Thus present were Robert Starr, and Mrs. John Mulder. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Klttrlck vice president and Albert Mr. and Mrs. David Schnoor spent Cowling secretary. •- Edward Goss and John Stewart art dally ajxeapt Simdaja w>4 »o!i- WDUarn Thorpe, Edward Torrlo, liam Sutherland. taking advantage; of the fins vroataer 'day a. Wednesday at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgs Yarnall apent Tho annual card party ot the True Tlw'pofclU U MrdlBllrlnTlW tt Frank Ashby, Jr., Joseph Malleto, to paint their houses. Harold Peter*, Frank" Pfelfonbergcr, Mrs. Loula Richmond Is visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlei Blue olub will be held In the Flor- Garwood Bubo Is improving after 1atUnd tha nrvleca «»4 Ml th» her daughter, Mrs; Frank Brower of Poole of Crawford's Corner. ence avenue flrehbuss on March Bth. Jtatdliw Boom. Dennis Meade, Sr., Dennis Mcade, tonsil operation. ' Jr, TBdnUla Woolley,CharlesHodete, Elizabeth. Mrs. Mildred Minor and son Wads- Mrs. M;' Fay,- a summer resident* 35' Junior Maccelles Is Improving from John Shieber, Thomas McGrath, Ern- "'PaurTar~noW,Tth6-twelve-year-old wortlnpent Sunday at-Ycnkerg,.—_ gave a luncheon at har home at son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tarnow, a broken arm. est Gulce, Albert Wagner. Harry Veb- W. W. Miller la slowly improving NewarR last"TuMdiy.—It"wa»-at» Mr. Hazcn of Plttsburg is occupy- slage, Thomas Brbckhurst, William Is ulck with-Intestinal poisoning at from grip. . tended by Mrs. George Entwiitle ot tho Long Branch hospital. He la ing Harry Gardner'! bungalow. IF YOIJOSBHIL Mrs. David Voorhees li about the this place. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Klngsbury 6'Burn, Cecil Maccieua. William Gll- —TJieJS«mpt_ firemen's association pent-part-^|(- Innt wgtlt wj(h__Mr». hooly, Howard Border, Vcrnon Mo Lcroy Henry of Now York spent bed two weeks with Injuries caused have, announced that plans aro" IClngabury's slbtcr, Mrs. H. D. Mu- IS NOT WORKING WELL Grath, James Rhalnee, David Lang, the -weck-ond -with his mother, Mrs. by a fall. '- ' under way for a minstrel thow to be Loan. 15 EastFrojit^.,— Red Bank, N. J., Pbont.cn' writ* and BUUlJii» . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Ahearn and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper of Red paid before April 15th, a 3 per cent Henry Voorhees has a new Essex N6llc«nr hefeBr~8lvaH that Iho Kr and family are about after having discount will bo allowed; if paid by car. ' _ junta ot tha lubscrlbar, axaautor of tha THE BROAD 8TREET NATIONAL DANK< Bank and Mr^and^Mrs. T, K. Comp- eitato of tald decoatod, will be aiullted 13 Broad Strflot, Hed Bnnk, M. a,, been confined to the house for a tew ton. May 1st, a 2% per cent discount; If Mrs. William Pctlngale and daugh- and atatad by tho Surrosata of th« Cia Esccutor. days with heavy colds. paid by Juno 1st, 2 per cent. Tho ter Florence are on the sick list. ty ot Monmouth imd roporUd for >etll«. Alston Baolcman,, Eiq.i Mrs." Annie Glass attended the roll- second proposition relates to tho Mrs. Robert Burnett had her moth- rnenfe to th« Orphan* Coiirt ot i«ld.Coun> Mr, and Mrs. Garrett A. Lee had call at tho Leonardo Baptist church Or, on Thutiday, tho t«ntb llay of March, CoutiBellor at Law. fl , Capt. Edward Lee of New York, Mr. second half of taxes. Taxes paid er and Bister from Paterson as her A. D, 1982, it whloh Uma opvlleatloit vrlll '•-• K«4 Bank. N J.. . • yesterday. during August bear 2 per cont; Sep- Proctor. m* Mrs, Nettie Wright of Atlantic tember li-i per cent and October, 1 Highlands and Mrs. William Maxson per cent. of Chapel Hill spent Wednesday with Mrs. John Glass. Tho annual dance of fire company Miss Gladys Salt of Now York has No. 1 waB held on Saturday In the been spending a week with her cous- Union avenue halt, and was a suc- in, Miss Mary Glass, cess both socially and financially. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas Smith, Miss Charles Chenory, eight years bid;

—at- shopping around—buy and save GOLDBERG'S Specials CHNEmER 24 BROAD $T., RED BANK, N. J. in Effect — M All It ET Thursday, Friday and Saturday February 21 W.Front St.9RedBank,N. J.| offering greater values than ever before. Below are mentioned a Phone 2653 few of the many specials on sale.

NEW! Ladies' Legs SCHNEIDERS or Hind % BOYS' WASH SUITS Full-Fuhloned Own Blend Size* 1 to 8. runt Silk Spring COFFEE GIRLS' DRESSES Perfect Hose Sixes 8 to 14. lb c Fine Broadcloths. pair for C^ Lamb O for C4 -25 Ladies' Crepe de Chine Bottom NEW ! Fresh UNDERWEAR Round SWIFT'S Children's 100% Wool All Meat Bias Cut Slips, Danccttos and Golden West SWEATERS Chemlsei. X-Rib 4, 5, 6-lb. Pork A wide ranfe of alien nnd Q4.00 colors. Roast Size Butts T.ADrES' and MISSES' FOWL All-Wool Girl*' "Cinderella" SUGAR Lacy Knit BEST DRESSES His CURED A complete aMortmrjU of n?>v SWEATERS •tylt*. Made of HnndUirrlilrf Chuck Jawji, Knillnh NllketUi, llrond- Hi clolh and 1'ure I.lnrnn. C-f .00 Royal Steak or Strip Hlin 1 to 0; 7 to 10. Ci.oo Highness Roast Bacon Ladies' Now Spring Boy»' BLOUSES Decrees FULL WASH SUITS Mado of Silk rongw*, IJnrni, SUGAR Morrell's fttaiin of ftnf*t quality KnjtlUh DottM KWIM and llandhrrrhLrf QUART llroiulrloth In rirw Iwo-tonr Ijlnn—la n rnrtnty of ntylci. || CURED ROLL €tthft com hi nation*. Tilt oil's Grade A Milk H\jen 3 lo n. for .50 Cottage BUTTER Dill .00 $1 /^NFJ ftla;;afu| wria enough n Wnlkcr-Gortlon ^^ to convince hifl baby- Hams Pickles Certified nliii) Hint lie had found tho Special Lot ' 24c Specinl Purchnte ! Milk lie could really enjoy, Girls' Hand-Made -nf« 'i Wood Brooh J*nrm» that no ollwr milk would BLOUSES CHILDREN'S COATS Ccrlificd do, J/ittlo children jp lb M 6 (a 14. ci:iUi llu! enpoeiidly fronh H\in 1 to t. Felins S2J 23 Blade »( (III (.11(1 »7. ' EKK«. Butter, Ktc. am) nwi'i'L Jlnvor of our Milk. .00 00 Strictly Froih $1 SI JERSEY Special Purchase Tilton's City Dairy, Inc. HAMS CHOPS BACON EGGS Mine*' Pntent Leather Whi Rl PUMPS White Roml, Shrewsbury, N. J. Hi>iul«r Phone Red Bank 30. RED 2ANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,1982. Paw Valentine IMdfe-Xancbeon. Virinterfleld, MM. 'Henry Merrick, SUSSEX COUNTY. in existence very early, along with plaint was also mado to tha police by be checked.: Prim will be awarded, Utif Jamei H. aoodspoed of the Mrs. William Francta and Mrs. Jo- mills (hat used power from the Howard S. Bordcn, who said boys the executive board of the associa- Free Free Free' Basket Ball! 2 Country Club estates gave H Valen- seph lievt of New • York and Mrs. had thrown broken bottles on the on will meet Tuesday afternoon, Free Service Thuna'ar Thli County Haa Lets Inhabitants many streams. They sorved well GENERATORS, IGNITION AND tin* bridge-luncheon last Thursday Georgo N. Wagner ot Red E»nlc Than 110 Yean Ago. later in the several wars in which tho bridle path on his estate. March 1st, at half-past three o'clpck Y.M.C. A. League at her homo on the Country Club ca- High score was held by Mrs. Altaian colony woa involved. Mrs. John Flchtor, Mrs. John Lemlg at the high school, v .. " ,, B/VTTEIUE8, Utes. The guests were Mr». Jack und the consolidation prl» vent to Newton, JT. J, (AP>—Fewer rs»l- Much of the excitement in Sussex and Mrs. Harold Woodruff spent lost .. " <.• m" - ~"~ GARRY PHIFER, Every Mond.y Nljht-Hjfh School Cym. Altmknn and daughter Floronoo of Mrs. Merrlck. ^ enta today than 110 years ago—that, Thursday* at Trenton. Every Tm.d.y Nubt—River Streit Oym. Woodhaven, long Isalnd, Mrs. I* was caused by the French and In' IS Eaai Newman Sprloi» Road, •. rlefly, Is the history ol Sussex coun- dlan war which went by unnoticed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodruff en- Little Silver News. Red Dank, R. D. Tel. Mel Benefit Unemployment Belief Fund It pays to advertise In The Register. r. :..'•.• ' • .• . In other sections. On the frontier, tertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox ADMISSION FIFTEEN CENTS , and Mrsi Kenneth Woodruff and (Tha Eed Bank Uesleter can be bought milMMMf Crammed way up in the northwest- it was a striking point and was vis- In Uttle silver at tha Union News BUnd irn corner of New Jersey, hinging ited many times by marauding bands daugHtor Jonette over the week-end. it tha depot and at Georga Quaokanbueb'e m both,New York and Pennsylvania, ot Indians who massacred men, wom- The parent-teacher association will tenoral store.) Sussex seemingly has been forgotten en and children ruthlessly in splto hold an old-fashioned hat party to- The parent-teacher association will by tha rest ot the stats and baa gone ot friendliness during the county's morrow night at tho. high school hold a card party Friday night, Feb- serenely on.lt* way, undisturbed by lariler life. building. ruary 26th, at eight o'clock at St. rogress around It It is interesting to note that dur- Miss Helen O'Rourke entertained John's parish hall, The proceeds THE KEYPORT In 1800, this county, now sixth In ing the danger period, several pris- at a bridge party last Thursday will be used to help pay the cost of area of the state's 31 divisions, led oners in Jail for civil crimes wero light. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. the Washington trip for the graduat- In population with 22,53* people. It released for a six months period soLewis T. Wileon and Miss Murphy. ing class. The prizes for tha affair trailed' Essex in-1810- but forged -to they might not bo dof onsoloss In time Other-guests- wore Mrsr- William have Feen donated by tha parents irst place ten years later with 32,792. ot raids.- • , •,.•••"' Fogelson, Mrs.. Harold Peters,' Mrs. of the members ot the class. Mrs. Yet when the last federal census was After, tha peace of 1758, there was John Anderson, Mrs. Joseph Guer- A. E. Wlldo is in charge of the ar- taken In 1030. but 27,830 persons were aaothor feud—'With Now York as tho -ler and Miss Irena Porter. rangements. ound within Its borders.. • opposition. It was over the boundary Miss Marllla Wadsworth was a pa- : : J*^P Single System Laundry Tflirarigo—yes( an3 unJ5u»i Hne efi3 apparontly was--as/EISoiiyZoT tlent at tnVTKIvorvIew-h65pIli~ " Miss jJaner Wilkinson; will Jersey as a whole haa advanced ap- a time as any war. The trouble was Red Bank last week; with grip. proximately 2,000 per cent since those entertain at a luncheon bridge Tues- settled finally in 1773, New Jersey After the business session of the day, March lBt, at their homo at Lit- BROAD and FIRST STREETS, KEYPORT, N. J. arly days. Yet the cue of Sussex losing 210, to a daughter Saturday. spent the week-end at South Dennis, It lies in that region readied by ty contributed supplies, and man The Amaranth club held a social power along with the rest. In Capo-May county, the Appalachian Highland and Is mooting last week at the home of John Lovett, Jr., a (Student at Genuine ~: .50 crossed by innumerable streams. Cut Mrs. John Humbert at Seabrignt. Princeton university, spent the holi- "Choose Your Service" up by. these hills and waterway!, lta Mrs. Mabel. Bedford, Mrs. Charlotte Eugenie n day week-end at his home here. farming can never' bo more than Rumson News. Robertson and Mrs, Rose wore Permanent Wave small scale and its mining resources guests.- A business, meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfleld S. Roblnsor DAMP WASH—Everything thoroughly washed, carefully blued, 2b lbs., 80c; to for each (The Red Bank Register can be bought held Tuesday night, March 1st, at the and daughter Henrietta of Kcypori FKEDEBICa -^dlscovereda nearly 200 years ago— In Kumson at Flnnorty's general etore, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mad additional lb. Send your colored clothes, as they nro washed separately, with no are not enough to place it In a com- Barkan BroB.' atoro, formerly Yellon e, Tor- home of -Mrs. Stephen- Stevens on AND OTHEB METHQDS. additional charge. The greatest euro is taken lit .washing colored goods, but. we ' peting • position with more bountiful f*tar* end Mrs. Ludlnw'a store. The River road. lino WUby. Mr. Robinson is a form v.jter Is' also sold and delivered by or principal ot the Llttlo Sllvoi ore not responsible for colon fading, (Please do not send colons which you know mining regions. Cbariee G«yer, S3 Lafayette street.) Mr. and Mrs. George Boday and school. SHAMPOO AND will ran.) Woolen articles must bo so stated and tagged WOOL. In other words, Sussex has suf- son of New York spent the week-end FINGER WAVE An automobile ran Into Hlntcl- with Mrs, Boday'a mother. Mrs. Tho American Mechanics' lodge fered from competition—has gone attended the Methodist church Sun- baokward since the time the middle mann's store Monday night and dam- Frank Ward. SHAMPOO AND BOUGH, DRY—AH flat work Ironed neatly, folded ready to use. Wearing apparel re- aged the stops and door of the store. day night. A sermon on the life of and. far west began to open up—and Rev." Henry Bowen, pastor of the MARCEL WAVB turned dry, ready to Iron at your leisure. lOo per lb. Minimum charge $1.00. The car was driven away and the Fair Haven Methodist church, made Washington was given by Rov. Nlles no doubt will never regain tho stop M. Poff. the pastor. :r ot Its Jersey brothers and slaters. damage was not discovered until yes- an address at a young people's rally : AIA DRY SERVICE—All pieces carefully dried, ready to Iron, but not starched, To terday morning. Mrs. Edward Wllby has returned MANICURE per lb.' Minimum charge $1.2ff. • But this lack of a brighter future last night at the parish house. cannot take away a past markedN-by A car driven by Howard J. Smith Dr. Harris Gregg, who has been home from a stay of two weeks with 50 THEIIT-T-SEEVIOE—All flat work Ironed, neatly folded, ready to use. Wearing ap- more courage, daring, and excite- of Church street skidded Monday as visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. Calvin Col- her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Bell of Mr. Smith was turning from River by, Is a patient at Dr. Erdman's san- Montclair. parel returned slightly damp, 8c per lb._ Minimum chargo ?103. ment than has been found In any of lta~r(valaTfor~"fame~Its "position road-Into Second street andtHe ma- itarium at New_York. He haa.been Joan and Peggy Smith of Red FLOAT BOW—Everything machine Ironed, ready to put away. 12c .per lb. Minimum again, made this possible as It long chine bit a stop street sign, damag- suffering with neuritis. Bank spent Sunday wltbr Marjorle ing the latter- Eastmond. John'sBeauty Salon charge $1.20. . . ' remained a frontier poet In the de- The annual roll call was held Sun- velopment of the nation. Mrs. Mario Corbett was operated day at tho Presbyterian church. Charles Imlsy, who has been laid formerly IIOBH5ITNISH SEIXVIOE—Flat work faultlessly Ironed. All othor pieces finished ready Hardy Dutchmen were believed to on for appendicitis last Friday at tho The parent-teacher association will up with grip, Is around again. to uso or wear., ISo por lb. Minimum charge $1.80. have forged Into the section prior to Long Branch hospital. hold' a founders' day party tomorrow Miss Florence Campbell spent Sun- The Kelly Beauty Shop 1700, first establishing a crude settle- Mrs. John Wilson of the Avenue o: night at 8:15 o'clock at the hig day with Miss Bertha Dunham of DOUBLE LAV PRESS WORK—Flat work faultlessly Ironed. Wearing apparel Is done ment at "Manniselnck" or "Mo one Two Rivers complained to the pollc school. Each member has the privl Cliffwood. 10 Broad St TeL B. B, sink." Though the exact date Is not that boys bad thrown stones at he: lege of bringing a gueBt and eacl l_ . __ • onjthepress.no starch. A very economical service, lie por lb. Minimum charge person is requested to bring a hat t< It pays to advertise in The Register. ~ "Ho. -—-.-.-.. •. _•—..... _ _... ___ known, a Bchool and.biirylhg grpujjd children and at her house. A com- IllUlf IIIIHMIIIMJ were there In 1731, and churches a SHIRTS IN ALL SERVICES to bo hand lronod, weighed with Inuidle, We each. Shlrti Montague and Wallpack In 1737. Jmnd..ironed, Bont in separate, 18c. The Dutchmen, too, wefe~rlval]ed ty-JJngllsh^from- Pennsylvania and as early as 1747,.the settlement, w" WASHING. . a "melting pot." Records show i missionary preached in that year t< In all the above service* everything is washed beautifully clean In soft water and an audience composed of Swedes, neutral sonp. Each wash receives nine complete changes of water. Lace curtains, English, Scotch, Irish, Welsh, Ger- blanliets, delicate lingerie and silks given the,most careful attention. Everything you mans, Walloons, Bhawanecs. Mo» •end us Is returned sterlUted—germ free—as well as faultlessly cloan. A trial bundle hawks, Delaware*, and Catawbas. will convince you of .our One quality of work. Our driver-salesman Is at your service at Its outlook for mineral resources all times. , was a rea«on for Its early popularity, Governor Belcher in 1785 ^reporting to the Lords of trade concerning the great mining possibilities of Sussex and Morris. As a result, there wore Iron works Last Week of

Bargains on Every Store la open'satfl McKELVEY'S Floor and Every S o'clock 1 Department Saturday Errata! Anniversary SALE Nainsook Gown Baby Brims A Torbanat Extn WMlh, Sto! Upholstered Furniture

Now Parla-copy straw hats In peanuts, cellophanes and nov- Dainty, veil made gowns, trim- elty, straws. In tha new med with hand appllg.ua and em- 50% 1. Full Size Sofa ahH Chair! bright colors and black. broidery. Out in two fall widths for plenty of room. Covered In beautiful silk tapestry. Hair filled and finely constructed. A J) i. 1 W Reductions gorgeous sulto throughout, priced .. ( We offer at unusual savings a lain selection of flno upholstered living room suites and chairs. Many ara fine period designs, with full web 2, Attractive Sofa and Chaif Hard Water Soap construction and hair filled. You csn choqso your coverings (at no ad- Large sofa and chair covered In silk »W of frieze or tapestry. Bomo tutta have down cushions and backs • . . 12^39° some havo solid walnut hand carved frames. Each represents tho best ruk up In a dainty hox—a real TaluM we havo ever offered for such high grade merchandise nudo by the 3. Beautiful Sofa and Chair Special. lending manufacturers in this coun- try. Solid walnut framM, hand carved— A. ^ m mm f\f\ illk tnptstry. full web construction. AU Tl I /I »W I )(j Winter Suits and hair filled. *r | §J^ ^J •vv' Overcoats Reduced Gulistan Other Suifos UD TO $275.00 Priced for a Clean Sweep! Rugs Qj%out75 Two Special Prices On Men's Suit* Rugs ''I 7 One Tnnt Btjlo «J>"1 ft - Now! Bleached Chinese •3Magnificent (Original Vnlnrt $10.18 to 121.78) 36-In. Muslin Designs offered until Saturday at ptt! for llui firet 50 9x12 Size Only - Three Special Overcoat Prlcoi —Oar HUo quality at llmft tvMh cofeliy f>iiil>oeftri nl*fl lYUdo by rtTMtwullart fct thi Freehold Hug Mills and »r« much hoe,vlor th»n lite sniaon. the n uhlnMe pttttinu In beautiful toiif* of jrwn, gold, lmil In Oullnliin, Hnw \Wi vpi"- lilii", re

618-620 BANGS AVE, Phono 0860 ASBURV PARK Factory Distributor for Kara&hetisUw's Fine Ru&s Made at the Freehold Rt4 Mim Your Neighbor Sayci Money at WardV-Why Don't You? 21 WEST MAIN STREET OPEN SATURDAY EVENINpSj Eighteen RED BANK REGISTER. FEBRUARY 24 1938.-

was second, Epic, owned and ridden CBP5CE.NTS BKAT BLUEBIRDS. QU&PKANGI~es WIN EAHI-.Y. : sUfJ opposition next 'Monday Whea Winners by Fred Willlaoihurst. was third. Building New Postmen Still Captain Brown to they oppoM tho PresbyteriMi team, The fourteenth oVcnt of the day, Score IS to IS Victory Friday at Bed Bank Basketoen Defeat Hot wbieh It third tn the league. The calling for competition among pairs River Street School. lander Seals ot Long Branch, Try Water Skiis Calvary Baptists wlU'play ^he Flrat at Horse Show of horses or ponies and Judged as to Type of Sailboat in First Place Baptists Md St. Anthony'e.i which The Red Bank Crescents doteated The Quadrangle club defeated too dropped to nest to lwt poultlon yea. suitability of the type they represent, tlie Bluebirds, formerly the American Hollander Seals, of Long Branch last WeU Known Red Bank Mu ! was won by Mrs. Allaire's Fompdan. Harold Petersen of Eastside Park Practically No Change in Com- erday, will oppose the Methodlit' Mid-Winter Equine Exhibit Held store team, by a score or 23 to 15 last Friday night by a score ot 91 to IT. Will Try Walking on Water team. , ; ' for Benefit of Red Crow Last Mr. • Straus' Seneca was third and Builds Fifteen-Foot Knocka- Friday night at tho River street mercial Bowling League Stand- Turnock, the Quads' center, was the Miss Jean Flnlan's Sporty Pevlno bout Which Draws Only Six school. The score: ing—Utility in Second Place star of the game, making eight field —Me Also Hai a Water Bi< BTAHDIXQ OF TBS TEAMS. , Saturday at the -Armory Was third. goals, Campbell and Monaco gath- cycle. ' . . » I H F. N. SehwartB of Deal with his Inche* of Water. RGD DANK CRESCENTS. With Bine Comet* TTurd. 81. Jamai -_,„., i t 0 1,000 ,' Well Attended. ered most ot the points for the Long Captain Harold H. Brown of River- «... « > .7>o Transport won the open jumping con- Rcntlle, rt. . -.....-....,_,._.._.. 2 0 4 The Foatofflce and Utility team Branch team. The scoro: ?fi:5UnJi __ . ,' 4 .t00 ''. More than 600 persons were at- test. Irish Excellency, owned by. Folks who follow river sports this Uruno, rf. .._... .—.—... 113 side avenue - has received tha tint 'Irat DapU.I _ __ a . ,876 1 time of the year naturally expect to Nordy. If. . „..!- „__._. 10 2 each won three games since tbe Red QUADBANQUS CLUD. shipment'of part of a set of water __. S 6 .ISO , traded to the mtd-wlntcr horse- Fred Winters and'ridden by Robert U P PTS. it, Anthony's Connlne, was second and Seneca, rid' sen. ice yachting events being con- "Icaro, c ....WA...^.^... 2 0 4 Bank commercial bowling leaguo sklls which he propose! to demon- Htt-odlat —.._ i 1 7 .ISO jhow hold for the benefit of the -Icarr. rs. ._ 1 O S otanding was last published and thus Ryan, „ American Red Cross last Saturday den by Jack Hicks, was third. ducted on the river here on Wash Vaecarelll, Is. -. ._. 0 0 0 strate pn the river hero this spring. The 8U James nctUrs won their lnfftonlto'ss birthdabrthday buu t Harold W. Pet- Murdico, \s _ .... . 4 0 8 retained their relative positions of The oklls aro naado In Austria and eighth straight victory this season . afternoon and evening at toe Red Queen Marie, a polo pony' donated first and second. Bank armory. The afternoon events by General Howard oBrden, was won erson of EtlEastsldd a PParkk turnetd d ththq the model shipped to Captain Brown and their eighteenth successive gams tnM»« nhnnt nnrt mada food use of mained practically unchanged haa been uaed with very auoceaaful during tho past two years last night- - were mostly for chlldren(-whllo in by-Paul-fcee-oHEatontowni-who-im- mediately returned the horse to be the day by launching and trying out — nED-BHIK"Bt,TrBB«fD_r. "- results on many: of th.e small bays whon they tookihexneasuroTot thft , the evening members of the state iile'd and Inland, streams In Austria and cavalry troops and enlisted men and auctioned off to the highest bidder. a new light draft flfteeh-foot knock- ' OP PT3 Methodists, 31 to18. .•.-.".' about which ha designed and built r..Gottl» rf...... _.._._. 2 0 4 third pplace. aermany. . : ' : The UothodUta put up an excep- ^on-commissioned oflleera vied with Mr. Leo proved to be the highest bid. 'Iniatorc, rf. .,<_...... 1 O _ 1 1 4ilm»elf-fl»—iho-forcrnnnrr nf a one '• reuiio. if.••__:• _._ ._.oo o From present Indications it would In -talking with a Register ropro- tionally good game ftna made tho defy offering 473 fut iXio -iiiuiinl, and* r ' The afternoon session opened with It came into his possession. Mr. Leo type model Boat-whlcU Be proposes . iitrrana. t. '_' •: tiitthSHtUitl1 TritaWer-Tnufsaay-Dloralbt!.: Mr, "" " - ^s^hHoHho-ottlah^fer- to build in quantities. . Pctlllo. tic. . tended making a hard try to 'wrest Brown aald that tha first shipment Bdoky Caiandrleilo maae an event for children under sixteen stated that, he would give It to his Amone, rff...... _ who Itave never won a blue ribbon. son, Paul Lee, Jr. The boat, which has a beam ot six C. Barraaso, It first place,from the Mailmen., consisted of tho truss or. frame work twelve of the 31 points mads by^tho > i -. Only tho horocmanohlp waa taken Judges of the jumping events and feet and draws less than six Inches, teams have seven teams yet to meet. and that lie'wag expecting to receive Cathollo team, Homphlll and Bailey The standings published bolow do iplU _ dally the' outaldo or rubber covertug starred if or the MethodUUli/ Tho , Into consideration by the Judges. the saddle horse contests were Miss Is constructed of Jersey- boat cedar Otten, re. .... Rudy Graf of Asbury Park was the Beck Lanler of Connecticut and Lewis and has a stripped deck' of cypresB not include last night's games. Callen.o, IK. into whloh the,, truss or'skoleton score; and mahogany. She carries an eigh- STANDING OF TUB TEAMS. frame la fitted to form the set ot two ST.'JAMES. Winner of first prize. Othor prlzo E. Waring of Humson. The military f ' '• ' - TV Ii" PA- •.-.•••-. XT water sklls. - '.•.-,> -' ;'vV v;/'v; winners in this event follow: Mar- cUiss events were Judged by Mayor teen-foot hollow spar with a Marconi Asbury Again HS sloop of 140 square feet of canvas me* _- 40 1"4" 87—0 1,029 Timer—Scheldt. Soorw The sklls or pontoons are from six jory Thomas second, Hubert J. Frederick Herr and Captain Roy P. T«»m S8 19 86S .S0« —R. CalandrMlo. O'Nell Ihhd. Donald Andrews fourth, Grlffen. • - • . made by a Bedford,-Mass., sallmaker. 9lua Gometa 8i 17. 8S1 .992 to eight feet according to'the model The" boat has been named The Beats Westside Profeaalonal Men _,., 31 21 803 .973 selocted and are. arranged to counfc- ' Martha Lee Getty fifth and Evelyn Frederick E. Hasicr was chairman .890 Lewis, Blxth. •'•-,' Shrewsbury Sailor, which will bo tho Jlsmund. Eisner •__•< ai 25. 8110 erbalanc-•-_..-_.e- •-_th•e wel'-"il t or thte e ^fatep^fp; of the committee In charge of the Shore High School Freshmen ;!othla« and I_«_-.. 31 SS 868 1,065 show. George J. Hicks was manager copyrighted name of this particular "" 850 ,078 WestsideTive . walker «o that In • strides-the Evangchnc, a'Bay mare owned by type of sailboat.- ' ' . Jeraer Cantral «.___. 29. Woodland farms of Red Bank, won of -the show. Score. 25 to 19 Victory Over Tllton Dairy .- « -5 814-91.010 swaying of the body will bo overcome Mr. Peterson took the boat from Sacond National - ~-~. SS 8P0 .930 by the displacement ot the ski re- tbo aocond event, a class for open River Street Tossers—Asbury Srooara A. Flumbara,. 2S 8.7 .004 Beats Keyport 1 his home to the shore on a trailer 848 .013 ceiving tho,bulk of the weight -. i -_ jumping at a helghtjif four feet with Seconds Also Victorious.' all Mtchantca »-_„ £1 Rarn6ia,.rf ' performance "only counting. "The and he-lDst.-na.i)m9_ln_J£«ttWg_her. uommerctal Chauf ... 19 828 .920 River Street School Takes Meai- Tbo water sklls shipments will be >, Wara«r, tt, Local Shooters —~ 889 ,068 oompkteMn a f&w .wooka . and Mr. ,„ prize was a cocktail set. Fompelan, rigged up,and .under weigh. Mr. Pet- Tho Asbury Park high school lverhaad'~)Doora-^___Trl8 810 ,.0!S ubomo. If. .. 1 tU Telephone _.__ 13 urc of Keyport High School Brown, who- la an expert swimmer lemphlU, •«,.. ' a chestnut gelding owned by Charles erson, and his'son Harold, Jr., spent freshmen again proved too much for Balw,JaUey," r»rg.. _» ' - Allalro of South street, _was-placed Lose to Neptune practically the entire day In the boat, the River street- school basketball The Fpstoffloa team won threo Freshmen—Second Team Al- and a pupil of Prof. Bock of tho As- F. Wanur, li.., '' second when ho failed in fils final giving her all the -trial possible in or- team yesterday'afternoon when they games from ith'a Bell telephone^ pin- bury '-ParJc'-swifamlng pool, plans to try at tlio fence. Twenty-six horses RgJ Bank Police Are Defeated in der to. perfect any little detail that lefeatcd the locals by a score of 25 men last Wednesday night at Rec- tesVlhemour wlttt ProtBeolt at tha V«> Alt- •- might have been overlooked In the reation Hall. Warner ot the mailmen natatorlum boforo taking a water The Baptists won from-$t, An- frera entered in this event. x> 19.- Tho westside boys got off; to The basketball ropresontatlvea'of 8kl trip on the 8hrov?sbury. ' ~ thony's by. one point in an extra, Second National League Con. drafting or construction of tho.craft. poor start, trailing by a-score of was high with 234. Schrooder rolled the River streot school* had no "" Marjory Haaler of Little Silver 229 in ono match and 203 in another, period,. At, tha end of the' last half , Was the winner of the third event, test by Old Rivals—Third In talking with a Register repre- .3 to 6 at the end of the first half, trouble in disposing ot the Keyport 'While waiting'' for" the additional ncntatlvo about bis new craft Mr. Curohin was another member of tha parts of ithe equipment to arrive, the. tho Ecoro was tied, 16 to 16. A foul which was open-for children twelve Match With North Bergen. >ut they put up a good gamo hi the high school freshmen last Friday af- shot by Grooms won the game for Peterson says that she has been sold, second half and narrowed the mar- jostofllce team to make over two ternoon at Keyport The westside captain Is spending much of hla jcaro old and under. The judging Kindred.. The' scores: the Baptllit'youths, . •»'... :: was based only on tho horsemanship The Red Bank police pldtol team, to a party In Connecticut and that gin between them and the shore team quintet rolled up 21 points • while leisure time In New York where he which has defeated the Neptune po- he has orders for four more. -Photo- considerably. ^^ - — Is taking part In tho chookor tourna- The Baptists led, 12 to S, at the. end of tho ontraiits. She won a blue holding the bayfjhorri" fivo to ten tal- of tho flrat half. Grooms and Draw- rib.on after putting: her mount lice, upon several occasions, lost the graphs of the boat were taken by Figaro, Green and Alvlno each tchneder . Z __.. tot 170 lies. • „• •• -, •• ment under the auspices of the Na- Charles Ayres and Harry E. Batters- larbr ..._*. 1SS tional Vaudevllla Artlata and ha in- er dld'the only scoring for the. Bap- through its paces and then changing second contest in the National Elflo made four paints for the Red Bank- laclntoah - 172 The Red Bankers did most of their association league to that team by by, local photographers. These pic- forms tho • Register representative tists, ,whlle P. Figaro ^scored seven mounts; James Cavanaugh of Wan- ers while Del Eletro and'De Luca iweener . 187 101 1711 scoring in the second half. At the of the losars1 points. The score: a'massa was second and Louise two points. Tho Red Bankers rollod tures show her to be an exceptionally each contributed three tallies to the tarchln _» 204 iat end of the first halt they led by only that by playing a .safe, oonolatont up a total of 918 points while the attractive boat in every way. Slattcry _.._ 150 game and not using any frills he Is FIRST BAPTIBT. Finch of-Scabrlght third. Others to River street total. Plzzela, • Hender- Warner -._. 177 231 three points, DoLuca, River street's place wore Marjprle Thomas and Neptune marksmen turned in a Mr. Peterson says that the prin- son and Donofrlo did most of the Donnla —^~ fast forward, -eagBd-flv.e_baBJce.t# In making a.wonderful showing against Qroonf, rf, <»._, scorejot.620, cipal features of hla boat are tbe icoring for Asbury Park. The score: some-oftho-bost checker playera.in Hubert O'Ncl_ '__— __:._ the^second "period, and" this with "tin? latter. If. Tho fourth event called for saddle Tho police teams of Bedford Hills, simplicity of construction, easiness of fttVEB STREET. 808 084 847 other goal mado:'by~Alvlno--and-_ the country, j •.______: L handling 'and a safe model for the BELL TELEPHONE," Captain Brown Is an ardent water Bayw, hones or ponies with- conformation New York and Lincoln Park, Illinois, Q P PTS [urley : ,187 foul shot mada by Del Pletro gave and manners to county. It was won by winning their second scheduled more advanced Juvenile or for any- )o Luca, rf, OSS n tho westside cagers thirteen points. lover. Ho owna and operates a Eazza, rf. .._.._.._.. Finch, who was contests ore tied for first place. Red one desiring a one-man boat for ? 0 0 0 Keyport was able to score but one water bicycle which is a contrivance by Miss Louise pleasure or racing. lgaro, ]f. „ 1 2 4 slmlllar to a land bicycle except that mounted on her black; mare. Sun Bank is on an even plane with threo 0 4 field goal and throe foul ahpta In that other teams, and the Union county 0 i period ' Instead of:.wheels It has. two pon- Star. toons and the chain drive resolves a P. J Schwarz of Deal, riding Peter park police and North Bergen teams 0 1 1 ' The score: l are tied, for last place. arruto. rs. '. O 0 4 810. paddla wljcel which gives itHe water , Pan, a brown gelding, won flrstprlze )el Pletro, In. „ 1 1 9 . RIVER STREET. "—in the nfth event which Jwas a Junjp-. -- The Eriglewood-team was defeated Red Bai^Wins _ The Blue Comets easily defeated a F PTS. blcyclo its momentum. He also owns ing event Xor children under sixteen last week by- Llnooln Park. Bedford 1) e^UrHecTiaaicB' team •.ln~~tnreS ' and operataB arubbsr Hwlmmlrg suit > years old. The children • were re- Hills, New York, won Its second From Columbia ASBURY PARK. matches Wednesday night at Recra- ^i? which, when Inflated, permits the , quired to Jump their mounts over game. West Palm Beach, Florida, O F TI3 tlon HaU. Tho Mechanics, minus'i Xlvfno. i. wearer to float around on the surface llOtKBU ignola, rf. . o 0 jlayer, failed_tp_ rp!LhlEhor than'JoiicB of the water at will and If one wants Mallaee, lit. 8r fence threeCfeetIiIgli..IlTh_e_Ji|dg^ lolOfftKortrB^MWSraicaUa Moore- •tfrjn-.===ii=.-3*=i=v,~ 0 idLthCUld^ ing was done on the basis of the per- y^p toT liibve" faster /than ^Ihe.'tide for the eefcond time. ' ~" ilendcrsoh c. ...- . „« . 3 formance of tho horse and the horse- STANDING OP THE TEAJIS. perior Passing From Visitors core slightly over eight hundred to D ?ictS, "ii ?e»iclla, nt. ; a pair of canoe paddles-can bo put in The Calvary Baptists nosed. out manship of the rider.. Rudy Graf of W I on Local Court—Rosati Was'ohnson, rg. „ . „ .. n win ea9h match. Patterson of the the Presbyterians, 31 to 30, in tha i-A-bury Park,.riding Pompojyo,, »«J Bedford BUI" ' 0 1.000 Hicl, Ig. „_.. a Comets was. high. with. 213. The o s Si service, the paddler lying on his back 1,000 KEYPORT. first gome of tbe evening. V. plover second nnd Anno Hasler of Little no^Maank'L. High Scorer. ; scores: •' • ' in the rubber butt and paddling away. •COO IX 9 SS -. Captain —Brown—also-~owmu-Bnd made twelve points for the colored liver, mounted on the chestnut Teptuna .500 BLUE COMETS. , " SbUn, rf. _ 1 team"while the~sc6rlng f-thP «it r«lm Beach ..... I ,500 1 Fighting against a superior pass- Tho River street second team lost awklna u~...___ •__. 18& 200 165 T;cc, U. sails ono of the newer'type of small ahcg ffPrr ate Lady Louise, was third. Duns- taglewood I :o the Aabury Park seconds by lyah ...-.._ •_. HJ U7 200 OolJcn, e. ... byterlanbtl s was dividediid d among every ', also owned by Miss Hasler, fln- .coo Ing and shooting attack, tho Red knockabouts featured by the Bed Jnlol n CCount? 0 .000 Bank high school quintet won a close score of. 2/to 17. Green, River street 'atteraon • ; . 161 218 185 Hylan. it. Bank yacht club. It was through membor of tho team, Tho score: VI fourth. Fifth place went to 'orUi Bergen *oxlter ..__..._...__..MH.rt 205 168 188 WjckoIT, lj .000 victory, 24-20, over the Columbia high eft forward, made more than half the endeavors of Mr. Brown that the GALVABY BAPTIST. •go Hicks of Bed Bank, who Joseph Wardell Jeffrey _M..«...«...... M^ 176 PPTS. ot the Neptune school from' South Orange Friday 3f tho points mado hy his team. War- 3 4 club secured its fleet, by his attending SnowQalce. lollce was high scorer in the Red P. Olover, rf. „.., a 2 12 night on tho local court. The Colum- len did most.of-hq_scoring-.for the 800 Tho--Klvor,ftreo._ t second team hold_ to the many dotalls that led up to D. Clark, If...... 5 OS of the most interesting events iank-Neptune match with 194 points. ihoro team, making five field goals ' ALL MECHANICS, Froit, c, ...... 1 0 '_•_... bia varsity, following tho footstops 3chmlat ..._...... _...... ISO 1C8 145 thho KeyporKt t secondds to fouf r pointits the construction, shipment and rc- lfternoon was the sixth class. Policeman Charles Erlcksen of Red of the junior varsity team, over- md one free shot. Tho score: Mono./rff...... 2 0 '6 Was billed as a "touch and Bank was in unusually good form 147 1C6 whlle it rolled up a total of 22 points, gatta regulations of thla ono-typo n. Oiover, Iff. 9 0 8 whelmed the, red and gray with their lummy ..100 100 100 I The bayshoro five was permitted to boat sailed under auspices of club, E. Clark, Ii. _ 4 0 2 Jalr. Thirty entrants en- and led his teammates by turning in RIVER STREET. ' '. Accrra, , 147'164 103 _.. 1 tt 'wW passing and the scoro at tho end of OF PTS score only threo points In the first * »_^* ?rpfl to clear a four-foot barrier mark of 189. Lieutenant Harold lanavo. Tf .„ _._ 10 2 "onNeaa 1 126 178 170 10 3 94 the first few minutes of play was 8-2 half and but a single point in the PHESBYTEBUK. in four tries, tho only successful con- avlson and Policeman George In favor of Columbia, Tho half found rambonc, rf. _.»..-. _.._.....•.. 10 2 7U 767 77« — tender being Seneca, owned by II. N. Clayton,,the ace men of tho local recn, If,-,..._.._._i.:-..-..i-u..._^ 4- -1 -J- - tptlo, .Green,, the River street St. James Has o P PTS. both teams about equal In points. In ahdy. ir. : 2 0 4 Minus two Sen, the \vrhad right forward, made fourtoon of his Olmiteidr rf. 0 » Straus of Middletown. Grey Boy,. police team, were tied with 184 and ^lascanaro, e. _.: ...._. ;. o o 0 Scheldt. If, Z1L » 0 « the second half Red Bank rallied and Doors lost all three of its scheduled team's 22 points. Stoney and. Wcs- Davcy. c ...»...,.„._....„.... 3 .- t ownod^hy Thomas S,. Field, also; of 3ergeant James J, Sheedy was two for tho rest of tho gamo neither team Willlaras, c. . _..__._....,.,., 0 0 0 Hold oil Title 0 f, Middletown, was second. Transport, points behind. Policeman Benjamin ^garo, rar, ...... »—•_..».,«,,.„. -0- 0'- 0 - matches to tha Clothiers and Insur-^ terfleld did the only scoring for Key J-'nrfias, rff, c. „.._. 3 0 < could forge ahead. In tho last min- Jcrcc, li Clark, re. _....„..„...... _..„ 0 0 0. entered by F. J. Schwarz of Deal, Pryor scored 17D points, ance team laat frlaay~nigM-'rtKe>ip~ori."*C6tt^ Dcaker,. Iff. ..._.._....„.„...;..„... 3 utes of play the local school took the arratt, eatloa hall. Woodward of the wcBtslde Bchool gave practically all 0 4 i was third. The scores of tho Neptune police lead and held it. Joe Rosati, Red Win Church League—Calvary Miss Audrey Haslcr of Little SII- earns follow: Wardell 194, O'Rourko 8 1 17 losers made the highest Individual of his second (string rocrults an op- 15 0 80 Bank, with 0 points took high scor- icore, a mark of 234; chalked up In portunlty to get in ^he game. "The Baptists Have Only a Slim i ver won tho seventh event ot the 85, Pollock 185, MeglU 180, Bangert ing honors for tho first time this Asnun\r TAJIK. , afternoon, a class for children over .76. P PTS tho third match. The scores: score: Chance to Tie Them in Finish. season. Red Bank lost two players ipeno, rf...... 0 2 CLOTHIERS AND INSURANCE. twelve and under sixteen years of The Red Bank police last week n the last quarter by. the four-foul layor, rf. .. . . 0 4 MVEE STREET. Vailing, rf. .. ; 1". 102 15160 - — By winning its scheduled gam SHOOTING MATCH age,, in which horsemanship only 1 1 shot in competition with the North rule, Garattl, star guard, and Amel- Iberman, Jf.' . vlna lost night, the St. James' church i counted. Chris Elgenrauch of 0 0 ennedy 170 167 Green, tf. Bergen police team. Tho certified henko. . - . ilmjman, If. , ;_ 140 Cambrono. tt. ...» —at- Chapel Hill' road was second and 0 o traui quintet practically 'cinched the Red scores, along with the targets shot The Columbia Junior varsity de- Varrcn, c. .,....., 1 11 Menszopane ... 188 Canavo, If. , Bank T. M. C. A. championship. An- Robert Eisner of Red Bank third. »t by each man, were sent to Wash- Ullacli.. c 0 0 224 , Willami, If, H. C. Langendorf's Farm - _ Six children under sixteen years of eated the Red Bank seconds, 21 to Newman, rff. ... Uuanano! e. other victory and the title will pass ington to be compiled. Tho results 18,_ Berkowltz and LaBlonda wore Efendrickson, rff. a os. iii Parker, Into the hands of tho court repre- age took part In tho last event. Five 111 be known early next week. kVachnanaky,-Ie. Pierce, rff. . UNCnOFT, N. 3, chairs were placed In the center of high scorers for Red Bank with 6 OVERHEAD DOORS. Friaker, nr. sentatives of tbe Broad street church tbe ring and as the muslo played ana 5 points, respectively. Red Bank stoii.' ig.' _"._!".__ Figaro, Iff...... for the second aucceantvo'year, made 8 of 20 free shots good. loomj Iff...... ,._._...... ^ 0 Santll. :_. The Calvary Baptist team has i the children rode their mounts ST. JAMES SCHOOL LOSES. ciyler, \g Tortalno, lz...... Sunday, February 28 around these chairs. When tho The lineup: slim, chance of Onlshln'g first in a tl muslo stopped tho children dis- Parochial High School Drops Game RED DANK, 10 with the Cathollo cagers. To do this Starting at l;00 O'clock. mounted and scrambled for thr to St Rose's High ot Bclmar. O F TTS tho colorod team must win both o Amolclienicn, rt _ . li 6ID ttl 810 Its remaining games and St. James LOTS or riuzES. chairs. Tho child unable to get a Unable to maintain the lead that Scheldt, rf. 0 chair was eliminate, and a chair 1 1 The Jersey Central power and light must loss its last two games, CUARLE8 HOWEB, Alanagor. they had secured during • the early kowlti. If. : . 1 o . company won two out of three games waa removed. This continued until Hosatl, c. ,.._ .. s 3 0 Weather Man The Cathollo lads will meet somo ALL WELCOME. part of the second half, tho St. Sweel. NT., captain ..; 2 o ^ played with the Commercial Chauf- the field had narrowed down to two ames * high 'school nett«rs went riders. Hubert O'Ncli was tho win- Garattl, lir _ 10 2 lawn to defeat last Friday night at Arr.onc, le . . 0 0 0 CantStop Him hall. Tomalno ot the powermen was ner of this contest with Robert Els- ho hands of St. Rose's high school r.er second and Marjory Hasler )f Bolmar. Tho score was 22 to 16. 9 6 24 third. COLUMBIA. Reuben White, Red Bank's Lead- JEMEV CENTEAt POWEH Both teams fought desperately for O F PTS ing Iceboat Enthusiast, Found Whalen Tho first event In the evening, ho lead during the entire game. In iooper. rf.. _ _ 0 6 Aumaelc tho third quarter the locals made 10 Htnnloy-, rf. _-«_« 0 O 0 a Place to Sail In Spite of the opened to enlisted men and non- I'nlmor, If. _„. _..__„. 188 6 bllllpa ..', commissioned officers of Fort Mou- points while holding Belmar score- Sacor, c .—...... -..." 2 2 6 Mild Weather. Tomalno mouth. Fort Hancock and members , but tho latter came back In tho '.losler. tit „ lia ast quarter and ran up enough bonu, rir 0 0 0 013 840. 810 Top Flight to of tho Now Jersey cavalry troops imlth. It. . 0 0 0 Red Bank never had a greater Ice- points to put tho game on Ice. Tho boating enthusiast than Heuben COMMEIICIAL. CBAUFFEUH9. was won by Corporal Georgo Allen. iloppock, IK, .. 0 0 0 Mordr ' : 211 HZ 170 The entrants wore required to walk icorc: Whlto of Broad street. Probably no -•- -- 1J8 Run in Derby 7 0 20 Bthultl .; tholr mounts, then trot, canter and ST. JAMBS. Ico boatman hag sailed in more Iteynolda 191 Referee—Weaver, Umpire -Stlne. Timor champion pennant winners than he Lufburrow 180 FENDER GUIDES ! then dUmount. Horsemanship count- PTS —CalandrleHo. 197 C. V. Whitney's Unbeaten Filly TIRE SPREADER ; ed for ilfty por cent, the horoca for ilounlhan, rf. and probably no ono person has had McKnlght JEWELED ClraOMIXJM , ' 25 per cent and tho equipment for 25 •oy. if a grcator variety of Ice yachting ac- Named as One of 115 Three- ii.. I/...... 8S1 818 885 VALVE i ', per cent. Ivltlos than Mr. Whlto. The Utility team won throe more Year-Old* Entered—Six En .00 • ,~ Frying Pan, owned by Irving Feist Baseball Plans For nearly halt a century he haa matches Monday night when they Ico, ru tered by Mr*. Payne Whitney. 2 for $J.OO of Llttlo Silver, won tho next event, l>encc, designed, built and sailed Ice boata defeated the Grocers and Plumbers which wua in exhibition of pulo from tho small "mosquito" type to by close scores, L. Actrra of the Iff. Now Being Made Top Flight, an unbeaten filly of C. ponlca. Mollfc, a Troop E pony, wa« tho handling of the largest leoboaU Utility team waa high with a score V. .Whitney's Brookdale farm, heads P. P. HORNS HINGE MIRROR accond, and Jimmy Orey, owned by •of modern times. Ho Is recognized of 217. The scores: the list ot 118 three-year-olds which ; Monroe Eisner of Hod Bank, was Johnny Calandriello Hopes to bolng tho boiit all-around Iceboat P PTS TEAM. have been nominated for the }C0,000 VALUE ; third. ulu, tf 0 12 Hnvo Local Team Rcpreient oklppcr In tho East and his nerv« added Kentucky derby, Thla classic .00 .00 . l>e..«rl, i lo Imndlo tho Inrgor craft In tho J. Acarra 187 101 91.00 cunoMnnw Tlio prize for tho brnt pair of Jump- 0 0 8Uo , 168 HT of tho turf will bo run at Churchill $1- Coll, If Bradley Beach Thi« Sca«pn— ers wan won by Horbort N. litrnun 0 lcnvlcst of gales in unquestioned. Crlapall _ — ISO 1(4 i „.,. 0 0 0 Downn, Kentucky, on Saturday, May of Chapel Hill, who exhibited Itlltor Charlie Miller Signi Up, Mr. Whlto spends much tlmo In Bhlnn .... l«t ITS 7th. Top Flight, tho unquestioned Ac«rr* — 1J3 SIT fiwect, ridden by Jack Illokii, nnil l«r, If negotiations now belnj; con- tho preparations ot his boat for th« champion of two^yoar-olda last year, 2-Lb. POLISHING WrIU. nnticlpntod sennon. ofton being at FLASHLIGHT ' Bonoca, rldtlcn l»y Mira Mnry Clcland M ducted between Johnny Cnlnmlrlello, • 172 »0 5 has ruled favorlto In winter predic- j Pnrfiirinnncn counted fur fifty por A. Dft mnnngtr of the lied Honk baseball worlc on Ills iceboat In the hottest OROCB1W AMD PLTJHUEXR. tion*. With tho mn«t«r trainer, Tom BEEF CLOTH cont, copiformntlon for 215 per cent 'vnr, ||f tram, nnd Ooorirn Northrldue, ownor porlod of tho summer months.. An Golmorstn ~ 179 IBB Hcaloy, preparing her for the event, Focming open ooason, such us thin present Mid mnnnnra for -5 per cent. (lay of tho Dradlny Ucnch ball park, nin- OafandriallO o _.___.. It In felt aho will bo fit to run the , Hoy, owned nnd ridden by TIIOIIIM 8. 10 2 VI winter, has boon a great disappoint- COMTLI5TB nwi. )ltfet niatorinllro thn local team will repro- Qrob tto 159 rnco ot her llfo on May 7th. Laat Ffalil, mid J'ntny, owiu,il by Jnok -dorr. Tlm«r—Whll«. Btoror ment lo him. Venllrura in SOB year Top Flight won nil seven rnccn 11.60. ncnt tlio nlioro renort tm tho cllnmOml Lan( . ., 1)0 1 .; Hockfurd nml ilddon by Klalin Wnr- next miring. Not to bo outiiono by tho weather UT In which etin started and Captured !• ing, won second jilnce. Third pine man in this locality ho built hlmsell stokes worth JJIU.OOT, In (uUiltUm : I.KAOUK QAMKB l'OHTrONKI). Cdtnmlrlello told Tno IlrRlntpr re- IBO toa us went to HnowllHU<\ ownod mill rldtlr porter yeetfrdny tint ho expected to u niiinll, collnpnlblo craft, which la to Top night thn O, V. Whitney by Gflorjta lllclm, nml 1'rlrnt Hill Wtxt y. M. V. A. datura tolln l'laynl )>ut nn exceptionally ntronit toum In itnnlly bundled tngothtir nnd with tin Bhrow»biiry Dog Winner. ntnbicn lmvo nnmed Glotho and Mad ANTI-FREEZE ' IIWIIMI by Oliver MtrniiH nnil ridden •t I Hill Kcliool Nr.it Miimtny. thn llclit tliln eomlnic nrnnon. It Ir "lit of a specially designed carrying Itod Coat, tn IrUh aettnr owned by Trump. ' 1 by Krlo KHCII. mipport ho fnnlnna bin equipment to Th« tinea HcJ Hunk Y, M. O, A prohnhlo thnt iiidny now plnynrn wll n 0. I*. Kellaon of Shrewsbury, waa i&- The Oteentree -tnblea at LJncroft ALCOHOL anrf GLYCERINE !• Jncklllchu, rl'IliiR (lumen, won tli hiMkdtlmll lrnRiio KRIUPII vcliniiuled Im nccn nt Hunter'n Held whou tho thn top of hla l ord coupo nnd Roy annoimcml y»«tonlny. Ifn nililm hour* Inlnr nt Lnlin Owaaun, a amall aa- well Rfl tho non-aportltiB; and work-' DBth riinnlnu of the Kentucky ilrrliy. SEAT COVERS i An rxhlttlttrrn of M1I1II0 hor*** to) v»na to Imvn ptaye<| tha TnmiR Mon'i Hint ho liopnn lo brlriK (n Itml Ilnnk Inlio nwir Culvor'n Inks In Rill ln« xroups and th« beat In nlluw. For twanty yrnrit the distance of tho Accelerator Foot Reit lowed with Mlna Jrnn li'liilan, ownoi Holirow naaoclMlon. Tha Kovrrn mu Hume of thn nlloiu.'cnt nonil profrn- county In Mm Klttntlnny mountain!, rue* waa one mils and a half. In ' of llporty J'ftVltin, tlio wlnnar. QuailratiKlpa were lo Imvn niKiiKo nlnnnl Irnnin In Ililn nnollmi. wr>ll up In tlio iinrthwentorn port ol IdtM) Ills dlatnnco vraa roilucnit to on« •"2£* $•« .00 KXTItA VV, ovrneil by Troop K wa« tlm nlnlr, lln noon hail hla «qul|i- l'lnyer Hurt, inlln nnd n. quarter, Ijnat ycar'a event 1 In n nniiin and Ilin othor rnntimtwim If »«ll«fni-l'ny ni'ini)Kownrmrii ttaturday -gslnst Yale, ]fn hud to MOTOR OIL , (Jrnd III Imntlnit 1'liik. I»'i«i1 ni vrlll *t\g»gti Mm C}ti«(lrnriKl<>A Jn v/Uttl ml rolorml Imvollnit Irninn tonpixn Tlm Ion wnn linrdly )i«avy «nounh OenrKa lt"lo. ot Monmouth IIM«II, In thin vlrllilly will lio linnhrd. li) permit him to retiwln on It for Iravn Ihn name, but rr'Umiid play at- ihariifd vvllh dlnorderly i:mnlur.t,wa« i only to '"> tlin mint rtiloiful but «l«i imiiiil ba tha inoat lidiMidnut gmnn t*r lila Injury lin'l hnon -(inndo't tn, 100% PURE PENNSYLVANIA S. Ilia mint eKBIllMit. On» of Ilia »n of tlie nvcnln . Mhoulii llm .quail, luiiir, for 114 «nya Hint nhorlly afte orrrntud )a»t flunday night by atato mliiitny tlio wenlh«riimn l>"ftan Ii Jloloo wu one of tin atari of tha pollon ami arrol|tn*(t before JuatUt* trunlK, Tliiiina« Ii. P1el ll'i jrround nliin Ii *m mt ev^n tn'Uii(». Vurl Miminonlli Die rayy* of tha Run directly JI*M1 *il rliannft It i|«* fiitimr Unit Hunk high mhool will play * (>r li'ilh Iti* q fnxl, nml h» Oania »«liorn with 111 Koyport Impromi Hooorrt. to "«rv9 thlry diiyn In tli* county riSHN BAffH i'KNN tiAOlD I In Mwlxt (anna ftft«r saally Inkln taila *n>t Ilix •Th« av«n npnt lor n f«w hotim' vnjayment v KBino laat rrlllny whan It ilef»t«« IJ.09 »l Yiao o'clock Hi I^Knwomi hlo fdvurlta ajmrl, Allantlo UI|1iUn<1a lilgli aphool by n On I'tanUdon In «lw ()ont«lni>r. Itnl Hank will )>l«y Ilia flmt uoliln i «j»r» vt 2a to It, During the pMl Mr. »ii'1 MID. HUrrart A, T'nin* *>t II «Uln 1,1111 !•« y lh Ky| l ftvn li# In another. Lack of town township. MORE enow this; winter may mean twlco of the normal fall next winter, Tho rec BELLHAVEN DOGS WIN. REDUCED ords apeak for themselves; They RED BANK'S I ARE GOING cant be disputed by faulty memor- Hod Bank Collies Scora -Heavily at ies." New Haven Show. Ono wonders It by this last re- THRIFTY TO BENEFIT mark ho meant to anawor those who Bollhaven Lady Vtoletta, a collie hark back to tho old days and say: belonging to Mrs. Florence B. Ilch WHY NOT of Locust avenue, win a. winner at SAVED "I remember In particular ono bad he thlrtoonth annual' show of the winter In 188—. Wlntors'ro nothing Elm City kennel club at New Haven, MONEY YOU like thoy usod to be." Connecticut, Saturday, William. J, Mr.' Hand continued Inexorably Burgsss of Thorripuonvllle, Conn., with his dlro weather login: Judged as tha winner of the Ameri- HERE FOOD STORE 'Although thero Is no denying tho can bred dogs, Bellhaven Black Lu- fact that we liavs been having ab- cason. The ton-montho-old . tri-col- normally warrp winters for tho past ored cplHe vron winners, dogs and yoars, thoro In DO reason to bollovo best of winners beforo facing his that wo will not cxporlcnco tho cold- kennel mato, Champion. Lucason of est of winters in tho next ton years.' Ashtead O'Bcllhavcn, one of the r POLKS, judging from the tremendous throng6 of people who have patronized This Gecmod to bo his coup de tho greateBt of all collies. The Bell- grace to all argument that the gulf haven Black Lucason scored over tho our store since its opening last week, the C and F. ia destined to be Red Bank's stream tms not moved oven so much old champion in every point' Collies new Food Center. That we're grateful goes without saying. But we want to as half an inch nearer tho shore; it comprised oho of tho largest breeds Is still about ISO mites ofr, and likely to stay thoro. "Bosldos, thoy'vo boon oprescntcd, prove" our gratitude... and we're doing it with more super-specials and even having mild weather in tho mlddlo greater values. Look 'em over—see for yourself the savings that are possible by west, too, Tho gulf stream cant be Young Couple Engaged, tho. causa of that" Mr. and Mrs. Schenck B. Thomp- shopping the C and F way ! You cant vory well say "Yes, It son of Maple avenue, Rea Bank, an- can." ' , aounce the .engageme/it of theli Then ho quoted the Sandy Hook daughter Dorothy Mae to Homer E. flgurea_for the. past-.slxteoa ycarB. The~ayerago~maxlmum-tcmporature Emmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. during that time was 63. LaBt year Amz'e Bmmons of Deal. Miss Thomp- it was 61.1. Tho average minimum son graduated from the Hod Bank The Following Prices Frevail February 25, 26 land 27 was it.: Last year It was 65. The high school In February, 1931. No men temperature for tho 16 years dato has been set for. the wedding. was 62. Last year's was B5. Mr. Hand's figures cant well be The road to better and bigger bust' refuted. There is only one thing for ness leads through The Register's ad- the skeptlo to do: Hurl a theory at vertising columns.—Advertisement. of genuine hlm;- ' Herbert Janvrln Browne is an un- Shoulders official forecaster of Washington, D. C, who has had somo amazing luok with- hisrpredictions. He eaya that MMOVS tliosca-reflects-solar-chanBea during- an 11.2 year cycle and changes la thi position of the moon over an 18.0 year oyele. Announcing the —Mr Browno. caloula.tea_that _thca wa*hlnff back to tho dawn of history. Thes 30 Tears' Experience In «f any'TTMhcr." Ngirit 9PUM* to ToU M • are. too far back ?pr an inoreduloui LftMB MEDIUM SIZE High-Grade .Laundry Work, •ensatfotoallyManMd prioe 4 .'»' mind to accept, at least a mind ae No.Mlnlmum Charge. Incredulous as Paul C. Whitney's, but idth the same high quaUtyi. chief of the geodetlosurvey's dlvlslo: All Laundry Services of tides and currents. Sea tto efficient, orwnlced square, alaxnl- Mr. Browno submits writton rec- Phone Rumson 503. num tub with Its.thick* heat >• retaining ords reaching back to 1708, and in valla of crutnlumlnnm...the sturdy Holler them ono does porcclvo an approxi- perlb \Faur Bcmovff with it* «rft upper and firm mation.of the Q()-year weather cycle. imoked C A L lower roHa which pantiy» amoothly, thor- "It's only a theory," Mr. Whitney Why Use a Bladder Physic? oughly pros UM water from the elothw. answors and the subject is closed. 8eo the many adranoed featorea that nmko To drive out Impurities »ttd exceii this Maytag worthr ef the flntt home, Jda tbftt CKUM Irritation which result COUNTY BUSINESS. la vetting up ttlghtt, frequent desire, •W>U B vith yet a true economy, In any homo. . burning, leg palm or backache. BU- Contract Awarded for 16,000 Gallons KETS, the bladder phyite, work* plias per ib MnlU-Moto* for vffj' pnfwr, pfwtui for a/reo horns tUmowtrattim. of Tan-la. antly on the bladder as caitor oil on thi CHUCK («m kanlM also boirelf. Get. m 25c ttit hox.tro, >^i!o<»I B6.00." MIE MAYTAG COMPANY, Newton, fcnra The frseiioiders last weelt stwa your drugglit. Afier four d»y» I! not tho contract for 18,000 gallons of tar. ralleved go back and get your money. Founded 1093 ,, . via to tho W. G. Harrington com- l'erm»n«it Philadelphia/ Factory Broich, Miytac BulUipf You will feel better after thle cl«on.ln SS1-3 North Broad St., Phflad.lphU, Pennsylvania. pany on a bid of 87W conta a gal- and you get your regular Bleep. lon. Tills Is ono cqnt per gallon low- LEGS or RUMPS er than last year. Bids for 235,O0C li o raft a Lenta, druggist, and Sthrocdtr' PURITAN •WASHEIIS...TABIJB! KRONER gallons of asphalt|a road oil wers re Pharmacy. jected because thoy were higher than per lb TOM* IN —EnJoJ U» Maytag Radio Stonr vm Monmouth County Surrogate*! Office. SMOKED N. 0. C. 0 r. M., E, T.-ai00 C. T>-7i00 M. T. oil last year at .1512 per gallon. In tha matter of the estate of William A HAMS 15< —6.00r. C. T. •...•-...... • County engineer Goorg* K. Allo Conwell. doceaaod. of WEAL 17< Notice to creditor» to present clalmi submitted hla annual report show asalnit estate. - ing that lait year he supervised con Pursuant to the order of Joseph I* structlon work amounting to $287,- Oonnhar; Surrogate of tho County TUSTING PIANO CO. Monmouth. mad* on tho ilxteenth day ~ erlb 847.03. Tho report also shows thai February. 1032. on tha application of Th thoro aro at prcsont eighty countj Atlantla IUshlanda Katlontl IUnk, 14 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N.'J. roads of various typos nggrogatlni mlnlitrator of the eitmU of William . pure Pork SAUSAGE SUSEAT p 15c Conwell. deceased, notice li hereby nlvei 237.05 miles. Of those 123.S8 mllei to ihm creditor)! of mid dac^ssed to extiibl nro improved with permanent pa' to tha vubaorlber. administrator an nforc ; Red Bank Stove and Supply Co. nnjil, their debts *nd demandri aBnltist tli Ing. said eatatfl. under oath, within tix monthi Red Bank, New Jersey. ...„ - from the date of the aforesaid order, o TOCB CHOICE Dieted Bank Register travel! thoy will be forever barred of their ec TOP SIRLOIN CHOPS n>14c ovor every stroot in town and evorj lions therefor against the laid'aubscrthei PORK road In ths county. Lot It carry yr Pated Freehold. N. J., F«b. 10, 1931 meeoan<> to those who live on tin TI1B ATLANTIC HTOnLANDS |lt Pays-'to Advertise in. The Register. NATIONAL HANIT, CROSS RIB , thoroughfares.—Advortlsomont Atlantic. llthUU N DIXIE TOP or BOTTOM 19c ROUND ROAST por pound BACON lb c Round Steak 'b-23= Lamb Liver -10 SLICED SSS CHOPS ib-14c POTATOES BACON vi-ib. PW... 10c }fi&u CHOPS »>.23<= Veal Cutlets lb.29c CHOPPED SMOKED Short Cut 2000 BAGS FOR SALE BEEF »»• 14° TONGUES «>-21c iThe8e Potatoes Are in the Same Condition As When Dug** Not Shriveled or Sprouted. $2.00 per 15a lb. Bag at the Plant ALSO EXTRA SPECIALS WILL SELL IN ANY QUANTITY. n FRUITS and VEGETABLES FOOD STORE FOWLER'S ICE PUNT NEAR FRONT ST. 235 Creek Road, Tel. 121 Keamburg, N. J. 7 BROAD STREET RED BANK SAVE MONEY 1 Twenty RED BANK fcEGISTEfe, FEBRtrABT •*'. ! 2*, , BUNCO PABTT. parents of the glrla Sharabba is WasliUigtou's birtbday-wcra held on twenty years old and Grandlncttt is Friday morning at tho Willow street "i.V, * «.WU1 Bo bcU Saturday In Cresoett twenty-three years of age. school. The pupils of the fifth grade '•'•• " Boll ai'Eatontown, presented a sketch entitled "A Stitch in Time." party and dance will be Bov. Henry Bowen gave a talk at i j-jd under me auspices ot Auxiliary Fair Haven News. a rally of young folks last night at 10. 0 of the American Bureau of (Tin Bad B«nV Beelttor can 1» bought tho Presbyterian parish tiouso at qhlropractlo Saturday night at Cres- In fair JUven In Uio »ton>» ot Ilorrr Fair Haven. ' cent halt at Eatontown. Aa a special KarUi snd' Bob«rt Cazaeron snd st tho feature of this party, which Is the Gold Cedsn). third In a series of monthly enter- Two hundred persons attendod tho Belford News. tainments by the auxiliary. Dr. Wil- Martha Washington supper given liam H. Werner,. International pres- Recorder Louis H. Mceso continues 1 Monday night, in the Methodist to Improve and he Is able to take ident of the American Bureau of church basement walks on clear days. He expects to Chiropractic, will deliver an eiddres Rev.'John P. Euler of St. Clem- resume his duties as township re- '- 8n the eclenee£of chiropractic. ': ent's church of Belford will conduct corder within a short time. Justice | "Due to tho increasing popularity o! ib7e service" next Sunday night-at tho John Pillsbufy is temporarily acting these parties and the subsequent chapel of the Ho5y Communion. aa recorder. • . . larger attendances, the committee In .The junior Christian Endeavor so- Communion will be celebrated at charge hsa chosen the hall In pref- ciaty presented the American flag St.,Clement's Episcopal church Sun- erence to the private residences In and the Christian flag to tho Metho- day morning at eight' o'clock. For v -which the parties-were originally dist church at Sunday morning's ser- the next few weeks special preachers held. The committee, beaded by Har- vice. will conduct the Sunday" evening Mrs. Charles Hobrough of at quarter to eight o'clock. maklng special efforts to make=this Lexington avenue, nnd William wo- EvSry Thursday evening at -eight ' party tho most successful of. the ser- brbugh of Little. Silver will leave on o'clock special Lenten services last- ies and is preparing accommodations Sunday for St. Petersburg-, Florida. ing 45 minutes arc conducted. tar an extra large attendance. The Miss Gertrude Feeny 13 spending A group of friends surprised'Mr. intertalnment will be more complete two weeks :with relatives at Phila- and Mrs. J. P. Euler Tuesday even* than st any of the. previous affairs delphia, ing of last week on the occasion of ind will Include besides the unusual A number of school children are their 25th'wedding anniversary. One featurCi bunco' games. Instrumental sick with grip and colds. The num- of the features was o largo cake pre- and vocal entertainment, refresh- ber of cases is unusually largo for sented by Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Morris. ments and novelty and popular danc- this time ot the year. Mrs. Mildred Perrlneand her con ing to the music of the Morris sisters' Miss Marlon Woolley, who teache3 and Mrs. Joseph Hyersipent' Sunday radio orchestra. the fourth grade at the Willow street at Yonlters . with Mrs. Parrlno'a 'The bunco games will take place school, has been kept indoors with grandmother. Mr». j!mma Garnsey. at the beginning of the party at eight o'clock and will continue until half' The Red Bank Register travels A pancake supper will be held on over every street In town and every past ten. At that time the winners March 3d in tho Methodist church road in tho county. Let it carry your will be awarded prizes and refresh- basement by the ladies' aid eoclety. message to those who live on these ments will be served. The commit- Special exercises In observance of thoroughfares,—Advertisement tee In ehargo of the affair comprises Mrs. Howard , Stamm of Wllmort "Park, Mrs. Henry Sanders ,of Little * Silver, Mrs. Walter F. Relnhaus of PHONE 2816. "" Barrotfs Approved Kooter • • Ped Bank, Mrs, Barry Hullck of and ACCESSOMES West Long Branch and Mrs. Fred (All the Leading 1932 Standard Makea) W ten of Oeoanport The auxiliary anticipates taking a bus' trip this J H summer. The date or place has not yet been deolded. General Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor - HELD ON SEBIOTJS CHARGE. — Skylights - -•- 7" 'Ventilating Cx^perlonocd' Mechanics ^ Modern Equlpnipnt 1 Bed Bank and Long Branch Youths Complete stock of materials. . Held For the Grand Jury. : ITranlt Sharabba of Bridge avenue 35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. »nd Peter GrandlnetU: of Long Branch, arraigned before Justice Henry F. Hylln at police headquart- $ $.$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ ers Monday morning on • statutory charges, were held without ball lor PHONE 2888. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. the action of the.grand Jury. ' • The pair were arrested at Long- Brandt Sunday night by Long , Branch police, assisted by.Sergeant Osbora Harrison ot the Bed. Bank Red Bank - police department,-where they had gone following a party at Sharabba'* borne. The. names of tie glrla who 1¥HY PAT a»de the complaint are being with- . .Sergeant Harrtonrand'Policeman Benjamin Pryor were -dispatched * to I3barabba's house after neighbors, a»- Bearing screams coming from the LADIES' ,-for MEN'S teco bouse, had notified the police. Shir- COATS "g, SUITS IlllveiBbbB, Granfflnettland the two girls IIMovers token to pollco hendn.uarters, and * j^ and I '• alut were released when":the latter td fused to sign a complaint Shar- DRESSES m» COATS •gast's parents wete visiting at ' • WOBK. CALLED FOK AND DELIVBBEIV. , 5no.n island at the time, of i charge was later made by the Office; 76 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. iftt • . .- $$ $ .$ $ $ $ $ :$ $$$$$$$$$ I """ • • • • • !

600 Xrolrldns of PEKMUTIZED As we are discontinuing our Red Bank Store to cut down our overhead expense. Therefore, we are giy- tm^Waferfor: ing the Public this great opportunity to save themselves Your Wash OFF on the Entire Floor Stock some cash on the^ above Standard Merchandise. of Our Red Bank Store. REMEMBEai--We Are Not Going Out of Business; We are only cutting down-our expenses. .We have enlarged our store at Your laundry work cannof 234 and 236 Broadway, Long Branch, where we will be pleased to serve be handled more exclu- all our old customers'and new. ones, too. Our Long Branch Store will be sively in your own home the best equipped Radio Store in Monmouth County after February 29th.' than it is here. We keep your wash entirely sepa- Genuine R. C. A. or Cunningham Aft% on< rate. Tubes at *V We. use 600 gallons of per- Here's your opportunity to make your old Radio To the folks of Red Bank and Vicinity, Set play like a new one...... mutized, softened water, we wish to announce that we have secured the changing the water from FOR AN EXAMPLE: services of Two Expert Radio Repair Men who 7 to110 times, including a 8 Tubes for a Majestic, Philco or Atwa^ev Kent thorough sterilization. Radio. Complete for Only ,!.,.... $ J QO are Residents of Red Bank. By doing this, we Can you possibly wash aa Also all other make Tubes for 19c each. are how able to give you Immediate Service. thoroughly and sanitarily; at home? A Free Service Call with Every New Set of Phone Long Branch 897 after Feb. 29 Tubes Purchased During This Sale.

YOUR Chance to Get That Automobile Radio You Always Wanted at Your Own Price.

Successors to Red Bank Steam Laundry WHITE STREET, RED BANK. Pllono Red Bank 1050. Reiseman's Radio Store Zoric Dry Cleaning... Laundering... Rug Shampooing 21 MONMOUTH ST;, Phone 2663 RED BANK, N, J. REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24, 1932 Page TwentV'Ong RErtBUOAN DINNER, through It, and .almost every morn- away; but always they returned .to fancy a particular Idyllic life, a npo- In tho fullest degree, it tnay scorn Ing It was necessary to make re- required of most men ul women In take up their concert whore they clal Paradise without dlsagrocablo to others that we who havo come so civilized society. HtlU wo regard oat Washington's Birthday Affair Held pairs. ' had loft off. Tho cows low and bol- obstacles. -Eut our heaven is some- far In search of. thl? heaven have by Highlands Ctab. lot aif tho preferable ono for us. W» Our dayllglit hours are never dull! ldw, the plga grunt and squeal, the thing very different: a puro state of only discovered a very special kind two aro tho absolutt Inantbisi of our PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT! One hundred pirioni attended a there is'always work to do and on hounds bay at tho moon and yelp in mind, a sense of mental peace to be of hell. . True, we toll and moll destiny as you who remain In Blur* dinner given Monday night by the no two successive .days aro ourpursuit of tho cats, while the cats achieved through self-knowledge; against greater odds and bear dully a opa and America can novrr hops to Highlands Republican club at labors tho same, ./The nights, how- make savage love and fight each oth- and to this end our -work contributes far heavier burden of labor than' Is b$ i Bahrf'fi restaurant at teat place. ever, are all alike—an endless round er as is their Immemorial habit. Fred Kleferdorf, president1 "dftttsr .of wild and savage noisoo. The asses To all this devils' chorus we had to club, was toutmaiUr. The principal bray to each other just beyond'our learn to accustom ourselves before GIBSON addreia was made by B«v. O. L. V.door, and their braying Is a curious wo could He down to rost with any V i Molm of Aabury Park. Short Ulka blend of melancholy and defiance assurance that we, should sleep. were given by Df. H. O. Thomas of which seems to.JJW s house, and we were' overjoyed to discover near the beach a series of Speciap l Sale of cavea, ono of which wo "elected for THE NEW HJJPMOBILE Kog. 3Bo Olcnwood our temporary home. Tho task of Rumsoti ! transporting our "supplies even so. short a dUtanco was extremely dif- Meeting the need of the times for Pineapple Preserves "The Laundry that doc« It best" ficult work, The lava surface was rough beyond description, and cov- a finer car •• * at a lower price. ored . with Wok thorn bUBhes, Pineapple Preserves through which I had to hew out a. 'ilst'J Telephone path with my axe." The beat wan In- 250 tense, and lor relief we discarded all Jar our clothing except high hip *. ISC : SS:*25C :••? Henceforth, this was to b« our con- ventional garb. We became a toll- Easily Prepared Foods for the Lenten Season ing Adajn and .ffiyfrfln bo?1"1' After several days ^n the caves we Deep Sea tobstev can 29c Tasty Mixed Vegetables 3 cans 25c explored our Island and came upon a Finest Crab Meat can 29c 4SC0 Corn Meal pl(g 10c\ huge horseshoe carved In basalt, the crater of an extinct volcano,.Its rim Choice Red Salmon tall can 27c 4SC0 GdGoldee n Bantam Cora can 10c a solid wall on three sides, but worn Hom-de-Lite Mayonnaise 2 jars 25c OSCO ChoicChi e PeaP s can 15c down to form an opening at one end. Our eyes feasted here upon a leafy Prim Choice Rice 3 pkgs 20c Calif. Seedless Raisins 2 pkqs 15c rER'S sea of verdant greenness.. All about California Cliolco grow tropical fruits In abundance, bis bananas, oranges, pineapples, guavai, can 2 •?• 15° papayas, and many,others. The.se- Tomatoes Sardines cret of this sudden burst of verdure ALLIED MOTORS, Inc. "3A" In the midst of tho surrounding ' • T. JL McICNIGHT, Manager, Lowest Prices in Years waeto landT llesin—the-mountalna themselves. Very little tain falls In Ehone_705 IUjn BANK, N. J. tfte Galapagos,—but—tha_volc»n!o 0!>[Oirc(7our bylliemojtmojetnenjlntetlnttmeili- Victor Bread 5c pearing until'our shtlttr looked like H moneywlicnyoubuyco.il. when oili.Olilrj|(n«pcctot»musiOK.every tho rkoloton of some pro-historic • you t>hona your clculcr. don't say: cmluail before It l.i (oniiiirred wotiliy WEEK-END SPECIALS IN PASTRY DEPARTMENT, Complete with Tubes mounter. We were afraid It would Sen_-.._d me lomc co.il., " I'lalayy Bile, iipc- ufout itaJemaik—* lunnlcji tlu>lint. lnori on curling until tie whole thing tlfy 'bluo coal' by name, Tlicn you Must linpointit, (oo,'blue coat' l> at Our RED BANK (Broad Street) Store Unusual Value ! foil Apart, but In time It sprang an- will itnov/ tint you me geiii'iiK (lie II muirefuctuic, lurJ, long liurnlnc other trlnk on us ev«n morn nurprln- nmo famous D. I. A;\y.Sci.iiiionii ml nul. That mc.ini |c huint Imii; iituf THURSDAY—Danish Pnstry 3 for 13c Inx. The mo|nluro of the rnlny sea- cvnilyund tlucsn't nccj to I'C fuiiol son brought the dead wood to life been Anittiu'i hrj;c5t nrIIIIIR liorac —Jutm'c wmic most of your heat up Whipped Crcnm—Cream Puffs 3 for 13c agnln. It bogtn to send forth shoots! fuel for over fifty ycats. 1 or tliii qual- iho chimney. It slmnirn down Km- A WEEK ity fuel Is now •rttully coloteJ blur. FRIDAY- Cheese Buns 17c doz. Open grron Uaves app»»rid on tho Jambs tidily — you flct more licit per tonl 1.00 end rutteri, and we found ourselves This unmlinkibla tint Is * traJcmiri: Look up ilia man who't telllnj; Pincupplc Chccnc Cake , 21c each wlilcli auiulf fur iui>ctloilty. 'hhia coil, loie tio tlriio In Rivlii); OTHER PHILCO MODELS: vMHnc In a "living" houst. ' Wllil 'blue etui" yim nctu.illy fay Evenings Knrly In our »t»y w» had another Mm your oriler for'l>luo ctul'—'\M/ SATURDAY—Honey Buns 13c each Model 50 Baby Grand $36.50 JCJI coal tici JIISO you me leu c;l it to I4» till it lit a s.U«n lyiii Hut ivkr. Krenti imrprloit. According to books get llio aleacly, even litai yim need. Coffee Rinfjs | 21c each wo hnd rend, Iherp were no large. »n- 'llut'i (ho wiy to H"|> jinnl'linK nn Model 70 Baby Grand $49.75 ' 'blue roil' m|ilr(fl wltll TUIHNI. ncamUnls of riomeitlo&Ud anlnmls RADIO KlVUt hioiight In by plonotrs' who «no« «t- rVlHYIUHDAV B">P.M. Our Three Fnvorilo Blondi—Cliooic the ono tlmt trtnplett to nettle the Isltnil. Th«sn WAIC>^ riralur** hail now revsrUd to tholr 'blue coal' Suit* Your Tmte original »l«tn In n»(ur», uml for //otter heat for loss money (leldlibors w» h«d a v»gr»M colony 35c-26c—10c Suvcd I i>( wIM cattle, wild liogn, -wllil Him, IlKll IIANUi—Krnl II. Wllmtt ('mupnny rhmini MIMI Ib lauter Piano Co. wild ilvgi, M\<\ wild tahby outs. 10 Wi«l rrmil Mlrrrl. OSCO Coffee 2Sc Our vnllty liatt «vli)»nlly p*«a a noi IB) A •Inllxt mi« Ifnvy.liiHllftii liUml, I lir. i.irfci "m n ut tliuUMMiU. 155 Brontlvvny 628 Coojtman Ave. r«vorlt» ri>ii4>«vaus for Ul*t* an M. '« Mnmrier finn. Hllcil l'hnnn A>lilirjr 1'«r>< I MB. mulKI at night lb*y i]ta<)tnt«d upon -Or.., \\\ I'.llliill tb "tl«l U .Victor )h~" ~ MD from «ll directions. II w» wire »?nllll Wi I la hire » ««rd«n, It soon btcam* ap- parent that.w* would hiv« to have KAT0NTO»Ni-Hriiry Alkn V< r»t, 4». Coffco ** CofToa tin 42 MONMOUTH ST. «, ffiiflt, Aft«r w»»V« «f toll U)» N. fcn«« btviini* a ttallty, but It m „« hr||i i wild rm|jr tmA w Phone Red Bunk 3687, not • dempttt* sunatH. The »m«ll»r «u||*lUnnt... !>* •(#(» III 'nltU tld Itt or cameibibruwhh It Pay* to Advertise tin The Regiiter. mam RED BANK REGISTER, FEBRUARY 24,1932.

A WASHINGTON TREE. WELD FUGITIVES. tho deer bad stopped, they stopped ptrateglo elevation, ba will survey SNAKES. too. The fun was over, and every- the wholo stage of Uia forest. I SoonU Present One totlie Condonsed from The Virginia Quar- body was happy. Each had had bis saw my fox take this stance; and A WaU* Mocassin Kep»j» Ghrewabnry SchooL terly by Archibald Butledge, "dally dozen.' for about two minutes he did not Benefactors, During my lifetime I have been move. Wild creatures pursued by Ths pupils ot the Shrewsbury pub- A general misconception concern- Jack.Bryant of Dry Fork, Vir- privileged to GOO. certainly more than bounds havo come to learn that the ginia, and his pa started down to V i Bo school celebrated the bicentennial ing wild animals—and one that real danger is often ahead rather to the teeth ; a thousand wild deer pursued by the creek to go fishing. Thoy arrived !, T ' »f tlie birth of Waihlngon last Frl- causes a good deal of real suffering thin behind. After satisfying; him- to tender-hearted people—is that hounds;, and I have yet to see a at tho creek and discovered thoy had K [ ,«l»y afternoon with the presentation deer in distress because of this pur- self that the coast was dear, the fox, £• >; ot t series ot tableaux depleting wild things exfat in a state of terror; no bait They saw an old wator moc- suit. So superb is the deer's natur- instead of crossing tho log and/fol- casin lying beside a log with n frog . 'f, events in Washington's life and the both because of their natural ene- lowing the path,,turned .down the I f slanting of ah oak tree In honor of mies- and: because of man; But to al vitality, sa keen are its senses, so in hia mouth.'' Mr: Mocassin had a familiar is it with tbp forests where prostrate troB,. ran ,its jengjth, and [ i Mm. . ;. •"':.••' ono who has roamed the woods most happy look on hia facband was just of a Hurricane It ranges, and eo adequate is Itsthen, through dense bay-brushes, re- ready, .to swallow, tho frog. Jack ;- { SYmr tableaux •were presented by of bis life, nature is no madhouse of turned to the path. ;". .' "', . | ' ' Iho pupils of the different grades of terrors, and her. children are charac- speed that it can take excellent care took a forked stick, clamped it over i t t&s school. Tho ceremonies began In terized by serenity and }oy. of itself.' Nor aro wo to forget that But a better- niaaouver . was to ,tho snake's head and took tlie frog • the school with patriotic group slng- such a fugitive may tako whatever come. A storm bad uprooted-a huge away from him, intending to uso it VIOLENT atmospheric Wild creatures, as far as we can courso it chooses,. whereas Ita" pur- < i Ing and the explanation of the first fairly Judge, Havo no imagination. yellow pine; the dead top lay fring- for bait Now, tho oldwatoc moc- 1 I tableau by Helen Herman. This dc- suers have to unravel its mazy trail. ing, the path; tho roots had torn up casin had. such a sad. look on his They livo front moment to moment, Deer • play , 'or they may have,the.facts_of all news eveiUs. era the new boundaries of tho clcc- thence to the avenue. again, .and so thle-foe x camb" within sight, stealing" /natUfe's Indispensable, and) upon tho ""lire.-an* TicieauleiT * Telephone- 'R*d Uon districts. Herman' 3." Wenzell up to tbo bouse. As the buck would along in his inimitable: wary fashion. whole, beneficent'laws. Bank B50. . .. ".', •was appointedjlog catcher, The irde- near-home, -ho would mlraculously: Ho was trotting rather idly, his, fluf- far Trolnt^Ampra Room-rVtod.m Equfpnmrf I . holders will be- aak'eH to 'repair' tho trTmSform"himself frora-srwild-doer fy. bniBhjBtralght out.hahlnd!him; at gutters on Bay View avenue. into our taine one, would break off Intervals—he—would—pauso-toHook- igUame Justice.. the race, and would not even deign ahead,. to listen, and to. look bacfc NjlghBor—I'Why Is your car paint- Jersey-fiSCentral to look back at the hounds which, There is no more characteristic pose ed blue on one.side and rod on. tbo* The Red Bank Resistor travels assumed.by a fox ^on the movo than other?"! oyer every atreet In town and every : The Red Bank Register J.bv joad In the county. Let It carry your with tails waving and long eara fly: | the one ho commonly takes when he Bpeedy- -"Oh^it's a line idea." You I an message to those who live on these ing, woro clamoring on his trail. As comes' to a log In hlspatti. Tuttlng^hpuidTjust-hear the-wltnesses-con- IjalT.jthorouKliIares.—AdvertlsemenL soon as.tbo doga'had como to •vyhe're, his forefeet on It in order to secure tradlcting ono .another!" .;'..'. • - A Member Newspaper of The Associated. Press

* . • ^-...... i . "'-••• i ' Come Ou' t' • in th' e •>• Open' Mr.' • .- Dolla• ' ' •'••*r• an" d Help Restore Prosperity Dollars in hiding are slacker dollars; both the owners and the community are deprived of the benefit that follows the proper use of money. The owners in interest (wnich to our customers alone amounted to upwards of $200,000 each year paid regularly and promptly) and the community the proper use of this money which would provide a substantial amount of employment when

; properly used. ^ - ' ' ."•"•.•. . :,. -. r ;; •.;..".; ••'•:,;''?';'y;: •".:..•. •'.--,..' ....-.;. • ";.•••'•:••.'• :\--':r< :[• y:: ,y. •••••.. .. • ••••••'

iii business and investments, giving employment; in other words, it makes jobs so sorely needed by innumerable men and women

now. • _. .._ . ..'•,• -^ '.-• ' . _ _ •. . ..•_.•; ; _. .•.... .; • ••. It is a recognized fact that bank failures have aggravated a serious depression.- Bank failures have been caused by panicky- depositors obsessed with fear of losing their money. When' large numbers of depositors of a bank become alarmed to this point and demand all their money at once, failure sometimes follows, bringing distress to many others and they themselves lose the profit that would follow in the form of interest received.' While many banks throughout the country have closed their doors and their clients are deprived temporarily of the use of their money, a relatively small part of the banks of the country are so affected. Many of the closed banks are small community institutions, with small capital without proper diversification of assets, providing the necessary liquidity and safety. SO MUCH REMEDIAL LEGISLATION HAS BEEN ENACTED AND IS NOW PENDING, TO MEET THE EXISTING EMER- GENCY, IT IS SAFE TO FEEL THE PERIOD OF BANKING DISTRESS IS ENDED. THE NATIONAL CREDIT CORPORATION, a co-operative organization sponsored and supported by the banks of the coun- try rendered valuable aid. THE RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION backed and financed by the resources of the United States Govern- ment became operative last week and will promptly render aid to banks, and other institutions, where needed. With the pending GLASS-STEAGALL BILL about to become a law, enlarging the facilities of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, making available many good bank investments not now eligible for rediscount, it is almost inconceivable that the epidemic of bank failures is not at an end. The banks which have carried on through the most severe depression in history, making all demands on them promptly are surely worthy of your confidence. You should at once redeposit in your bank the money withdrawn during the recent panic and do your part to help restore prosperity, which will do much for you both directly and indirectly. This is a patriotic duty and your own interest should cause prompt action. Interest on money deposited on or before March 3d will earn interest from March 1st. We are here to serve you as promptly, courteously and efficiently as in th^ past. The Second National Bank & Trust Co. RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Total Resources Over TEN MILLION DOLLARS RED BANK REGISTER ' ;


1 I


ERE we have a housewife who has learned the money-saving possibilities of ad reading. You too, will find that a little time spent in reading the ads will save many useless steps--hours of your time and energy as well as that commodity which most vitally concerns you--your money. Reading the various announcements of Red Bank merchants in The Register keeps you well posted on what TODAY'S market affords and this knowledge enables you to make those timely purchases that tend to keep down household expenses--it helps you to make your dollars more productive, which is, in reality, saving money. The MONMOUTH COUNTY'S CHEAT HOME NEWSrAPER MAGGIE CLINIS. Valentine Bridge. eph Miillln, Charles. Huper, Walter Miss Alice Conn of Locuot avenue Euhler, Ralph HcCallan and Vincent Well Known Bed Bank Woman and entertained, at a Valentine' bridge MeCue. ... •. - Her Immortal Song. party a to: nights ago. Prizes were • • • ' •' : I • •F\A. R M Tho Red Bank Register travels Red Bank, N. • J. (AP)—Seventy- won by MIsa Margaret Murray and over every street in town and ovory I( your farm Is XTOR'SAIi— fill in tlio coupon below ond mall Matthew Muliin. Other guests were to "FARM INFOPMATION BUREAU," I1. O. Box 361, Long nvo thousand times did Maggie Clino road In tho county. Let it carry your sing tho praises of tho wild McClos- Misses Mary Fitzgerald, BfeBaloLaBtv message to those, who llvo on theso Branch, New Jersey. key and hia historic light; and seven- Ella McGarlty and Mary Collins, Jos- thoroughfares.—Advertisement. ty-five thousand times and many Name ______more did strong men weep in their Half Price Days Begin beer, remembering tho joyous lury Location of Farm , of the scene as she described It. The comic figure of the'stage Irish- Address —— man Is as deep in the theatrical lim- bo as Dion Bouclcault'a Blightly fren- Tel. No. . ; in Steinbachs February zied pieces of drama, and men no longer weep at anything, but Maggie Cllne lives on, hardly a whit less ro- buBt and active than she was that night in 1800 when sho offered "Throw Him Down McCloslicy" with- putbeneilL^fheopyiiShfcowncrBhi a Tony Pastor show in PBlInHelp "Throw him doini, McClonliey" was to bo s tilt, battle cry, "Throw him down, , McCloaltey, you can ' lick him If you try I" AS.UK-' LAJLK. 3 BROAD ST., Phone 3334. RED BANK. And futuro venerations, with bonder and FEEI! DELIVERY. dollsht, Will road on history's pacoi of tho ffroat JKC||llht Specials Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 25, 26, 27. Even today Maggie Cline at her some of the early flre of voice and PRIME NATIVE BEEF gesture Is missing, of course, and tho aong itself lacks the fullness of emo- tion It did when .an Irishman in tho Rib Roast C theater was simply a- ro-headed, pug- nosed caricature 'with a, chirViqn;.hl3 Top or Bottom Round Roast shoulder and not tho flcsh-and-bTood r rea!ity.proJecterl_by_Seaa^ffiCasexJn_ -Gi*ossRib our time. Maggie, it la to be presumed, still 1ONG ISLAND BOASTING prefers tho formor picture But U nes have changed and the radio and tin pan alley, In her opinion, foa- clb | tor Ilttla that is enduring. .•. Chick* "So many of the songs of today Ducks 22 ens ara common and vulgar," she Bald. "Often they are stolen from tho old ballads. Ask a girl today to sing one and she will say, 'Oh, that's an old LEG SPRING LAMB 22c ft. one, I heard It two weeks ago."1 "Throw Him Down, McCloskey" CHOP BEEF ISc ft. was popular from that night in 1890, nnd Maggie sang it until she retired JERSEY FOWL, (6-lfe. Aver.) 29c ft. In 1917. LAMB LIVER . 25c ft. "I liked It and the audiences did, too. Tho reason they liked it was the SMOKED TONGUES 25c ft. way I worked it In action and facial expression. I acted out the whole CHUCK ROAST ..; ... 17c ft. fight and it was a knockout.if I do say .so. myself." -J. W. Kelly wrote the^iiece and-of- SEA-FOOD SPECIALS. fered It to Maggie for two dollars. She gave him five with tho injun'c- COD ! tlon that he not forget tho boys la c BOSTON ire | the back room. The original pro- j tngonlot of the song was named Me* FISH 19Ob • Glnty, but thero was another Mc- Mackerelldlb Ginty song in vogue at the time, one, about a man who went down to the Have You Entered _LARGE SALT^MACKEREL „_.-. _.. 35c ea. bottom of the oca, who must be very wet, Jor-lheyJiaverit- seen. him. yet, The sale ends on Mondayrat 5:30 P,M> SCOTCHklPPERS, I though they said his ghost reap- peared on Saturday nights dressed in ; ;x HALIBUT—SALMON 28c ft. his best suit of clothes. For the closing days of our February furniture event we.have Maggie dropped McGlnty's name taken our sample pieces, as well as patterns we are not going ^ STEAMERS CHOWDER CHERRY STONE and substituted that of McCloskey, a CLAMS CLAMS fine upstanding man of Ilaverhlll, to continue, and marked them at exactly one-Half their former' Basket 2QC 25c doz. c doz Mass., her home town. And in*dolng prices. Not everything in stock is half-price, of course! But 20 - so she made the name unforgettable Beautiful the assortment is varied and highly desirable... and well-worth - Specials Mon,, Tues., Wed., to March 2d Inch HERB HUNTER HELD Ur. an early visit to Steinbachs Furniture floor. .'' SIRLOIN STEAK, (Trimmed) 32c ft. Baseball Manager and Father-in- I'-ormer $85.00 Maplo Day Bed , f47.50 Law Victims of Armed Bandits. Child Contest AUER KRAUT 4c ft. Former $189.00 Two-Hcco Llvlns Set In Brocatclle (0160 Herbert H. Hunter, baseball man- Former $95.00 Tnpcstry Davenport Ucd $17.50 ager and former National league playar, nnd hla father-in-law, Arthur Remember !... Children Up to Eighteen Formor $00.09 Tapestry Lovo Scat 139.78 C. Brown, were held up by two Years of Age Are Eligible ! Former S16.50 Tlio Tnblo _^~™."!I__1_I ___ armed bandits on the Neptune high- Former $10.50 Beech Code* Table way between Eatontown and Asbury Formor 811.50 Ocentslon Tnblo _ •' 122.25 Park whllo they wcro proceeding STRAND from their homes at Fair Haven to Tho rules to bo observed aro few and simple... All photographs Formor $44.50 Mahogany Chest of Drawers •22.J5 the shore resort last Friday night. must be made In our studio during the contest period. (Each Former $85.00 ninplu HIRII Boy '. t43JH> TODAY, TOMORROW, FRIDAY Mr. Hunter, who was driving, photograph costs only $1.00; and it Is not necessary to make an Former ?129.OO Maple Bed Uooiu Kct. 4 Pieces stopped the car when one of tho appointment.) You may enter as many photographs as you Former S57.G0 Wnlmit \Vajiily I2S.7B men blew a whistle and flashed badge They then pointed revolvers wish. Contestants must bo cightoen years of ago or under. Formor $180.00 French l'rovlnclal Dinette, fl Pieces , $04.75 at the occupants of the car and de- Thero aro Interesting weekly prizes... and throe Grand Cash Former $14.50 Mahogany CoiToo Table Vodvil will be discontinued after Friday and manded that they hand over their Prizes, the latter to be awarded at tho end of the contest period. Former $13.50 Maplo Twin Beds ... was reported to th J'iraL GrancLPrize_ Former—lf34^0-Grcen-DccoratcdJJcd,-X\vhi_SlzQ^__ Neptune police, who conducted an Former, $7.75 Folding Co(. !l Ft. Slio I_u W.9U investigation, but no trace of t th Second Grand Prize $10.00 Former $10.75 Double Coll Spring, for Bow-Und-Bed . $0.78 pair could be found. Mr. Hunter, Former '"15 Maplo Bed. l'ull Slue Hubert Kinney PACKARD who In confined to bed with a cold, Third Grand Prize $5.00 910,60 told The Register reporter that th Former ) Muhogany Day Bed, Singlo Bizo —- 814.75 and Girls & DODGE men wero evidently unemployed, sc Former £.:„ j Ostermoor Mattrew, Full Slio I22J5O STEINBACHS-STUDIO—Third Floor he did not consider tho $5 Io3t, bul Former $55.00 Hair Mattress, Singlo Size J27.50 J rather a. donation to unomploymcn relief. Former $.'15.00 Box Sprlng^Slnglo SIEC $17.50 Former $30.50 Muple ScltcoT __! _Z 818-25 Former $2«.00 Miiplo Kii.fh Sent Cualr »H.O0 MICKY GIFFORD Former $I9.SO Muhogany IIlgh-Buek Chair $24.75 and PEARL Former $200.00 Oil Painting, 30x42 Inches _ $100.00 Former ¥150.00 Imported Italian Cabinet »7B.OO —AND— Important Former $18.50 Coltco Tublo : 10.25 Former $85.00 JIaliogany Knco Hole. Desk ______LEWIS STONE Former $110.01) Mnplo Hurl Nocrottiry , »50.50 A Great Show— Former $32.50 Metal Bed, Sjirlng, Mattress, Singlo __ »1C25 SIDNEY FOX 1 nnouncement Fonncr $20.75 Metal Bed, Spring, Mattress, Single.' I14JJ5 Don't Miss It ! Former $01.50 Maplo Bod, Box Spring, Mattress, Single _____ Paul Lukas Former $18.50 Mahogany Bed, Spring, Mattress, Three-Qimrter . $24.25 Picture at Fonncr $1(1.50 Maplo Twin Beds, . $8.25 Former $10.50 Chestnut Tublo Clmlr $24.78 3:15—7 & 9:50. Former $52.00 Mahogany Comoln Tublo and Mirror , $20.00 JENNIE SCHARY EPSTEIN Fanner $15.00 Gold Frumo Mirror . Vaudeville at $22JSO FORMERLY IN CHARGE OF THE Former $10.50 Antlquo Oalt Clialr __. $0.75 2:40 and 9 P. M. Former $30.00 Mnhogany Consolo Tublo $16.00 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT OF L. Former $3l.r>0 OvcrsliirTed Ta|irstry Clmlr $17.25 Former $3(1.00 Sputilnli Chair, IUMI Ciisblom DISHONORABLAttfWMKW E JBAMI3BRGBR & CO. FOR 5 YEARS $18.00 Former $(11.00 C'ulilnct Cunsulo with Mirror SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY ANNOUNCES Former $12.00 Hurl Maple «Jupen Aimfl BooU-Coso , $.10.00 Former $12.5(1 Wiilmil Tnble, I'ln-(;nisl 15dgo . $,1.2S Former $»0.no Curved Oraudonnl Clmlr , . »10.7» the opening of Former $17.5(1 Hum IHnpln Console Tnblo ______—- W.78 Former $4H.(M) Holld Miihiignny Culleo Tnbln ____ J.4.00 Former f200.no Clx-stuul Dining Hrt, I) Pieces »1S4.6O Former $7.B0 Cherry Tuhlft ^ .„„ ., »3.7» Former $.1(,6(t Hplnct Desk »17.2* Former $2.(MI lied I'lllldU Himilinr »l.00 the WHYTE Former $11.75 Cherry Tallin . (I RS Former JIH.fW llondolr Ctmlr - $nj;s Former $IW.1n Mllllnrr.v » MilUbl- Imyrn Fornirr fZIIAO WIIITIIII OrciiFilininl Tnbln , "mint w. tlinyy out •mciion?" A rutMrtt .••lott iftl>lnfiftlnfj |H".»» i tltiilill * ffo r ih*h tjoilIIU ... • fitonU «ioutt Irmilnc tn*hhn\ tvui«r* ttunnfd . ,, tftvtt In all your lli«iti«-m.In4 Uvr you or Ihn Hindi. l*nrU nnd'Nriv York moUn worthy rnnlrl^ iMilhtm |o Hit* yrar'a) fityirfl wlilrlt IITIUNIlAoim • 'liilrd nonr inn anytHlng Ut LOG All All AN I'OL'S gir«Utl HATS dril lU l urn nil Inrlinird |(l vHr ur,Wf Mprlnc $ $ Him, Trlrrn urn munr^nbly rniKnii< MURDER! I'rranrml mrprrvlnlon fur rvrrj #11- 1.95 to 7.50 iit\g ntul nrlrrtluti «i( tltn tm| Iwtl THE CLUB PLAN 5TEINBACH (if ilrfrrirrt p.lvnirnl-, will :i'.'.l%l yim in lukliij; 77,c WHYTE MILLINERY full ;njv.inla>;r of Ilir-.c ll.iK-t'iicc I ),!)••; wlllnnit Coining Wo«l»., Ilium., I'ii, Joe E. "FIREMAN, SAVE •It BROAD S'l'M-lKT. COR. WHITE STREET ill-.luiliiiif; )>oiir liml|;rl. liKjiilic iilimit Ilih OMPANy BROWN '" MY CHILD" RED BANK, NEW JERSEY • nifllmi of purr luring, 1 _.