w^w* \ -V Mofunoutii Oin^S ; . All tbo New* ol • wkct turn r . • BED BANK Tht tleiliter1. OlMtlfl** And Snmuulliic Towns Department— •' I, told Fewleulj and Without DUw. Where U» Seller Bind* MNK REGISTER the) Bayer. Ii»u«a'W«s1ilr, EnUred •• Stcond.Glua U»tt«r.at the FOBI- • .VOLUME LIV, NO. 35. ojnee »t B<i O|ink, N. J., under the Act at Jiarch 3, 18J0, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,1932. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES!'TO 8. Historic Pageant' SeabrightTax^ TO INSTALL FIBE J. A. Lawrence Is Negro Confesses CUBFEW AT HIGHLANDS. Changes Made Fair Haven Bor«ugh and Fire De- irdlnance Keeping Children at Leonardo Woman Given by Pupils Sale List Ready portment to Share in the Cost. Out For Johnson to Shooting Man Homo Mights to bo Enforced. in Bridge Plans Tho 'Fair Haven commissioners At a- meeting pf the Highlands LeftBig Estate held a short meeting Monday night. Collector' Ask* Commiuionert' Atlantic Township Man Reiter- Held Without Bail by Justice El- ayor and council last Friday night Bicentennial of Washington's A resolution was adopted to Install 'red P. Bedle, chairman of the po- itate Highway Comnussion Finds Will of Mrs. Adelaide Belch Me* i"Birth Celebrated in River Advice Regarding Postponing a new' fire alarm sirea at a cost of ates Statement That He Will mer C. Wainright on -Two Ice committee, was instructed to It Advisable to Provide Addi- Lean Probated—Elmer E. AI« •T7B. Half the /:ost will be paid by ' Street School—Parent-Teach- Sale — Disinfectant Factory Not Run for Freeholder- Charges After Spending Night enforce the curfew ordinance re- tional Length to New Struc- exander Left His Estate to Called Fire Hazard. tho flro company. A letter of apology lulrlng boys and girls under sixteen [ er» Meeting Held. was' received from Walter R. Darby, Johnson His Choice'for Sheriff in Police Headquarters. ears of age to be off the streets ture at Highlands. His Wife. A pageant celebrating tho Wash- Thomas W. Garland, collector of fltato commissioner of municipal ac- light's by'nine o'clock. The council Tho New Jersey State highway Mrs. Adelaide Balch McLean. A ieabrlght, informed the commission- counis, relative to an item in the The 'Register has received a let- Aaron Sparks, 29-yeat-rold NegTo of rated to enforce tho ordinance upon ington bicentennial and a Bed Bank ter from Joaquln A. Lawrence of Asbury Park, who confessed to the commission has made application to ormer resident of Lcnoardo Who rs ot that place-by letter at last ludgot which the commissioner said .hoirecommendatlon of- Councilman the-Wer department for federal ap\ Hod about a month 'ago, disposed of Parent-teacher association mooting had been omitted by the council. Tho Colt's Keck In -which ho states that shooting ot WiTHdraTMrShyd'ery-Asr wero combined Thursday evening at frlday night's meeting (hat tho tax facob 8. Hoirwan. jComploi _i_J3!gj_ j largo estate In a will whloh she. «x« lala list of delinquent taxes was Item was in tho budget, but It had he will not be a candidate for free- buVy Park taxicab driver, at Wayside the Hlvor Btrce\BcKDol. Students holder and In which he urges Demo- last Sunday-night, was held without seen made about hpys doing damage rg plans for the new hlgfiwajr cady for publication, He asked tho been overlooked by the commission- irldge across the Shrewsbury river all tho stock of tho United State* of the'school undor the supervision er. Arthur Sickles reported that cratic voters tonominato Harry N, bail for the grand Jury by Justice nights to property and a short tlmo et their Mepcctivo teachers proporod .ouncll's mlvlcc on tho matter-ot igo a group of boys was reprimand- at Highlands, which is to become tateel corporation which aha owned > postponing the sale on the ground supplies costing $40 have been bought Jolinson of Highlands for sheriff. Elmer C. Wainright of Shrewsbury an original program depleting varl- The letter was sent from St. Peters- lato Monday afternoon. Ho was d by Recordor Charlca Woolley. ,' part of the state highway route No/ and $3,000 flrot mortgage bond* ttt that some of tho residents could not (or the fire dopnrtmept. Bills J8r~The~nlghwsy - commlBBlon"harr May B.-Armstrong ao guardian for 6ua phases of Washington's life. amounting to $884.82, were paid. burg, Florida, where Mr. and Mrs. charged with assault and battery The council paid $5,009 on a sew- Charles T. Stone, -superintendent of my their taxes now, but would be found It advisable to provldo addi her Bon, David Armstrong, for whoia tble io pay.in the spring. Edward Lawrence aro making a sojourn af- with attempt to kill an4 robbery. er note, reducing it to $20,000. Bills tional length to the structure at the education and beneilt tho income In the Long Branch ochoold, addressed ter having visited Mr, Lawrence's Tbo confession was obtained from amounting to $1,500 wero paid the association. , '••'.,• :. V, Wisb, borough-attorney, said the easterly approach by Changing tho to be used. Dorothy Cray of Sacra- inly thing the council could do was brother at Havana, Cuba. Sparks at noon on Monday. Follow- lengths of the Individual Bpana to the mento, California, was bequeathed, Mr. Btono, 'spoaklnff on' "The to Instruct the collector to comply Aii Old Bicycle Shortly, after tho election last No- ing directions given by Sparks, the east of the draw. No chango in the $1,000, Mrs. Julia B. Gray of Sacra* Growth of the Parent-Teacher Asso- with the law. The last: taj?' aalo vember Mr. Lawrence announced pollco visited Wayside whero they horizontal clearance of tho draw or monto was left, fourteen shares ot ciation and Why," stressed tho needs was hold in, 1928^- one of tho com- that he would be a candidate for the found a nickel plated revolver which A Fine Program of its position Is contemplated. Delaware, Lackowanna and Wcotern of that association |n all schools missioners said, / • On Exhibition I Democratic nomination for freehold- the man had used In holding up tho Tho revised plans are on file in tho railroad stock and fifteen shares of and the accomplishments of paront- . ler at the coming election. On tho taxi driver. at Tinton Falls ifflce of tho United States engineer, Central arid South Western utilities. teaeher groups In other sohools. He Edward A. Brown,: president <<f Old High Wheel Bike Owned by ' eve of leaving.for tho South, he wlttu Snyder was shot on the left side Room 516, Army building, 39 White- company preferred stock. Mrs. Groca advlsod tho organization o( separate he council, decupled the mayor's Enaley'E. Morris in Store Win- drew WB candidacy, stating that he of. tho neck, tho bullet becoming hall street, New York, whero they Nkman o[ Newark was bequeaths*} groups in each school rathor than :halr In the,absence of Mayor Wll- rVathington's Birthday Celebrat may ba seen by Interested parties. 11 of Mrs. McLean's shares of stock dow With Photo of The Mon- di"d so *becaus" ~e he understoo• - d• -tha• -t lodged near tho right cheek bone. the-Jolnt.grpup with Its group moet- lam R>Fowlbr, Sr,, who was sick Mr. JohnBon waB to be a candidate Physicians atthat thee MonMonmoutr h memor- «<!_•* Shrewsbury Township^ The first span cast of the draw is to f tha Trojan poWcTer'"p6mpany and "7nriiouth': Wheelmen r Tpnmtn-irtri28-feBt7-the ncjit th lligH E8 in uuw Hi" uimtlte I " Bhgrr -He "lnThnip'ltn17"vrhpru the -SuliuuUiutue Laat FrMay^f- lehteen—nharea of Tfliilflvllla—anil ped Sank district. t r. Stone favors A letter; trom . tho Btato depavt- ter choico for a county riTnoa^spulcUmoved following tho shooting, stated lginally piprovidinc g 91 feet clearance Nashville railroad Block. A bequeSl— That thoro aro many who delight that'he would live provided Infection ternoon. the discussion group i through whloh mont of .labor stated, that tho dlaln- to;live in momorles was clearly dem- *be made, than - Mr, Johnson and that ire to be r\reducec d to 88V4 feet: pro- of $600 was made to Mao M. Wll«tn» Contacts bqtween teachers and par- ectaht mahufacturlng buslpess ccn- ho hoped that all of his-(Mr. Law- did not develop. , • " :eedlng east; the fifth span Is to be of Glen Eidgc. To Mrs. Kato Hop- : onatratod over tho holiday when an A Washington's Birthday, enter- intft ore established. ,- lucted'lh a tmttiis building-on-New unuBual exhibit in the large'display rente's) supporters would vote for Sparks was lodged In tho Red ncreased from 65 feet to 65.3 feet ping of New York, Mrs. McLean, loft Mr. Johnson. Bank police headquarters after be- lnment of unusual merit was given and the seventh span Increased from $2,000 In cosh and a $1,000 National The-pageant Bhowed Washington's Itreet CphStltutcB a are .hazard and window, of Matthews & Forbes's gro- it the Shrewsbury township school at Mr. Lawrence was mistaken in ing arrested by state pollco who, 55 feet to 65.0 feet. , light,- heat and power company honiX Childhood and school days and the reconinlende4 that .the business • he cery store on Broad street attracted Plnton Falls last Friday afternoon, at 7%. Miss Bessie Campbell of New days just boforo tho war. Some of ocated'in a more Satisfactory place. many onlookers, the - middle aged thinking that Mr. Johnson • was a aided by a posso of more than Whether or not the revised plans 1 hundred irate residents of Shrews- 'bo ppupilp s of all the grades took part York was left a $1,000 Houston elec* the most Important incidents of the It was' decided by the council to folk to recall "the good old; days ' candidate.
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